
Load Times on the Xbox Series X Are a Fraction of the Xbox One X's

Xbox Series X

Unsurprisingly, the Xbox Series X, fitted with an SSD for internal storage, is crushing the Xbox One in terms of load times.

We already knew that games would be loading faster, mostly because SSDs outperform HDDs, but also because we've seen the Xbox Series S go up against its last-gen counterpart, the Xbox One S in a game load-off. However, the results coming from other outlets that have had the opportunity to toy with the new flagship Xbox are astonishing.

Over at The Verge, Tom Warren spent a week with the Xbox Series X, and as part of his hands-on, he measured the load times between some of this generation's most popular titles. The results show a decrease in load times across the board, some by expected, smaller margins and others by much more. Most notably, Sea of TheivesWarframe, and Destiny 2 were all able to shave over a minute off of their load time. The smallest change was for CoD: Warzone, which, at an already impressive 21 second load time on the Xbox One was brought down to 16 seconds.

The Dorito Pope himself, Geoff Keighley, has also spent some time with Microsoft's new flagship console. Besides his praise for quick resume, which he said was like "Alt-TABbing" between games, he noted the console's impressive load times.

It shouldn't be surprising either that older games you play on the Series X will also benefit from the switch to an SSD. It seems like no matter what game you play, as long as it's from the ongoing gen or prior, load times are going to be slashed. The real question left is what we'll be looking at in terms of load times for next-gen titles, especially for folks playing at 4K.

The Xbox Series X / S is set to come out on November 10. If you're looking to pre-order one of the upcoming consoles, we have a list of retailers that you can purchase one from right here.

The post Load Times on the Xbox Series X Are a Fraction of the Xbox One X's by Otto Kratky appeared first on DualShockers.

Phil Spencer Says Microsoft is Still Planning for Future Consoles After Xbox Series X/S

Xbox Series X Xbox Series S

There is no question whatsoever that Microsoft is the one console manufacturer that is starting to diversify where you can play its games. Not only do all first-party Xbox titles come to PC at this point, but Microsoft has also started to venture into cloud gaming with its xCloud service. Despite focusing on so many areas other than the Xbox console alone though, the company doesn't expect this coming generation to be the last one in which we'll see dedicated Xbox hardware.

In a discussion with Yahoo!, Xbox head Phil Spencer said that Microsoft is still planning internally for there to be a new generation of Xbox consoles after the Xbox Series X and S cycle has ended. "In terms of future hardware, absolutely I think we're going to see more console hardware down the road," Spencer said plainly. "Just like in video, just like in music, it's not that streaming has cut off device innovation. I think we'll continue to see that, and that's absolutely what we're planning for."

This news is surely comforting for those who are looking to continue purchasing new consoles in the future. While the gaming industry as a whole seems to be focusing more on game streaming (mega-corps in Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have all now committed in some way to that space), Xbox itself still sees dedicated hardware being relevant anywhere from five to ten years into the future.

It remains to be seen what the future will hold, but given the fact that consoles are developed so far in advance, it's safe to assume that there is an internal team within Xbox working on what the next hardware for the green brand will look like. Whether those devices are more iterative remains to be seen, but it sounds like November 10 won't be the final Xbox launch we'll ever see.

The post Phil Spencer Says Microsoft is Still Planning for Future Consoles After Xbox Series X/S by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Minecraft Will Host a Fan Vote for Next Mob, Here Are Your Candidates

Minecraft, Minecraft Live

Minecraft Live kicks off this weekend and one of the many events virtual attendees can participate in is a vote for the latest mob. Last time fans had a vote like this, we got the Phantom. This go-around, the choices are a little less terrifying but still fun. Starting this weekend, you'll have a chance to vote between the Iceologer, Moobloom, or Glow Squid.

Minecraft's latest potential "illager" is the Iceologer. They hang out on icy mountains and will cause chaos when you stumble across them. Iecologers are hostile and throw flying ice clouds at you. Mojang describes fighting them as a "hardcore snowball fight", which I'm down for.

Mooblooms, on the other hand, are totally passive. The team isn't giving full details yet, but they mention that they'll interact with bees somehow. Maybe they'll serve as a mobile beehive? We'll know more at Minecraft Live.

The last potential addition is the Glow Squid. They're basically just normal squids that glow, which could make for an atmospheric addition to an underwater secret base.

Of course, all of this is just a short selection of what we'll see at Minecraft Live this weekend. Mojang has already announced that we should expect some massive updates, so tune in if you're looking to get your Minecraft fix. Of course, if anything major happens, check back with DualShockers for all the news.

Minecraft Live starts October 3 on the game's official Twitch. If you somehow have never played the game, it's available pretty much everywhere now.

The post Minecraft Will Host a Fan Vote for Next Mob, Here Are Your Candidates by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.

Xbox Series X Requires Nearly 200GB of Storage for Basic System Files

Xbox Series X controller Xbox Series S Story feature

Even though new consoles always say that they offer up a certain amount of storage, the number that is given always fails to account for the default space that is required when setting the system up. Next-gen hardware in the Xbox Series X and PS5 are no different, and in the case of the former, we now know how much storage space it will actually have in tow.

According to GameSpot, who already has an Xbox Series X in their possession, the 1TB drive that the console has installed needs nearly one-fifth of that space for the basic files attached to the console. In total, 198GB of the Xbox Series X are needed for the platform's operating system and other various files. This means that in reality, 802GB are then left open for you to install games and other applications that you might download. It's worth noting that the version of the console that GameSpot has in its hands might not be finalized just yet though, so these numbers could change by launch day.

In some ways, this is to be expected. With video games as a whole getting larger over time, it's not a shock that the general operating system of the Xbox Series X is going to be larger than what we're used to as well.

On the downside, it sure seems like the Series X could run out of space pretty darn quickly. 800GB isn't a lot by modern standards and, as mentioned, if game sizes keep getting larger, that storage is going to diminish very fast. Considering the expandable storage options for Xbox Series X and S also cost a staggering $220, it sure seems like we'll have to do more management than normal in this upcoming generation.

Both the Xbox Series X and S are due out in a little over a month on November 10. We'll surely be learning a lot more specific details of the platform leading up to launch, so stay tuned.

The post Xbox Series X Requires Nearly 200GB of Storage for Basic System Files by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

Ubisoft's Michel Ancel Accused of Toxic Management, Denies Allegations in Statement


For a large portion of 2020, Ubisoft has been under the spotlight for a series of allegations against employees and managers regarding toxic workplace culture, sexual harassment and abuse, and more. While the company has publicly taken steps to work towards addressing these allegations over the past several months, further accusations and details on troubles with the company's workplace culture have continued to emerge, with the latest focusing on longtime Ubisoft veteran Michel Ancel.

Last week, Michel Ancel–the creator of the Rayman series and Beyond Good & Evilannounced his departure from Ubisoft after 30 years, with Ancel detailing that he would be moving on from game development to pursue work at a wildlife sanctuary. However, following Ancel's announcement of retirement and leaving the company, a report emerged from the French newspaper Liberation that claimed Ancel was under investigation by Ubisoft for accusations of toxic behavior and management during the development of Beyond Good & Evil 2.

According to additional details from Kotaku, Ubisoft confirmed in a statement that Ancel was under investigation from accusations that arose of his management style and issues with the direction of the game. According to anonymous reports from employees to Liberation, this included "constant changes in scope and re-works" and "an unusual amount of exhaustion, depression, and burnout experienced by members of his team."


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Fake News Take few people with rage and jealousy and let them speak in the name of hundreds. Publish the news fast so that it combines with sexual harassment from other news at Ubi soft. I this serious? Is this what you expect from a national newspaper. I will fight for the truth because such accusations are a shame . I worked hard on every of my projects and always had respect for the teams. The accusations are wrong . 1- Toxic management : I am not managing the team. I bring a vision and producers and managers decide what to do , when and how. They are powerful people in the making of such a big projects. Why don't the journalist speaks about them? 2- I always change my mind : false. E.g. I've spent years explaining why the city should not be re done from scratch. Hours explaining that characters were good enough and did not need to be redone . Same for planets and all. But sometimes some people in the team changed things despite my advices. Managers are here to solve this. 3- the 2017 demo was fake and was a video: false . The 2017 demo was solid and made possible the 2018 demo. As opposed to what is in the news, the 2018 demo had the right details , was using real streaming, procedural generation and was playable online. This was a masterpiece of technology. The news from liberation contains fake Informations revealed by few people who wants to destroy me and the projects . This can't be done without me fighting every single lines of that news. I've offered the journalist the opportunity to take enough time to look at all the mistakes. Let's see what he will do .

A post shared by Michel Ancel (@michelancel) on

In response to the allegations, Michel Ancel posted a statement to his Instagram, calling the claims by Liberation "fake news" and denying the reports. Ancel mentioned in his statement that "I will fight for the truth because such accusations are a shame," adding that "I worked hard on every [one, sic] of my projects and always had respect for the teams." Ancel also seemingly pushed some of the accusations away from him and towards managers on the project, detailing that he brings "a vision" and that "producers and managers decide what to do, when and how."

Given the blowback from Ubisoft's prior investigations and accusations that emerged over the summer, the allegations against Ancel add more fuel to the calls from across the industry for Ubisoft to implement more systemic change to address these issues. While several of the managers and employees named in the initial allegations have either been terminated or left the company accordingly, it remains to be seen what firmer action Ubisoft will take heading into the future following its planned investigations.

The post Ubisoft's Michel Ancel Accused of Toxic Management, Denies Allegations in Statement by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

Nope, Taco Bell Didn't Take A Jab At EA Microtransactions With Its Xbox Series X Giveaway

Taco Bell Xbox Series X

Taco Bell is giving away the Xbox Series X, This move started a rumor claiming how in the contest's FAQ, the fast food chain had taken a jab at EA. Over on Reddit, an image which seemed to be from the contest's FAQ was shared, claiming the FAQ had the text:

"What exactly do I win?

Besides a sense of pride and accomplishment? Each verified winner gets an Xbox Series X Prize bundle, which includes the Xbox Series X console, six (6) months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, and the envy of your friends and family".

However, none of the above text can be found on the actual Taco Bell Xbox Series X giveaway FAQ page:

Taco Bell Xbox Series X

The actual text states: "Each winner will receive an Xbox Series X and 6 months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate prize bundle. Each prize bundle is valued at approximately $599. For complete prize details, see the Official Rules."

It's unlikely Taco Bell initially included that message and edited it out either, as in the first place, the background colors don't match.

The fake answer is channeling EA's poor handling of how difficult and expensive it was to unlock beloved characters such as Darth Vader in Star Wars Battlefront 2. EA's response was so cringe worthy that it became Reddit's most downvoted comment ever.

Back then EA tried to defend Battlefront 2's micro-transactions through the EACommunityTeam account by stating that, "the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes".  Of course, that not only angered fans, even more, it nearly ruined the game. It also provided the world with of some pretty great memes, and Taco Bell definitely could have borrowed it.

The Xbox Series X contest is underway and lasts until November 4, 2020. To participate, stop into your local Taco Bell and buy a large or medium drink. Each cup will have a code that you can text or enter online for your chance to win the console. I know what you are thinking, "no one ever wins these things". But I have been lucky enough to win more than once, including last year's special Eclipse Xbox One X and Elite 2 controller bundle. You might have a better chance of winning the Xbox Series X from Taco Bell than actually pre-ordering a PS5.

Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S will launch on November 10. We recently got to hear what the Xbox Series X sounds like when booting as well.

The post Nope, Taco Bell Didn't Take A Jab At EA Microtransactions With Its Xbox Series X Giveaway by Laddie Simco appeared first on DualShockers.

PlayStation Studios — Here Are Sony's 13 First-Party Studios to Date

PlayStation Studios

As the next-generation consoles near this fall, one of the biggest questions that has been on the hearts and minds of prospective console-owners has been the type of first-party experiences that we'll expect to see on both platforms. Last week we looked at Microsoft's first-party plans for Xbox, with the company aggressively pursuing new studios in the past few years, including its surprise acquisition of Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Media. With that in mind, we're taking a look at Sony's line of first-party studios and titles, which (as of this year) are now housed under "PlayStation Studios."

With the PS5 on the horizon for release in November, most of Sony's studios are likely gearing up (or already at work) on their next-gen debut projects. While several of Sony's studios have recently released projects within the past year or so, here is an overall look at Sony's first-party studios to date and what they have coming in the future.

Japan Studio (founded in 1993)

As one of the oldest of Sony's first-party studios, Japan Studio has been involved in the development of hundreds of titles across the entire line of PlayStation consoles. Even during the PS4 era alone, Japan Studio has worked on several of this generation's iconic first-party titles like Bloodborne and The Last Guardian, while assisting with a bevy of other titles like the Gravity Rush series, the Shadow of the Colossus remake, and the PS VR breakout hit Astro Bot Rescue Mission.

On the immediate horizon, Japan Studio is at work on two PS5 projects for the system's launch: Astro's Playroom (which will be pre-installed on every PS5) and the Demon's Souls remake being helmed by Bluepoint Games. Notably, Demon's Souls will be one of the first wholly-exclusive titles to the PS5, and was confirmed earlier this month to be arriving alongside the PS5 in November as a launch title.

Astro Bot, Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Gran Turismo Sport, Haptics Feedback, Japan Studio, PlayStation 5, PS5, Sony, gran turismo 7

Polyphony Digital (founded in 1998)

For over two decades, Polyphony Digital has mainly been at the helm of Sony's racing titles, most notably the Gran Turismo series. Much like Turn 10 with the Forza Motorsport series, Gran Turismo is at the forefront of the racing sim genre, with Polyphony continuing to hold the crown for developing pseudo-realistic racing titles at the top of their class.

The most recent release from Polyphony was Gran Turismo Sport in 2017 for the PS4, and given the studio's track record, it's not a surprise that they are at work on the next installment in the iconic racing series. Earlier this year, Sony confirmed that Gran Turismo 7 is in development for the PS5, with Polyphony racing into next-gen with their upcoming project.

San Mateo Studio (founded in 1998)

Since it was founded in 1998, Sony's San Mateo Studio has had its hands in a number of different projects across PlayStation properties going as far back as the original PlayStation. San Mateo Studio has primarily worked in collaboration with various other first-party studios at Sony, ranging from Syphon FilterJak & DaxterSly CooperRatchet & Clank, and many more.

Most recently, San Mateo Studio assisted with the development of Marvel's Spider-Man with Insomniac Games and also co-developed the PlayStation VR title Farpoint. At the moment, we don't know yet what San Mateo Studio's next project is, but presumably they'll provide some assistance on upcoming PS5 titles in collaboration with other Sony first-party teams.

Santa Monica Studio (founded in 1999)

As the home of the God of War franchise, Santa Monica Studio has delivered and iterated upon one of PlayStation's most well-known franchises for over 15 years. Having created the original trilogy of God of War titles across the PS2/PS3 and its prequel, Ascension, Santa Monica Studio took the franchise in an entirely different direction with 2018's reboot, which quickly became one of the PS4's most acclaimed and successful titles to date.

Following the release of 2018's God of War, it was confirmed at Sony's PS5 showcase earlier this month that Santa Monica Studio is at work on a sequel to Kratos and Atreus' journey, seemingly focused around the prophesied Ragnarok. The title was also confirmed to be coming next year, so we won't have to wait too much longer. Remember: Ragnarok is coming.

Days Gone

Bend Studio (acquired in 2000)

Named after its home in Oregon, Bend Studio has had a long and prolific history as the developers of the Syphon Filter franchise across numerous PlayStation consoles over the years. Alongside spin-off projects of other PlayStation franchises like Resistance and Uncharted, Bend Studio made their debut on PS4 with the long-in-development Days Gone, its open-world action-adventure game focused on bikers in the zombie apocalypse.

Following the release of Days Gone last year on PS4, it's unknown just yet what Bend Studio has in store for their next project. Recent rumors over the past year suggest that the studio is in pre-production on its next title, and Bend has expressed interest in exploring more of the Days Gone universe, leaving room for a sequel.

The Last of Us Part II

Naughty Dog (acquired in 2001)

Few studios have the kind of history and recognition that Naughty Dog has had with PlayStation over the years, and since the studio was acquired by Sony, they have been the driving force behind some of the most iconic PlayStation franchises ever. From its early years on the original PlayStation with Crash Bandicoot, to action-packed, story-driven titles like Uncharted and The Last of Us, Naughty Dog has continued to deliver the type of first-party experiences that PlayStation has made its signature.

Most recently, Naughty Dog completed and released The Last of Us Part II, its long anticipated sequel that met critical acclaim and major commercial success but a divisive audience reaction. At the moment it's unknown what Naughty Dog will be working on next, other than (most likely) its next title geared for the PS5. Other than that, the studio is seemingly working on the multiplayer component for The Last of Us Part II, with Neil Druckmann hinting to wait a little bit longer for it.

San Diego Studio (founded in 2001)

As one of several of PlayStation's California-based studios, San Diego Studio in recent years has found its place as the home for Sony's MLB The Show series, while also co-developing and working on a number of other projects in collaboration with other studios.

Most recently, San Diego Studio released MLB The Show 20 on PS4 this past spring, a welcome return to sports in the COVID-19 era. For the future, we can expect that the studio is working on next year's installment MLB The Show 21, which surprisingly will also be the series' first multi-platform entry aside from PlayStation.

Blood & Truth

London Studio (founded in 2002)

Formed from a merger between Camden Studio and Team Soho, Sony's London Studio has had a particularly diverse range of projects over nearly two decades since it was formed. Known primarily for their line of EyeToy games and the long-running SingStar series, London Studio has always had its eye on bringing innovative and unique player experiences to PlayStation consoles.

Along with the release of SingStar Celebration in 2017, London Studio has seemed to focus its attention on new titles for PS VR. For the VR headset's launch in 2016 the studio released PlayStation VR Worlds with a compilation of different VR experiences, and last year released its VR first-person shooter Blood & Truth. At the moment it's unknown what London Studio might be working on next, but it seems likely to involve looking ahead at PlayStation VR.

Horizon: Forbidden West, PS5

Guerrilla Games (acquired in 2005)

Based in the Netherlands, Guerrilla Games has had a long and storied history with PlayStation as the makers of the Killzone franchise, going as far back as the PS2. After developing several installments in the Killzone franchise (up to Killzone Shadow Fall for the PS4's launch), Guerrilla Games branched out to an entirely new genre with Horizon Zero Dawn, a brand new IP that was met with critical acclaim in the PS4 generation.

For what's in store for the studio's future, Guerrilla Games announced Horizon Forbidden West this past summer at Sony's PS5 reveal showcase, which will be the follow-up to Aloy's first adventure. Forbidden West has been confirmed to release sometime in 2021, and it was also announced earlier this month that the game will be a cross-gen release between PS4 and PS5.


Media Molecule (acquired in 2010)

Among all of the first-party PlayStation Studios, few have as distinct of a voice and roster of games as Media Molecule. As the minds behind LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway, Media Molecule is a force of innovation and for putting player creativity at the forefront of their games. Media Molecule's most recent PS4 title, Dreams, is probably the best example of this, with the game finally getting its official launch earlier this year.

At the moment, there's no clear sign yet what Media Molecule has in store for its next project, though Dreams is likely to be a focus for the studio given the time and resources that it has put into making it. Earlier in the year there were reports that Dreams was already working on PS5 hardware, so it's likely that Dreams will continue to be supported on Sony's next-gen console for some time.

Akira Kurosawa, Ghost of Tsushima, PlayStation 4, PS4, Sony, sucker punch, Sucker Punch Productions, cinematic mode

Sucker Punch Productions (acquired in 2011)

Like other Sony first-party studios such as Insomniac and Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch Productions has been known for its long-standing history with PlayStation for quite some time. Coming from the Sly Cooper and inFamous series, Sucker Punch has worked almost exclusively on creating first-party franchises for PlayStation, and it remains to be seen what the studio will have in store next with Sony heading into the next-generation.

Sucker Punch's most recent project was Ghost of Tsushima, which released this past summer as one of the PS4's final first-party exclusives before the arrival of the PS5 this fall. The studio recently announced that a multiplayer add-on for Ghost of Tsushima is currently in development, but beyond that we don't know just yet what the studio may have planned for the PS5.

Pixelopus (founded in 2014)

As one of the most recent studios under Sony's first-party belt, Pixelopus only has two titles under its belt, but already has made a big impression for being creative with their projects. The studio's first project was Entwined, its vivid rhythm game that was announced and released during Sony's E3 2014 press conference across PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. After that, Pixelopus released its acclaimed Concrete Genie last year as the studio's first PS4 exclusive, which was a colorful adventure game that gave players the powers of a magical paintbrush.

At the moment, it's unknown what Pixelopus will release to follow up Concrete Genie, but from what we've seen of the studio's two releases so far, we can probably expect big things from this small team.

Insomniac Games, Marvel's Spider-Man, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Miles Morales, PS4, PS5, Sony, Sony Interactive Entertainment, spider-man

Insomniac Games (acquired in 2019)

Sony's most recent acquisition of Insomniac Games last year was most likely a foregone conclusion, given that the companies have had an incredibly long-lasting and fruitful relationship for over two decades. From Spyro the Dragon, to Ratchet & Clank, to Resistance, Insomniac has been behind some of PlayStation's biggest franchises, while also branching out into its own projects over the past several years. Notably, Insomniac Games released its first exclusive title with Microsoft in 2014's Sunset Overdrive, before eventually being brought into Sony's fold in 2019.

Insomniac Games' most recent first-party project was Marvel's Spider-Man, which was one of PlayStation's biggest successes in 2018 alongside God of War and broke sales records as one of the fastest-selling PlayStation titles of all-time. Alongside other projects like Stormland for Oculus and a series of titles for Magic Leap, Insomniac is currently at work on Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales and a remastered version of the original Spider-Man for the launch of the PS5 this fall. Additionally, the studio is also developing Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart–a launch window title for the PS5–and presumably working on its anticipated sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man.

The post PlayStation Studios — Here Are Sony's 13 First-Party Studios to Date by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War Zombies Mode to be Unveiled on Wednesday

In typical Black Ops fashion, this year's release of Cold War will bring back the iconic Zombies game mode that Call of Duty has become known for over the years. While we haven't seen what this mode will be bringing to the table just yet, Activision has now announced when we'll learn more.

In a stream later this week, Treyarch will be showing off the first look at Zombies from Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War. The stream will take place on Wednesday, September 30 and will transpire on the official Call of Duty YouTube channel at 1:00pm EDT/10:00am PDT.

As of this moment, Treyarch and Activision haven't revealed too much when it comes to what this stream will show off in regards to Zombies. Notably, we should get a look at some gameplay footage of the mode, but beyond that, it remains to be seen what will be highlighted. Regardless, we'll be here to share all of the latest information about this game mode with you here on DualShockers once it is revealed on Wednesday.

Call of Duty: Black Ops- Cold War is set to release later this year on November 13 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. Ahead of that time, the beta period for the game's multiplayer is set to transpire across all consoles in October.

The post Call of Duty: Black Ops – Cold War Zombies Mode to be Unveiled on Wednesday by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds Review — Animate Me

WWE 2k Battlegrounds

It is no secret that the WWE 2K franchise is in a bit of a rut. I've played every WWE game since 2K took over, and for the most part, I've enjoyed my time. Obviously, they aren't perfect, but I have always dug its character creation suite and presentation. That is, until WWE 2K20 — that game was pretty awful. That unfortunate event has led 2K and Visual Concepts to postpone its annual franchise to next year, but that doesn't mean we've received a break WWE video games entirely.

Developed by Saber Interactive, WWE 2K Battlegrounds is the latest WWE branded wrestling game and is, in some ways, the wrestling game everyone has been asking for (sans a GM mode). Similar to 2011's WWE All-Stars, it takes a more "over-the-top" approach with arcade-style gameplay, fantastical venues, and cartoonish character models. It's actually somewhat of a breath of fresh air from the buggy mess that WWE 2K20 was. Despite that, it is maybe the most lifeless and uninspired wrestling game I have ever played.

That isn't to say Saber Interactive and 2K haven't created a solid foundation with WWE 2K Battlegrounds. That sentiment is mostly due to its gameplay. For the first time in years, I didn't have to learn to wrestle with an intense control scheme. I was able to simply pick up the game and play mostly without hesitation.

The basics of WWE 2K Battlegrounds' gameplay is the most approachable a wrestling game has been in a long time. Each wrestler has its own set of moves and finishers, as well as their own style and melee combinations. It sounds like a lot, but the gameplay loop of a match typically boils down to using your grapples when you have the stamina, then using melee combinations when your stamina starts to run low. Once you've built up your meter for your finisher, which is indicated by a blue circle under your wrestler, you just press in both triggers. Once a wrestler's health is low, go for the pin.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds

Your wrestler is also equipped with three special abilities you can choose before a match starts. These abilities are split into each tier and increase in power as you move up in tiers. However, it takes longer to build up enough meter to use the higher tiered power-ups. For example, tier 1 power-ups will give you buffs like increased damage, while a tier 3 power-up will allow your moves to be unblockable for a set period of time. These abilities add a bit more substance to a match, but they never felt too useful unless I was fighting higher-ranked wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker, and The Rock.

The approachable gameplay and added abilities make for some engaging matches for a bit. The first few matches I had, I was actually quite impressed. But as I played a few more hours, it felt like every match was the same with minor difficulty spikes here and there depending on who I decided to wrestle.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds does attempt to mix things up with its different arenas. From the traditional WWE locales like Raw and WrestleMania-themed rings, to more wild areas like a swamp and a garage in Detroit, there is some variety. Also, each arena has its own gimmick attack. For example, the swamp-themed arena lets you throw your opponent into a crocodile (which is rad) and the boot camp arena had a helicopter you can jump off of (which isn't as rad as you'd think). The different arenas do help with giving a bit of variety to each match, but after the third match in the same arena, it becomes the same monotonous gameplay.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds

The WWE 2K games have always some problems, but I consistently loved the creative suite. I always felt like I could imagine something and create it. Unfortunately, that isn't the case with WWE 2K Battlegrounds. While the general art direction is more cartoonish making each character not look as generic, I never felt like I could create the wrestler I wanted. A lot of that comes down to the outfits you can give your wrestler.

When creating your own wrestler, you choose a fighting style that determines their moveset and skill tree. Since WWE 2K Battlegrounds is smaller in scale than previous WWE games, there are fewer options for your created character. In some ways, this is a bit of a welcome addition. The skill tree for your created wrestler in the WWE 2K games can be overwhelming. So, I do really like that the skill tree in this game isn't nearly as large. However, I would have liked more moveset customization. You can really only choose from a handful of finishers and signature moves, most of which are pre-existing moves from other wrestlers. Your basic moves seem to be determined by your fighting style, which is a bit of a letdown.

Even if you end up creating a wrestler you enjoy playing, you still need to earn credits from playing the game to get all the moves and attire you want to equip on your wrestler. This brings us to the unfortunate reality of microtransactions in WWE 2K Battlegrounds. Yes, you can totally purchase everything by just playing the game, but the amount of credits you earn per match is really minimal. And since wrestler creation and gameplay are just underwhelming, it is hard to get motivated to really flesh out your own wrestler.

WWE 2K Battlegrounds

WWE wrestling isn't all about the fighting. A large part of that "product" is how it is presented. The entrances, the storylines, and the commentary all play a big part in any given match, which makes it a huge bummer that WWE 2K Battlegrounds lacks in just about every area in its presentation. The entrances are essentially the wrestler's theme playing in the background as they get dropped in a pod and stand there for a little bit. The campaign mode does have a story, but it is all presented in a comic book-style; this isn't necessarily bad, but the story isn't all that great. And as much as I love Mauro Ranallo, the commentary felt more like a bad version of NBA Jam than good wrestling commentary. The presentation is just really dull, especially for how over-the-top the action is.

These flaws in its presentation extend to its art style. Overall, the art direction is great. I do like the exaggerated animations of the environments and wrestlers. But like every WWE 2K game, some wrestlers look astoundingly better than others. WWE Superstars like Asuka, Stone Cold, Roman Reigns, and The Undertaker all look like a caricature of that wrestler (and I mean that in a good way). However, someone like The Miz just looks like the default white dude you see when you create a wrestler. Or Alexa Bliss, who I legitimately thought was Toni Storm from the profile picture that is used. That is, until I asked myself, "Why doesn't Toni Storm have the makeup under her eye? Also, I didn't know Toni Storm was in this game?"

I am so mixed on WWE 2K Battlegrounds. In some ways, I really dig that 2K decided to create an arcade-style wrestling game. I do believe the basics of this game make a solid foundation for another entry. The "pick-up and play" direction is great if you want to play with a few friends. Still, a lot of its flaws make it hard to recommend to those who usually play these games alone. After a couple of hours, all of WWE 2K Battlegrounds' silly over-the-top gimmicks lose their luster.

The post WWE 2K Battlegrounds Review — Animate Me by Michael Ruiz appeared first on DualShockers.

The Jackbox Party Pack 7 is Bringing the Party to Consoles and PC in October

It wouldn't be a year of new game releases without a new collection of party games to look forward to from Jackbox Games, and luckily the developer is delivering once again with the upcoming The Jackbox Party Pack 7. The annual new round of party games has always been a hit with players both at home and online, and for the series' seventh installment we'll only have to wait a few more weeks until launch.

Developer Jackbox Games has announced that The Jackbox Party Pack 7 will be launching for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and various other digital platforms on October 15, 2020. For a closer look at what's in store for the latest Party Pack, you can check out the official trailer below:

For the seventh installment in the series, Jackbox Games is featuring a mix of mostly new games alongside the return of an old favorite with Quiplash 3, a new version of the popular Cards Against Humanity-esque game. In terms of the new games, Party Pack 7 is introducing fresh titles such as Blather 'Round, which is a guessing game centered around pop culture, and Champ'd Up, a drawing game where players' creations will have to fight each other to win.

You can check out a complete list of the games that will be featured in The Jackbox Party Pack 7 below:

  • Quiplash 3, a head-to-head battle of the wits as you write hilarious responses to quirky prompts while everyone else votes for their favorite! (3-8 players)
  • The Devils and the Details, the collaborative chaos game where you're a family of devils working together to survive in suburbia. Can you handle the daily torture of human life? (3-8 players)
  • Champ'd Up, the drawing fighting game where you get to create absurd characters that will battle each other over unusual titles. Can you take down the heavy favorite? (3-8 players)
  • Talking Points, the make-it-up-as-you-go public-speaking game. Give a speech responding to picture slides you've never seen before or be the Assistant and approve pictures as fast as you can. Just keep talking whether it makes sense or not! (3-8 players)
  • Blather 'Round, the pop culture guessing game. Describe your secret prompt with a very limited vocabulary and hope that someone can figure it out in time. (2-6 players)

The Jackbox Party Pack 7 will release for PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and other digital platforms on October 15, 2020.

The post The Jackbox Party Pack 7 is Bringing the Party to Consoles and PC in October by Ryan Meitzler appeared first on DualShockers.

How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact

How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact
Musk Reef is a secret island that's home to a level 20 Domain. This guide on How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact will tell you how to solve the puzzle to reach this special island, which is also a pretty good supply of ores like Iron and White Iron. Other than a bit of White Iron and normal Iron to harvest, and a few enemies to fight, there's not much reason to come here before the dungeon is open at Adventure Rank 20. However, if you want to explore, it's not too tough to reach it.

Increasing your Adventure Rank is a slow process, as such it's unlikely most players will be Adventure Level 20 too soon. However, once open you can explore the Domain and it also acts as a fast travel point, so if you want to quickly return to Musk Reef to harvest more White Iron, it's a viable option once you have reached Adventure Level 20.

How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact

Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact
You want to travel to Cape Oath, just South West of Musk Reef. There's a puzzle here that needs solving. Once you arrive at Cape Oath, look up into the sky. There's a large purple portal floating in the air. You cannot reach it by traditional means, you have to solve a puzzle down below first.

There's a small circular stone structure and some enemies. Clear out the enemies. You will notice there are three tiny statues nearby. You need to search the vicinity for three of the blue spirit ghost-like creatures. Once you find them, follow them back to the statues.

Once you have returned all three spirits to the statues, an air current will appear in the center of the stone structure. Simply use your glider to soar into the sky and enter the portal. You will be immediately transported to Musk Reef and can begin exploring the small island on your own.

How To Get Characters In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact has a host of cool and powerful characters to unlock and level up. This guide on How To Get Characters In Genshin Impact explains the gacha-like system where you can summon special

Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide

Where to find it and what does it do? This Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide answers those questions and more as mysterious shrines dot the landscape requiring a unique and special

How To Increase Stamina In Genshin Impact

One of the early hurdles of Genshin Impact will be your stamina bar. Check out this guide to find out how to increase stamina in Genshin Impact. This way you can get around the world quicker and stay

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide

Cooking plays an important role in your Genshin adventure. This Genshin Impact Cooking Guide covers the basics of the cooking system including details on gaining proficiency, the different buffs and

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How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact

How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact
One of the third level adventure log quests in Genshin Impact is to process ingredients. Check out this guide to find out how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact. This way you can complete the quest and get some new crafting materials as well.

How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact

In order to process ingredients in Genshin Impact, you will first have to find a cooking fire. I normally use the one right outside of the windmill town, but you can use any of them. If it is not lit, use fire to make it lit. When the fire is lit, interact with the cooking pot and press R1 (or whatever button it is for you) to switch to a different tab. Here you can see how many ingredients you can process. Personally, I recommend doing the Flour first since it only takes a minute and making three of them is simple.

You don't just have to make flour though. You can have multiple items being processed at the same time. I normally set it all up before I go out for an adventure. When I return, most of it is done and then I can start the process all over again. These items are used to create more advanced cooking recipes that will give you better healing and better stats overall. You can also set it so you cook multiple of the same item while away. For instance you have can have 10 flour being processed while you are away. This just makes the whole thing much easier to deal with.

Check back soon for more Genshin Impact guides.

How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact

Musk Reef is a secret island that's home to a level 20 Domain. This guide on How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact will tell you how to solve the puzzle to reach this special island, which is also

Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide

Where to find it and what does it do? This Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide answers those questions and more as mysterious shrines dot the landscape requiring a unique and special

How To Increase Stamina In Genshin Impact

One of the early hurdles of Genshin Impact will be your stamina bar. Check out this guide to find out how to increase stamina in Genshin Impact. This way you can get around the world quicker and stay

How To Get Acquaint Fate And Intertwined Fate In Genshin Impact

Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate are the currency used to get new characters in Genshin Impact. Check out this guide to find out how to get Acquaint Fate and Intertince Fate in Genshin Impact. The

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How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact

How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact
A hidden side quest in Dadaupa Gorge tasks you with breaking three seals guarding a chest. This guide on How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact will tell you everything you need to know to lift each of the seals from the nearby camps so you can break them down and loot the chest that's inside.

One of the main story quests takes you down by Dadaupa Gorge. In the area you will see a blue ! on your radar, there's an NPC here (Dr Livingstone) that tells you a story of the Sword Cemetery and the three special Tri-Seals that block the treasure within. She asks you to figure out how to break the seals at three nearby camps.

How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact

How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact
The Northern most one is an arena battle where you have to kill 10 enemies within the allotted time. It's not very difficult. Once you have killed the enemies you will need to use ice on the pedestal to unlock the first seal of the Tri-Seal.

The next one, to the South, is a tiny lake. On the lake is a group of enemies and a pedestal. Take down the enemies and then use Lisa's element to interact with the pedestal to break the second barrier guarding the chest.

The last one, to the South East, requires the Pyro element. It's another small fight agianst a group of three enemies. Take out the enemies to spawn a chest and free the Pyro pedestal. Use Pyro on the pedestal to lift the final seal.

Once you have broken all the seals, return to the Sword Cemetery for a Luxurious Chest

How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact

Primogems are a valuable currency in Genshin Impact that can be used to wish for new characters. This guide on How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact tells you the various different methods you

How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

Adventure Rank 16 is required to play co-op so a lot of people want to level it up fast. This guide on How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact goes through the basic principles you'll want

How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact

A hidden side quest in Dadaupa Gorge tasks you with breaking three seals guarding a chest. This guide on How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact will tell you everything you need to know to lift

How To Fast Travel In Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact has a huge game world so traveling can take some time. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Genshin Impact explains the Fast Travel system so you can unlock new waypoints that can be

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Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide

Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide
Where to find it and what does it do? This Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide answers those questions and more as mysterious shrines dot the landscape requiring a unique and special key to unlock. We'll tell you where to find the key and where to find the shrines that it opens.

You may have already discovered one of the shrines or you may have stumbled upon the key, either way you're probably missing at least one piece of this puzzle. Before you are able to find the Shrine of the Depths Key you need to reach Adventure Rank 12 (check out our guide on increasing Adventure Rank faster). Once you have Adventure Rank 12 you can complete the Temple of the Falcon, Explore Windy Cliff dungeon. The entrance is just Southeast of Mondstadt, across the bride, near the fast travel point. Once you complete the dungeon, you will have the Shrine of Depths Key.

Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide

Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide
You are looking for the Shrine of Depths. They aren't common but they are also very easy to spot. They are large shrines with blue, glowing window-like sides that block your passage. There is one at this location above, in the Stormbearer Mountains near a world boss. It's a safe trip so there's no concern if you wanted to head to this one. You're also very likely to discover one on your travels so if it's too far out the way, I wouldn't worry too much about tracking one down.

That's all there is to it really. The dungeon cannot be repeated but it's likely there are other shrine keys available once you are a high enough level to unlock the Explore element of each of the other dungeons on the map. Once you open the Shrine there is usually a Luxurious Chest locked within.

These can give you Primogems, weapons, experience points boosts, Mystic Enhancement Ore. There's a lot of valuable loot within the shrines so they are worth tracking down.

How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact

Musk Reef is a secret island that's home to a level 20 Domain. This guide on How To Reach Musk Reef In Genshin Impact will tell you how to solve the puzzle to reach this special island, which is also

How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact

Primogems are a valuable currency in Genshin Impact that can be used to wish for new characters. This guide on How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact tells you the various different methods you

How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

Adventure Rank 16 is required to play co-op so a lot of people want to level it up fast. This guide on How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact goes through the basic principles you'll want

How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact

One of the third level adventure log quests in Genshin Impact is to process ingredients. Check out this guide to find out how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact. This way you can complete the

The post Genshin Impact Mondstadt Shrine Of Depths Key Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

How To Increase Adventure Rank Fast In Genshin Impact
Adventure Rank 16 is required to play co-op so a lot of people want to level it up fast. This guide on How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact goes through the basic principles you'll want to follow if you want to level up your Adventure Rank fast so you can play with friends.

This is the symbol you are looking for, shown in the image above. It's a green, blue, and white symbol with the letters A, R and E. In this particular dungeon, you can see I will be rewarded with 200 Adventure Rank Experience Points. Unfortunately, even though you may want to play with your friends as quickly as possible, there is no cheap and simple farming method to reaching Adventure Rank 16 super fast. Whatever methods you decide to follow, it's going to take you at least 5-10 hours to reach the point where you can play Genshin Impact co-op with friends.

How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact
The primary method of leveling up your Adventure Rank is simply to follow the main story quests. You will want to complete these at the earliest opportunity as they are a good source of weapons, artifacts and unlocking new characters. As I said previously, it is a slow process but if you stick with the main story, you can easily reach rank 10-12 in a few hours if you move quickly. Once you reach Adventure Rank 11, things move a little quicker as you unlock Commissions. These are side quests that are marked on your map and can usually be completed in just a few moments.

Once you reach Adventure Rank 12 you unlock the Windy Cliff dungeon. You have already completed this dungeon for the story but at Adventure Rank 12, you unlock the Explore version of the dungeon. It's much in the same but can be repeated as many times as you like and gives you Adventure Experience Points for doing so.

  • Complete Main Story and Side Quests
  • Commissions unlock at Adventure Rank 11, complete those
  • Explore Windy Cliff dungeon becomes a farming option once you reach Adventure Rank 12
  • Complete tasks in the Adventurers Handbook for Adventure Rank Experience Points
  • Complete Daily Commission Rewards for 500 Adventure Rank Experience
  • Unlocking Teleport Waypoints
  • Offer Anemoculus at Worship Statues
How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

Adventure Rank 16 is required to play co-op so a lot of people want to level it up fast. This guide on How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact goes through the basic principles you'll want

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide

Cooking plays an important role in your Genshin adventure. This Genshin Impact Cooking Guide covers the basics of the cooking system including details on gaining proficiency, the different buffs and

How To Get Acquaint Fate And Intertwined Fate In Genshin Impact

Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate are the currency used to get new characters in Genshin Impact. Check out this guide to find out how to get Acquaint Fate and Intertince Fate in Genshin Impact. The

How To Increase Stamina In Genshin Impact

One of the early hurdles of Genshin Impact will be your stamina bar. Check out this guide to find out how to increase stamina in Genshin Impact. This way you can get around the world quicker and stay

The post How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide
Cooking plays an important role in your Genshin adventure. This Genshin Impact Cooking Guide covers the basics of the cooking system including details on gaining proficiency, the different buffs and bonuses provided by food, how to unlock more recipes, and where you can cook up some grub.

Cooking is not available immediately at the start of Genshin Impact. You need to follow the main story for a few minutes before you're about to enter the town. Just outside the town, near the bridge that leads inside, there is a lady standing by a campfire. She's the first cook you encounter and, if you speak with her, she will act as the introductory quest to the cooking system as well as giving you some basic cooking supplies and materials.

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide Cooking
There are two main menus to the cooking system, Cook and Process. The cooking aspect of the menu allows you to use ingredients to make recipes. They can have a huge variety of effects. Some can restore health, others can increase basic stats or bring fallen allies back to life. Each time you cook a specific recipe, you gain Proficiency in that recipe. Once you reach maximum Proficiency with a recipe, you can then auto cook that recipe. This allows you to get a Perfect result every time and allows you to cook in batches, instantly.

The other section, Process, allows you to use ingredients and combine them to make cooking Ingredients. This can be a lengthy process, with some items requiring 20+ minutes to make. It's best to pop these on the fire and then continue with other quests if you want to make it a regular thing.

Unlocking recipes is almost exclusively done through restaurants, although a couple of quests do reward them also. You can buy recipe books from Restaurants but you must navigate to the item in your inventory and read it to learn the actual recipe itself. The cooking and process are simple systems but this is everything you need to know to get started.

How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact

One of the third level adventure log quests in Genshin Impact is to process ingredients. Check out this guide to find out how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact. This way you can complete the

Genshin Impact Cooking Guide

Cooking plays an important role in your Genshin adventure. This Genshin Impact Cooking Guide covers the basics of the cooking system including details on gaining proficiency, the different buffs and

Genshin Impact Anemoculus Location Guide

Anemoculus are a currency in Genshin Impact used to gain rewards from statues of the seven. Check out this Genshin Impact Anemoculus Location guide to find them all as you are playing. The biggest

How To Mine In Genshin Impact

There's a host of special resources and materials to gather in the game. This guide on How To Mine In Genshin Impact explains the basics of mining special materials from mining nodes, such as Iron

The post Genshin Impact Cooking Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact

How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact
Primogems are a valuable currency in Genshin Impact that can be used to wish for new characters. This guide on How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact tells you the various different methods you can combine so you can farm more Primogems relatively quickly as you continue through the game.

The actual currencies to make wishes are Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate. However, a special option in the store allows you to exchange Primogems for these special items so you can make free wishes to unlock more characters in Genshin Impact. As such, Primogems are a very sought after material that can be found in a number of places. If you combine the different methods available, you can easily get a batch of 10 or so free wishes on a regular basis.

How To Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact

Get More Primogems In Genshin Impact

  • Claim your Adventure Rank Rewards each level for Primogems
  • Certain quests reward Primogems
  • Check the Adventurer Handbook for regular challenges that reward Primogems
  • Check the Achievements section of the main menu for various rewards, including gems
  • Seize The Day on the Events Tab offers daily login rewards
  • Test Run on the Events Tab has 20 Primogems for completion
  • Open Shrine of Depths chests

This is the bulk of how you get more Primogems. You want to check the events regularly for information on new objectives and Primogems rewards. Always remember to hunt down your Adventurer Handbook targets when you're exploring the game world, completing quests, etc. Most of the events are limited time events so try to login once a day and have a look at what's on offer.

Once you have your Primogems you can purchase the Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate to wish for more characters.

How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact

Adventure Rank 16 is required to play co-op so a lot of people want to level it up fast. This guide on How To Increase Adventure Rank In Genshin Impact goes through the basic principles you'll want

How To Play With Friends In Co-Op Multiplayer In Genshin Impact

Want to join your friends and play Genshin Impact in multiplayer? This guide on How To Play With Friends In Co-Op Multiplayer In Genshin Impact breaks down the UID system, the friends lists, and

How To Get Acquaint Fate And Intertwined Fate In Genshin Impact

Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate are the currency used to get new characters in Genshin Impact. Check out this guide to find out how to get Acquaint Fate and Intertince Fate in Genshin Impact. The

How To Increase Stamina In Genshin Impact

One of the early hurdles of Genshin Impact will be your stamina bar. Check out this guide to find out how to increase stamina in Genshin Impact. This way you can get around the world quicker and stay

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How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact

How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact
If you want to unlock more characters, you need to wish for them. This guide on How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact explains the different currencies you use when making Wishes, as well as some methods of unlocking more free wishes without having to spend real money.

After a short while playing, when you reach the library in the main story, you unlock the ability to make a Wish. This special option is accessed via the in-game main menu. Simply open the menu and navigate to the Wish section. If the Wish section is not available via the in-game menu, simply follow the story for a short while. It's only an hour or two, it's also the same time you unlock the store.

How To Get Free Wishes In Genshin Impact

How To Get Free Wishes
This is where things can get slightly confusing if you're not familiar with the game. If you look in the lower right corner of the Wish screen, you can make a single Wish or 10 Wishes. However, the actual currency to make these Wishes are not Wishes. There are three main currency points you need to understand.

In the lower left corner of the Wish screen, the icon marked by a 4 pointed star, those are your Primogems. Primogems are a currency you can earn in the game through various activities. They can be found in chests, rewarded from quests or daily missions, there are a lot of methods to earning more Primogems. The other currency, in the lower left, is either Acquaint Fate or Intertwined Fate.

Both Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate are used to make Wishes. For the current events, Acquaint Fates are used on the Beginners Wish and Wanderlust Invocation, and Intertwined Fates are for the other two events. If you want to make more wishes, the process is simple.

  • Open the in-game menu and select the Shop
  • In the Shop, select Paimon's Bargains
  • Here you can purchase Intertwined and Acquaint Fates
  • You spend Primogems to buy either, which is a currency that you can earn for free in-game
  • Check the Wish menu to see which Fate is needed for the event you want to Wish for

And that's how you unlock free wishes for more characters in Genshin Impact.

How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact

A hidden side quest in Dadaupa Gorge tasks you with breaking three seals guarding a chest. This guide on How To Unlock The Tri-Seal In Genshin Impact will tell you everything you need to know to lift

How To Process Ingredients In Genshin Impact

One of the third level adventure log quests in Genshin Impact is to process ingredients. Check out this guide to find out how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact. This way you can complete the

How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact

If you want to unlock more characters, you need to wish for them. This guide on How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact explains the different currencies you use when making Wishes, as well as some

How To Play With Friends In Co-Op Multiplayer In Genshin Impact

Want to join your friends and play Genshin Impact in multiplayer? This guide on How To Play With Friends In Co-Op Multiplayer In Genshin Impact breaks down the UID system, the friends lists, and

The post How To Get More Wishes In Genshin Impact appeared first on GamersHeroes.

A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing Review

BMC Studio is going to take you back to the past with their new comic book-styled visual novel A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing. The plot might be a nonsensical mess, but can there be a nugget of humor amidst its randomness?

A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing Review

Featuring a plot that is random for the sake of being random, A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing features a number of non-sequiturs that fail to tie together or have any sort of meaning. Amidst all of the chaos is Ben Chépo, who is fed up with his homeland of Canada. In-between his time of picturing former President Obama in a sexy bikini and buying poo from a homeless guy, he has a thing for his neighbor Jen Queoui. There's just one problem – Jen ends up passing away. Not one to take this sitting down, he travels back in time to go and save her.

If this makes little sense, that's because it doesn't. There are oftentimes where the narrator will make jabs at the script, or make funny voices, or even go off on tangents about Mars for the heck of it. In what should be a simple plot, A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing is needlessly complex and padded.

To make things worse, everything is presented in a deep fried meme comic book-style format. Pictures are overexposed, expressions are exaggerated, and everything is presented in a 4:3 format for some reason. To make matters worse, the image editing is atrocious – the use of the magnetic lasso tool would make a freshman art student bawl their eyes out, and the clone tool is abused on more than one occasion. It often feels like the folks behind this title are just playing around with a pirated copy of Photoshop – which they likely are.

It's not like they spent the rest of the money elsewhere. The entirety of the title is filmed in a kitchen and in a front yard, and props like a coffee maker are repurposed to be "broken" time machines. There is the occasional sound effect bubble like "bang," "glurp," and "woupati" for some reason, but there is little rhyme or reason to it all.

Along the way, players will be forced to make a number of different choices to progress the story. However, be warned – choosing the wrong one can take players back to an earlier point in the game. With such riveting options as "drink expired milk" and "ask God for help," it can oftentimes be hard to figure out exactly which way will get people finished with the game. Nevertheless, the entirety of the title can be finished in a neat 20 minutes.

There is little replayability to this title as well. Though there are a few different choices players can make, there are no achievements or much else to keep players going.

Random humor has its place in media, but A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing fails to captivate its audience by shotgunning the bizarre and seeing what sticks.

This review of A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing was done on the PC. The game was purchased digitally.
A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing Review

BMC Studio is going to take you back to the past with their new comic book-styled visual novel A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing. The plot might be a nonsensical mess, but can there be a nugget of

Tinker Racers Review

The bygone days of Micro Machines were all fine and dandy, but what if you were to raise these pint-sized stakes to something a little bigger? Rumbora Party Games lays it all on the line with their

Cybershock: Future Parkour Review

Parkour action meets outrun aesthetics with Javier Federico Goldschmidt, Matias Juvé, and Tomas Peters' new title Cybershock: Future Parkour. Mirror's Edge, Dying Light, and even Cloudbuilt have set

The Supper Review

A bite sized tale designed for those with all sorts of appetites, Octavi Navarro's new point-and-click title The Supper has players feeding three guests that have dropped in. Things aren't what they

The post A Wild Time Travelling Clone Dancing Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires Announced

Teased at the 2020 Tokyo Game Show, Omega Force and Koei Tecmo's Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires is now in development.

This entry in the Dynasty Warriors series combines the 1 vs. 1,000 action the series is known for with the addition of strategic elements like unit command and Siege Battles. Commanders will be able to execute strategies and attack enemy troops by issuing commands to units throughout each skirmish n China.

An enriched edit function, one that allows users to customize officers through ever-changing human relations and dramatic events, will also be included.

You can view a teaser trailer below:

Dynasty Warriors 9: Empires – Teaser (TGS 2020)

According to producer Akihiro Suzuki:

"This is the 20th anniversary of DYNASTY WARRIORS and we couldn't be more excited than to celebrate with our faithful fans by delivering the first new WARRIORS series game on next-gen consoles, and the first new DYNASTY WARRIORS series game on Switch. This is the first new Empires game in five years, and I can't wait to deliver the ultimate Empires experience our fans have been waiting for."

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam in early 2021.

Source: Press Release
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