
Gotham Knights is Looking Very Technically Impressive in Spite of Being Cross-Gen

2015's Batman: Arkham Knight was the last game in the Batman franchise to release on home consoles. While plagued by performance issues on PC, Arkham Knight was a remarkable showcase for the Unreal 3 engine, delivering on much of the promise (and visual style) of the Epic's legendary Samaritan tech demo. Six years later, we've seen high-rated superhero games like Spider-Man hit consoles, but we're a still off from the arrival of Gotham Knights, the latest Batman title. With the pandemic having pushed Gotham Knight's release date into 2022, this could go from being a cross-gen experience to a next-gen exclusive: the video footage we've seen so far shows that Gotham Knights will indeed be a visual showcase.

Let's take a closer look at the significant next-gen features in action from the available gameplay footage.

Engine overview

WB Games Montréal will be utilising the Unreal Engine 4 to create Gotham Knights in a similar vein to the previous Arkham games, which were made in Unreal Engine 3. UE4 provides some useful features to be utilised behind the scenes and a significant number are noticeable in the released gameplay footage.  The high-quality post-processing which includes the motion blur, bloom, lens flare, chromatic aberration and depth of field are staple UE4 effects which can be noticeably distinguished. Particle effects including volumetric fog and sparks are also rendered in real time thanks to UE4. In the scene where Mr. Freeze starts up his gun, snow particles can be seen dynamically reacting in real time to the motion of the gun.

The characters also feature advanced shading models with each material displaying a unique reaction to light rays hitting them and with subsurface scattering visible on the face and eye textures of the main characters.

Models, texture quality, and environmental asset quality

gotham knights

The PS5 and the Xbox Series X feature higher VRAM than their respective predecessors, both including a 16 GB of combined RAM space for CPU and GPU usage. Gotham Knights is making great use of the higher memory capabilities with high resolution 4K textures both for character models and the environmental assets. Whether it's flopping capes of justice, the suits, snow-covered roads, intricately designed interiors, or Mr. Freeze's distinctive face and armor, those high-fidelity textures are a cut above the eighth-gen standard and pair well with the high fidelity in-game models.

The same goes for model quality, as even in cinematic close-up shots the seams and edges of both the protagonist and the complicated mechanical design of the Mr. Freeze blend smoothly. The game's clothing features some high-quality material based reflectance characteristics, with each component scattering the light rays with realistic detail depending on the underlying material texture. Skin shading with sub surface scattering is also visible under the detailed wrinkles, pores or lips of the character models.

For some reason, hair seem to be a significant weak point in some next-gen titles and even here, Batgirl's longer hair is lumped into a singular entity as if affixed by a gel. We've seen better quality strand rendering. The quality of the hair texture and its reaction to light sources is still presentable, however.

Lighting and shadow quality

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Gotham Knights isn't officially confirmed to have ray-tracing yet and we don't see the technique in play in current gameplay footage, but considering how frequently developers are deploying ray-tracing – Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a good example – it is entirely possible it could be added later on. Gotham's neon lighting and ever-present puddles have the potential to look great with ray-traced reflections.

Raster-based global illumination and screen space reflections both make the cut, however. Light bounce is visible in gameplay trailers, with transference from dynamic light sources. The screen space reflections look fine, too, though, as always with SSR, temporal stability is an issue. WB Montreal also makes great use of dynamic lighting, from flashy electric sparks to the glow of unique weapons each character uses: these light up the environment and nearby particle volumes of snow and smoke. The volumetric fog present is equally affected by dynamic lights as is seen whenever a coloured super attack is utilised, such as batgirl's red-lit circle of bats.

It's interesting to note that, compared to other third-person action titles, we're seeing a higher volume of particles visible on screen for longer periods of time: the extra GPU headroom from the next-gen consoles means that WB Montreal can afford a more lax. Sparks of fire or electricity fall to the ground and bounce before dissipating, all hinting at a higher particle limit than previous gen consoles.

Shadows are also affected by the dynamic lighting and feature a form of contact-hardening, visibly getting softer as their distance from the light source increases, as seen in the final boss encounter with the huge tower of light.

UE4's deferred rendering pipeline is being leveraged to great extent here with multiple dynamic light sources in action which include particle effects, sky-lighting, and a large number of point light sources at a time.


gotham knights

When it comes to console gaming, post-process effects are one of the first to be axed whenever a gain in performance is to be attained. Thankfully, next-gen consoles offer enough processing power in the post-processing pipeline to avoid these reductions in quality and bring them at par with standard PC post-processing levels.

A superior depth-of-field effect, and per object and camera motion blur at high sample counts are visible throughout the fight scenes as well as when driving down the road in the bat-bike contraption.

There is tasteful use of bloom such as when the lightning strikes, though this is reined in in other circumstances, such as electric gun blasts, to stay in line with the overall art style.

The ambient occlusion implementation has a high sample count with accurate shading on surfaces like the grilles on ramps or large vehicles.

While it isn't visible here, we expect WB Montreal to use UE4's high-quality temporal upsampling for dynamic resolution scaling. While it isn't on par with DLSS, temporal scaling can offer reasonable image quality, even at lower resolutions, while keeping AA artifacts minimized.

On the PC side of things, NVIDIA also launched the DLSS plugin for the Unreal Marketplace a while back. Easy implementation means that we'll likely see DLSS upscaling implemented on the PC version of the game for considerable performance gains.


Gotham Knights

As it stands now, Gotham Knights is graphically well-crafted game that wouldn't look too out of place in a Series X or PS5 library. It is, however, lacking a number of features like ray-tracing and advanced hair physics. This is likely because of the fact that's built as a cross-gen title. It will be interesting to see whether or not WB Montreal drops the previous-gen versions entirely, which could open the door to more ambitious visuals

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Dev Clarifies Game's Presence At March 26 Showcase And Releases New Artwork


Earlier today, it was announced that a Xbox-themed Indie Showcase would be coming later this month. Of the games announced, one of those was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. Even if you don't think of it in the same way as most indies, it is in fact independently developed. It does seem as if that developer does also want to keep expectations in check about what to expect next week.

On the official Twitter account, the developer clarified that there would be no new footage shown from the game. Apparently, in the initial blog post, a behind the scenes video was shown with some first in-game "demonstrations" of the title. Whatever the video was, it must have been taken down quickly, because it doesn't seem to be floating around the usual places. The team was afraid this would give the impression there would be more at the showcase itself, but that is not the case. They do say that there is more news that will shared in 2021 and gave some artwork, which you can see below.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 has been announced for Xbox Series X/S and PC. The Xbox Indie Showcase will be on March 26th.

Valheim Developer Says They're Ready To Focus On "Hearth and Home" Update


Valheim is the latest out of nowhere hit in the PC scene. The Viking-themed survival game has captured some hearts, and we do mean a lot of hearts here- five million at least. The game is still in early access, so technically has not released in a full 1.0, but the developers are working hard regardless on new updates for the title.

In the latest development update, Iron Gate said they are now happy with the amount of bug fixes they've done to the current version and are looking to move onto the "Hearth and Home" update, the first major update planned to come to the game. Unfortunately, they had no specific details or time frames to share, only that they had began full work on it. They did share a nice little teaser art of what appears to be a crow. Check it out below.

Valheim is available now for PC in early access. As of now, there is no time frame for when the full release will come.

valheim teaser Health

Xbox Cloud Gaming Isn't "Very Far" From Being Available On iOS And PC


Cloud gaming is something that is probably a good ways away from being viable for most people, but some companies are still very much going into that frontier. Sony with PlayStation Now and Google with Stadia, but maybe the most aggressive thus far has been Microsoft with their Cloud Gaming/xCloud. The service has been available for awhile via Android, but now hints are it won't be too far until being available for PC and iOS.

Microsoft has been hinting that the service would be coming to those platforms soon. Phil Spencer even mentioned at the end of last year a beta was being planned for Spring 2021. In a new video that shows a walkthrough of Xbox Cloud Gaming, Kevin LaChapelle, Vice President of xCloud and Engineering at Microsoft, spoke briefly about it coming to PC and iOS. While not giving away specifics, he says, "I won't give you specific dates but it's not very far," along with a few awkward winks.

It sounds as if it will be pretty soon, and we do know a beta version of the web browser version started earlier this year. Most likely, we should hear something pretty soon.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Remaster Will Release May 25, Also Coming To Steam


Earlier today, there was word that Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Remaster would be seeing release in the west, finally, sometime in May. At the time, Atlus wasn't ready to fully commit to that it seems. Now, however, it's become official. Not only will the game be coming in that timeframe outside Japan, it will also be adding another platform.

Originally announced for PS4 and Switch, Atlus has made it official that the game will also be coming to PC via Steam. It will come in both Standard Edition, which will cost $49.99, and Digital Deluxe Edition for $69.99. The Digital Deluxe Edition will include all DLC, including the Maniax Pack that returns Dante from the Devil May Cry series, and the Mercy and Expectation Map Pack that includes new missions and side activities. Another perk of the Deluxe Edition will be getting access to the game 4 days early on May 21st. There's also free DLC such as Merciful Difficulty for those who find the game's notorious difficulty a bit too much. You can also buy the mentioned DLC above separately, but no price point was given at this time.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne HD Remaster will release on May 25th for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC.

Watch Dogs: Legion Online Mode is Now Available on PC

watch dogs legion

After facing an initial delay, Watch Dogs: Legion's online mode is now available for PC. Title Update 3.22 went live today and along with prepping online multiplayer for release, it also contains a number of fixes. Ubisoft also re-affirmed that the first Tactical Op would go live for all platforms on March 23rd.

As for the PC-specific issues that have been fixed, they include a bug that caused an infinite loading screen after starting the in-game benchmark and certain objects not reflecting properly when ray tracing was enabled. Issues that caused performance to decline after hours of using an AMD GPU or ray tracing have also been fixed. This is in addition to numerous crash fixes.

Check out the full update notes here for more details. Watch Dogs: Legion's online mode is currently available for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and Google Stadia. It adds four player online co-op with open world events and co-op missions. There's also Spiderbot Arena, a PvP free-for-all mode. Expect more content and updates in the coming months.

Patch Notes:


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading screen after initiating the in-game benchmark.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause certain objects to not reflect properly while ray tracing was enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a black screen and invisible UI elements when loading up the game for the first time while using DX12.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause game performance to be drastically reduced after several hours of gameplay when using an AMD graphics card and have ray tracing enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when quickly switching between app categories in the data app.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash while free roaming the Open World.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the hologram during the More Human Than Human mission to not be smooth when using High, Very High or Ultra presets with DX12 enabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when selecting certain weapons.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Buy Upgrade button in the Tech tab to not be highlighted when hovering over it with the mouse pointer.

Cyberpunk 2077 – Patch 1.2 Will Change Police Response, Add Steering Sensitivity Slider

cyberpunk 2077

CD Projekt RED has released a new development update on Cyberpunk 2077's upcoming patch 1.2. Currently scheduled for the second half of March, it includes a few changes to Night City PD response and controls. Satirizing the current police AI which makes officers appear out of thin air, the developer confirmed they'll now take a bit longer to properly respond to crime.

"This is an important step in addressing the behavior of the police in our game. It should decrease the problem of NPCs spawning behind players' backs and create an impression that it takes some time for the police to arrive at the crime scene after the crime has been reported," said lead gameplay designer Patryk and technical design coordinator Ɓukasz. A recon drone is also being added to "create the feeling of the police assessing the situation."

Another change is the addition of a Steering Sensitivity slider, allowing players to better control their vehicles. The developer also noted that cars became tougher to control at lower frame rates so the steering speed should now be "very consistent from 20 to 60+ FPS." Individual cars, like the Archer Hella, have also seen some tweaks in this regard. Also, those who find their vehicles stuck on curbs or other obstacles can now rock them side to side or roll them to get free.

Finally, dodging on double-tapping a movement key can now be turned off in the settings. Double-tapping the Crouch button will still allow for dodging but for now, moving WASD bindings should be "more feasible." Other bindings will be fixed in "upcoming patches." CD Projekt RED hasn't given a release window for update 1.2 but stay tuned for more details in the coming days.

Marvel's Avengers – Spider-Man Not Releasing Before Black Panther

marvel's avengers black panther

During the Square Enix Showcase yesterday, Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal officially revealed Black Panther for Marvel's Avengers. He's part of the upcoming War for Wakanda expansion which is out in "Summer and beyond" as per the current roadmap. But where's Spider-Man, who was announced to be joining the roster exclusively on PlayStation consoles?

Speaking to IGN, Crystal Dynamics studio head Scot Amos was asked about the same. He stated that, "Formally, officially, people are working on him right now. So it is still on our roadmap for the future." However, Amos confirmed that Spider-Man would not be releasing before Black Panther. The roadmap only lists what the studio is committing to for the short-term.

That being said, Amos reaffirmed, "There are people working on [him] and we still fully expect Spider-Man to come to PlayStation." When that could be remains to be seen.

Marvel's Avengers launched last year for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia with the Xbox Series X/S and PS5 versions only recently becoming available. A new hero, Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, has also been added along with new story missions in Operation: Hawkeye – Future Imperfect. Future content includes Tachyon Anomaly missions, new War Zones and a new Villain Sector. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

Gotham Knights Delayed, Now Launching in 2022

Gotham Knights

Following the delay of Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has confirmed that Gotham Knights has also been delayed. Instead of 2021, the action adventure title will now release in 2022. Over on Twitter, Warner Bros. Games Montreal said that it's giving the game "more time to deliver the best possible experience for players."

It also "looks forward to showcasing more of the game in the coming months." While the COVID-19 pandemic wasn't explicitly stated as a reason, it's likely to have had an impact on development over the past year. How will this impact the release of Suicide Squad, which is currently slated for next year from Rocksteady? We'll have to wait and find out.

Gotham Knights is in development for Xbox One, PS4, PC, Xbox Series X/S and PS5. It's set in a brand new timeline where Batman has "died" and the Court of Owls threatens to take over Gotham City. As a member of the Bat Family, players will control Batgirl, Nightwing, Red Hood and Robin to restore order to the city. Along with upgrades and unique abilities for each character, the title also supports co-op for up to two players.

Dead Cells Has Sold Over 5 Million Units

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Dead Cells launched back in 2018, nearly three years ago, but it has somehow managed to remain in the zeitgeist since then. Thanks to constant updates, big and small, from Motion Twin and Evil Empire, Dead Cells has not only managed to retain a solid playerbase, but even see consistent growth for it at a pretty steady rate since its release. That, of course, has resulted in impressive sales for the roguelike action title, and it's now hit another sales landmark.

Motion Twin and Evil Empire have confirmed that Dead Cells has now sold over 5 million units at launch. This is up from the 3.5 million sales that were reported in December 2020. The sudden burst in sales has been attributed to the game's mobile launch in China, which in itself has already sold 1 million units. Meanwhile, The Bad Seed DLC, which originally launched last year, will also be releasing for the game on iOS and Android soon, so players should be quite busy with new content for a while.

Dead Cells is available on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS, and Android.

Bitlife Achilles Challenge Guide – How to Get Athlete's Foot, Join The Army, Military Deployments

bitlife achilles challenge

BitLife is one of the most popular life simulators out there. The game has witnessed exponential growth over the months, and the regular updates keep the game equally exciting for players out there.

If you have been playing BitLife for a while you might be well aware of the various challenges that take place in the game. Every week a new challenge is released in the game, and it lasts for a few days. Completing these challenges help players get some exciting rewards.

BitLife Achilles Challenge Guide – How to Get Athlete's Foot, Join The Army, Military Deployments

The latest challenge is live on BitLife and players need to complete a number of tasks in order to complete it. Here are the challenges you need to complete to complete the challenge.

  • Be born a male in Greece
  • Join the army
  • Serve in 3+ military deployments
  • Have 100% happiness, health, smarts, and looks
  • Suffer from athlete's foot.

The first one is quite simple. All you need is to make sure you select your character's gender as male and choose the country as Greece when you start the game. Next up is joining the army. For that, you need to first go to a university and then complete a four-year degree. That is the bare minimum to join the army. Once you pass out, you can apply to join the army. When you are a part of the military, you have a random chance of getting deployed and you need to complete a mini-game when you are deployed.

Boosting your smarts, health and looks require you to study harder every year and regularly attend the gym. Visiting your family, going on a vacation or watching a movie can help you increase happiness. Last but not the least, you can suffer from an athlete's foot by going to the gym.

The post Bitlife Achilles Challenge Guide – How to Get Athlete's Foot, Join The Army, Military Deployments by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Why does Roblox tag chat messages as hashtags in the game?

why does roblox tag

Roblox's popularity has grown considerably over the years and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. There is a wide range of Roblox games across different genres, and they allow players to do a variety of things ranging from adopting pets to playing as their favorite anime characters.

Roblox is widely played by people of different ages, and most of the players playing the game, play it with their friends. Like many other games, communication is the key in Roblox and many players are eagerly waiting for the voice chat feature to arrive in the game. However, until that arrives, players have to use the text chat.

Why does Roblox tag chat messages as hashtags in the game?

Many times while using the text chat, players notice that their messages are tagged as hashtags in the game. This is quite annoying for the players as they are not able to convey the message are trying to tell their friends. Users often wonder if it's due to some issue that their messages are getting tagged or the game is designed that way itself.

If you are seeing your messages getting tagged, it means that you are using foul language in your messages. Roblox has a young playerbase and it does have a lot of measures in place to ensure that players are not exposed to any kind of inappropriate content. Do note that these tags only appear if you are aged under 13 or below. For players above that age, these restrictions don't apply and you will be able to see all messages without any issues whatsoever.

When is voice chat coming to Roblox?

Many players are wondering when voice chat will be coming to Roblox. The good news is Roblox Corp. has confirmed that voice chat will indeed be coming to the game. However, the date for the same hasn't been announced.

The post Why does Roblox tag chat messages as hashtags in the game? by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Roblox Islands Godzilla VS Kong Event: Quests and Rewards

Roblox Islands is a rising sandbox game that allows players to build their own islands, create farms, and raise animals. Interestingly, to celebrate the upcoming Godzilla vs. Kong movie, the developer launched Roblox Islands Godzilla vs. Kong event. 

By participating in the new event, players can earn interesting rewards. However, to get their hands on the limited edition rewards, players have to complete several quests.

The Roblox Islands Godzilla vs. King Kong event went live on March 19 at 12 PM PST. Unfortunately, the event will only last for two weeks, so you need to make sure you complete the quests as quickly as you can to get the rewards.

Godzilla vs Kong

What is the Roblox Islands Godzilla VS Kong Event?

In the new Roblox Islands event, players have to visit both Godzilla and Kong islands. Surprisingly, you'd see Godzilla disturbing the peace with his atomic breath. On both islands, NPC Quest giver will provide you different quests. For instance, on Godzilla island, you have to disable three disruptive turrets to complete one of many quests. After completing all the quests, you'd be rewarded with Godzilla's staff and a trophy, which is quite awesome.

As soon as you are done with all quests on Godzilla island, you can move towards the Kong island. There, players have to find Bosco, who's the Quest Giver. The quests include locating five bone sites, collecting 10 coconuts, reaching three different mountain tops, and Bosco's pouch. Of course, completing all the quests won't be easy so, get ready to do the hard work. As soon as you're down with all quests, you can get your hands on Kong's Axe along with an awesome trophy.

Godzilla vs. Kong Event Rewards

Roblox Islands announced the event's rewards on Twitter, and here's the complete list:

  • Kong's Axe
  • Kong Trophy
  • Staff of Godzilla
  • Godzilla Trophy

These rewards are enticing enough for players to participate in the Roblox Islands event. That's why the game had 77k concurrent online players after the event went live.

The post Roblox Islands Godzilla VS Kong Event: Quests and Rewards by Shivam Gulati appeared first on DualShockers.

Pokemon GO: Sylveon, Kecleon, Xerneas and All Pokemon Missing in March 2021

kecleon pokemon go

Despite not having an audience like it did when it launched five years ago, Pokemon GO continues to be one of the most popular games in the entire world.

Niantic's AR hit is constantly releasing new Pokemon into the game, giving players something to aim for and keeping the game fresh.

Initially, upon the release of new generations, Niantic would drop the bulk of Pokemon into the game at once. Now, however, players are drip-fed the monsters over longer periods of time, to help build excitement for new events, and so they don't run out too quickly.

That means, however, despite having six different generations of Pokemon in the game, there is still a large number absent. This includes popular Pokemon like Kecleon and Sylveon who have yet to debut in Pokemon GO. On that note, here are all of the Pokemon that are still missing from the game.

Non-Legendary Pokemon Missing From Pokemon GO

Generation 1 – Kanto 

  • Complete

Generation 2 – Johto 

  • Complete

Generation 3 – Hoenn

  • Kecleon

Generation 4 – Sinnoh

  • Complete

Generation 5 – Unova

  • Zorua/Zoroark
  • Mienfoo/Mienshao
  • Drudiggon
  • Larvesta/Volcarona

Generation 6 – Kalos

  • Scatterbug/Spewpa/Vivillon
  • Flabébé/Floette/Florges
  • Skiddo/Gogoat
  • Pancham/Pangoro
  • Furfrou
  • Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash
  • Spritzee/Aromatisse
  • Swirlix/Slurpuff
  • Inkay/Malamar
  • Binacle/Barbaracle
  • Skrelp/Dragalge
  • Clauncher/Clawtizer
  • Helioptile/Heliolisk
  • Tyrunt/Tyrantrum
  • Amaura/Aurorus
  • Sylveon
  • Hawlucha
  • Dedenne
  • Carbink
  • Goomy/Sliggoo/Goodra
  • Phantump/Trevenant
  • Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist
  • Bergmite/Avalugg

Legendary and Mythical Pokemon Missing From Pokemon GO

Generation 1 – Kanto 

  • Complete

Generation 2 – Johto 

  • Complete

Generation 3 – Hoenn

  • Complete

Generation 4 – Sinnoh

  • Phione/Manaphy
  • Shaymin
  • Arceus

Generation 5 – Unova

  • Keldeo
  • Meloetta

Generation 6 – Kalos

  • Xerneas
  • Yveltal
  • Zygarde
  • Diancie
  • Hoopa
  • Volcanion

When will we see Pokemon like Sylveon and Kecleon in Pokemon GO?

  • POKEMON TCGPokemon Battle Styles List – The Best, Rarest and Most Expensive Cards

Now, time to speculate! Kecleon was a big part of Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, as was the weather. Although Kecleon isn't specifically a weather-based Pokemon, we're coming into "Weather Week" and I would love to see Kecleon released as part of this.

In terms of Pancham and Sylveon, they have been teased as part of the game's brand new loading screen, alongside Pokemon X's main legendary, Xerneas. Seeing as we're in the Season of Legends, I'd expect both Xerneas and Yveltal at some point soon.

There's still plenty of Pokemon left to release for Generation 6 and I'd imagine players can expect the bulk of them this year. Phantump/Trevenant and Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist are prime candidates for Halloween, Binacle/Barbaracle would be good for adventure week and so much more.

The post Pokemon GO: Sylveon, Kecleon, Xerneas and All Pokemon Missing in March 2021 by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.

Fortnite Chicken Wing It: How To Get The Chapter 2 Season 6 Emote?

Fortnite Chicken Wing It How To Get The Chapter 2 Season 6 Emote

Fortnite is undoubtedly one of the most popular battle royale games right now. That's because the game never ceases to disappoint in terms of new content. Well, Epic managed to live up to its reputation by releasing Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 and surprising players with new incredible content.

Each day, players are discovering something awesome in the game's latest season. And recently, fans came across the Fortnite 'Chicken Wing It' emote in Chapter 2, Season 6.

Of course, the latest season offers several emotes and cosmetics. However, within a few hours since its discovery, the Chicken Wing It emote is trending. So, if you are wondering how you can get your hands on the 'Chicken Wing It' emote, you can find details below.

  • More Fortnite: Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7: Early Predictions on Release Date, Battle Pass, and Changes

Fortnite Chicken Wing It emote

Get Fortnite Chicken Wing Emote In Chapter 2 Season 6

Players can grab Fortnite's Chicken Wing It emote by visiting the game's Item Shop. Unfortunately, the emote isn't available for free. Players have to spend 500 V-bucks to get the Chicken Wing It emote. The good news is that you can earn 500 V-bucks by completing in-game challenges. Moreover, if you want to get the emote right way, you can spend some money to buy the required V-bucks.

In case you want to know what the hype is all about, you can take a look at the Chicken Wing It emote in this video.

  • More Fortnite: Who Voices the Foundation in Fortnite? Signs Point to a WWE Legend

More About Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6

Epic introduced a bunch of new content in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6. In the latest season, the developers have put more emphasis on hunting. So, players have to go hunting to complete most Epic and Legendary challenges. Also, characters like Kratos, Lara Croft, and Master Chief are available in the fan-favorite battle royale game.

In the game, you can find NPCs offering you numerous in-game challenges. Make sure to complete all the relevant challenges this week if you don't want to miss out on the amazing rewards.


The post Fortnite Chicken Wing It: How To Get The Chapter 2 Season 6 Emote? by Shivam Gulati appeared first on DualShockers.

Pokemon Go All In One 151 – Step 3 & 4 Masterwork Research Tasks, Rewards

pokemon go all in one 151

Pokemon Go has been one of the most popular games on mobile for quite a while now. Niantic regularly releases major updates for the game adding new events, rewards, research tasks, and a ton of other stuff.

The game hosted the Kanto Tour a few weeks ago, which gave players a nostalgic journey through the Kanto region. The event also had masterwork research that players could complete to get a Shiny Mew encounter as a reward. Considering that the reward is quite high, the stakes are equally as high as well. The tasks take a considerable amount of time to complete, and that's the reason why Niantic has allowed players to complete them even after the conclusion of the event. Here are the Research Tasks of the various stages.

Pokemon Go All in One 151 tasks- Step 1

  • Get the platinum Kanto medal – 51 Ultra Balls
  • Send 151 gifts to friends – 1 Poffin
  • Make 151 great throws – 1510 Stardust

Reward- 1 Premium Battle Pass, 5100 XP, 1510 Stardust

Pokemon Go All in One 151 tasks- Step 2

  • Catch a Pokemon 30 days in a row – 51 Ultra Balls
  • Catch 151 different species of Pokemon – 1 Glacial Lure Module
  • Catch 30 Normal-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Fire-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Water-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Grass-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Fighting-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Psychic-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Rock-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Ground-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Flying-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Poison-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Electric-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Ice-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Bug-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Dragon-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Ghost-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Fairy-type Pokemon – 151XP
  • Catch 30 Dark-type Pokemon – 151XP

Pokemon Go All in One 151 tasks- Step 3

  • Spin 151 PokeStops – 3x Rocket Radar
  • Complete 151 Field Research Tasks – 3x Super Incubator
  • Walk 151 km – 151x Ultra Ball
  • Catch 1510 Pokemon – 1x Incense

Pokemon Go All in One 151 tasks- Step 4

We are yet to know the Step 4 tasks and rewards of Pokemon Go All in One 151

The post Pokemon Go All In One 151 – Step 3 & 4 Masterwork Research Tasks, Rewards by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Roblox – All Blox Fruits Codes for March 2021 [New Codes]

roblox Blox fruits update 14 codes

Roblox was already one of the most valuable video game properties on the market. With a player base in the 100's of millions, the game/development kit was bringing in a lot of cash. 

Yesterday, however, Roblox was placed on the Stock Market and its overall value rose to an astonishing $45 billion.

Part of what makes Roblox so successful is the variety of different games within the overall game. Players flock to the likes of All Star Tower Defence, Adopt Me and Blox Fruits. Within each game, the developers often release codes for players to input to give them a variety of boosts. These generally include currency, exp and stat increases.

With that, here are all the codes we could find for Roblox Blox Fruits in March 2021.

MORE CODESAll Shindo Life Codes for March 2021

What is Roblox Blox Fruits?

Blox Fruits is described by the creators as:

"Welcome to Blox Fruits! Become a master swordsman or a powerful Blox Fruit user as you train to become the strongest player to ever live. You can choose to fight against tough enemies or have powerful boss battles while sailing across the ocean to find hidden secrets."

What are the Blox Fruits Codes for March 2021?

Here are all the Blox Fruits Codes and details you will need for March 2021:


  • UPD14 – Exp code (new)
  • 1BILLION – two hours of 2x experience
  • Sub2OfficialNoobie – 20 minutes of 2x experience
  • Axiore – 20 minutes of 2x experience
  • TheGreatAce – 20 minutes of 2x experience
  • Sub2NoobMaster123 – 15 minutes of 2x experience
  • Sub2Daigrock – 15 minutes of 2x experience
  • TantaiGaming – 15 minutes of 2x experience
  • StrawHatMaine – 15 minutes of 2x experience
  • Sub2UncleKizaru – stat refund
  • Bignews – in-game title
  • Fudd10 –  $1

How do I redeem my codes?

Within the game, players need to click the Twitter icon at the top of their screens. Once open, a text box will appear. This text box will allow players to enter in any of these codes and redeem their bonuses after hitting the "Try" button.

Blox Fruits Update 14

  • UPDATE 14 – Blox Fruits Latest Update – all details

Yesterday, the game added its 14th update and with it, a new code. This new update included a new level cap,  a new island, fighter style and so much more.

The post Roblox – All Blox Fruits Codes for March 2021 [New Codes] by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.

Genshin Impact Windblume Festival Quest Guide – Ode to Flower and Cloud, Venti Gesture

genshin impact ode to flower and cloud

Genshin Impact's popularity has witnessed an exponential rise over the past few months. The game had around 40 million players last years, and that number has risen considerably this year as per estimates.

Quite recently, Genshin Impact received the much-coveted 1.4 Update. This Update introduced a new character Rosaria, gave the Venti banner a rerun and introduced a Hangouts event as well. One of the highlights of the update was the introduction of the Hangouts event, which instantly became a hit amongst fans. Alongside that, the Invitation of Windblume event is also made its debut in the game.

Genshin Impact Windblume Festival Quest Guide – Ode to Flower and Cloud, Venti Gesture

The Invitation of Windblume quest runs from 19th March to 5th April. As part of the event, the first quest that players need to complete is the Ode to Flower and Cloud. Here are the various tasks you need to complete to finish the quest.

  1. First, you need to walk around Mondstadt.
  2. Talk to Sara, the waitress at Good Hunter.
  3. Talk to Marjorie, the owner of With Wind Comes Glory
  4. Talk to Katheryne, the receptionist for the Adventurers' Guild headquarters.
  5. Talk to Flora, the owner of Floral Whisper.
  6. After you have talked to these NPCs, head to the Mondstadt Plaza.
  7. Speak to Venti and a cutscene will be triggered.
  8. After that, you need to solve the problems of three citizens of Mondstadt.

Do note that some of the NPCs might not be available if they are in some other quest. If that's the case, make sure you finish the quest before proceeding with the Ode to Flower and Cloud Quest. Make sure you select the correct dialogue options. You can find the correct answers below.

  • While talking to Ellin: I disagree, you should definitely sign your name.
  • While talking to Albert: Are you serious? You need to put a stop to all this immediately!
  • While talking to Marvin: I think you should tell him. Be brave and seize the opportunity.

Genshin Impact is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Mobile.


The post Genshin Impact Windblume Festival Quest Guide – Ode to Flower and Cloud, Venti Gesture by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Roblox and Explained: Is it Legit?

shindo life codes

Roblox has been one of the most popular games over the years. There is a wide range of Roblox games out there, each with a unique theme and millions of players playing them every day. 

Roblox Corp. recently went public as well, which raised the company's market cap to $38 billion. The company went public via a direct listing instead of an initial public offering and the company's stocks were trading over 40% higher than the price during the private financing round. As the game continues to grow, the developers have a number of things planned for the game, including a display name change update and a voice chat feature.

Roblox and Explained: Is it Legit?

Recently, some of the players have started receiving a weird message while playing the game on some of the game's servers. Other players usually ask them to visit this site which is known as, and apparently, these will reward them with free Robux as per the message. Many users are wondering if the website is legit or not.

It should be noted that a majority of sites offering Robux for free are not legit. Most of the servers are filled with users spamming this site link, which is likely not real users at all. However, when players try to go to the website the get redirected to website. This website is a survey website and after completing a survey, players will get some Robux into their account. Users have reported that they have successfully got Robux after going through the withdrawal process, without getting their accounts compromised.

That being said, there are a few things to note. First, this is not an official way of getting Robux. It might be possible the developers would ban users who obtained Robux via this method since it's not a legitimate way to get the in-game currency. Therefore, users are advised to bear caution while using these websites to get Robux.

Roblox is available on PC, Xbox One, Mobile, macOS.

The post Roblox and Explained: Is it Legit? by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne HD Remaster – Where to Preorder

Shin Megami Tensei III 3 Nocture Remaster HD PS4 Nintendo Switch Direct Atlus PlayStation 4

This has been a good year for fans of the Shin Megami Tensei series. SMT spinoff Persona 5 got its own spinoff with Persona 5 Strikers, we've gotten a little more news on SMT 5, and now the remastered SMT 3 preorder has gone live.

With news story after news story surrounding the franchise, it's easy to lose track of some of the bigger announcements.

  • REVIEW: Persona 5 Strikers Review — The Phantom Thieves' Last Surprise

SMT 3 Preorder

Today, the Official ATLUS West Twitter account posted an announcement that the SMT 3 preorder has gone live. To preorder the game on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, or PC all you need to do is click right here. There are two different versions of the game to preorder, so make sure you're paying attention when filling everything out.

The two versions are the Digital Deluxe version and the Digital Standard. The Digital Standard version simply includes the base version of the game, but the Digital Deluxe includes the base game, the Maniax Pack (which includes Dante from the Devil May Cry series), the Mercy and Expectation Map Pack, the Shin Megami Tensei BGM Pack, and Merciful Difficulty.

Shin Megami Tensei 3 Physical Copy

While not in their original announcement, the ATLUS West Twitter account responded in the comments saying that "Physical editions will be available on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch – retailer links will be live on our website soon!"

It's unclear currently if this will include any sort of collector's edition version of the game, but ATLUS has a really good track record of making collector's editions available through retailers.

More Shin Megami Tensei

If you're looking for more Shin Megami Tensei, make sure to check out our review of Persona 5 Strikers. In his glowing 9 out of 10 review, Ryan Meitzler wrote, "Strikers is in every way a true successor to Persona 5 while being an incredibly satisfying and fun to play experience in its own right."

You can find all of our Shin Megami Tensei coverage right here on DualShockers.

The post Shin Megami Tensei 3 Nocturne HD Remaster – Where to Preorder by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021.

Tokyo gets turned upside down in this title after an ethereal apocalypse known as Conception is invoked. This new world is swallowed by chaos, with a demonic revolution descending into what remains of this broken city. A war between gods and demons is underway, and the choices the player makes can bring life, death or rebirth along the way.

New to this release are remastered 3D models and backgrounds, additional difficulty settings, a "suspend save" function, English and Japanese audio, and an alternate branch featuring Raidou Kuzunoha.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster – Announcement Trailer | Nintendo Switch & PlayStation 4

The Digital Deluxe Edition which can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store, the Nintendo eShop, and Steam Store) includes the game, the Maniax Pack, the Chronicle Pack, the "MERCIFUL" difficulty setting, the Mercy and Expectation Map Pack, and the Shin Megami Tensei BGM Pack. Note that those who pre-order the Digital Deluxe Edition can get access to the game four days early, on May 21, 2021.

The Standard Edition of the game will retail for $49.99, while the Digital Deluxe Edition will retail for $69.99.

Source: Press Release
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

The post Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection.

The Digital Deluxe Edition of the game includes a 70-page digital art book, a soundtrack featuring more than 180 tracks, and all three games.

Those who pre-order the PlayStation 4 Standard or Digital Deluxe version can get themselves a special theme and five avatars, while those who pre-order the Xbox One Digital Deluxe version will receive 10% off. Bonuses available for Nintendo Switch and Steam pre-orders, alongside the dates they will go live, will be revealed on the official @KoeiTecmoUS Twitter account in the coming weeks.

This collection brings with it Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. All three titles follow the story of "super ninja" Ryu Hayabusa as he fights deadly fiends that are causing chaos worldwide.

Learn more with the announcement trailer below, originally released in February:

NINJA GAIDEN: Master Collection – Announcement Trailer

This title will be released digitally on June 10, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam.

Source: Press Release
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

The post Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021.

This action-RPG pays host to a dual protagonist storyline, putting the spotlight on both Yuito Sumeragi and Kasane Randall and two different playthroughs. Yuito uses a blade in battle, while Kasane makes use of kunai for wide, sweeping attacks. Skill trees and character assists also come into play.

Learn more about Kasane Randall with the trailer below:

SCARLET NEXUS – Kasane Trailer

To go alongside this release, an anime series by Sunrise Inc. and FUNimation will release in Summer of 2021. This series will follow the exploits of Yuito Sumeragi and Kasane Randall and their squad mates as they take the fight to The Others.

Learn more with the teaser trailer below:

SCARLET NEXUS – Anime Announcement Teaser Trailer

The title will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC via Steam.

Source: Press Release
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

The post Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online.

In addition to these rewards, Arena Workshop owners will also be able to add the Vertical Jump ability to any Arena vehicle this week on the house.

Players will also be able to claim Double Rewards in Rhino Hunt, along with 2X GTA$ and RP on Special Vehicle Work all this week.

All GTA Online players that dive into the game this week can get themselves a complimentary Brute Heavy Duty Tee.

Make sure to swing by The Diamond Casino & Resort's lobby to spin the Lucky Wheel and win GTA$, RP, clothing, and mystery prizes. This week's podium prize is the Pfister Comet SR.

The following discounts will be available all this week:

Arena War Discounts:

  • Arena Vehicle Vertical Jump – FREE
  • Arena Workshop – 40% off
  • Arena Workshop Upgrades & Modifications – 40% off
  • Arena HVY Scarab (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Bravado Sasquatch (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Vapid Slamvan (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Annis ZR380 (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Western Deathbike (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Declasse Impaler (all styles) – 30% off
  • Arena Vehicle Weapons – 30% off
  • Arena Vehicle Armor Plating – 30% off
  • Arena Boosts – 30% off
  • Arena Bodyworks (Blades, Spikes & Rollcages) – 30% off


  • Declasse Tulip – 40% off
  • Benefactor Schlagen GT – 40% off
  • Schyster Deviant – 40% off
  • Weaponized Dinghy – 40% off
  • Mammoth Squaddie – 40% off

Finally, GTA Online players that connect their Rockstar Games Social Club account with their Prime Gaming account will receive the Kosatka submarine's Sonar Station for free, along with GTA$200K just for playing. Prime Gaming members can also receive exclusive discounts, like 35% off the Sparrow helicopter and Kraken Avisa submersible and 80% off the amphibious Seabreeze plane.

Source: Press Release
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

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Terry Bogard Coming to The King of Fighters XV

After moonlighting in Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Terry Bogard will make his way to SNK's The King of Fighters XV.

The main protagonist of the Fatal Fury series, Terry is also known as the Legendary Hungry Wolf. His diverse moveset includes the Power Wave, Power Geyser, Burn Knuckle, Crack Shoot, and Buster Wolf. His fighting style is made up of different karate, boxing, kung fu, kickboxing and street fighting moves.

See him in action with the trailer below:

KOF XV|TERRY BOGARD|Character Trailer #10 (4K)

The team behind The King of Fighters XV is focused on improving the visuals when compared to previous entries. New elements will be added to its gameplay, and internal-based rollback netcode (similar to GGPO) will be implemented. Timeline-wise, this game is the second chapter of the fourth canonical saga for the series.

The game will come out in 2021.

Source: YouTube
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

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Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review

Everybody's favorite orange marsupials are back for a new generation with the release of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time on the PlayStation 5. Crash, Coco, and the wumpa fruits look better than ever on Sony's shiny new system – does it have the gameplay to match?

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review

True to their nature, the bad guys are up to no good once again. After Neo Cortex and his band of malcontents rip a hole through reality as a means of escape, time and space are out of whack. With the Rift Generator causing even more chaos, it's up to Crash and Coco to smack these ne'er-do-wells back to their rightful place.

However, these two orange creatures have some allies in the form of the Quantum Masks. By finding each of these four masks, players will be able to traverse each level with ease and find a method to the madness. Each possesses a different ability: Lani-Loli can make matter appear and disappear, Akano provides a dark matter spin that allows for a hover jump, Kupuna-Wa can slow down time (perfect for dodging explosions), and Ika-Ika can defy the laws of gravity.

Appearing at select times, their abilities are interwoven into the design of each stage. With the core gameplay altered ever-so-slightly, players will have to break bad habits and get their head around each perk. Thankfully, they don't overstay their welcome, making themselves scarce before they are played out.

For those weaned on the PlayStation 1 antics of the series (or, more recently, the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy), much of Crash Bandicoot 4's formula remains the same. The spinning, jumping, sliding, and slamming are just as you remember them, with its physics engine providing (and demanding) pinpoint precision. The controls worked well back in the 90s, and they certainly work well here – they crib notes from what made the series such a runaway success and hold on to what works.

Of course, being a sequel, our protagonists also possess some new abilities. Much like Sonic and Ratchet, players can now grind on rails at select points of the game. These segments feature tight controls, and the ability to spin, hang, and jump from rail to work works exactly as you'd expect them to. A wall jump also provides some parkour antics at select spots.

It's not just Crash and Coco that will be traversing the Dimensional Map; a number of new playable characters also have their own timelines. The lone wolf Tawna has her traversing stages with a hookshot, wall jump, and kick. Meanwhile, the diner owner Dingodile packs a vacuum and a hover ability. Finally, Neo Cortex packs a blaster that can turn enemies into platforms of both the normal and bouncy variety. Each of their abilities alters the flow of each stage a fair amount, but they do spice things up and provide a different perspective.

Just be warned that Crash Bandicoot 4 lives and dies by trial and error. Though there is a new Modern Mode that allows players to always resume from their last checkpoint, there are countless threats to contend with in nearly every level. When paired with their long length, it can oftentimes feel like a gauntlet to get to the end in one piece. Love them or hate them, the segments where players run toward the screen return in all of their glory. When you can't see what threats lie ahead, it often means that Crash and Coco will be done in by a bottomless pit or an inconveniently placed Nitro Crate. Expect to play the same segments again and again and again before reaching a much-coveted checkpoint.

Some people may be eager to rise to the challenge – it has been a staple of the series, after all – but it most certainly isn't for everyone. For those with an eye for more rewards, a Retro Mode with limited lives is also present.

Though the main game clocks in at around six hours, collecting all of the gems will take far longer than that. Players can nab these dazzling beauties in levels, by breaking crates, by collecting wumpa fruits, and by limiting the amount of times they bite the dust. It really requires absolute mastery of the game, and those who collect them all will be able to dress their Bandicoot of choice up in dozens of different skins. There's also an N. Verted mode, Time Trials, and Flashback Tapes to keep players going.

It should be worth noting that the presentation in Crash Bandicoot 4 is at the top of its class. The dimensional hook has allowed Toys for Bob to have some fun with the formula – Mardi Gras-style celebrations, snack food cities, and Mad Max-style wastelands rarely appear in the same place, but that is certainly not the case here. The 4K graphics pop on the PlayStation 5, with its Saturday morning cartoon vibes maintaining a constant 60 frames per second. While the snappy load times are a game changer, the DualSense's haptic feedback doesn't have a huge impact on play.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time carries the torch for the series, providing a worthy follow-up to Crash and Coco's adventures. The trial and error gameplay isn't for everyone, but those eager for a challenge will enjoy doing so with the next-gen prowess of the PlayStation 5.

This review of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time was done on the PlayStation 5. A digital code was provided by the publisher.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review

Everybody's favorite orange marsupials are back for a new generation with the release of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time on the PlayStation 5. Crash, Coco, and the wumpa fruits look better than

Aurora: A Child's Journey Review

A story that shows the ominous impacts of a huge environmental disaster, Luski Game Studio and Prothos' Aurora: A Child's Journey gives a new perspective on our world. Does this tale provide

The Imagined Leviathan Review

In what is described as "a short poetic survival horror" game by the development team at Far Few Giants, The Imagined Leviathan is a walking simulator with a unique aesthetic and an even more unique

Rekt: Crash Test Review

Players will be able to live out all of their high octane dreams with the release of Little Chicken Game Company and No Gravity Games' arcade-like title Rekt: Crash Test. Should players get behind

The post Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Horizon Zero Dawn Free as Part of Play at Home 2021 Spring Update

The 2017 blockbuster Horizon Zero Dawn will be free for the PlayStation 4 starting on April 19, 2021 as part of the Play at Home initiative.

Developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, this title has players taking control of the young hunter Aloy as she sets out to uncover the secrets of her past. Mechanical creatures and enemy forces have made themselves home in her world, and she must utilize ranged weapons, a spear, and stealth to combat these threats.

Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition (which includes The Frozen Wilds expansion) will be available to download between April 19 at 8:00pm PT to May 14, 2021 at 8pm PT. You can read our review of the base game here.

Starting on March 25, players will also be able to claim for themselves nine other PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR titles. The collection includes Rez Infinite (you can read our review here), Abzu, The Witness, Enter the Gungeon, Subnautica, Moss, Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, Paper Beast, and Thumper.

Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

The post Horizon Zero Dawn Free as Part of Play at Home 2021 Spring Update appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Dying Light 2 Gets New Update

Techland Games has released a new development update for their upcoming title Dying Light 2.

Before diving into the specifics, the development team shared a number of choice words that have appeared on both YouTube and Twitter. They mentioned that this is a huge and complex project, and that they need time to make sure it will live up to their vision.

The update states that more information regarding the game will be released "very, very soon," and the final release of the game will come out in 2021.

For those who'd like to see it for themselves, you can watch it below:

Dying Light 2 Update – March 2021

Dying Light 2 begins 15 years before the events of the original Dying Light (you can read our review here) and is set in a massive European sprawl known as The City. Players will be able to join the adventures of Aiden Caldwell, who possesses a number of different parkour skills and melee-based weapons.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC via Steam.

Source: YouTube
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

The post Dying Light 2 Gets New Update appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Disco Elysium – The Final Cut Coming March 30

Players will be able to dive into the world of ZA/UM's Disco Elysium – The Final Cut when it comes out on March 30, 2021.

This RPG puts players in the shoes of an amnesic detective that is on the case of a murder mystery. Players will be able to utilize the intellect, psyche, physique, and motorics abilities along the way, each of which has six distinct secondary skills.

Additions to this version include new Political Vision Quests, new characters, new clothes, new cutscenes, a full English voice over, and full controller support.
Learn more with the trailer below:

Disco Elysium – The Final Cut – Date Reveal Trailer | PS5, PS4

Those that already own Disco Elysium can get The Final Cut as part of a free update.

Also available is a Collector's Edition of the game through iam8bit. Included in this collection is the official Disco Elysium art book, a fabric map of Martinaise, a high-quality "Mind Totem," and a physical copy of the game. All those interested can purchase it here for $249.99.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, Mac, and Google Stadia.

Source: YouTube
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Launching Stateside May 25

Originally released for the PlayStation 2 in 2003, Atlus West's JRPG Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will launch for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021

Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Digital Deluxe Edition Announced

Learn more about the latest pre-order and Digital Deluxe information for Koei Tecmo's upcoming title Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection

Scarlet Nexus Releasing June 25

The world of Bandai Namco's Scarlet Nexus will launch on PC and consoles on June 25, 2021

Double Rewards in Arena War in GTA Online This Week

Net yourself Double GTA$, RP & Arena Points across all Arena War Series modes this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online

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Cosplay Wednesday – Apex Legends' Caustic

After making waves on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, the world of Apex Legends has made its way to the Nintendo Switch. In honor of this release, Gamers Heroes takes a look at a cosplay of Apex Legends' Defensive Legend Caustic.

Caustic's Nox Gas Traps, Nox Gas Grenades, and Nox Vision are all proudly on display with Galactic-Reptile's Apex Legends cosplay. Shot with a NIKON D7100 and a Canon EOS REBEL T4i in 2019, the Peacemaker in particular was made by Senpai3D.

Apex Legends Caustic Cosplay

Credit goes to VitalZ COZtography and Tyrone Islington for the photos.

You can find Galactic-Reptile on DeviantArt here.

Do you enjoy a bit of gaming cosplay? Or maybe you're passionate enough to do it full time. Drop me a line at and we'll feature some of your cosplay.

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