After months of rumors, speculation, leaks, and teasers, Rockstar finally released the remastered Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition collection yesterday. It landed with a thud as players encountered and documented countless visual bugs, gameplay glitches, and odd changes to models and textures. Even…

Early this morning, From Software held its first closed network test session for the upcoming Elden Ring. The long-awaited Dark Souls successor transplants that franchise's fantastic action RPG gameplay into a Breath of the Wild-like setting. Players now have the opportunity to both explore a beautifully crafted…

This morning, the developers of Genshin Impact shared details about the forthcoming 2.3 update via livestream, including significant seasonal and permanent additions to the game, as well as wintry minigames. The limited characters Albedo and Eula will be available simultaneously, followed by Itto and Gorou's…
A recent graphics comparison showing the work developer Grove Street Games put into remastering the first three 3D Grand Theft Auto titles did look solid at first glance, and our impressions noted the noticeable graphical upgrades as well. It turns out, though, that while the recent Rockstar re-releases do look great…

Forza Horizon 5 is a lot like your local used car dealership in that both dominate your TV screen for hours at night with the siren song of "500 cars!!!" So the question isn't if you're going to buy a new car. Rather, it's what you're going to buy.

When I was younger, I remember thinking the map in Rockstar's classic GTA San Andreas was massive. It sure felt that way, thanks in large part to the view-obscuring fog. Well, all that fog is gone in the newly released remastered trilogy collection, and it makes the whole world feel tiny and sad.

Since dropping the first official trailer in late September, Netflix has tweeted a few side-by-side comparisons of Cowboy Bebop, showing how the upcoming live-action adaptation compares to the original anime series. One takeaway of mine? It looks promising. The other takeaway? It really needs some color.

Day one of a new Battlefield launch is usually a mess of server errors, but with the Battlefield 2042 release time upon us - at least if you've got early access - the game's actually working. Well, mostly. You'll likely encounter a few 'persistence data' errors as you attempt to login to Battlefield 2042, but keep retrying and you will be able to play.
"Unable to Load Persistence Data is a connection issue on our side", as the devs explain in a tweet. That error tends to appear as you login for the first time, or attempt to matchmake into a game. Either way, it'll dump you straight back to the main menu. The devs say they're "seeing healthy recovery" on the issue, so if you had trouble logging in earlier today, you might have better luck now.
The fix for the 'persistence data' error is to just keep retrying, in other words. Some players have reported that disabling cross-play has improved their success rate, but for what it's worth, I was able to get into a match just fine with cross-play enabled after retrying my way through a single error message.
RELATED LINKS: Best multiplayer games on PC, Best FPS games on PC, Best war games
Just over seven months after leaving Ubisoft, the lead writer of Assassin's Creed has returned. Darby McDevitt, a key storytelling voice in many of the series' modern iterations, has announced his return to Ubisoft and the Assassin's Creed series. McDevitt says he's "never been more excited" to be building stories for the series.
"As I pondered my career over the past year, I focused on my desire to explore new ideas and unknown frontiers," McDevitt says in a tweet. "Much to my delight, this is reflected in my return to Ubisoft to work on AC. I'm excited to continue my journey. Stay tuned! On a personal note, I have never been more excited about the places we're going and the stories I get to tell with this crew."
McDevitt entered the Assassin's Creed lore back in 2009, working at Foundation 9 Entertainment on the Bloodlines and Discover spin-offs. He jumped to Ubisoft proper in 2011, working as lead scriptwriter on Revelations and Black Flag, a key writer on Origins, and narrative director on Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Apex Legends: Escape launched earlier this month with a brand new map called Storm Point, which has gotten somewhat mixed feedback. While it's not getting smaller any time soon, some gentle Storm Point reworks are on the way, as the developers at Respawn take in community feedback, squash bugs, and rework the final circle locations.
A Storm Point update will land soon - "long before the season is over'', according to principal level designer Rodney Reece (via Dexerto). Early this week, Reece requested videos and screenshots of "bad circle-ending locations" to help inform the updates, though he notes that the "end circle doesn't end on wildlife locations or buildings. But it does sometimes get close."
As a result of that feedback, a Storm Point map update will rework those ending circle locations and fix a load of early bugs. "There are also cover adjustments throughout the map," Reece adds. "Things like rocks that are now larger to provide more cover, some areas (particularly around the edges of Barometer) have new cover, and more in general around chokes."
RELATED LINKS: Apex Legends characters guide, Apex Legends skins, Apex Legends map guide
We've gotten sidelong looks at Total War: Warhammer III's Ogre Kingdoms legendary lords to date, but now we've gotten proper introductions. Greasus Goldtooth and Skrag the Slaughterer will be leading the hungry lads into battle when the upcoming strategy game launches next year, and some new Total War blogs have the delicious details on the fearsome pair.
First up is Greasus Goldtooth, an ogre who revels in superlatives. According to the lore, Greasus assumed the title of overtyrant after making a stew out of his own father, an act he followed up by striking a plumb deal with Zhao Ming of Grand Cathay. The terms of the agreement gave Greasus control over the crucial Ivory Road trading route that passes through Ogre territory on its way between Cathay and the rest of the Old World.
Greasus became quite rich off this arrangement, but it wasn't until he defeated the Black Orc Warlord Urk at the Fire Mouth that he was able to assert dominance over the rest of the Ogre tribes and become overtyrant - and he's assumed several more big names over the course of his career.
RELATED LINKS: Total War: Warhammer 3 release date, Total War: Warhammer 3 races, The best strategy games on PC
Xûr is Destiny 2's Exotic gear merchant. He appears every weekend to sell the game's most coveted items in exchange for Legendary shards, but if you're a casual player with limited shards to spend, it can be hard to know which of his wares is most worth your investment. That's where we come in.
As of June 12, 2020, it appears that Xûr is back to providing random rolls - so the Exotic merchant is providing more excitement than he has in a long time. Xûr appears every Friday at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm BST, and will stick around until the Tuesday reset. We'll update this guide shortly after he arrives, so if you're reading this, you need only read on to learn where he is, and which are the best items he's selling this week.
Now we're in Beyond Light territory, but Xûr's first appearances have been at the usual spots - so maybe don't expect too many surprises from the merchant in the new year of Destiny content.
RELATED LINKS: Destiny 2: Beyond Light review, Destiny 2 exotics, Play Destiny 2
Bungie's pinnacle PvP activity is back in rotation with a major revamp, and if you're looking for details on the Destiny 2 Trials rewards this week, you've come to the right place. Before you start working your way up through the ladder, you'll want to know what you're actually working for - so here's a breakdown of what's available each week, and what map you'll be playing on.
If you're not familiar with Trials of Osiris, it's a weekly PvP challenge where you enter a competitive gauntlet of 3v3 elimination matches. Your rewards are now doled out with a reputation system, so it's not about pure wins anymore, but you will still get special rewards if you can manage to go flawless.
Trials lands with the reset every Friday at 10am PDT / 1pm EDT / 6pm BST, and lasts until the Tuesday reset at those same times. Each week provides a new set of rewards and a new map to play on, so here's what you can expect for the latest rotation.
RELATED LINKS: Destiny 2: Beyond Light review, Destiny 2 exotics, Play Destiny 2
From the early days of gaming, with Ultima and Lords of Midnight, open-world games have always been right at home on PC - indeed, those pesky consoles often couldn't handle it. Compare the ambitious early version of Halo to the final, more confined result, for example - and only the PC could hold sprawling regions in the very first Elder Scrolls games. Nevertheless, the leap into full 3D with Grand Theft Auto 3 and The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind really brought the idea of open-world gaming to the masses.
These days, open world can be considered its own genre. You can find accurate depictions of real-life cities or countries, huge fictional expanses with their own landmarks, complete worlds to check out - or even entire galaxies, depending on where you want to go on your next open-world gaming adventure.
The cool thing about the best open-world games is that they can come in various forms: the important feature is that they allow you to explore freely. As such, our list of top open-world games features everything from the best FPS games to car games.
We've been looking forward to sci-fi grand strategy game Terra Invicta ever since it was first announced, although things really came to a head earlier this year when we got to see it up close for the first time. It seems like we may have to wait a bit longer to actually get our hands on it, however, as publisher Hooded Horse has today announced that developer Pavonis Interactive's XCOM-inspired strategy game is being delayed into next year.
A statement from the company claims Terra Invicta is feature complete, but everyone wants to give it a couple more months to be polished and balanced. Recent updates to the game include a new set of 12 spaceship designs for the human factions, as well as alien megafaunas that can attack cities.
Pavonis Interactive was founded by the creator's of XCOM's infamous 'Long War' mods, the second iteration of which was developed in close collaboration with 2K and Firaxis ahead of XCOM 2's launch. Terra Invicta is the group's debut title, and has been in the works for four years. It had a successful Kickstarter campaign in late 2020, before getting signed by Hooded Horse earlier this year.
RELATED LINKS: The best space games on PC, The best 4X games, The best strategy games
When we think of a stereotypical 'hitman', we imagine a taciturn thug with a cold heart. And indeed, this is how Hitman's Agent 47 was initially depicted: a clinical killer so precise in approach that he can't even afford to have a hair on his head. Yet, by the end of the rebooted trilogy, Agent 47 has become far more sympathetic. He exudes charm and coolness, and his targets are uncaring billionaires and diabolical scientists; he kills to bring down a nefarious shadow government. How did 47 become an iconic anti-hero?
Since its release in 2000 with Hitman: Codename 47, the series established and strengthened a reputation for pioneering level design and increasingly convoluted assassinations for players to carry out. Likewise, 47 and the plots in which he is embroiled have matured, revealing a little more about his personality with each new entry and driving away from the unfeeling killer we meet in the first game. From the start, 47's targets have tended to be bad people - his debut sees him dispatching mobsters, drug traffickers, and gun runners - but he doesn't express any moral opinions one way or the other about their removal from the world. The presence of 47's creator, or 'father', Ort-Meyer is also much more keenly felt here than later in the series.
Spoiler warning: this piece contains plot spoilers for pretty much every game in the series.
RELATED LINKS: Hitman PC review, Hitman 2 release date
Looking for the best GTA Vice City cheat codes? First released in 2002, this open-world game brings the series' special brand of mayhem to the 80s inspired Vice City. Of course, the streets are already fairly chaotic, but you can always enter some cheat codes if you want to add even more destruction.
These GTA trilogy cheat codes are unchanged from the game's original release 20 years ago. So far, we haven't yet been able to confirm they all still work, as in an interview with USA Today, producer Rich Rosado disclosed that a few cheat codes haven't made it in due to technical limitations. A lot has changed in the world since GTA Vice City was released. Some of the cheat codes are a bit distasteful, more so with Vice City than any of the other games in the collection.
With that in mind, here are the best GTA Vice City cheats - including codes that give you new weapon sets, spawn vehicles from nowhere, change your character's skin, and much more. There are plenty of cheats available in every GTA game - here are the best GTA 3 cheat codes and GTA San Andreas cheat codes.

Looking for the Genshin Impact 2.3 release date? The 2.2 update added the final piece of the Inazuma puzzle, Tsurumi Island, alongside two new hangout events and one new character - Thoma, a Pyro polearm user.
As the Inazuma storyline comes to a close, fans have their eye on the horizon and are already sifting through all the available information about the next update. There are still several new Genshin Impact characters who we've met as NPCs, but have yet to appear on a banner, and there are even rumours of a new area coming in the 2.4 update.
Dataminers and beta testers have shared plenty of information on the 2.3 update, and after the 2.3 livestream and trailer, we have a good idea of everything we can expect from the next update. Players will see the continuation of quests in the Dragonspine region, two new characters, and an adorable dog for the Serenitea Pot. However, as none of this content has been officially released yet, it's all still subject to change.
RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide
Elden Ring is on my mind. When I go to bed and I close my eyes, I see giant crabs clack about. When I see a horse in a field, I think of Torrent the spectral steed. I consider laughing at the end of all my sentences. So yeah, to say my time with the closed network test was infectious is an understatement. But there's just one detail rattling around my brain I simply can't shake.
And it's to do with where I stood in the game's world. How strong was I? At what point do I take on the big dragon? Should I be here, or over there now? Souls games haven't traditionally been good at letting you know these things, but Elden Ring felt more confusing. Time to investigate.

Listen, folks, I'm going to hold up my hands and tell you something shocking. I don't get Dark Souls. I've tried to play FromSoftware's much lauded masterpieces several times over the years, but I'm simply not good enough at them to find them enjoyable. No matter how much you try and tell me about the sweet satisfaction you feel after finally beating a boss on the 57th attempt, I've come to realise I simply don't have the time or the patience to see it through. I'm not sure I ever will, either.
It's the same reason I tend to veer away from a lot of other Soulslike games as well. I never really got on with Dead Cells, for instance, and don't even get me started on Sekiro. But cor, I do also love it when a game proves me wrong. Hollow Knight was the first Soulslike to rekindle my rather begrudging relationship with these games, and now I've fallen hook, line and sinker for Death's Door, the crow reaper sword 'em up from Titan Souls creators Acid Nerve.
Today producer Sho Hamanaga talked about the plans for the new Muv-Luv action game currently in early access, Project Mikhail.
The post New Muv-Luv Game Project Mikhail Getting Radical Changes in Controls, Movement, and More appeared first on Twinfinite.
The Genshin Impact 2.3 Special Program stream ended not too long ago, and, as usual, it provided plenty of details on what's to come in this new update on Nov. 24. With the Inazuma storyline completed, 2.3 is set to bring us back to Dragonspine for another questline focused on Albedo. Here's a rundown of […]
The post What's New in Genshin Impact 2.3 Update? Everything We Know So Far appeared first on Twinfinite.
Disney+ has just revealed a brand new trailer for their upcoming original series The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder, which shows the beloved early 2000s family return with some 2022 flavor. In the video below, you can see that the show looks a lot more modern while also still adhering to the look, feel, and […]
The post The Proud Family: Louder & Prouder Streams on Disney+ February 2022 appeared first on Twinfinite.
Earlier today, Sony Interactive Entertainment President and CEO Jim Ryan posted on the official PlayStation blog celebrating the anniversary of the PS5 release date. In the post, he goes over all of the great things that the console has accomplished over its first year, while also detailing what fans can expect from the future. Included […]
The post Jim Ryan Reveals PlayStation Studios Has Over 25 PS5 Games in Development appeared first on Twinfinite.
A FGO Foreigner Yang Guifei Nendoroid is on the way, and she will come with replicas of her flute and biwa lute for posing possibilities.
The post Fate/Grand Order Yang Guifei Nendoroid Comes With Her Flute and Biwa Lute appeared first on Siliconera.
Shin Megami Tensei V is out now, bringing with it the franchise's large cast of demons to fight and fuse. But which SMT demon is the best?
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To the realm beyond [SPEED].
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If you want to be stronger in SMT V, you need to learn Miracles. Here are the most useful ones to learn in your first 10-20 hours.
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In addition to the animated cartoon shorts on the official YouTube channel, a Ninjala anime series will appear in January 2022.
The post Ninjala Anime Coming in 2022 appeared first on Siliconera.
The Meijer Black Friday 2021 ad is out, and it shows a PlayStation Plus deal and discounts on Switch, PS4, PS5, and Xbox games.
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People will soon see Rowlets in Pokemon Unite, as Decidueye will be the next playable Pokemon in the game. Its license will appear next week.
The post Decidueye Joins Pokemon Unite Next Week appeared first on Siliconera.
During the Final Fantasy XIV Letter from the Producer LIVE LXVII, a level reset came up. Now, Square Enix offered additional details to potentially alleviate concerns and prepare people for the change. It explains why there will be a mid-level EXP reset in FFXIV to start. It also explained that working to hit the next level would help with that. It also addressed what values FFXIV downscaling will hit. First, the FFXIV mid-level EXP reset is due to the new value scale. Due to how many people play and how many data sets there are, there has to be an […]
The post FFXIV Downscaling and EXP Reset Explained appeared first on Siliconera.
The Control developer continues to grow Remedy has several projects in the works, and it's also continuing to expand. Today, Remedy announced...
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Sony shared the top 10 PS5 games based on gameplay hours during the console's first year A year after the...
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A perfect Friday watch To say that "Mario Level 1-1" is iconic is an understatement. I think I've seen more...
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The archer flies into battle The next Pokemon arriving in the Unite arena is set to land next week. Decidueye joins the...
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Ok, Computer? The KID A MNESIA Exhibition, an experimental celebration of the work of legendary British rock band Radiohead, will...
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It's time to move on, sorry Angel Building up your Shin Megami Tensei V party can be hard at first,...
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Physical release coming from Limited Run Games Edia has confirmed a western localization for its upcoming retro compendium Valis: The...
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Just in time for the leaked movie? It all started with a door. Eight months ago, a mysterious door appeared...
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Not the Mortal Kombat guy Developer Moss has announced that dazzling shmup Raiden IV x MIKADO is headed to PlayStation...
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Ah, the memories of the dunes Final Fantasy XI is an institution. It launched in 2002, a whole two years...
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That doesn't look like Mariah… This week sees the bell ring on the annual fighting game tournament, Red Bull Kumite,...
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"PLAYVOW" Want another Magic: Arena free pack? Well, the new set is here! And like clockwork, another "play" code is...
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Party chat and Discord will still work to chat with friends.
The post Battlefield 2042 Will Not Have Voice Chat At Launch appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.
Good news for Assassin's Creed fans.
The post Assassin's Creed Writer Returns To Ubisoft appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.
PC players are not happy right now.
The post GTA: The Trilogy Pulled From Sale On PC Seemingly Due To Rockstar Launcher Issues appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.