
Feb 23, 06:00

Twinfinite Sunday, February 23, 2025 4:10 AM
World trigger? I hardly know her.

Destructoid Sunday, February 23, 2025 3:25 AM

Sam in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

As Henry reaches the final few quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, you'll get to meet Sam or Samuel (if you want to go with his full name), being held in a camp.

The main task is simple by definition: find a horse and escape the camp. According to players, you can escape without saving your half-brother. However, it's essential to escape with him if you want to end up with the best possible ending of the game. Let's quickly take a look at how you can find him in the first place.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Sam location in Reckoning quest

When you arrive at Praguer's Camp, Henry has no idea where Sam is or what his ultimate fate will be. A bit of a spoiler if you haven't yet reached this point in the game: he has been captured by Brabant. The first task is to get an outfit from one of the camp soldiers, which will allow you to disguise yourself.

For this task, it's best to take the stealth approach as much as possible. There are a couple of ways to get a Praguer outfit. You can kill a guard and steal their clothes, but this is the harder way. An easier way is to find chests at this location, which will most likely contain a soldier's outfit. Once you have added the clothes to your inventory, make sure to put them on.

Sam location in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Head to the left side of the camp. You'll come across two guards by an entrance to the camp. To their left, you'll find an opening to an area that serves as a sleeping place for the guards. Head through there and go out from the other side. Then, go right till you come across a gate to your left. At this location, one of the sections will be closed while the other will be open.

From here, go straight to find the room where Samuel can be found. While there is no doorway, you'll get a ladder by the barn. Use it to get on top, then drop down to find Sam at this location. I did what most other players seem to have done: leave him for the time being and then go back to rescue with him. To do that, you'll need to deal with Brabant, find Von Aulitz, and then get a horse to escape.

As I wrote earlier, you can choose to escape on your own, leave Sam behind, and save all the silver. However, escaping with Sam will make your conscience clearer, even if it comes at the cost of a few resources being stolen.

The post How to find Sam in the Reckoning in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 appeared first on Destructoid.

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