
Get paid for your creations AND Be part of a Fair Game experience


It's been a while we discovered your youtube videos, we love them :) 

Today we are starting a new project that we think, you could get involve in it.

As the same game lovers, we just started working on a 'Fair Game'. What's that? it's a game where a great part of the revenues will go to level creators, like you. 

This game will be "The Ultimate 2017 Best Of Crazy Dreamz", which gathers the 100 best levels created in the Crazy Dreamz platform in 2017. This game is gonna be out this winter on Steam and 50% on its revenues will go to level creators all around the world.

We would love to see you to create awesome levels that we could add to the Best Of. From what we have seen in your videos, we're pretty sure they would be great :) if you need more information, feel free to ask us or to explore this page:

Hope to meet you in the Crazy Dreamz universe. 

Have a nice day,

Dreamz - Founder -
