The Gunk Interview – A New Frontier
After having firmly established themselves as developers of excellent games with multiple SteamWorld titles, Image and Form and Thunderful are moving on to bigger and bolder things. The recently announced The Gunk is their first 3D title ever, and though we haven't seen much of it, already it's promising to deliver some exciting things. We recently reached out to the developers to learn more about The Gunk and what fans can expect from it when it launches next year. You can read our interview with game director Ulf Hartelius below.
"We'll be focusing on making use of the new Xbox Series X, but of course the Xbox One is super important for us as well."
Thunderful has seen incredible success with the SteamWorld games, but The Gunk is looking like a pretty different beast, especially from a visual perspective. What lessons have you learnt from the SteamWorld games that you're taking into The Gunk?
We've learnt a lot through the years that still holds true, but as you say it's the most different for the artists. But even with the 3D and the new style, I think keen-eyed players can still recognize the unique feel of Tobias Nilsson (art director of most of the SteamWorld games).
Speaking of that visual difference, what led to the decision to take the jump into full 3D after having seen so much success with the 2D look of SteamWorld?
For the kind of themes and experience we've set out to do with The Gunk, it was much better suited to both 3D and a non-SteamWorld setting.
Can you talk about what taking such a leap meant in terms of the groundwork you had to do before getting to work on the game? For instance, how much work did that entail in terms of setting up an engine for The Gunk?
Both lots and very little. Since we're using Unreal Engine we're getting a lot of things straight from it, but then we've also added some development features into it that were fundamental parts for our in-house engine that we've been making the SteamWorld games with. There's also an enormous amount of work involved in getting the actual gunk looking and behaving like we want.
In the blog post on Xbox Wire following the game's announcement, it was stated that with The Gunk, you wanted to take full advantage of the hardware available to you. Given the game's cross-gen nature, has that proven to be a complication?
We'll be focusing on making use of the new Xbox Series X, but of course the Xbox One is super important for us as well. As an example, when we made SteamWorld Dig 2 we focused on the then-new Nintendo Switch, but still made sure to get the 3DS version running at a smooth 60 fps and keeping as much of the visual bells and whistles as possible.
"We're doing a lot of work to make this world you'll be exploring really feel like something you haven't seen before. This is a world with a history, but we'll be focusing more on what's happening now than what has happened in its past."
How much of a focus will The Gunk put on its setting and the mysteries of its past?
We're doing a lot of work to make this world you'll be exploring really feel like something you haven't seen before. This is a world with a history, but we'll be focusing more on what's happening now than what has happened in its past.
Given its setting, The Gunk seems like the kind of game that would really benefit from environmental variety and variety in enemy designs. Is that something that players can look forward to?
Yes, we're definitely aiming for a lush and varied environment. As for enemies, while the game does have some amount of combat it's not really centered around it.
Can you talk to us about the two central characters, and how much the relationship between the two plays into the game's story?
They're scouting the outer perimeters of known space for lucrative planets and what they find, and how they deal with that, is going to be a big part of the game.
Roughly how long will an average playthrough of The Gunk be?
For players who go pretty straight through it, I think it'll take around 8 hours. But there will be plenty more content apart from that core experience, as it's a game that encourages exploration.
Why did you decide to launch as an Xbox console exclusive?
Since making this game is such a big step for us we knew we wanted to find a strong partner and Microsoft had been excited about it since our earliest conversations. But to clarify, it will be available from day 1 on Windows 10 and Xbox One, in addition to Xbox Series X.
Do you have any plans to eventually bring the game to PlayStation or Switch?
Unfortunately not.
"Since making this game is such a big step for us we knew we wanted to find a strong partner and Microsoft had been excited about it since our earliest conversations."
As a Xbox console exclusive, how can players expect the game to leverage the Xbox Series X's unique capabilities?
The Gunk itself is using an advanced rendering technique that should benefit a lot from the added power of the Series X. It will also be a lot easier to get the game world as lush and vibrant as we're aiming for.
The Xbox Series X's Velocity architecture has been one of its biggest talking points- how has it impacted the game and the way you have designed the game?
That's definitely one of the most exciting things with the next-gen consoles for us as developers, and something that I think players will really come to appreciate once they've experienced it.
What resolution and frame rate are you targeting on Xbox Series X? Furthermore, will the game have multiple graphical modes?
We haven't established much definitively yet, aside from absolutely having at least 60 frames per second on Series X. A high and solid frame rate has always been a staple for us and that holds true going forward as well.
Lastly, what is the one feature that you are most excited about the game?
What it all comes down to for me, is that I really want to make a game where it's exciting to explore!
Shadow Warrior 3 Interview – Traversal, Combat, Progression, and More
The Shadow Warrior series has gone from strength to strength since it was rebooted in 2013, and with every new instalment, developers Flying Wild Hog have made an effort to refine the formula to its zenith. With the recently announced Shadow Warrior 3, they're look to keep that trajectory moving upward. With a greater focus on slick action and extreme mobility and level design revolving around new mechanics in those areas, Shadow Warrior 3 is thus far looking like a distillation of everything that this series has been about.
Curious as we have been to learn more about the game since it got announced, we recently reached out to its developers to ask our most burning questions about it, and in the process learned more about everything from its combat to its traversal to its progression mechanics and much more. You can read our conversation with lead designer Paweł Kowalewski below.
"Shadow Warrior 3 is a huge improvement over its predecessors in every area – from rounded and more responsive controls, to a more focused arsenal and greater enemy variety – where every piece of the puzzle has a meaningful role."
Shadow Warrior's blend of over-the-top action has always been key defining traits of the series, and it looks like Shadow Warrior 3 is taking that one step further. Can you talk about some of the biggest improvements the sequel is making in these areas?
Whenever we're about to start the development of a new title, especially in the case of Shadow Warrior 3 which is a new installment of an already existing franchise, it's important to look back at what we've achieved so far and which elements can be improved even further.
Shadow Warrior 3 is, in short, a huge improvement over its predecessors in every area – from rounded and more responsive controls, to a more focused arsenal and greater enemy variety – where every piece of the puzzle has a meaningful role. Level design has also improved with each location being hand-made, providing better pacing and interactivity with Lo Wang's surroundings.
Last, but not least, we've finally been able to add brand new gameplay features that we've been thinking about over the last couple of years, like the Grappling Hook, wall-running and outrageous executions which activate powerful temporary abilities that expand Lo Wang's already diverse combat options.
Another area where Shadow Warrior 3 is introducing some exciting changes is traversal, which, thanks to things like the grappling hook and wall-running, looks much more dynamic and nimble this time around. What impact will this have on combat?
We don't want the Grappling Hook or wall-running to only be used between combat arenas. Sure, both of them allow us to create more complex and engaging traversal sections, but we knew from the start that in order to make these new features really meaningful, they also need to play an important role within our combat space – and they do! Thanks to these new abilities combat arenas are more vertical than before, as various anchor points for interactions with the Grappling Hook or certain walls that Lo Wang can run on create additional "connections" between different sections of the arena. Of course, all movement from previous Shadow Warrior games (double jumps, aerial dashes, wall climbing) are coming back as well, but the addition of the Grappling Hook and wall runs improves the overall dynamics of the game and allows for heaps of creativity when approaching enemies from different angles.
One more important thing to note is that the Grappling Hook can also interact with certain enemy types, allowing Lo Wang to quickly close down distance between himself and the enemies, expose enemy weak spots, or throw explosive barrels straight into incoming groups.
The mechanic of performing executions on enemies and then temporarily acquiring one of their traits to then use for yourself is one that has a lot of potential applications- what's the biggest impact this will have on combat in your view?
Executions are the "cherry on top" of our combat system, because it's not just a fancy finishing animation – it also adds another layer of strategy when dealing with hordes of demons rushing at you. Every enemy is unique and possesses some kind of important trait – it could be a weapon or offensive/defensive power that the enemy is casting.
The idea is these abilities are closely tied to a particular enemy's visual design and behavior in combat, so that even before finishing a new enemy type for the first time, Lo Wang should be able to predict what kind of unique ability he will acquire upon execution. These enemy-inherited abilities are powerful and usually do things that weapons from the standard arsenal cannot, expanding combat efficiency. Later in the game, when you've already seen most of the enemies, performing executions is also part of split-second decision making as it's not only about finishing off enemies whenever you have an opportunity to do so, but also which enemy is the ripest power source to mine in order to dispatch the rest!
"First person melee combat is part of Shadow Warrior's DNA and one of the most distinct features that makes it stand out, so we're putting a lot of effort into making the swordplay go hand-in-hand with gunplay."
It looks like Lo Wang's katana is going to play a pretty important role in combat, given the fact that there's a button dedicated to it. Can you talk about what this means for variety in combat, and allowing players to switch between melee and ranged seamlessly?
First person melee combat is part of Shadow Warrior's DNA and one of the most distinct features that makes it stand out, so we're putting a lot of effort into making the swordplay go hand-in-hand with gunplay.
With each Shadow Warrior game we tried to make the katana combat feel better, whether through improving the responsiveness or improving the controls for executing special attacks. However, even though we received lots of positive feedback regarding melee combat in our games, we always felt like we still haven't achieved that seamless "yin/yang" kind of blend between swordplay and the gunplay, because players were always forced to switch to a particular weapon before they could start attacking with it.
Having two separate attack buttons (one for katana and the other for a ranged weapon) changes combat drastically as it allows for instant "switch-attacks" between the sword and gun, which we noticed not only makes changing playstyles more fluid, but also encourages a more aggressive approach and closing the distance to enemies more often in order to land few safe katana strikes in between firing with guns.
With the expanded movement and combat in Shadow Warrior 3, what's been your approach to level design, and how the game's levels are populated by combat and traversal challenges?
The moment we had the working prototypes for the Grappling Hook and wall-running we knew that we finally had almost unlimited freedom of movement. So we started thinking about the environments as a "ninja playground" where level layouts and all interactive elements supporting Lo Wang's abilities are there to maximize fun.
As for the balance between the combat and traversal sections, the game has larger combat arenas that are locked until the fight is over, but also throws up smaller combat encounters during traversal. We also wanted traversal sections to be more entertaining than ever before and with the addition of new dynamic movement options, even outside of combat Lo Wang will have his hands full employing his nimble ninja moves.
Shadow Warrior is a series that's traditionally always appealed to the single player crowd first and foremost, and it seems like Shadow Warrior 3 will be doing that as well, but do you have any plans for multiplayer, whether that's co-op or PvP? Is it something that you would consider adding to the game following launch?
At this point we're focusing all of our attention and resources on the single player campaign, so until all the pieces are in place we don't want to distract ourselves with anything that doesn't support an awesome single player experience.
Nailing humour and witty writing is a particularly hard thing to do, and something that games don't always succeed at, but it's something that Shadow Warrior games have always been known for. What can fans expect from Shadow Warrior 3 as far as that humour and wit is concerned?
Ever since Flying Wild Hog started working on the reboot of the franchise back in early 2012, our writers have put a lot of effort into reimagining Lo Wang as a younger, goofy, pop culture geek who considers jokes his "verbal superpower". With that being said, anybody who has enjoyed his one-liners so far can expect at least the same amount of craziness in Shadow Warrior 3!
"Shifting away from the more complex progression mechanics of Shadow Warrior 2 was influenced mostly by going back to a linear, character-focused campaign. Since Shadow Warrior 3 focuses heavily on fast-paced action and a sense of adventure, we decided to cut the elements that we felt draw attention away from the action."
Shadow Warrior 3 is making interesting changes to progression mechanics, doing away with a lot of the build variety introduced in Shadow Warrior 2 and going for a leaner approach. What led to the decision to revert to a more focused style of progression?
Shifting away from the more complex progression mechanics of Shadow Warrior 2 was influenced mostly by going back to a linear, character-focused campaign. Since Shadow Warrior 3 focuses heavily on fast-paced action and a sense of adventure, we decided to cut the elements that we felt draw attention away from the action. That's why we're returning to our roots and implementing a much "lighter" progression system (similar to the Shadow Warrior reboot) where all pieces of equipment or new abilities are picked up as part of the journey at specific moments and progression is tied to a really simple skill tree.
Roughly how long will an average playthrough of Shadow Warrior 3 be?
It's difficult to talk about overall play time at this point as we still have a good amount of development time ahead of us. What we can say for now is that we've learned a few lessons from our previous games, realizing that sometimes less is more. With that approach in mind we decided to focus more on density rather than longevity, so what can you expect from Shadow Warrior 3 is a campaign where every minute counts and every element of the game (whether it's combat, traversal or narrative) supports our goal of delivering one consistent package, focused on providing one hell of an adventure.
As it stands right now, Shadow Warrior 3 is currently only announced for PC, but are PS5 and Xbox Series X versions also in the cards, especially given the fact that the previous two games did eventually come to consoles as well?
We're currently focused on developing Shadow Warrior 3 to PC but would love to bring Lo Wang to more platforms! Look out for further announcements in 2021.
While Sony and Microsoft's approach to creating hardware has been all about iteration and focusing on newer and cutting edge technology, Nintendo's approach has been far less traditional. Especially starting with the likes of the Wii and DS right up until the Switch, Nintendo have focused more on innovative hardware design, which they use in conjunction with game design that revolves around that kind of hardware.
And to no one's surprise, that's an approach they're going to stick with for their future consoles as well. In this fiscal year's Corporate Management Policy briefing, Nintendo confirmed that their next console will be out in 20XX, which is about as obvious yet unspecific as they can get. More interestingly though, they also spent quite a bit of time talking about their future outlook.
After speaking about the advantages of their integrated hardware-software approach, Nintendo said that that's something they're going to continue focusing on with future consoles and hardware, while also adding that they will continue to use Nintendo Accounts. Later on, when talking about investment in technology, the company confirmed that it will continue to invest in finding ways to use "fun" technology in its hardware, while making sure that it strikes a balance between being cutting edge and being affordable.
You can check out the relevant slides from the briefing below.
While it remains to be seen when the Switch successor will release (Nintendo has insisted that the Switch is barely halfway through its life cycle), there have been plenty of reports of late that a more powerful Switch variant is in the works for 2021, and that Nintendo has asked development partners to make their games 4K-ready in preparation for the same.

DiRT 5 Trailer Showcases Xbox Series S Gameplay
We've heard quite a lot about how Codemasters' DiRT 5 will run on Xbox Series X with 120 frames per second being possible. But what about Xbox Series S? A new gameplay trailer has been released, showcasing a Path Finder event in gorgeous Italy running on the console. Check it out below.
While Smart Delivery has been confirmed for the Xbox Series X and Xbox One, Xbox Series S will also be included. This ensures that regardless of the console, players will have the most optimized experience. At the very least, it seems that the game won't hit 120 FPS on the Xbox Series S.
DiRT 5 is out on November 6th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X versions are out on November 10th, serving as a launch title for both platforms. The PS5 version's release date has yet to be confirmed but that will likely be answered if Sony dates the console in its upcoming showcase. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.
15 Best Snipers in Video Games
Sniping isn't just an art – it's a way of life and some characters stand out for their sniping skills more than others. Whether they've benefited from enhanced abilities or get by on raw skills, let's take a look at 15 of the deadliest snipers in video games.
Agent 47 – Hitman Series
Enhanced speed, reflexes, strength and even a slight healing factor – Agent 47 possesses all of this and more, further supplemented by training in all forms of assassination. That includes sniping, as he can take down targets and vanish with barely any trace. Such is his overall infamy that he's considered a legend in the ICA and will go to any lengths to kill a target.
Epic Games' Lawsuit Has Been "Designed to Reinvigorate Interest" in Fortnite – Apple
The Epic vs Apple battle has been going on for a while now, and it's definitely been a rollercoaster. Beginning with Epic suing Apple for taking Fortnite off the iOS App Store, Apple have since then said that they did so because of Epic's own violations of terms they understood and had, up until that point, been following. Epic, meanwhile, have taken to social media in more ways than one to generate buzz and interest surrounding the game and their legal dispute against Apple.
However, Apple recently countersued Epic, and in their brief, they've made a rather bold claim- that Epic's suit against Apple is built on shaky grounds, and that its primary purpose is to be a publicity stunt and generate interest in Fortnite among the masses.
Apple claims in its brief that Fortnite's popularity has been waning over the last year, and that Epic have as such used this lawsuit as a way to reinvigorate interest in their free to play battle royale title.
In its introduction, Apple states that Epic "started a fire" when it violated App Store guidelines, used that to its advantage by drumming up a public controversy, and is now asking the Court "for emergency assistance in putting it out".
"Epic started a fire, and poured gasoline on it, and now asks this Court for emergency assistance in putting it out, even though Epic can do so itself in an instant by simply adhering to the contractual terms that have profitably governed its relationship with Apple for years," Apple writes.
"For reasons having nothing to do with Epic's claims against Apple, Fortnite's popularity is on the wane," Apple later added. "By July 2020, interest in Fortnite had decreased by nearly 70% as compared to October 2019. This lawsuit (and the front-page headlines it has generated) appears to be part of a marketing campaign designed to reinvigorate interest in Fortnite."
Previously, it was ruled that Fortnite would stay off the App Store, denying Epic's request for injunctive relief against the same. We'll keep you updated as this story develops, so stay tuned.
PS5 Showcase – Watch the 40-Minute Livestream Here
A new PlayStation 5 showcase was announced for September 16th and the day is finally here. The showcase will go live at 1 PM PDT/4 PM EDT and runs for 40 minutes. Check the embedded link below to watch the livestream when it's available (or to witness live chat spamming how one console or the other is "flopped.").
Sony hasn't outlined exactly what can be expected from today's showcase, aside from revealing titles for the console's launch and beyond that. But given how the console's price and release date has yet to be revealed, one would hope that today is finally the day. One Spanish retailer recently listed the console for €499 while its digital edition is apparently €399.
Of course, there's plenty more that we've yet to see, from the console's UI to more gameplay for titles like Demon's Souls and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. It's also worth knowing how Sony will approach backwards compatibility, not to mention PlayStation Plus and its offerings for the next-generation. Stay tuned for more details later today – it's not much longer now.
EA is Considering Bringing More Games and EA Play to Nintendo Switch
EA have been making a (relatively) greater effort to support the Nintendo Switch with more releases, and it seems the company might be looking to take that further with more game releases down the line, and perhaps even the addition of its services.
Speaking recently to GamesIndustry, EA's SVP Mike Blank said that the company is considering bringing more games to the Switch, as well as its EA Play subscription services. Blank said that while EA doesn't have any announcements to make regarding the same just yet, it will continue to support the system.
"There are amazing games on that platform and we foresee bringing more games to the Switch over time," he said. "And I think if there are opportunities for us to bring our subscription there and bring an even larger portfolio to the Switch, we will do so. We're always exploring this with our platform partners, whether that be Switch or Steam or Epic or Xbox or Sony. We want to be where the players are. So while I have nothing to announce here, I would anticipate that we'll continue to bring more games and more great experiences to Switch."
Apex Legends is confirmed to be coming to the Switch, while EA Originals title Lost in Random will also be releasing in 2021. Meanwhile, rumours have suggested that Plants vs Zombies: Battle for Neighborville and the rumoured Need for Seed: Hot Pursuit remaster will be coming to the Switch as well.
As far as EA Play is concerned, the subscription service is available on PS4, Xbox One, and even Steam, (and will be added to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for free soon), so it makes sense that EA is considering bringing it over to the Switch as well.
Dying Light was a game that made no secret about its intentions. It didn't spend any time with misdirection, metaphors, or underlying themes for scholars to ponder 30 years from now. Dying Light was one of those games that just planted it's blood-soaked flag in the ground and proudly exclaimed what it was, and that all who were interested were welcome to jump in its world of climbing, crafting, and macabre and see what they could make of it. It wasn't perfect and certainly had its issues, but the game did pretty well among the audience it aimed at and scored lots of 7s and 8s across the mainstream gaming outlets.
Those who described it to others often evoked a comparison to Mirror's Edge but with zombies and survival elements, and yeah, that's a pretty good way to encapsulate it- despite it being a tad reductive. Much like how the game itself takes it's time to unfold into the thrillride it really was, Dying Light as a product also took it's time gaining steam among gamers with soft sales at launch leading to a fairly slow-but-steady rise in popularity over the years.
After a few DLC expansions and enhanced editions and pretty much every possible thing to milk the Dying Light name of every last bit of vitality it had, like most suspected, plans for a sequel were rumored and eventually confirmed way back in 2018.
They also showed a short demo showing off the snappier movement and climbing, and a more dynamic world that had ongoing consequences that would result from which factions of survivors you decided to help. Depending on what you do, you could end up empowering a strict government that provides stability to the region in exchange for some freedoms, or you could help advance a rebellion against them and distribute resources as you see fit.
Techland seemed like it had all of its ducks in a row to deliver quite an interesting successor to Dying Light that polished off the original's rough edges while advancing the amount of possibilities in the world. All seemed well and like it was coming along smoothly. However, as tends to happen when major video game projects go a few months with no major updates, rumors started to surface that Techland wasn't necessarily doing as well as people thought. On top of that, right at the beginning of 2020, the year that Dying Light 2 was supposedly poised to launch in, Techland let everybody know that the game was delayed indefinitely to allow "more development time to fulfill [their] vision."
While it's easy to agree with delays 99% of the time, as delayed games are often better games when they finally do launch, for this to happen almost two full years after the games announcement, did feel like a bit of an omen to many, and perhaps a sign that there was more trouble ahead for the game. A delay of a few months is one thing, but the word "indefinitely" certainly has a more ominous ring to it than just pushing the release date back for an already determined amount of time. With this, came more rumors. At one point a Polish game site had gotten reports from an anonymous source that said Dying Light 2 was a "total mess" due to a "totally disorganized" development environment.
The source went on to say that the game's fundamental rules and mechanics were constantly changing. Also that morale for everyone is down because of the disorganization and incompetence at the highest levels of the studio. The source's remarks continued: "It is still unknown what this game is supposed to be. A year before the release, [others] are worried about fixing bugs. We don't even have a vertical slice!" Techland was fast to respond to this, saying that the reports were "totally inaccurate" while also quelling fears about the team being acquired by Microsoft, and that the game might not launch outside of PC and Xbox as a result.
As if Techland's PR folks didn't have their hands full already, things got worse when some rather high-profile personal accusations towards Chris Avellone himself surfaced, which was followed up by several more accusations from different alleged victims, and ultimately led to Techland removing Avellone from the project. This of course only happened in late June of 2020, and by then most if not all of the narrative threads of Dying Light 2 had already been written into the game, so one could assume that the impact of his removal on the game was mostly superficial.
This probably had a bigger impact on another game Avellone was working on, Vampire: Bloodlines – The Masquerade 2, which he was also removed from as a result of the accusations. That said, his removal from the project did seem to serve as a capstone to a year of swirling controversies and rumors surrounding Dying Light 2. You couldn't be blamed at this point for being worried about the game. Game development in 2020 is hard enough. Getting the game right, wrangling all the talent, balancing schedules, meeting incremental deadlines, and just going through the normal process of making a massive triple-A game is already such a minefield. With all of this happening on top of that, it's easy to see why the game might be taking longer than it otherwise would.
That said, one could also explain these things away- at least somewhat- as just things that happen in game development. Personnel turnover happens. Delays happen. Setbacks and roadblocks of all sorts are not uncommon even among the finest development studios in the business. Especially during these eras where they find themselves in-between two console generations, in which they are doing their best to deliver their game to machines from the past and future, and make sure that all of these versions are up to snuff with the vision they have for the game. Again, all on top of the already strenuous task of just making a game at all.
That said, while these sorts of controversies are not particularly rare in video game development, having all of them at once, sort of is. Dying Light 2 has had more than its fair share of them up to this point. Thankfully, it doesn't seem like this derailed the game in any permanent way. While the game is certainly in a muddy place in terms of its development timeline, the good news is that the Dying Light brand is still a strong one, and should still garner plenty of interest as the game gets closer and closer to its eventual launch, whenever that may be. Whether Techland will be able to squeeze it out in 2020 or not is still up in the air, but the game does appear to be more than far along enough to make cancelling it very unlikely. So once all is said and done, much like the wretched, unholy monsters whose heads you'll be smashing in for many hours in the game, Dying Light 2 will pop back up eventually.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Spanish Retailer Listing Hints at €499/€399 Price for PS5 and Digital Edition
In all likelihood, we will finally know the concrete price and launch date of the PS5 a few hours from now (or so we hope), with the PS5 Showcase going live later today. Before that, however, a retailer listing may have clued us into what to expect.
As spotted by AllGamesDelta on Twitter, Spanish retailer El Corte Inglés, which is one of the biggest retailers in Spain, might have listed the prices of the console. As per images of store's internal database, two listings for unnamed consoles have gone up with prices of €499 and €399, most likely referring to the PS5 and its digital edition respectively.
Of course, given the fact that the consoles' names aren't mentioned, there's no guarantees that this listing is accurate, while it's also worth mentioning that these may very well be the placeholder prices. That said, most recent reports have said that $399 and $499 are the prices the PS5 will be launching for (and prices in dollars and euros generally line up).
Notably, another recent report by industry analyst Masahiro Wakasugi suggested that the PS5 might even be priced at $449. Read more on that through here.
Of course, this isn't official by any means, so take this with a grain of salt for now. Hopefully, Sony will have announced the prices themselves later today, so stay tuned for that information.
(El Corte Inglés ~ One of the biggest spanish retailers)
— AllGamesDelta (@AllGamesDelta_) September 13, 2020