Ghost of Tsushima Actor Gets Emotional Upon First Seeing Himself In-Game

Popular to contrary belief, not every video game character is played by the likes of Troy Baker, Nolan North, or Laura Bailey. Despite familiar faces and voices popping up so often in many AAA titles, for many actors, being in a mass-market video game is a rare occurrence. Earl T. Kim is one of these actors in question.
Kim recently starred in Sucker Punch's Ghost of Tsushima and played the role of Norio, who is one of the companions that the protagonist, Jin, comes across nearly halfway into the game. Apparently, Kim decided to stream himself playing through GoT and, in particular, had an extremely wholesome moment upon first seeing Norio in the game.
Kim, who did both the motion capture and voicework for Norio, began laughing quite hysterically when first coming across the character in-game. "Look at that dummy!" Kim said during his stream. "Look at that weirdo bowing." What began as a moment of hilarity though for Kim soon hit home in a completely different way as the actor was then nearly brought to tears. "I'm sorry you guys, this is really cool," Kim said while clearly trying to hold back some of his emotions.
You can watch the full video right here:
Voice and motion capture actor for Norio sees himself in the game for the first time, so wholesome! Credit to earlofsammitch on Twitch from r/ghostoftsushima
Moments like this are straight-up awesome whenever they tend to happen. It's not often that we get to see how the people that actually helped create video games then respond once they are released to the public. One of the more notable instances of something along these lines transpired a few years back when God of War director Cory Barlog broke down in tears upon seeing review scores for the game go live. For Kim, this moment likely hit home even more because, according to his IMDB page, this is the first video game that he also has ever starred in. It's surely a big moment in the actor's career, and this is something I'm sure he'll never forget.
Ghost of Tsushima is out now on PS4 if you'd like to see more of Kim's performance as Norio.
The post Ghost of Tsushima Actor Gets Emotional Upon First Seeing Himself In-Game by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.

The timing is later than usual, but the first look at EA Sports' NHL 21 will arrive Monday with the game's official reveal trailer and likely the announcement of its cover star.
The upcoming iteration of EA's annual hockey franchise was quietly announced last month in a letter published by series developer EA Vancouver, which gave players a heads up that the game had to be pushed out of its usual September launch window and into October because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The letter also confirmed the disappointing, but not entirely unexpected news that there will be no next-gen versions of NHL 21 for the launches of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in the fall. The current-gen PS4 and Xbox One versions, however, will be forward compatible with the new consoles.
While there's still plenty of room for improvement, the NHL series has made a number of positive strides in the past couple of years when it comes to gameplay improvements and modes. Skating was overhauled to better represent the speed and agility of NHL-level skating, Franchise Mode has seen a steady flow of tweaks and additions with the past two games, and World of Chel was introduced — consolidating EASHL, Threes, and Ones all into one online suite, with a bevy of customization options to better express yourself through your Be A Pro.
EA is also finally making a bigger (but long overdue) push to rid the game of racist and overall offensive behavior in its online modes, but there's still a ways to go on that front.
The annual reveal trailers aren't typically much more than one-minute long hype videos with short cuts of gameplay, but it's usually enough for an eagle-eyed community to spot a few gameplay and presentation changes.
The reveal trailer will debut on NHL's YouTube channel, which you can set a reminder for here or with the embed below:
You can also check NHL 20's reveal trailer from last year to get an idea on what to expect.
NHL 21 launches Oct. 16 for the PS4 and Xbox One.
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Free Desperados 3 Update Lets You Fight Crime as a Chicken

Desperados 3 came out of seemingly nowhere to blow audiences away. Mimimi's latest stealth-based strategy game is a joy to play with tons of content and a few innovative mechanics. But the developers aren't just resting on their laurels. They've also been putting out new Baron challenges, which task you with completing scenarios under various circumstances. The latest set is a doozy. Give it a look below.
That's right Desperados 3 fans. No longer will Agent Cooper be the hero of this tale. Isabelle won't be darting any foes. And Bianca will, unfortunately, be laid to rest. Instead, the merry band of heroes has been replaced by a ragtag group of animal partners. Trust me, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds.
But that's what makes the Baron's challenges so much fun. They don't need to make sense within the larger story. They're just there for a good laugh. Alongside the Rescue Aid Society challenge, there are three others that sound just as fun. One gives Hector three of his beloved beartraps and puts his skills to the test. Another has you playing a murderous game of Where's Waldo as you try to pick out three targets from a sea of doppelgangers. It's all good fun.
And, for anyone looking to get into speedrunning Desperados 3, the team is running a new contest. Essentially, you'll need to run through the Flagstone level to try and win some fun prizes. Though, you'd better get started soon as submission close soon.
Desperados 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. If you have any desire to try out a new tactics game, I highly suggest giving this one a look.
The post Free Desperados 3 Update Lets You Fight Crime as a Chicken by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Fall Guys Gave An Unreleased Outfit to the Best Player in the Game; Ends Up Being Dr. Lupo

Fall Guys has been the hottest title for a few weeks now with millions of players around the world and developer Mediatonic decided to reward the best player in the game an exclusive outfit.
Yesterday on the Fall Guys official Twitter page, the account runner took the opportunity to give the best player in the game by statistics an outfit that has yet to be available to the public. The account began the hashtag "The Fallen One" in hopes that they could find out who got the outfit. It wasn't until this morning that it was learned that the best player happens to be, Dr. Lupo.
I've found the player who is STATISTICALLY the BEST
I've just given them Saturday's costume early LOL
Someone out there now has the costume!
We actually don't even know who it is lol
WHO IS #TheFallenOne ?!?
— Fall Guys
(@FallGuysGame) August 20, 2020
"statistically the best" #TheFallenOne
— DrLupo (@DrLupo) August 21, 2020
For those that don't know, Dr. Lupo is an incredibly popular Twitch streamer known for streaming battle royale titles like Fortnite and plays with other well-known streamers like Ninja and Timthetateman. Lupo went in the game on stream to check and see if he was the chosen player which led to him finding an outfit based on P-Body from Portal 2. This outfit was leaked a few days ago along with Chell, and Pedro from My Friend Pedro.
According to Fall Guys on Twitter, the P-Body outfit will be available to players in the shop starting tomorrow, Saturday the 21st. With Mediatonic continuing to do fun things like this along with the upcoming season 2 announcement next week, I'm looking forward to seeing what Fall Guys has up their sleeves next.
The post Fall Guys Gave An Unreleased Outfit to the Best Player in the Game; Ends Up Being Dr. Lupo by Cameron Hawkins appeared first on DualShockers.
Batman: Gotham Knights — Here's Everything You Need to Know About The Court of Owls

Over the past year, WB Games Montreal has been teasing something ominous, and probably connected to Batman. To most, it was never clear what the game could be about, but for those that read Scott Snyder's New 52 run of Batman comics, the answer was there all along. But recently, a new teaser for the untitled game all but confirmed that the next Batman game will see the caped crusader facing off against an ancient, powerful enemy – the Court of Owls.
_ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ @r3dakt3d
— WB Games Montréal (@WBGamesMTL) August 17, 2020
This enemy of the Bat, as interesting and frightening as they are, have barely been explored outside of comics. Only one animated movie, 2015's Batman vs. Robin, has included the Court into its plot, and even then the movie itself was loosely based on Snyder's comics. So, who exactly is the Court of Owls, who rule over Gotham behind granite and lime? Let me tell you.
Warning! The following potentially contains spoilers for the upcoming Batman game! If you want to go in totally blind, check out any of our other articles here.
In essence, the Court of Owls is a group of Gotham's wealthiest, oldest families; rich bloodlines that don't just go back one generation, but all the way back to the 1600s. This ancient group uses its immense resources to secretly rule over Gotham, treating the city as a chessboard and its up-and-coming citizens, like the billionaire Bruce Wayne, as enemies. They have hands in everything, from Gotham's government to its businesses. But when a lowly Gothamite grows too big for his britches, like Alan Wayne, the group must intervene; in this case by driving him half-mad then dragging him down a manhole, never to be seen again.
But you may be wondering: how does an organization so old and powerful stay a secret? Firstly, through anonymity. Whenever shown, members of the Court of Owls are always hidden behind pallid owl masks. Even if you were fortunate–or unfortunate–enough to come across the group, you wouldn't know which member was an oil executive or the CEO of a bank. Anyone in the upper echelons of Gotham society could be a member of the Court, meaning it's nearly impossible to just pick them out.
Of course, these rich folks can't enforce the Court's will with deep pockets alone. Some in Gotham are above that: they've either got the cash or morals to say no to the Court. That's where the Talons come in — the Court's own league of assassins. Talons are specially trained experts in hand-to-hand combat, although they prefer to use knives against their enemies. Naturally, they're also masters of stealth and camouflage, striking their targets from the shadows. But their most impressive trait is their neigh invincibility. Using a serum derived from electrum, deceased Talons can not only be brought back to life, but are made nearly impossible to kill. In the comics, they survive falls from skyscrapers, being wailed on by the Bat Mech, and otherwise fatal gunshot wounds. They do have one weakness though: the cold. Lower the body temperature of a Talon enough, and they go right back into stasis.
Not just anyone can be a Talon, though. Candidates are picked from a young age when they show the potential to become one of the Court's killing machines. And usually, these notable subjects are only once or twice removed from the Bat family. Upon finding the court's hideout deep under Gotham, Batman is tormented by one such Talon, who ends up being the great-grandfather of Dick Grayson (aka Nightwing).
The relations don't stop there. At the culmination of the Night of Owls, when the Court lets loose all of its talons to reassert its power over the city, Batman faces off against one of the Court's secret pawns: Lincoln March. In the story, March had been a candidate for Mayor, someone who promised to make Gotham a better place. His identity was so well crafted by the Court that it had even fooled Batman, who only questioned who March really was when the two came to blows. That was also when it was revealed that Bruce wasn't the only living Wayne. His parents had another son–born broken and twisted–and left at the Willowwood Home for Children, which you can think of as a daycare version of Arkham Asylum. After being hidden from the world and forgotten, March, or Thomas Wayne Jr, was taken in by the Court and trained to be its deadliest tool.
I won't get any further into what happens with the Court in Snyder's New 52 run, especially since there are some plot points that the upcoming Batman game may be borrowing. Are you excited for this old enemy of the Bat to be brought to life in WB's next title? Let us know in the comments down below.
The post Batman: Gotham Knights — Here's Everything You Need to Know About The Court of Owls by Otto Kratky appeared first on DualShockers.
Future GPX Cyber Formula PC Game Will Get A PS4 Version This September

Project YNP and Sunrise officially announced the PS4 port of Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin Vier. The game launches digitally in Japan on September 4. The announcement was made via a blog post shared on Twitter:
つづきはブログで! #カウントダウン #重大発表 #PROJECTYNP— PROJECT YNP (@pj_ynp) August 21, 2020
The game was rumored to come to PS4 for a few months now as a rating with the game's name was filled. A countdown to a big announcement also started earlier this week, leading to this news. An official site with new information and gameplay footage went live. We translated everything from the site and the blog post below.
First off is the game's pitch and setting:
"A world where races surpassing F1 were created. Using machines with pollution-free engines and the "Cyber System" AI, Cyber Machines can exceed 700 km/h, with incredible transformation systems to control air resistance and boost systems. Cyber Machines are said to even bewilder god."
Future GPX Cyber Formula is originally a 1991 anime by Sunrise directed by Mitsuo Fukuda, who later handled the pretty nice Mobile Suit Gundam Seed, the traumatizing Gundam Seed Destiny, and the masterpiece Cross Ange. Cyber Formula is definitly a cool series and should be checked out if you're into mecha anime too, as the machine's transformations are pretty cool.
As for the gameplay itself, Cyber Formula Sin Vier is a high speed racing game, where players will need to use their machines' transformation system and boost efficiently to become the GPX champion. It'll include multiple single player modes such as Time Attack mode, Championship mode, but also an online battle mode, allowing you to race against other players and aim to become the World Champion.
Playable machines include among others: ν-Asurada AKF-0/G, Ogre AN-21, Spiegel HP-022 J.
Future GPX Cyber Formula Sin Vier PC Gameplay (2019)
Cyber Formula Sin Vier originally launched on PC on September 20, 2018 via DMM. The game has been greatly improved since then and looks much better now. Unlike the PC version, the PS4 version didn't confirm VR functionalities yet however.
The PS4 version was confirmed to only receive a digital release on the Japanese PlayStation Store.
Both the original game and this PS4 port uses a song titled Brand New World as its theme song, sung by Hironobu Kageyama.
The post Future GPX Cyber Formula PC Game Will Get A PS4 Version This September by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Marvel's Avengers Developers Take a Closer Look at A.I.M.

The Avengers are known for having an unending supply of bad guys to fight. Thanos, Hydra, Skrulls, H.A.M.M.E.R., the list goes on and on. But those who played the Marvel's Avengers open beta know that the focus for the upcoming game is on A.I.M.
Hardcore comic fans will recognize Advanced Idea Mechanics from their many appearances throughout the years in Avengers comics, but more casual fans might know them as the baddies led by Aldrich Killian from Iron Man 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Crystal Dynamics, Marvel's Avengers' developers, helped fans who aren't as familiar with A.I.M. by releasing a video called "Who is A.I.M.?" to give them a proper introduction. In the video, they go into A.I.M.'s background both historically in the comics as well as their background in the game to really inform players what they're going up against.
"We want people to want to fight A.I.M., but at the same time, we also really really want you to love A.I.M.," Jeff Adams, associate art director at Crystal Dynamics says in the video implying that players are going to get deep into their story during the plot of the game.
"You're going to come up against a wide variety of A.I.M. threats as you play through the world of Marvel's Avengers," Adams says.
The newest version of Marvel's Avengers beta opened a few days early for those who missed the first beta and are looking to try out the game for a few hours before it officially launches on September 4. Make sure to check out DualShockers' Logan Moore and Mario Rivera's extended conversation on the game's beta on our YouTube channel.
If you haven't already, make sure to preorder a copy of Marvel's Avengers on Xbox One, Playstation 4, or PC. You can preorder your copy on Amazon right here to help support DualShockers.
The post Marvel's Avengers Developers Take a Closer Look at A.I.M. by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.
Epic Games Teases Thor For Fortnite

Fortnite and Epic Games are no strangers to crossing over into just about every realm of pop culture; especially superheroes. Last week the gaming giant announced that they were partnering with DC Comics to bring Joker, Poison Ivy and Midas Rex into Fortnite. Next week they're swinging back over to the Marvel side, however, presumably with Thor.
This isn't the first time we've seen different Marvel characters in the game. Back in 2018, Thanos was added to the game to commemorate Avengers: Infinity War. Other notable collaborations include Deadpool, Captain America, and Iron Man.
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) August 21, 2020
The official Fortnite Twitter account Tweeted a video clip this morning with someone who appears to be the mighty Thor in the background of the Fortnite logo and the date 8.27.2020, which is next week Thursday. The 27th also happens to be the beginning of the next season of Fortnite; Chapter 2, Season 4.
With every season comes new features and Battle Pass-exclusive skins, like last season's addition of sharks, AI-controlled opponents called 'Marauders,' and dynamic fire that spreads naturally among other things. So far, the only info about Season 4 to date is that according to various leaks, this season's theme will be Marvel. Thor's reveal gives those rumors even more credibility than they already had.
As recently as a couple of weeks ago, Epic added a few Marvel-themed cosmetic items, like Hulk and Iron Man smashers as alternatives to the game's standard pickaxe.
Season 4's start date also falls about two weeks before the release of Crystal Dynamics' Marvel's Avengers, giving players ample time to get their fill of Marvel content. Considering how many cosmetic items both Fortnite and Marvel's Avengers, it wouldn't be a surprise if Epic and Square Enix were to announce a collaboration involving some kind of bonus in Avengers for those who purchased and played Season 4's Battle Pass.
The post Epic Games Teases Thor For Fortnite by Charlie Wacholz appeared first on DualShockers.
Get a Look at Fall Guys: Season 2 at Gamescom Opening Night Live

Fall Guys has quickly taken the world by storm since releasing a few weeks ago. And, while we're still in the thick of the season one battle pass, it's about time to start talking about what comes next. Today, Hideo Kojima's best friend Geoff Keighley announced that developer Mediatonic is joining him on the Gamescom Opening Night Live "stage" for a sneak peek. Will it just be a new string of cosmetics? Or will Mediatonic do something massive for their second season? We'll find out soon.
Fall Guys is great and all….but what if I told you there is @FallGuysGame: Season 2!
Don't miss the world premiere sneak peek from @Mediatonic during @gamescom Opening Night Live.
Thursday, August 27 at 8 pm CEST / 2 pm ET / 11 am PT at
— Geoff Keighley (@geoffkeighley) August 21, 2020
Personally, I don't see how this can just be a simple new battle pass. Unless Keighley and his team are scraping the barrel for things to show, a new set of cosmetics would be a weird thing to reveal at what should be a major event. Sure, Fall Guys is a behemoth right now with tons of people playing, but if you're just going to show me some new duds I dress my jelly bean up in, I'm going to be disappointed.
More likely, I'd guess they'll announce some new levels along with the battle pass. Mediatonic has already given us Jump Showdown. You know they have several more exciting options on the table. The dream is that they announce split-screen multi-player is coming, but that's probably still a way out. If it's even being worked on.
Regardless, Fall Guys is definitely having "a moment" right now. It's the hottest property in gaming and Mediatonic needs to keep feeding that hype machine with new content. Otherwise, they risk losing a big chunk of their user base just a few months in.
Fall Guys is available now PC and PS4. Gamescom Opening Night Live kicks off on August 27 at 2 pm ET.
The post Get a Look at Fall Guys: Season 2 at Gamescom Opening Night Live by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Batman Court of Owls Teasers Conclude with a Video Telling Fans to Wait Until Tomorrow

It has been a week full of teases for WB Games Montreal's new Batman game, which will seemingly feature the villainous group known as the Court of Owls. As of today, those teases have now seemingly come to an end in what is a largely anticlimactic way.
Over on the "r3dakt3d" Twitter account today, which is where WB Montreal has been making all of these Batman teases this week, the developer shared a new post featuring some images of a lock. The lock itself looks to contain an owl-like emblem, with some supporting images hinting at what the lock combination is. In short order, the Batman community was able to then piece together the meaning of this new puzzle, which then led to a new video.
The final key. Return 8.22.2020 to #DCFanDome
— r3dakt3d (@r3dakt3d) August 21, 2020
The video, which can be found below, was unlisted on the "r3dakt3d" YouTube account and it is only about 20 seconds in length. Upon its conclusion, a timer containing a 24-hour countdown appeared, indicating that more information on this Batman title will be shared tomorrow at DC FanDome.
Honestly, while some might like these meta-game puzzles, it feels pretty lame to see the conclusion for this teaser event to only wrap up with a message telling fans to wait another 24-hours for more information. It's especially lame when considering the fact that WB Games Montreal was already confirmed to be having a panel tomorrow at DC FanDome. The revelation that we'll learn more about this game tomorrow isn't shocking whatsoever, so what exactly was the point of the teasers to begin with?
Regardless, at least we'll seemingly be moving past this teaser phase when WB Games Montreal formally announces this new Batman game tomorrow. There isn't a whole lot that we officially know about the title as of now, but based on recent reports, it looks like Batgirl could somehow be involved.
The post Batman Court of Owls Teasers Conclude with a Video Telling Fans to Wait Until Tomorrow by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.