Nietzsche Didn't Know What He Was On About, Claims Man

The 19th-Century German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, is at the centre of a mild controversy tonight, after a man who attempted to read his book, 'Beyond Good and Evil', claimed that he hadn't got the faintest idea what he was talking about. T…

Liverpool Fans Left Anfield Early 'To Avoid Traffic'

It was a landmark moment at the weekend when fans were finally allowed back into football stadiums for he first time after nine long months of Coronavirus behind-closed-doors matches, but that didn't stop some fans reverting to their normal behaviour…

Food Vendors Formed Around Motorcycle Accident

Sometimes, you think you've seen everything, but then you see something to make you realize you haven't, and that was exactly the case earlier today when a man who thought he had seen everything, saw something else to make him realize he hadn't. A…

Experience: the Covid Vaccine gave me a 12-inch Erection

It's certainly one in the eye for those anti-vaxxer idiots! Just imagine how they will be queuing up for it now! I’m talking, of course, of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. I was one of the 20,000 volunteers given the vaccine in its trials - after a…

Greta Thunberg Cosmetic Surgery Rumors Untrue

Rumors of Greta Thunberg getting “green, sustainable” breast implants aren’t true. She released a statement saying she supported all people getting whatever plastic surgery they wanted, as long as it was environmentally friendly, and used no petro-ch…

Man Told Tuk Tuk Driver To Go And Fuck Himself

A tuk tuk driver who persistently pestered a man walking through a town center, asking him where he was going and whether or not he wanted to travel in comfort, was rounded upon by the man, and told, in no uncertain terms, to go and fuck himself.

Lonely old f*ck takes jab for stipend; offers other arm for further scientific research

News of the Covid-19 vaccination process now indicates it is a two-stage process, jabs one month apart. Women are warned that infertility may accompany the vaccination during this two-month period. Also, a certain amount of discomfort, or pain…

Ole Solskjaer mistook Leipzig for Dresden! He thought he could 'bomb' the place!

(NOT EDITED) Last night Manchester United's manager failed to inspire his 'troops' into immediate action, so Jaggedone and his CIA (cockroach Infiltration Army) have recorded Ole's epic pre-match talk before the awful, soggy-fish encounter. The re…

Extraterrestrial Galactic Federation Meets With President Trump

BILLINGSGATE POST: Haim Eshed, a former chief of the Israel Defense Ministry’s space directorate, says that extraterrestrials from a Galactic Federation have been in contact with him, that President Trump is aware of this, and was previously "on the…

Anti-Vaccine Lout Claims Vaccine Contains Chip

A news report about the UK roll-out of the Coronavirus vaccine in London earlier today, contained what is being described as a "potentially damaging theory", after a long-haired lout said he would be resisting any government orders to be vaccinated b…

The Dallas Cowboys Dumpster Fire Continues

BALTIMORE â€" (Sports Satire) â€" Millions of Cowboys fans are wondering if the ‘boys are going to win another game this year. And the one who wonders that more than anyone else, is the team owner, Jerry “Damn, I'm Stressed” Jones. Jerry's wife ha…

President Trump Is Having 9,000 Covid Vaccines Shipped to The White House

WASHINGTON, D.C. â€" (Satire News) â€" A source inside the White House has said that Pfizer Pharmaceuticals will be shipping the first vaccines out of their factory to the White House. The unnamed source said that he actually saw the purchase order th…

Hospital Porter Drops Box Of COVID-19 Vaccine

As the UK roll-out of COVID-19 vaccinations got underway in London this morning, there was a hiccup almost immediately, when a hospital porter carrying a box containing 200 phials of the lifesaving vaccine stumbled and fell, dropping his load in the…

Doing Nothing Is Hard Work For Trump

At a rally in Georgia, Donald Trump announced that trying to overturn the 2020 election during the last three weeks was the hardest three weeks of work he's ever done. The audience went crazy. He didn’t lift a finger to try to stop the spread o…

Porn Hub Makes A Big Announcement

DETROIT â€" (Satire News) â€" The company that owns the Porn Hub website, Raging Libido, Inc., is thrilled to announce that the amount of users has increased by a whopping 815%. Adele Mizzen, a spokeswoman for the porn site, told the news media that t…

The Pussy Grabber Wants To Give Himself A Pardon

The very same guy, Donald Trump, who said he likes to grab a woman by the pussy, “…and you can get away with it because you’re famous…” now wants to issue a Self Pardon. For pussy grabbing? That's old hat! He can get away with pussy-grabbing b…

Ode to 2020 called 'Currant Bun!'

(NOT EDITED) 2020 comes to an end, Bob Dylan has sold his musical rights for $300 million bucks, pandemic is still biting our arses, Brexit is pathetic, Man United too, so, here we go!! CURRANT BUN 2020 was not much fun Apres-ski morons in…

Source: White House Ordering Reams of Paper Shredders

The White House is said to be ordering large amounts of paper shredders and burn barrels, as it appears likely that Donald Trump will not win re-election. According to a source within the Administration, who spoke off the record, ventilators original…

A Cocker Spaniel Finds a Box of Nude Photographs of Marilyn Monroe

WALLA WALLA, Washington â€" (Satire News) - The Seattle Exulter-Herald talked to a retired milkman, Xavier Cyclone, 67, who said that he and his dog were out in the woods, woodchuck hunting. He said his hunting dog, Puddles, a 7-year-old Cocker Span…

Movie Theater CEOs Desperate For Business Are Now Offering Lap Dances

HOLLYWOOD â€" (Satire News) â€" Executives with five major movie theater groups in the United States are stressed-out over the fact that no one is going out to movie theaters. The Herculean 14-Movie Theater Complex, in Cleveland, reported that, last w…

Mysterious Mirrored Monolith on the Isle of Wight

On Tuesday morning, the residents of Compton were astounded to discover that the Utah monolith had appeared on their beach. The monolith that vanished from Utah, only to appear in Romania, arrived on Tuesday morning, appearing against the World Fa…

Experience: I fathered two of Boris Johnson's children

That arse Johnson is supposedly a serial shagger, but I gave him a dose of his own medicine. It was several years ago, and it went on for a while. Bozo's wife was mightily pissed off at his never-ending peccadillos, and she wanted to get her own b…

President Trump Has Become One Big Orange Ball of Stress

LOOSE WOMAN, Georgia â€" (Satire News) â€" President Trump, desperate to rake in even more money, spoke before a crowd of 1.3 million maskless supporters (his estimate), in Loose Woman, Georgia. Trump opened up with blatant lie after blatant lie, stat…

Five University of Texas Players Test Positive For COVID

AUSTIN - (Sports Satire) - Dottie Bazooka, with Sports Balls Illustrated Magazine has informed her readers that the entire defensive line for the Texas Longhorns are out with the Coronavirus. Longhorns Coach, Tom Herman, said that, at first, the t…

The Unbeaten Pittsburgh Steelers Go Down

PITTSBURGH â€" (Sports Satire) â€" There was no joy or happiness at Heinz Field, aka Ketchup Stadium, home of the Pittsburgh Steelers, as evidenced by the sad faces on every Steelers fan. Steelers coach, Mike Tomlin, was reportedly so upset that his t…

Worst Football Player In The World At It Again…

Rojer Walters, the Argentinian wonderkid, who was once described as the next Claudio Cannigia, turned up at Tannadice Park in the 1990s, and chapped the door to get a trial. After being laughed back out the door, the young Cannigia lookalike had noth…

The Wonderful World Of Uninteresting Animals #10: The Moth

Yes, it's Tuesday once more, everyone, and time for the latest instalment in our 'popular' series about uninteresting animals. This week, I've chosen a particularly uninteresting animal: the moth. Moths are exceedingly uninteresting, but this m…

Man Has Got A Great Big Boil On His Arse

News just reaching us in the last few minutes is that a dirty, great big boil has been discovered on a man's arse, and may need lancing by a qualified medical professional. The boil sprang up on the arse of Moys Kenwood, 57, on Sunday morning, and…

Why Talk To The Monkey (Sleepy Joe) When You can Talk To The Organ Grinder (George Soros)?

BILLINGSGATE POST: If there were any doubt about who is the monkey and who is the organ grinder running the Democrat Party, this doubt was cast aside with the news that the president of George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Patrick Gaspard, will r…

Pint of best Bitter and a bag of Cheese & Onion crisps will stop environmental destruction!

(NOT EDITED) Cows, sheep, oxen, and other herds of animals have been blamed for farting too much! Mega-tons of methane gas are released into the atmosphere causing the planet to warm up, not polluted factories, airplanes, cars, trucks, and other huma…