Lost Judgment is One of the Biggest Games of 2021 – Here's Why
It's been a pretty rough year for the video games industry (along with the rest of the world). Numerous titles slated to release this year from Gotham Knights and Warhammer 40,000: Darktide to Gran Turismo 7, GhostWire: Tokyo and God of War have been delayed to 2022. Horizon Forbidden West is rumored to be the next big delay; Halo Infinite doesn't have a release date, despite being recently rated in Australia; and even projects like Overwatch 2 have been impacted to the extent that they may not even release next year.
Not like the industry is doomed or anything. Battlefield 2042 should be a massive hit for Electronic Arts since it leans more into the multiplayer antics that fans love (and I'd be lying if I said that Battlefield Portal didn't look immensely fun). The next Call of Duty and Diablo 2 Resurrected, despite all the lawsuits and scandals at Activision-Blizzard, appear to be on track. All of these titles have their set audiences and should do extremely well. But there's one big release that deserves a lot more attention than it's been getting – Ryu ga Gotoku Studio's Lost Judgment, which is out on September 21st for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4 and PS5.
RGG Studio has had its fair share of successes through the years, whether it's the rise of the Yakuza franchise, the breakout success of Yakuza 0 in the West, or the shift to a more RPG-focused design in Yakuza: Like a Dragon. But it's also been fairly underappreciated on a larger scale, especially when it comes to the writing and design of its games. Nowhere is this more apparent than in Judgment. Released in June 2019 worldwide, the Yakuza spin-off introduced a new protagonist in Takayuki Yagami. Its atmosphere, while still having bits of humor and outlandishness, was far more visceral, set against the backdrop of Kamurocho's darker side.
With the Yakuza franchise sticking to turn-based RPG gameplay going forward, Judgment could be considered its successor in terms of the sleek beat 'em up style combat. It has the potential to be a major flagship franchise but with the reported dispute between Sega and Johnny and Associates (the talent agency for actor Takuya Kimura, who plays Yagami), Lost Judgment may very well be the last title in the series. As it stands, RGG Studio is ensuring that the sequel is incredibly stacked, to the extent that it's one of the biggest games of the year.
Judgment was already fairly serious when it came to exploring the seedier aspects of Kamurocho while just being morally grey enough thanks to Yagami's history. Lost Judgment immediately hits the ground running with Yagami investigating a dead body found in the Isezaki Ijincho district in Yokohama (which will be familiar to Yakuza fans as the main setting for Like a Dragon). The accused, who's already dealing with a harassment case, seems to have a strong alibi so what's going on?
A conspiracy is teased, one that deals with various factions – including a Hangure syndicate called RK led by the enigmatic Kazuki Soma. Yagami also has to infiltrate a school in Yokohama to aid his investigation. Despite how bright and cheery things may seem on the outside, certain students are subject to bullying and abuse. The overall treatment is such that localization director Scott Strichart warned players about the "various traumas" that will be explored and that no punches would be pulled.
But that's only one side of the story. The other side consists of getting involved with school activities and clubs, interacting with various students to learn their stories, and potentially making a positive impact on their lives. Such clubs include the dance club of the Seiryo Rabbits, whose mini-games involve both rhythm game inputs and Freestyles to increase quality. Though Yagami ends up watching the group as they perform on stage, he's with them during practice, and it feels like you're helping them grow.
There's also a robotics club that allows for customizing one's own robot and pitting against others in battles (which is separate from the drone racing that's returning from the original). Of course, you're also helping the club to band together and unite in their struggles. You also get involved with the boxing club which allows for partaking in unique fights and a community centered around motorcycle gangs which involves bike racing.
Photo club and an esports club are also available along with skateboarding, the latter having its own unique play spots. Speaking of which, several new play spots return including Aiserios, Hama of the Dead (a House of the Dead spin-off), VR Paradise, darts and the batting center.
Many of the investigative aspects have also been beefed up considerably. Yagami will have devices for detecting hidden cameras and wiretapping along with looking into someone's social media to help solve various issues. Sometimes suspects will flee, leading to fast-paced chase sequences, but other times, you may have to tail them without being spotted like in the previous game. Search Mode is key for spotting the little details while photography can be used to gather evidence (and obtain new Scoops). You'll also have to use parkour to access certain inaccessible areas and there's even the Detective Dog who will help sniff out various clues. No confirmation yet on whether petting the dog is possible but you can walk it, skateboard with it and summon it to help in combat.
Keep in mind that none of this includes the expansion to combat, which adds a new Style with new moves and an EX Boost mode for added special moves; the addition of the Sega Master System for playing classic titles, a venerable first for RGG Studio titles; Sonic the Fighters being fully playable in the arcades; all of the different School Stories that Yagami can get involved with; or Rasen, the incredible theme by jon-YAKITORY and Ado. Of course, it's easy to list out different features, activities and numbers to outline the size of the game. What's more important is how it all comes together.
While earlier titles in the Yakuza series had their ups and downs, more recent entries like Yakuza 0 (and even Judgment) have done an excellent job tying together so many widespread elements into a cohesive, entertaining whole and still delivering a great story. Yakuza: Like a Dragon proved that the development team could handle a much larger scale and change up its presentation and gameplay for the better. Lost Judgment looks like the best of both worlds, benefiting from a bigger world and range of activities while having better production values and cohesion. And though some may grow weary of school settings, the way it's handled here provides a nice, GTO-like twist on the same.
Of course, looking like it's this masterful package is one thing and actually playing like it is another. Time will tell just how extensive the attention to detail is or how polished every one of the mechanics are (though there should be no doubts about the combat since the original game was stellar).
Making enormous games like this can be trying. One could argue that Lost Judgment benefits from assets that have been created for other titles like Isezaki Ijincho from Yakuza: Like a Dragon. But creating a compelling story with lovable characters while incorporating serious themes and adding all kinds of new things for fans to dig into, that too while retaining the essence of the original, is still a monumental task. Achieving all of that while also having a simultaneous worldwide release and English dub, something which "tripled the struggles of the entire development team" as per producer Kazuki Hosokawa, while current events are ongoing is even more commendable.
There are several titles worthy of one's attention in this day and age – heck, I can think of ten in just the past month alone. But Lost Judgment is looking like an incredible standout from the crowd, whether you're a fan of the Yakuza series or not.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Lost Judgment Gets Tons Of Screenshots Highlighting Its Many Minigames
Later this year, we'll get to experience the sequel to the Yakuza spinoff series, Lost Judgment (as well as very possibly the last game in the series, too). We will again find ourselves in the shoes of lawyer turned directive Yagami as he investigates new crimes with a variety of gadgets and other means. But just like the last game as well as its Yakuza cousins, there's also going to be a lot to do outside the main story.
We've seen a lot of the game's combat, which is more in style of Yakuza titles before that franchise's turn-based reinvention. but most fans know there is always a lot of minigames to enjoy. Today Sega has released a ton of screenshots showcasing them, and boy, there is a lot to chew on here for sure. From skateboarding to golfing as a more standard thing to be expected, there is also a House of the Dead-esque shooting game where you fight off aliens, as well as a VR-style games that include dice games as well as climbing. You can see all the screens below.
Lost Judgment is set to release September 24th for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One.

Aliens: Fireteam Elite Confirmed To Have Free Seasons, Next Gen Update, And Lack Of Loot Boxes
Later this month, you and some friends will get a chance to play out your fantasies (or night terrors) of being in the Aliens movie with Fireteam Elite. The game is a multiplayer-focused title where you and two friends fight to survive against hordes of the iconic xenomorph creatures from the beloved sci-fi franchise. We've seen a good bit of the gameplay, showcasing some pretty intense combat. Now, we get a breakdown of what all you get for your initial purchase.
The Creative Director at developer Cold Iron Studios, Matt Highison, took to his personal Twitter to give a few details. First and foremost, he confirmed the game will get free season updates, as well as a free next gen update for those getting the game on previous generation systems. He also reaffirms the game is playable solo, and that were will be no "pay2win" microtransactions or loot boxes. This is for just the base version of the game. There is also a Digital Deluxe Edition, which you can see more about it through here.
Aliens: Fireteam Elite will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC on August 24th.
$40 for Aliens gets you:
*FREE gameplay Season updates
*FREE next-gen console upgrades (4K/60fps)
*Offline solo play available (3 player co-op online)
*No pay2win microtrans or lock boxes
*Blast Xenos in the face
*Laugh as your friends fall to acid damage#AliensFireteamElite pic.twitter.com/0TBMA01U2b— Higgs (@MattHighison) August 16, 2021
Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.3 Includes Free DLC, Features Massive Changelog
Cyberpunk 2077's been on a long road to recovery since its disastrous launch in December, but CD Projekt RED is hoping to continue making slow but steady progress. The game returned to the PlayStation Store after months of being delisted in late June, but there's still plenty that needs to be fixed. Recently, the RPG's next major patch was teased, and now the Polish developer has provided full details on what it will include.
The patch notes for patch 1.3 are absolutely massive, with CDPR touting it as the biggest patch for the game yet. Several bugs have been fixed, gameplay adjustments have been made, new features such as a better minimap and a respec option have been added, along with a host of other things. You can check out a selection of the patch notes below, but the entire changelog is quite massive, so head on over here to view it in full.
Additionally, patch 1.3 has also brought new free DLC to the game- specifically, an alternate appearance for Johnny Silverhand, two new jackets, and a new bike.
Cyberpunk 2077 is due to continue receiving more free DLC throughout the second half of 2021, though plans for the game's post-launch support have obviously been altered in the wake of its troubled launch. The multiplayer Cyberpunk project, for instance, was cancelled earlier this year, while there's also no word yet on when to expect the game's large-scale paid expansions.
Cyberpunk 2077 is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia. Native PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions are also planned for the second half on 2021.
- Johnny Silverhand's Alternative Appearance – can be enabled in Settings in the "Additional Content" tab.
- Multilayered Syn-Leather Deltajock Jacket, Luminescent Punk Jacket – both available in the stash in V's apartment after receiving a message from Viktor after completing The Ride. They're of Rare/Iconic quality by default, Crafting Specs to craft a higher quality will also be unlocked.
- Archer Quartz "Bandit" – available as a reward or for purchase (depending on choices made by player) after completing Ghost Town and then receiving a message from Dakota or Rogue. If you haven't received the message, make sure to be in the Badlands area and move further away from Dakota's workshop. Dakota will also need a couple of days to contact you.
- Improved the minimap's zoom level when driving, so that it's more zoomed out and easier to navigate.
- Automatic Love – screen with pictures of Skye and Angel will be displayed substantially longer, making it easier to choose between the two.
- Added a button which allows to reallocate the distribution of Perk points on a character's skill tree.
- Increased the number of slots for autosaves from 10 to 20 and for quick saves from 3 to 10 across all platforms.
- Added Database links to Journal entries.
- Added an accessibility option for center of screen dot overlay which helps with reducing/avoiding motion sickness. It can be enabled in Settings → Interface → Center of screen dot overlay.
- Fixers will now message V to offer a car for purchase less often.
- Improved the Screen Space Reflections effect so that it looks less grainy on consoles and on lower visual settings qualities on the PC .
- Added a filter for quest items in the Backpack.
- Quest item tags from miscellaneous Job items will now be removed after finishing associated quests, allowing to sell or drop them.
- It is now possible to rotate V in the Inventory with a mouse.
- Players will now properly be able to craft a quickhack even if they once crafted it and then got rid of it.
- Added a comparison tooltip for cyberware.
- Improved a notification when buying cyberware and not meeting the level requirements to equip it.
- It's now possible to upgrade crafting components in bulk.
- Added new sleeping spots for Nibbles in V's apartment.
- Icon on a disposal crate will now turn red when player picks up a body instead of being grayed out.
- Landmine icon will now be grayed out after disarming it.
- It's now possible to use an elevator while carrying a body.
- Happy Together – Barry now has an updated, more unique appearance.
- Base item will now be highlighted green like other components if it's present in the Inventory when crafting the same item of a better quality.
- Detection time of enemies now depends on game difficulty. Enemies on Easy and Normal difficulties will now detect the player slower. Enemies on Very Hard difficulty will now detect the player faster.
- Enemies on Very Hard difficulty (and only that difficulty alone) will now be more aggressive when searching around when they are in the "Alerted" state.
- NCPD will no longer react and turn hostile because of dead bodies in Open World activities.
- NCPD will now also react to hitting NPCs with a non-lethal weapon.
- Adjusted the damaging process when shooting crowd NPCs while in combat depending on distance and the weapon used.
- (Don't Fear) The Reaper — improved Adam Smasher's behaviour during the fight.
- Play It Safe — improved Oda's behavior during the fight.
- Transmission — improved Placide's behavior during the fight.
- Transmission — increased Placide's hacking resistance.
- Cyberpsycho Sighting: Letter of the Law — improved Cyberpsycho's behaviour during the fight.
- Every Breath You Take — improved Red Menace's positioning and aim.
- Increased stats of La Chingona Dorada (Jackie's iconic pistols).
- The Rescue — increased the number of ammo at the beginning of the quest.
- Introduced minor tweaks and improved balancing of the Contagion quickhack.
- Improved the Crafting system, so that items with Random quality scale their quality with player's Crafting skill — it's not possible anymore to roll a quality exceeding that of the relevant Crafting skill.
- The level requirement of items will now increase with each upgrade. Note: the level of upgraded items will be adjusted as a result of this change. The equipped items which exceed the level requirement can keep being used but, if unequipped, will have to wait until the required level is reached.
- Added more crafting specs for cyberware mods.
- Added crafting specs for knives (available from the start of the game).
- Updated the number of components required to craft some items, e.g. Bounce Back, MaxDoc, quickhacks, clothing mods and some weapons.
- Balancing of crafting specs for clothing mods.
- Balancing the number of components required to craft clothing.
- Balancing the number of components required to craft Sandevistan Fragments.
- Optical Camo cyberware will now be available for purchase from Ripperdocs.
- Adjusted price of the Sensory Amplifier cyberware mod.
- Rare Unity crafting spec will now be obtainable only during Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Tygers by the Tail.
- Changed the price and quality of Kerry's guitar that can be obtained during Gig: Psychofan.
- Fixed an issue where crafting specs from clothing stores were available only during the first visit to a vendor.
- Fixed an issue which occurred after visiting the Nomad Camp, resulting in being unable to use weapons and quick menu items.
- Fixed an issue where hacking a neutral target wasn't counted towards the Christmas Tree Attack achievement.
- Tutorial windows about skill checks will no longer pop up when the "Unauthorized" prompt is displayed on devices.
- V will no longer look down after using fast travel.
- Delamain's image will no longer get stuck on holocalls when V leaves the car too fast after completing Epistrophy: Badlands.
- Item tooltip will no longer disappear if its content is too long.
- Fixed various typos in subtitles, shards, quests and weapons' descriptions.
- Added a text message received after failing Epistrophy: North Oak by leaving the Delamain cab.
- Changed back the name of the fast travel point near V's apartment to "Megabuilding H10".
- Removed some items labeled as "None" and without proper icons from the inventory.
- The on-hover menu with multitude of mods on an item in inventory will now show stats properly.
- Fixed an issue where male variants of the VR tutorial were in Polish for Brazilian Portuguese language version.
- Black-Market battery mod description will now display strings with item attributes properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Contagion quickhack button was missing its icon outside of inventory.
- Status Effects icon of the "Cold Blood" perk now looks like a snowflake.
- Punk Duolayer Tank Top will now be visible in the Inventory when equipped.
- Added a loading screen tooltip informing about Fast Forward settings.
- Fixed the Galena "Gecko" vehicle's name next to the "Buy vehicle" prompt.
- Image in the second message from Nancy Hartley in Holdin' On/Killing in the Name will now be displayed properly.
- Adjusted wording of the Crafting skill progression reward related to upgrade cost reduction.
- The image displaying Mackinaw MTL1 in the "Call vehicle" menu will now match with the car's model.
- Removed debug strings from the "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" perk's tooltip.
- Icon grouping artifacts will no longer get detached from their respective locations on the map when zooming in/out.
- When Stamina Meter is depleted, the appropriate icon will now appear next to the health bar instead of the overload icon.
- Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate description will now correctly state that the drive is rear wheeled.
- The period of the possible occurrence in the description of Synaptic Accelerator in the tooltip will now display a proper value when playing in Polish.
- Fists description in the weapon wheel will now display an appropriate item type.
- Fixed text in the shard about Chiba-11 district.
- Opening Photo Mode and a vendor menu in quick succession will no longer result in freezing the game.
- Gold iconic loot icons will now be displayed on the minimap.
- Fixed an instance where hit markers and kill confirmation weren't visible when destroying enemy turrets.
- Fixed enemy markers using the incorrect color on unaware enemies – they will now be yellow instead of red.
- Fixed an issue when RAM Recovery Rate below 0.50 was not displayed correctly.
- Fixed an issue when the disassemble item button was displayed incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the buttons on switching mods warning were not working as intended.
- Fixed the non-functional hinted keys when Breaching Protocol.
- Removed redundant input hints in the Cyberdeck panel.
- Reinforced Composite-Lined Rocker Foldtop is now properly aligned with V's legs.
- Fixed an issue where the Monowire could slightly dislocate male V's arms and clip through clothes.
- Fixed an issue in The Heist where Flathead's case could float outside the hotel room in Konpeki Plaza, blocking the doorway.
- Fixed an issue where changing music volume in Sound settings affected car radio alongside with the background music.
- Fixed an issue where Takemura`s voice was doubled while talking to V in the van in Down on the Street.
- Fixed an issue where some netrunning suits clipped with female V's legs and male V's pants.
- Fixed an issue with the running animation after jumping on downwards or upwards slope.
- Fixed dust particles, which were sometimes incorrectly displayed.
- Characters' skin will no longer become too bright in dark areas.
- In The Information, Smasher's shadow will no longer appear on the elevator's door after rewinding braindance to the beginning.
- Fixed Arasaka soldiers spawning on player's sight when going back upstairs to save Takemura in Search and Destroy.
- Fixed various map holes in Watson, City Center, Westbrook, Heywood and Santo Domingo.
- Fixed faulty pathing for vehicles on the City Center ring road.
- Fixed multiple places where the player's character could get stuck permanently.
- Fixed multiple issues with disappearing environments.
- Fixed multiple issues with objects popping in on player's sight.
- GPS in Biotechnica Flats will no longer lead players to unreachable areas.
- Rearranged shards into correct categories.
- Fixed an issue where calls to quest NPCs would abruptly end, making the NPC appear in other calls and potentially breaking other holocalls from the NPC.
- Fixed an issue where interrupted holocall would resume along with another call, which could make the NPC appear in other calls and break the next holocall from that NPC.
- Fixed an issue allowing multiple debrief holocalls from fixers to play at once, which could lead to blocked completion of various gigs (like Gig: A Lack of Empathy, Gig: Fixer, Merc, Soldier, Spy and others). We continue working on visual issues related to gigs stuck in the Journal, note that the latter don't prevent district achievements from unlocking.
- Removed redundant loot from the body in the ferris wheel.
- Fixed an issue where Quadra Type-66 could be destroyed before buying it, blocking the progression of its "Buy Vehicle" quest and possibly the completion of the Autojock achievement.
- Fixed an issue in a shootout in Wellsprings where enemies were immortal because the trigger area was too small.
- Fixed an issue causing NPCs to not look at V during various scenes.
- Fixed an exploit where player was granted a Unity Pistol after each save/load.
- V's facial animations while looking in the mirror will now be played properly.
- Fixed an issue where Rogue was spawning next to the player after calling her and asking about Adam Smasher.
- Fixed an issue where some NPCs could stop performing animations after a longer game session.
- Fixed multiple issues with NPCs mounting vehicles incorrectly.
- Fixed various issues where NPCs could be placed incorrectly and clip through objects after loading a saved game.
- Fixed an issue that could cause NPC animations to be played in the wrong spot in various quests.
- Fixed an issue where Jackie could spawn before the player's eyes during the half-year montage.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs' appearances got randomized when looking away.
- Fixed an issue where quests and scenes could progress before the loading screen disappeared.
- Fixed the issue where tutorial tooltips weren't correctly displayed on 8k screens.
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash if a save thumbnail was corrupted.
- Fixed toggling Windowed and Fullscreen modes with the Alt+Enter shortcut.
- It's now possible to exit locked scanning overlay by pressing TAB.
- Added a more compact PC version of the mouse cursor.
- Inner Dead Zone setting will now be applicable also to the game menus.
- [PlayStation] NPCs will no longer speak after being killed.
- Improved streaming of city lights.
- Overwriting a save game when there's insufficient memory space will no longer corrupt the save.
- Masks and tubes inside the barn in The Hunt will no longer be invisible.
- Rogue will no longer clip through Johnny and will hold the glass correctly in Ghost Town.
- Fixed an issue in The Rescue where loading a save in front of the police blockade resulted in the NCPD officer not starting dialogue, blocking progress.
- Fixed an issue on PS4 where the meeting scene with Judy and Dolls in Pisces wouldn't start properly.
- [Xbox] Fixed an issue in A Cool Metal Fire where a part of the scene in Cassius Ryder's clinic could be cut off after the fade out.
- Fixed an issue where weapons were equipped to a wrong slot when assigning them from the Backpack.
Watch Dogs: Legion is Getting Assassin's Creed Crossover Content Soon
Watch Dogs: Legion may have just gotten a significant new expansion with Bloodline not that long ago, but that doesn't mean the game's done getting new content. Ubisoft plans on continuing to add to the open world title, and its next update is going to bring a pretty interesting crossover with a fellow Ubisoft franchise.
More specifically, Watch Dogs: Legion is getting Assassin's Creed content pretty soon. The most significant new addition is Darcy, a member of the Assassins Brotherhood who's being added as a playable character in the game, complete with her own Hidden Blade and everything, with a greater emphasis on stealth gameplay.
Darcy will be playable in both, the campaign as well as the game's online component. Meanwhile, two new story missions and more world missions are also being added. Darcy will be available to all Season Pass holders, while the new missions will be available for free for everyone. The update goes live on August 24. Check out the trailer introducer the assassin below.
Watch Dogs: Legion is available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.
Death Trash Recoups Development Costs After Early Access Launch
Pixel-art post-apocalyptic title Death Trash was one of the standout indie titles during E3 2021, though it's actually been in development for five years. After launching in Steam Early Access on August 5th, it's already done pretty well in terms of sales. According to creator Stephan Hovelbrinks on Twitter, it's already managed to recoup its development costs.
This means that "We can finish it on our own," says Hovelbrinks, though there's currently no change in development plans. The action RPG is currently slated to remain in early access for a year, which could be extended if more time is needed. Several basic features like combat, dialogue choices, and so on are available along with the first few hours of gameplay.
Split-screen co-op is also available though it's still very basic and requires more iteration. As early access rolls on, more locations and story content will be added along with bug fixes and improvements. Stay tuned for more updates in the meantime. Death Trash is also in development for PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.
Good news: Death Trash has sold enough now that it made back its development costs and we can finish it on our own.
Apart from that we we'll have to see how it continues. So no change in plans for now. Forward, step by step!Thank you so much for helping making this a reality.
— Stephan Hövelbrinks (@talecrafter) August 14, 2021
YouTuber Shows PlayStation Emulation On Xbox Series S
Youtuber Modern Vintage Gamer recently showcased Microsoft's Xbox Series S emulating classic PlayStation titles at a pristine resolution of 4K. Check out the video below to see it in more detail.
The Youtuber was able to achieve this feat was using Xbox Series S's developer mode which allows unsigned code to run on the console. Of course, that includes emulators – and a PS1 emulator by the name of DuckStation 1 is able to run games like Crash Bandicoot, Tomb Raider, and Chrono Cross with updated visuals. The Xbox Series S, and by extension the Xbox Series X are also capable of emulating even the Gamecube and PS2 which makes a great case for converting the console into an emulation hub of sorts.
The best part is that fans only need to pay a nominal fee to access the developer mode, and this doesn't void the console's warranty.
Rocket League Update Adds PS5 Upgrades And Ratchet and Clank Cosmetics For Free, Dropping Tomorrow
Psyonix's incredibly popular Rocket League is recieving a new update that will enhance the experience for those on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S with enhanced visuals and framerates, and Ratchet and Clank themed cosmetic items will also be made available to players on the PlayStation platforms exclusively. The update drops tomorrow, and interested fans should definitely check it out.
The Ratchet and Clank Punk Decal for Octane, Negatron Collider Boost, Clank Balloon Topper, and Ratchet Balloon Topper are the cosmetic items that fans on PlayStation platforms can claim for free. The only caveat is – players need to log in before January 3rd, 2022.
Fans can also get excited for the 120 fps mode being added to the game with the same update, which is great for a competitive title such as Rocket League. The game went free-to-play earlier this year, and fans who claimed it on Epic Games Store also got a $10 coupon to spend on games.
Fortnite Adds A New Among Us-Inspired Mode
Following the unprecedented popularity of Innersloth's social deduction game Among Us, Fortnite has also jumped into the hype train and added a Fortnite Impostors mode. This works in a similar fashion to Among Us, with a group of players working together to find the imposter. Check out the video below for more information on the matter.
Fortnite Impostors takes place on The Bridge located on the Island, where a group of 8 players will be collaborating with each other to obviously complete a list of tasks while two imposters have to blend in with the rest to sabotage tasks and assassinate other players.
Fortnite is undoubtedly one of the biggest platforms in video games, constantly being an attraction for gamers all around the world – even hosting events such as an Ariana Grande full concert. The game has had a monumental impact in familiarizing millions of players with the Epic Games Store. Fans interested in reading about Fortnite can do so through here.
EA Issues Statement Following The Removal Of Classic Titles On GOG
Recently, EA delisted a handful of titles from the GOG storefront which included Ultima Underworld, Ultima Underworld 2, Syndicate Plus, and Syndicate Wars which caused a bit of ruckus among fans online. EA has since relisted all these games, and marketeer Chris Bruzzo told Gamesindustry.biz about what caused the removal of these titles.
The matter of fact is that EA forgot to take players of these classic titles into consideration and as a result – these titles were removed from the storefront. Bruzzo expresses his gratitude for players' interest in these games decades after release, and EA has started a promotional offer which gives these games for free until September 3.
"When making decisions that affect players we take the time to review exactly what the potential impacts are and whether they serve the players best interests," Bruzzo said. "When we delisted Syndicate and Ultima Underworld we missed that step and so didn't fully consider the players perspective."
"From the level of interest players showed in delisting these games, it was clear that people still wanted them to be available, so we did two things. The first was to ensure that going forward we have a process in place that considers the player perspective in listing decisions. The second was to relist the titles and make them available to as many people as possible with a month-long promotion."
EA is by no means perfect, but has shown signs of improvements following the botched release of Star Wars Battlefront 2 in 2017. It still makes a few missteps here and there – with ridiculous pricing for next-gen Battlefield 2042 and FIFA 22's next-gen upgrades. Fans interested in reading more about the company's recent moves and stature and do so through here.