Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations
Iconic Weapons are scattered throughout Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations guide to find them all and figure out which one you want to use. Some of these are easy to find, while others are hidden well within the city.

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations

You can start getting Iconic Weapons after you get back to your apartment.

Dying Night
This is a pistol and the first Iconic Weapon you will find. When you are at your apartment, head to the weapon shop on the lower levels and talk to the man there. He will mention that your gun is done and it is in his inventory. Look for the Iconic Weapon Dying Night and purchase it to get it.

This is another pistol that is found on the corpse of a man named Royce. Royce is the boss of the Maelstrom gang and you will run into him during the main story. Killing or knocking him out will let you get the gun from him. You get some extra street cred if you kill him though.

A third pistol that is found at the top of the Suite that you did your Braindance in. When you reach his room, go over to the table near his bed and you will find it sitting there. You might have to locate it during the Braindance to know it is there, I am not sure. This will be helpful since you are unarmed in that area and a fight will break out shortly.

Check back soon for more Cyberpunk 2077 guides.

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077

During the mission The Pick Up, when you are escaping Royce's men, you can find Brick. This guide on How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the optional objective that is

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

The first Braindance you do in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a doozy if you don't know what to do. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance guide to get everything you need from the mission

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077

At the start of Cyebrpunk 2077 you will get a few choices on which Lifepath to take. Check out this guide to find out which Lifepath to pick in Cyberpunk 2077. That way you know the pros and cons of

The post Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077
During the mission The Pick Up, when you are escaping Royce's men, you can find Brick. This guide on How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the optional objective that is titled "find a way to free Brick". After the deal with Royce's men goes sour and you begin fleeing the combat, the second large room of combat has a single cell inside it. Inside the cell is Brick, the previous leader of the gang. If you approach his cell, you get this objective.

When you approach the cell, Brick asks to be rescued. There are a couple of steps you must follow here. In the room directly next to Brick's cell, there's a detonator resting atop a crate. Pick up the detonator. If you choose to detonate the explosive, Brick is killed immediately. If you want to rescue Brick, you must first use the detonator to disarm the charge. You then have to find the code for the keypad for Brick's cell.

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk
I searched high and low, killed all of the enemies, I was unable to find the code for the keypad. However, there is a simple solution. Simply stand back and highlight the keypad and then scan it. You can then use the Remote option to open the door. As long as you have deactivated the explosives, this should open the door and allow you to enter the room.

If Brick is killed, he doesn't drop any loot or items. If you free him, he promises to have your back, the next time you meet.

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and consequences throughout the entire game. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you don't mess something up badly. This way

How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077

There are two main reward currencies for leveling in the game, Perk Points & Attribute Points. This guide on How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you level up your

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077

During the mission The Pick Up, when you are escaping Royce's men, you can find Brick. This guide on How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the optional objective that is

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as

The post How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide
Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and consequences throughout the entire game. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you don't mess something up badly. This way you will know what the outcome is even when you pick a different choice in game.

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

We are going to break up the first few sections into your starting background (Street Kid, Corpo, and Nomad) so scroll to find yours. When it opens up we will list them by main quest and side quest respectively. If a choice isn't here, it doesn't matter.

Cyberpunk 2077 Street Kid Choices And Consequences

When you first start as a street kid, you can drink a shot and then fix your nose, or just fix your nose.

Nose Fix
You can fix it without the booze, and you won't be drunk. If you take the shot, your world will be kind of floaty to indicate that you are drunk for a few minutes. Not a big deal either way.

Kirk Choices
When you start to speak with Kirk, you will get a few choices.

Not sure I can pull it off
You tell Kirk you aint a thief, and stealing something like that won't be easy. Kirk says that it is easy, and he will clear Pepe's debt and pay you if you do the job for him. Long story short, you are taking this job. You can talk to Big Joe if you want, but he basically ignores you.

I do this and the debt is paid?
Kirk says yes the debt with Pepe is squared and you get yourself a nice pay day as well.

After he explains the security, you get another choice.

Kirk will say glad to hear it, you always were smart. You can then head to your job.

Better keep your word
Kirk will say easyyyyy bud, job is gonna pad your wallet also.

6th Street Soldier
While in the car with Padre, a 6th street Soldier will come and be rude to Padre. You can speak up if you want or let him keep going.

Do you know who you are talking to?
You get mad and make yourself known the the soldier. He tells you and Padre that you better watch your backs. Padre is happy to know that you have a spine though, says people often get soft when they leave here. He will then give you his card in case you have to contact him.

Ignore the soldier
Padre will give the man a counter offer. Padre will inform the man that his mother will wake up alive and well in the morning if the soldier leaves. Either way the soldier tells you and Padre to watch your backs. Padre will say that Atlanta broke you, made you soft. There isn't like a respect meter or anything, but it seems like he might have lost some for you. You still get Padre's card.

Stealing The Car
While attempting to steal the car, Jackie will pop up and put a gun to your face.

Gun It
You try to drive away, but the car isn't working. Then the cops show up.

Easy now
You say easy does it, and Jackie says you can get out or get beat down. Doesn't matter though since the cops show up.

There are a couple of quick choices after this, but they don't matter so pick what you like.

Talking With Jackie After The Police Leave
Stints wouldn't do that
You say Stint's wouldn't do that, but Jackie isn't so sure.

Same here
You agree with Jackie and keep on chatting.

Then there are other choices.
Unlikely it would have worked
You say nah, the job was toxic from the start. No way you would have gotten out with the car.

Nah my fault
You say nah it was your own fault. You think that the tech you used triggered the alarm.

We buddies all of a sudden?
Jackie says if you help his homies then you are okay in his book. The two of you go get some lunch.

Jackie says you guys need to go eat his mama's chili since it is the best in town. The two of you go grab some grub.

Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Choices And Consequences

The sheriff ones at the start don't matter much, say what you want.

Border Crossing
When you start to cross the border, you will be flagged for further inspection.

Is this routine?
You ask if this is routine or not. The guard says it might be, he isn't sure yet.

I know the drill
You say you know the rules, and hand him your papers. He then waits for your bribe.

He then asks which clan you drive for.
That isn't your concern
You say it isn't his concern, he isn't happy about that choice. He gives you some lip, but he lets you go after.

I don't drive for any clan
You say no clan and you drive yourself. He thinks that isn't a good idea, and he prefers to be on his side of the table. After that you are free to go.

I thought maybe we could talk our way out of giving the bribe, but you can't. Don't forget your gun on the way out.

Talking With Jackie In The Garage

You think it was my fault?
You tell him that the border guard told the Corpo where we'd be.

Calm down
You calm him down after you tell him what happened.

After that you get another choice.

You pay my transport fee
You tell him we crossed the border, now we go our separate ways after he pays you. Jackie is light right now, but he can get you later he says.

I could ask you the same question
You tell him to stop whining, and Jackie admits he can't pay you right now.

You tricked me
Jackie just laughs it off and apologizes for offending a smuggler's moral code.

I appreciate the honesty
You tell him you are glad he told you the truth.

He then asks if you have any plans for Night city.

No plans at the moment
You admit you have no plans at the moment. Jackie says he will help you find a place to stay.

Why do you ask?
Jackie wants you to be his comrade and do some jobs with him.

After that you get a couple more options.

You thank Jackie and you head into Night City.

I don't need help
You say you don't need the help. Jackie says it'd be a shame to waste this shot to be partners.

Cyberpunk 2077 Corpo Choices And Consequences

The first choices don't matter, pick what you want.

Talking To Frank
A guy talks to you on the way to see Jenkins.

I remember
You ask Frank how he has been. He says he is fine and then you get some more options to use on him, if you want.

I'm in a rush
You say sorry and that you have to go. Frank understands.

When Talking To Jenkins
Have you worked together long?
He says that they have been going at it for a long time.

Its not the first time she's screwed you
You remind him that this isn't the first time he was set up. He acknowledges this and you guys stand up.

He then asks what you would do in his position.

Defend yourself
You tell him to defend himself, and he agrees. He then gives you a mission.

Nothing you can do
You remind him that she has Night City board on her side, which makes her hard to fight against.

Harry Choices
If you go into your office, a man named Harry will chat with you. He then gives you a choice.

Pull him out
Harry gets him out of danger. Harry had a good point about him cracking under pressure.

Keep him digging
You say you've invested too much in him at this point. Harry questions it, but does so anyways. This might have ramifications down the line, I'll update if it does.

Life Coach Choices
While you are on the chopper, a Life Coach calls you.

Everything's Dandy
You tell him that everything is good. He will then tell you think about the last session, and he gives you a recap.

Things are only alright
He tells you think back to the last session and to do you relaxation exercises.

Jackie Trust Choice
When talking about the hit to Jackie, this choice comes up.

Thought I could count on you
Jackie says that a hit, isn't his style. He also mentions that it isn't yours either.

I need someone I can trust
Jackie says it isn't delicate, it's a hit job plain and simple.

After you can choose to drink with Jackie or not.

You share a drink with Jackie and keep talking.

No thanks
You say you don't drink and Jackie drinks both.

After the drinks Jackie says you might be losing your soul to this job.
Those are the rules
You wanna be on top, you have to have some skin in it. Jackie then reminds you that you are not at the top.

Think I have a choice?
You remind Jackie that you'll lose everything if you don't listen. Jackie says let them take it all, including the vice grip they have on you.

Arasaka Agent Choices
These guys roll up while you are chatting with Jackie.

Who are you again?
The agent doesn't answer, and he hacks your body.

Task isn't your concern
You say no, and they hack your systems and basically fire you.

At the end you and Jackie chat.

No Jack, I lost everything
You tell him you lost everything you had. Jackie reminds you that you still have the cash from the hit job.

Still have a friend?
You make a joke, but Jackie says you got that cash for the hit job still.

Cyberpunk 2077 Main Story Choices And Consequences

Ripperdoc Choices
The ripperdoc will give you the upgrade freely, assuming you come to pay him back.

I'll pay once the job is done
The Doc says this is the last time, but he will hook you up.

Pay him 21000 right now
Maybe if you do new game plus you can pay right now, but I was no where close to that amount of cash.

When you are being worked on you will get another choice, this one doesn't matter so much.

Just like the dentist
You will say this seems like the dentist, since he is giving you a play by play. The doc says don't be mean and performs the procedure.

You say same as always, can't feel a thing. Doc says he still has to check just in case.

Dex Convo Choices
When you get into the car with Dex, you will have a few choices.

How they remember you is what counts
You say it is first place or no place, cost doesn't matter. Dexter says that is what he expected you to say and gives you respect.

Nobodies don't survive in Night City
You say you are either somebody, or you fizzle out in Night City. Dex says that he tries to be mister Chill, but some people take advantage of that, which leads to this job.

This some sort of test?
You ask if this is a test, and Dex says it is just a topic he likes to know about.

When the Corp you are stealing from is mentioned, you will get two more choices.

Not at all
You say that Corps don't deserve special treatment, and Dex is happy to hear it.

That's a death sentence
You say no problem, it is just a death sentence. That turf belongs to a powerful group and it is dangerous. Dex says high risk, high reward.

The client and the Maelstrom option doesn't matter, you get to pick both.

Maelstrom Or Client First
It is up to you, but the Client should go first. You speak with the client, get more info for the bot and on Maelstrom, and your job becomes easier.

Im Looking For Evelyn
When you speak to the bartender, he will ask who is asking for Evelyn.

Name's V
You say you are V and you and her have a date. He says you will have to look around the bar and a woman will walk up to you. She introduces herself as Evelyn Parker and slides you a drink.

Answer the question
You say just answer the question. The barkeep says you seem a bit tense, and sends you off. Evelyn shows up anyways.

A big tipper
You tell him a big tipper, if you get the answers you need. The bartender says thanks, but he gets paid to keep his mouth shut.

When Evelyn shows up.

Why didn't you come over sooner?
She says she wanted to get a good look at you first.

You drink the Tequila and she says that she took her time to figure out what you liked to drink.

Like wat you see?
She says if she didn't, you'd know about it.

Then two more options pop up.
Let's talk shop
Evelyn says okay, but not here.

Why meet here?
You ask why you want to meet here. You say this doesn't seem like her kind of place.

Speaking With Evelyn In The Longue
When you go to the longue you will speak with Evelyn in private

Don't know him well
You admit, you and Dex haven't worked together long. Evelyn is curious why Dex chose you then.

Let's cut to the chase
Evelyn will ask you if you know what the target is, which you do. She wants the data on the bot and tells you where it is stashed.

I'm the best
You say you are good at what you do. Evelyn says that she has higher expectations then you just being a cleaner.

You don't care what Dex thinks
You say you don't care what Dex thinks, and we both know that. Evelyn says you have a problem accepting compliments.

You can ask her why she is so interested in Dex after
You ask if she is writing Dex's bio and admit you don't know him well. She says it is interesting that Dex chose you for the job despite not knowing him well.

Brain Dance
Most of the Brain Dance choices don't matter, but right before you go into the main BD you bring up T-bug coming in.

You can trust her
You say that T-bug is a professional and you need her help. Judy doesn't like it, but Evelyn convinces her it is okay.

Relax Judy it'll be fine
Judy does not like this option. She gets mad at you but Evelyn calms her down.

Evelyn tells her to trust you on this.

Do the job for Evelyn
Evelyn wants you to do the job for her, no middleman, no Dex.

I'll think about it
You say there will be hell to pay if you betray Dex. Evelyn says she will offer you 50% of the take if you accept. You tell her you will think about it.

No way Dex trusts me
You say no way, Dex took a leap for you and you owe him for that.

I'm not about to screw Dex over
You say no, it isn't just about the money. You say you won't betray Dex for money.

Meeting Meredith Stout
Shake her hand and you can get on to business. Long story short, you get jacked homie. She will then ask if you are here alone.

I got backup
You claim to have snipers watching over you. You are hooked up so she will know you are lying.

I am alone
You admit that you are alone, but Stout still sends out a dron.e

After she brings up the contact.

Don't know him
You say you don't know him, which the line confirms.

Let me go
You tell her to let you go, she calls you a name and demands you answer.

When she releases you, you talk business.

Take Credchip
You say that sounds good, and you take her chip. She says pay with the chip, and there will be no problems. After the Maelstrom incident, she will offer you more work as well.

No way not happening
You say no, and your offer just came off the table. Stout leaves and tells you that you just made a huge mistake.

How To Handle Maelstrom
Three choices here, unless you denied Stout's card then only two.

Doubt this goes smoothly
You and Jackie are figuring this will end in bloodshed.

Pay with Militech cred
You tell Jackie that you and Militech found some common ground. Jack says that is a lot of money you two could split, but the option doesn't happen.

Pay 10k yourself
You can offer to pay yourself if you have the 10k.

Take the drug inside the Maelstrom Hideout
You are asked to take a drug inside the Maelstrom hideout. The drug itself makes it so you take less damage.

I'll pass
Dum Dum calls you a straight edged princess but otherwise doesn't seem to mind. The Flathead is then brought out anyway.

Take a hit
You take a hit and Dum Dum is happy. Then you can get down to business, as the bot is brought out.

Royce Puts A Gun To Your Face
You will have two choices when you get the gun put in your face.

You expect me to pay for this thing twice?
Royce says you will pay twice, because Royce says you will pay twice.

Let's make a new deal
You take a hit and Dum Dum is happy. Then you can get down to business, as the bot is brought out.

After you choose, it comes down to payment.

Militech Card
You hand him the card and he checks it out. Turns out the chip has a vector (whatever that is) and Royce goes ballistic. A fight breaks out and you need to start dropping fools quickly.

Militech Card(virus)
If you are a Corpo you will know there's a virus on there and you can hand it over and tell them that. They will clear the card and take the credits, leaving the bot with you. Militech will NOT be happy about this but you can leave without a fight.

How about a discount?
Royce does not like this option. He asks who sent you, and you respond. From there you have three choices, draw your weapon, or take him down if you have enough strength. If you let the timer run out, he will revert back to the other two options.

Pay yourself
If you pay them the 10k, you get the bot with no issues. Militech isn't happy about it, but you got the bot. Just don't draw your weapon or take down Royce and you can get out.

Set Off Charge or Disarm Charge
When you are trying to escape from Royce's men, you will see a small green icon on the map, in the second room of combat. Brick is in there, being held prisoner. Right next to the door where Brick is being held is a Detonator. You have two choices here:

Set Off Charge
If you choose to detonate the charge, it explodes. Brick also explodes. Brick is dead.

Disarm Charge
If you disarm the charge and then enter Brick's cell, by hacking the keypad, he is grateful and promises to have your back if you ever meet again.

Dex Asking About Evelyn
When you drop the bot off, Dex will ask about Evelyn.

Pretty well
You say it went pretty well, then explain the Braindance you had to go through.

She wants to cut you loose
You admit that Evelyn made you another offer. He now knows she wanted to ditch him and offer you a 50/50 split. Dex will reward you with 40% of the cut for your honesty. Well he says he will, he doesn't but there is nothing you can do about that.

Payment from Dex
When Dex tells you what your cut will be.

Sounds about right
You are happy with the cut and then Dex goes over the rest of the job.

Seems pretty low
You tell Dex it is a kind of low, and Jackie agrees. Dex asks if you are sure you want to go down this road.

Eddies aren't ever most important
You let him know the Eddies aren't the most important part of the job. He will then ask you want it is you are mostly interested in.

The challenge
You say you like the challenge. Dex says you young folk making us old folk look bad and keeps going on about the plan.

Wanna be remembered
You want to be remembered in the future. Dex says he gets it, you want to build your cred and rep. Then he goes over the rest of the plan.

You admit you want to give Arasaka a little payback.

Jackie is right
You agree with Jack and you want more than thirty percent. Dex bumps up the pay to 35% but that is it.

Cyberpunk 2077 Side Gigs Choices And Consequences

Woman Of La Mancha
This side gig involves a police officer you can either kill or persuade to leave.

Here to warn you
You tell Anna it would be a good idea to drop the investigation.

I can tell you who took the job
You have to fight Anna and kill her.

Yeah that was a threat
Again, you have to fight Anna.

Just wanna help
You try to talk her down and this leads to more options.

It doesn't matter
She says it does and gets upset.

Your cop buddies
She says she knew it and agrees to drop the investigation and leave.

What's next for you?
She brushes you off and tells you to piss off basically.

Anna says you aint no different from the people that sent you here, but she lives.

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

The first Braindance you do in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a doozy if you don't know what to do. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance guide to get everything you need from the mission

How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077

During the mission The Pick Up, when you are escaping Royce's men, you can find Brick. This guide on How To Free Brick In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the optional objective that is

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations

Iconic Weapons are scattered throughout Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations guide to find them all and figure out which one you want to use. Some of

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and consequences throughout the entire game. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you don't mess something up badly. This way

The post Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide
The first Braindance you do in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a doozy if you don't know what to do. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance guide to get everything you need from the mission. This way you aren't wasting a ton of time searching around the suite.

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

When you first get into the Braindance, let it out play until you get to the main talking on the phone. Go into edit mode and switch to the listening layer and focus on the man. You have to listen to his conversation, but you don't have to be near him to hear it. From there, let the scene play out until the man goes to his bed. Wait for him to pull out his iPad and scan that, this will reveal info about the relic you are after.

Now go to the foot of the bed and scan the pistol in vision mode. We will get all the security stuff now. Go back to the start of the recording and in vision mode scan that vulgar giant man who comes out. From there, look left of the elevator and you can scan the security alarm near the door. Above the door there is a camera as well, scan that also. About two thirds of the way through, the two will meet near where the man was first talking on the phone. Pause it, and look up near the ceiling in vision mode to find a hidden turret. Those five should clear you as far as security is concerned.

Now go back near the start of the recording, about 15-20% in and switch to the heat sensor. In the left corner of the room there is a safe under the floor. Scan that and the Braindance is complete.

Check back soon for more Cyberpunk 2077 guides.

How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077

There are two main reward currencies for leveling in the game, Perk Points & Attribute Points. This guide on How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you level up your

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077

At the start of Cyebrpunk 2077 you will get a few choices on which Lifepath to take. Check out this guide to find out which Lifepath to pick in Cyberpunk 2077. That way you know the pros and cons of

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations

Iconic Weapons are scattered throughout Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations guide to find them all and figure out which one you want to use. Some of

The post Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077

Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077
At the start of Cyberpunk 2077 you will get a few choices on which Lifepath to take. Check out this guide to find out which Lifepath to pick in Cyberpunk 2077. That way you know the pros and cons of each Lifepath and won't stress about your choice later.

Cyberpunk 2077 Lifepath Guide

Don't stress too much about this, it changes very little outside of conversation choices.

The Nomad is the quickest intro and can be done in roughly 30 minutes. Nomads are outsiders of Night City and you come in on a mission to deliver a package. You are greeted by a rather standoffish sheriff who will show up later down the line if you pick Nomad. You also get bonus dialogue options for anything vehicle, radio, or tech related because Nomad's know their cars. Above all else the Nomad wishes to be free to roam, and conversations options will often reflect this.

Outside of convo choices and dealing with sheriff D-bag, you don't get much else. You do bring in some dusty clothes, but that isn't a big deal.

Street Kid
The street kid is someone who grew up in Night City and has breathed the city in for years. You will have more knowledge on drugs and booze, as well as a good amount of history on the city. Conversation options include more history for the city, knowing what drugs you are dealing with, and sometimes extra info on what's going on in certain areas. You also have additional information when it comes to the gangs of Night City, which is useful beyond getting extra lore. The Street Kid intro lasts about an hour.

Long story short you get shafted by someone, but you will get a shot at them later in the game. You will get some street clothes as well as extra convo options for certain people.

Corpo is a greedy guy who lives for money. The Corpo intro is the longest and has the most options as far as choices are concerned. You will run into a couple of people from your past if you choose this option. They also have info on the corporations, people who run them, and know how to deal with other Corpos during dialogue and missions. They always know the different angles people are trying to cut and can sometimes use that to their advantage. If you want to see a long fall into poverty, choose this one.

Outside of dialogue options, they also get their Corpo suit which is worth about 500$ if sold. That might sound like a lot, but in the long run it isn't.

Check back soon for more Cyberpunk 2077 guides.

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as

Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077

At the start of Cyebrpunk 2077 you will get a few choices on which Lifepath to take. Check out this guide to find out which Lifepath to pick in Cyberpunk 2077. That way you know the pros and cons of

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and consequences throughout the entire game. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you don't mess something up badly. This way

Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations

Iconic Weapons are scattered throughout Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations guide to find them all and figure out which one you want to use. Some of

The post Which Lifepath To Pick In Cyberpunk 2077 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide
Wandering what each of the Attributes do? Or what Attributes to pick first in Cyberpunk 2077? Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide for a breakdown on each of the different attributes and stats in the game, giving you the tools to craft a character that suits your own style.

Cyberpunk 2077 features a robust and versatile character progression system that has lots of paths of progression that you're able to take. It's worth noting here, there is no wrong choice. Every skill impacts and influences the game to a certain degree. While some will definitely encourage and reward specific play styles, it's really about creating a character that you enjoy playing. That being said, if you want to build a bad ass assassin or a gung-ho Rambo lunatic, those options are there too.

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide

Your Reflexes govern several different perks and abilities. Higher level Reflexes allow you to capitalize more on specific weapon types, most notably Handguns, Blades, and Assault. This tree focuses on a lot of different weapons, but also increased crit chance. The Mantis Blade mod is improved by this also, but that is a mid tier upgrade so don't focus on it for that early game.

Main Stats Effected – Pistol/Revolver buffs, Assault Rifle/SMG buffs, Knife and Katana buffs.

The Body attribute is the representation of your raw, physical prowess. It directly influences your health and stamina, both vital aspects of combat. It also improves grappling and multiple versions of melee attacks and abilities. It also allows you to force open doors, which can lead to new opportunities and loot but in most situations, especially in the story aspect of the game, there are always multiple ways to deal with a situation if you're unable to break down a door.

Main Stats Effected – Endurance and HP, Shotguns and Light Machine Guns, and Blunt weapons like baseball bats and your fists.

Your Intelligence Attribute represents your abilities with Netrunning. It improves you ability to hack both people and machines. You will have reduced Ram cost for your hacks against enemies, such as blinding/deafening them, and quicker Ram recovery speed. You also get access to Daemons, which can inflict massive debuffs to people and machines. For instance you can make all cameras in the area blind for a few minutes, assuming you succeed on the hack.

Main Stats Effected – Quick Hack, Ram Recovery (for skills and abilities), and Daemons for debuffing enemies.

Everyone wants to ooze cool, right? Especially if the stealth or assassin approach suits your style of play. This is the key stat for stealth actions with a high success rate. It improves your stealth damage, crit rate, resistances, and also makes it more difficult for enemies to detect you when using stealth actions. You also gain access to cold blooded, which makes you stronger after killing an enemy. At low levels this means more movement speed and attack speed, but later on you become a regular butcher. Also improves Monowire damage, but that is a mid game weapon.

Main Stats Effected – Stealth and stealth movement speed, Buffing yourself after kills, and Monowire damage.

Technical Ability
Technical Ability is another option for opening doors that are locked with technical means. There is also a special category of weapons in the game, called Tech Weapons, that can only be used if you have high enough Technical Ability. Furthermore, it improves your proficiency when crafting items. You can also gain access to new crafting recipes through this tree. Engineering is another part of this and that improves grenade damage, radius, and came make it so your own grenades don't hurt you.

Main Stats Effected – Crafting components and blueprints, and Grenades.

How To Build Your Character

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide
Keeping in mind that there is no right or wrong build, if you do want to build toward a specific play style, you'll want to focus primarily on your approach to combat first. For example, investing into Reflexes is generally a good idea for most builds because it can improve your ability with most weapon types. Regardless of stealth or Rambo approach, you're going to need to use your weapons.

If you want to focus on melee based stealth action, invest in Reflexes for the melee combat, Cool to increase your stealth and stealth damage, and Body for additional melee combat damage. If you want to focus more on a longer range build of the same style, switch it up into developing your ranged weapons instead.

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

The first Braindance you do in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a doozy if you don't know what to do. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance guide to get everything you need from the mission

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide

Wandering what each of the Attributes do? Or what attributes to pick first in Cyberpunk 2077? Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide for a breakdown on each of the different attributes and

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as

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How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077
There are two main reward currencies for leveling in the game, Perk Points & Attribute Points. This guide on How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you level up your attributes as the user-interface in the menu may leave some people confused on exactly how to upgrade attributes.

Completing quests, story missions, random events, almost every action you do in Cyberpunk 2077 will earn you experience points. As you earn more and more experience points, you will eventually level up your character. Each time you level up you are given a certain number of Perk Points and Attribute Points that you can spend. Perk Points are spent on Perks, easy enough to find and easy enough to understand.

How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077

Attribute Points are much of the same except they are easier to miss, at least I missed it at first. When you are in the Character Menu you must highlight one of the six different Attributes. These are Reflexes, Body, Technical Ability, Intelligence, and Cool. To spend Perk Points you simply select an Attribute, which opens the Perk menu, and then you select which perk you wish to invest in.

Attributes is different. You don't physically select the Attribute, you just highlight the cursor over the attribute. You will then see that there is an Open Perks option and a Hold to Acquire option (Square on the PS4/PS5). To upgrade the Attribute simply select and hold the "hold to acquire" button.

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide

Wandering what each of the Attributes do? Or what attributes to pick first in Cyberpunk 2077? Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide for a breakdown on each of the different attributes and

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

Cyberpunk 2077 Choices And Consequences Guide

Cyberpunk 2077 is full of choices and consequences throughout the entire game. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Choices and Consequences guide to make sure you don't mess something up badly. This way

The post How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077
Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as well as how the system works in Cyberpunk 2077.

Fast Travel is common place in most large, open-world games nowadays. Traveling via cars, horseback, bikes, whatever the game offers, is great but it doesn't help when you're required to traverse huge distances or you want to head back to a region to explore it more fully. Thankfully, Cyberpunk 2077's Fast Travel system is very familiar and quite easy to use, once you know how.

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk
You cannot Fast Travel immediately at the beginning of the game, after you enter Night City and finish the introduction for your career path choice. Once you have been introduced to the Ripper Doc and have your first implants, the game begins to branch out. Shortly after that mission, you are able to Fast Travel.

If you want to Fast Travel you must reach specific locations on the map. They are marked by these small, blue, arrow-like icons. These are Fast Travel points. You don't have to interact with them or anything to unlock them as a travel point, as long as you've been in the vicinity, they are available to use.

Simply approach one of the missions and highlight the main screen with your reticle. You're then asked to select your destination. Simply select another destination and you will immediately travel to that location. And that's how to fast travel in Cyberpunk 2077.

Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide

Wandering what each of the Attributes do? Or what attributes to pick first in Cyberpunk 2077? Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Attributes Guide for a breakdown on each of the different attributes and

Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance Guide

The first Braindance you do in Cyberpunk 2077 can be a doozy if you don't know what to do. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 The Information Braindance guide to get everything you need from the mission

How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077

There are two main reward currencies for leveling in the game, Perk Points & Attribute Points. This guide on How To Spend Attribute Points In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you level up your

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

The post How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077
The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire the gun through dialog options or perhaps by breaking into the story. However, the solution is much more obvious than that.

The Gun is an option side mission that is available as soon as you reach Night City. Simply open your journal and navigate to the quest titled The Gun. You can then select to track the mission. This will instruct the game to give you waypoint objective markers that will lead you directly to Wilson's gun shop, the 2nd Amendment. Once you reach the gun shop, you simply need to grab your custom gun.

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077
You have to actually speak with Wilson and open the shop menu in order to get your gun. Although you are purchasing through the shop interface, the item is free, it will not cost you any money to get the gun. So, if you've just splashed out on some new clothes and ammo, don't worry about it.

You are looking for one gun, the Dying Night. It's a pistol, as shown above. You can also see that the price is $0. In the shop menu you will notice a yellow ! icon on the weapon. That's the weapon you need to select the complete this mission.

Do not sell this pistol. It's an Iconic weapon. These are special weapons that can be upgraded consistently as you progress through the game, making them a very powerful option for your arsenal as whenever they start to struggle against enemies and the damage begins to drop off, you can craft an upgrade and raise its quality to the next level.

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Iconic Weapons are scattered throughout Night City in Cyberpunk 2077. Check out this Cyberpunk 2077 Iconic Weapon Locations guide to find them all and figure out which one you want to use. Some of

How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077

Night City is huge and fast travel really helps you explore further reaches of the city. This guide on How To Fast Travel In Cyberpunk 2077 will explain how you unlock the ability to fast travel as

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How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077

The Gun is an option side quest in the game. This guide on How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 will tell you how to complete the mission as some people may think you have to acquire

The post How To Collect Your Gun From Wilson In Cyberpunk 2077 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

GTA Online's The Cayo Perico Heist Gets New Trailer

The team at Rockstar Games has released a new trailer for the upcoming GTA Online update The Cayo Perico Heist.

This all-new island heist location features the score of a lifetime. This private paradise is home to the renowned narco trafficker El Rubio, who serves as a supplier to the Madrazo family. The island also pays host to untold fortune in art, gold and drug money for those that can breach its defenses.

Cayo Perico also hosts marathon dance parties on golden beaches, where everyone from jetsetters and heiresses to legendary music producers gather for the hottest raves.

Learn more with the trailer below:

The biggest GTA Online adventure ever to date, the update will be available to download for free on December 15 to all players.

Be sure to check out Gamers Heroes for all of the latest news and guides regarding this update.

Source: Press Release
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The post GTA Online's The Cayo Perico Heist Gets New Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.