
Ghost of Tsushima: Iki Island Expansion DLC – 5 Ways it Expands Upon the Base Game In Meaningful Ways

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut is out now, and it is, unsurprisingly, an excellent update of a great game. All of its visual, performance, and quality-of-life upgrades are, of course, appreciated, but the biggest way it adds to Sucker Punch's open world epic is by adding even more content to it, in the form of the meaty new Iki Island expansion. And that chunk of content is a truly excellent addition, not only because it builds on Ghost of Tsushima's strengths, but also because it has a few interesting new elements of its own. Here, we're going to go over a few of the expansion's biggest highlights, and how it expands upon Ghost of Tsushima in meaningful ways.


Let's start off with the most obvious talking point- Iki Island itself, which is where the expansion is set. This newest chapter in Jin's story takes us away from Tsushima and over to Iki itself, and just as Tsushima was in the base game, the expansion's new map is a brilliantly designed one. Organic and diegetic exploration was where Ghost of Tsushima really excelled, and the Iki Island expansion continues to build on that. With in-world elements such as plumes of smokes or golden songbirds, or with distinctly designed natural landmarks that instantly grab attention, the expansion constantly keeps nudging players to keep exploring and finding new and exciting things. What's more, it even pulls back to a great extent on how annoyingly frequent those songbird distractions could be in the base game. They're not completely gone here, of course, but they don't pop up once every couple of minutes either.

Beyond that, Iki Island is also a visually distinct place. In terms of its aesthetic and art design, it's obviously following in the footsteps of Ghost of Tsushima itself, with similarly vibrant sights, gorgeous scenes of natural beauty, liberal use of oversaturated hues, and more, but at the same time, the island's backstory helps it carve out its own identity. Iki is a lawless, untamed place that is not nearly as civilized as Tsushima is, and also still bears many haunting scars of the conflicts it saw a few years back. As such, while still maintaining the visual identity of the base game, the expansion's map is able to take players to some locations that feel very unique from anything that can be found on Tsushima island.


ghost of tsushima director's cut

Of course, there's plenty to do around Iki Island. This is a large expansion with around fifteen hours of content (if not more) if you decide to do more than just the main story quests, and as you'd expect, there's a nice variety of optional activities on offer. There are, of course, several new side quests (which, by the way, boast much better design and quality than the side quests in the base game generally did), as well as a couple new Mythic Tales to take on, and clearing out Mongol forts, of course, is still an important (and addictive) side activity. Other returning activities are also here, including bamboo strike challenges, Shinto shrines, haiku spots, lighting light houses, and hot springs- though most of these aren't nearly as numerous as they were in the base game.

Instead, the Iki Island expansion puts more of an emphasis on an entirely new set of open world activities. You can track down spots where animals have gathered and play your flute there to make it a sanctuary for them. You can participate in archery challenges scattered throughout the map and try to get bronze, silver, or gold rankings to improve a Concentration charm. The main Raider town also has a dueling arena, with plenty of challengers to take on in 1v1 fights for rewards. Better yet, most of the activities scattered throughout the map don't just slavishly stick to their formulas. Instead, every so often, they put interesting little twists on them- like a light house that isn't guarded by enemies, but instead serves as more of a platforming challenge; or a hot spring that has monkeys chilling around Jin while he soaks himself; or an animal sanctuary where Mongols have set up an ambush to take you by surprise. It certainly keeps things interesting, and keeps exploration from becoming too monotonous.


ghost of tsushima director's cut

The Iki Island expansion isn't a semi-sequel to Ghost of Tsushima like Miles Morales was to Spider-Man. Instead, it functions more as a side story taking place somewhere in the middle of the base game's events, sort of like The Frozen Wilds and Horizon Zero Dawn. Even so, in spite of the fact that it doesn't really hold many clues for what the story of the inevitable Ghost of Tsushima sequel might have in store, it still ends up feeling like a surprisingly essential part of Jin's story.

The Eagle Tribe's reign of terror over Iki Island is sold effectively (even though The Eagle herself is never really fleshed out properly as a villain), while new characters like Tenzo the Raider are great additions to the game's cast. The biggest draw of the story, however, is that it ties in intricately with Jin's own past. Iki Island was, after all, the place where his father died, and where samurais once led a bloody conquest in an effort to tame the island and end its lawless ways, before eventually failing. Watching Jin come to terms with the brutal actions of those samurai and his father years ago, and with his own inability to save his father while he was cut down in front of his eyes, makes for some fascinating narrative moments that add a great deal to Jin's personal arc.


ghost of tsushima director's cut

Combat was probably one of Ghost of Tsushima's biggest strengths, which was surprising, because in the lead-up to the game's launch last year, that was the one aspect that was looking the least convincing. Happily enough, combat continues to be a highlight in the Iki Island expansion as well. As you'd expect, it's largely the same as the base game, so it retains all its mechanical strengths, but there are still enough new elements here to further improve the experience.

The biggest new addition is the shaman, a new enemy type. In 1v1 situations, the shaman functions like a regular spearman, but it's his other abilities that make him such an interesting enemy to fight. The shaman, you see, likes to hang back while you're getting swarmed by other enemies and chant, and his chants make all the other enemies much more vicious and brutal in their attacks. That lends some neat tactical depth to combat encounters, as you're forced to pick between dealing with aggressive enemies around you or taking a gamble and killing the shaman first. Things get even more interesting where there are multiple shamans in the mix, which, of course, stands true for stealth situations as well- do you head into more heavily guarded areas of a camp to take out the shaman first, or slowly make your way inside form the fringes and risk being seen by him while you do it? Add to all of this a new charge ability for your horse, which makes horseback combat even more enjoyable, and combat in the expansion ends up feeling familiar enough while still introducing a couple of its own new ideas.


ghost of tsushima director's cut

As a meaty new expansion bolted on top of the base game, you'd expect Iki Island to also add more new progression opportunities, and thankfully, it doesn't disappoint in this area either. There are several new charms to collect, some of which can be upgraded even further by doing specific open world activities, like finding animal sanctuaries or completing archery challenges. The new Mythic Tales also bring new pieces of armour (which, of course, can be upgraded), while the aforementioned horseback charge is also upgradable with skill points.

Of course, there are also several new cosmetics to be found, such as headbands and sheaths for your katana and tanto. Crucially, the Iki Island expansion also has its own Legend progression with multiple tiers, so each activity you complete helps you grow your legend on the island from a clean slate, separate from your actions on Tsushima. All said, there's more than enough here to keep you occupied for quite a long time.

DOOM Eternal Update 6.66 Will Add Horde Mode, Battlemode Overhaul, And New Master Levels

It's hard to say when we'll see a new entry in the DOOM series at this point, but the franchise certainly had a memorable previous entry with the wild DOOM Eternal. The game launched last year and has seen two expansions as well as next gen updates release recently. While the Doom Slayer's story seems to be done, at least for now, the game is still getting updates and refinements and now we know what is coming next.

As announced at QuakeCon this year, the next update for Eternal will be 6.66 (skipping 6.61-6.65, but let's not worry too much about all that). The update will bring the previously announced Horde Mode, which will be a single player mode focused on surviving multiple waves of enemies. It will also see an overhaul to Battlemode that seeks to improve matchmaking as well as a new arena called Stronghold and putting more emphasis on streaks. Finally, it will also include new Master Levels, World Spear and Mars Core. You can see the developers speaking on the update below.

DOOM Eternal is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, Switch and Stadia. No word yet on when update 6.66 will drop, only that it is planned soon.

No More Heroes 3 Will Have Official Livestream On August 26

Travis Touchdown's insane adventures will continue next week with the release of No More Heroes 3. The next entry in Suda 51's wild saga of the otaku assassin brings things to a cosmic level as Travis will have to contend with alien threats. We've already seen quite a lot of the game, including several boss fights and minigames. And one day before release, we'll get to see a bit more it seems.

As announced by Marvelous, just before release on the 26th, there will be a new livestream dubbed "No More Broadcasting 5.1 GHm Part 2." It will feature the Director, Suda 51, a MC Mafia Kajita and vtuber Shishiro Botan, and a special mysterious guest that is said to be a professional wrestler. That sounds about right for this game. The stream will go live on August 26th at 21:00 JST across Marvelous' various social media accounts.

No More Heroes 3 will launch as a Nintendo Switch exclusive on August 27th. For everything you'll need to know about the sequel before it hits, you can read about it through here.

Halo Infinite – 343 Industries is "100% Committed" to Holiday 2021 Launch, Release Date Announcement Coming "Very Soon"

Microsoft and 343 Industries announced at E3 in June that Halo Infinite would launch this Holiday, and Xbox boss Phil Spencer said not long afterward that the shooter's development team remains committed to that launch window. Well, we're nearing the end of August now, and a release date is yet to be announced- so should fans be worried? Well, apparently not.

Speaking during the Halo Infinite development update for August, in the midst of a conversation about campaign co-op and Forge not being in the game at launch, head of creative Joseph Staten and community director Brian Jarrard took a minute to acknowledge that though the game's exact launch date hasn't yet been confirmed, it's definitely still planned for Holiday 2021. 343 Industries and Microsoft are currently hashing out some final details, it seems, and a release date, according to Staten and Jarrard, will be announced very soon.

"I do want to acknowledge, it's a little awkward we're talking about things that are in for launch, and frankly, we don't have an official public launch date yet," Jarrard said. "But I did want to just reconfirm, and as we heard Phil Spencer, he made a reference recently- this game is definitely [coming this Holiday], we're committed to releasing this Holiday. And we're pretty close, I think- we're just working through some details right now on kind of what that real date is."

Staten added: "That is absolutely correct. We're 100% committed to releasing this Holiday, both campaign and our first season of free-to-play multiplayer. We just have to work through a couple more details, and we'll be talking about our actual release date very soon."

How soon "very soon" will be remains to be seen, though it's worth noting that Xbox has a Gamescom show scheduled for August 24. It's possible that a release date for Halo Infinite could be announced then. Some rumours have suggested that the launch could come in mid-November.

Either way, it seems like Halo Infinite is definitely launching before this year is out (or almost definitely, if nothing else), so fans can rest easy.

Halo Infinite Won't Have Campaign Co-op or Forge at Launch

Halo Infinite's due out later this year, but it won't be launching with everything you'd want. With 343 Industries working hard to ensure that the game gets out by the end of this year, they've decided to prioritize development in certain areas and push back a couple of features that won't be in the game when it releases.

The news was confirmed by Joseph Staten, head of creative at 343 Industries, who confirmed during the recent Halo Infinite development update that the game won't have campaign co-op or Forge when it launches later this year.

"Unfortunately, as we focus the team for shutdown, and really focus on a quality experience for launch, we made the really tough decision to delay campaign co-op for launch," Staten said. "And we also made the tough call to delay shipping Forge past launch as well."

Staten says 343 Industries made the decision because they don't want to ship anything until they know it's at a minimum level of quality, and they do no feel co-op and Forge are at that level just yet.

"Our number one priority is making sure that whatever we ship, whenever we ship it, it meets the right quality bar. Across all platforms – Xbox devices, PC in all its different configurations. " he said. "And we looked at these two experiences – campaign co-op and Forge – we made the determination they're just not ready. And as a studio, we don't want to ship things if they're not ready."

That said, given Halo Infinite's nature as a live service experience, 343 Industries is going to "keep campaign co-op and Forge in the over a little bit longer" and release them following the game's release as part of its seasonal roadmap. When exactly can we expect that? Staten says the plan right now is to ship campaign co-op in season 2, and Forge in season 3. That means that the goal right now is to release the former three months after the game's launch, and the latter six months after launch- though of course, Staten points out that nothing is set in stone yet.

As for when Halo Infinite will actually launch, there's actually still no word on that yet. Microsoft and 343 Industries have said the game's targeting a Holiday 2021 launch, and it seems they still remain committed to that window. Rumours say that could mean mid-November, but we're still waiting on official word. Microsoft does have an Xbox Gamescom show coming up on August 24, so maybe we'll get more information then.

Destiny 2: Season of the Lost Announced, Mara Sov Returns

Bungie has quite a lot planned for its upcoming Destiny 2 showcase on August 24th. On top of showcasing new details for The Witch Queen, it will also discuss Season of the Lost, the next big season for the game. In a new tweet, it confirmed that Mara Sov, Queen of the Awoken, would be returning.

What's Mara Sov been up to since the whole Dreaming City curse? How has she been contending with the arrival of the Darkness, Savathun wreaking havoc with the world and other generally distress matters? Perhaps we'll find out in Season of the Lost, which could help set up events for the upcoming expansion.

Other features that will be discussed at the showcase include Bungie partnering with BattlEye to soft launch its anti-cheat in the coming season. There will also be details on revamps for PvP mode Trials of Osiris, returning Crucible maps and much more. As for The Witch Queen, it's slated to release in 2022 so perhaps there will be a release date announcement as well.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Confirmed for Gamescom Opening Night Live

It's been a while since we've heard about LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Slated to release this past Spring, it would be delayed to an unspecified date due to Traveller's Tales needing more time. Thankfully, it seems an update is finally coming. Geoff Keighley announced on Twitter that a world premiere new look for the title would be showcased at Gamescom Opening Night Live.

The event takes place on August 25th at 11 AM PT/2 PM ET and will feature over 30 games. Sledgehammer Games' recently announced Call of Duty: Vanguard was confirmed to be receiving its first playthrough at the show. An announcement for the new Saints Row, which appears to be a reboot, has also been confirmed for the same.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is currently slated for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC. It features all nine Star Wars film episodes with about 300 playable characters, a variety of locations to visit and numerous missions to play. Perhaps a new release date will finally be announced at Gamescom. Stay tuned in the meantime.

No More Heroes 3 Gameplay Showcases Boss Battle and Sushi

With No More Heroes 3 coming later this month, it's good to see more gameplay before launch. IGN Japan has a nearly 15 minute gameplay video which sees Travis Touchdown battling foes, ordering sushi dishes and squaring off against Mr. Blackhole. This is another "Galactic Superhero" working under FU who specializes in wormholes. Check it out below.

Set two years after Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes, No More Heroes 3 sees Santa Destroy invaded by intergalactic assassins led by the chaotic alien prince FU. In order to save the world, Travis must work his way up the assassin rankings, earning enough money from chores and side jobs to partake in ranking battles to defeat each of FU's henchmen. Said chores include cleaning toilets, mowing lawns and suplexing crocodiles.

Of course, there's plenty of combat to be had as well, especially with the Death Glove adding more abilities and techniques into the mix. No More Heroes 3 is out on August 27th for Nintendo Switch. Head here for more details on what to expect.

Metroid Dread Teaser Sets up Samus' Journey, New Trailer Coming August 27

Nintendo has been releasing regular updates for the upcoming Metroid Dread ahead of its launch in October, and a new trailer sets up Samus' journey in what's being touted as the final chapter of this ongoing story arc, which started with the first Metroid back in the day.

When signs of Parasite X activity, once thought to be long dead, are reported on Planet ZDR and the Galactic Federation loses contact with the seven E.M.M.I. robots it dispatched, Samus embarks on a journey to the planet owing to her immunity to the parasite, where things quickly go wrong. Check out the teaser below.

Meanwhile, in a new Metroid Dread Report blog update, Nintendo has also provided gameplay details relating to Samus' suit, her abilities, and upgrades. Staples like her arm cannon, missiles, and morph ball are, of course, going to return, while you can also expect to see the Grapple Beam, as well as new Aeon Abilities, such as the Phantom Cloak, which temporarily renders her invisible.

Finally, Nintendo has also confirmed that a new trailer of Metroid Dread is going to be released next week, on August 27, which will be "shedding light on new mysteries."

Metroid Dread launches for Nintendo Switch on October 8.

Phil Spencer Talks About Quake's Legacy At Quakecon 2021

During Quakecon 2021, head of Xbox Phil Spencer talked about the legacy left behind by Quake and how much of a cultural impact it had within the industry at large. The original Quake recieved a surprise remastered release yesterday for modern platforms, and is available right now.

Quake was one of the first arena shooters to pioneer the fast-paced action that DOOM flirted with before. The game's deep mechanics left players engaged on online deathmatches for hours on end, and Quake was one of the earliest eSports games in the FPS genre.

"I think it's important for us as players, as people who love the gaming industry, [to acknowledge] what are art form is about, to recognise those franchises that really changed so much that came after them due to the sheer innovation, differentiation, and kind of risk taking the team took. Quake was clearly one of those franchises. You can remember before Quake and after Quake. I think everything that came after Quake both had a bar that the franchise set, and also just an impact on design and multiplayer that we feel in the games we're still playing today. Awesome franchise to recognise and give it its due for what it meant to our industry," Phil Spencer said(as transcribed by PureXbox)

In addition to the console releases, Quake 2 and Quake 3: Arena were also launched on Xbox Game Pass for PC. It's rumored that this is a strategy to revive this classic franchise with the help of MachineGames. Of course, that remains to be seen if the rumors eventually turn out to be true – but fans seem to elated with the surprise nevertheless.

How to Get Madden NFL 22 Prime Gaming Rewards

Madden 22 Prime Gaming

Madden 22 developer and publisher partners with Amazone's Prime Gaming to give away monthly Ultimate Team Packs for players.

Prime Gaming, previously known as Twitch Prime, has turned into a pretty solid subscription service for multiplayer enthusiasts in the last few years.

  • CHECK THIS OUT: What Are the Best Offensive Playbooks in Madden NFL 22?

Regarding the number of popular games that are currently being supported by Prime Gaming for in-game rewards, the service is actually worth the subscription fee.

Madden 22 is the latest game that joins the Prime Gaming roster and below you can learn about how you can earn your monthly rewards.

Madden 22 | Dynamic Gameday | All Access Deep Dive Trailer

Madden 22 | Dynamic Gameday | All Access Deep Dive Trailer

What Are the Madden 22 Prime Gaming Rewards?

Prime Gaming rewards for Madden NFL 22 includes 12 monthly Ultimate Team Pack drops. You can claim your first pack right now. The next pack will be available next month.

How to Get Madden 22 Prime Gaming Rewards

First of all, you need to subscribe to the Prime Gaming service. It will cost you $5.99 per month. Currently, Prime Gaming supports some major multiplayer games like GTA Online, Red Dead Online, Rainbow Six Siege, Valorant, and more.

With subscribing to Prime Gaming, you will receive monthly in-game items or rewards in each one of the supported games.

Once you subscribed to the service, you should sync your EA account with your Prime Gaming account. Also, do note that your EA account should be connected to your PSN/Xbox/Steam/Origin account as well, depending on the platform you are playing Madden 22 on.

It might sound a little complicated but it's pretty simple. You will find this Sync option in both EA and Prime Gaming accounts preferences.

Once sync the accounts successfully, you will be able to receive your Prime Gaming pack inside the game. If you still can't find the pack, visit this link and click on the Claim button. This should get you the MUT pack.

Madden NFL 22 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC.

The post How to Get Madden NFL 22 Prime Gaming Rewards by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Chivalry 2 Update 2.1.1 Patch Notes, August 20 – Sever Crashes Fixed

Chivalry 2 Update 2.1.1

Chivalry 2 update 2.1.1 reduces the number of server crashes. Check out the patch notes.

Medieval wars are always known for their brutality. Chivalry 2 is a great chance to experience this brutal era in history by putting yourself in the shoes of a soldier who has no options left, other than killing for survival.

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while most of the multiplayer games are leaning toward shooter and MMORPG genres, Chivalry 2 brings the PvP experience to first-person medieval wars, featuring melee and ranged combats in bloody wars.

Launched earlier in June 2021, Chivalry 2 has been quite a successful game so far, and the developers try to make it even smoother with more new updates and changes. The latest update for Chivalry 2 is a small hotfix, maintaining server problems and controller issues.

Chivalry 2 – Launch Trailer | PS5, PS4

Chivalry 2 – Launch Trailer | PS5, PS4

Chivalry 2 Update 2.1.1 Patch Notes


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Cancel to Parry window on controller much smaller than intended
  • Fixed an exploit where players could purchase locked items with gold using a controller method


  • Fixed several server crashes

Problems That Will Be Solved in the Next Update

  • Players may revert to default customization when equipping a subset of items (such as customizing the One Handed Spear, issue does not occur in offline modes)
  • Console players experiencing increased crashes on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 when playing Galencourt
  • Sometimes players are not migrating to larger matches at the end of a game (Especially noticeable in SA/OCE regions)
  • Server Browser is too hidden
  • Servers sometimes placing people outside of their expected region
  • Some customization items can't be purchased (such as bowl cut) on consoles
  • Sir/Lady titles are currently not unlockable
  • Players can purchase customization items from outside of the Customizations menu
  • Additional map balancing and further exploit fixes

Chivalry 2 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. The PC version of the game is only available on Epic Games Store.

The post Chivalry 2 Update 2.1.1 Patch Notes, August 20 – Sever Crashes Fixed by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Why Is Madden 22 Auction House Locked? Can You Unlock It?

Madden 22 Auction House Locked

So, if you have been planning to get into the Madden 22 Auction House for some worthy trades, I'm sorry to tell you that it is locked for now.

Madden 22 is now officially live for all the players around the world. Still, this might not be the best Madden entry, but it does feature some significant improvements in a few modes like Franchise.

  • CHECK THIS OUT: How to Get Colin Kaepernick For Your Team in Madden 22

However, most players are interested in the Ultimate Team mode in the Madden series rather than anything else. Unfortunately, Madden 22 doesn't deliver too many new features to the Ultimate Team experience. It's still the same mode with a few minor changes in the level-up and objective system.

Madden 22 | Dynamic Gameday | All Access Deep Dive Trailer

Madden 22 | Dynamic Gameday | All Access Deep Dive Trailer

Why the Madden 22 Auction House is Locked

Unfortunately, Ultimate Team mode in any EA Sports titles could be a little bit Pay-to-Win as players who spend real-world money to get more in-game packs usually progress faster than others and have a better team with higher-rate players.

Now, the Auction House or Trades tab is probably a cheaper way to get some good players with your in-game currency, rather than spending money on packs with unknown content.

However, it seems like the Auction House won't be available for now as EA is investigating an issue in Ultimate Team. The developer shared a tweet earlier today, indicating that the Auction House will remain locked until a problem is solved in MUT 22.

EA Sports didn't reveal how long this could take to return the Auction House to the game but doesn't seem to be a serious issue. The worst-case scenario is that the game will require a new update to fix the issue and re-open the Auction House in Ultimate.

Hopefully, Auction House is the only affected tab in the Ultimate Team for this unknown problem, and you can still play online and use other sections of the mode.

Madden 22 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. The ninth-gen version of the game will feature some exclusive features like Gameday Atmosphere and better visuals.

The post Why Is Madden 22 Auction House Locked? Can You Unlock It? by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Roblox Your Bizzare Adventure (YBA) Codes – August Update 2021

Roblox Your Bizarre Adventure has received a major update recently, and that means fans will be getting a few new codes to get some exciting rewards.

Roblox has been around for more than a decade, and the game has grown significantly over the years. With the voice chat feature slated to arrive soon, fans have plenty to look forward to in the days to come.

  • MORE: Roblox Wacky Wizards All Potions – Ingredients and Recipe

With such an active development community, we witness new Roblox games arriving very frequently. These games span across a wide range of genres, so players can find a variety of games according to their liking.

Your Bizarre Adventure, is one of the many anime styled games in Roblox. In Your Bizzare Adventure, players need to get access to many spiritual abilities. These abilities can be used for fighting against gangs, and level up their characters along the way.

Adopt Me! on Roblox | Mythic Egg Update Trailer

Adopt Me! on Roblox | Mythic Egg Update Trailer

What's new in the update?

Here are the patch notes of the latest update.


Roblox Your Bizzare Adventure Codes – August Update 2021

After the recent update, we got a few new codes. Here is all you need to know about the new codes.

Available Codes

  • 80kSubsTHX! – Redeem this code for freebies
  • 100kSubsLesGOO – Redeem this code for freebies
  • YES150kSubs – Redeem this code for freebies
  • LUCKY_420k_LIKES – Redeem this code for freebies

Expired Codes

  • ThanksFor50k+Subs!!!
  • 344k_Likes
  • ThxFor30kSubs
  • SubToUzuForMoreCodes!!
  • 262kStand
  • Yay251k
  • Yay242k
  • Yay237k
  • EXP4
  • Le225kDub
  • EXP3
  • EXP2
  • EXP1
  • sryForLeShutdownz
  • Mysterious Arrows
  • SorryForShutdowns
  • ThxVeryDelicious
  • ThxFor200k
  • ThxFor188k
  • ThxFor185k
  • GiveMeSixPistols
  • Nostalgic
  • Test
  • Star Code Infernasu

The post Roblox Your Bizzare Adventure (YBA) Codes – August Update 2021 by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Top 5 new features in the Genshin Impact 2.1 update

Genshin Impact continues to develop further, with the miHoYo gearing up to launch the 2.1 "Floating World Under the Moonlight" update on September 1 for all the platforms.

Following the Genshin Impact 2.1 live stream, the team behind the RPG title has unveiled some of the most significant and major changes of the 2.1 version. While there's plenty of content to explore in the Genshin Impact 2.1 update, there are several features that players should look for.

Before jumping in, we want our readers to know that the official 2.1 broadcast revealed three new redeem codes that are giving away over 300 free Primogems along with other valuable resources to the Travelers. Hence, make sure to redeem them before they get expired.

Here's a look at the list of the best five new features coming with the Genshin Impact 2.1 update.

Character Teaser – "Yoimiya: The Queen of Summer on Narukami Island" | Genshin Impact

Character Teaser – "Yoimiya: The Queen of Summer on Narukami Island" | Genshin Impact

Top 5 features in the Genshin Impact 2.1 update

#1 Raiden Shogun

Genshin Impact 2.1 update
Everything revealed about Raiden Shogun so far (Image via miHoYo)

New characters are the spotlight of any Genshin Impact update, and version 2.1 is no different. Raiden Shogun is one of the 5-star characters that players are most excited about.

Raiden Shogun also known as Baal, the Electro Archon, and the God of Eternity, doesn't seem to be on the friendliest terms with Travelers after considering her leaked abilities.

As per the several data miners and leakers, the normal attack of the Raiden Shogun will perform up to five consecutive spear strikes, whereas, her charged attack will deplete some stamina to perform an upwards slash. Finally, the Plunging Attack enables Baal to attack while floating in the air.

#2 New Islands – Watasumi and Sevrai

Genshin Impact Watasumi and Sevrai Islands (Image via miHoYo)

If you think you've explored and uncovered each and every secret of all the islands in the Inazuma region, you're absolutely wrong. In the latest 2.1 live stream, miHoYo has confirmed the addition of two new islands, Watasumi and Sevrai, in the Inazuma region.

From the gameplay footage shown during the live stream, one can clearly see the constant lighting storm surrounding the whole Watasumi island that inarguably looks scary and provides a supernatural theme. Whereas, Sevrai island mainly consists of water; hence players can expect a lot of lakes and waterfalls in their surroundings.

#3 New Mechanic – Fishing

Fish can be added to Serenitea Pot (Image via miHoYo)

Fishing is a relaxing activity that's common in RPG games. To follow up this tradition, miHoYo has finally decided to add a fishing mini-game, through which players can go angling for a variety of fishes across the continent of Tevyat.

Travelers can simply use the trapped fish to produce meat or exchange it for rewards. Moreover, with the Pool of Sapphire Grace, the gamers will also be able to grow an Ornamental Fish in their personal realm.

#4 Moonlight Merriment event

Moonlight Merriment event rewards (Image via miHoYo)

As the Genshin Impact 2.1 approaches, another festival is coming to the game, celebrating a Moonlight event. During the event, the Travelers have to navigate back to the Liyue region to be a part of the festival, which features a lot of interesting activities such as hunting the special treasures chest.

miHoYo also showcased a short clip during the live stream in which Sayu is holding a literal fish claymore, unveiling a new free-to-play weapon in the game. As of writing, we don't have much info about the event, but players can grab rewards like free primogems, mora, and other valuable resources.

#5 Archon Quest (Chapter II: Act III)

Archon Quest Chapter II: Act III (Image via miHoYo)

In version 2.1, Travelers will pick up right where the 2.0 story left off. Things will also continue evolving, with the arrival of a new archon quest – Omnipresence Over Mortal, within the horizons of the Inazuma region.

From the title, it seems like the story will still be revolving severely around the Raiden Shogun and her army in command for the Vision Hunt and Sakoku Decree. Since it's the final chapter of the quest, the Inazuma arc of the story will also conclude once the Travelers complete it.

Genshin Impact is available on PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile, with a Switch version in development.

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Warzone Update for Today, August 20, Patch Notes – C58 Nerfed

Warzone Patch Notes August 20

A new Call of Duty Warzone update has received its official patch notes, containing some bug fixes, change for High Alert perk, and some weapon balancing.

Call of Duty Warzone Season Five has been out for a few weeks now, and fans are getting used to the new features and changes with the new season. However, there are still more things ahead you need to adapt to.

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The latest update for Warzone nerfs C58 by increasing the weapon's recoil and reducing its bullet speed and maximum damage. Raven Software has also nerfed Krig 38 by decreasing weapons minimum and maximum damage range.

Moreover, the High Alert perk received a new improvement that allows players to hear the footsteps of enemies using the Dead Silence Field Upgrade.

Below, you can read through all the patch notes of this new update.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone | Season Five Combat Pack Trailer

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War & Warzone | Season Five Combat Pack Trailer

Call of Duty Warzone Patch Notes, August 20


  • High Alert – Slot 2 (Red)
    • This Perk will now allow the Player to hear the footsteps of enemies using the Dead Silence Field Upgrade.
    • This change only applies to Warzone.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.
  • Fixed an issue causing the ZRG 20mm (BOCW) scope glass to appear white while held in idle position.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Players from accessing the Store Tab while using the Warzone client in languages other than English.
  • Fixed an issue related to the "Puncture Wound" Nail Gun (BOCW) Blueprint dynamic icon.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Fennec (MW) to ignore its proper ballistics trajectory.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Players from applying a sticker to the Cane (BOCW).
  • Fixed various issues related to gifting the Season Five Battle Pass.


  • C58 (BOCW)
    • Recoil increased
    • Max Damage Range decreased by 7.4%
    • ADS Speed decreased by 3.4%
    • Bullet Velocity decreased by 8.1%
  • EM2 (BOCW)
    • Reduced Base Optic ADS Speed penalty by 21%
    • Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1
  • Krig 6 (BOCW)
    • Minimum Damage decreased from 26 to 25
    • Maximum Damage Range decreased by 7.2%

Call of Duty Warzone is now available for free on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC. With the announcement of Call of Duty Vanguard, it was officially confirmed that Warzone will receive a new map later this year.

The post Warzone Update for Today, August 20, Patch Notes – C58 Nerfed by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.

Chun-Li From Street Fighter Comes Out Kicking in Action-Packed Cosplay

"Want to see my Kung-Fu? I'll show you." Chu-Li cosplayer hits all the right moves with their amazing attire.

Street Fighter is one of Capcom's most beloved fighting games, making the rounds since 1987. Inspired by the manga Karate baka ichidai, the title is one of the highest-grossing video game franchises of all time and serves as one of Capcom's flagship series with total sales of 46 million units worldwide as of December last year.

In appreciation of Street Fighter's very first female fighter, cosplayer Giulia Valeriani brings the character into the real world.

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition | Akira Gameplay Trailer

Street Fighter V: Champion Edition | Akira Gameplay Trailer

25-year-old Giulia Valeriani, otherwise known as moonchild_77 on Instagram, is a fitness trainer and digital artist when they're not performing kick-ass moves and dressing up as Street Fighter's Chu-Li. Giulia perfects Chu-Li's strength with well-toned muscles that is sure to defeat anyone that stands in her way.

Wearing a black sleeveless evening gown in one picture as well as Chun-Li's trademark hairstyle, Giulia takes the "strongest woman in the world" to new levels.

We can also see Giulia don those scary spiked metal bracelets that Chun-Li wears to help tone and exercise her body when performing her kicking moves and also helps stabilize her centre of gravity during a Hyakuretsukyaku as well as limit her during supers such as the Senretsukyaku to avoid overexerting her muscles. Of course, the spikes are also used for the purpose of intimidation.

If you enjoy Giulia's Chu-Li, you must check out her Morrigan Aensland cosplay, a fictional antiheroine character and the female protagonist in Capcom's Darkstalkers series as well as many others right here. As a word of warning, many images are NSFW.

The post Chun-Li From Street Fighter Comes Out Kicking in Action-Packed Cosplay by Rachael Fiddis appeared first on DualShockers.

Genshin Impact Fans Unhappy With Anniversary Rewards, Demand 100 Pulls

Genshin Impact's first anniversary is around the corner, and there are some big plans in place for the game, but fans seem to be quite disappointed by them.

Towards the latter half of the year, a large number of AAA titles were released. Despite the high competition, Genshin Impact managed to outshine several titles out there and rose to become one of the most talked-about aspects in the gaming industry.

  • MORE: Genshin Impact 2.1 Stream News – Scaramouche, La Signora Are Back, Raiden Ei, Kokomi Banners Release Dates, And More

The next update that is slated to release in the game is the 2.1 Update, and it will be releasing in September. In the update, we will be getting tons of stuff, including several new characters, regions, quests, items, and a brand new fishing feature.

Character Demo – "Sayu: Yoohoo Art, Mujina Escape" | Genshin Impact

Character Demo – "Sayu: Yoohoo Art, Mujina Escape" | Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Fans Unhappy With Anniversary Rewards, Demand 100 Pulls

During the live stream, miHoYo not only announced all the new content that will be arriving as part of the update but also gave us some information about the anniversary events. We did know for a fact that the anniversary celebrations will be quite big, thanks to the leaks.

It was revealed that as part of the celebrations, players will be getting x2270 Primogems and x10 Fate. This means that players will be able to get a total of 23 pulls via the anniversary celebrations.

This hasn't gone down quite well with the fans who have expressed their disapproval against the rewards. Many were expecting much greater rewards from miHoYo's end, considering this was the first anniversary of the game, and it has done exceedingly well lately.

Why exactly fans are angry?

If you know how the pity system works in Genshin Impact, you might be well aware of the fact that you need 90 pulls for a guaranteed 5-star. Of course, you can get one much earlier as well, but that's just based on luck.

Fans were expecting one 5-star character at the very least, and considering that this doesn't guarantee even that, many are likely to be disappointed. The posts have been spanning from Twitter to Reddit, and miHoYo might take note of it. That being said, the developers have mentioned that more gifts will be revealed in the days to come, so it is very much possible that players might get the 100 pulls they asked for.

The post Genshin Impact Fans Unhappy With Anniversary Rewards, Demand 100 Pulls by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.

Genshin Impact 2.1 Stream News – Scaramouche, La Signora Are Back, Raiden Ei, Kokomi Banners Release Dates, And More

Genshin Impact held on August 20 its Livestream for Version 2.1, officially titled Floating World Under The Moonlight, revealing Scaramouche and La Signora are back, the release date for the Raiden Ei and Sangonomiya Kokomi banners, alongside tons of other news and lore.

We also included at the bottom of this article full resolution versions of the new key visual artwork for Version 2.1.

  • CODES – Primogems codes from the 2.1 stream

Tales of Arise | Demo Trailer

Tales of Arise | Demo Trailer

Update: Note that the English stream experienced some issues and was delayed, starting around an hour after its scheduled time. We summarized all the 2.1 news below using information translated from the Japanese Twitter, tidbits from the English Livestream, and the press release from miHoYo. You can find links here to the Bilibili Chinese and English streams.

Genshin Impact 2.1 Stream – Trailer, news summary, Raiden Ei name reveal

Watch the English dub trailer here. The trailer for Version 2.1 most notably revealed the true name of The Raiden Shogun, Raiden Ei. This is how Yae Miko calls her old friend in the trailer.

In summary,

  • As the current Electro Archon: her Archon title is Baal
  • She's the leader of Inazuma so she holds the title of The Raiden Shogun
  • And her true name is Raiden Ei, with Ei being her first name

Her true name and design are all references to Raiden Mei from Honkai Impact. They also share the same voice actor, Miyuki Sawashiro.

Moonchase Festival and new events gameplay

As previously leaked and officially teased by miHoYo, the Moonchase Festival event in Liyue will happen in Version 2.1. With Xiangling and Keqing as the story's stars.

We'll most notably be able to get a giant fish 4-star Claymore weapon, the Luxurious Sea-Lord, and max refine it. The event will also include the Moonlight Seeker subevent, a treasure hunt across Liyue, Mondstadt, and Dragonspine. A new battle event, Hyakunin Ikki, will also be happening in Inazuma.

Official gameplay of the new fishing system

You can either use your catch as fish meat or exchange them at the Fishing Association for rewards and new fishing rods. The update will also introduce the Pool of Sapphire Grace, a new furnishing in Housing, which lets you raise Ornamental Fish your Serenitea Pot. A fishing-themed event called Lunar Realm will also be held during Version 2.1.

Anniversary login bonus and top up double bonus reset

New Archon Quest

The Version 2.1 update will add the final chapters of the Inazuma Archon Quest.

Scaramouche will appear in the latest Archon Quest in Version 2.1, Raiden, Sara, Kokomi release dates

Preview screenshots of the Archon Quests were shared by the Japanese Twitter. Two new World Bosses will also be added, the Thunder Manifestation and the Hydro Hypostasis. They will drop Ascension materials for Kokomi and Raiden respectively.

La Signora will also be added as a new weekly boss. You'll unlock the fight as you progress through the new Archon Quests. As for banners, The Raiden Shogun will be released as the first banner of Version 2.1, right after maintenance ends on September 1. Sangonomiya Kokomi will be the second banner, released three weeks later. Kujou Sara will be a 4-star character featured on the Raiden banner.

5-star weapons coming in Version 2.1 officially revealed

5-star Polearm Engulfing Lightning, and 5-Star Catalyst Everlasting Moonglow. These will be the weapon banners of 2.1.

More gameplay including Aloy, official key visuals for Version 2.1

Two more Inazuma islands will be added: Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island

Aloy official gameplay reveal

PS4 and PS5 players will be able to get Aloy for free starting 2.1. Other players will have to wait until Version 2.2 unless they link their account with cross-save and play Genshin Impact on PS4/PS5.

That's all the main news from the Genshin Impact 2.1 livestream. Last but not least, you can find below full resolution versions of the two new key visual artworks for Genshin Impact Version 2.1.

Genshin Impact Version 2.1 Floating World Under The Moonlight will launch on September 1 on PC, PS4, PS5, and mobile. A Switch version of Genshin is in development too. You can always reach me on Twitter @A_iyane07 to chat about Genshin.

The post Genshin Impact 2.1 Stream News – Scaramouche, La Signora Are Back, Raiden Ei, Kokomi Banners Release Dates, And More by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.

Who is Anne Yatco? Jujutsu Kaisen English Voice Actor Joins Genshin Impact

Anne Yatco will be dubbing the iconic character, Raiden Shogun, in Genshin Impact. Let's find out a little more about her.

With the rising popularity of Genshin Impact, the RPG title has paved the path for the outgrowth of many content creators worldwide. After so long, miHoYo has finally showcased the new content via Genshin Impact 2.1 live stream.

For this exciting update, the developers behind Genshin Impact have planned to source new voices from several famous voice actors around the globe. Anne Yatco is one of the renowned names in the voiceover industry who will be dubbing the upcoming character Raiden Shogun.

Character Demo – "Yoimiya: Dazzling Lights in the Summer" | Genshin Impact

Character Demo – "Yoimiya: Dazzling Lights in the Summer" | Genshin Impact


The new characters are inarguably the most talked-about additions whenever a new Genshin Impact update live stream drops out. After the preview of Genshin Impact 2.1 live stream, fans have been going crazy for the new content, especially for the voice-over artists of the new characters.

It's no surprise that almost every playable character in Genshin Impact is voiced by either an emerging voice-over artist or a skilled voice veteran.

In the upcoming update, Anne Yatco will be dubbing the iconic character, Raiden Shogun, in the English version and the first banner of Version 2.1 will be released on September 1 right after the maintenance ends.


American-based dubbing artist Anne Yatco is extensively popular for her works on several anime shows such as Jujutsu Kaisen, High-Rise Invasion, and The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter.


After pursuing graduation in B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Marquette University, Anne Yatco attended the California Institute of the Arts, where she graduated with an M.F.A. in Acting.


Anne's journey commenced with working full-time as a forensic scientist and doing accident reconstruction for a private company for several years.

After a considerable time, Anne realized that her heart lies in acting and comedy, and she can't see herself in any other industry. Following this, she carried out several performances in theatres all over the world, including the Kennedy Center, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and Zhongguancun International Musical Festival.

More than her role as a theatrical actor, Anne has bestowed her fantastic voice-over skills to a number of popular video game characters such as Naraka Bladepoint, Epic Seven, Guardian Tales, Shadowverse, Wasteland 3, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Vindictus, and Dragon Nest.

Apart from this, in her most recent experience, Anne had successfully nourished her insatiable voice-over passion by representing Nobara Kugisaki, one of the most celebrated characters in Jujutsu Kaisen. Other than this, she also holds significant contributions to other anime shows, including High-Rise Invasion, The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter, BNA, Better Than Us, Always a Witch, Penguin Highway, and a lot more.


Almost every person is obsessed with something, and Anne is no exception. While she's not at work, Anne loves all things crafty such as sewing, knitting, crocheting, and making pop-up cards. Most importantly, she has emphasized the word 'naps' in her bio – very important!.

The post Who is Anne Yatco? Jujutsu Kaisen English Voice Actor Joins Genshin Impact by Tarun Sayal appeared first on DualShockers.