Tales of Crestoria Reveals New Video for English Users, Features Special Message From Lead VAs

The Tales of Crestoria Japanese voice actors for lead characters Kanata and Misella shared a special message to the English version users, as they discussed their favorite scenes from the game in a brand new video. While some of it was shown in a previous video on August 29th, there's plenty more content here which you can watch below:
Kohei Amasaki, the voice of Kanata, starts off with him dramatically reading a line from the game before breaking out into a happy greeting. The rest of the eight minute video is just as hilarious and definitely worth a watch whether you're a fan or not (though fans will find plenty of side jokes to crack up at).
Tales of Crestoria also received a gorgeous new short animation trailer titled The Wake of Sin. The popular mobile game features past protagonists from the franchise and is divided into four parts: Main Story, Side Stories, Character Episodes, and Face Chat. You can check out this hilarious skit done by the three main characters: Kanata, Misella, and Vicious. The illustration of the SSR Memoria Stone for Aegis, one of the party members, was revealed as well.
The Tales of series is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary. The next console game, Tales of Arise, was scheduled to launch in 2020 but was delayed most likely due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is hope as the title was rated in both Brazil and Australia recently, hinting at a possible earlier release date.
The most recent console release for the series, Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition which came out for every major current-gen system, is the subject of the free wallpaper above. The title launched earlier this year and, going by our very own DualShockers review, still holds up as one of the best entries in the series.
You can also check out our handy guide, featuring plenty of tricks and tips to help get you started on the game. And of any of this peaks your interest, you can pick up the game for Switch, PS4, Xbox One, or PC.
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Borderlands 3 Is Coming to Next-Gen, New DLC Coming This Year

Borderlands 3 just released its fourth content pack with Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck. It seems like another solid entry for Gearbox's baby. However, that content drip is far from over. At their PAX Online panel today, the team pulled back the curtain on several new updates for the game. Most excitingly, the game is coming to PS5 and Xbox Series X with a free update for people who own the game on current-gen consoles. This version will support 4K 60FPS in single-player and have the option to play up to four players via split-screen. An awesome addition if you can get four people together for some couch co-op. That's not the only good news though.
Mayhem is coming to next gen! And we heard you about vertical split-screen — that's coming to current-gen too! #Borderlands3 pic.twitter.com/RuxqQx5THI
— Borderlands 3 (@Borderlands) September 12, 2020
Current-gen versions of Borderlands 3 are also getting an update to add vertical split-screen in co-op. There's also another DLC pack on the horizon. Details are still relatively scarce; however, we do know that each Vault Hunter is getting a fourth skill tree to work with. In the stream, Gearbox only gave us a look at FL4K, but we should be seeing more soon.
On top of all that, it sounds like Gearbox might have some plans for cross-play in the near future. They didn't go into it much today but are saying we'll hear more about it next year. All told, it's quite the exciting day for Borderlands 3 fans. We're only two days removed from Krieg's DLC dropping and there's already tons to look forward to.
Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. The game will come to PS5 and Xbox Series X at a later date. If you want to watch the show in full, check it out below.
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Yakuza Kiwami 3 Isn't Coming to Tokyo Game Show 2020, Sorry

Sometimes hidden nuggets of info can reveal a huge surprise early on — unfortunately this isn't one of those times. On the official Yakuza Japanese site, there's a schedule of upcoming events for Ryu Ga Gotoku Online (the Yakuza mobile gacha game) that mentions a "Ryu Ga Gotoku Kiwami 3 themed event" happening in October 2020.
This of course seemed like a possible hint that Sega will announce Yakuza Kiwami 3 soon, such as during the upcoming TGS 2020. However, Producer Masayoshi Yokoyama quickly took to Twitter and denied such claims, stating it was a typo:
— 横山昌義 (@yokoyama_masa) September 12, 2020
A fan then asked "are you gonna surprise announce it at TGS?" and Yokoyama replied with a "no we won't, sorry":
— noize-blender@実況動画準備中 (@noize_blender) September 12, 2020
— 横山昌義 (@yokoyama_masa) September 12, 2020
Sorry for those waiting patiently for any news about Yakuza Kiwami 3 but unfortunately you'll have to wait a bit longer. However, we do know that Yakuza: Like a Dragon, the next mainline installment in the franchise, is launching for PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 13th.
And thanks to Shacknews we also know that the next mainline Yakuza game will be a launch game for Xbox Series X and S, which means it'll be releasing three days earlier for those systems. The PS5 version was also confirmed recently but as of now we don't know anything other than it will come "at a later date."
And for those in need of some fun content to hide the tears of your hopes and dreams being crushed, check out this cool project from two fans who go by KaroruGans0 and hayaken_kmzw. They posted a live-action recreation of the Kamurocho streets on Twitter back in August. It's not completely flawless and does also takes some inspiration from the Grand Theft Auto series. That said, it's pretty awesome to see how well they've done with this.
And for those who haven't played Yakuza Kiwami 2, the title is now available on Xbox Game Pass along with the first three mainline in the series.
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Xbox Series S is So Small Phil Spencer Displayed it Openly Over Two Months Ago and No One Noticed

We've seen the specs, official price reveal, the system's design itself, and all the memes that followed. But how small is the Xbox Series S really? Well it seems that we were looking right at it back in July 1st and not a single person noticed.
According to a new status update from the official Xbox Twitter account, Xbox division head Phil Spencer had the apparently very unassuming system displayed openly on his bookshelf on July 1st during his remote presentation at the GameLab20 keynote livestream:
Fun fact: Xbox Series S is so small @XboxP3 had it sitting on his bookshelf back on July 1 and nobody noticed.
Did you spot it @SethSchiesel? pic.twitter.com/6Z83TLCW1F
— Xbox (@Xbox) September 11, 2020
This really puts into perspective just how small the Xbox Series S is, which is good for potential buyers who want a more subtle console to display in their dedicated gaming space. Especially if that happens to be a home office, bedroom, or any other room that benefits from a non bulking setup.
However, that size comes with its own drawbacks. The Series S will have the ability to play games at a 1440p resolution at 60 frames per second with the ability to upscale to 4K resolution and 120 fps. But it will not have the capability of having true 4K graphics, aka the upgrades that Xbox One X owners have when playing certain backward compatible titles.
Luckily there will be some upgrades present. In an article from Gamespew, Microsoft confirms that the Series S will give previous generation games "… improved texture filtering, higher and more consistent frame rates, faster load times, and Auto HDR."
Pre-orders for the Xbox Series X and Series S go up on September 22nd, with the later costing $299 in the US and Xbox UK pricing the console at £249.99. Check out our pre-order page to help prepare you for when each console is available for purchase. You can also read up on what we know so far about both systems, as well as a brief comparison of their specs.
The post Xbox Series S is So Small Phil Spencer Displayed it Openly Over Two Months Ago and No One Noticed by Allisa James appeared first on DualShockers.
Console Wars Explores the Fight Between Nintendo and Sega on September 23

Console Wars is a new documentary that looks at the battle Nintendo and Sega waged at retail in the 1990s. It's a topic that has been covered in several places, including a hit book by Blake J. Harris. That book is the basis for this documentary as well as an upcoming drama series from Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. The two productions play off each other and will both be on CBS All Access. However, the documentary will be the first thing viewers can dig into. It comes to the service later this month. Give the announcement trailer a watch below.
It's worth noting that Console Wars is coming out so close to Netflix's High Score docu-series. That production also looked at the Nintend0-Sega war of the 90s, though it also focused on several other topics. High Score does the job of being a decent primer for the entirety of early video games, but, if you've been keeping up with the scene for a while, you'll likely know everything they talk about.
Hopefully, with Console Wars choosing to focus on a single event, it will go much more in-depth. High Score is a decent enough show for a casual audience, and it would be great to get something similar for more hardcore video game players. I do wonder if they will gloss over some uglier sides of the hobby. High Score did a fine job adding voices of underrepresented groups but still made everything seem rosy. I'd love to see something that actually digs into the cruddy things that have happened in the video game space.
Fortunately, we won't have to wait much longer to see what Console Wars does with the subject matter. The documentary launches on CBS All Access on September 23. High Score is on Netflix now, if you just can't wait.
The post Console Wars Explores the Fight Between Nintendo and Sega on September 23 by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Watch Dogs: Legion Debuts "Rainfall" Music Video Featuring London Rapper Stormzy

Since the debut of the third installment of the Watch Dogs franchise during last year's E3 presentation, Watch Dogs: Legion has been one of Ubisoft's most highly anticipated titles.
In order to reflect the more diverse setting and characters of London, Ubisoft worked with acclaimed rapper and entertainer Stormzy to create a relevant and exclusive song. You can check out a sneak peak of some behind the scenes footage of his brand new music video Rainfall, which will be part of a special mission available at launch. The reveal trailer is below, which shows off parts of his mo-cap session as well:
During the Ubisoft Forward presentation it was revealed that Aiden Pearce, the protagonist from the original Watch Dogs, will be making his return in the upcoming Legion through standalone DLC. We also found out how agent recruitment will work. Players will have to convince a character to join by completing a simple quest. The trailer gives a few examples such as someone's friend has gone missing and you have to find them, a gang is terrifying a particular area, or the government may be overreaching their power and you have to put a stop to it.
Each character has their own role or class. Some are getaway drivers, hackers, or assassins while others are ordinary people you pass by every day. Regardless of their profession, they all have three potential special abilities that make playing as that character unique. Getaway drivers for instance have a custom suped-up car, are immune to car-chase drones, and can hack other vehicles to get out of the way during a chase.
But not all recruits are made equal, as some are more legendary and only appear in certain places. The trailer shows off one such unique recruit: a robotic beekeeper. She can sick a swarm of robo-bees on enemies and is armed with an electric weapon.
Watch Dogs: Legion will be available on October 29th 2020 for Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Stadia. Along with Assassin's Creed Valhalla, Watch Dogs: Legion is the other next-gen title from Ubisoft that will be available on November 10th for Xbox Series X and S. The PS5 version of the game will launch alongside the other version when it releases.
The third installment in Ubisoft's modern-day open-world franchise will take place in post-Brexit London, where a military corporation has gained control over the city, trying to arrest and takedown every protestor in the city.
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Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Moves Online Due to COVID-19

Games Done Quick recently wrapped up their summer extravaganza, raising over $2.3 million for Doctors Without Borders. Due to COVID-19, the event was held entirely online. The organization's other massive speedrunning event is now doing the same. Awesome Games Done Quick will run its 2021 version from January 3-10 entirely online. It's a move that makes a ton of sense considering the unknowns that may take place this fall and winter.
With COVID-19 being a continuing concern, for the community's safety we have decided to move #AGDQ2021 to an online format with the same January 3rd-10th dates.
For more info: https://t.co/umiMSaefOZ
Game and select volunteer submissions will open September 24th!
— Games Done Quick (@GamesDoneQuick) September 12, 2020
If you've never watched a Games Done Quick event, I'd highly encourage you to do so. Summer Games Done Quick 2021 had some excellent gameplay and commentary. I'm still working my way through the whole thing, but some of the standout runs include Superliminal, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, and Quest 64. Specifically, that Quest 64 run was a treat for someone who used to rent that game all the time but never beat it.
Of course, we don't know the schedule for AGDQ 2021 just yet. Submissions don't even open until September 24. That said, we'll get the list of games via a very spooky October 31 announcement. And really, you don't have to worry about the games. Games Done Quick always has a great lineup.
If you're interested in watching even more speed runs, the GDQ crew is holding the Fleet Fatales event from November 15-21. It will feature an all-woman speedrunning crew. The Frost Fatales 2020 was pretty fun, so I'm excited to see what games pop up this go-around.
Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online will run from January 3-10. Game Submissions open on September 24, so if you want to run a game for the event, be sure to get in there.
The post Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Moves Online Due to COVID-19 by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
PS5 Showcase Event Announced, Coming Wednesday September 16

Sony announced a new PS5 Showcase event (a release date event?) will be happening on September 16, at 1300 Pacific Time (Click here for a time conversion table). The showcase was announced through Twitter, with a short teaser video not showing games but the PS5 and its DualSense controller:
PlayStation 5 Showcase broadcasts live this Wednesday at 1pm Pacific Time: https://t.co/W4gkVp7pdv pic.twitter.com/Nn33RT0yki
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) September 12, 2020
While PS5 is officially scheduled to release this holiday, and we're getting closer and closer to that timeframe, Sony has yet to reveal the next gen console's price and release date. So plenty of rumors and theories have been happening lately, mainly through shop listings or reports. This September 16 event should be the PS5 release date event. I have trouble imagining anything else Sony could reveal at this point.
Personally speaking, I can't say I'm particularly interested in PS5 for now. All consoles at launch don't have that many interesting games, and PS5 seems to be hit even worse by that phenomenon seeing Covid-19 and how many games planned for launch are cross-gen with PS4 anyway or were delayed. Maybe that showcase will reveal unannounced PS5 games though, and there's also Tokyo Game Show 2020 coming on September 23 to 27.
And speaking of Japan, this PS5 showcase's timing again shows Sony isn't focusing on the archipel. The event will be at 0500 Japan Standard Time, Thursday morning, meaning only Japanese hardcore players, and gamers with a very early work schedule will follow the event. For years now, the biggest market in Japan (and most of Asia) is mobile games rather than consoles, so Sony is focusing on North America and other regions.
Be sure to check our past coverage for everything you need to know on PS5. Microsoft, following leaks, revealed the prices and release date (November 10) of Xbox Series X and S this week.
The post PS5 Showcase Event Announced, Coming Wednesday September 16 by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits Has Been Delayed to Early 2021

In a tweet from their official Twitter page, developer Ember Lab has announced that Kena: Bridge of Spirits has been delayed to early 2021.
"This year has brought many challenges and our transition to working from home has caused development to move slower than we hoped," said a statement from Ember Lab. "For this reason, we have made the difficult decision to delay the release of Kena: Bridge of Spirits to Q1, 2021. We have not made the decision lightly, but feel it is best for the game and well-being of the team. We will use this time to give the game the polish it deserves and deliver an experience that meets our vision and your expectations."
***An update to our Kena community*** pic.twitter.com/rKoy33YWKZ
— Kena: Bridge of Spirits (@emberlab) September 11, 2020
This news comes as a bit of a surprise, especially since we recently got more details from GameInformer's September cover story on the game. Some of these details include fast PlayStation 5 load times, how it'll use some of the DualSense controller's features, and the number of enemies that can be displayed on-screen at once. This wasn't the only major game delay this week though. Grasshopper Manufacture's Suda 51 announced they'll be delaying No More Heroes 3 to sometime in 2021.
For those that don't know, Kena: Bridge of Spirits follows Kena, a girl who sets out to discover the secrets surrounding an abandoned village. The game was announced during PlayStation's Future of Gaming Showcase in June. Like other notable PS4 games like Assassin's Creed Valhalla and Marvel's Avengers, players who purchase Kena: Bridge of Spirits on PS4 will get upgraded to the PS5 version for free.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits launches early next year on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Epic Games Store. You can watch its announcement trailer below. As we get more info on the game, we'll be sure to let you know.
The post Kena: Bridge of Spirits Has Been Delayed to Early 2021 by David Gill appeared first on DualShockers.
The Reckoners: Steelslayer Expands on the Hit Board Game

When it released in 2018, The Reckoners quickly shot up the board game charts. The cooperative game is based on Brandon Sanderson's hit young adult fantasy novels and uses a dice-based system to great effect. Now, the game is getting a brand new expansion called Steelslayer. More accurately, it's a collection of four modules that can be swapped in and out of the base game.
The Reckoners: Steelslayer is live! https://t.co/Dr6q3CBb9J#boardgames #brandonsanderson #TheReckoners #tabletopgames #boardgame #Kickstarter pic.twitter.com/JSfVuPmosl
— Nauvoo Games (@NauvooGames) September 10, 2020
The modules in The Reckoners: Steelslayer cover four separate areas. Each adds a new component to the base game. So, you can choose to add in the new Reckoners, equipment, Epics, or boss Epics at your leisure. It's an interesting take on how to build out an expansion. Letting you mix-and-match at your leisure allows players to build The Reckoners game they want to play.
On top of the modules, anyone who really loves the original game can upgrade to a deluxe edition that includes some stunning metal components. I'm not usually that interested in upgraded components, but going from cardboard to metal is a major positive.
Unfortunately, the Kickstarter campaign does have one of the things I hate to see out of board gaming companies. Steelslayer will not be released to distribution or retail. So, if you don't get it from this campaign, your only hope is that Nauvoo sells it through their site. That said, it's probably not a big deal, I just prefer to see games come to full retail where possible.
The Reckoners: Steelslayer is available now on Kickstarter. The campaign has 20 days to go at the time of this writing. So, if it sounds up your alley, hop on over.
The post The Reckoners: Steelslayer Expands on the Hit Board Game by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.