
Another Xbox Controller Leak Points To Potential November 6 Xbox Series X Release

xbox series x logo

Well, it has been something of a whirlwind today when it comes to the Xbox side of the news. Not only was the shocking delay of Halo Infinite into 2021 announced, Microsoft also seemingly decided to give the launch month for the Xbox Series X out of nowhere, confirming the system would, in fact, release in November. It was a weird day, made even weirder by the fact that despite getting a month, we still have no full launch date. It seems both Sony and Microsoft are dragging this out for as long as possible, but some leaks could shine an unintended light on that.

Tom Warren of The Verge took to his official Twitter to say he'd gotten a tip from a tipster the controller for the Xbox Series S/X had arrived with a 'don't open before November 6th' message. If you recall, something like this popped up yesterday with a leak of the same controller and the warranty that pointed to that same date.

Now, as we mentioned in that article, it isn't unusual that controllers hit the market officially before the console itself. Since we now know for a fact that the Xbox Series X will release in November, it's not outside the realm of possibility that the controllers could release a week or more before Microsoft's system. We will just have to wait and see.

Nintendo Files New Trademark For The Legend Of Zelda, Potentially For 35th Anniversary

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild sequel

While The Legend of Zelda franchise has always been one of Nintendo's key series, it's hard to deny that Breath of the Wild elevated it to a far different level when it launched with Nintendo's latest system, the Switch, and helped bring it to incredible heights. We're now patiently waiting for the announced sequel to come, and it looks like there could be more on the way.

As discovered by Twitter user NaZ, Nintendo just filed a new trademark for the Legend of Zelda that covers a lot of different cases for the game. As NaZ and others are speculating, this could be in relation to the series' 35th Anniversary next year. It's also interesting to note that they also recently filed a new trademark for Ocarina of Time.

As highlighted below, this is pretty close to a big trademark for the Mario series that Nintendo filed last year. There is an alleged collection of Mario titles rumored to be coming this year to celebrate that franchise's 35th anniversary. If that ends up being true, then we probably have a very good idea of what to expect from them Zelda-wise next year. Keep your fingers crossed those Mario titles come flooding in.

Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher Returns In Rainbow Six Siege, Full Reveal Set For August 16

splinter cell

Many moons ago, the Splinter Cell series was one of Ubisoft's premier series. The stealthy action game franchise helped to define two different console generations with secret action Sam Fisher, but has gone dark since 2013. Since then, the character has been popping up in various ways. He was a guest in Ghost Recon twice, he's getting his own Netflix anime series apparently, and now it seems he'll be coming to another Tom Clancy-based game.

Ubisoft revealed a new trailer revealing that Sam would be coming to Rainbow Six Siege. This was somewhat teased a few months ago when it was said that guest characters could be coming in as agents at some point. Fisher looks and sounds quite a bit different here, looks like a potentially much younger rendition of the character.

There are rumors out there that a new Splinter Cell game is in the works, but much like the Prince of Persia series, it feels like it's wishful thinking at this point, but you never know. Clearly, Fisher isn't retired just yet. The full reveal for him in Rainbow Six Siege will come on August 16th.

Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered Dates And Preorders Are Seemingly Popping Up In The UK

mass effect 1

There were a lot of great franchises that began in the last generation of consoles that defined the era. Some made it successfully over to the current systems, and some didn't. One of the series in the latter part is Mass Effect. The sci-fi epic from BioWare was a favorite of many, but the follow up in this generation of consoles was lackluster. Since then, the franchise has been silent, though there's rumors flying around that a remastered version of the trilogy is coming by year's end. At this point, it's hard to say one way or another, but a lot of interesting things happening in the UK retailer scene could point to it being legit.

Apparently, some fans noticed in the list of upcoming games from UK retailer GAME of a game called N7 was listed as coming out September 27th. N7 is a significant moniker for Mass Effect. Not only that, they apparently were allowed to put a deposit down, which you can see below. As also detailed, as of today, the date on this deposit has been changed to October 30th. You can see the whole saga chronicled by Reddit user Waymantis through here.

Does it really mean anything? It's hard to say. Things like this do happen and ultimately these listings are taken down. But if the game is really still planned to come out this year as some rumors suggest, it would be likely to be revealed soon. Though, other rumors say it could be up to the end of the next fiscal year (March 31st, 2021) before we actually see it. Either way, fingers crossed that this is a sign that something is happening soon.

Xbox Series X Confirmed for November Launch

Xbox Series X

343 Industries' Halo Infinite may have been delayed into 2021 but Microsoft is surging forward with the Xbox Series X launch. It confirmed on Xbox Wire that the next-gen console would globally launch this November with "thousands of games to play, spanning four generations." This includes over 100 optimized titles.

Games like Gears 5, Watch Dogs: Legion, Yakuza: Like a Dragon and more were already confirmed to be optimized. However even Gears Tactics, which is still only available on PC, will be available though no release date has been provided for the console version. Other touted features include Direct X raytracing at launch, up to 120 frames per second gameplay, Quick Resume and so on.

The Xbox Series X has been rumored for a while now to launch in November, especially following the controller's limited warranty being leaked. Microsoft CFO Amy Hood outright confirmed the launch month so it's probably not the biggest surprise to see an official confirmation. As for when in November it will launch, stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.

Halo Infinite Delayed to 2021

halo infinite

343 Industries has announced that Halo Infinite, originally slated to launch this holiday season with the Xbox Series X, has been delayed. It will now be releasing in 2021. According to a tweet by studio head Chris Lee, this was to ensure the team "had adequate time to deliver a Halo game experience that meets our vision."

Lee further stated that the delay was due to a number of development different challenges, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the development team has been working hard to solve these challenges, Lee said "It is not sustainable for the well-being of our team or the overall success of the game to ship it this holiday." As such, he acknowledged that the news would be disappointing for many but said that the additional time will "let us finish the critical work necessary to deliver the most ambitious Halo game ever at the quality we know our fans expect."

Halo Infinite recently saw its gameplay debut at the Xbox Games Showcase and garnered some mixed reactions. 343 Industries later confirmed that it was an early build, that too running on a PC that was "representative of the experience that players will have on Xbox Series X." More information will be revealed in the coming months, including multiplayer that was confirmed to be free to play and run at 120 frames per second. We'll see how the game's overall status fares heading into the new year.

Second Extinction Enters Steam Early Access in September, War Effort Details Revealed

second extinction

Co-op dinosaur hunter Second Extinction is still slated for Xbox Series X and Xbox One but it seems to be coming to PC first. Developer Systemic Reaction has announced that the shooter will be heading into Steam Early Access this September. Along with providing a better idea of the game's feel, early access will also serve as a means to test out and refine the War Effort model.

As explained to IGN, War Effort is basically a "community-driven environment" where new content "evolves over time." It's a live service experience that will bring new dinosaurs and missions to players. "War Effort tallies the stats of player matches and uses them to alter the threat level for future matches, meaning you'll take on various challenging levels of dinosaurs."

So for example, taking down dinosaurs in an area that's marked Threat Level 1 will see the next area having an elevated threat level. Threat Level 1 should be manageable alone but a three person team is recommended for Threat Level 3. Expect these to be tuned throughout early access.

"For us, Early Access is not just about what the community does, it's about how they do it. How are they coping with certain scenarios? What needs tuning? What do they want tuning? It's also an opportunity for us to find other ways to kill dinosaurs in other modes outside of missions, like a horde mode, and see what people like. It's a collaborative process and that is why we chose this route."

Systemic Reaction answered further queries via an FAQ on Steam. It said that Second Extinction will remain in early access for "as long as it takes. When the community is happy with the overall direction, and when we are ready to welcome more players to the party, we will leave Early Access."

Progress from early access will carry over into the full release as well, giving veterans a chance to "show off and strut around the community" at launch. As for launching on Xbox One and Xbox Series X, stay tuned for more details in the coming months.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Gameplay Video Showcases Tactical Combat


Vanillaware's 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is finally coming to the West next month, offering gorgeous hand-painted environments and characters along with tactical mech combat. A new 20 minute gameplay video was released by PlayStation Underground, showcasing various aspects of the game including combat. Check it out below for a better idea of the mechanics.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim takes place in alternative history Japan and sees 13 different individuals caught up in the battle against invading kaiju. These characters have their own stories and backgrounds that intertwine throughout. However, there's also a time-traveling element which is showcased a bit in the video below.

As for the combat, it's an interesting mix of tactics and extensive dialogue conversations. So while you can take turns and blow up enemies, right down to manually directing shots, characters will also interact with each other in detailed portraits. It's an interesting take and works well with the aesthetic.

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is out on September 22nd for PS4. It will include English voiceovers in a day one patch.

Risk of Rain 2 Exits Early Access, Now Available on PC

Risk of Rain 2

More than a year in early access, Hopoo Games' Risk of Rain 2 has finally launched. This is only for the PC version, which has also received update 1.0 with a new Survivor, new stage and the final boss. Check out the launch trailer below.

In terms of overall presentation, there's now a proper introductory cutscene and ending, complete with credits. The newest Survivor is the Captain who can take on foes at close and long range alike with a shotgun/rifle weapon. Two new monsters also await though you'll have to discover them for yourself.

New items and equipment have also been added, like Item Scrap, the Molten Perforator, Mired Urn, Defiant Gouge, Super Massive Leech and so on. The Scrapper has also been added as a new interactable. If that all wasn't enough, a Server Browser has also been added to help find games along with hosting them and changing around settings as seen fit.

Risk of Rain 2's 1.0 update will go live for consoles in the coming days so stay tuned in the meantime.

The Last of Us Part 2 Grounded Update Out on August 13th

the last of us part 2

As noticed recently via PlayStation Trophies, Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part 2 will be receiving a new difficulty in Grounded. It goes live on August 13th with a rather substantial update that also adds Permadeath mode. Check out the trailer below.

Grounded should be familiar to fans of the first game, limiting the amount of crafting materials and ammo significantly. Enemies are stronger and Listen Mode is gone while certain HUD elements have also been turned off. Permadeath is more straightforward – die once and the game is over. You can choose to tackle it with checkpoints for each chapter or act, making it tougher but still manageable.

Along with new Trophies tied to these modes (which aren't needed for earning the Platinum trophy), some neat modifiers have also been tossed in. About 30 new graphics modes, from an 8-bit style to sepia tone, are being added along with modifiers for one-hit kills, unlimited ammo and more. Improvements for the accessibility of the Ground Zero encounter, Enhanced Listen Mode and more are also coming.

Check out the full update page here for more details. You can also read our review for The Last of Us Part 2 here.

Cyberpunk 2077 Working to Avoid Bullet Sponge Enemies

Cyberpunk 2077

Yesterday's Night City Wire event gave us our first real look at the various armaments of Cyberpunk 2077. This is new territory for developer CD Projekt Red, which has kept mostly to the world of melee combat for its titles. Naturally, there are lots of questions that go past the guns in the game and into some of the issues that shooters can experience, namely bullet sponge enemies.

Speaking to VG247 about Cyberpunk 2077's combat systems, CD Projekt Red veteran and senior gameplay designer Pawel Kapala shed some light on what we can expect when smart-bullet meets enemy. And to answer that first question about enemies that can shrug off loads of buckshot with no worry – much like enemies in games like The Division or Assassin's Creed Odyssey – Kapala stresses that players won't have that kind of experience.

When asked how Cyberpunk 2077 will tow that ever-thin line between frustrating and challenging enemies in regards to their health bars, Kapala responded referencing the game's apparently low time-to-kill. According to him, the normal goons and wastoids V encounters in Night City will be "quite fast to kill, quite fast to engage. However, they're quite deadly as well, so you will need to basically use cover, and move around a lot."

Of course, enemies in Cyberpunk won't stop at being overly-aggressive. The bigger baddies will come armed to the teeth (maybe quite literally) with cybernetic enhancements that elevate them to the realm of super-human. So, what are players to expect when they're facing against a 7-foot tall gangster that replaced their torso with a tank? Apparently, it won't be that bad. Kapala says that avoiding the issue of bullet sponges is as simple as making enemies react. "We basically ensure that hit reactions on our NPCs are always played. This is a big problem in most of the games that I played that have bullet sponges – that basically you don't see any type of reaction on the NPC as you're hitting him."

Kapala has a point here, one of the worst parts of fighting against bullet sponge enemies is that there isn't anything visual showing that they've been hurt. Sure, you may be able to watch that health bar slowly whittle away clip after clip, but it's simply not as satisfying. I'm still hopeful that Cyberpunk 2077 introduces other mechanics that help avoid the monotony that comes with shooting one dude for five minutes. In fact, I hope that scenario doesn't carry out in the game at all. But so far, it seems like the folks working behind the scenes to make CD Projekt Red's first title with shooting mechanics satisfying are holding up the studio's exceedingly high standards.

Cyberpunk 2077 is set to launch on November 19 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC, with Xbox Series X and PS5 releases coming later.

The post Cyberpunk 2077 Working to Avoid Bullet Sponge Enemies by Otto Kratky appeared first on DualShockers.

Fable Job Listings Seem to Indicate That Release is Still Far Off


At long last, Microsoft revealed a few weeks back that the reboot of the Fable franchise is officially in the works at Playground Games. While the project has been rumored for years at this point, this was the first revelation directly from the publisher that fans would soon be able to return to the world of Albion. However, if you had any inclination that the forthcoming Fable game would be arriving soon, you might want to dash those hopes.

If you take a cursory glance over at Playground's careers page on the studio's official website, you'll see that the developer still looks to be staffing up quite a bit. And not only are there a lot of active positions to be filled on Playground's Fable team, but the roles that are currently being hired for look to be quite important.

Of the vital jobs that are currently open, Playground is still looking to add a Lead Audio Engineer, Lead AI Engineer, Lead Game Designer, Animation Director, and a Lead Scriptwriter to the team. These positions are just a few of the nearly 40 that are currently available at Playground right this moment.

With this in mind, what does it mean for the development of Fable? Well, it sounds as though the game is still pretty early into production. The fact that so many key roles like the ones previously mentioned are still up for grabs shows that Fable is still in all likelihood not going to release for a few more years at this point. Perhaps that shouldn't come as a surprise given that all we've seen of the title so far is a very brief teaser trailer that features no in-game footage, but it's still worth pointing out all the same. While this is purely just speculation on my part, 2022 seems like the earliest window in which Fable would be likely to release.

For now, all we really know about Fable is that it's set to release on Xbox Series X and PC. Once Microsoft's next-gen console launches later this November, perhaps we'll start seeing more of what Playground has up its sleeve for this beloved RPG series.

The post Fable Job Listings Seem to Indicate That Release is Still Far Off by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Xbox Series X is Officially Launching in November

Xbox Series X

With just a few months between now and the debut of the next-generation consoles this fall, Microsoft and Sony have found themselves in a bit of an arms race to reveal more details on when their respective new systems will launch. Neither company has budged just yet on announcing the full details for when their systems will launch or for what price, but Microsoft has narrowed the playing field to reveal the launch window for the Xbox Series X.

In a post on Xbox Wire, Microsoft has officially confirmed that the Xbox Series X will be launching in November, narrowing its initial launch window from holiday 2020. However, no specific details have arrived just yet for either the exact date that the system will launch or its price. The announcement of the system's release window comes alongside the news that Halo Infinite, which was aimed as the console's marquee launch title, has been delayed into 2021 to allow for additional development time and polish on the long-anticipated title.

Despite Halo Infinite being pushed back into next year, Microsoft detailed in its blog post that at the Series X's launch users will be able to play "over 100 optimized for Xbox Series X titles" before the end of 2020. Additionally, as mentioned before by Microsoft, the Series X will encompass a number of titles across four generations of Xbox's platforms through backwards compatibility.

With the system now about three months away from release, it's not a huge surprise that Microsoft has announced November as the official release window for the Series X. Both of its predecessors (Xbox 360 and Xbox One) arrived in November when they launched around the timing of Black Friday, making sense for Microsoft to aim for a similar launch window for the Xbox Series X. If that's the case again, we can most likely expect the system in mid to late November.

A key factor that will likely play into the system's launch is the potential announcement of a second model for the console, which we now know is most likely called the Xbox Series X according to recent leaks of the new Xbox controller. Like with the two model approach for the PS5, the Xbox Series S is reported to be an all-digital model that (presumably) will offer a cheaper alternative to the Series X. The Series S has not been formally revealed yet by Microsoft, but rumors indicate that we may see it announced sometime this month.

The post Xbox Series X is Officially Launching in November by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

Halo Infinite Surprisingly Delayed to 2021

In a year that has been rough on developers around the globe due to the ongoing pandemic, 343 Industries shockingly announced today that it will be delaying the release of Halo Infinite from its Holiday 2020 window into 2021.

Halo Infinite, which is the latest entry in the beloved first-person shooter franchise, was set to be the biggest launch title for the Xbox Series X later this year, but it will now be arriving a bit after the next-gen console arrives. "We have made the difficult decision to shift our release to 2021 to ensure the team has adequate time to deliver a Halo game experience that meets our vision," 343's studio head Chris Lee explained in a message on social media. Lee said that the had come about for a variety of reasons, but specifically mentioned how development has become tough this year due to COVID-19. He went on to thank fans for understanding while also acknowledging that he knows the news will be upsetting.

Halo Infinite has been hyped up as the Xbox Series X's biggest launch title for well over a year at this point, which makes its delay so shocking. That said, after some fans seemed to be left wanting more following the game's campaign demo which was shown off a few weeks back, this delay perhaps isn't as jarring as it once would have been.

It's also worth noting that the Xbox Series X will still be launching this year and has been confirmed to arrive in November 2020. Previously, Xbox head Phil Spencer said that no single game getting pushed back would prevent the next-gen platform from arriving this year, and that is holding true.

There's a lot to unpack here for certain, but what are your initial thoughts? Let us know down in the comments.

The post Halo Infinite Surprisingly Delayed to 2021 by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Get a Look at How Microsoft's xCloud Works on 5G

Project xCloud

At long last, Microsoft is finally letting the general public go hands-on with its new game streaming service known as xCloud. Starting today, those with a subscription to Xbox Game Pass can begin checking out xCloud before it formally launches next month on September 15 in certain countries around the globe. Fortunately, we've previously had access to the service and can now share with you our early impressions of how it works.

Our resident Video Manager, Mario Rivera, has been in the private beta for xCloud for quite some time now and has been able to test how Microsoft's game streaming platform functions. In our new video, which you can see below, Mario was able to give xCloud a whirl on a few different services which included WiFi, LTE, and 5G. He was also able to try out games of varying genres which included the like of Halo 5Forza, and Gears of War.

Based on Mario's own time with xCloud, WiFi seems to be the best route to go down for the most stable connection. LTE and 4G connections, on the other hand, still allows for games to be streamed through your mobile device, but the result isn't desirable by any means. And even though 5G has yet to release in a wide-capacity, Mario found that the upcoming advancement of the cellular network performs remarkably with xCloud. Even if most don't have 5G access just yet, it seems like games could be easily playable via the network in the future.

We should have a whole lot more on xCloud in the future as it starts to slowly roll out, but for now, it seems like the service could be worth getting excited about. And if you're looking to pick up a new phone that will be compatible with the platform, here are the four best that we think you should look into.

The post Get a Look at How Microsoft's xCloud Works on 5G by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

New York Comic-Con Event Cancelled, Will Stream on YouTube Instead

As many have likely expected, the physical New York Comic-Con has officially been canceled today. With most of the world's in-person conferences shutting down in 2020 due to the coronavirus, it's no surprise to see NYCC join them. However, it's not all bad news. The team behind the event is still planning to put something together via a series of YouTube streams. This should give fans an opportunity to get a great look at some of the entertainment world's hottest properties.

The online New York Comic-Con will take place from October 8-11 on the NYCC YouTube channel. Expect to see streams covering properties like American Gods and Star Trek. Plus, panels from teams at DreamWorks Animation and Hulu. Obviously, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Fans should expect more announcements to drop in the coming weeks.

It will be interesting to see how some of the things Comic-Con is known for are handled in a virtual format. For instance, cosplay is always an incredibly popular part of the show. It would, of course, be a bear to organize, but I wonder if they'll still hold some kind of showcase for fans who've spent the last few months prepping their cosplays.

There is a ton for the team at ReedPop to figure out. The panels and streams will undoubtedly be popular; however, Comic-Con has several things that don't translate easily to a virtual event. This is not a task I envy.

New York Comic-Con might not be happening this year, but fans can still experience a slice of the event. Organizer ReedPop has YouTube streams scheduled from October 8-11 with plenty more to be announced in the coming weeks.

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Sam Fisher is Coming to Rainbow Six Siege

Well, it's official: Ubisoft is apparently dead-set on bringing Sam Fisher to every one of its properties except for, you know, Splinter Cell.

Revealed in a new trailer this afternoon, Ubisoft announced that Sam Fisher, the iconic protagonist from the Splinter Cell series, is now set to make his way to the world of Rainbow Six Siege. Fisher, who will seemingly go by the designation "Zero" in-game, will be the next operator added to Siege and will be made available as part of the Operation Shadow Legacy event. Further details on Fisher's inclusion in the highly-popular multiplayer FPS weren't given, but more information is said to drop this coming weekend on August 16 during the NA-Mini Major Finals.

While it may be surprising to see Fisher make his way to Rainbow Six Siege, this is actually something that Ubisoft has slightly teased that it has had an interest in for a bit now. Earlier this year, one of the game designers behind Siege hinted to us that we might start to see some guest characters from Ubisoft's lineup make their way over to the game. Considering that Fisher is one of the more popular characters in Ubisoft's portfolio, and he makes sense to fit into the world of Rainbow Six, it's not too shocking to see him now being added to the shooter.

As for Fisher himself, the character's latest stop in Siege is his latest in a long list of appearances. The Splinter Cell protagonist has notably popped up in other franchises such as Ghost Recon and Elite Squad in recent memory. Notably, a new Splinter Cell game itself has yet to be confirmed to be in development at Ubisoft, however.

Rainbow Six Siege is available now on PC, Xbox One, and PS4. More information on Fisher's addition to the game and Operation Shadow Legacy as a whole should be coming soon, so stay tuned.

The post Sam Fisher is Coming to Rainbow Six Siege by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Risk of Rain 2 Drops Out of Early Access Today With New Content

Risk of Rain 2, Hoppo Games, Gearbox Publishing

After a little over a year in early access, Risk of Rain 2 is finally ready for prime time. The action roguelike is available now on PC via Steam. Players on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One will have to wait a little longer. That said, fans should get excited, as the launch brings with it tons of new stuff and key improvements. Give the launch trailer a watch below.

After a heated community vote, the Captain is the latest Survivor coming to Risk of Rain 2. Coming along with him is a host of new and updated items, features, and baddies. Notably, the fifth major update finally gives the game a proper ending. Complete with a cutscene, credits, and all the other bells and whistles you'd expect. Risk of Rain is a real, complete video game, y'all.

Of course, it's not just new, shiny stuff to look at. The team at Hoppo Games have diligently been working to smooth out the entire gameplay experience. That means a renewed focus on both player agency and build diversity. The latter is incredibly important for a game like this one. Ensuring that players can change their playstyle, but stay viable is something you have to have for a game with as many potential builds as RoR2.

Risk of Rain 2 is available now on PC. As mentioned, the full launch will come on consoles at a  later date. Going off of past updates, that means players should expect launch in two or three months. It's a bit of a wait, but it should be worth it for a tight experience that does the game justice.

The post Risk of Rain 2 Drops Out of Early Access Today With New Content by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.

Alien Shooter Developer Cold Iron Studios Acquired by Daybreak Games

Alien: Blackout

We've known for a few years now that the team at Cold Iron Studios is working on a new shooter that is set in the Alien universe. However, as the development of the project has continued, Cold Iron Studios' ownership has started to change hands. Once again today, Cold Iron has now been picked up, this time around with Daybreak Games, the creator of titles like DC Universe Online, being the company's new owner.

Daybreak announced today via a press released that it has now officially acquired Cold Iron Studios. In the process, Cold Iron itself is said to be continuing its development of the forthcoming Alien shooter, which is still planned to hit both PC and consoles in the future. Daybreak will serve as a publisher for Cold Iron moving forward and the studio itself will largely continue to run on its own.

"Daybreak and Cold Iron share the same passion and long history for delivering action-packed multiplayer games for audiences worldwide," said Cold Iron Studios co-founder Craig Zinkievich of the move. "In combining our decades of experience developing and launching globally successful multiplayer titles, we're destined to make great games together."

If you remember back in 2018, FoxNext Games was actually the first publisher to pick up Cold Iron. However, when Disney ended up purchasing Fox, FoxNext games was eventually sold off to a company called Scopely earlier this year. Not long after, Scopely decided it wanted to then shop around Cold Iron, which brings us to today's acquisition.

Cold Iron has definitely had a strange past few years but hopefully, being owned by Daybreak will bring the developer some much-needed stability. Not much is known about the studio's Alien-centric shooter at the moment other than the fact that it's surprisingly set to take the form of an MMO. Hopefully, we'll begin to see more of this long-awaited project in the near future.

The post Alien Shooter Developer Cold Iron Studios Acquired by Daybreak Games by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

BioShock Job Listing Says Upcoming Game Will Take Place in an All-New World

After over six years of dormancy, 2K Games confirmed in late 2019 that the BioShock series was set to return in a new entry that was being developed at Cloud Chamber. While initial details on the project and what it would entail weren't given alongside its revelation, it seems some first pieces of information on the game are now starting to come about.

Found by publication VGC, recent job listings at Cloud Chamber purport that the next BioShock title will take place in "a new and fantastical world." At face value, this might not seem like much, but given that the iconic setting of Rapture from the first two BioShock installments in addition to the city of Columbia from BioShock Infinite have become so iconic and beloved over the years, it wouldn't have been shocking to see Cloud Chamber return to either setting. Instead, it looks like the next title will be taking us to a wholly new location.

As for other key details that these job listings provide, well, there's not a lot. Unsurprisingly, the forthcoming BioShock is said to still be a "narrative and systems-driven experience." Given that these two elements have been central to all other entries in the series though, that shouldn't come as much of a shock.

While it might be exciting to think about where the upcoming BioShock game could go, it'll likely be quite some time before we see it in action. The game is reportedly going to be in development for "several years" before it will end up seeing the light of day. In the meantime, BioShock: The Collection did finally make its way to the Nintendo Switch earlier this year and should help tide us over until we learn more about the fourth installment.

The post BioShock Job Listing Says Upcoming Game Will Take Place in an All-New World by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title.

Players will be able to get behind the wheel of the following vehicles as part of this update:

  • Invetero Coquette D10
  • Lampadati Tigon
  • Declasse DR1
  • Vapid Peyote Custom
  • Benefactor BR8
  • Imponte Beater Dukes
  • Albany Manana Custom
  • Canis Seminole Frontier
  • Bravado Youga Classic 4X4
  • Dundreary Landstalker XL
  • Benefactor Glendale Custom
  • BF Club
  • Maibatsu Penumbra FF
  • Bravado Gauntlet Classic Custom
  • Declasse Yosemite Rancher

Also included are 15 new types of Off-Road Wheels, 30 new sets of Street Wheels, and new tire designs.

Galaxy Superyacht owners will be able to launch six new co-op missions either solo or with an Organization for backup. Players can also get Double Rewards on these missions through August 19.

For those who want to burn some rubber, two new Open Wheel racecars and a new Open Wheel Race Series with nine tracks are now available. A number of improvements to Open Wheel gameplay – including the ability to change tire type when pitting and visible tire wear and body damage indicators – have also been included. Players can net Double Rewards on all Rockstar-created Open Wheel Races this week.

Those who'd rather create their own tracks can do so with the Open Wheel Race Creator. Included are more than 60 new props, which include pit stops, racetrack archways, paddocks, and more.

New Business Battles have also made their way to the game as part of this update. Those who win one from now through August 19 can earn themselves the Pink Dot Tech Mask, on top of other rewards.

Eight high-stakes modes will make their way to the The Diamond Casino & Resort this week as part of the Diamond Adversary Series. These will also pay out Double Rewards this week.

Arcade junkies will be able to play QUB3D and Axe of Fury in arcades around Los Santos this week. Those who want to play solo can also dive into Street Crimes: Gang Wars as a single-player game against AI opponents. Players can purchase these games for themselves from the Pixel Emporium on your Arcade Laptop.

Make sure to pay a visit to Solomon's office this week – those that track down all 10 props can get themselves a reward from the man himself. In addition, there are multiple reports of low-level drug deals taking place on the streets – keep your eyes peeled for any vehicles and activities that seem more suspicious than usual.

The fashionistas among us can cop hundreds of new clothing items in stores around Southern San Andreas and Blaine County. Items include tracksuits, leather jackets, masks, shirts, tees and more.

Note that a number of quality-of-life improvements have been added to GTA Online. Below is a list of the highlights:

  • Players can now return Personal Vehicles to storage via an option within the Interaction Menu.
  • Requesting a Pegasus Vehicle is more convenient than ever, with many additional spawn locations being added to reduce your travel time to the closest available location.
  • Players can now own up to eight different Properties
  • When entering the Diamond Casino & Resort, punters will now be told how long they will need to wait before spinning the Lucky Wheel again. That's the last time you'll see a clock inside of The Diamond, though, that's for sure.
  • Mashing the accelerator prior to starting a race is no longer a viable strategy to gain a speed boost. Instead, players can only receive a starting boost by timing their pedal press once "Go" is shown (or in the case of Open Wheel Races, when the countdown lights are removed).

You can find all of the details in the patch notes here.

Those looking to stretch their dollar can take advantage of the following discounts:

  • Yachts – 30% off
  • Yacht Upgrades & Modifications – 30% off
  • Arcades – 30% off
  • Arcade Upgrades & Modifications – 30% off
  • Master Control Terminal – 30% off
  • Drone Station – 30% off
  • Large Garages – 40% off
  • Benny's Vehicle Upgrades – 30% off

Finally, GTA Online players that connect their Prime Gaming accounts to their Rockstar Social Club accounts can earn the latest weekly GTA$200,000 bonus this week – it may take up to 72 hours for bonuses to arrive in your Maze Bank account. Twitch Prime subscribers will also get the Vespucci Canals Nightclub location on the house, along with 70% off the Grotti X80 Proto and 80% off the Bravado Gauntlet Hellfire.

Source: Press Release
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

The post Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021.

Andy Kipling and Jakob Munthe made a joint statement regarding the development of the game. According to them, in order for the team to reach the quality bar and ambitions they have set for themselves, they have moved the launch to 2021 in order to deliver the best player experience possible.

You can view the Tweet below:

A follow up to the 2004 PC cult classic, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 is an action RPG that follows the story of a human in 21st-century Seattle. This human is killed and revived as a thinblood vampire that possesses relatively weak vampiric abilities. The protagonist is one of a number of humans that has been turned into vampires during a Mass Embrace, an incident in which rogue vampires publicly attacked humans.

Players will be able to choose from three upgradable Disciplines, eventually joining one of five Full-blood clans. Players will also be able to engage in side missions that are away from the main story, some which can be discovered through exploration.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

Source: Twitter
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

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The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13.

The new Grounded difficulty setting will bring with it the ultimate test of skill. To make things more challenging, this mode features deadlier enemies, scarcer ammo, upgrade, and crafting materials, the removal of Listen mode, and elements of the HUD disabled.

A brand new Permadeath mode has also been included. This mode forces players to complete the entire game without dying, with those that fail starting over from the beginning. If that is too daunting, one can enable Permadeath mode with checkpoints on a per-chapter or per-act basis.

Those that complete the game with any Permadeath mode enabled and beat it on Grounded difficulty can earn themselves two new Trophies. Note that neither of these Trophies will be required in order to earn the Platinum for the title.

Learn more with the trailer below:

The Last of Us Part II – Grounded Update Trailer | PS4

Also included in this update are nearly 30 new graphic rendering modes, as well as several new audio modifiers that change the look and feel of the game. Unlockable gameplay modifiers, along with new options and improvements, will also make their way to the game.

You can read our review of the base game here (we scored it an 80/100).

Source: YouTube, Naughty Dog Blog
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

The post The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC.

A fast-paced co-op roguelike shooter, Risk of Rain 2 has players taking control of one of 10 unique Survivors. Once chosen, they must trek through over a dozen stages to escape an alien planet filled with hordes of frenzied monsters. Included are unlockable alternate abilities, over 110 items, and equippable Artifacts that ensure no two playthroughs are the same.

You can view the launch trailer below:

Risk of Rain 2: Launch Trailer

Fans can learn more about this version with the following trailer:

Risk of Rain 2 – 1.0 Update Trailer

According to Paul Morse and Duncan Drummond, co-founders of Hopoo Games:

"We're very excited to see players' reception to this 1.0 update. Since March of 2019, the game doubled in size with new survivors, levels, and items; but more importantly, the passionate community guided us in implementing and finessing gameplay elements and systems that leave this final product feeling holistically improved upon."

Steve Gibson, president of Gearbox Publishing, added:

"We can't thank Hopoo enough for entrusting the team at Gearbox with their masterful new entry to the roguelike genre. Every moment working with Hopoo and Risk of Rain 2 has been an absolute joy by helping them bring such an amazing game to millions around the world."

Steam users can purchase Risk of Rain 2 for $15.99 now until August 18. Note that the title is also available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch up to its Artifacts 2.0 update.

Source: Press Release
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

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Cyberpunk 2077 Gets Trio of New Videos

Unveiled as part of the second episode of Night City Wire, CD PROJEKT RED showcased more of the life paths, weaponry, and music of their upcoming title Cyberpunk 2077.

The first of the three videos, the Lifepaths video takes a deep dive into the different backstories players can choose for the protagonist V. Each one of these paths provides a distinct introduction to Night City, and will influence V's experiences throughout Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Lifepaths

Players can learn more about the varied arsenal of the title with the Tools of Destruction video. Melee, guns, and cyberware weaponry are showcased in all of their glory, highlighting the many different ways players will be able to engage in direct combat.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Tools of Destruction

Finally, the Becoming SAMURAI video provides a behind-the-scenes look at how Swedish hardcore punk band Refused brought the in-game chrome rock legends SAMURAI to life musically. Interviews with band members and insight into the creative process behind their portrayal have both been included.

Cyberpunk 2077 — Refused: Becoming SAMURAI

The title will launch for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 19, 2020, with the Google Stadia version launching later in 2020. Cyberpunk 2077 will also be playable on the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X when those two consoles hit the market.

Source: Press Release
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

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Xbox Series S Console Leaked Via Controller Packaging

The cat's out of the bag – the packaging for the next-gen Xbox controller has leaked the Xbox Series S.

The new controller for the system, which was sold on a resale site, states in its packaging notes that it is compatible with both the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles. Twitter user @zakk_exe was able to purchase the controller, confirming that it is genuine.

You can find the images below:

Xbox Series S Leak

Note that Microsoft has yet to unveil an Xbox Series S console, and has not confirmed a white Xbox Series X controller.

According to The Verge:

"The Xbox Series S will likely be Microsoft's second cheaper next-gen Xbox, that's been codenamed Lockhart. A Microsoft document, leaked back in June, shed some further light on the company's plans for two next-gen consoles. Microsoft's Xbox Series X devkit, codenamed "Dante," allows game developers to enable a special Lockhart mode that has a profile of the performance that Microsoft wants to hit with this second console."

Microsoft has yet to comment on the matter. Rumor states that Microsof will unveil the Xbox Series S in August, so one might be able to learn more about this mysterious system this month.

Source: The Verge
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

The post Xbox Series S Console Leaked Via Controller Packaging appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Destroy All Humans! Gets Accolades Trailer

See what critics (including us) are saying about the Destroy All Humans! remake with the accolades trailer for THQ Nordic and Black Forest Games' title.

Since its release a few weeks ago, this title has seen a 96% rating on Steam and a 83% positive Metacritic user-score. Other critics featured include Gamingtrend, God is a Geek, Wegotthiscovered, and Gamebyte.

Our score (an 80/100) can be seen at the 0:10 mark, right as an unfortunate cow is getting abducted. You can watch the full trailer in all of its glory below:

Destroy All Humans! – Accolades Trailer

A remake of the 2005 title, Destroy All Humans! has players terrorizing the people of 1950s Earth as the evil alien Crypto-13. Utilizing an assortment of psychic abilities and alien weaponry (including the Abducto Beam and teslatastic electricity), players must harvest DNA and bring the US government down to its knees as they take one giant step on mankind.

For those who want to witness the Furon Empire in all of its glory, a Destroy All Humans! demo is now available for the PC via Steam and The title is now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

You can read our review here.

Source: Press Release
Los Santos Summer Special Now Available in GTA Online

The Los Santos Summer Special for GTA Online brings with it an array of new activities and experiences to Rockstar Games' title

Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 Delayed to 2021

In a statement made on Twitter today, Paradox Interactive and Hardsuit Labs broke the news that Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 has been delayed to 2021

The Last of Us Part II Grounded Update Coming August 13

A number of new features are making their way to Naughty Dog and Sony Interactive Entertainment's The Last of Us Part II as part of its Grounded update on August 13

Risk of Rain 2 Officially Launches on PC Today

Officially coming out of Steam's Early Access program today, Hopoo Games and Gearbox Publishing's Risk of Rain 2 is now available for PC

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Missile Command: Recharged Review

Atari's Missile Command has returned for a new generation with the release of Nickervision Studios' Missile Command: Recharged. 40 years have passed since the original hit the scene – does this re-imagining prove the timelessness of this arcade blaster, or should the past stay buried?

Missile Command: Recharged Review

When the original Missile Command came out way back when, the objective was simple – protect your base from a never-ending barrage of missiles by launching missiles of your own through three different silos. Though silos can regenerate, buildings do not, so it pays to be mindful of your surroundings. Your ultimate goal? Survive as long as possible, get a high score, and improve your gaming prowess along the way.

Missile Command: Recharged has all of the underpinnings of the original, but throws in some wrinkles to make things sparkly and new. Power-ups that include bombs, rapid fire, and shields pop up from time to time, and the enemy threat is a bit more varied this time around. Visuals have gotten a noticeable neon facelift, though its minimalism still shines through. It's just a shame there isn't more done to make things pop – the single song is somewhat limiting, and the flash pales in comparison to other neon-based wonders like the Geometry Wars series.

This title might be part and parcel similar to the original, but does the gameplay hold up? It depends.

Those who have played other score chasers like Galaga and Asteroids will be over the moon with the style of gameplay here. While some may argue that the use of the mouse makes things a considerable amount easier, the core gameplay loop that took countless quarters is still present and accounted for. It does lack variety – other arcade classics like Ms. Pac-Man and Donkey Kong have got it beat – but what is here is serviceable enough for those looking for it.

However, there is one addition to Missile Command: Recharged that one may consider sacrilege. Points accumulated on the battlefield can be used to purchase upgrades in one of four different flavors – "Power," "Reload," "Speed," and "Rebuild." The first level of upgrade costs a paltry 1,000 points, and though later levels cost a great deal more, those that grind and persevere can essentially break the game with the sheer advantage these maxed out upgrades provide. It's a double-edged sword, one that exchanges short term replayability for its pure skill-based arcade roots.

Score chasers can take advantage of a global online leaderboard, though we encountered an error message when we tried loading it up during our playthrough. There are also achievements tied to earning a set amount of points in a single round, along with ones for maxing out all upgrades.

Missile Command: Recharged still has the underpinnings of the Atari classic holding everything together, but the upgrade system is a double-edged sword that has the potential to break the game. Though this is not a dealbreaker, this change unfortunately trades skill for grinding.

This review of Missile Command: Recharged was done on the PC. The game was purchased digitally.
Missile Command: Recharged Review

Atari's Missile Command has returned for a new generation with the release of Nickervision Studios' Missile Command: Recharged. 40 years have passed since the original hit the scene – does this

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Review

In a world where chaos is commonplace and the Crown rules all, Devolver Digital and Mediatonic's obstacle-based battle royale Fall Guys brings game show-style antics to the masses. Should players get

Bikerz Review

The tantalizing combo of road combat and motorcycles is the stuff video games are made of, and Forever Young Games looks to tap into this vein with their new title Bikerz. However, though this title

Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost ON Review

A celebration of all things Gundam, Bandai Namco's Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost ON features a wealth of Mobile Suits and a near endless amount of fanservice. Does this two-on-two arcade

The post Missile Command: Recharged Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Marvel's Avengers Stats Explained Guide

Marvel's Avengers Stats Explained Guide
There are a total of 7 unique stats in the game, but what do they all do? This Marvel's Avengers Stats Explained Guide breaks down each of the 7 stats including Might, Precision, Proficiency, Resolve, Resilience, and Intensity, explaining the purpose of each skill so you can maximize your characters build.

Understanding how stats work is an important part of building your ultimate hero. Marvel's Avengers uses a Rating system that determines your overall characters strength. If you are below the required rating for a particular enemy or mission, you will deal much less damage and take more damage in return. As such, it's a good idea to ensure your power level at least meets the requirements of the mission for a greater chance at success.

There are 4 main rating areas. Melee Rating, Ranged Rating, Defense Rating, and Heroic Rating. Each rating is broken up as follows:

  • Melee Rating – Combined ratings of Might, Valor and Proficiency
  • Ranged Rating – Combined ratings of Precision, Valor, and Proficiency
  • Defense Rating – Combined ratings of Resilience & Resolve
  • Heroic Rating – Combined ratings of Resilience, Valor, Intensity

You can see here that, while focusing on just a few skills will make you stronger in certain areas, it may impact your overall power rating. Might and Intensity, for example, only influence a single power rating each. However, Resilience, Valor, and Proficiency all impact two. If you're struggling to make the power level for a particular mission, try investing in areas that influence the overall power more positively.

Marvel's Avengers Stats Guide

Directly influences the damage you do in melee combat

Precision is the only stat that increases your ranged damage

Both your critical hit chance and an increased chance for gear with perks to activate

The amount of damage done with a critical strike and the effectiveness of your heroic abilities

Increases your maximum health and how quickly you recover health. Health is called Willpower in the game.

Your armor value, reducing damage taken by each attack

Your ability to resist status effects from enemy attacks and how quickly you break from them.

Depending on how you play each hero, there's a good foundation for each using the basic stats. For example, Hulk does have a ranged attack but it's very rare you will use it. He will spend almost all of his time in melee combat. He has a taunt ability, forcing all nearby enemies to attack him, and an increased defense ability. As such, stacking Might, Resolve, and Resilience is a great build for making Hulk a better tank.

Iron Man is another example, although a more versatile one. While he's perfectly capable of melee, many of his skills unlock new ranged attacks. Rockets, lasers, etc. If you play a traditional range attack role, you will want to focus on Precision, Proficiency and Valor. A glass cannon approach that sees Iron Man doing much greater damage from range with high hitting critical attacks.

Ultimately, it's up to you how to play each hero and how to build them to suit your play style.

The post Marvel's Avengers Stats Explained Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Unlock Fortnite Hulk Pickaxe In Marvel's Avengers

Want to know How To Unlock Fortnite Hulk Pickaxe In Marvel's Avengers? The pre-order beta for Marvel's Avengers is currently available for those that pre-ordered the game on PlayStation 4 and with it, a chance to unlock Hulk Smashers Pickaxe and Hulkbuster style for Fortnite.

There are future beta events planned for PC and then an open beta for all PS+ users. It's likely the rewards are available in each of the beta windows. As well as the Hulk Smashers Pickaxe and Hulkbuster style, there is also a special name plate you unlock for the full version of Marvel's Avengers when the game launches later this year. While it's easy to unlock these items, it can take a very long time.

How To Unlock Fortnite Hulk Pickaxe In Marvel's Avengers

How To Unlock Fortnite Hulk Pickaxe
Firstly you need to complete the Marvel Avengers campaign. There are only a few missions in the beta so it won't take you more than a couple of hours. Eventually, after finishing the final campaign mission, you will unlock access to the War Table. This is where you can select locations from around the globe, with each location providing different missions and rewards. Once you have the War Table you need to select the Helicarrier missions.

This is where you will need to be to complete all of the required objectives. You must first complete HARM Challenge I, which then unlock HARM Challenge II. Completing that unlocks HARM Challenge III and then completing HARM Challenge III unlocks the Hulk Pickaxe and Hulksmasher style. It's simple but it can take a while due to current matchmaking issues. You may struggle to find a game with other players, and the game sometimes returns to the main menu even when you're trying to complete the missions solo.

All of the HARM Challenge missions are the same. Defeat 10 waves of increasingly challenging enemies without your team of heroes falling. It's definitely possible solo but it's much easier if you can get a full group of heroes, just be prepared for some matchmaking and connectivity issues.

  • Follow the Marvel's Avengers campaign until you unlock the War Table
  • Navigate to the Helicarrier missions on the War Table
  • Select Harm Challenge I and complete the mission
  • Then select Harm Challenge II and complete that mission
  • Finally, complete Harm Challenge III to unlock all of the beta rewards

The post How To Unlock Fortnite Hulk Pickaxe In Marvel's Avengers appeared first on GamersHeroes.