How Hades rejects the illusion of isolation in 2020
Between pandemic lockdowns and uncontrollable fires changing the color of the sky, it's easy to slip into the thrall of learned helplessness. Twenty-twenty has been suffocating, but playing Hades gave me a breadth of insight.
We've all had a rough year isolated from the life we previously took for granted. Maybe you miss getting sloshed at a bar with your pals. Maybe you long for a lost loved one. This year altered the context in which we all live our lives, and now, in that new context of living, Hades provides fascinating parallels to a world forever changed.
Our current world state resembles a hellscape, not unlike the bounds of the Underworld, but nothing stops Zagreus, Prince of the Underworld, from ascending—and neither should anything stop us.
Cblogs of 12/5 to 12/11/2020: Breath of Fire IV, Ratchet & Clank, and The Game Awards
Cblogs Recap: Week 50
-Lord Spencer reviews Breath of Fire IV as part of his PS1 REVIEWS blogging series.
-Gamingnerd discusses icy mechanics in video games.
-Black Red Gaming reviews El Hijo - A Wild West Tale on the PC.
-Rabid Walrus writes a guide to working around the Joy-Con drift on the Nintendo Switch.
-Virtua Kazuma writes about the connection between the Yakuza and Virtua Fighter franchises.
-NinjaSpeed looks at next year's major video game anniversaries.
-The Queen of Philosophy opens this week's TGIF open community forum.
Early shmup Markham is this week's Arcade Archives release
This week's Arcade Archives entry sees Hamster return to the dawning age of the shmup genre, as Sun Electronics' formative stellar shooter Markham returns on Nintendo Switch.
Released in arcades way back in 1983, Markham is a very basic horizontal shmup which sees players guide a small ship through a series of mountain ranges, taking out hidden enemy installations en route. Armed with a beam gun as well as a volley of missiles, players take on waves on enemy fighters and powerful - and delightfully retro - UFOs.
To modern eyes Markham is incredibly simplistic and also a little on the slow side, but it's still nice to see all of these early shmups, all of which broke ground for some of the finest arcades of all time, get another turn in the spotlight. At eight dollars, Markham is a questionable purchase, but its nice for completionists to have the option.
Markham is available to download now on Nintendo Switch. Check out the action below, in this video from YouTuber Old Classic Retro Gaming.
Ninja Chowdown is just like a donut: cheap and satisfying
For a little over a month now, I've been on a diet and a fairly restrictive one at that. It's probably not the wisest thing to do during the season of gingerbread cookies and figgy pudding, but, somehow, I've stuck with it for longer than any weight loss attempt before it. I've had to give up a lot of my favorite foods, from chai tea lattes to cheese and crackers, but what I miss most are donuts.
Sweet, wonderful, they-should-probably-be-a-dessert-rather-than-a-breakfast donuts. They used to be the best part of waking up, but now, they're the constant reminder of why I have a gut. Playing through Ninja Chowdown hasn't made their absence from my life any easier.
From developer Dummy Dojo, Ninja Chowdown is a free-to-play auto-runner out now on iOS. It's not an endless runner as the game is broken down into a series of levels that sees the thicc and lovely Donatsu chase down his enemies in his quest to retrieve the stolen Knownut, a glowing golden donut that probably tastes wonderful. Donatsu's journey will take him from cities streets to under the sea to volcanic islands and beyond.
Granblue Fantasy Relink is still alive and coming in 2022 to PS5
It has been a while since we've had any news on Granblue Fantasy Relink, the ambitious console role-playing game from Cygames. The partially PlatinumGames-developed title was first announced back in 2017 for the PlayStation 4 before we even knew about Granblue Fantasy Versus, which launched worldwide earlier this year. We've been waiting a while, but it looks like there is still a bit of waiting to do as Cygames announced the title will hit PS4 and PS5 in 2022.
That PS5 version is new, but with everything that's been shown of Relink so far, it was clear from the start this game was destined for stronger hardware. Same goes for that Project Awakening title they showed off back in 2018.
At this year's FES fan festival, Cygames gave updates on the status of Relink, saying it was nearing the final stages of development and turning its attention to asset creation. It also gave us a fresh look at the game, and yep, it still looks wonderful.
Here's how to play Halo's Blood Gulch in Fortnite
Blood Gulch is out in Fortnite! Kinda.
It's not a full-on mode per se like a lot of special events in the past; it's actually buried inside of the "Creative Mode" section of the game. Naturally, it's not nearly as populated as one would expect. Here's how to find it if you're scratching your head.
It's the Podtoid Mailbag Extravaganza
It is the first new episode of Podtoid for the month, and throughout 2020, that has meant opening the mailbag and answering your questions. In the past, we've got a handful of interesting inquiries, enough to make the Goddamn Mail a featured segment in the back-half of the show.
But this week, the community came through with so many great questions that we had to super-size this episode of Podtoid to answer as many as we could. Want to know our thoughts on games from 2020, what we'll do when COVID is over, licensed titles, and more? Then sit back and chillax all cool with Podtoid Episode 469.
Genshin Impact Version 1.2 details new Dragonspine map
Yesterday saw miHiYo finally drop the trailer for Genshin Impact's highly anticipated Version 1.2 update. Said update, which launches on December 23, will add a new map and other content to the mobile and console gacha title.
The new map, "Dragonspine", will represent a perpetually snowy mountain range south of Mondstadt and home to a lost civilization. The freezing temperatures and extreme weather conditions keep travelers and expeditions away most of the time, so those daring to explore the depths of Dragonspine will find new creatures, rare artifacts and items, and a beautiful but hazardous new locale.
Leading the way will be two new characters: the half-human, half-adeptus cryo archer Ganyu, and the young alchemist Albedo. Both of these five-star heroes will be joining the gacha pipe as a part of the new "The Chalk Prince and The Dragon" narrative. Follow these two heroes into battle for the opportunity to lay hands on the legendary sword known as "Festering Desire".
Genshin Impact is available now on PS4, PC, and iOS and Android platforms. A Nintendo Switch port is also in development, with a launch expected sometime in early 2021.
Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?
I cannot tell a lie, I'm feeling a little grotty this morning. And after spending yesterday sweeping up news, (as well as taking care of some fires - not literally - at home), I'm not quite as on-the-ball as usual for this, our regular Saturday soiree into all things gaming. Still, I'm here, and you're here, and I'm really happy for that, so let's get into it.
While I haven't played anything new this past week - having been squeezing out time in recent haunts such as Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - I did catch up with The Keighleys, which I smartly chose not to stay up until 4 a.m. UK time watching. While there was very little that caught my eye, (though I'm still digging Returnal), I hope some of you found your next gaming obsession. 2021 is already shaping up to be a solid year for games, I hope that you're all geared up for it.
But enough about tomorrow, let's look at today. Share with us the titles that have been keeping you occupied this past week. Perhaps you've been creeping through the streets of Night City, or maybe you're finally getting around to a major release from 2020 that has passed you by. But whatever is keeping you warm and comfortable as these dark winter nights draw in, stop by and fill us in on the scoops, the word on the street, the hush-hush.
Have a safe and pleasant weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
Star Wars: Squadrons is worth revisiting with today's 4.0 update
Motive Studios added the B-Wing and TIE Defender to Star Wars: Squadrons today as promised, along with a server browser, custom matches, TrackIR support on PC, and more cosmetics "that will be rolled out over time through in-game events and Operations." Here's the under-a-minute recap trailer.
And here's the developer breakdown for those two new ships.
- Heavy Gunship playstyle, back-line fighter
- Low maneuverability, relies on boosting/drifting to move and turn efficiently
- High durability and primary damage output, explosive capital ship damage and built-in ion cannons
- Relies on Support/allies to reach capital ships and survive while dealing damage
- Ideal for staying back behind Fighters/Interceptors and laying down heavy fire on enemy ships
- Unique component: Ion Beam
- Deals massive ion damage to capital ship shields and subsystems
- Unique component: Gyro/Aux Control Module
- Allows gyroscopic cockpit roll while holding the auxiliary button, rotating the entire ship around your cockpit. Wing angle determines bomb release angle. Missile evasion is also increased while gyroscopic roll is in motion.
- Also increases ammo count for auxiliaries that use ammo; otherwise, improves auxiliary cooldown rate.
TIE Defender
- Highly adaptable anti-starfighter specialist, front- and mid-line fighter
- High survivability with strong shields but very susceptible to ion weaponry
- Requires frequent, skillful power management and use of boost/drift for ideal performance; poor power management can be detrimental
- Unique component: Advanced Power System
- Gives instant, significant overcharge to the system with max power. If no system has max power, gives weaker overcharge across all systems.
Bug fixes and balance changes were also a major push in Update 4.0. A few points worth highlighting:
- Ongoing server-side matchmaking improvements
- Fixed an issue where PlayStation 5 visuals appeared blurry.
- Fixed an issue where the game would not detect all input devices if multiple were plugged in
- Fixed an issue where the mini-stick input on the Hori HOTAS for Xbox One did not work properly
- Added the option to toggle game controllers between dynamic (default) and static throttle. This option can be used to correct the behavior of the throttle on certain input devices, such as the Hori HOTAS for PS4.
- Reduced the max time waiting in the briefing room from 120 seconds to 90 seconds
- Improved the loading time of the friends list for players with many friends
- Fixed an issue where some players couldn't progress past the objective to "Follow Gunny" in Mission 1
- Individual sub-tiers in the rank ladder now display their SR requirements
Free new content is a pleasant surprise for any EA-backed Star Wars game, especially one that fans are feeling. If you haven't come back in a while, there's also the recently-added Fostar Haven map.
Today's update is intended to be a "final thank you," so content-wise, this is probably it.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla has another major patch on the way next week
After Thanksgiving, I reported on the first big Assassin's Creed Valhalla update by saying "Lotta stuff is broke so there's a lotta stuff to fix." That's still true and it's going to remain true for the foreseeable future. Past experiences tell us that Ubisoft will eventually whip this game into great shape, but it's far from perfect right now.
It gets a little closer in the coming days. Ubisoft has confirmed that Valhalla's 1.0.5 title update should be ready sometime next week:
Windjammers 2 delayed in order to optimize online play
It has been a long, long road to the launch of Dotemu's day-glo sports sequel Windjammers 2. First announced during the summer of 2018, the disc-flinging sequel to Data East's 1994 arcade classic is yet to hit the shelves. Having taken feedback from the recent PC demo, Dotemu has now decided to push the launch of Windjammers 2 into 2021.
"We analyzed in depth all these mixed opinions regarding some stuff including the lack of rollback for the online mode, which was unanimously praised in everyone's feedback," said Dotemu in a statement on Twitter. "We had to do something because Windjammers 2's online mode is also meant to encourage the competitive community to get into the game. We started to fix and add what was necessary. Nevertheless, these changes caused delays and as a result, forced us to postpone the release date to 2021."
"This decision is a tough one and it has serious consequences for all of us but we think it's fair enough if it allows us to give you the Windjammers 2 you expect and you deserve. Windjammers 2 is an ambitious project that we love and that we cannot ruin with wrong decisions that could jeopardize its quality."
Ultimately, this can only be a good thing. As Dotemu states, Windjammers 2's main priority is to cultivate a strong global community of competitive players - after all, the entire reason the sequel is being developed at all is due to the success of competitive Windjammers tournaments at events such as EVO. Thus, peak flow and stability for the sequel's online components are paramount. It's admittedly been a long wait, but hopefully we can all slap on the sunblock and hit the beach soon.
Windjammers 2 is currently in development for PC and Nintendo Switch.
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide has an extended gameplay trailer with a bit more meat
Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is a far-future follow-up to Vermintide, and that's pretty much all it needed to get a foot in the door – but gameplay footage, especially with so many CG-only reveals at The Game Awards, is appreciated. After last night's showing, Fatshark released an extended trailer.
This should be a damn good time in co-op. That's it: that's my takeaway. Let me at 'em.
Darktide is going to throw four players (who's calling dibs on the Ogryn?) into a bustling hive city, and unlike the mostly-melee-centric Vermintide, guns are plentiful. I'm curious to see how they balance melee and ranged combat in such a way that both feel powerful depending on the situation at hand.
As much as I fell off Vermintide and missed a bunch of the DLC, I dug the feel of that game. Between the 40K setting, crunchy combat, and the class/gear progression, I'm all the way in on Darktide.
As the trailer says, this is a 2021 release on Steam and Xbox Series X/S – it's skipping last-gen.
Will you make it to the border in escapist fantasy Road 96?
Do you want to get the fuck out of this town? I sure do. But while needs must and pandemics keep me under lock and key, I'll settle for living vicariously through the escapism of Digixart's upcoming adventure Road 96, currently in development for PC.
Set against the backdrop of 1990s Petria - a desert county currently under authoritarian rule - Road 96 is a graphic adventure that will task the player with getting out of town and out of the state, in a wild run for the border by any means necessary. Out on the endless winding highways and rundown rest-stops, players will meet an array of unique characters, making moment-to-moment decisions to stay one step ahead of the authorities, one step away from danger, and one step closer to freedom.
The procedurally generated adventure offers thousands of routes out of Petria, each one littered with strange encounters, terrifying adversaries, and well-traveled companions. With a narrative spun by the creators of dramatic titles Valiant Hearts and Memories Retold, chances are that Road 96 will be an emotionally evocative journey to remember, whichever path you take. Just remember, if you pass Rutger Hauer... maybe just keep on rolling.
Road 96 is currently in development for PC and scheduled to launch in 2021.
There's a PUBG ARG and I'm too L-A-Z-Y to figure it out
Oh, you thought PUBG was just a game about shooting dudes until either you're dead or 99 of them are dead? Wrong, idiot. It's a game where you have to investigate and expose nefarious corporations before you shoot 99 other dudes or die tryin'.
PUBG has a new alternate reality game, which I would've never known had I not received a press release for it (and I still play once a week or so). Apparently it's rooted in last season's Paramo volcano map and now has moved along to the new 1x1 km Haven map. It's about Tythonic "and its ties to a secret military group."
To that end, I'm just gonna show you the whole fake press release we received. It's in the gallery below because it didn't translate well to being used as an in-line image. Everything was too small. It probably has all the clues for everyone to get started. (Don't yell at me for not using dark mode or something; I don't wanna hear it.)
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War details 'biggest Black Ops season ever,' starting December 16
Activision and Treyarch Studios have released a slew of new details pertaining to the first season of content for the recently released Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Following on from the dramatic trailer released earlier this week, a new video and graphic details the new paid and free content rolling out in the '80s themed shooter from December 16.
Oh yeah, I already forgot that Mario 3D World is getting a Switch re-release
Nintendo was onto something when they wrote "Meow! Don't forget, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury launches on February 12, 2021!" in the opening line for the below trailer. Yep, I actually forgot!
It could be because it was buried in that giant 35th anniversary Mario stream, or, because it was one of the very few games that wasn't actually coming out before the end of the year. Probably both. Alas, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury, a re-release of 2013's Super Mario 3D World with some new content, is still arriving early next year.
Nintendo is indeed reminding us with a new clip, which mostly showcases some old content (who doesn't love that opening salvo of levels with the cat suits?), and teases of what's to come. But mostly, it's the cat stuff that they're selling. Why wouldn't they?! It's gold, Jerry. Selling to cat lovers will never go out of style.
I'll say one thing: they need to get the train rolling on this one. Give us new info!
Scarlet Nexus will unleash electrifying anime warfare summer 2021
Do y'all remember Scarlet Nexus? Bandai Namco's assault-on-the-senses action RPG has been quietly in the works since its debut at E3 earlier this year, with the publisher now confident that it will be ready to engage in inter-dimensional, monster-mashing warfare come summer 2021.
Scarlet Nexus is set on a future Earth, where mankind has learned to harness the powers of the human mind for both right and might. As humanity starts to come to terms with the capabilities of these psionic abilities, a legion of horrifying mutations known as "Others" attack the planet, seemingly craving a diet of human brains. Icky.
Fortunately, Earth has one last line of defense. The OSF (Other Suppression Force) are a young military outfit trained in the use of psychic powers for military purposes. While still in their formative years, The OSF is going to have to learn on the job, as it battles armies of truly grotesque, skin-crawling beasties before we all end up on the menu.
If you're fiddling with Cyberpunk 2077's options, take a look at 'continuous dialogue skip'
One of the first things I do when booting up a new game, especially on PC, is fiddle with the options.
Look, sometimes there might be a useful graphical setting toggled off somewhere, or a useless option toggled on. Cyberpunk 2077 has a ton of knobs on all platforms, but one you should consider using is the "continuous skip" option for in-game dialogue.
It's a simple little thing, but it'll make a lot of the more rote moments go by that much quicker. Normally when you press the "skip" button (defaulted to "B" on Xbox or "Circle" on PlayStation), you'll need to mash it to go through each line of dialogue (which can cause your character to inadvertently and annoyingly crouch if you hit it in-between dialogue). The crouching can be a pain, but more importantly, it can be a real drag if you've died or need to restart a previously-seen portion of the game.
The latter bit is really important, as Cyberpunk's save system is rather restrictive: preventing you from saving during almost every cutscene in the game as well as in combat. So if you find yourself going back through a bit you've already finished, it's way easier to just deal with a smooth continuous skip.
It's the little things!
Destiny 2 is celebrating Christmas again soon with The Dawning
So Destiny 2 just had an ice-themed expansion, which is perfect timing.
Once again, as is tradition since the original Destiny, Bungie is holding their Christmas event: titled "The Dawning." It starts next week and will involve winter decorations (like Engram presents); but it'll also feature a new legendary fusion rifle called the Glacioclasm. Oh, and a new exotic ship that you can upgrade while The Dawning is happening, and customize. Item chasing, here we come.\
In addition to the in-game events and quests, Bungie is naturally adding more microtransactions (Eververse): with three bits (Glee Barrage/Merry Maker weapon ornaments, and the Happy Trails finisher) exclusive to real-money (silver). More sparrows, ghost shells, and ships are hitting the Eververse too, which you can actually earn via bright dust: an in-game currency.
As far as mechanical business goes, Bungie is taking another look at the Warlock's stasis capabilities. If you recall, stasis is the new power/skill tree that was added in with the latest expansion, and it was swiftly hotfixed to lower its power level. Now, the Warlock is getting buffed back up to account for Bungie going overboard with it compared to other classes.
Since Warlock is indeed the best class still (always has been), it's the right decision.
This Week at Bungie []
Oddworld: Soulstorm has been pushed back to spring 2021
In one of those delay announcements we'd all already accepted, Oddworld Inhabitants has noted that its epic new adventure Oddworld: Soulstorm will not meet its 2020 release window and will now launch on PS4, PS5, and PC (via Epic Games Store) in the spring of 2021.
Originally revealed at E3 earlier this year, Oddworld: Soulstorm is the next entry in the cult Oddworld fantasy franchise, and sees Mudokan hero Abe return for more one-man-warfare against the greedy capitalist pigs that make up the Glukkons and their Magog Cartel.
Following on from the events of 1997's Abe's Oddysee, Oddworld: Soulstorm will tell the next chapter of Abe's revolution, as he wills and leads his people in an uprising against those who would wish extinction upon them. You can check out Soulstorm's puzzle-solving, platforming action in the trailer below, premiered at last night's Game Awards.
Oddworld fans have been waiting quite some time for a new major release within the long-running series, and while delays are always a little disappointing, a couple more months might be just what Oddworld Inhabitants needs to make Abe's latest exodus one for the ages.
The Terry, Byleth, and Banjo & Kazooie amiibo are out in March
We're at the point where I need to start writing 2021. 2021. 2021. 2020 is behind us! And I will for sure write "2020" at some point in January. Best to start practicing now.
In 2021 (nailed it) there are more amiibo coming. Can you believe it?! Nintendo is still making these things, even if they only trot them out every so often for Smash Ultimate out of obligation and a few select other games. To that end, there's still more DLC to clean up.
Enter release dates for Terry, Byleth, and Banjo & Kazooie: three amiibo figures we didn't have a firm window for yet. Yesterday during The Game Awards, Nintendo revealed that the trio would be coming on March 26.
So here's a breakdown of what we know so far. Cat Mario and Cat Peach are coming in February of 2021 to celebrate Bowser's Fury on Switch. Then in March, the Palamute, Magnamalo, and Palico amiibo are out for Rise; with the aforementioned Smash figures out on the same day. Then, at some point, we need Min Min, Steve, Sephiroth, and three other mystery amiibo for the "final" Smash Ultimate fighters.
As a reminder, you can find a full list of every amiibo (with dates!) here.
Nintendo of America [Twitter]
Capcom Arcade Stadium brings these 32 coin-op classics to Nintendo Switch
During last night's Game Awards, Capcom not only announced a "jury's still out" remake of its legendary platformer Ghosts 'n' Goblins, but the longtime publisher also lifted the lid on Capcom Arcade Stadium, a huge compendium of classics from the golden era of the arcade.
Launching on Nintendo Switch in February, Capcom Arcade Stadium will arrive as a free dashboard bundled with 1987 shmup 1943: The Battle of Midway. From there, players purchase three individual packs of games, each containing 10 classics from yer boy Moyse's formative years. Bizarrely, the original Ghouls 'n' Ghosts is a standalone purchase, not included with any of the packs themselves. In all, 32 titles will be available at launch.
All titles featured in Capcom Arcade Stadium will include modern features such as "rewind" options and save state slots. All compatible titles will feature support for local two player action. Additionally, a range of display options and screen filters will be on offer, providing crisp HD visuals or classic old-school CRT vibes. A special "CASPO" league will record your scores, pitting you against other arcade fans from across the globe. So, if you're the best in the world at Pirate Ship Higemaru, it's time to put up or shut up.
Capcom Arcade Stadium will launch in February 2021 on Nintendo Switch.
Sakurai is giving us more Sephiroth Smash info soon, including a release date
Yesterday, Nintendo and Sakurai shocked the world with their Sephiroth in Smash Ultimate reveal. That Mario "murder" sequence was just the best! When I saw it for the first time (yes I watched this trailer more than once) my mouth was agape, but the reveal that he's not actually dead was brilliant. Everything about this trailer, even the brooding edge, was perfect.
But Sakurai isn't the type of person who just posts and ghosts. No, he's going to do one of his signature streaming spiels to tell us about how authentic this fighter is, and it's coming very soon. Shortly after the reveal last night, Nintendo tweeted out the details for an upcoming stream, just for Sephiroth.
It starts on December 17 at 5PM ET, and promises to give us more info on how he works, as well as the release date. We fully expect it to be just like a lot of the other streams, where he'll methodically go over each and every part of Sephiroth's moveset, which giving us live commentary on how everything came together.
We can also expect that the release date will be very shortly after the stream itself, just like the previous DLC stream-to-release cadence. As a reminder, we do have a "December 2020" window for Sephiroth, so he's not going to be delayed or anything.
Nintendo of America [Twitter]
December's Xbox Game Pass headliners are Among Us, Code Vein, and Man of Medan
Yesterday, we learned that Skyrim was joining the Xbox Game Pass family. It was only a matter of time! But this morning, Microsoft shared the full December rundown of what's on the docket for December.
Today, we're getting Mørkredd, but once December 15 hits, the main events start to roll out. Skyrim is coming on December 15, but two days later we're getting Among Us, Code Vein, Man of Medan, and a few other selections. Again, it's an insanely good spread! There's full-on open world RPGs, a party game, an anime vampire action romp, and a horror adventure.
This train is going to keep rolling. Microsoft just re-confirmed a few big Game Pass games the other day, and it will be a huge part of their strategy going forward for this entire generation. I know people who picked up a Series X/S and are basically just rolling with Game Pass, making their way through over a decade of classics. It's a pretty chill way to spend the holidays!
You can find the full list of December Xbox Game Pass offerings below.
Housemarque's Returnal will come blasting into your brain March 19
Housemarque has announced a release date for its sci-fi action/horror title Returnal. As revealed during last night's Game Awards festivities, the bullet-hell roguelike will be letting rip on March 19, exclusively on PS5.
Returnal will tell the story of valiant space explorer and scientist Selene, who crash lands on a strange and nightmarish planet, inhabited by hazardous beings unlike any encountered by humans before. Slain again and again by her grotesque discoveries, Selene discovers that her life is locked in a time-loop, forcing her to relive her close encounters of the worst kind again and again - desperate to find a way to break the cycle and, hopefully, return home.
Housemarque has promised that Returnal will feature thrilling elements of exploration, alongside the Resogun developer's trademark intense, blood-pumping action. Returnal will also take full advantage of PlayStation 5 technology, implementing support for Haptic Feedback, Adaptive Triggers, Tempest Audio and fast SSD load times in an effort to make Selene's journey a thoroughly immersive experience.
Returnal is shaping up very well indeed. I'm definitely looking forward to this one.
In most welcome news, Sega has announced that The Yakuza Remastered Collection will be making the leap to Xbox and PC platforms next month, bringing a double fistful of excellent Yakuza releases to Steam, Windows 10, and the Xbox Game Pass service. Team Yakuza isn't not done there, however, as it also announced that Yakuza 6: The Song of Life will also come drop-kicking onto the aforementioned platforms in March 2021.
Originally released for PS4 in the summer of 2019, The Yakuza Remastered Collection compiles remastered (note: not remade) editions of PS3 releases Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza 5. With the launch of Remastered Collection and 2016's Yakuza 6. Every mainline Yakuza title will finally be available on the PC platform, which already hosts Yakuza 0, both Yakuza Kiwami remakes, and the recently released Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Enough to make protagonist Kiryu Kazuma slightly raise his fists while looking wistfully at the sky.
The Yakuza Remastered Collection will launch on PC via Steam and Windows 10 and on Xbox via Xbox Game Pass on January 28. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life will follow on March 25.
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut headed to PS4, PS5, and PC March 2021
The weird and wild stylings of Disco Elysium will be oozing their way onto console platforms in 2021. As announced by developer ZA/UM at last night's Game Awards, Disco Elysium: The Final Cut will bring a definitive edition of the open-world RPG to PS4, PS5, PC, and Stadia in March 2021, with Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch ports to follow in summer.
Disco Elysium: The Final Cut will see the dystopian adventure upgraded with new voicework, an overhauled UI and control system, a slew of new Political Vision Quests, and new customization options. On PS5, The Final Cut will run at 60 FPS at resolutions up to 4K, bringing the mind-melting and eye-wearing world to life like never before. Best of all, The Final Cut will be offered as a free upgrade to all owners of the original Disco Elysium on PC.
Contest: Win Cyberpunk 2077 and a Johnny Silverhand statue, courtesy of
In today's contest you can win a copy of Cyberpunk 2077 and this neat Johnny Silverhand statue from!
I saw something the other day that it's been over 3,000 days since Cyberpunk 2077 was announced. The wait is finally over! Fans of the cybernetic dystopian genre are finally getting their hands on the series, and now you can, too!
We're giving away a copy of the game (your choice for platform) and this awesome Johnny Silverhand statue, courtesy of our friends at!
The creator of Chulip, Moon, and Little King's Story is working on his final RPG
There were a lot of great announcements during the Game Awards on Thursday, but my favorite of the night wasn't part of the show. It was a simple tweet from the Onion Games account announcing the developer is at work on a new RPG.
What is the game? Who knows, but with Yoshiro Kimura involved, you know it'll probably be something special. In a blog post on the developer's website, Kimura gives a little bit of info on what he and his team are planning. The game will be a sandbox RPG with a world that's full of "irrational events." It will feature the "romantic, fairytale nature of RPGs," which is right in line with everything else Onion Games has developed.
Whatever this RPG turns out to be, it looks like it'll be the last one from Kimura. He promises to see the project through to the end, but recognizes he's getting up there in years and doesn't have the energy he once did. Nevertheless, he ends the post by stating, "I'm going to pour my all into it, and if it all ends with this, then so be it. The adventure starts now."
As a massive fan of Onion Games, I wish him and his team the best in their development.
Declaration of Production: A New RPG [Onion Games]
Here are all the winners of the 2020 Game Awards
Despite what you may think about the show, it is nice to get a reminder of just how good the games have been in 2020. At the Game Awards, the best of the year got their know what, I still can't get over Sephiroth in Smash. That's all that's been on my mind throughout the awards.
Anyway, here are the winners from this year's socially distanced show:
Mass Effect came to The Game Awards just to pronounce itself still alive
I don't know that the next Mass Effect game needed a teaser trailer right now, but here it is, and I'll probably care a lot more about the story implications once I get comfy with the remastered trilogy.
"BioWare is in the early stages of what is on the horizon for the Mass Effect franchise."
Hopes? Dreams? Fears? I'm not even in a mindset to think about that yet. This feels so far off.
Another console franchise makes the jump to smartphones with Just Cause Mobile
Well, this is unexpected. Announced during the Game Awards, Just Cause is coming to smartphones with Just Cause Mobile. The game will feature a top-down perspective, cooperative and competitive multiplayer, drivable vehicles, and more on iOS and Android in 2021.
Right on cue, Master Chief is coming to Fortnite with Blood Gulch
Fortnite is starting to borrow video games' biggest icons. After Kratos' recent appearance, it's only right that Master Chief would show up next, and it's fitting that we'd hear the news at The Game Awards.
If you play a round on Xbox Series X/S with the outfit, you'll unlock a Matte Black style.
The classic Halo multiplayer map Blood Gulch is also appearing in Fortnite starting tomorrow, December 11, at 10:00 a.m. ET if you're up for a little capture the flag in Creative mode. Then it's Daryl and Michonne from The Walking Dead on December 16. When is Nintendo getting in on this action?
Skyrim joins Xbox Game Pass on December 15
Xbox has fallen into a biweekly routine of letting us know all the imminent-arriving games on Xbox Game Pass. We're due for another one of those soon, but we got word about a high-profile game a little early.
During tonight's Game Awards stream, Microsoft announced that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is coming to Xbox Game Pass on December 15. Great news for anyone who somehow doesn't own that game yet. The Bethesda acquisition keeps paying immediate dividends in the form of a more robust Game Pass library.
This pre-rendered trailer for Evil West certainly looks sharp
Cowboys fighting monsters is always a winning formula for me, but I'll need to see some actual gameplay footage of Evil West before I start giving it my full attention. The game, from Flying Wild Hog and Focus Home Interactive, features vampire hunter Jesse Rentier as he shoots, stabs, and basically kills his way across the wild west. And, he won't have to do it alone as the game will feature co-op.
Evil West launches in 2021 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.
Monster Hunter Rise gets a demo in January
Can't wait to get monster huntin' on your Switch? Open season comes a couple months early, but for a limited time only.
Capcom gave us a new look at Monster Hunter Rise at The Game Awards. It was accompanied by the announcement that it's getting a demo in January 2021. You'll be playing Monster Hunter Rise a lot earlier than you expected. Don't complain, that's good!
It Takes Two is an out-of-control co-op adventure from the makers of A Way Out
When I heard that It Takes Two, the next co-op adventure from A Way Out developer Hazelight, had a story about magical dolls trying to return to their bodies and work through their serious relationship woes, this wasn't what I expected. At all! But it looks genuinely fun to play with another person.
Between the out-of-control action setpiece moments and what looks to be pretty inspired teamwork-oriented gameplay, I'm excited. As with A Way Out, if you buy one copy, your friend won't need another.
Hazelight is aiming for a March 26, 2021 release on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
Super Meat Boy Forever hits Epic Games Store this month
So many announcements come quite quickly during the Game Awards, and it can be easy to miss one or two of them. This one almost got by us, but I'm happy to say the wait for Super Meat Boy Forever is almost over. As revealed in the blink-and-you-miss-it trailer, the game hits Epic Games Store on December 23, 2020.
Microsoft Flight Simulator lands on Xbox next summer
PC users have been at cruising altitude for months now. Xbox folks, well, the doors didn't close for an on-time departure.
At The Game Awards, it was revealed that Microsoft Flight Simulator lands on consoles in the summer of 2021. Microsoft says that players can expect the same level of detail on Xbox Series S/X as can be found on PC.
However, interestingly enough, it seems as though Microsoft Flight Simulator isn't coming to last-gen consoles. The Xbox Wire writeup makes no mention of an Xbox One version, and the trailer ends with "Coming to the all-new Xbox [in] summer 2021." That would make it the first game that leaves behind the old generation of Xbox.
Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection looks weirdly off
I didn't expect Ghosts 'n Goblins to show up looking like this, but then again, I also wasn't expecting Arthur to get an "all-new adventure" on Nintendo Switch. Here's our first look from The Game Awards:
It's hard not to associate this series with tough gameplay, and on that front, there are three difficulties (Squire, Knight, and Legend) along with a "Page" mode that has unlimited on-the-spot respawns.
Capcom also announced Capcom Arcade Stadium for February. It'll be a free-to-start download with additional games (including Final Fight, Giga Wing, and Ghouls 'n Ghosts) sold as add-ons.
Hell yeah I want Evil Dead: The Game
Now this the type of announcement I want to see at The Game Awards. An Evil Dead game? Yes.
According to the announcement trailer, Evil Dead: The Game is in the works for current and next-gen systems and will release in 2021. Looks like a co-op shooter, which may be a plentiful genre these days, but none of those other games have Ash Williams. Fingers crossed it turns out good.
Did they turn Fall Guys into one giant ice level?
Those idiot Beans already slip and stumble around. Throwing a bunch of snow and ice on the ground isn't going to end well. It'll just end up as a bunch of frivolous slip-and-fall lawsuits.
Fall Guys' Season 3 trailer is here, and it's a winter wonderland. Looks cold. Make sure to wear that wolf costume because maybe that'll keep your earsies warm.
Season 3 kicks off on December 15, and Devolver promises it'll be outlined in more detail in the coming days.
Ark II is an honest-to-god Vin Diesel video game
I am formally nominating Ark II as the wildest moment of The Game Awards. I can't even process it.
Proud to announce, tonight at the TGAâs:
— ARK: Survival Evolved (@survivetheark) December 11, 2020
ð"¹ ARK II starring Vin Diesel as Santiago
ð"¹ ARK: The Animated Series exploring Helenaâs story
Catch the Official hi-rez ARK II trailer rendered in-engine using game assets, and an extended Animated Series trailer, tomorrow A.M!
World Premiere of ARK II! A brutal new world of primitive survival! Continue @survivetheark's story of humankind's evolution in this next-generation sandbox survival experience! ð¦ #ARK2 #TheGameAwards
— The Game Awards (@thegameawards) December 11, 2020
In the lead-up to us seeing the title, I was convinced we were getting a rabid new Turok with Vin Diesel. Instead – and I can't stress enough how much I'm still coping with this – it's a sequel to Ark. That Ark.
Following the show, Studio Wildcard confirmed that Ark II will be "launching on PC and exclusively on Xbox," and despite what the Game Awards trailer might imply, it's an "online multiplayer sandbox."
Ark: Survival Evolved is huge in a way that affords its sequel a lot of ambition, but man. Vin!
Season looks right up my alley
Bicycle road trip game? Count me in! One of the more relaxing reveals at the Game Awards tonight was Season, coming to PlayStation 5 and PC. You play as a traveller recording the final moments of different cultures before they're no more.
Love the premise and I can't wait to see more of it in the future.
Score free Unreal Tournament gun skins in Warframe when you download from the Epic Games Store
Digital Extremes' Warframe is closing in on its eighth year of operation and it is showing no signs of slowing down. The looter-shooter launched last month on the PlayStation 5, and an Xbox Series X version is in the works as well. However, before that happens, Warframe is making its way to the Epic Games Store, and it's bringing some goodies along with it.
Starting today through Christmas Eve, new and current players who open or sign into an Epic Games Store account and download the game from the service will receive three guns skins modeled after popular weapons from Unreal Tournament.
Here's your first look at the new Dragon Age
If it feels like we've been waiting for years, well, it's because we have. But finally the veil has been pulled back. We have our first look at BioWare's new Dragon Age game.
Simply called "Dragon Age," this official reveal doesn't divulge a whole lot. There's no actual gameplay or important details. Here's the description from the trailer's YouTube page: "The world of Dragon Age needs a new hero -- someone who can take on the evil forces threatening Thedas. Get a first look at some of the new locations you'll discover and the factions fighting by your side in the next chapter of Dragon Age."
At least it's something. Another Dragon Age is confirmed and we're going back to Thedas... sometime.
Open Roads is a road-trip romp from Fullbright
The next game from Gone Home and Tacoma developer Fullbright is Open Roads, a road-trip mystery, and... I'm in. Doubly so given Annapurna Interactive's involvement. They're on such a hot streak.
The atypical art style grabbed my attention, and the on-the-road premise sealed the deal.
"One fine fall day, Tess Devine and her mother Opal discover a cache of old notes and letters carefully stashed away in the attic of their house. Hints of deep-rooted family secrets, decades-old burglaries, a lost treasure somewhere near the Canadian border... What they uncover suggests a much darker mystery, best left well enough alone. But that's not going to happen."
Open Roads is coming to PC and consoles in 2021.
The Callisto Protocol is gonna remind you of Dead Space in all the best ways
In the mood for a singleplayer, third-person, story-driven horror game set in space? What if I told you that the monsters look fuckin' terrifying?
You're gonna get Dead Space vibes from The Callisto Protocol and for good reason. The CEO and founder of developer Striking Distance Studios worked on Dead Space, and has set out to make "the scariest game."
Other than that, The Callisto Protocol's debut trailer speaks for itself. It'll be ready for PC and consoles sometime in 2022.
(Update) Forza Horizon 4 gets the Cyberpunk 2077 car
[Update: It'll be available tomorrow, seemingly for everyone who plays the game.]
All roads lead to Night City. Get the Quadra Turbo-R V-TECH starting tomorrow. @TheGameAwards. @CyberpunkGame
— Forza Horizon (@ForzaHorizon) December 11, 2020
Forza Horizon players can rip around England with some futuristic flair. CD Projekt and Playground Games have collaborated to make the Cyberpunk 2077 car playable in Forza Horizon 4.
Judging by the naming convention from Forza Horizon 4's car tiles, its make is "2058 Quadra" and its model is "Cyberpunk 2077 Quadra." That's just specific stuff. Everyone knows it as "The Cyberpunk car." It probably has a V-Tech. Get it? V-Tech.
Here's what it looks like, courtesy of user acreamymeme on reddit: