PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 9:46 AM ![]() December 26, 2021 The Genshin Impact 2.4 livestream codes have been released Looking for Genshin Impact codes? MiHoYo's charming open-world game is notoriously addictive, and if you're anything like us, you're constantly on the lookout for more Genshin Impact primogems and other goodies. Gathering currency in Genshin Impact can be quite the grind - while you can earn mora and primogems by completing quests such as daily commissions, an injection of extra funds will always be gratefully received. Fortunately, the developers occasionally send out free gifts in the form of codes that can be redeemed online. These Genshin Impact codes are released periodically. They frequently appear in MiHoYo's special programs that reveal information about future updates coming to the game soon, but are also released to celebrate milestones or to coincide with Genshin Impact events. Most codes also only work for a limited time - so it's a good idea to redeem them as soon as possible in case you miss out. Codes can only be redeemed once per account. Here are all the current Genshin Impact codes for December 2021, including the Genshin Impact 2.4 livestream codes, and how to redeem them. RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:48 AM ![]() Everyone likes Age of Empires 2. Everyone likes the original Doom. So why not package these two wonderful old games together into one clicky, sticky experience? That's at least the reasoning behind Age of Doom, an Age of Empires 2 mod that pulls in artwork, sounds, and more from the Doom series to create an all new Doom-flavoured campaign for Age of Empires 2. Age of Doom is basically a Diablo-style isometric shooter. The sound effects and sprites are all drawn from the original Doom games, but there are sound clips included in the campaign from later in the series. The campaign includes four episodes, plus a tutorial mission. Modder Hellknight61 says a final episode, called 'Hellhole Teleportation Portal Gate' is still in the works. You can swap weapons and shift tactics using Age of Empires II's chat panel - it's kind of genius. You'll start out in the ruins of an ancient human civilisation discovered on Mars, eventually making your way to a UAC corporation base that's been invaded, as they inevitably all are, by a horde of demons. After that, you'll have to travel to the moons of Phobos and Deimos to shut down the hell portals there. |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:29 AM ![]() Back in the '90s, if you were making videogames, you needed to make an answer to Mario. This is how we got everything from Sonic the Hedgehog to Crash Bandicoot, and we even got similar efforts on PC. Sure, id's Commander Keen was great in its day, but a few years later, Epic was building something cool. Epic had Jazz Jackrabbit. Now, in 2021, 1994's Jazz Jackrabbit just got a fresh patch, with a range of fixes for the original game. These include correcting an "issue that made it nearly impossible to finish Orbitus 2", fixing "areas that should force you to ditch your hoverboard in Medivo 1, Turtemple 2, and Pezrock 2", and more. The patch has been distributed with the GOG version of the game, and is actually the effort of a team of community members. You can read the patch notes over at Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Online - or just go grab a bunch of mods from the fansite. |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:24 AM ![]() Valheim can be a meditative experience when playing solo, but you're a tad gubbed if you get into trouble and need some help. As ever, though, there's now a mod to help you with that. Salpati's Fantasy Followers Pack adds the ability to spawn RPG-style companions that can protect your base while you're away or follow you about. Each fills a specific role and comes with a custom set of abilities, weapons, and armour. Erandil is a ranger who wields a bow, Derian is a knight who uses his shield to protect you from arrows, and Sinduel is a magic-using scholar who is really into jam. You've also got companions who fill the warrior, sage, and thief roles. Mind you, the thief is known for snatching the odd grilled neck tail so keep your wits about you. Once you have the mod downloaded, you can spawn in your chosen companion by building a totem once you have the needed materials. The only way to despawn the follower is to let them perish in battle, though, so, uh, choose wisely. RELATED LINKS: Valheim system requirements, Valheim building tips, Valheim progression guide |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:16 AM ![]() I spent 633 hours playing Cookie Clicker on Steam this year. Well, I probably spent single-digit hours actually 'playing' the game. The rest of the time, it ran in the background of my PC, and my mind, bringing me back for regular check-ins to see what new upgrades were available and what fresh horrors the Grandmatriarchs had wrought in my cookie empire. Boy, it's a lucky thing this sort of addictive gameplay loop is limited to five dollar indie games and not triple-A games whose revenues depend on you regularly dumping in more money, huh? If, say, the new Assassin's Creed took over 100 hours to 'complete' and was filled with incentives to keep you playing weeks and months after you've rolled credits, that might prove to be a pretty lucrative business avenue for a company like Ubisoft. Wait, how long was Assassin's Creed Valhalla again? Oh. Oh, this is already happening, isn't it? Ages ago, a pretty limited number of games were designed to eat your time in this way - essentially just MMOs. Sure, PlayStation RPGs could put '50 hours of gameplay!' down as a back-of-the-box bullet point, but it was only games like Everquest and World of Warcraft whose entire business models were designed around keeping you playing for months. MMO developers needed you to keep paying subscription fees, as well as logging into the game so that everyone else would have someone to group up with. RELATED LINKS: Assassin's Creed Valhalla review, How long is Assassin's Creed Valhalla?, Buy Assassin's Creed Valhalla |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:19 AM ![]() Wondering what the next Genshin Impact banner is? Genshin Impact banners adhere to a pretty regular schedule. Each update arrives with a new banner that lasts around three weeks, and after it expires, it's followed by a second banner which also lasts roughly three weeks, at which point it's update time once again. This means even though we hear rumours of new Genshin Impact characters arriving in forthcoming updates, we won't know their exact release date until we know which banner they will be a part of, and whether it'll be the first or second banner in the update. Occasionally, banners don't stick to this schedule - most notably, update 1.3 had three two-week banners, so that Hu Tao's banner didn't cross over with the Chinese New Year. Typically, each limited character banner - or Event Wish - contains a five-star character, and three four-star characters. There's also a Weapon banner - Epitome Invocation - which runs alongside each character banner, and features different weapons each time. Here's everything you need to know about the current and upcoming Genshin Impact banners. RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide |
PCGamesN Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:14 AM ![]() Christmas, in essence, is a time for catching up. Each year, people spend time with family and get all the latest updates on the lives of friends. We PC gamers on the other hand have something much more vital to do in the process of whiling away those many hours of light intoxication: we have a pile of shame to tackle. It grows ever more insurmountable each year: saddled by the existential need to eat, sleep, and work, promising games inevitably slip by the wayside. As games get longer and more become fully-fledged 'services', we are increasingly encouraged to play fewer games, but each of them for longer. Nobody tells us where the extra hours are supposed to come from. Christmas, then, is an important time for gamers. Each year, on Jesus's special day, we can pretend to our royally-soused selves that we can conquer the heap of games we picked up in many a Steam sale, only to remain untouched. The following games are the ones you should think about releasing from their digital purgatory this holiday season. RELATED LINKS: PUBG new map, PUBG weapons, Play PUBG |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:00 AM ![]() It's hard to imagine a collaboration between Zero Escape and Danganronpa creators Kotaro Uchikoshi and Kazutaka Kodaka going under the radar, but an odd release schedule (involving dropping a half-finished experience on Apple Arcade) saw interest in the collaboration buried by the time the game hit PC last month. Which is a shame, since it's a rather unique title in their respective careers, and it charts new waters for these cult directors. World's End Club was the first game the pair released since forming their own studio, Too Kyo Games, and can best be described as a bizarre but intriguing blend of platforming and death games, starring a cast of prepubescent children way too young to be fixing the world or dealing with cults. Think Danganronpa, if Danganronpa was a Saturday morning cartoon rather than a murder game filled with psychopaths. |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Sunday, December 26, 2021 4:00 AM ![]() Every year our clone forms degrade, and Katharine spends the winter break copying each consciousness into a new body. Don't worry: we can't feel a thing! Since our new forms are still coming online from their time spent in the primordial flesh soup vat of the RPS Treehouse, we can't post over Christmas, so we've prepared some Christmas Cracker jokes instead! You can help fund the research into longer-lasting clone bodies with the RPS supporter program. Now, time to enjoy your nice joke! Q: How do you get to Death's Christmas party? |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Sunday, December 26, 2021 4:00 AM ![]() Sundays are for digesting the turkey and/or nut roast. Before you lay back, let's read this week's best writing about games. |
Twinfinite Sunday, December 26, 2021 6:59 AM If you're a fan of Star Wars and Fortnite, hold onto your butts as a special festive crossover event has just kicked off and it may be exactly what you've been looking for. Yes, the one and only Boba Fett – that galaxy far, far away's infamous bounty hunter – is now a playable character […] The post Boba Fett Jetpacks into Fortnite For Christmas Crossover Event appeared first on Twinfinite. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 9:30 AM Her 3D model was made under artist Koge-Donbo's supervision. The post Dejiko to Debut as a YouTuber in 2022 appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 8:00 AM The Genshin Impact 2.4 release date will kick off January 2022 and include new characters, rerun banners, and the 2022 Lantern Rite. #url# The post Genshin Impact 2.4 Release Date Set appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:50 AM This area will feature new environmental puzzles and enemies. The post Genshin Impact's New Area is Enkanomiya appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:45 AM Shenhe and Ninguang will steal the spotlight in the upcoming questline. The post Genshin Impact Interlude Archon Quest to Feature Shenhe and Ninguang appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:36 AM The 2.4 Genshin Impact update will include the 2022 version of the Lantern Rite event. The post 2022 Genshin Impact Lantern Rite Event Detailed appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Sunday, December 26, 2021 7:18 AM The Shenhe and Yun Jin banner, as well as confirmation of the Ganyu and Xiao rerun banners, appeared during the Genshin Impact 2.4 stream. The post Shenhe & Yun Jin Banner, Ganyu, Zhongli, & Xiao Rerun Appear in Genshin Impact 2.4 appeared first on Siliconera. |
Pivotal Gamers Sunday, December 26, 2021 3:36 AM Hello all. We have another great offer from Giveaway Of The Day for Mind's Eye Secrets Of The Forgotten. Their message follows. Mind's Eye Secrets Of The Forgotten is available as a Giveaway of the day!You have limited time to download, install and register it. A few words about Mind's Eye Secrets Of The Forgotten Exclusive offer from Giveaway of the Day and MyPlayCity! No third-... |