
Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Ending Guide

Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Ending Guide

One of the new events in Genshin Impact has you hanging out with in game characters. Check out this Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Ending Guide to get all the bonus gems for the hangout session. This way you don't have to waste a ton of time with the wrong answers.

Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Ending Guide

We have a guide for Barbara here as well – check it out.

A Defenders Will Is Their Strength
When Noelle asks for your help, give her this option.

Of course where do you want to start
She will thank you and then admit that her training has been going a bit slow.

Maidly duties?
She tells you what she cleans and how she does it. Then she says that she thinks something is missing.

You lack strength!
Noelle says that she is plenty strong. You will then ask to see her strength. Then she will show you at the training ground but still is worried about something.

Lacking real world fighting experience?
Noelle is confused by this and you get another couple choices.

Noelle you've always worked as a maid right?
Noelle will agree and ask where she can get some real experience.

Slimes are a good starting point
Noelle will tell you to leave it to her and she will go fight some slimes. After a few fights, and a couple fails, you will rescue a man from a merchant.

We were quite far away…
The guy will say he is used to relying on Noelle back in town.

Those weren't weak Hilichrurls
Noelle will be surprised and said that she did what she normally does.

This wasn't training
Noelle says you are right. She wasn't going to let the man be hurt and fought better.

In the future, don't leave everything to Noelle
Henning agrees and Noelle says it wasn't a problem.

A Maid Above Ground
For the next one, use the Hangout Event Timelime in the quest log and start at the Training Ground part. Do the training part and then wait for the choice.

You need more strength!
You then tell Noelle that you use your sword to mine and gain strength. She then heads out to try the method. Eventually you have to clear a rockslide and then you will get some more choices.

Noelle wasn't kidding about her strength
She says that her maid work is actually a bit more difficult.

You did better than I expected
Noelle is happy to hear this and that it was an honor. She will tell you that next time you guys should mine together.

Goodbye Miss Maid
Now restart the hangout even completely. The first choice doesn't matter.

You know it's okay not to be a knight
Noelle will be a little disappointed with that answer. Noelle says she wants to become a knight to help people.

No matter how small the task they still need to be taken care of
Noelle will say really? Even you?

The strength to fight powerful enemies
Noelle agrees with your words.

Think of every small task of training
Noelle will head back to town with some renewed vigor. Midway there you will run into someone else. Kill the enemies and return to Noelle for a couple choices.

Not a trace
The man will say maybe some monsters ate it.

Only a few slimes
Alois tries to come up with a lie. Turns out he is just weak and couldn't fight the slimes. When you return to town you have to speak with a knight.

Leave it to Noelle
He says if Noelle will vouch for him, he is fine. You guys head to the bar and get him a drink.

Noelle's way of showing hospitality
He says okay, and then says that he is hungry. You guys will then bring Alois to lunch. He will then again slip up that he is trying to get some recipes.

Easier to obtain?
He then says that the wine is hard to imitate. Then he tries to figure out what he wants to eat.

Noelle's way of showing hospitality
Alois just says okay.

Noelle anything else on the itinery?
Noelle suggests that you guys go to With Wind Comes Glory. Noelle welcomes Alois to the city and you get another choice.

She's a future knight of Favonius
Alois then asks if it is what he thinks it is.

Noelle's way of showing hospitality
Noelle says that it is all she had time for. Alois says that he is going to go far far away now.

Atleast some problems are solved
Alois says what a short trip and you get the ending.

A Cold Reception
This one is pretty quick because we just have to back track to the Guest From Afar part of the Hangout storyline.

I'll keep an eye on him
Swan will say as long as you are watching him, it's fine. Then they talk about Stormterror.

Many times your height without jumping
Alois laughs and says good one. Head to the bar and start the next part.

Again, Noelle will get him the wine.

Made just for you
He will respond about being interested in the Mondstadt wines. Then he says he is hungry and bring him to a spot to eat.

Brewing process?
He talks about how making the wine is difficult. Noelle will then get him some lunch.

Made just for you
His last meal as a new visitor.

Where to next?
Again you are headed to With Wind Comes Glory.

She's a maid of the Knights
So this is a…

Made just for you
He then knows that it is a warning. He then tries to get out but Noelle won't let him go alone.

Allow me
You then escort Alois out of the city.

If you understand then then nothing needs to be said
Alois will be for forgiveness and admits to his plan. Head back to Noelle and you can wrap up the quest.

He had to get back, it had nothing to do with you
She says that you are just trying to get her to feel better, but thanks you anyways. The quest ends after that.

Whisper Of The Paper Rose
Restart the hangout and meet up with Noelle again.

Where do you want to start?
She talks about how she has been keeping up with her duties. Training has been slow though.

Knightly exercises?
She talks about strength and endurance training. She does a work out every day.

What you lack is rest
You tell her that even the best knights need some rest. Noelle feels guilty if she rests when she should be working.

Stopping for occasional rest is part of training
Noelle says that she didn't think about it like that.

Speaking of tea, let's have some
Noelle will say okay and you two set off for tea. When you arrive Beatrice needs some help.

I'll certainly do my best
Noelle will say thank you and you try to help out. Noelle is curious at what you can do.

Maybe the frequent small talk
Noelle says that you might be right. Noelle suggests that Bea gets him a gift.

Gifts convey our intentions
Noelle will agree and say that she likes roses.

Let's think about what Quinn might like
Noelle agrees and wonders what kind of gift Quinn will like. He is a drunk so something wine related will do. You will have a few choices when talking to Marjorie.

Actually we're here to help someone else choose a gift
Marjorie will still think you and Noelle are together. She will then suggest two gifts.

The frost bottle
Noelle will agree that it is a good gift for a drunkard. She will also be happy that you remembered what she said. You have to go take three pictures and then return to Bea.

Cape Oath
Beatrice will say like they are making an oath, she likes it. Noelle will be concerned that Windrise isn't as popular anymore.

Would you like to go with me?
Noelle will be happy to go with you.

You put this responsibility on yourself?
Noelle explains it.

Helping others is the greatest quality of a knight
Noelle will say thank you and the ending will be around the corner.

A Conundrum Called Love
We get to start on the

I'll do my best
Either way you have to help for the quest.

Quinn feels that Bea has nothing important to say to him
Noelle says that it is possible. Noelle will suggest a gift.

The gift doesn't matter
You will lose a heart and Noelle will say she isn't sure what to pick then. You then have to make some fish and give it to Bea.

Now let's take a break
You have to convince Noelle that you are taking a break.

First choice
I clicked to fast and didn't see what the choice was, but it is the first one. Then you meet Noelle in the library.

Can I take a look?
Noelle says that it is to early to read this book.

Check back soon for more Genshin Impact Guides.

The post Genshin Impact Noelle Hangout Ending Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Genshin Impact Barbara Hangout Ending Guide

Genshin Impact Barbara Hangout Ending Guide

One of the new events in Genshin Impact is hanging out with the characters. Check out this Genshin Impact Barbara Hangout ending guide to get all the endings and all the gems. This way you don't have to repeat it each and every time.

Genshin Impact Barbara Hangout Ending Guide

We have a hangout guide for Noelle here as well – check it out.

Untimely Enthusiasm Ending
This ending isn't great, but you need to get it for the gems. For this one you will have to offer to get rid of the man that is trying to find Barbara when you meet here. Then follow these choices.

When you speak with Albert do this choice.

Barbara Fan Club?
He is surprised that you haven't heard of it before. He tells you about the fan club and then he will admit he doesn't even know if she is around. This will lead into three more choices.

From there, listen to him until three more options come up and pick this one.

It is dangerous here
He says that he knows, and that is why he is here. He then suggests that you follow the berries to find Barbara, which leads to more choices.

Then pick this one.

I think you searched most the areas
Albert says maybe, but this is the only place the plant can be. He will then ask if you have seen Barbara.

Lastly, pick this one.

Lots of monsters in the area
He says no way, I couldn't mistake the noise of a monster with that of Barbara. You then have to follow Albert. This will end with you getting the Untimely Enthusiasm ending, which doesn't actually involve you hanging out with Barbara.

The Taste Of Hard Work Ending
Oh so you picked all the berries?
He says yes that he did, and then he tells you about the Barbara fan club.

Lots of monsters so it is dangerous here
He knows and that is why he is looking for Barbara.

Ask him how he knows she is out here
He says that he heard it from the sister, and that he thought he heard her earlier.

Do you still hear her now?
He says that you are right, he hasn't heard her. He will head back to the city and he hands you the red Wolfhooks. Now you can return to Barbara and tell her that he left.

When you meet with Barbara outside the forest, there is one last choice. She wants you to report back to the church on her behalf. If you pick the wrong choice, the hangout ends.

Leave it to us
She will thank you and you will have to do some cleaning around the church when you get back. Use hydro or ameno to get it done. After you are done then Barbara will invite you out to drinks.

Your chilibrew
Barbara will tell you what is needed and then ask if you want to split up.

Stick together
Barbara says that is fine with her. She says she can gather the ingredients without a care in the world with you by her side. Head to the next way point and you have a fight with some enemies before getting another choice.

I slipped a disc
She says that you handled the fight easily, but notices that you got a cut. She will then heal you and another man will appear who got hurt by monsters. Here is the big one, many options here.

The leader of the Springvale Hunters, what was his name?
He will still convince Barbara to heal him, but she has to find the right herbs.

I'll watch him
She sets out for lamp grass but wants you to make sure no monsters get to the man.

This fellow could do with some monster hiding practice
The man agrees to hide and you and Barbara set out for some herbs. When you return with the herbs, you get another choice.

I'm watching you
Barbara will then heal the man, and he admits that he is a treasure hunter. He also gets you the herbs you need for the drink.

What if you were on your own?
She explains she would have done things differently, but you were there. She will then make the chilibrew for you.

You've got an interesting taste in drinks
She says she is the only one in the city who actually likes it. She then tells you the story of why she likes it. Then for the next choice, it doesn't matter because you get the same answer regardless.

Chilibrew is a reflection of your determination
Barbara will thank you and tell you that she will heal you whenever you need.

A Holiday In Mondstadt Ending
For this one you need to start with telling Barbara that you two should go deeper into the woods to avoid the voice.

Won't your family be worried?
She tells you that her dad is on a journey and that her sister is busy. Barbara says she can handle this much though.

Look at Barbara with an innocent gaze
She says well, atleast it is fixed now. She then says she needs to find red Wolfhooks.

We can look together
Barbara will thank you and you guys begin the search. The Red Wolfhooks are found inside the big tipped over logs and on a tree stump nearby.

I'll tell the sister
Now head back to Barbara and tell here that you will report back for her. Clean up the cathedral and then Barbara will pop up again.

Fantastic summer serendipity coral
Barbara says the line is very long, so you guys should get there quickly. Talk to the sister and then go meet up with Barbara near the cafe. You then need to talk the people into leaving Barbara alone.

You can start by being considerate to others
Susie agrees and will leave Barbara alone for now. Next is on to Herman.

You won't mind if I check with Ellin on that?
Herman gets spooked and agrees to leave Barbara alone. Last is Schulz.

Barbara is currently working
The man say's he is sorry and the crowd leaves. The next choice doesn't matter, you explain the same either way. You guys walk and chat, then you get a few more options.

You must be exhuasted
Barbara says that she is used to it by now, but still thanks you for the help. You two chat some more and then finished your drinks and get the ending.

A Fiery Flavor From Liyue
We are going for the Chilibrew again, so start at The Deaconess's Gratitude in the hangout storyline

Sure let's split up
You have to talk to the sister then go and collect some chilis near the stone gate. Then head back to where Barbara should be.

Paimon Choice
This one doesn't matter, either way you are looking for Barbara. When you find her she is hiding and you surprise her.

We thought something might have happened
She says she is sorry, and tells you that some treasure hoarders appeared. They have caught a merchant and Barbara won't just let that happen. Barbara then asks for your help with the hoarders.

Say no more
She says that she will leave it to you. Then after the fight you will get a reward from the marchant.

Liyue Chilibrew
The merchant will say sure, but she isn't sure you will enjoy it. You will get two bottles and you and Barbara will share a drink. Barbara will cough and ask your opinion on it.

Barbara will say next time she will make her Chilibrew for you instead.

Incompletely Cured
For the last one, we will start at The Second Chilibrew Ingredient from the hangout storyline in the quest log. After you beat the enemies talk to Barbara.

Piece Of Cake
She will heal you after being impressed by your skill and the Treasure Hoarder will show up.

Springvale is far away
He says that he is hunting forest boar, that is why he is here.

Hold on we should take him to the knights first
Barbara will say okay, but she wants to heal him first. The man will then say he is feeling better and try to leave. Beat him down and Barbara isn't too happy about it.

Check back soon for more Genshin Impact guides.

The post Genshin Impact Barbara Hangout Ending Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop.

Featured as part of Game Informer's cover story videos for March 2021, players will be able to get acquainted with the machete, the PT-6 "Spiker," the rapier, the Strelak 50-50, the Heritage Gun, the Limp-10, the Sepulchra Breteira, the Tribunal, and the Fourpounder.

You can watch it below:

Exclusive Look at the Weapons in Deathloop (NEW Gameplay)

Deathloop is a next-gen FPS starring the assassin Colt, who is stuck in a time loop on the island of Blackreef. This former army base has eight targets that Cole must take down before midnight, lest he start back at the beginning of the loop.

Along the way, players will utilize a deadly combo of stealth, parkour, and attack skills to take down the competition. Guns, melee attacks, and other environmental means will all be at Colt's disposal.

The game will come out on May 21, 2021 for the PlayStation 5 and PC.

Source: YouTube
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods.

As part of this arrangement, Woods' name and likeness will appear exclusively in the PGA TOUR 2K franchise and any other golf games published by 2K during the term. He will also serve as Executive Director and consultant for PGA TOUR 2K. Finally, 2K will partner with Woods' TGR Foundation, which provides STEM curricula and college-access programs.

Learn more with the following teaser trailer:

Tiger Woods Signs Long-Term Exclusive Deal With 2K

Alongside this news, 2K also announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire HB Studios Multimedia, which previously worked on PGA TOUR 2K21 andThe Golf Club franchise. This acquisition is expected to close in the first calendar quarter of 2021 (subject to customary closing conditions).

Tiger Woods said the following in January:

"I am looking forward to making my return to the video game landscape, and with 2K and HB Studios, I've found the right partners to make it happen. I'm honored to take part in this opportunity and look forward to sharing my expertise and insights as we build the future of golf video games together."

David Ismailer, President at 2K, said the following:

"In golf, there is no bigger icon than Tiger Woods. Like the rest of the world, we were saddened to hear of his recent accident, and we wish him a full and smooth recovery. We have been eager to announce our partnership with Tiger, whose legendary career has transcended the sport. We are thrilled to have him join our PGA TOUR 2K series as an Executive Director. Through our new partnership and acquisition of HB Studios, we've reaffirmed our commitment to the PGA TOUR 2K franchise, expanded on our successful independent studio model and invested in both the right people and resources to bolster our portfolio of world-class sports experiences."

James Seaboyer, President and Studio Head at HB Studios, added:

"The team's love and knowledge of golf is immediately evident in our games. We're thrilled to officially become part of the 2K family and continue development of the PGA TOUR 2K franchise. Our work with 2K on PGA TOUR 2K21 brought our capabilities and aspirations to the next level, and we can't wait to show the world what we're planning for the future."

Source: Press Release
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online.

This Outlaw Pass brings with it emotes, clothing, horse manes and mustaches, camp items like flags and a canine companion, Moonshine Shack décor, and more. Everyone's automatic membership to the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Club will also bring perks like weapon modifications, supply replenishments of ammunition, free Ability Card,, Moonshine Mash Refills, RDO$, and more.

Those that upgrade to the new Outlaw Pass No. 5 for 35 Gold Bars by March 23 will get themselves a 10 Gold Bar rebate, allowing them to earn back their entire purchase across all 80 Club Ranks.

For those looking for a little something extra, there will be Double Rewards in all Free Roam Missions (whether featuring Sadie Adler, Hamish, or another Stranger on the map), along with Triple XP for clearing out Gang Hideouts.

Moonshiners and Traders that complete a sale this week will be able to earn an Offer for 30% off any Established or Distinguished Role Item. For the Naturalists of the world, those that play any time this week will earn a complementary Legendary Ghost Panther Sample. Collectors will also be able to receive 5 American Wildflowers.

Moonshiners will receive 5 free Mash Refills and an Offer good for 30% off either a Novice or Promising Moonshiner Item, while traders can receive 2 Rewards redeemable for 25 Trader Goods each.

Take advantage of the following limited time items from the Wheeler, Rawson & Co. Catalogue catalog:

  • Fernwater Coat
  • Hopeman Vest
  • Morning Tail Coat
  • Strickland Boots
  • Vaquero Baroque Spurs
  • Squat Stovepipe Top Hat
  • Hitched Skirt
  • Concho Pants
  • Gardenia Hat

Discount-wise, Tailors will offer 30% off the cost of all Role Outfits and Hats, and Collectors can take 40% off the price of the Refined Binoculars. Wilderness Outfitters will also offer 40% off the Wilderness Camp and Trading Wagons (excluding the Hunting Wagon).
Bootleggers will be able to take advantage of a 40% discount on the cost of upgrading both the Condenser and the Polished Copper Upgrade for their Moonshine Still, and will be able to waive relocation fees for their Moonshine Shack.

Finally, Red Dead Online players that connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account to their Prime Gaming account will receive Rewards for a free Bounty Hunter License and an Award for the Trimmed Amethyst Bounty Wagon Livery. Those who connect to Prime Gaming before April 12 can get themselves an Offer for 30% off select Horse Care Pamphlets from the Fence, an Offer for 30% off Select Multi-Class Horses, and an Offer for 40% off any Saddle.

Source: Press Release
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Outriders Gets "Mantras of Survival" Trailer

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow.

When it comes to this shooter, players need to remember the following:

  • Cover is for Cowards
  • Powers on Tap
  • Kill to Heal
  • Think Aggressive

Learn more with the trailer below, set to the appropriately titled song "MANTRA" by Bring me the Horizon:

Outriders: Mantras of Survival [ESRB]

Set in an original sci-fi universe, Outriders has players creating their own Outrider and embarking on their own journey in a co-op RPG adventure. In true RPG fashion, players will be able to explore different hub areas, talk to NPCs, and complete side missions.

The classes in the game include the Trickster that can manipulate time, the Pyromancer that can manipulate fire, the Devastator that can unleash seismic attacks, and the Technomancer that uses turrets.

The game will come out on April 1, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, PC, and Google Stadia. The title will also launch on Microsoft's Xbox Game Pass on day one.

Source: YouTube
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Outriders Gets "Mantras of Survival" Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Fall Guys Season 4 Coming March 22

The fourth season of Mediatonic Games and Devolver Digital's Fall Guys will hit the scene on March 22, 2021.

Set in a neon-drenched Blunderdome, everybody's favorite beans will have to contend with astronauts, alien invaders and the Beans In Black. Seven new rounds will be added to the rotation as part of this update.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Fall Guys Season 4 – Cinematic Trailer

Released last summer, Fall Guys is a massively multiplayer party game that pits players against one another in a race for the coveted Crown. Players will have to contend with both free-for-all events and co-operative events where they must work with one another to not be eliminated. Players will also be able to customize their character through different costumes earned in play.

Fall Guys is now available for the PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam, and will come out for the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch this summer. You can read our review of the base game here, which we gave a score of 75/100.

Source: Press Release
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Fall Guys Season 4 Coming March 22 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Ashwalkers Coming April 15

Designed by Life is Strange co-creator Hervé Bonin, Nameless XIII and Dear Villagers' Ashwalkers will come out on April 15, 2021.

This title puts the spotlight on four different adventurers in a group of survivors called The Squad. This group takes a journey through a harsh world that is set 200 years after a geological disaster. Faced with a number of difficult decisions, players must manage their party's equipment and food as they experience a dynamic narrative that contains 34 possible endings.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Ashwalkers: A Survival Journey – Release Date Announcement trailer

According to Hervé Bonin, cofounder of developer Nameless XIII

"We are huge fans of choose your own adventure books. Our ambition is to combine that sense of a detailed unfolding world with the interactivity of a video game, a game where every choice matters. The player feedback we have gotten for our public demo in the latest Steam Festival was extremely positive so we are super excited to let players explore the world of Ashwalkers."

The game will come out for the PC via Steam.

Source: Press Release
Deathloop Weapons Detailed in New Video

Courtesy of Game Informer, get an exclusive look at the weapons players will be able to get their hands on in Arkane Lyon and Bethesda's Deathloop

Tiger Woods Inks Exclusive Deal with 2K

The team at 2K announced today that they have signed an exclusive, long-term partnership with golfing legend Tiger Woods

Outlaw Pass No. 5 Out Now in Red Dead Online

The team at Rockstar Games announced today that The Outlaw Pass No. 5 is now available in Red Dead Online

Outriders Gets

For those looking to brave the harsh landscape of People Can Fly and Square Enix's Outriders, there's a couple of mantras players need to follow

The post Ashwalkers Coming April 15 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Aurora: A Child's Journey Review

A story that shows the ominous impacts of a huge environmental disaster, Luski Game Studio and Prothos' Aurora: A Child's Journey gives a new perspective on our world. Does this tale provide captivating gameplay, or is its message just a little too heavy handed?

Aurora: A Child's Journey Review

The bright outlook of the protagonist Aurora provides a stark contrast to the polluted world she has made her home. Her fishing village has seen better days, with its lagoons filled with dead fish, murky waters, and waves upon waves of garbage. It's positively bleak, and its state is based on the real life fishing village of Aurora in São Paulo, Brazil, which was struck by tragedy in a 2015 fire and has yet to recover to this very day.

Aurora does have one thing that can combat this mess: her imagination. By standing near a blue portal, she can transform paper boats into real ones, walk on water, destroy smoke monsters, and even control machinery. This mechanic serves as the bread and butter of the game, playing heavily into its platformer gameplay. Players will be able to jump, grab, and navigate its world with a typical WASD and mouse control scheme as they set out to find out who is accountable for this disaster.

However, it just isn't enough to hide how ordinary the overall gameplay is. Walking along stilts, moving boxes, and avoiding barrels might sound like extraordinary feats, but things are a bit too bland for their own good. It's not just the fact that puzzles and platforming are overly easy; it's just that they feel like chores to do. Even a section where players use their flashlight to ward off an evil monster outside of their boat doesn't stand out as much as it should. There's just no sense of imminent danger, leading the platforming to be more routine than anything else.

This is made that much worse with its overall presentation. Even at high settings this game is not a looker, featuring chunky character models and poorly textured environments that would be more at home on the SEGA Dreamcast than a 2021 PC. Despite its underwhelming presentation, Aurora: A Child's Journey proved to be taxing on one's computer too; our GPU fans were working overtime to make sure this title even ran in the first place. Put simply, it's poorly optimized.

Even then, Aurora: A Child's Journey is overly short. We were able to unlock all four of its achievements and finish the title in around 15 minutes. Though this is a free title, there is nothing to encourage players to come back. All players will have the same experience, for better or for worse.

Aurora: A Child's Journey has a strong message on the dangers of pollution, but the gameplay is far too ordinary to make it worth your while.

This review of Aurora: A Child's Journey was done on the PC. The game was freely downloaded.
Aurora: A Child's Journey Review

A story that shows the ominous impacts of a huge environmental disaster, Luski Game Studio and Prothos' Aurora: A Child's Journey gives a new perspective on our world. Does this tale provide

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Dying Light 2 Development Update Coming Wednesday

Dying Light 2
Want to learn more about Techland's Dying Light 2? The development team will share an update regarding the game on March 17, 2021.

You can find the Tweet below, which was sent from the verified @DyingLightGame Twitter account:

For those who would like to see it first, you can join their Discord server here.

Taking place 15 years after humanity lost to the virus, Dying Light 2 puts players in the shoes of the infected survivor Aiden Caldwell. Much like the original release (you can read our review of the 2015 title here), this title will provide freedom of movement around "The City," with double the amount of parkour moves. These moves have been seamlessly integrated with first person combat. Long-range weapons can be used as well, which include shotguns, spears, and crossbows.

The entire campaign of the game can be enjoyed in up to four-player co-op. Whether you host your own games or join the games of others, one can see how different choices have played out and how different each world has become.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC via Steam. You can wishlist the title on Steam here.

Source: Twitter
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