
Victoria 3 Announced for PC, Coming to Xbox Game Pass for PC at Launch

Victoria 3

Paradox Interactive has announced grand strategy sequel Victoria 3, a sequel that fans of the Victoria series have been requesting for years. Victoria 2, the last entry in the series, released in 2010. Victoria 3 will release on PC and on Xbox Game Pass for PC at launch. No release date was announced.

"After years of community requests and curiosity about the future of one of the company's iconic games, Victoria 3 is instantly one of the most highly anticipated grand strategy games in Paradox's history," according to Paradox Interactive. "Victoria 3 is a society simulator set in a time of great change. Track the needs and desires of national populations, each group with its own political and material preferences. Conservative factions may resist political reform as growing numbers of tradespeople and intellectuals push for a greater say in how the nation is run. Trade a wide range of goods on a global scale to make sure that needs are met at home, because if people are hungry and disenfranchised, revolution beckons."

The game promises a deep societal simulation that will allow players to improve the lives of citizens in their country, see the wonders of the Victorian Age, and engage in deep diplomatic, political, and economic systems. Players will be able to choose from one of 183 countries to play as.

You can watch the announcement trailer below:

Romero Games Announces Empire of Sin Expansion

Developer Romero Games and publisher Paradox Interactive announced Make It Count, the first expansion for Empire of Sin. Make It Count will release on all platforms alongside the free Precinct update. The Precinct update introduces a Precinct management mechanic, adds new ways to win, and introduces mod support. Mods will be available to play at launch.

"After all the work we put into patching the game in the past few months, we're ready to explore new aspects of the game to give players more content to sink their teeth into," said Brenda Romero, co-founder of Romero Games, in a press release. "Make it Count, alongside the free Precinct update, brings new ways for players to play, manage and win as they build up their own Empire of Sin!"

According to Paradox, "the expansion will introduce a new boss, Meyer "the Accountant" Lansky, new gangsters, "the Fixers," and their Loan Sharking Racket." Lanksy "excels at economics and creates synergy in combat," and can make peace using his money and connections. Five gangsters known as "The Fixers" are also up for hire. The Fixers come with loan sharking Racket and combat abilities, which allows player to Blackmail other characters and factions.

The expansion will also include several story missions based around Lansky and the Fixers, and several other additions, including "new rackets, new abilities, new gangsters and new missions." Further details will be revealed later.

Empire of Sin is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC and Mac. You can watch a trailer for the expansion below.

Paradox Announces The Royal Court Expansion for Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3

Paradox Interactive has announced The Royal Court, the first major expansion for Crusader Kings 3. A release date for the expansion was not announced, though there is an announcement trailer.

According to Paradox, the Royal Court will allow "powerful rulers can establish the kind of court that inspires troubadours, decorating it with relics from family history and favoring subjects with the answers to their many problems."

Establishing a court will allow players to "interact with vassals and courtiers as they come to you with their problems, seeking a royal judgment." Players can also increase the quality of life at their own court by upgrading the quality of their food and the trappings of their thrones rooms, which will attract higher quality guests. "Talented artists, craftspeople and thinkers can work on new projects," which will be added to the player's court. Players will also be able to create hybrid cultures and split from their traditional cultures, as well.

All told, The Royal Court sounds like a good addition to Paradox's strategy title. You can watch a trailer for the expansion below:

Asynchronous Multiplayer Game Phantom Abyss Announced for PC, Gets Trailer

Phantom Abyss

Developer Team WIBY and publisher Developer Digital have announced Phantom Abyss, a massive asynchronous multiplayer title that drops boot into the boots of adventurers exploring procedural generated temples and retrieving their sacred relics. Phantom Abyss will launch in Early Access in June. The game will be updated with new chambers, traps, whips, zones, and additional gameplay features as time goes on.

According to the official description, "Intrepid adventurers will dodge scores of hidden traps, leap treacherous chasms, and flee relentless guardians through branching paths until one of the relics are claimed or the devices of death overwhelm them. Be warned, you only get one attempt at each temple and failure or settling for a lesser relic means you will never see that temple again…"

That doesn't mean you'll be going in completely unprepared, though. "The cleverest players will use the phantom runs of failed attempts from other players to their advantage and avoid the missteps and mistakes that led to their doom. Once the legendary relic at the bottom of each temple is found, the temple goes away forever and becomes the priceless trophy of the skilled adventurer."

Players will also be able to offer their collected treasures to the gods to claim a double jump, glide jump, extended slide, damage protection, and other abilities. They will also be able to upgrade their whip and share "Temple Codes for their failed runs allowing friends to attempt the same temple or share their Adventure Code which yields a playlist of temples that player has attempted in the past."

Honestly, the whole thing looks and sounds very cool, and I'll definitely be checking it out when the game comes to Early Access next month. You can watch a trailer for the game, complete with some gameplay, below:


Switch Hardware Sales Beat Xbox Series X|S and PS5 Combined Over the Same Period

nintendo switch

File this one under "unsurprising, but newsworthy anyway": the Nintendo Switch sold more than both the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 combined over the same period. That's according to a report from Ampere Analysis, who report that the Switch sold 5.86 million units during Q1 2021, which is a 12% increase from the same period lat year.

By comparison, the Xbox Series X|S sold 1.31 million units during the same period. The PS5, while still behind the Switch, doubled the Xbox Series X|S numbers, coming in 2.83 million units in the same period. It should be noted that people want to buy both the Xbox Series X|S and the PS5. They just can't.

Both consoles are suffering from stock shortages and unpredictable availability, largely due to the semiconductor shortage caused by the OCVID-19 pandemic. Scalping has also become a huge issue. Foxconn CEO Young Liu believes the shortage will last until mid-2022. Sony also doesn't believe that they will meet demand this year. That said, Sony and Microsoft are not the only ones suffering from the only from chip shortages. Nintendo has also confirmed that the shortages have impacted Switch production, so the accomplishment is still impressive.

Sega's Virtua Fighter eSports Game Gets Announcement Livestream on May 27th

Virtua Fighter X eSports

Information about Sega's new Virtua Fighter title has been leaking out for a while now. The company first revealed a teaser trailer for the game at Tokyo Game Show last month, but didn't provide much information about what it was, or if it was even a game at all. At the time, Sega CEO Haruki Satomi described described it as "a project commemorating the 60th year anniversary of [Sega]" that would begin in Japan and would be a "restart" focused on eSports and competitive play."

Then official art appeared on PSN. Now, however, we might finally get some answers about what the future of Virtua Fighter entails. Swega has officially announced the Virtua Fighter x eSports Project Official Announcement livestream on May 27th at 8:00 PM JST (4 AM PST). The livestream will take place on Sega's new Virtua Fighter YouTube channel, which currently shows a teaser for the livestream. Sega also launched a teaser website counting down to the livesteam.

Previous leaks referred to the game as Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown, though it's simply known as Virtua Fighter eSports in Japan. The last game in the series was Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, which released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2012. It's reasonable to assume that Ultimate Showdown might be an updated version of that game.

Whatever it is, it would be good to have Virtua Fighter back, even if it is just an alternate version of Final Showdown. The brainchild of legendary OutRun and Shenmue designer Yu Suzuki, who recently suggested he might return to the series, Virtua Fighter was the first 3D fighting game. The series is renowned for its incredible technical depth and excellent design. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown is widely considered one of the greatest fighting games ever made.

Scarlet Nexus Demo is Now Live on Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

Scarlet Nexus_08

The demo for Bandai Namco's upcoming hack and slash title Scarlet Nexus is now available on Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. It can be downloaded for free and allows for playing as Yuito or Kasane, each with their own unique stages and battles. Check out the release trailer to see them in action.

The demo also provides a tutorial to educate one about Psychokinesis, Rush Attacks and Struggle Arms System. Though both protagonists can toss items with Psychokinesis, Yuito is more of a close range fighter. As such, his teammates' SAS abilities range from nullifying damage to teleporting through obstacles. Kasane, on the other hand, can fight from mid-range with her knives.

Her teammates' abilities include duplicating items thrown by Psychokinesis, slowing down time and so on. Each of the featured bosses also showcases how you'll use the environment to gain the upper hand (like dropping a water truck on the boss as Kasane and then imbuing attacks with Electricity). Scarlet Nexus is currently slated to release on June 25th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. The demo will go live on May 28th for PS4 and PS5.

Starfield Will Receive a "Specific" Release Date at E3 2021 – Schreier


The Starfield release date rumors continue with Bloomberg's Jason Schreier tweeting yesterday about how Bethesda would "tease" a release date at E3. He noted that the date is in "late 2022" and that one should keep their expectations in check. This led to a reply from Direct-Feed Games who was told the plan was to "slap a '2022' window on it at E3."

However, this could mean a release window that's as late as Q3/Q4 2022. "Initially I heard first half of 2022; but, I was shown & given better information in recent days," said the user. Schreier responded that this was not correct and the plan was to announce a "specific" date at E3 2021.

Recently, Schreier tweeted that the planned release date for Starfield was "way later" than most people were expecting and that it was "nowhere near done." The majority of Bethesda Game Studios had reportedly been working on Fallout 76 till 2019 while a smaller team was on Starfield. From a logistical standpoint, it's definitely hard to believe that it could arrive this year.

However, this is the first time that a credible source is suggesting a late 2022 release. Stay tuned for more details when E3 2021 rolls around on June 12th to 15th especially with Microsoft and Bethesda combining their conferences this year.

Devolver Digital to Reveal Four New Games at Summer Game Fest

Devolver Digital

Among all the publishers hosting showcases in the Summer, Devolver Digital is perhaps the most infamous due to the antics of the fictional Nina Struthers. Whether there will be a Devolver Direct or not, the publisher has confirmed the reveal of four new titles for the Summer Game Fest. The event is currently slated to kick off on June 10th.

Along with the new reveals will be updates on Death's Door, Shadow Warrior 3 and the recently revealed Phantom Abyss. With Phantom Abyss having a June release date for Steam Early Access, it's highly likely that it launches on the day of the event. Death's Door is slated for release this Summer on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S so perhaps a release date will be revealed.

As for Shadow Warrior 3, it's received numerous trailers and sneak peeks showcasing its arena kills and weapons. It's currently in development for Xbox One, PS4 and PC so that's one more title that could see a release date announced. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

Psychonauts 2 Accessibility Features Include Subtitle Size, Narrative Combat, Remappable Controls and More

psychonauts 2

Double Fine Productions has released a new 33 minute long video for Psychonauts 2 going over its accessibility features. The usual brightness slider and text language options can be expected along with an option for toggling font legibility. Check it out below.

Along with subtitles comes the option to increase their size. Players can also enable "narrative combat" and invincibility or switch off elements like fall damage. Camera shake intensity can also be adjusted and there are options for color blindness as well. If that weren't enough, the controls are completely remappable and even support overlapping. One feature that should be useful for all players is Camera Assist which will actually try to guide one to the next objective.

Psychonauts 2 is currently in development for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Xbox Series X/S while launching on day one for Xbox Game Pass. Though a release date hasn't been provided, Double Fine has assured fans (again) that it will be launching this year. Head here to see some new gameplay showcasing the new Psi-Power "Mental Connection."

Minecraft 1.17 Bedrock Beta Update – Patch Notes (Today, May 20)

Minecraft is all set to receive the Caves and Cliffs Update later this year, and it will be one of the biggest updates in history. There is a lot to come in the update, ranging from glow squids to goats and much more. Players can already try out a number of features via Snapshots and Bedrock beta updates.

  • MORE: Minecraft 1.17 Snapshot 21w20a

Minecraft Bedrock Beta has received a new update today which adds a few new features and tons of other bug fixes and improvements. Here are the complete patch notes.

Minecraft Dungeons: Howling Peaks – Official Launch Trailer

Minecraft Dungeons: Howling Peaks – Official Launch Trailer

Minecraft 1.17 Bedrock Beta Update – Patch Notes (Today, May 20)

Features and Bug Fixes


  • Long stalactites drip only from the tip
  • Stalactites now drip water slightly more often when filling a cauldron
  • Pointed dripstone now correctly gets destroyed after the block it was placed on is broken by block updates

User Interface

  • Tweaked background color of settings screens


  • Fixed a bug that could occur on older worlds where looking up in a minecart would display the inside of the minecart blocking the player's view
  • Maps inside Glow Item Frames no longer cause nearby items to light up


  • Picking or breaking Glow Item Frames now gives the correct item (MCPE-117514)
  • Advanced Pick Block will now save the data of copied blocks correctly (MCPE-126040)
  • Furnace, Smoker, and Blast Furnace now become unlit when fuel finishes (MCPE-127550MCPE-127559)
  • Fixed a bug where the map was centred on player's position when it was created (MCPE-126607)
  • Baby Axolotls no longer consume the Bucket when being fed with a Bucket of Tropical Fish
  • Buckets that were used to feed Axolotls can now be stacked together with other empty Buckets (MCPE-127426)


  • Fixed ripple effect on portals and crash when creating a large amount of portal blocks (MCPE-126674MCPE-126690)
  • Fixed bubble columns on naturally generated Magma Blocks (MCPE-127196)


  • Function's positional offset is no longer re-evaluated for every command inside the function when run with the '/execute' command. It is now only evaluated once for the whole function (MCPE-124890)

Technical Updates


  • Fixed an issue with Signs not displaying the saved text upon placement
  • The "has_equipment" filter once again supports data values


  • Added a new field "transform_to_item" to the "minecraft:ageable" component. If the field is filled with an item name, the item will be given back when any of "feed_items" are used. Similar to "transform_to_item" in the "minecraft:breedable" component

The post Minecraft 1.17 Bedrock Beta Update – Patch Notes (Today, May 20) by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Genshin Impact 1.6 Leaks: New Kazuha Gameplay, Voice Actor, Lines Leaked

Genshin Impact turned out to be one of the biggest sensations of 2020 and has grown even further this year. With a slew of updates slated to arrive, fans are quite excited to see what else miHoYo has in store for millions of players out there.

The game gets a major update every six weeks, and these updates add a wide range of new content, ranging from characters, weapons, quests, and much more. The last update added two new characters, Eula and Yanfei and the housing system.

  • MORE GENSHIN: Genshin Impact Food is Perfectly Recreated in Real Life By Talented Food Artist

Now, we are gearing up for the 1.6 Update which is slated to release sometime in June. We are just a few weeks away from the update, and leaks have started giving us an insight into what we can expect from it.

Collected Miscellany – "Eula: Surging Frost" | Genshin Impact

Collected Miscellany – "Eula: Surging Frost" | Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 1.6 Leaks: Kazuha Gameplay, Voicelines Leaked

It was leaked a while ago that 1.6 will be adding Kazuha to the game. Initial leaks revealed the character models and talents of Kazuha, and it quickly became one of the most anticipated characters. Here is his in-game description.

A wandering samurai from Inazuma who is currently with Liyue's Crux Fleet. A gentle and carefree soul whose heart hides a great many burdens.

Today, a new leak has surfaced, thanks to Genshin Leaker Dimbreath, which showcases Kazuha's gameplay along with his voice lines. While we are not officially aware of who the voice actor is, some fans quickly figured out the person Kazuha's voice. According to them, Nobunaga Shimazaki is the voice actor.

Nobunaga Shimazaki is quite a popular name, and he has worked in various anime such as Fruits Basket, and SAO, to name a few. This has already got quite a large number of fans excited and has increased the hype for Kazuha even more. With just a few weeks to go for the update to release, we should get more information pretty soon.

The post Genshin Impact 1.6 Leaks: New Kazuha Gameplay, Voice Actor, Lines Leaked by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Fortnite: Bouncers Unvaulted For Wild Week #3 – Is It Permanent? How To Get & Use

bouncers fortnite

Guess what? Bouncers are back in Fortnite!

There are a few devices in Fortnite that really linger in our memories.

Among them are bouncers. With Wild Week 3 setting in, Epic Games are unvaulting bouncers in the game!

Read more to learn about what it does, whether it is permanent, and how to get and use it!

  • MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite x NBA Team Battles – Trailer, Skins, Challenges & Rewards

Impossible Escape LTM Trailer – Fortnite

Impossible Escape LTM Trailer – Fortnite

Bouncers Unvaulted In Fortnite For Wild Week 3

Wild Week is a new feature in Fortnite currently entering its third iteration. The first and second Wild Weeks saw interesting additions to the game that made players rethink strategies.

With the third Wild Week about to start, we know that the theme is all about beating gravity!

To make the most of the idea of rejecting gravity and getting maximum air-time, getting bouncers unvaulted seems like a fun and wise decision. But is it permanent?

Are Bouncers Being Unvaulted Permanent?

Unfortunately, bouncers are going to stick around in Fortnite just for this new Wild Week. Bouncers are unvaulted and will be revaulted next week.

This is similar to the Flare Gun we recently saw vaulted and unvaulted. This was reported by Twitter user kiwiroyale.

  • MORE FORTNITE: Fortnite Catwoman Zero Skin – How to Get, Release Date, Price

How To Get And Use Bouncers In Fortnite

Let's start by understanding how to get bouncers in Fortnite. They are found in quite a few places in the map such as floor loot, in chests, Supply Llamas, and Supply Drops. Remember that they drop in stacks of 3 and you can stack them infinitely.

They function as a device which can be placed on any structure you own as well as neutral structures. You can place them in any direction and they will launch players or vehicles away from them. You also won't receive any fall damage you take.

If you create a box with bouncers on all surfaces, one of them breaks. Other than this feature though, you can use them infinitely! Also, remember that placing it on the side of a structure instantly launches you on near contact. Placing it on a flat surface or slope, however, will need you to touch it.

Have fun with bouncers back in Fortnite for Wild Week 3!

  • MORE FORTNITE: Batman x Fortnite Zero Point Comic Issue 3 – Preview, How To Buy, Catwoman's Grappling Claw

The post Fortnite: Bouncers Unvaulted For Wild Week #3 – Is It Permanent? How To Get & Use by Soham Rane appeared first on DualShockers.

My Hero Academia Chapter 313: Release Date and Time Confirmed!

My Hero Academia Chapter 313 Release Date and Time

My Hero Academia fans are eagerly waiting to read Chapter 313; well, here's everything we know about the chapter's release schedule.

Kōhei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia is one of the best Japanese action manga on the planet. Millions of fans love watching Izuku Midoria getting close to becoming the most powerful superhero.

In the previous chapter, we were introduced to a new villain, and now, everyone wants to see what events will unfold in the next chapter.

  • More Manga: Attack on Titan: Fans react to new manga ending, 8 more pages added!

My Hero One's Justice 2 – Mei Hatsume DLC Trailer | PS4

My Hero One's Justice 2 – Mei Hatsume DLC Trailer | PS4

My Hero Academia Chapter 313 Release Date

My Hero Academia Ch. 313 is scheduled to release on Sunday, May 23rd, 2021.

The new chapter will be available to read on Viz Media and Manga Plus. Interestingly, both the digital platforms will let you read the first three and the last (latest) three chapters for free.

However, you must have the Shonen Jump membership to unlock the rest of the manga chapters on Viz.

My Hero Academia Chapter 313 Release Time

Like previous chapters, My Hero Academia Chapter 313 will release at midnight JST (Japan Standard Time) on May 23rd. However, the release time may vary depending on where you live. Also, the English translation for the chapter will come out a few hours later.

Nevertheless, if the above timing stays correct, you can read the chapter at the following times:

  • Pacific Time: 9-11 AM PDT
  • Central Time: 11 AM-1 PM CDT
  • Eastern Time: 12PM-2 PM EDT
  • British Time: 4-6 PM BST
  • European Time: 5-7 PM CEST

Note that Viz Media confirmed the chapter's release schedule on its website, but it is still subject to change. Anyway, we'll surely update this post if there's any concerning delay in the chapter's release.

Meanwhile, it's best to read the previous manga chapter to be better prepared for what's ahead in Chapter 313.

The post My Hero Academia Chapter 313: Release Date and Time Confirmed! by Shivam Gulati appeared first on DualShockers.

Destiny 2 Vault of Glass – Release Time, Contest Mode, World's First Belt

Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Release Time

Destiny 2 Vault of Glass release time has been announced by Bungie. Get prepared for a big competition starting on May 22nd.

Destiny 2 has surely been one of the rich-content MMO titles out there with a heavy focus on delivering PvE and PvP content simultaneously.

The Vault of Glass raid returns once again to the Destiny 2 universe. This time around, you will get two new modes inside the raid that invite you to worldwide competition for winning a unique Destiny belt.

Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer – Season Pass Trailer

Destiny 2: Season of the Splicer – Season Pass Trailer

Destiny 2 Vault of Glass Release Time

The Vault of Glass will be available at 6 pm BST/1 pm EDT on May 22nd. Keep in mind that the update will go live at the aforementioned time, so it might take an hour or so until you could be able to jump in.

We will share the patch notes of the Vault of Glass update as soon as they become available.

Destiny 2 World's First Belt and Contest Mode

From the moment that The Vault of Glass goes live until the same moment of the next day, the raid will be held in Contest Mode. This is a new mode that allows players to start a limited-time Triumph once they completed the raid.

If you manage to complete The Vault of Glass in Contest Mode, head towards the Director area and activate the Tempo's Edge Triumph, which is called the Challenge Mode of the raid. The first squad to finish the Triumph will get the World's First belt.

Destiny 2 is now available for free on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. Not to mention that the Xbox Game Pass subscribers have free access to the game's post-launch expansions as well.

The post Destiny 2 Vault of Glass – Release Time, Contest Mode, World's First Belt by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Will Biomutant Be Available on Xbox Game Pass at Launch?

Biomutant Game Pass

After long anticipation, Biomutant will finally be available in less than a week. If you are an Xbox player, you would probably ask about the Biomutant Game Pass availability. Well, let's find out.

Originally revealed back in 2017, the Biomutant fans will finally be able to play their most anticipated title later this month.

Biomutant is an action RPG title set inside a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. Players will create their own character and enter this wonderfully expansive universe to fight and survive.

Biomutant features both melee and ranged combats. Based on your fighting style, you can choose to damage your giant enemies with swords or hit them from afar with guns. You are totally free to choose your way of fighting.

Biomutant – Explanation Trailer

Biomutant – Explanation Trailer

Will Biomutant Launch Directly on Xbox Game Pass?

No. Up to this point, there has been no news around Biomutant's launch on Xbox Game Pass. Although THQ Nordic and Microsoft have had a good partnership on bringing titles to Xbox Game Pass in the past years, Biomutant doesn't seem to come to Microsoft's subscription service from the get-go.

That being said, the game might make its way to Xbox Game Pass several months after launch, but for now, there's no such a thing.

If you are about to pre-order the game on Xbox One, we suggest you wait a little bit longer. Although there is no buzz around the game's launch on the Xbox Game Pass, it's still worth waiting a little bit longer until the release date and see if anything surprising about the game comes out or not.

Biomutant will be available on May 25 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. No plans for the next-gen versions have been announced yet. That said, you can still play the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S through the backward compatibility feature.

The post Will Biomutant Be Available on Xbox Game Pass at Launch? by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Back 4 Blood: All Characters Showcased in "The Cleaners" Brand New Trailer

Take a look at the all-new trailer that provides an in-depth look at "The Cleaners" and the zombie-like Ridden that they're tasked with slaying.

When Left 4 Dead released back in 2008, it was the zombie-smashing, heart-pounding multiplayer experience so many gamers craved and still, to this day, is considered one of the best co-op games of all time.

Back 4 Blood – Card System Trailer

Back 4 Blood – Card System Trailer

Of course, with something as successful as Left 4 Dead, Turtle Rock Studios wanted to try and give back that feeling once more to new and old fans of the franchise and thus, Back 4 Blood was born.

In a brand new trailer from Turtle Rock Studios, fans get an in-depth view into the characters and personalities that make up the Ridden slaying crew known as "The Cleaners."

Throughout the blood-soaked, infected-slaying trailer, we get to understand a little about what exactly makes the eight of these fearless characters tick as well as getting eyes on the range of Ridden variants players will take on when the game releases.

The complete team of "Cleaners" unveiled

  • Holly – Armed with a baseball bat called "Dottie" that would put Negan from The Walking Dead to shame, Holly Forrester is known for her high energy and determination. Always the shoulder to lean on, Holly offers the rest of the team much-needed guidance and support as they fight through the darkness of the apocalypse together.
  • Walker – Elijah Walker was an Army Ranger and war veteran so having this guy on your team, you'll know that things will get taken care of. Being a man of few words, Walker demands respect and loyalty from his team when offering commands and will lead his fellow Cleaners into a well thought out and tactical battle.
  • Doc – The medic of the team, Doc has been saving lives since she stepped foot in America and now during the fight for the last of humanity, you can guarantee she'll be at your side to bandage you up. Not only is she great at giving shots, but her headshots are also just as good.
  • Karlee – Surviving on the outskirts of Fort Hope since the Collapse, Karlee only trusted in herself. Although very little is known about her, she'd much prefer to keep it that way. Outspoken and brutally honest, Karlee's personality can take a bit to get used to but regardless, she makes a great asset to the team.
  • Jim – A marksman by nature, Jim can snipe with incredible accuracy from his time training in the military. With amazing hunting skills from an early age, he can track down anything in his path. When returning from his time in the army, Jim's home was destroyed by the Collapse which led him to join the kick-ass team of "The Cleaners".
  • Hoffman – Actually enjoying the whole chaos of the breakout, you can be guaranteed that preparation is Hoffman's middle name. When the infection initially broke, Hoffman had been taking care of his mother and when she died, all of the supplies run out leaving Hoffman to go it alone – that's until he met the rest of the crew. Bringing skill and his good-hearted attitude to the table, he continues to be a useful part of the Cleaners.
  • Evangelo – The youngest member of the gang, Evangelo is as loyal as they come and will always put himself up for any fight. Even though he never stops talking, especially when nervous, Evangelo wants to learn and is eager to prove himself to the rest of the Cleaners.
  • Mom – The only person surprised that Mom became the voice of survivors in Finleyville was herself. She's never shirked from a challenge and always puts the needs of others over her own. Still, for one who's used to bucking authority, her newfound responsibility sometimes weighs uneasily on her. Although she has faith in her Cleaners, Mom has questioned other leaders' strategies on more than one occasion, especially since the death of her son. Mom's goal is simple, make the Ridden pay.

You can check out the entirety of the new trailer below that also offers a look at "The Ridden" in which players will be challenged with throughout Back 4 Blood. These include beastly Breakers, grotesque Ogres, screeching Snitchers, ravenous Hags, and more.

Back 4 Blood releases on October 12, 2021, for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

The post Back 4 Blood: All Characters Showcased in "The Cleaners" Brand New Trailer by Rachael Fiddis appeared first on DualShockers.

When Does The Bad Batch Episode 4 Come Out? Release Date and Time Confirmed

The Bad Batch Episode 4 Release Date and Time Confirmed.jpg

Star Wars fans are eagerly waiting to watch The Bad Batch Episode 4. And if you're one of those fans, here's when you can watch the next episode.

Disney's The Bad Batch has taken the entire Star Wars community by storm. In the show, you follow the journey of Cloud Force 99, the notorious squad we last saw in the final season of Clone Wars. And so far, fans loved every episode of the new animated series.

The third episode of The Bad Batch aired last week, and now, everyone is looking forward to watching Episode 4.

  • More Bad Batch: Star Wars: The Bad Batch – Who Is the OMEGA character?

Star Wars: The Bad Batch | Official Trailer | Disney+

Star Wars: The Bad Batch | Official Trailer | Disney+

The Bad Batch Episode 4 Release Date and Time

When writing this article, Star Wars: The Bad Batch Episode 4 is scheduled to release on Friday, May 21st, 2021.

The new episode will be available to watch at 12:00 AM PDT on Disney Plus. However, the release timing may vary depending on where you live.

Anyway, to make things easier for you, here is Episode 4's release timing for different time zones:

  • Pacific Time: 12:00 AM PDT
  • Central Time: 2:00 AM CDT
  • Eastern Time: 3:00 AM EDT
  • British Time:  8:00 AM BST
  • European Time: 9:00 AM CEST
  • Indian Time: 12:30 PM IST
  • Japan Time: 4:00 PM JST
  • Australian Time: 5:00 PM AEST

The Bad Batch Episode 4 Preview

In the previous episode, we saw how helpful Omega could be for the Cloud Force 99 squad. Hunter and other members finally accept her as a crucial member of the team.

Meanwhile, Crosshair is doing the bidding of the Empire without asking any questions. So, the Bad Batch members will definitely come up with a plan to rescue Crosshair and get him back on the team.

Other than that, it's hard to predict anything about the upcoming episode, but we know that it is going to be intense. So, make sure you don't miss the episode when it finally arrives on Disney Plus.

The post When Does The Bad Batch Episode 4 Come Out? Release Date and Time Confirmed by Shivam Gulati appeared first on DualShockers.

Marvel's MODOK: Release time and date on Hulu revealed!


Fans want to know when Marvels MODOK Release time and date is on Hulu. We look at the series premiere and how to watch it.

MODOK or M.O.D.O.K (Mental/Mobile/Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing) is the latest stop motion adventure from Marvel. The series is created by Patton Oswalt and Jordan Blum and based on a comic book by the same name.

The series follows MODOK, the supervillain, who struggles to come to terms with his life after his evil corporation has been bought by a tech company. Fans are highly anticipating the release of the series.

So, when can fans expect Marvel's MODOK to release on Hulu?

  • DEMON SLAYER: When does season 2 of the hit anime series release?

Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. – Trailer (Official) • A Hulu Original

Marvel's M.O.D.O.K. – Trailer (Official) • A Hulu Original

Marvel's MODOK: Release date

Marvel's MODOK is expected to release on Hulu on Friday, 21st May 2021. Depending on your time zone it could be released the night before on Thursday, 20th May 2021.

The 21st of May 2021 falls on the US National holiday, National Pizza Party Day. So, if you are in the US, or anywhere else really, grab your friends and a slice of your fave pizza and head to Hulu to watch the latest animated series by Marvel!

Marvel's MODOK: Release time

Marvel's MODOK is expected to release on Hulu at 9 PM PDT on Thursday, 20th May 2021.

The series is expected to release at the following times around the world:

  • Central time: 11 PM on Thursday, 20th May 2021.
  • Eastern time: 12 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • Greenwich Mean time: 4 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • British time: 5 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • West Africa time: 5 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • Central Africa time: 6 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • Central European time: 6 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • East Africa time: 7 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • Pakistani time: 9 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • India time: 9:30 AM on Friday, 21st May 2021.
  • Australia time: 1:30 PM on Friday, 21st May 2021.

Hulu regularly releases new content around the same time. Based on this we have been able to figure out the remaining release times. However, we cannot confirm this, meaning the times listed could be subject to change.

Please note: Times could be subject to change. The U.K. is currently on BST and not GMT* GMT has been included for some parts of North/North-West Africa.

For time zones that may not be included in this article, please use Savvy Time for conversions.

  • CONTROL: The game will be featured on Xbox Game Pass this week!

How to watch MODOK on Hulu explained

To stream Hulu's content and have access to Hulu's film and TV library, you will need to have a membership. Subscriptions cost $5.99 per month, alternatively, it costs $13.99 a month as part of a bundle package that includes Hulu, Disney+ and ESPN+. Hulu's users can also get HBO Max, Showtime, Cinemax and Starz as part of add-on deals.

Marvel's MODOK will also be shown on Disney+ Star's streaming service, which is included in the Disney+ package. On their streaming service, the series will release one episode every week for international viewers.

The post Marvel's MODOK: Release time and date on Hulu revealed! by Iram Sharifah Khan appeared first on DualShockers.

Cold War Zombies Orda World Event – How To Defeat Orda Boss

cold war orda

Many fans may be too caught up in the antics occuring with Warzone and Cold War Multiplayer to even notice how much new content has arrived in Zombies. One of the many new pieces of content is the Orda World Event in Cold War's Outbreak mode.

The giant monster can be quite terrifying and difficult to take out, you'll need to know the best way to defeat Orda in Outbreak Zombies before you jump in.

  • MORE: Warzone Season 3 Reloaded Meta

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War – Season Three Onslaught Trailer | PS5, PS4

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War – Season Three Onslaught Trailer | PS5, PS4

Cold War Season 3 Reloaded

The big mid-season update for Cold War and Warzone arrived on May 20 with plenty of new content and changes for players to discover.

Jump into Cold War Multiplayer right now to discover the new Die Hardpoint mode, new weapons, plenty of weapon adjustments.

You'll also want to make sure you pick up the Rambo and Die Hard Bundles from the Call of Duty store so you can take out enemies as the classic 80s action heroes.

Multiplayer isn't the only mode getting the attention in Season 3 Reloaded, Zombies has received a new 'Cranked 2' mode, a new main quest, and the Orda World Event.

Check out the full patch notes from Treyarch Studios to see all of the changes in Season 3 Reloaded.

What Is Orda?

Orda is a new boss event that can appear in every map on Outbreak. The new boss is only able to spawn from Round 2 and onwards, so make the most of the peace during Round 1.

Outbreak's new boss will roam around the map freely and won't actually do anything until you get too close to it or start attacking it.

The Orda has a lot of health, and is able to shoot zombie dogs out of it's hands. That's not all though, Orda can also stomp on the ground, pushing you back, and will also swing at you if you get too close.

Players must also be aware that if you begin retreating too far from Orda, he will summon zombies that will actually regenerate his health for him. So, you'll want to make sure you keep the pressure on Orda to take him out.

Once you defeat the Orda, he has the chance to drop various rewards. Not only can he drop max ammo, Orda can also drop a wonder weapon for players to pick up. Various other weapons will also drop from Orda once he is defeated.

How To Defeat Orda In Cold War Zombies Outbreak

Orda is an incredibly hard boss fight, so you'll need to know some top tips to defeat him.

  • Keep at a decent range from Orda, but not too far that he begins regenerating health.
  • Use powerful weapons that are Pack-A-Punched, or a wonder weapon such as the Ray Gun.
  • Shoot the glowing spot on Orda's head, this is his weak spot and will do the most damage.
  • Keep applying pressure to Orda whilst staying at range.

That's our personal tips for defeating Orda in Cold War Outbreak, be prepared for a hard fight even if you are fully prepared!

The post Cold War Zombies Orda World Event – How To Defeat Orda Boss by Kyle Knight appeared first on DualShockers.