What's Blue Protocol And is it a Better Online Anime JRPG Than Genshin Impact?

Many Genshin Impact players, but also Japanese games fans in general, have been wondering about Blue Protocol, another anime stylized JRPG coming soon, and what happened to it. We'll be explaining what we know about Blue Protocol so far, its similarities, but most importantly its differences with Genshin Impact.
Blue Protocol was first announced by Bandai Namco in June 2019, and is developed by an internal studio, Bandai Namco Online. Blue Protocol was announced for PC in Japan, and already had multiple Alpha and Beta Tests. But has no release date yet.
Blue Protocol is also an online JRPG, with an action battle system. Moreover, Blue Protocol is also an open-world RPG, and clearly inspired from the works of Nintendo and Monolith Soft on Zelda Breath of the Wild and the Xenoblade series. Which might make it quite similar to Genshin Impact in theory. However, both games are also completely different.
Genshin Impact is mainly a single player experience, while Blue Protocol focuses on online co-op as an MMORPG
- BLUE PROTOCOL GAMEPLAY – Details on how the action battle system works
The first big difference between the two is how Genshin Impact mainly focuses on a single player experience. In Genshin Impact, players can join another player's world, or invite players into their own world. Most notably to farm bosses or materials together. However, there's no decisive merit to doing so. Besides making things easier and simply hanging out with your friends. You'll be spending most of your time exploring Teyvat, the world of Genshin Impact, alone, like in a single player JRPG.
Meanwhile, Blue Protocol is an MMORPG, where all players are constantly evolving in same world. Though the game will be divided into servers. Blue Protocol is more akin to a classic online RPG, where running quests, dungeons, and raids with other players will constantly be more gratifying than playing solo.
一緒にダンスをするなどして楽しみましょう!#ブルプロ #BlueProtocol pic.twitter.com/o7UJdcpANk
Protagonists and playable characters of Genshin Impact and Blue Protocol
The second big difference is how playable characters are handled. Again, Blue Protocol is a classic online RPG, and features a character creator. Blue Protocol lets you create and customize your own characters, and freely switch between different classes. Four different classes were revealed in the Alpha and Beta Tests in Japan so far.
- Aegis Striker, a tank who fights with a sword and shield
- Twin Striker, a DPS who dual wields axes
- Blast Archer, who is also the healer class
- Spell Caster, a long-ranged class with magic attacks
- BLUE PROTOCOL CLASSES – Additional fifth Class teased

Meanwhile, Genshin Impact is again more akin to a single player JRPG, where you play and follow the story of a single dedicated protagonist and main characters.
Moreover, the other big difference is how Genshin Impact uses a gacha system, where players spend Primogems, which is slowly earned in-game, or can be bought with real money, to randomly pull new characters.
Different release date and platforms
- MORE DETAILS – Additional information on Blue Protocol and its game design choices
Genshin Impact was released worldwide by miHoYo on September 28, 2020, on PC, but also PS4 and mobile, and was announced on Switch. Meanwhile Blue Protocol has yet to be released and was only announced for PC, only in Japan. However, it's highly likely the game will be announced outside Japan, and on consoles, judging from the developers' words and job listings. Lastly, the developers have stressed out they will take all the time they need to finish the game. Hence why there's still no release date for Blue Protocol yet.
- MORE GAMEPLAY – Beta test gameplay and more details on Blue Protocol
Overall, those are the biggest differences between the two games and what you should keep in mind. We didn't go into the finest details, like how different the equipment systems and action gameplay are in both games, but this gives you a broad idea.
At the end of the day, both games are shaping up to be quite different, and playing both Genshin Impact and Blue Protocol definitely seems like a viable solution. Personally speaking, this is what I'll be doing if time permits. What do you think of Genshin Impact so far, and are you looking forward to Blue Protocol? Tell us in the comments, or reach out to me directly on Twitter @A_iyane07.
The post What's Blue Protocol And is it a Better Online Anime JRPG Than Genshin Impact? by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Apex Legends – Is Fuse Getting a Buff? Devs Respond

As the Chaos Theory Collection Event comes to a close, it seems like Apex Legends developers Respawn Entertainment are already starting to think about what comes next.
Choosing what Legend you want to use in Apex is one of the most strategic parts of the game. Are you going to play offense? Defense? A little bit of both?
Because of the player's ability to choose, it's relatively simple to see how each character stacks up to one another on the developer side by looking at how frequently characters are winning.
Apex Legend's newest character, Fuse might be getting a buff for that reason.
- MORE: Apex Legends: Hotfix Update Released Today (March 22) – Patch Notes, Download Size
Today is your last day to earn Double XP on Switch. May the Allfather gift you with victories this day.
— Apex Legends (@PlayApex) March 22, 2021
Dev Responds to Apex Fuse Buff
Respawn Entertainment certainly knows how to communicate with the Apex community. Devs are constantly responding to questions and ideas in the game's sub-Reddit. Yesterday, Apex's lead game designer, Daniel Klein responded to a question about Fuse's win rate. He said:
"We have some plans for him, but nothing's 100% yet. But yeah, he didn't come in super strong like we wanted. It's still very hard to predict how strong a character will be unless they have meaningful mobility (Octane/Horizon). We've gotta be careful not to fall victim to mobility creep as well: the more general mobility there is, the less fun the game becomes for everyone because you just can't hit people."
It seems like Respawn is already thinking of ways to make the character more competitively viable, but don't want to just make him faster. Most characters need some refinement for when they're first introduced into the game, so it'll be interesting to see what sorts of buffs the devs have in store.
It's likely that we won't see anything for quite a while though as Klein points out earlier in the thread. He answers a related question by saying, "This stuff will take time. I don't know that we'll have a fix in Season 9 for instance."
More Apex Legends
For more Apex Legends, make sure to check out this article that explores who exactly Season 8's Mad Maggie is. For any and all Apex coverage, make sure to stick right here with DualShockers.
The post Apex Legends – Is Fuse Getting a Buff? Devs Respond by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.
Windbrew, Flavors of the Month Genshin Impact Guide – How to Get Dandelion Seeds, Slime Condensate

Genshin Impact has undoubtedly been one of the most popular games of 2020. The game has carried forward its popularity to 2020 as well, with the playerbase expanding rapidly over the months. miHoYo has an update planned for the game every six weeks, and that will ensure that players have enough new content to keep themselves engaged.
Genshin Impact's latest 1.4 update adds tons of new content to the game. From the introduction of a new character Rosaria to the Venti banner rerun and the Hangouts event, fans got more than they asked for from the recent update. Amidst all that, the update also marked the onset of the Windblume Festival in the game.
Windbrew Genshin Impact Guide
One of the most important aspects of the Genshin Impact Windblume Festival is the Festive Anecdotes. These include a series of quests that players can complete to earn a number of rewards. Here are the steps you need to complete in order to finish the quest.
- Talk to Margaret at Mondstadt.
- Collect Dandelion or Windwheel Asters in the specified location.
- Give the special kind of flower to Margaret.
- Blend the ingredients and give it to Margaret.
- Talk to Nimrod, Aramis and Nora.
- Report back to Margaret.
Flavors of the Month Genshin Impact Guide
The Flavors of the Month quest requires you to complete the following tasks.
- Talk to Brook at Springvale
- Head to the specific location in Dragonspine and talk to the Adventurer
- Light the campfire and talk to the Adventurer once again.
- Talk to Brook and collect Slime Condensate & Dandelion Seed.
- Give it to Brook.
How to get Dandelion Seeds
Dandelion Seeds can be found all over Mondstadt, and you can find the exact location of the same below (via Gamewith).
How to get Slime Condensate
Slime Condensate can be obtained by defeating slimes in the game. You can find their locations in West Mondstadt below (via Gamewith).
The post Windbrew, Flavors of the Month Genshin Impact Guide – How to Get Dandelion Seeds, Slime Condensate by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.
Hearthstone 20.0 Patch Notes: Update Includes New Core Set, Cosmetic Coins, and Bug Fixes

Today is a big day for fans of Blizzard games. Between the Overwatch experimental card notes and the new Hearthstone 20.0 patch notes, they should be set for a while.
Creating online TCG's is not something easy to do. Maintaining one and keeping casual and hardcore players interested is even harder.
Luckily, Blizzard does just that and continues to keep fans coming back with each subsequent update to Hearthstone.
Today, we got the beefy Hearthstone 20.0 patch notes, so strap in because this is a big one. Here's everything you need to know about what's new in the Hearthstone 20.0 patch notes.
- MORE TCG: MTG Time Spiral Remastered List – The Best Cards and Highest Prices
Unleashing the 20.0 Patch Notes!
Balance Updates
New Battlegrounds Hero and Minion
Classic Format
New Core Set
The Great Unnerfing!
Rewards Track Refresh
Diamond Cards
Read More: https://t.co/eNS9No8v7P pic.twitter.com/fI2SbpMlnK
— Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) March 22, 2021
Hearthstone 20.0 Patch Notes
Here is the full list of patch notes for the Hearthstone 20.0 update:
Balance Update
Nitroboost Poison
- Old: [Costs 1] → New: [Costs 2]
Dev Comment: We're moving Nitroboost Poison to 2 mana to reduce the amount of cheap burst damage available in Rogue and create a real cost for Corruption. When evaluating Rogue's future weapon-centric archetypes, we want to position the play patterns around building up a weapon over multiple turns and fighting for board rather than the hyper-aggressive strategies seen in decks like Stealth Rogue.
Nitroboost Poison will be eligible for a full dust refund for 2 weeks after the 20.0 patch goes live.
Battlegrounds Updates
- Piloted Shredder has been removed from the Battlegrounds Minion Pool.
Overlord Saurfang
- For the Horde! [Costs 1]
- Give +1 Attack to the next minion you buy this turn. (Upgrades each turn!)
Players with Battlegrounds Perks will have early access to Overlord Saurfang before the Hero is formally released on April 8.
Barrens Blacksmith (Golden Watermark is not final)
- [Tier 3] 3 Attack, 5 Health. Frenzy: Give your other Minions +2/+2.
Classic Format, Set Rotation, and the New Core Set
Ready for some nostalgia? The Classic format invites players to craft decks and compete using Hearthstone's original 240 cards as they were in 2014, the year that Hearthstone launched! When the patch lands on March 25, your entire collection of relevant Basic, Classic, and Hall of Fame cards will be mirrored and available for deck building in the Classic format—as they were in the patch of June 2014 (after we made a few important changes), with any and all balance changes since then reverted. Classic packs will now add to your Collection for the Classic format, as well as the Legacy set in Wild. The Classic format leaderboards will launch on March 30. Read our announcement of the Classic format to learn more.
We're celebrating the launch of the Classic format by rewarding all players with one Golden Classic Card Pack just for logging in after the 20.0 patch has gone live!
Set Rotation for the Year of the Gryphon will take place when Forged in the Barrens launches on March 30! Rise of Shadows, Saviors of Uldum, Descent of Dragons, Galakrond's Awakening, Demon Hunter Initiate, Basic, and Classic will be rotating to Wild. Replacing Basic and Classic in Standard will be the new Core Set comprised of returning, reimagined, and completely new cards! The full breakdown is as follows:
- 88 cards returning from Classic (54 class cards, 34 neutral cards).
- 52 cards returning from Basic (41 class cards, 11 neutral cards).
- 55 cards returning from Wild (36 class cards, 19 neutral cards).
- 4 cards returning from Ashes of Outland (4 Demon Hunter Class cards).
- 4 cards returning from Demon Hunter Initiate.
- 1 card returning from Hall of Fame (Shadowform).
- 31 new cards (20 Class cards, 11 Neutral cards).
You might notice that the numbers for Basic and new cards have changed since we last shared the Core set breakdown. That's because, after taking time to consider community feedback, we've replaced the previously announced Core set versions of Stonetusk Boar and Bluegill Warrior with two brand new minions—Emerald Skytalon and Redgill Razorjaw!
Lastly, we've updated the Shaman Hero power to replace the Wrath of Air (Spell Damage) Totem with a new totem, Strength Totem, which gives a friendly minion +1 Attack at the end of your turn!
The Great Unnerfing
We're also reverting nerfs for 36 cards rotating to Wild! There are five days between when the 20.0 patch goes out and when these cards rotate so, we're expecting the Standard meta to be very interesting this weekend. Watermarks on cards shown below are not final.
Mana Wrym
- Old: [Costs 2] 1 Attack, 3 Health. → New: [Costs 1] 1 Attack, 2 Health.
Wrym Weaver
- Old: [Costs 5] 3 Attack, 6 Health. Spellburt: Summon two 1/3 Mana Wryms. → New: [Costs 4] 3 Attack, 5 Health. Spellburst: Summon two 1/2 Mana Wryms.
Conjurer's Calling
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 3]
- Old: [Costs 7] → New: [Costs 6]
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 1]
Hunter's Mark
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 1]
Starving Buzzard
- Old: [Costs 5] 3 Attack, 2 Health → New: [Costs 2] 2 Attack, 1 Health.
Dinotamer Brann
- Old: [Costs 8] → New: [Costs 7]
- Old: [Costs 1] Give a friendly minion Charge. It can't attack heroes this turn. → New: [Costs 3] Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Charge.
Bloodsworn Mercenary
- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 3 Attack, 3 Health.
Scion of Ruin
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 3]
Spirit Claws
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 1]
Flametongue Totem
- Old: [Costs 3] 0 Attack, 3 Health. → New: [Costs 2] 0 Attack, 2 Health.
Invocation of Frost
- Old: [Costs 2] → New: [Costs 1]
Dragon's Pack
- Old: Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with Taunt. If you've Invoked twice, give them +2/+2. → New: Summon two 2/3 Spirit Wolves with Taunt. If you've Invoked twice, give them +3/+3.
Corrupt Elementalist
- Old: [Costs 6] → New: [Costs 5]
Keeper of the Grove
- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 2 Attack, 4 Health.
Ancient of Lore
- Old: Choose One – Draw a card; or Restore 5 Health. → New: Choose One – Draw 2 cards; or Restore 5 Health.
Power Word: Shield
- Old: [Costs 0] Give a minion +2 Health. → New: [Costs 1] Give a minion +2 Health. Draw a card.
The Caverns Below
- Old: Quest: Play five minions with the same name. Reward: Crystal Core (For the rest of the game, your minions are 4/4). → New: Quest: Play four minions with the same name. Reward: Crystal Core (For the rest of the game, your minions are 5/5).
Edwin VanCleef
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 3]
Blade Flurry
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 2]
Necrium Apothecary
- Old: [Costs 5] → New: [Costs 4]
Galakrond, the Nightmare (Applies to upgraded versions)
- Old: Draw 1 card. It cost (1). → New: Draw 1 card. It cost (0).
Call to Arms
- Old: [Costs 5] → New: [Costs 4]
Fiendish Rites
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 3]
- Old: Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1 Attack. → New: Whenever you summon a minion with Deathrattle, gain +1/+1.
Leper Gnome
- Old: 1 Attack, 1 Health → New: 2 Attack, 1 Health.
Knife Juggler
- Old: 2 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 3 Attack, 2 Health.
Frenzied Felwing
- Old: 3 Attack, 2 Health. → New: 3 Attack, 3 Health.
Bad Luck Albatross
- Old: [Costs 4] → New: [Costs 3]
Saronite Chain Gang
- Old: Battlecry: Summon another Saronite Chain Gang. → New: Battlecry: Summon a copy of this minion.
Arcane Golem
- Old: 4 Attack, 4 Health. → New: 4 Attack, 2 Health. Charge.
- Old: [Costs 8] → New: [Costs 7]
Archivist Elysiana
- Old: [Costs 9] → New: [Costs 8]
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
- Old: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add 2 other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (1). → New: Battlecry: If your deck has no duplicates, add 2 other random Dragons to your hand. They cost (0).
Spell Schools
Magical Spell Schools—Arcane, Fel, Fire, Frost, Holy, Shadow, and Nature—are being added to 545 previously released Spells across Standard and Wild as a permanent addition to Hearthstone with the patch on March 25! Spell Schools will add synergies and a new layer of depth throughout your Collection, and there are 24 more being added with Forged in the Barrens! You can find the updated breakdown below. For specifics, head over to the card library.
- Arcane (2 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 44 Spells from past sets)
- *UPDATED* Fel (3 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 23 Spells from past sets)
- *UPDATED* Fire (2 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 45 Spells from past sets)
- Frost (2 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 24 Spells from past sets)
- Holy (5 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 67 Spells from past sets)
- *UPDATED* Shadow (4 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 113 Spells from past sets)
- *UPDATED* Nature (6 Spells in Forged in the Barrens, added to 117 Spells from past sets)
Rewards Track Refresh & Diamond Cards
When the Rewards Track refreshes for the first time on March 30, all players will automatically be granted any unclaimed rewards on both the free track and the Tavern Pass track if owned, and a completely new Rewards Track featuring a bevy of new unlockable loot will take its place!*
We've made several additional changes for the new Rewards Track in the 20.0 patch aimed at making in-game progression feel even better. In summary, we've doubled the number of core reward levels from 50 to 100 and halved the amount of XP required to reach each level. Where possible, we've also adjusted the amount of rewards at each level, in order to distribute them more effectively across the whole track. You can find the full table of rewards and specifics of how we've further improved the track here. Please note that incomplete Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Gameplay and Duels achievements as of March 25 will no longer grant Rewards Track XP, and instead a new set of Forged in the Barrens achievements will!
With the introduction of the Forged in the Barrens Tavern Pass, we're excited to announce an all-new cosmetic card tier for Hearthstone: Diamond cards! Each expansion will include one or more handcrafted Diamond Legendary cards that feature completely new 3D animations, more real estate for card art, and a stylish Diamond border.
Blademaster Samuro and Bru'kan will receive the Diamond treatment in Forged in the Barrens! The unlock criteria for these cards are as follows:
- Diamond Blademaster Samuro – Obtained instantly by purchasing the Forged in the Barrens Tavern Pass and claiming the card on the Rewards track.
- Diamond Bru'kan – Obtained by completing the Forged in the Barrens Legendary Collector 5/5 Achievement (Collect all Legendary cards from the set.)
*Level 50 Hero skin choice must be made before the Forged in the Barrens Rewards Track refresh. Additionally, all players who are online at the time of the refresh will not see their Rewards Track immediately change over. These players must relog to receive the updated rewards track. We're working to have the level 50 Hero skin automatically granted for those who missed claiming it and for the refresh to happen seamlessly for actively online players in a future patch.
Forged in the Barrens Tavern Pass
The Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Tavern Pass will expire with the launch of Forged in the Barrens and a new Tavern Pass will be made available for purchase—offering a host of brand-new cosmetic rewards and XP boosts.
Purchasing the Tavern Pass at any point during the expansion will immediately grant the Diamond Blademaster Samuro Legendary card, a 10% XP Boost that lasts for the duration of the expansion, and all items up to your current level on the paid track. As you progress with the Tavern Pass during the Forged in the Barrens expansion, you'll earn additional XP Boosts, the Barrens card back, the uncraftable Shadowhunter Vol'jin Golden Legendary minion, the Firefang Rexxar Hero Skin, and an all-new cosmetic coin! You can also earn Hero Skins for the new Mercenaries introduced in Forged in the Barrens: three Rokara Warrior Hero Skins, three Kurtrus Demon Hunter Hero Skins, and three Xyrella Priest Hero Skins!
New Cosmetic Coins
There are three new Cosmetic Coins on the way, two of which are themed after Forged in the Barrens and obtainable by the following means:
- Completing the first 90 levels of the Rewards Track with the Tavern Pass.
- Collecting 135 unique Forged in the Barrens cards.
We are planning a 35 card Mini-Set for Forged in the Barrens, so that second Achievement will become much easier once there are 170 to collect in total! We'll have more information to share on the Forged in the Barrens Mini-Set in the coming months.
We've also added a Bigglesworth Coin for collecting one of every card from Scholomance Academy. Collect all 135 cards from Scholomance Academy and this new coin will be yours!
Book of Mercenaries Rokara
Forged in the Barrens introduces 10 all-new Mercenary characters as Legendary minions! We'll be telling the stories for these characters over the course of the year through our expansions, our website, the Hearthstone Mercenaries game mode, and through Book of Mercenaries!
Book of Mercenaries will tell an epic, serialized story featuring all 10 new Mercenary characters and will release on a semi-monthly basis like Book of Heroes. Book of Mercenaries Rokara, the first installment in the series, will release on April 6 and reward a Warrior class pack for its completion!
March 30 – Arena Rotation
When Forged in the Barrens launches on March 30, the Arena will include cards from the following sets:
- Core
- Forged in the Barrens
- Darkmoon Races Mini-Set
- Madness at the Darkmoon Faire
- Scholomance Academy
- Ashes of Outland
- Rise of Shadows
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Bug Fixes & Game Improvements
Increased the number of available deck slots from 18 to 27.
Moved the Seasonal Ranked Rewards Chest to the Deck Selection screen. Additionally, the Seasonal Ranked Rewards for March will give Forged in the Barrens packs instead of Madness at the Darkmoon Faire packs.
Added progress bars for each Achievement category in the Journal.
Updated the guaranteed Weekly Quest Win 5 Games of Ranked Play Mode to be re-rollable.
Updated several loading tips to reflect recent changes.
Updated Arena Rewards to now include Forged in the Barrens packs and no longer include Classic packs.
Updated Tavern Brawls to reward one Year of the Phoenix pack instead of a Classic pack.
Updated both new player Legendary quest lines so that several of the quests can be completed in Battlegrounds and will offer pack rewards from recent expansions instead of Classic packs.
Removed the returning player missions against Malfurion, Tyrande, and Hakkar and updated the Legendary quest line for returning players to reward a total of 15 card packs from recent expansions.
Updated free decks for new and returning players (recipes can be found here).*
Updated Book of Heroes so that completing all Book of Heroes missions for a class will now unlock that class.
Updated the Demon Hunter class so that it can be unlocked by playing against the class in Play mode or beating the class in Practice mode. Completing the Demon Hunter prologue will still unlock the class but will now reward 1 Demon Hunter class pack for players that have yet to complete it.
Fixed a bug where Wild cards would not appear in the Collection without having Demon Hunter unlocked.
Fixed a bug where Zephrys the Great would not offer Mass Dispel or Shadowflame when your board was full.
Fixed a bug where cards that target Deathrattle minions, such as Play Dead, would still work with Deathwarden in play.
Fixed a bug where minions buffed by Soul of the Murloc would not show a Deathrattle icon.
Fixed a bug where Khadgar would not copy Vectus' Deathrattle effects on Plagued Hatchling.
Fixed a bug where Sparkjoy Cheat casting a secret from your hand would trigger an opponent's Counterspell and still put the secret into play. It will now no longer trigger Counterspell.
Fixed a bug where Shenanigans would not trigger if the opponent's first card drawn was a "Cast When Drawn" card.
Fixed a bug where Shadow Clone would trigger despite having a full board.
Fixed a bug where playing Crystal Core and Humble Blessing in the same match would not grant the persistent stat effect of whichever was played second.
Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where minions that buff others would not visually update all minions that are spawned during combat.
Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where the Prize Wall Hero Power would not show the correct number of turns left for players other than Tickatus.
Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where secrets generated from Prestidigitation showed a Gold cost despite not costing any Gold to cast.
Fixed a Duels bug where the win counter could show -1.
Fixed a Duels bug where duplicate card buckets could appear.
Fixed a Duels bug where your deck would not appear on the end of run screen.
Fixed a Duels bug where the Deathstrider Treasure could cause crashes when triggering multiple Deathrattles.
Fixed a Duels bug where the Soulcial Studies Hero Power could still appear as Coming Soon.
Fixed a Duels bug where Prince Malchezaar's start of game effect would not activate if Prince Malchezaar was drawn from Small Pouches.
Fixed a bug where clicking the victory banner in Solo Adventures would not exit the match.
Fixed a bug in Trial by Felfire where the adventure would not show as completed despite earning its respective completion Achievement.
Fixed a bug in Trial by Felfire where the fight with Gruul the Dragonkiller could lock the game.
Fixed a bug with Book of Heroes Valeera where minions drawn by Varian Wrynn would not be placed on the board despite having adequate board space.
Fixed a bug with Book of Heroes Valeera where the AI would play Sleep with the Fishes for no value.
Fixed a visual bug with Book of Heroes Valeera where minions in play at the start of a match would appear ready to attack during the Mulligan.
Fixed a visual bug with Book of Heroes Valeera where Rehgar Earthfury would appear unable to attack despite being able to attack.
Fixed a visual bug with V-O7-TR-ON's entrance animation.
Fixed a visual bug where Imprisoned Phoenix would briefly appear to give its Spell Damage buff while Dormant.
Fixed a visual bug where parts of the Zhuge Liang Anduin and Diao Chan Valeera Hero Skins were not appearing animated.
What's Next for Hearthstone
Obviously, the Hearthstone 20.0 patch notes are really lengthy, so hopefully, players are satisfied for the time being. That said, people always want more, luckily, as Hearthstone is a Blizzard game, they'll surely get more in upcoming fixes, rebalances, and updates soon. Blizzard is known for how often they update and rebalance their games, so you can probably expect some sort of hotfix or update in addition to the 20.0 patch relatively soon. If I had to guess, it wouldn't be anywhere close to as extensive, but it might make some small rebalances or fix some bugs.
For more Hearthstone, make sure to stick right here with DualShockers.
The post Hearthstone 20.0 Patch Notes: Update Includes New Core Set, Cosmetic Coins, and Bug Fixes by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.
The Sims 4 March 23 Update- Patch Notes, Release Time, Bunk Beds

Sims 4 has been one of the most popular life simulators through the years. With over 30 million players since launch, the game shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon. The developers have been regularly adding updates to the game to keep the playerbase engaged as well.
Recently, the developers announced that Bunk Beds will be coming to the game via a new update which is slated to release on March 23. The update was announced during a live stream which was organized to celebrate the 21st anniversary of The Sims series. Fans are eagerly looking forward to the update, and here is what we know about it so far.
The Sims 4 March 23 Update- Patch Notes, Release Time, Bunk Beds
Bunk Beds have been amidst rumors for quite a while not but the developers have finally confirmed that it is coming to the game via the March update. The update will be releasing on March 23, at 11:00 Pacific Time (18:OO GMT +0). There will also be a live stream at that time which will brief players about the update.
As of now, the patch notes of the update hasn't been released. However, we do know what bug fixes we might expect from the upcoming update, thanks to the Laundry List posted by EA earlier this month. You can find the list of bugs that will likely be fixed below.
- [OPEN] [ECO] Cricket/bug house isn't harvesting
- [OPEN] [GF] Celebrity reacts in disgust with everyone
- [OPEN] [S] Sims mopping outside during rainstorms
- [OPEN] Auto-solving Hygiene Need causes sims to get a drink
- [OPEN] [PH] Grounding teen (Phone) causes interactions to be stealthily
- [OPEN] Puddles after drinking water
- [OPEN] [CD] Pets won't age up, even with treat on home lot
- [OPEN] [ECO] Can't Evolve Plants In Vertical Garden
- [OPEN] 'Play Dolls With' Interaction Not Working
- [OPEN] [KNSP] Sims can't resume knitting
- [OPEN] [GTW] Can't fulfill task to transform grass at science lab
- [OPEN] 'Deep conversation' falsely renamed without SE
- [OPEN] [BDK] Bunnies and filth fiends are too frequent
Once the patch notes are out, we will update the article with the same.
The post The Sims 4 March 23 Update- Patch Notes, Release Time, Bunk Beds by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.
Overwatch – Experimental Card Patch Notes March 22 Hero Update

Despite being relatively close to its sequel, Blizzard is still continuing to support and make changes to Overwatch. Today, the Overwatch experimental card patch notes were released for March 22.
If you're a casual Overwatch player and a little lost as to what all this means, don't worry: no big changes are coming for you.
Instead, the changes are for the experimental cards which change the game for ranked play.
Here's everything you need to know about the Overwatch experimental patch notes for March 22.
- MORE: What Is the Overwatch Nvidia Reflex Support Update on PC?
Experimental Card Explained
If you're not entirely sure what the experimental card is, let me catch you up to speed. The experimental card is a game mode in Overwatch separate from the main game that allows developers to experiment around with different buffs and rebalances. These changes might make their way into the main game in a future update, but the experimental card exists for them to try things out. It's almost like a place for people to be playtesters for the game while Blizzard makes tweaks and changes.
Experimental Card Patch Notes March 22
The full list of Overwatch experimental card patch notes are as follows:
- Ammo reduced from 12 to 14
- Can now be self-cast on Ana by using the interact key
- Damage reduced from 100 to 90
- Healing reduced from 75 to 65
- Now protects teammates to a minimum health threshold of 1 health, down from 20% of maximum
- Now increases movement speed increased by 25% while repairing
- Healing removed from teammates when Brigitte is eliminated
- Duration increased from 2 to 3 seconds
- When Duplicate ends, Echo will be healed to 50% health instead of 100%
Secondary Fire
- Spread reduced from 9 to 8 meters
- Duration increased by 1 second for each kill while active
- Travel speed increased by 20%
- Damage increased by 20%
- Distance before the dragon forms from the arrow shot reduced from 10 to 5 meters
- Minimum damage increased from 30 to 35
- Cooldown increased from 4 to 6 seconds
- Radius increased by 50%
- Effectiveness increased by 20% at close range, falling off to -50% at maximum range
- Ammo increased from 120 to 140
- Getting a killing blow will reset the cooldown
- Health increased from 600 to 700
- Cooldown increased from 10 to 11 seconds
- New Passive: Damage taken while airborne decreased by 5% and damage taken while grounded increased by 10%
- Removed voice line triggered upon arrival
- Stuns closer targets for up to 3 seconds. Targets at maximum range are stunned for the standard 2.5 seconds
- Now has two charges
- Damage reduced from 40 impact + 80 explosive to 30 impact + 50 explosive
- Self-damage scalar reduced from 50% to 40%
- Activation time increased from 0.65 seconds to 1.15 seconds
- Duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Cooldown is now triggered when the translocator used or destroyed, instead of immediately after placement
- Cooldown reduced from 6 to 5 seconds
- Placement travel speed increased from 15 to 20 meters per second
- Now has two charges
- Damage reduced by 40%
- Health reduced by 40%
- Base health increased from 150 to 175
- Cooldown increased from 12 to 14 seconds
- Damage increased from 75 to 120
- Damage over time duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds
- Trigger radius increased from 3 to 4 meters
- Health/Armor has been redistributed from 350/150 to 335/165
- Size reduced by 15%
- Ammo reduced from 80 to 70
- Cooldown increased from 5 to 7 seconds
- No longer prevents enemies from generating ultimate charge
- Range increased from 30 to 34 meters
- Movement speed multiplier increased from 2x to 2.3x
More Overwatch
For more Overwatch, make sure to check out this article that takes a look at all the new character designs for the highly anticipated Overwatch 2. You can find any and all of our Overwatch coverage right here on Dualshockers.
The post Overwatch – Experimental Card Patch Notes March 22 Hero Update by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.
Apex Legends: Hotfix Update Released Today (March 22) – Patch Notes, Download Size

It looks like there's a brand new update for Apex Legends that has just been released (March 22). Unfortunately for players, it doesn't look to be an update filled with content and is simply a hotfix update to fix some bug issues. We've got everything you need to know.
Apex Legends recently launched the Chaos Theory event, which included a brand new point of interest, new playlist takeover, and much more. You can find out all you need to know about the new Apex Legends Chaos Theory Event at the link below.
- APEX LEGENDS: Chaos Theory Event
Apex Legends Update March 22
It looks like there weren't a lot of changes in the latest update to Apex Legends, but Respawn have taken to Twitter to announce the new update does fix a bug that was occurring with the blue Wattson Electric skin. It appears that the texture glitch has now been fixed and refunds have been issued by Respawn.
During our most recent @playapex collection event there was a bug with Wattson's Electric Blue skin that caused her textures to go missing.
We've since shipped the fix and fully refunded anyone who bought the skin before the fix went live. Refunded players keep the fixed skin. pic.twitter.com/erN18fN9Xn
— Respawn (@Respawn) March 22, 2021
It looks like this wasn't the only change in today's (March 22) update, according to @TitanfallBlog on Twitter, You can now turn off the survival slot in order to get the inspect button back. Although this wasn't a glitch, it was an annoying feature that players have been complaining about. It looks like Respawn listened to the feedback and implemented a fix.
March 22 Patch Notes
UPDATE: The official patch notes have been released. You can find them below:
Console players can now toggle the survival slot off. If turned off, survival items will only be accessible through the inventory screen and the button will trigger the weapon inspect feature by default.
Fixed Electric Blue Wattson skin
As of writing, there are currently no official patch notes for the latest update. It is likely that there will not be any released due to the update simply being for stability improvements and bug fixes.
When checked on a PlayStation 5 console, the latest update information for the 1.62 update released on March 22 states:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes
It's likely that this is all the patch notes will be. However, if any further patch notes are released by Respawn Entertainment this article will be updated to reflect that.
Download Size
The download size for this hotfix update is only 290MB, but may vary from platform to platform. We checked the update size on a PlayStation 5 console and can confirm the update comes in at 290MB.
The post Apex Legends: Hotfix Update Released Today (March 22) – Patch Notes, Download Size by Kyle Knight appeared first on DualShockers.
Fall Guys: How to Get the Among Us Skin & Play as the Imposter in Season 4

Today, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout bursts into its futuristic fourth season.
Leaving behind the snowy Season three, Mediatonic has sent the hilarious battle royale all the way into the year 4041.
Now, the game is no stranger to crossover skins, with Godzilla, Sonic, Peabody and more all making appearances, but one confirmed for this season has people talking.
Here is how players can get the Among Us skin in Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Season Four and then play as the Imposter.
- SEASON FOUR UPDATE DETAILS – New Features, Levels and Patch Notes
Fall Guys Season 4 is out now!
Welcome to the year 4041
RT if you love it here pic.twitter.com/mJAYSj2vhl
— Fall Guys 4041
Season 4
(@FallGuysGame) March 22, 2021
How to unlock the Season Four Among Us Skin
Thankfully, players can earn the Fall Guys Among Us skin just by playing through the game. The skin is available as part of the fourth season's "Fame Path". Players can progress through the Fame Path by completing games and earning Fame Points. The higher players place in the ranking, the more Fame Points they earn.
Players can get the Among Us skin in two different levels of the Fame Path. The "Butt" is available when players reach level 21, and the top half, including a nice fried egg, is unlocked at level 26.
Very pleased to confirm that this eggy friend will be available as part of Season 4's fame path!@AmongUsGame
Butt – Level 21
Eggy Head – Level 26 pic.twitter.com/zRrJr9atWz
— Fall Guys 4041
Season 4
(@FallGuysGame) March 16, 2021
Can you play as the Imposter with the Fall Guys Among Us skin? If so, how?
It looks like players have been able to play as the famed Imposter as part of Fall Guys Season 4. So far, the Impostor outfit isn't actually unlockable, instead, it looks like players have a random chance of being the character, so long as they wear the Among Us skin. This is very much like Among Us, with players randomly selected to be the Imposter in that game.
The Impostor outfit has a smashed visor and a pair of monstrous teeth, as a throwback to the Among Us character. Other than that, the character plays exactly the same.
— Fall Guys 4041
Season 4
(@FallGuysGame) March 22, 2021
The post Fall Guys: How to Get the Among Us Skin & Play as the Imposter in Season 4 by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
April 2021 PS Plus Predictions From DualShockers

April is just around the corner which means that a new crop of free PS Plus games will be available for all subscribers. What's in store for the April 2021 PS Plus lineup?
Over the past several months, PS Plus has been consistently offering some excellent titles like Final Fantasy VII Remake, Control: Ultimate Edition, and Bugsnax.
If PlayStation's track record shows us anything it's that April will, hopefully, be no exception.
Here are our predictions for the April 2021 PS Plus Roster.
- MORE PLAYSTATION: The Seven PlayStation Indie Games Ranked From Today's Showcase
#PlayAtHome update! PlayStation is offering 10 free games to download this spring, including PS4 indie gems, PS VR games, and Horizon Zero Dawn.
Full details and timeline: https://t.co/Fb5tPXeKPO pic.twitter.com/r5G5vUti72
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) March 17, 2021
Predicted April 2021 PS Plus Roster
Every single month PS Plus offers between two and four games for free to all subscribers. Here's what we think will make the cut for April 2021:
Oddworld: Soulstorm
Oddworld: Soulstorm is the only game that we know for certain will be on the list. Playstation announced that the game would be up for free to subscribers when it releases on April 6 earlier this year. Expectations are high for the game as it's been featured in multiple Playstation online events and luckily anyone with a PS Plus membership gets to try it out.
Only Two Titles
The number of games that are offered on PS Plus every month tends to fluctuate. Some months like this March we got four games, but others like last September only saw two. Because Oddworld: Soulstorm is one of the games that Playstation has been pushing to the front of their marketing, I think they'll want to increase the chances of people playing it by keeping its free competition low. Fewer options mean a greater chance that someone gives your game a spin.
Additionally, because Playstation recently announced their "Play at Home" initiative where they're offering 10 free games, I think people will be satisfied with the current PS freebies.
A Resident Evil Game
As the excitement and hype for RE 8: Village continues to grow, I think Playstation wants to remind people that they're the best place to play Resident Evil games. RE 8 has been all over their marketing and the demo for the game was a Playstation exclusive. To me, it makes sense that they would want to keep RE 8 in the back of everyone's minds. Putting the highly successful RE2 Remake on there would be a great pull from the last several years or even the slightly more action-focused RE3 Remake.
What do you think? Let us know in the comments below your predictions for the April 2021 PS Plus Roster.
The post April 2021 PS Plus Predictions From DualShockers by Peter Hunt Szpytek appeared first on DualShockers.
Fortnite: Llama Rama Rocket League Event – Kaskada Concert, Rewards, Start Date

It looks like Fortnite has officially announced a brand new Llama Rama event in collaboration with Rocket League. But that's not all, there will also be a Party Royale concert with Grammy-nominated artist Kaskade performing. The artist will be performing as part of the Llama Rama event. We have everything you need to know, including the start date, and how you can get your hands on some Rocket League rewards.
Fortnite kicked off Chapter 2: Season 6 in style, there's a lot of new content for players to jump in to. Not only is there new points of interest on the Battle Royale map, but there's also brand new skins, a new crafting system, and even animals. DualShockers have got everything you need to know about the brand new Season of Fortnite before you jump in.
- FORTNITE: Has The April Crew Pack Skin Leaked?
Llama-Rama is back
With the finale of Season 2 of @rocketleague, we're celebrating with more rewards to earn in Fortnite and Rocket League.
It wouldn't be a party without some tunes, so we invited @Kaskade to take the main stage in Party Royale!
— Fortnite (@FortniteGame) March 22, 2021
Llama Rama Start Date
In order to celebrate Epic Games' other popular game, Rocket League, Fortnite will be hosting the return of the Llama Rama event, which is set to take place from March 25 to April 9. You can read the official description from the Epic Games website below.
"To help send off Season 2 of Rocket League in a big way, Fortnite and Rocket League are coming together for another Llama-Rama! In this Llama-Rama event — running from March 25 at 12 PM ET to April 9 at 4 PM ET, 2021 — complete Challenges in Rocket League for rewards in both Rocket League and Fortnite."
Fortnite x Rocket League Challenges and Rewards
For the upcoming Llama Rama event, players will be able to complete a total of 6 challenges within Rocket League to bag themselves rewards in both Fortnite and Rocket League. Below is the full list of challenge descriptions, and the rewards that can be earnt by completing them.
- Description: Play three online matches
- Fortnite Reward: Battle Ball Spray
- Rocket League Reward: Topper – DJ Yonder
- Description: Get 500 total points in online matches
- Fortnite Reward: Llama-Rama Loading Screen
- Rocket League Reward: Player Anthem – Llama Bell
- Description: Get five Goals, Assists, or Saves in online matches
- Fortnite Reward: Everybody Dance! Lobby Track
- Rocket League Reward: Octane Decal – DJ Yonder
- Description: Get five Clears and Centers in online matches
- Fortnite Reward: Zooming Wrap
- Rocket League Reward: Wheels – Umbrella Royale
- Description: Play one online match in any of the Extra Modes playlists
- Fortnite Reward: Turbo Ball! Back Bling
- Rocket League Reward: Player Title – Extra Ordinary
- Description: Win 10 online matches (Repeatable)
- Rocket League Reward: 20,000 XP
Kaskada Concert
The fun doesn't end at challenges and rewards though! Kaskada will be performing on the main stage in Fortnite's Party Royale. The artist will be performing his brand new EP 'Reset'.
The date's in which the concert will be available are below:
- Friday, March 26, at 8 PM ET / 5PM PT / 12AM GMT
- Saturday, March 27, at 9 AM ET / 6AM PT / 1PM GMT
- Saturday, March 27, at 2 PM ET / 11AM PT / 6PM GMT
Thanks to @iFireMonkey on Twitter, we have a full playlist for the Fortnite Party Royale Kaskade concert. You can check out the tweet below showcasing the full playlist!
Here is the official spotify playlist for Fortnite Party Royale: Kaskade pic.twitter.com/KkhivAsNSk
— iFireMonkey (@iFireMonkey) March 22, 2021
The post Fortnite: Llama Rama Rocket League Event – Kaskada Concert, Rewards, Start Date by Kyle Knight appeared first on DualShockers.