
Apple's big 2024 iPad launch is happening tomorrow: here's what to expect

Netflix's hardcore endurance test is as tough as it looks
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May 6, 2024
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What to expect at Apple's big 2024 iPad launch
Another Apple event is almost upon us (Apple)
We're more than ready for tomorrow's Apple launch event, and the first new iPads since 2022: if the leaks are accurate, we're going to get a new iPad Pro (in two sizes), a new iPad Air (in two sizes), and updated versions of the Apple Pencil and Magic Keyboard.
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Putting Netflix's brutal endurance challenge to the test
"One of the most difficult workouts I've ever done" (Future)
The Netflix show Physical: 100 has attracted a cult following because of its grueling and at times truly bizarre approach to fitness training – so our intrepid fitness and wearables writer Harry Bullmore decided to put himself through some of the tests.
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Electric Vehicles
While you shouldn't fall for the PHEV hype
The Lincoln Corsair PHEV (Myriam Joire)
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles – or PHEVs – are having a moment, as car buyers view their part electric, part gas combinations as the best of both automobile worlds. However, there are reasons to think twice before rushing out to get a PHEV of your own.
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A major Google Maps redesign is on the way
Look out for an update to Google Maps (Google)
A revamped Google Maps interface, showing more of the map more of the time, briefly appeared back in February – and as it's once again showing up on some Android devices, it seems likely that everyone will be getting the refreshed look before too long.
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The iPhone 16 could come with a MagSafe upgrade
MagSafe was introduced for the iPhone in 2020 (Apple)
New iPhones are further off than new iPads, but we've already seen plenty of rumors around the iPhone 16. The latest leak to catch our attention suggests that the MagSafe charging tech might be getting an upgrade for the first time since it made its debut.
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