PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 12, 2022 2:55 AM  The Aeonblight Drake is a farmable boss in Genshin Impact. Found in Sumeru, this flying automaton can use your own elemental abilities to bolster itself. Here's our Genshin Impact Aeonblight Drake boss guide to help you defeat this foe and farm Perpetual Caliber items. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Genshin Impact Aeonblight Drake and Perpetual Caliber guide To find the Aeonblight Drake in Genshin Impact, fast travel to the Devantaka Mountain teleporter. Enter the caverns and look to your right to see a tunnel. Follow the winding passageway until you reach the boss' chamber. Screenshot by PC Invasion The Aeonblight Drake has a few notable abilities: Grounded or Flying – Your foe will periodically switch from a grounded or flying state. Some of its attacks remain the same. Robo Rush – Charges straight to your character whether it's on the ground or in the air. Sweeping Strikes –... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 12, 2022 2:30 AM  Your minions will do battle in Genshin Impact as you climb the ranks in a tournament. Of course, you'll want to make sure that you're choosing the right squad for the job. Here's our Genshin Impact guide to help you with the best mushroom skills and team comps for the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for the event. Genshin Impact best mushroom skills and team comps guide (Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event) When talking about the best mushroom skills and team comps in Genshin Impact's Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event, we'll need to consider a few things: Depending on how far you've progressed, certain minions might not be available yet. Likewise, you still need to boost them via the Coruscating Potential puzzles. Mushrooms attack automatically, and they tend to deal elemental damage. This means you'll want ... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 12, 2022 1:45 AM  Ever wonder what Genshin Impact would be like if there was some sort of Pokemon-esque minigame where your minions do battle with others? Well, that sort of thing has finally arrived. Here's our Genshin Impact Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event guide to help you with the main quest, basic mechanics, and mushroom battles. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Genshin Impact Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event guide The Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event in Genshin Impact requires you to complete the last part of Yae Miko's story quest. That's gonna take a while, but, thankfully, you can skip all of the nonsense. Just open the event panel and click on the "Quick Start" button. This will give you a mission called "The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of?" — basically the quest chain for the festivities. In any case, we've divided our Genshin Impact Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 12, 2022 12:45 AM  There's a new event in Genshin Impact that lets you control mushrooms so they can duke it out with other mobs. But, before you can use them in bouts, you'll need to boost them first. Here's our Genshin Impact Coruscating Potential Floral Jelly puzzles guide to help you complete these tasks in the Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Likewise, you can take a look at our main guide for the event. Genshin Impact Coruscating Potential Floral Jelly puzzle guide (Fabulous Fungus Frenzy event) You'll learn about the Coruscating Potential Floral Jelly puzzles in Genshin Impact after catching your first bunch of mushrooms and talking to Yae Miko. Back in Port Ormos, you'll be directed to an NPC named Balfour. Speak with him and that'll open up another screen where you'll see all the minions you've found so far. Now, the Coruscating Potential Floral Jel... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Friday, November 11, 2022 11:16 PM  Valkyrie Elysium received a lukewarm reception when it launched on PS4 and PS5 in September. The game is now also available on PC, bringing with it hours of hack-and-slash action. Set in the same universe as the previous games in the Valkyrie series, this one changes things up and is a full-on action game where players take the Valkyrie Maria through a series of maps alongside the summonable Einherjar. Despite the less-than-flattering reviews the game received a little over a month ago, it still has plenty to offer fans of 3rd person action games that want to explore the series' mythological setting while upgrading various weapons. But the question stands – is Valkyrie Elysium worth it on PC? It's a little funny that Valkyrie Elysium is releasing on PC when people are still enamored with God of War: Ragnarok, as this game also has a Norse setting set amidst Ragnarok. Here, Ragnarok has already happened and Odin is weakened after battling the wolf. That's w... |