
Take-Two Interactive CEO Expresses Doubt About Potential Of Cloud Gaming

take-two interactive

As is usual, technology progresses alongside time. One of the big shifts for all forms of entertainment has been going from physical media to digital. While physical is still mass produced, it's undeniable that digital has started to eat away at the market in most major regions. In gaming's case, roughly half of game sales are digital now, and both Sony and Microsoft have digital-only next generation console variations coming this holiday season. This naturally has lead to streaming being a big talking point for some, especially Microsoft who recently launched their Xbox Cloud Gaming initiative married to their Game Pass subscription. But not everyone is convinced it is the future.

In a lengthy interview with Protocol, the CEO of Take-Two Interactive  Strauss Zelnick talked about cloud gaming. He seems to be still be very skeptical of it being a key feature of the industry's future. Zelnick points to similar hype behind VR, a technology that has progressed but largely stayed niche, and sees a similar trajectory for cloud gaming. He sites several reasons for this, including casting doubt on the idea that there's some massive untapped potential customer base who want to play games and are only waiting for them to pop up on their phones or PCs (an idea that Microsoft's Phil Spencer has alluded to in the past).

"There were some parties who were saying there are 130 [million] to 140 million current-gen consoles out there. There are billions of PCs out there. You know, if you can make in a frictionless way, console video games available to everyone who has a PC or a tablet or a phone, then your market size automatically would be 20x, just mathematically. Of course that doesn't make any sense at all. Because the implication is you are super interested in video games but you were just unwilling to buy a console.

"[The consumer is] beholden to whatever technology exists wherever they live. You may be out on the cloud, but if they're on a phone line, they won't be able to avail themselves of what you're distributing.

"We've sold 135 million units of Grand Theft Auto 5, 32 million units of Red Dead Redemption. I wish I could tell you that there will come a point where various cloud gaming services will mean those numbers are doubled or tripled, but I don't really see it."

There are other hurdles that Zelnick doesn't get into here either, such as the quality and infrastructure of internet worldwide. Of course, it's always difficult to gauge exactly how a medium will progress, and clearly there are companies looking to push streaming, with the biggest being Google with their Stadia platform. Only the future will tell, but you can't deny that Zelnick puts forward a good case for skepticism of our potential cloud gaming future.

Mafia: Definitive Edition Official PC Requirements Revealed

mafia definitive edition

It's once again time to return to the life of a gangster with Mafia: Definitive Edition. The game is a full up and down remake of the open world original, giving fans a fresh new coat of paint to come back to. The game will, of course, come to the PC as expected, and to get back in the mob, we've got the requirements for what rig you'll need.

The specs come from the official site, which you can see here. The minimum requirements aren't too high, with 6GB of RAM and needing an Intel Core-i5 2550K or AMD FX-8120 with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870. Interestingly, the recommended requirements are quite the jump to 16GB of RAM with an Intel Core-i7 3770 or AMD FX-8350 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 or AMD Radeon RX 5700. Both minimum and recommended list 50GB of HDD space.

Mafia: Definitive Edition will release September 25th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. We got all you need to know with 15 things about the game before then, which you can catch up on through here.


  • OS – Windows 10 64-bit
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Processor – Intel Core-i5 2550K 3.4GHz / AMD FX-8120 3.1GHz
  • Memory – 6GB RAM
  • Graphics card – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
  • HDD – 50 GB


  • OS – Windows 10 64-bit
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Processor – Intel Core-i7 3770 3.4GHz / AMD FX-8350 4.2GHz
  • Memory – 16GB RAM
  • Graphics card – NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 / AMD Radeon RX 5700
  • HDD – 50 GB

Sony Denies Recent Report Of Cutting PS5 Production Order


We are close now to the launch of the next generation consoles from both Sony and Microsoft. While Microsoft's plans and prices are clear and clean, the wait is still on for Sony to reveal both their price and date for their PS5. Despite that wait, behind the scenes, both entities are working to get those systems firmly on shelves. There was a report earlier that Sony had hit a snag there, but it seems Sony is pushing back against said report.

The original report came from Bloomberg and said that Sony had cut their production order of the PS5 by 4 million units (going from 15 million ordered units by March 2021 to 11 million). You can read more about that through here. GamesIndustry reached out to Sony about the report, and it seems Sony has denied that they have cut back any of their production order, flatly saying, "While we do not release details related to manufacturing, the information provided by Bloomberg is false. We have not changed the production number for PlayStation 5 since the start of mass production."

It is worth mentioning that while that's a pretty flat denial, part of the Bloomberg report was that the yield of chips for the system had fallen behind. It's possible that part of the initial story is accurate, meaning that Sony's order may still be affected in the end, but at the very least, Sony has seemingly made no official altercations to said order.

We aren't sure of when the PS5 will launch yet, though most people are banking on November, close to the launch of the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, both of which release on the 10th. Sony is scheduled to have a PS5-themed showcase tomorrow, which many hope will finally pull back the curtain on those details.

Take-Two Interactive CEO Sees Potential Better Success For Microsoft With Xbox Series X And Xbox Series S

Xbox Series X_S

Last gen with the Xbox 360, it seemed as if Microsoft was primed to become a dead heat competitor with Sony, but fumbles with the Xbox One allowed Sony to once again take the dominant position, and Nintendo has made a meteoric return to form with the Switch. While it's hard to gauge exactly where the Xbox One is at since Microsoft has since stopped giving exact numbers, it's not difficult to look at sales charts to see the system has lagged behind, especially compared to the 360's reign. We're now on the cusp of a new generation of consoles, and Microsoft is coming in with two systems: the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S. Will this time around be better for them? Only time will tell, but at the very least, one person sees potential for a better position.

In an interview with Protocol, Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick was asked about the potential for both Sony and Microsoft in next gen. He said he hoped both did well, for the better of the industry as a whole, and expressed being impressed with Microsoft's aggressiveness in its launch. He seems to think Microsoft has put in the work to recover and sees potential for a better success this go around.

"So far it looks to me as though they're both approaching this launch very aggressively. We've always worked happily with both parties. We would like to see both be very successful.

"In certain parts of the world, as you know, Sony had a preferred position last time around. I think Microsoft is working very, very hard to see that that's not repeated. I think it will be a challenge in Asia, where Sony's dominated. But if I had to guess, I think Microsoft is going to do very well.

"I think you're going to see that [Sony] will be very aggressive on the content side and on the marketing side. They are going to focus, as they always do, on aiming at an advantage on the content side.

"But Microsoft's trying to do the same thing; as you know, Microsoft has bought some studios. There's a lot of stuff that they own and control. Perhaps they'll do more of that. They have a great balance sheet."

While Microsoft has pivoted more to software and subscription services in more recent years, namely their popular Game Pass program, selling consoles is still the primary way to get those subscriptions to people. It can be hard to imagine managing to go head to head with Sony, or Nintendo for that matter, once again, but stranger things have happened. The Xbox Series S and X will both launch on November 10th.

Yakuza: Like a Dragon is Shaping up to be One of the Most Exciting Games of the Year

These days, few of Sega's franchises are as healthy and vibrant as the Yakuza series. The in-depth look at various Japanese cities, and it's examination of the crime families that run the underground of those cities has proven to be a setting that has no limit on the amount of stories that can be told and characters that can emerge from it. On top of that, the engine and gameplay style that Yakuza games rest on has shown itself to be formidable in the face of gamers' ever-changing expectations with many great Yakuza games benefiting from the format, even other games like Judgement and Fist of the North Star, that clearly have the same skeleton of the Yakuza games underneath, are fantastic experiences despite deviating little from that overall structure.

It should come as no surprise, then, that the franchise's newest installment, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, is doing well in Japan and has plenty of people excited in the West, awaiting it's official western launch later this year. This isn't going to be just another Yakuza game though. Despite Keeping the namesake of the almost 20-year-old franchise in-tact, Yakuza: Like a Dragon is going out of its way to shake things up in several areas that might just give the game an edge over the competition once all the dust settles.

Firstly, as is most obvious about the new game, Yakuza: Like a Dragon passes on continuing to focus on Kiryu, the protagonist from the previous games. Here, we'll be playing through and bearing witness to a new character, Ichiban Kasuga. A much younger, pluckier, and potentially more interesting character than the aging Kiryu who seems to project an entirely different energy altogether. Kasuga is younger, more reckless, and perhaps, as a result, far less predictable of a character, and that could really inject more energy into the franchise if he takes hold even nearly as well as Kiryu did for the series.

As an avid gamer, Kasuga seems to project his own interpretations of battles and story elements into the real world for us to see. This gives the game sort of a Scott Pilgrim vibe, but of course still very deeply rooted in the quirky Japanese presentation style that we all know and love from previous Yakuza games. On top of that, you will also be playing Kasuga's friends at certain points, all with their own strengths and weaknesses which seems to aim at coloring the battles in particular quite a bit as the mechanic unveils itself. Depending on how you use them, Kasuga's bond with them can strengthen, which will also be interesting to develop as the game progresses.

Thankfully, despite Kiryu not being the main focus this time around, he does exist in this world and will be crossing paths with you from time to time. This is something that Sega is being fairly tight-lipped about other than letting us know that it does happen, but if you're motivated to spoil it for yourself, odds are you can certainly hunt that info down. All we want to mention thus far is that it can and will happen at some point, and that might be enough for those who miss the days of Yakuza 1 through 6 to go ahead and dive into this new one and give it a chance. Letting Kiryu still exist in the universe of Like a Dragon is an insanely smart move because of this. While most would agree that a change of pace for Yakuza is needed, a more graceful transition that still honors the previous games is always best.

yakuza like a dragon

With this, Sega gets to have its cake and eat it too. The new Yakuza game will definitely benefit from having the interest of the Yakuza series' built-in audience of the original games. Yakuza name, the similar story structure, and the same gameplay engine also will benefit from the new protagonist, new changes and updates to the gameplay, and creating a new lineage that will make the game seem far less intimidating for newcomers who might have passed up on getting the last few games due to now knowing what is going on. This game is a brand-new storyline and ditches the numbered title that likely caused many gamers to pass on the more recent entries.

While it is still called Yakuza 7 in Japan, and not calling it that here might lead to more headaches down the road with subsequent releases, the advantage of that for the west is that it's more welcoming to folks who have found the incredible backlog of games too imposing to want to get into, and I don't think anybody can blame them for that. Yet another genius move by Sega here. The Eastern audience gets to have a sequel with a fresh take while the west gets somewhat of a more inviting soft reboot, all with the exact same game. They really seem to be on a roll lately.

One thing that this game has on several others that are coming up is the fact that it will be on the Xbox One, Series X, PS4, Steam, and presumably the PS5 around launch time. This is fantastic news for the game's success, as the vast majority of gamers who would be interested in the game likely have at least one of those platforms ready to go and will therefore have a way to play it.

Yakuza Like A Dragon

Regardless of how or where Yakuza: Like a Dragon lands with you personally, the game is surely promising to be something rather interesting and bring quite a lot to the table for new and old fans of the series across all regions. While Yakuza has been slow to gain steam in the west, it has definitely come a long way in popularity since the days of the PS2 where it was largely regarded as a fairly underground niche' series. Now, Yakuza is fairly well-known and even those who haven't played the games, regardless of why, are generally at least familiar enough with it to recognize the name.

The difference with this game will be the added features, the fresh new band of characters, and of course the healthy nods to its predecessors that always help long-time fans of any series feel a sense of continuity while the developers also make new entry points for a new generation of fans. Sega is right to expect a lot out of this game in terms of critical and commercial performance. As long as everything goes according to plan, and they seem like they are, Yakuza: Like a Dragon will certainly be an interesting release and may just surprise many of us with how well it does.

Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.

Watch Dogs: Legion PC – 4K/Ultra and Ray-Tracing Requirements Revealed

Watch Dogs Legion

Ubisoft's Watch Dogs: Legion is still more than a month away but the system requirements for the PC version have been revealed. There are actually several sets of requirements, from running the game at 1080p resolution and Low settings to 4K resolution and Ultra Settings. The requirements for ray-tracing are the most hefty though.

If one is running the game at 1080p resolution and High settings with ray-tracing, then an Intel i5-9600K (or AMD Ryzen 5 3600), Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 with 8 GB VRAM and 16 GB RAM is required. At Ultra settings and 4K, you'll need an Intel Core  i7-9700K or AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with an RTX 2080 Ti with 11 GB VRAM and 16 GB RAM. Installation size is the same across the board at 45 GB but an additional 20 GB is required for HD textures.

Check out all of the system requirements below. Watch Dogs: Legion is out on October 29th for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia. It launches on November 10th for Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X so if ray-tracing on PC proves too expensive, perhaps next-gen consoles will be a better choice.

1080p / Low Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 / AMD Ryzen 5 1400
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R9 290X
  • VRAM: 4 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Storage Space: 45 GB
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

1080p / High Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 480
  • VRAM: 6 GB
  • RAM: 8 GB (Dual-channel setup)
  • Storage Space: 45 GB
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

1440p / High Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K / AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060S or AMD Radeon RX 5700
  • VRAM: 8GB
  • RAM: 16 GB (Dual-channel setup)
  • Storage Space: 45 GB
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

4K / Ultra Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K / AMD Ryzen 7 3700K
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti or AMD Radeon VII
  • VRAM: 11 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB (Dual-channel setup)
  • Storage Space: 45 GB (+ 20 GB HD Textures Pack)
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

Ray Tracing On – 1080p / High Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-9600K / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
  • VRAM: 8 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB (Dual-channel setup)
  • Storage Space: 45 GB
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

Ray Tracing On – 4K / Ultra Settings

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
  • VRAM: 11 GB
  • RAM: 16 GB (Dual-channel setup)
  • Storage Space: 45GB (+20 GB HD Textures Pack)
  • Operating System: Windows 10 (x64)

Second Extinction Enters Early Access on October 13

second extinction

Systemic Reactions' co-op dino killing FPS Second Extinction is a game many have been curious about since it was revealed earlier this year, and soon, players will have the chance to dip their toes in the water and see how the game is shaping up. In a new trailer, the developer has confirmed that Second Extinction will be entering early access on October 13. The trailer also shows a time lapse of artist Tom Dubois creative a piece of key art for the game. Check it out below.

At launch, Second Extinction's early access will offer 4 playable heroes, 6 main missions, and several side missions spread across 7 regions of the game's world. There will also be 10 different weapons to use, each with 5 unique tiers of upgrades. Meanwhile, in the future, the developer plans on adding loadout modifiers, armour augments, more game modes (including a horde mode), an additional mutation, and more. The early access version of the game will cost $24.99, but you should expect the price to go up for the full launch.

System requirements for the game's early access launch have also been revealed via its Steam page. You can check them out below.

When Second Extinction launches in full, it will be available on PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox One. You can get more information on the game via our interview with its developers through here.


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570 or AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 3GB or AMD R9 280 3GB
  • Storage: 30 GB available space

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows 10 (64-Bit versions)
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4770 or AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1070GB or AMD Vega 56 8GB
  • Storage: 50 GB available space

Crysis Remastered Receives an Impressive 8K Tech Trailer

crysis remastered

Crysis Remastered is just days away from launch, and once again, you'll be able to look at whatever system you're planning to play it on and ask yourself, "can it run Crysis?" And with the game's launch looming on the horizon, Crytek have released an impressive new 8K tech trailer for it.

Crysis Remastered features various visual enhancements to what was a cutting edge technical revelation when it came out in 2007. It features global illumination, real time reflections, rippling caustics, enhanced depth of field, higher quality textures, improved lighting, enhanced particle effects, and much more- not to mention 8K support. It will also feature software-based ray tracing on PS4 and Xbox One, becoming the first game ever to do so. Check it all out in the trailer below.

Crysis Remastered releases for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 18. You can check out its minimum and recommended PC requirements through here. The game will also feature a "Can it run Crysis?" graphics option with 8K support. Read more on that through here.

Amnesia: Rebirth Launches on October 20

Amnesia Rebirth

Frictional Games are masters of the horror genre, with two excellent games in Amnesia: The Dark Descent and SOMA under their belt. With their next game, Amnesia: Rebirththey're going back to the beginning while bringing all of their expertise from recent years with them, and now we know exactly when we'll get to dive into their newest horrifying adventure.

Amnesia: Rebirth will be releasing on October 20, just in time for Halloween, Frictional Games have confirmed with a newly released trailer. The trailer also shows plenty of gameplay footage, showcasing a large variety of environments, some typically claustrophobic looking gameplay sections, and what's hinting to be an all-around terrifying experience. Take a look below.

Amnesia: Rebirth will be releasing for PS4 and PC. On PC, it will be available via Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store. You can learn more about the game through our interview with creative director Thomas Grip and writer Ian Thomas through here.

Twin Mirror Releases on December 1

twin mirror

Dontnod Entertainment first announced Twin Mirror in 2018, and since then, anticipation for the game's release has been high. There's been a couple of delays, and periods where there have been next to no updates on the game, but now we finally know when it'll be out.

Dontnod Entertainment have confirmed that Twin Mirror will be releasing on December 1. Unlike the developer's previous games, this won't be an episodic affair, and will instead be releasing as a single package in one go.

In Twin Mirrors, players will take on the role of former investigative journalist Sam, who travels to his hometown of Basswood, West Virginia for the funeral of his best friend. Upon arriving in the town though, he quickly realizes that things aren't what they seem, and he must uncover Basswood's many dark secrets. Players will make narrative-shifting choices, collect clues, and head into Sam's mind palace to piece them together and figure out the truth.

Twin Mirror will be releasing on December 1 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC, where it will be an Epic Games Store exclusive. There's no word on whether next-gen versions of the game are planned.

Sony Says it Has Not Changed its PS5 Production Number Despite Recent Reports

Earlier today, a new report came about via Bloomberg that said Sony was forced to lower its initial PS5 shipment total by roughly 4 million units after manufacturing issues had come about. Now, it seems as though we have learned that this information isn't correct.

In a new statement given to, Sony pushed back on the report and simply said that what was reported was not true. "While we do not release details related to manufacturing, the information provided by Bloomberg is false," Sony said plainly. "We have not changed the production number for PlayStation 5 since the start of mass production."

It's honestly rare to see companies like Sony directly shoot down a report like Bloomberg's, which seems to show that what the PlayStation 5 manufacturer is saying is completely true. Considering the way in which the news affected the company's stock earlier this morning, however, it would make sense for them to want to get ahead of this story as much as they can.

This is also surely good news for those that are looking to pick up a PS5 either at launch or in the first few months after its release. Next-gen consoles launches typically almost see all units flying off of store shelves at breakneck speeds, so to know that Sony will have more PS5 consoles to sell in the wake of its release is definitely a positive.

As for when the PS5 itself is slated to launch, we still do not know, but that should surely be changing tomorrow. Sony is set to hold a new PS5 showcase event tomorrow at 4:00pm EDT/1:00pm PDT to share more about the next-gen platform. Stay tuned for more information at that time.

The post Sony Says it Has Not Changed its PS5 Production Number Despite Recent Reports by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Spelunky 2 is Out on PS4 Today and Its Launch Trailer is Adorable

Roguelike enthusiasts are surely beaming today as after years of waiting, Spelunky 2 has finally landed on PS4. While the game's release on its own merit is the most notable thing today, Mossmouth also released a lovely launch trailer to celebrate the occasion and it's definitely worth watching.

The launch trailer for Spelunky 2 appropriately sets the stage for the sequel and introduces us to the game's new overarching plot. Playing as the character Ana, you'll venture into the hidden depths of the moon in search of your mother and father, the latter of which was the protagonist from the original Spelunky. The entire trailer is then presented with voiceover from Ana's mother, who is conveying a message to Ana via a note that was left behind.

While talking about the overall narrative thrust of this sequel is presented in a lovingly way, there's also a whole lot of new gameplay on display, too. If you haven't seen much of Spelunky 2 in action just yet, this new video does a great job of showing off some of the new locations and mechanics that have been brought to the follow-up. It looks like there should be enough to chew on here for years to come.

You can check out the launch trailer for Spelunky 2 down below. While the game is out on PS4 today, it won't be releasing on PC until two weeks from now on September 29. Keep an eye out for a review from us once we get our hands on that version of the game.

The post Spelunky 2 is Out on PS4 Today and Its Launch Trailer is Adorable by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Rivals of Aether is Coming to Nintendo Switch September 24

Rivals of Aether, the acclaimed Super Smash Bros. Melee-inspired indie platform fighter has seen a breadth of success in recent years. Since its launch on PC, it's garnered a dedicated competitive scene and active fanbase, as well as a vibrant modding community, especially after the game added Steam workshop support on PC.

Last spring, Rivals of Aether creator Dan Fornance hosted a digital event to talk about the future of the game. Alongside multiple new game mode announcements and the announcement that the game would be receiving a definitive edition, which will include all DLC characters, he announced that the highly anticipated port of the game to the Switch would be coming this summer. Weeks later, Rivals was one of the many games delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the official Rivals of Aether Twitter account announced that the game would finally release on the platform on September 24 for $29.99.

Following the announcement, Dan Fornance wrote a Medium post where he explained some of the reasons why the game was delayed. Among issues with the game engine, Game Maker Studio not having full Switch support, multiple porting studios dropping the project, prioritizing four-player support and rollback netcode, the studio decided to make a definitive edition for the game. Following that decision, they decided to wait to complete that version before bringing it to Switch, complete with new modes.

When Rivals of Aether Definitive Edition launches on Switch, it's sure to draw in a number of fighting game and Smash fans alike. Considering the game has rollback netcode, the holy grail of fighting games, it's sure to blossom as a competitive experience.

The post Rivals of Aether is Coming to Nintendo Switch September 24 by Charlie Wacholz appeared first on DualShockers.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Games are Said to Just be Running on Emulators

There's no doubt about it that Super Mario 3D All-Stars is the biggest release of this week, but ahead of the bundle's launch this Friday, it seems as though some information of the collection has already leaked out.

As it has become standard with recent Nintendo first-party releases, Super Mario 3D All-Stars has leaked out ahead of time and people are already data mining the game for information. As for what the data mining has produced so far, it seems as though the most notable piece of information is in regards to the All-Stars collection itself and how each title runs. Rather than porting Super Mario 64Sunshine, and Galaxy over to the Switch natively, Nintendo has opted to have each game running via emulation on the platform instead.

In a pretty comprehensive thread over on Twitter, user @OatmealDome broke down the details pretty thoroughly. Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Galaxy look to be running on a Wii and GameCube emulator that is perhaps known as "hagi" and seems to have been made by a Nintendo division in Europe. Super Mario 64 is then running on an emulator as well, but it's not currently known which one. Galaxy, however, is said to have its original code running on the Switch's CPU, but the other functions of the game are still performing via an emulator, which is pretty odd.

For some, the fact that Nintendo opted to run the games in this manner on the Switch is potentially disheartening. Many in the larger Nintendo community have been replaying these three games, and many others, off of emulators for years at this point, so for Nintendo to not natively port them all and instead just opt to use emulators as well is a bit disappointing. It also makes the collection's availability, which only extends to March 2021, a bit more unusual.

Regardless of how all three games run though, I imagine many who are looking to pick up Super Mario 3D All-Stars this week won't have had their purchasing decision swayed by the news. Does that stand true for you? Let me know down in the comments.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars is set to launch later this week on Friday, September 18, exclusively on the Switch.

The post Super Mario 3D All-Stars Games are Said to Just be Running on Emulators by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Amnesia: Rebirth Drops October 20, Here's a Terrifying New Trailer

Amnesia: Rebirth, Frictional Games

Amnesia: Rebirth is the first direct sequel to Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Obviously, A Machine for Pigs was the first follow-up, but it's an indirect sequel and wasn't developed by Frictional Games. Instead, the team published it and worked on Soma. Now, they're finally back with a true sequel and it looks as terrifying as ever. Check out the new release date trailer below.

Its been five years since Frictional released a game. Of course, when your output is as great as this studio's it's hard to argue with their development cadence. And, Amnesia: Rebirth looks to continue that trail of quality. Not only is this game bringing the spooks, but it looks great too.

That early scene where the player exits a plane into a desert is particularly striking. It's been a while since I've played the original Amnesia, but I remember it as a dark and brooding game. Obviously, that comes later in the trailer, but it was pretty striking to see the sunlight in this trailer. I'm intrigued to see if this is just a one-off or if the team is exploring some new environments.

Once things get suitably gloomy, the trailer begins to show off more of what I'd expect from a new Amnesia game. The constant struggle to keep a light on as you navigate dark hallways and avoid monsters is what these games are all about. I'm sure I'm not the only Amnesia fan that can't wait to see where Frictional takes us for this journey.

Amnesia: Rebirth comes to PC and PS4 on October 20.

The post Amnesia: Rebirth Drops October 20, Here's a Terrifying New Trailer by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.

Rocket League Will Become Free-to-Play on September 23

Since its debut in 2015, Rocket League has gradually become one of the most popular online multiplayer titles available across consoles and PC. Though the game initially launched as a paid title, and after Psyonix's acquisition by Epic Games, Rocket League will be entering a new chapter with its official transition into a free-to-play title, which will take place starting next week.

Developer Psyonix has officially announced that Rocket League will transition to becoming free-to-play across all platforms starting on September 23, 2020. Ahead of the game's transition to its free-to-play format, a new update will release on September 16 that adds some key features to the title, including cross-platform progression linking through an Epic Games account, Legacy items, along with additional updates and changes.

You can take a look at a new cinematic trailer released by Psyonix ahead of the game's free-to-play debut later this month:

As detailed by Psyonix, the free-to-play launch for Rocket League will also mark the title's debut on the Epic Games Store and removal from the Steam store (current owners of the game on Steam, however, are unaffected). The free-to-play version, when it launches on September 23, will also add new features such as the return of the Rocket Pass, new Item Packs, some upgrades and changes to the Tournaments and Challenges systems, and more. A special limited time in-game event called "Llama-Rama" will also be happening after the game makes its free-to-play debut, which will take place as a Fortnite crossover event.

Earlier in the year, it was confirmed that Rocket League players on PS4 and Switch won't require an online subscription to PS Plus or Nintendo Switch Online to play the game, following in the tradition of other free-to-play games like Fortnite. While the game is popular already, the transition to a free-to-play structure will surely open Psyonix's title up to a wider audience across its numerous platforms.

Rocket League is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, Mac, and Linux.

The post Rocket League Will Become Free-to-Play on September 23 by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

Twin Mirror, Dontnod's New Mystery Game, Will Launch in December

With the Life is Strange series and the recently-released Tell Me Why under its belt, Dontnod Entertainment have become experts at crafting engaging episodic narrative games. The next major release from the studio is the upcoming Twin Mirror, and after the game's reveal over two years ago, the upcoming title is finally set for release later this year.

Developer and publisher Dontnod Entertainment has announced that Twin Mirror will officially launch on December 1, 2020 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, which will be exclusive to the Epic Games Store. Alongside the release date for the title, Dontnod also confirmed that pre-orders are now available for the game across all platforms, which will also include its digital soundtrack for free.

You can take a look at a new gameplay trailer for the title below, which gives a deeper look into the mystery adventure game:

Originally announced as an episodic narrative game in the style of Life is Strange, Dontnod Entertainment confirmed over the summer that Twin Mirror will instead be released as a complete experience from beginning to end. While its past titles like Life is Strange used an episodic structure that spanned over several months, Tell Me Why instead released in weekly installments over the course of three chapters. With Twin Mirror, it seems like Dontnod is continuing to experiment with how it is releasing its games, this time opting to release the entire experience at once.

From what we've seen from the game so far, Twin Mirror focuses on an investigative journalist named Sam who returns to his hometown of Basswood, West Virginia. Once there, he begins investigating mysterious happenings in the town with the use of his inner voice, which may help or hinder the investigation based on what decisions that players make throughout the game.

Twin Mirror  will arrive on December 1, 2020 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

The post Twin Mirror, Dontnod's New Mystery Game, Will Launch in December by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

The Invincible is a Gorgeous Sci-Fi Thriller From Starward Industries

The Invincible, Starward Industries

The Invincible is a brand new Sci-Fi thriller from Starward Industries, a team made up of several former CD Projekt Red and Techland devs. The game takes one of polish author Stanislaw Lem's works and adapts it to the virtual world. The retro-future aesthetic is stunning and has me more than excited to see more of this 2021 game. Give the screenshots a look below.

In The Invincible, players will take on the role of a scientist stranded on an alien planet. You're trying to track down the rest of your crew while working to survive a hostile landscape. Interestingly, the devs are saying the non-linear story is shaped by your actions and choices. Which means this is probably a looser adaptation of Lem's novel than you might have assumed upfront. That said, it's awesome to see a team taking on a property that has a little less fanfare.

It sounds like that's going to be Starward's whole thing. In an interview with Gamesradar, CEO and former CD Projekt Red producer Marek Markuszewski talked about how the team wants to "develop new IP based on locally recognized series of novels." That, of course, fits right in with The Invincible. Hopefully, moving forward, we'll continue to see excellent, lesser-known works spotlighted.

Of course, first The Invincible has to be successful. Obviously, it's too early to really tell how the game will launch. However, these early screens have me excited. I'm always up for a space thriller, especially when they're this nice to look at.

The Invincible plans to launch sometime in 2021 on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.


The post The Invincible is a Gorgeous Sci-Fi Thriller From Starward Industries by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.

Uncharted Movie Production is Going "So Well" According to Tom Holland


Despite having been affected slightly by the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year, filming of the Uncharted movie is currently happening, and according to the film's leading star, Tom Holland, the production has been great so far.

In a recent Instagram live video, Holland took some time to interact with fans to kill some time. One fan ended up asking Holland about how the filming for Uncharted was going and the actor who plays the role of Nathan Drake had nothing but praises to lavish upon it.

"Filming is going so well. It is going so well," Holland said excitedly. "The film is like everything I ever dreamed it would be." Holland didn't go on to say anything else specifically about the production, but he did say that as someone who is a major fan of the video games that the film is based on, he's quite pleased with how it has turned out.

You can check out the clip where Holland talks about Uncharted from the Instagram video below around the 1:15 minute mark:


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A post shared by Tom Holland (@tomholland2013) on

At this point in time, it would seem as though the filming of Uncharted has to be near its final stages as shooting began all the way back in July. As such, with footage now actually in the chamber, it would stand to reason that we could see an initial trailer of some sort within the next few months, which is something that hasn't come about as of this writing.

Currently slated to release in March of 2021, Uncharted was pushed back to July 16 of next year in light of the pandemic. Hopefully, if the world is back to normal by this time next year, we'll all be able to visit the theater and see if Uncharted panned out as well as Holland has currently indicated that it has.

The post Uncharted Movie Production is Going "So Well" According to Tom Holland by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Fall Guys New Midseason Update is Now In Effect

Fall guys update

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has been one of the biggest hits of the year, amassing over 26,000,000 total players as of September 6, according to Gamstat. This morning, a video posted on the official PlayStation YouTube channel revealed that Fall Guys would be getting a new midseason update to keep all returning players on their toes.

The announcement trailer shows off remixed versions of old levels as well as the "Big Yeetus", a giant swinging hammer that offers players the chance to test their luck. Will they be launched all the way across the level closer to the goal or will they be sent straight down into the slime below? Only the Big Yeetus knows.

This midseason update comes on the heels of another Fall Guys announcement: the announcement at Gamescom Opening Night Live of Fall Guys Season 2. According to the countdown clock on the game's main menu, Season 2 is set to launch October 6 and will be taking on a medieval theme.

The remixed levels are important to have in a game like Fall Guys because once each level is mastered, some players log out and never come back, because the challenge has seemingly disappeared. By changing which ways the giant wrecking balls are swinging or by replacing static foam arms with rotating hammers, the game is different enough for players to hop back in and discover the challenge all over again.

The Fall Guys midseason update is in effect as of today as well as an update for accessibility, according to their twitter account, that allows buttons to be remapped for people playing the PC version of the game.

For more things Fall Guys make sure to check out our confessions of a Fall Guys bully video, or DualShockers Staff Writer Sam Woods' editorial explaining the marketing success of Fall Guys.

The post Fall Guys New Midseason Update is Now In Effect by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2
In Spleunky 2 there is a golden key that you can find while on your runs. Check out this guide to find out where to use the Golden Key in Spelunky 2. This way you can get the extra loot and the extra money for your runs.

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2

Finding the Golden Key in Spleunky 2 can be a bit difficult. The Golden Key will generally start to drop in 1-2 and beyond. When you find the key, make sure you pick it up and hold it in your hand. You have to be holding it or you will lose it. From there you have to find the random doorway in the level. It will be somewhere, just keep looking.

Doorway Spelunky 2

Once you find the door, go inside and you will find a golden chest at the top of the area. Open the chest and inside you will find the Udjat Eye inside. The Udjat Eye will let you see the gems that are hidden in the walls so you can get them easier. This is similar to the glasses that you can buy in the shop if you have enough money. You can also use the key as a weapon if you want by tossing it at enemies. The key is pretty durable so you can get quite a few shots off with it before it breaks.

I think the Udjat Eye might be used somewhere down the line to trigger an event or open a chest, but I am not sure yet. If you find a spot where you can use the Udjat Eye, leave a comment and let us know where to use it. Check back soon for more Spelunky 2 guides.

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2

Found the dog in a level and wondering what to do with it? This guide on What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2 explains what you must do with the dog in order to benefit from finding it while you're

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2

When you die in multiplayer in Spelunky 2, you become a ghost. This guide on How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2 will tell you what you need to do in order to bring your ghostly friends back to life

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2

In Spleunky 2 there is a golden key that you can find while on your runs. Check out this guide to find out where to use the Golden Key in Spelunky 2. This way you can get the extra loot and the extra

The post Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2
When you die in multiplayer in Spelunky 2, you become a ghost. This guide on How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2 will tell you what you need to do in order to bring your ghostly friends back to life so they can help you clear through the level. Although, the ghost having 2 unique attacks doesn't make it a terrible idea to uh… sacrifice a friend if needed.

When you die and become a ghost, not all is lost. The ghost has two main abilities it can use. It's basic attack, using Square, can push or blow enemies and items off of ledges – handing for getting rid of tricky enemies via spike pits. The secondary attack, used by holding Square, allows you to charge a chilling breath that freezes enemies it hits. Your friends can then pass through them or even destroy them with a well placed bomb or jump.

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2
You will not revive as you complete a level (although make sure you grab the dog for health bonuses). Instead, you need to explore further and find a specific object, a Coffin. You can see it in the picture above. Once you have found the coffin, you simply need to reach it and you're almost done.

The player that is alive needs to attack the Coffin. This will open the Coffin, destroying it so to speak. Your friendly ghosts will then automatically revive at the coffin. They don't need to be close to it or anything, simply breaking the coffin is enough to revive your dead allies. And that's how you revive in Spelunky 2.

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2

When you die in multiplayer in Spelunky 2, you become a ghost. This guide on How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2 will tell you what you need to do in order to bring your ghostly friends back to life

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2

Found the dog in a level and wondering what to do with it? This guide on What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2 explains what you must do with the dog in order to benefit from finding it while you're

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2

In Spleunky 2 there is a golden key that you can find while on your runs. Check out this guide to find out where to use the Golden Key in Spelunky 2. This way you can get the extra loot and the extra

The post How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2
Found the dog in a level and wondering what to do with it? This guide on What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2 explains what you must do with the dog in order to benefit from finding it while you're exploring the randomly generated levels.

Spelunky 2 provides players with near endless adventures thanks to randomly generated levels that change each time you play the game. While many of the obstacles, challenges, and enemies will remain the same, the actual layout is always different. As such, we cannot tell you where to find the dog but you will find him on most levels, relatively easily. If you don't, don't worry about it, I'm sure you'll find it on the next attempt.

What Does The Dog Do In Spelunky 2

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2
The Dog is one of the many different items you can find on your journey. Sometimes it's simply sitting in the open, other times it requires bombs or ropes to reach. When you reach the dog you need to pick it up. To pick up the dog, stand over it and press Down & Square (PS4). This will pick up the dog.

When you are carrying the dog you can no longer use your whip or any other items so be careful. You can throw the dog like any other item but it may eventually die. You need to carry the dog with you through to the very end of the level. When you reach the exit, the dog will automatically jump down and go through the door. You can continue exploring if you wish, safe in the knowledge that the dog is safe and will remain there until you complete the level.

When you eventually finish the level the dog will give you, and your partners if you're playing co-op, a loving lick. This provides +1 health. This can both restore lost health or boost you over your starting health so you have even more HP.

What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2

Found the dog in a level and wondering what to do with it? This guide on What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2 explains what you must do with the dog in order to benefit from finding it while you're

Where To Use The Golden Key In Spelunky 2

In Spleunky 2 there is a golden key that you can find while on your runs. Check out this guide to find out where to use the Golden Key in Spelunky 2. This way you can get the extra loot and the extra

How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2

When you die in multiplayer in Spelunky 2, you become a ghost. This guide on How To Revive Friends In Spelunky 2 will tell you what you need to do in order to bring your ghostly friends back to life

The post What To Do With The Dog In Spelunky 2 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online

A number of new permanent and limited- time clothing, Rewards, bonuses, and Collector discounts await players in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online this week.

Keep an eye out for invites to exclusive role-based activities; all Role Free Roam Events (excluding the Condor Egg event) will pay out double Gold, XP and RDO$ through September 21. In addition, those that complete any 5 Daily Challenges this week will receive a Reward good for 5 Legendary Animal Pheromones.

Three new varieties of Legendary Ram have made their way to the Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia versions of Red Dead Online:

  • The Gabbro Horn Ram, a black and white specimen seen traversing the dry terrain of Rio Bravo
  • The gray Chalk Horn Ram, spotted in the heights of the Grizzly Mountains, east of the Calumet Ravine
  • The Rutile Horn Ram with its dark red horns, seen roaming both Rio Bravo and Cholla Springs

Make sure to Visit Harriet to launch the Rutile Ram Sighting Mission – those that complete it will get themselves a free Poncho of their choosing.

Those playing the Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia versions can now purchase the Woodcote Poncho, along with three new coats crafted from Legendary Ram skin in Gus' Trapper Store.

All of the Collectors in the world will be able to dig up three new Fossil Collections on the Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia versions of Red Dead Online. Coastal, Oceanic and Megafauna are scattered and buried all across the frontier; players can speak to Madam Nazar to get themselves a Fossils Map, a Pennington Field Shovel, and a Metal Detector. In addition, any amateur archaeologist who collects a single Fossil this week will receive a Tarot Card, Arrowhead, and Lost Jewelry.

New items are now for sale in the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue this week, plus a slew of new colorways available for a limited time. Those that use any of these items to create and save a custom outfit to your wardrobe can get themselves a Reward for a free Emote of your choosing.

  • Somerdale Jacket
  • Grayshott Pants
  • Sobol Hat (New colorways)
  • Bartley Cap (New colorways)

Limited Edition Colorways:

  • Winter Shotgun Coat
  • Torranca Coat
  • Raccoon Hat
  • Cossack Hat
  • Furred Gloves
  • Woodland Gloves
  • Schaffer Chaps
  • Pelt Half-Chaps

Collectors will be able to take advantage of the following discounts this week:

  • 5 Gold Bars off the Collector's Bag
  • Half off all Collector's Maps
  • Pennington Field Shovel – 40% off
  • All Collectors Outfits – 40% off
  • All Collector Horses – 40% off
  • Collector Saddle, Camp Theme, Gun Belt & Offhand Holster – 40% off
  • Reinforced Binoculars – 40% off
  • Horse Lantern – 40% off

Finally, all Red Dead Online players that have connected their Rockstar Games Social Club account with their Prime Gaming account will receive Rewards good for the following:

  • 5 Free Legendary Animal Pheromones
  • 6,000 Naturalist XP
  • A free Wilderness Camp
  • A Free Katata Coat crafted from the Legendary Katata Elk hide

Those that connect their accounts before September 21 will get themselves a Free Icahi Coat, five Rewards for a free box of Nitro Express Ammunition, and a Reward for 50 rounds of Sedative Varmint Cartridges.

Source: Press Release
Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online

A number of new permanent and limited- time clothing, Rewards, bonuses, and Collector discounts await players in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online this week

Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today

Fans of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's multicolored beans, rejoice – today's mid-season update for Fall Guys is adding a whole new layer of chaos into the fold

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer

Ahead of its release on September 18 for the Nintendo Switch, take a look at what Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings to the table with the latest overview video for the game

Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC

After making its debut on the Nintendo Switch last year, MegaPixel Studio and Forever Entertainment's Panzer Dragoon: Remake will make its way to the PlayStation 4 and PC soon

The post Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today

Fans of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's multicolored beans, rejoice – today's mid-season update for Fall Guys is adding a whole new layer of chaos into the fold.

New to this update is The Blunderdome, which features dozens of obstacles, random rotations and tumbling fruit. To make things interesting, players will have no idea when these changes will occur. There is also rumblings of an aggressive hammer obstacle roaming the rounds – be sure to be on your guard as you play through each Show.

A number of hot-fixes and tweaks to improve the Fall Guys have been included as part of this update. Enhanced server stability, nifty VFX improvements, and other tweaks to make things smoother.

To keep things fair, Mediatonic has implemented Epic's Easy Anti-Cheat in order to combat players that are using tools that apply hacks. Described by many as the best in the business, this service will provide protection from any and all bad eggs looking to take advantage of each situation.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Fall Guys – Season 1 Mid Season Update

Fall Guys is now available for the PlayStation 4 and PC – you can read our review of the base game here (we gave it a 75/100).

Source: Press Release
Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online

A number of new permanent and limited- time clothing, Rewards, bonuses, and Collector discounts await players in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online this week

Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today

Fans of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's multicolored beans, rejoice – today's mid-season update for Fall Guys is adding a whole new layer of chaos into the fold

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer

Ahead of its release on September 18 for the Nintendo Switch, take a look at what Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings to the table with the latest overview video for the game

Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC

After making its debut on the Nintendo Switch last year, MegaPixel Studio and Forever Entertainment's Panzer Dragoon: Remake will make its way to the PlayStation 4 and PC soon

The post Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer

Ahead of its release on September 18 for the Nintendo Switch, take a look at what Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings to the table with the latest overview video for the game.

Included in this collection are Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy. All three titles will be rendered at a higher resolution, with some featuring the option for a 16:9 resolution. Players will also be able to take advantage of two Joy-Con controllers to control Mario, complete with Assist Play.

Super Mario 64 is Mario's first 3D platforming experience, featuring free-roaming environments. Players will be able to explore Peach's castle and collect 120 stars, all while contending with the nefarious Bowser.

Super Mario Sunshine, which originally came out on the Nintendo GameCube, features a tropical island and a nasty mess. To clean up the island, players will be able to use F.L.U.D.D. to hover, dash, and blast off into the air. The evil baddie this time is the mysterious Shadow Mario.

Finally, this collection includes the Nintendo Wii title Super Mario Galaxy. Players will once again have to rescue Peach from Bowser's clutches in this title, with the power of gravity at your command. A number of transformations are also available, including Bee Mario and Ice Mario.

Note that a Music Player mode for each game will also be included.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Super Mario 3D All-Stars – Overview Trailer – Nintendo Switch

The titles will be available until March 2021.

Source: YouTube
Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online

A number of new permanent and limited- time clothing, Rewards, bonuses, and Collector discounts await players in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online this week

Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today

Fans of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's multicolored beans, rejoice – today's mid-season update for Fall Guys is adding a whole new layer of chaos into the fold

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer

Ahead of its release on September 18 for the Nintendo Switch, take a look at what Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings to the table with the latest overview video for the game

Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC

After making its debut on the Nintendo Switch last year, MegaPixel Studio and Forever Entertainment's Panzer Dragoon: Remake will make its way to the PlayStation 4 and PC soon

The post Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.

KillSteel Review

The development team at Time To Kill live up to their name with their new demolition derby title KillSteel. Featuring weapons of mass destruction, over-the-top action, and a guy named Wild Willy, should players get ready to rumble?

KillSteel Review

In true destruction derby fashion, the premise is the same. You get a car, you are thrown into one of three different arenas with a bunch of other cars, and you must destroy as many as you can without getting toast.

However, with this being a videogame, there are some wrinkles to the formula. A number of power-ups line the field, including shockwaves, dynamite, laser blasts, and missiles. However, we found that these are horribly unbalanced. Lining up a laser blast with the uneven terrain was an absolute pipe dream, while the missile option hit its target every single time. A bit more balance would have gone a long way.

The same lack of balance lies in the physics engine powering this title. Though players can choose from four different cars (with just the make names of the vehicles like "Ford" and "Chevy"), each ride handles like a boat. They might vary in health, handling, and speed, but we didn't notice any major differences between the wheels. If anything, we never had to worry about our health at all – most of the opposing riders ended up taking out most of the competition on their own volition.

Rather, the problem arose when we tried hitting a turn. The wide angle steering and ramps make for a deadly combination – even the smallest inconvenience would ragdoll our vehicles in something best suited for the world of Looney Tunes. Even when our car was tits up, it was painfully easy to spin right around to back on our wheels. It just felt cheap, like little design went into its engine. It's telling when the area with the most personality is the names of the rivals.

Those who'd like to bring a friend along are out of luck, as this is strictly a single player affair. Most players will have seen everything this title has to offer within 20 minutes, and with most affairs lasting between three to five minutes, there's not much staying power for those looking for it. If you've seen one thing, you've seen them all.

One thing worth noting is that there are a number of graphical settings one can adjust. Tweaks to its lighting, textures, post-processing, foliage, and more are all present and accounted for, but don't be fooled – this game is far from a looker. It often feels like one is simply playing with stock assets in something like Unity or Unreal, and other than the "totally tubular" announcer, there's no personality to speak of.

Demolition derbies with weapons should be a raucous affair, but the lack of personality and poor physics make KillSteel feel more like a pretender than a contender in the space.

This review of KillSteel was done on the PC. The game was freely downloaded.
KillSteel Review

The development team at Time To Kill live up to their name with their new demolition derby title KillSteel. Featuring weapons of mass destruction, over-the-top action, and a guy named Wild Willy

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon Review

After a little under a year, The Outer Worlds releases its first DLC: Peril on Gorgon. Is it worth the fifteen dollar entry fee, or should you pass on this trip?

Necromunda: Underhive Wars Review

Based on one of Games Workshops' most beloved tabletop experiences, the new Necromunda: Underhive Wars looks to bring the thrill of combat and the depth of strategy from tabletop to digital. With GW

Iron Harvest Review

After a successful crowdfunding campaign in 2018, Iron Harvest finally gets a retail release. Was two years enough time to finish, or should you skip this one for a while? Check out our review and

The post KillSteel Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC

After making its debut on the Nintendo Switch last year, MegaPixel Studio and Forever Entertainment's Panzer Dragoon: Remake will make its way to the PlayStation 4 and PC soon.

In a Tweet sent by the official Panzer Dragoon: Remake account, the studio mentioned that the game will first come to Steam, GOG, and PlayStation 4 soon. The Tweet also encourages fans to follow the account for any additional news.

You can find the Tweet below:

Originally developed by Team Andromeda and SEGA in the 90s, Panzer Dragoon: Remake is a rail shooter that follows the story of a hero that sets out to fight an evil empire in a post-apocalyptic world. To fight in this war, this hero has a dragon (known as the Solo Wing) that has a lock-on laser weapon and a rapid fire gun weapon.

This remake has players piloting their dragon through seven levels, with locales ranging from tropical ocean cities to subterranean ruins. Along the way, players will contend with giant dragonflies, man-sized wasps, sandworms, and flying battleships. New to this release are improved 360-degree controls, along with lock-on targeting.

Source: Twitter
Double Gold, XP and RDO$ in Role Free Roam Events This Week in Red Dead Online

A number of new permanent and limited- time clothing, Rewards, bonuses, and Collector discounts await players in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online this week

Fall Guys Getting Season 1 Mid Season Update Today

Fans of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's multicolored beans, rejoice – today's mid-season update for Fall Guys is adding a whole new layer of chaos into the fold

Super Mario 3D All-Stars Gets Overview Trailer

Ahead of its release on September 18 for the Nintendo Switch, take a look at what Super Mario 3D All-Stars brings to the table with the latest overview video for the game

Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC

After making its debut on the Nintendo Switch last year, MegaPixel Studio and Forever Entertainment's Panzer Dragoon: Remake will make its way to the PlayStation 4 and PC soon

The post Panzer Dragoon: Remake Coming to PlayStation 4 and PC appeared first on GamersHeroes.

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon Review

After a little under a year, The Outer Worlds releases its first DLC: Peril on Gorgon. Is it worth the fifteen dollar entry fee, or should you pass on this trip?

The Outer Worlds: Peril on Gorgon Review

Peril on Gorgon begins with you traveling on your ship to a new area. A delivery service hails you in space, and a package is dropped onto your ship. You open up the box, and there is a served arm with a message referring to a place called Gorgon. When you arrive, you meet with Wilhelmina Ambrose, who says she has a job for you. Gorgon was hers to inherit when her mother passed, but things have gotten a little complicated. What follows is a roughly six to eight hour adventure dealing with the area.

Peril on Gorgon honest game review

The problem Wilhelmina is having is that there was a new drug being produced on Gorgon. This drug turned 90% of the population into what are called Marauders. You can think of them as more potent versions of bandits and raiders. They have lost all sense of reason, and getting the formula for the drug has been complicated. As you explore Gorgon and read logs and terminals, you realize not all is as it seems. The deeper you dive, the more interesting it gets. In the end, you choose what to do with the Gorgon drug.

Combat hasn't changed all that much from the base game. I will say I think they got a little lazy with the ranged weapons; I got a new laser rifle, which was just a MK3 instead of a MK2. There is some new armor and melee weapons though, and a few upgraded mods as well. The same can be said about the enemies. Most of them are just new color schemes, bigger versions, or more armored versions of previous enemies. It all works, but it is something I noticed pretty quickly.

While Gorgon is a pretty big place, there isn't a ton of side content. There are some journals to collect and a few side quests to do, but it dries up fast. You are even sent to an old area once to complete a quest. The one thing that does stand out is its choices. It does feel like most of the options can help or hurt you in one way or another. Getting that extra keycard from the doctor will get you into his workroom. Alternatively, you can make him made and have to fight off the robots protecting his office. Both options are viable; it just comes down to how you want to handle the situation.

Peril On Gorgon Honest Review

One big thing to note is that you can't start this DLC until a later point in the story. New saves will have players working their way to Gorgon. The more significant issue is if you only save is at the point of no return. I had multiple saves, but my end game save couldn't leave the spot I was at. Beating the game only brought me back to the main menu. Basically, I couldn't access the DLC on that save file. That means if you only have one save and you are at the point of no return, you won't be able to play until it is patched. Outside of that though, there were no bugs or crashes.

Fans of The Outer Worlds will be happy with Peril on Gorgon. However, for anyone else, fifteen dollars is far too steep of an asking price.

This Peril on Gorgon review was done on the PlayStation 4 Pro. A review code was provided by the publisher.
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The Biggest Announcements from the September 2020 Ubisoft Forward Event

Airing earlier today, September's Ubisoft Forward event provided details on a number of Ubisoft's upcoming releases. Catch up on the highlights with our recap of the show.

Immortals Fenyx Rising

Developed by Ubisoft Quebec, Immortals Fenyx Rising is a mythological adventure that stars the new winged demigod Fenyx. This quest tasks players with saving the Greek gods and their home from a dark curse, with both heroic trials and powerful mythological beasts standing in Fenyx's way. The title will feature fast-paced aerial and melee combat, paired with stories inspired by Greek mythology.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and Google Stadia on December 3, 2020. The title will also come out for the PlayStation 5 when that system launches.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition

Based on the graphic novel series and 2010 Universal Pictures film, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition is a beat-em-up that has the titular Scott Pilgrim taking on the League of Seven Evil Exes to fight for Ramona Flowers' heart. The Knives Chau and Wallace Wells downloadable content will be included, along with online play.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC this holiday season.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake

A full-scale remake of the 2003 classic, Ubisoft Pune and Ubisoft Mumbai's Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake follows the Prince's journey for redemption after he releases the Sands of Time on the Sultan's Kingdom. To right this wrong, players will master the art of parkour, maneuver trap-filled rooms, and confront the evil Vizier.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on January 21, 2021.

Watch Dogs: Legion

Ubisoft announced that Aiden Pearce will be a fully-playable character in Watch Dogs: Legion as part of the game's post-launch plans, which includes a whole new chapter for the game.

The base game will come out for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Google Stadia on October 29, 2020. The title will also come out for the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X when those systems become available.

Far Cry VR

A location-based experience that has been developed in partnership with Zero Latency VR, Far Cry VR brings players back to Far Cry 3's Rook Islands as they contend with Vaas and his henchmen. The title will launch in 2021 at Zero Latency VR venues.

AGOS: A Game of Space

Take an interstellar journey to reach a new habitable planet with the release of AGOS: A Game of Space. In this title, players can take on the role of an AI that is operating the last ship to leave a condemned Earth, guiding a group of survivors in an attempt to find a new home.

The title will launch on October 28, 2020 on Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Valve Index headsets.

Riders Republic

Players will be able to ski, snowboard, bike and wingsuit across a massive multiplayer playground with the release of Riders Republic. Contests include Trick Battles, community challenges (including mass races), and more.

The game will come out on February 25, 2021 for current and next gen consoles.

Source: Press Release
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