Final Fantasy XIV PS5 Open Beta Release Date Revealed

Square Enix held on February 6 an announcement showcase for Final Fantasy XIV, revealing the brand new Endwalker expansion, but also a PS5 version, and the release date of its Open Beta. A trailer for the release of Final Fantasy XIV on PS5 was shared as well. you can find it further below.
Players whose FF XIV service account has a registered license for the PS4 version may download and play the PS5 update edition at no extra cost. The monthly subscription is still required.
While the event only included producer Naoki Yoshida and his translator, the PS5 version of Final Fantasy XIV was announced on the event through a surprise appearance of Yosuke Matsuda. The CEO of Square Enix. The whole reveal was packaged in a comedic skit with Yosuke Matsuda revealing the PS5 version and Naoki Yoshida acting as if he forgot to bring it up. It was pretty cringey overall if you understood Japanese. Though simultaneously if you studied the language and reach that point then you must definitely be used to that as well. Seeing Japanese TV or live events like these are always meticulously scripted.
Anyways, Yosuke Matsuda and Yoshida Naoki announced Final Fantasy XIV will be launching on PS5 with an Open Beta on April 13, 2021.
This is also when the next patch for Final Fantasy XIV will be released.
Final Fantasy XIV PS5 Open Beta Release Date Trailer
Be sure to check out our full summary of the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Announcement Showcase, with details on new Jobs, new Story contents, and more.
Square Enix also revealed the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker extension has a very surprising feature in the work. The development team is currently working on an Data Server Travel feature. This will allow players to temporarily move to another Data Center.
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Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Data Center Travel Lets You Play On Other Data Servers

Final Fantasy XIV with its new Endwalker Expansion, will add a brand new feature highly demanded by players worldwide, the Data Center Travel feature. This is similar but different from the currently implemented World Travel System, which lets you move your character from one World to another without logging out of FF XIV.
The Data Center Travel will allow you to go play on other Data Center than the ones you usually play and first made your characters on.
Basically this means anyone anywhere in the world will be able to play with each other. Friends who are separated by the oceans will finally be able to play Final Fantasy XIV together even if they didn't start out on the same Data Server. This is huge and great news for all players and FF XIV fans around the world.
Here's how it work, before logging into Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, in the character select screen, you'll be able to use the Data Center Travel, and choose which Data Center to login into.
YoshiP mentioned they wanted to make it so you don't need to logout, like with the World Travel System, but that's too complicated with how the servers are built.
However, there are certain functions that will be disabled when using the Data Center Travel in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. Overall, there will be more restrictions than when using the World Travel System. But you'll be able to visit your friends in other Data Centers, play with them, do content with them, take screenshots, etc.
YoshiP also mentioned there will be simulations to check how it will affect each Data Centers' economy, but it should be negligible. So players shouldn't worry.
Be sure to check out our full summary of the Final Fanasy XIV Endwalker Announcement Showcase, with details on new Jobs, new Story contents, and more.
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Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Revealed by Square Enix With New Details

Square Enix revealed the new expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, titled Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, 6.0 and will be launching in Fall 2021. We detailed below all the information from tthe Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker announcement showcase.
First let's check out the reveal trailer for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, with the Japanese and English versions below.
The announcement happened at a venue in Japan with no audience because of the Cvodi-19 pandemic. Producer Naoki Yoshida and his translator shared all the details on stage alone. While I could easily understand YoshiP's words, kudos as always to translators for being able to handle the pressure and translate live like that at events.
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker will include two new Jobs. Naoki Yoshida mentioned that they received a lot of feedback about how FF XIV is lacking healers. So they first revealed the Jobs' roles. The first Job is a healer role, the second one is a melee DPS role. Only the first job was fully revealed for now.

The first new Job is the Sage, "Kenja" in Japanese. A Job who uses magic imbued weapons who definitely looks like Funnels from Gundam. The weapons they use are called Nouliths and were made specifically for FF XIV and its their first appearance in the franchise. In the main story, Alphinaud will Job Change to Sage.
The visuals of Nouliths change depending on what weapon you use. Lastly, the starting level of the Job is 70. So you need at least another Job at Level 70, and have purchased the Endwalker Expansion, to use the Sage job.

Next, YoshiP also described the Sage as a "Barrier Healer". They can heal but also prottecc the party, and can also temporarily buff their own magic abilities.
YoshiP *reads the stream's comments*: 'I"m seeing a lot "This is Gundam, These are funnels."in there. No comment".

Next, Naoki Yoshida said the words Final End Finale will be important to the plot, and the Endwalker Expansion will be the ending of the ten years old saga that started with A Realm Reborn. The end of 6.0 is the end of the Hydaelyn Zodiark Saga.
However, Naoki Yoshida stressed out this doesn't mean Final Fantasy XIV itself is ending. He's not quitting the FF XIV project either.
Next, the story intro for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker was published. Don't scroll down any further if you haven't finished the Shadowbringer story yet.

YoshiP: "Maybe there's an Evangelion on the moon."

Next we have screenshots from the reveal trailer. Alphinaud is a Sage but has a customized costume. Alisaie is still Red Mage but might get a new costume. We have Fandaniel too:
YoshiP: "Fandaniel is not the last boss but he's important. Can't say anymore to avoid spoilers".
Then we've got Zenos, who considers the Warrior of Light his friend.
YoshiP: " I know you guys don't think of him as your friend tho".
YoshiP also mentioned many characters from previous story chapters will reappear. The story overall will be very complex, with lot of surprises.
Following that, YoshiP revealed the new features coming with Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
The level cap is going up to Level 90. We'll also have new areas. They can't show us actual gameplay yet, but we have artwork and screenshots.

We were first introduced to a new city, Radz-At-Han. The city is in Thavnair, a new field.
Net, we have another new field, Garlemald.

Next, YoshiP revealed new tribes appearing in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker. The first one are the Matanga, the Arkasodara tribe.

YoshiP: "Some players might have recognized them".
The extension will also include new threats and new dungeons:

YoshiP: "Final Fantasy X fans might recognize it, it's Anima. The same staff member who did Anima's artwork in in Final Fantasy X works on FF XIV and remade its design for the game".
Three artwork of the new dungeons were shown, as included above.
Next, we've seen the first details of the High-End Raid in FF XIV Endwalker

YoshiP: "This person looks similar. We've seen that mark somewhere before. We can't tell yet where the Raid will be. But it's a completely new original story and Raid." The new raid is Pandemonium.
A new Alliance Raid was announced too. The staff is working on it, and details will be revealed on the next digital fan festival. It'll be a FF XIV original story Raid, centered on a certain unanswered piece of lore. It won't be a crossover like the ongoing NieR Automata raid.
Next, YoshiP revealed a new Small-Scale PVP Mode coming with Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

This new PVP mode will be more casual and immersive by removing role restrictions. It'll also have a new type of rewards that aren't gear.
Everyone's favorite dragoon, Estinien Wyrmblood, joins the roster of Trust NPCs!
— FINAL FANTASY XIV (@FF_XIV_EN) February 6, 2021
Estinien Wyrmblood will be available as a Trust NPC
YoshiP: "I know a lot of Dragoon betray people but don't worry he won't betray you."
Make your pastoral dreams a reality in your own little Island Sanctuary in #Endwalker! Raise animals, cultivate the earth, and learn to live off the land!
Adventurers looking to slow down a bit can look forward to a variety of updates throughout the 6.x series.
— FINAL FANTASY XIV (@FF_XIV_EN) February 6, 2021
New Element in Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Revealed: Island Sanctuary
Next, we heard about two new adjustments to the battle system.
First, the numbers used for battle calculations will be downscaled. This is something YoshiP brought up in the past. They're changing the numbers themselves, not the formulas.

This is not a nerf of the players' characters. Everything is staying the same, but the numbers are going down. One thing affected however is how you'll have more trouble clearing older content with an undersized party.

The other change is the removal of Belts. They also considered removing Rings, but a lot of players use it for fashion, so they're staying.

Lastly, the Lunar Whale from Final Fantasy IV is coming as a mount alongside Rydia, Edge and Rosa as Minions. The Final Fantasy XIV Festival 2021 is happening on May 15 and 16.
Final Fantasy XIV was also announced on PS5.
A new function will let players travel between Servers.
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Announcement Showcase
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How to Watch The Final Fantasy XIV (New Expansion) Announcement

Square Enix is holding a special announcement stream for Final Fantasy XIV tonight, which is more than likely the announcement of a brand new expansion, so here's how to watch it.
When does the Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase Begins
First off, the presentation will be starting today, February 5, at 08:30 PM ET (Click here for a table with other time zones). It's unclear for now how long the event will be, but we're definitely looking for several hours of stream.
Where to watch the Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase
First off, you have the usual Twitch stream, which is accessible here. This is the first stream we're listing because during events like these, Twitch streams tend to be a few seconds ahead of others.
Next, we have the official YouTube stream, which is embedded below:
Lastly, for weebs and those who master the moon runes, you could also watch the stream on Niconico because why not. That one too tends to be ahead of YouTube, but you probably won't get an optimal experience unless you've been paying for a Niconico premium account. In any case, the Niconico Final Fantasy XIV Announcement Showcase is accessible here.
On a related note, the producer of Final Fantasy XIV, Naoki Yoshida is also the producer of the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI. Seeing the overall incredible quality of FF XIV so far, and Yoshida's new positions, many FF XIV players are worried future expansions might be washed down. In favor of FF XVI's development. We'll see how it goes.
Final Fantasy XVI has no release date, but Square Enix already revealed multiple character, story and world details on the game. The upcoming anime adaptation of The World Ends With You also received a new trailer.
Stay tuned on DualShockers as we'll have a report on the announcement up as soon as possible.
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FIFA 21 Objectives — Full List of Season 3, Week 6 Objectives

If you're trying to finish out the Season 3 reward pass in FIFA 21, this is your last week to do so. Fortunately, the new set of weekly objectives are out, which should give you plenty of experience to get there. Unfortunately, EA doesn't provide an easy way to see all of them at a glance. So, check below for a full list of FIFA 21 objectives for Season 3, week 6.
Week 6 – Bronze Objectives
As always, these are incredibly easy. You don't need much more than time to knock these off. In fact, you can just do them all in offline friendlies on beginner difficulty. Score or assist the required times and put the controller down. Simple as.
- Buy a Player off the Transfer Market using the Buy Now option.
- Play 3 matches in any FUT Game Mode.
- Assist 2 goals in any FUT Game Mode.
- Score 2 goals in a winning match in any FUT Game Mode.
Week 6 – Silver Objectives
These require a bit more work. You'll have to play at least one game on Semi-Pro, which isn't a big ask. Just pick one of the low chem teams in Squad Battles and knock it out. Fortunately, the Rivals game only requires you play a game, so you don't have to worry about being good at FIFA 21 or anything.
- Assist in 3 separate Squad Battles matches
- Score 2 goals using a Midfielder in any FUT Game Mode.
- Score an Outside of the Box goal in Squad Battles on Min. Semi-Pro.
- Play a match in Rivals.
Week 6 – Gold Objectives
The gold objectives are a bit tougher, but still not too bad. Just remember that you'll need to hold down L1 and R1 as you shoot to do a Low Driven shot on PS4. Xbox owners will instead hold down RB and LB. Otherwise, it's just about finding the right mix of players and knocking everything out. These shouldn't take you more than an afternoon to get finished.
- Assist 6 Goals in Rivals.
- Score using a Midfielder in a Rivals win.
- Score a goal in Rivals with a Low Driven Shot using a player with a Min. PAC rating of 85.
- Assist 2 and Score 2 in the same Squad Battles match on Min. Pro difficulty, using at least 4 LaLiga players in your Starting Squad.
- Earn 3,500 Rivals Points.
And there you have it. Finish those and you'll be a heck of a lot closer to finishing out Season 3 and grabbing one of the three Storyline players waiting for you at the end. You have a week to finish these off, so make sure to get started sooner rather than later.
FIFA 21 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
The post FIFA 21 Objectives — Full List of Season 3, Week 6 Objectives by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
6 Sports Games More Entertaining Than The Super Bowl

DualShockers' Nicholas Blain takes you on a trip through the sports games that he finds more entertaining than the big Sunday game. Does he talk about Podracing? You'll have to click to find out!
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The World Ends With You Anime Gets New Trailer, April 9 Debut

The World Ends With You is an incredibly popular action RPG from the team at Square Enix. The game is set to finally get a sequel later this year, but that's not the only good news for series fans. Today, they dropped a brand new The World Ends With You anime trailer. The trailer gives us a better idea of what the show is going to look like and a release date. Plus, that theme song by ALI is an absolute banger. Give it a look below.
Even as someone who hasn't played The World Ends With You in a very long time, this is awesome news. The anime looks phenomenal. Just a gorgeous take on the classic art style. And how can you not get down with that theme song? The whole package is just so well done. It doesn't' hurt, of course, that the actual game is so great. Hopefully, the new anime can perfectly capture the feeling of playing through Square's classic.
One thing that might help that is that Takeharu Ishimoto is returning to help compose music. Fans will remember that he's the composer behind the original game, so getting him involved is a major victory for the anime. It will be very interesting to see what he does now that we're more than a decade removed from the game's original release. I'm sure it'll have throwback tracks, but he'll also probably look to update things a bit.
The World Ends With You anime starts on April 9. The show will air on MBS and TBS in Japan. I haven't seen a confirmation yet, but presumably, someone like Crunchyroll will pick it up for the western audience.
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Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV Won't Be Launching in 2021

Blizzard has been fairly tight-lipped about both Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV in more recent months. Despite generating a lot of buzz with the initial announcements, it is now confirmed that we won't be seeing either title in 2021.
In an earnings call this week discussing Q4 of 2020, some more information was revealed about the progress on the two titles. Overwatch 2 crossed a major internal milestone in December according to the President of Blizzard Entertainment, Jay Brack. At which point the internal team was about to accomplish some of the critical testing of some of the game's main features.
As far as Diablo IV, Blizzard is hoping to lean more on the franchise's mobile offerings for this year. The company still has high hopes for Diablo Immortal. Which has continuously generated a lot of buzz for all of the wrong reasons. Mainly being that no one wants a mobile Diablo.
Overwatch originally released in 2015 and remains a major force in the competitive gaming scene. The extremely popular Overwatch League is also commencing in April. The game's popularity is still as high as ever. It's no wonder why Blizzard is in no rush to bring on the next installment.
Many players hold the notion that Blizzard's initial announcement was more damage control than anything else. Both titles were pushed heavily around the time of the Hong Kong controversy. Leaving many to feel as though both reveals were to help improve the ever-dwindling public perception of Blizzard.
Whatever the case may be, it seems as though Blizzard has fallen in the trap of announcing a game too soon. This is nothing new to anybody in the industry. It's become more of a common practice and one that would be beneficial to break away from.
Both Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV are expected to launch some time in 2022. While Diablo Immortal is expected to hit mobile in 2021 along with other mobile titles coming out of Blizzard.
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FIFA 21 Bruno Guimarães — How to Complete His Player Pick SBC

FIFA 21 Future Stars is finally here. That means tons of young players are in the game via packs, SBCs, and objectives. Of course, relying on pack luck is never a good look unless you're some kind of wizard. So, most players looking to get a shiny new card should first look to SBCs and objectives. Fortunately, EA Sports has a card for you. Bruno Guimarães has a brand new player pick that lets you decide which version of him you want. See below to find out how to complete the new FIFA 21 Bruno Guimarães Future Stars card.
This new FIFA 21 Bruno Guimarães card is very interesting. You're choosing between either having him as an excellent CDM or being able to take over as your box-to-box midfielder. He's probably a touch expensive due to the Wayne Rooney SBC, but he has some top-tier links. Not only does he soft link to any Brazilian in the world, but he's also a great strong link to Neymar. On that alone, he might be worth doing.
That said, it looks like he's coming in at around 250,000 coins. That's not bank-breaking, but it's a significant chunk of change. I think he's going to fit quite a few teams and the Neymar strong link is tempting. Personally, I think he's only worth the asking price at the CDM position, but that's on you. See below for some inspiration for completing him. Remember, don't copy me. Search around your club to do it cheaper and just use the solutions below as a rough guide.

FIFA 21 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
The post FIFA 21 Bruno Guimarães — How to Complete His Player Pick SBC by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Fortnite Update 3.03 Brings More Stability to the PS5 Version

Just a few days after rolling out update 3.02 on February 2, today Epic Games launched Fortnite update 3.03 that basically wipes out a few bugs and tweaks the game's performance on PC and PS5. That said, the new update applies some changes to the Performance mode in next-gen consoles as well.
As the official Twitter account of Fortnite detailed the new patch, Fortnite Update 3.03 removes a queuing bug with the tournaments, applies the "Disable Pre-edit Option" into STW, tackles the recent performance issues on PC, and tweaks the game's stability on PS5. Moreover, the new patch will reduce the texture quality in Performance Mode in order to maintain high frames per second and prevent invisible constructions. The update weighs around 1 GB on PS4, but since it has some PS5 focused tweaks it might be a little bit heavier on Sony's new console.
With the release of this maintenance patch, you will notice a decrease in texture quality when using Performance Mode. This is intended in order to maintain high FPS in the mode and prevent invisible constructions.
— Fortnite Status (@FortniteStatus) February 5, 2021
Recently, Epic Games rolled out Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 Week 10 challenges, which includes seven epic challenges and a five-step Legendary challenge. While this week's challenges look easy to complete, the Dance Near Pleasant Park challenge might be a bit confusing for some players. Also, if you still haven't found this week's XP Coins, make sure to check out our full guide on that.
With Valentine's Day ahead, Epic Games will probably drop some new cosmetics and a limited-time event as there are already some leaks on the internet pointing out the Valentine's Day skins.
Fortnite is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Switch, and PC. To play the game on Android devices, you need to head to the game's official page and install it as an application with an unknown source rather than downloading from Google Play. On the other hand, the game is currently unavailable for iOS users until the war between Apple and Epic Games reaches to an end.
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