Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021.

A game that puts a focus on non-combat, players are tasked with solving crimes inside virtual worlds. The world of Warsaw City of the 22nd century is ripe for exploration, with players taking control of a private investigator known as a Gamedec.

This title prides itself on emulating the flow of tabletop RPGs with a focus on character development through decision making. Along the way, players will be able to craft a unique set of professions that changes the style investigations are handled. Information gathered in the codex will also give players the chance to discover relationships between the virtual worlds and their inhabitants.

For those who want to take a deep dive into its gameplay, learn more about the branching narrative of this title with the trailer below:

Gamedec – Narrative Branching Trailer

For those who'd prefer to see its cinematics firsthand, be sure to check out the trailer below:

GAMEDEC – Official Cinematic Release Date Trailer

You can wishlist the game on Steam here.

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live.

Set in a world of technology and magic, this title tells the story of different factions that all wish to claim the world of Elyon. Skill building, character customization, weapon choices, and PvP have all been included.

This build, which is set to run to August 23, has been designed to be more closely aligned with its Korean counterpart. Included is the Slayer Class, updated Mana Awakening skills, improved game service platform and infrastructure, easier leveling, and solo and multiplayer dungeon play.

Learn more with the following trailer:

Elyon Game Content Trailer

Players that link a Kakao Games account with their Twitch account and participate in Elyon streams will receive the following perks:

  • CBT2 Access after 1 hour of viewing (CBT2 only)
  • Chick (Pet) after 3 hours of viewing (CBT2 only)
  • 3,000 + 100 Ruby Box after 5 hours of viewing (CBT2 only)
  • Jet Board A mount after 7 hours of viewing (for official launch)

You can find the Steam page here.

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live appeared first on GamersHeroes.

City of Gangsters Review

After being revealed at gamescom last year, the world of SomaSim and Kasedo Games' City of Gangsters is finally here. Is it worth checking out, or should you skip this one? Check out our review and find out.

City of Gangsters Review

City of Gangsters is a gang management game. The objective is simple: take over the criminal underworld of whatever city you are playing in. At the time of writing, you can take over Detroit, Chicago, and Pittsburgh. In addition, prohibition has just hit, giving you and other like-minded gangsters a prime opportunity to make some cash selling illegal booze. So while the beginning isn't that challenging, it quickly ramps up as you spread your territory.

When you start City of Gangsters, you need to choose your boss. The boss will be the person who leads your crew and handles most of the heavy lifting at the start. However, the most important part of making your boss is their perk. There are different perks that you can only choose one of at the start for your character. For example, you can select things like more cash for your protection rackets, less heat from cops, better melee fighting skills, or easier allies from other gang outfits. Some benefit from the earlier game, while others are weaker but last the whole game. Personally, I think the early game is the most critical part.

City Of Gangsters Honest Review

Once you make your boss, you load in and are given additional random perks. You can then look at the perks and decide if you want to start all over or not. For example, my two further save files had a more business-centered approach than a big meathead boss. My bruiser boss cleaned up the early game, but because I killed a lot of people, I had a lot of heat. The heat and cop issues because a burden later in the game. My more business-oriented boss struggled from the occasional beating early and slower territory expansion. My cop troubles were almost non-existent, though, and I was able to take over a fair chunk of Detroit without a ton of violence.

The core of the game revolves around cash, just like real life. You need money to pay your crew, buy upgrades, fix your cars and trucks, take over new territory, and buy supplies. When you first start off, you are selling homemade beer, cheap wine, and moonshine. Then, as you take over more turf and do more favors, you unlock the premium stuff and can start bringing in real money. Of course, you have to find someone to sell the alcohol to since it is illegal and all. Selling booze can be one of the game's biggest determinants. Sometimes you need to travel way too far to sell your stuff, and you end up wasting turns.

The solution to this is to set up a delivery schedule for one of your crew members. Basically, you can select what you want your crew members to do on their turns. So I had my driver selling wine, picking up barrels and dropping them back off at the base, then going across town to sell the beer. When I talked about a good start, this is part of it. If you load in and the nearest person who can buy your stuff is two turns away, you are already in the negative. You need reliable buyers of your goods to be near your base of operations, or the whole thing goes down quickly. It doesn't matter in the midgame as much, since you will be producing multiple types of wine and spirits at that point.

City of Gangsters Honest game review

To buy new buildings and get new alcohol productions going, you will have to expand your empire. First, you pay a business that likes you to act as a front for you and your illegal activities. From there, you can also convince the neighbors to pay you protection money. Of course, they won't like this, and the cops will take notice, but the income is reliable and steady. The expansion rate can be a bit slow, but I guess they don't want you consuming massive amounts of turf fast. Once you are running multiple fronts and have a good amount of turf, the other outfits will start to take notice.

You will probably get some fish wrapped in newspaper on a stoop, letting you know someone is targeting you. Now is the time for the game's secondary prime currency favors. You can go to war, but that gets messy and the police get involved. So instead, why not use the favors your been stacking up on your allies to convince the police you aren't such a bad guy. Maybe you persuade the cops to check out the other gang and perhaps even raid a specific building. Crippling them will get them to back off for a time at least, letting you build up and surpass them. Of course, they might attack later, but you can erase them with ease at that point.

One of the most disappointing aspects of the game is the combat. You equip bats, guns, knives, and whatever else as you go to fight. There are no animations or anything; just pictures showing if you hurt or killed the enemy. It does make combat fast, but I also didn't feel like doing it because it was boring. Plus, all the police heat didn't help the situation. If you kill another gang member, the authorities will be on high alert and might bag you for just being in the area. You might get locked up, but you always lose whatever you have on if you get arrested.

While City of Gangsters is a solid mafia management sim, the combat holds it back from greatness. Be sure to check out a trailer or two to see what's in store first.

This review of City of Gangsters was done on the PC. A digital code was provided by the publisher.
City of Gangsters Review

After being revealed at gamescom last year, the world of SomaSim and Kasedo Games' City of Gangsters is finally here. Is it worth checking out, or should you skip this one? Check out our review and

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Players could very well change the world with Jon Aegis' new title Heal Hitler, a dynamic new title that has players filling the shoes of Adolf Hitler's psychologist. Using both Jungian and Freudian

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The Siege of Paris is the latest DLC available in the Assassin's Creed Valhalla Season Pass and promises players a whole new region to explore, new conflicts to resolve, and new characters to meet

NEO: The World Ends With You Review

Fourteen years after Neku paid a visit to Shibuya on the Nintendo DS, Square Enix's NEO: The World Ends With You is finally here. Was it worth the wait, or is this locale a bit played out? Check out

The post City of Gangsters Review appeared first on GamersHeroes.

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021.

This third-person action adventure title puts the spotlight on the scribe Enoch, who must seek out seven fallen angels in an attempt to prevent a great flood from destroying mankind. The story is inspired by the apocryphal Book of Enoch, paying host to guardian angels like Lucifel, Michael, Gabriel, and Uriel.

While in combat, Enoch can utilize the Arch, Gale, and Veil weapon types to exploit weaknesses. Note that weapons dull over time, leading Enoch to purify them to restore their power or steal new weaponry. He also possesses holy armor that loses its pieces as the player takes damage, though it can be restored through the use of hearts.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Elshaddai Steam Price announcement (English Dub Trailer)

You can find the game on Steam here – note that it requires a controller to play.

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2 appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles.

New to Season 9: Stalkers are grenades, the added A74-KSU rifle, and 60 frames per second support. Stalkers, the hidden children of the apocalypse, were born to survive in the Outlands.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Vigor – Season 9: Stalkers Trailer

According to Johanny Clerc-Renaud, the Lead Programmer of Vigor:

"Bringing 60 fps to Vigor is just the beginning. The possibilities that PS5 and Xbox Series X bring, allow us to create even better gaming experiences for our players. What we plan on doing next, is to use the additional power we get from the console to boost image quality."

Johanny Clerc-Renaud, the Lead Programmer of Vigor, added:

"Bringing 60 fps to Vigor is just the beginning. The possibilities that PS5 and Xbox Series X bring, allow us to create even better gaming experiences for our players. What we plan on doing next, is to use the additional power we get from the console to boost image quality."

Filip Štastný, the Marketing & Brand Manager, also said the following:

"We wanted a Czech localization in the game for a long time, because we are a Czech studio after all. The new team was especially passionate about it. We have been polishing it for the last couple of months, and we believe that the Czech players will be excited."

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Pokémon Legends: Arceus Trailer Details the Hisui Region

Learn more about the Hisui region of Nintendo's Pokémon Legends: Arceus with the latest trailer for the game.

Taking place during a time when the lives of humans and Pokémon were still separate, players will be able to survey, catch, and research wild Pokémon in this long-gone era of Sinnoh.

Each of its different Pokémon live in grassy fields, in forests, or even out on the water. Players will be able to see different Pokémon behaviors, depending on the time of day or in certain kinds of weather. The flow of battle has also been adjusted in this title, allowing for multiple turns at a time on both sides. Regarding moves, they come in both Agile Style (which will raise the user's action speed at the expense of power) and Strong Style (which does the opposite).

Tasked with completing research tasks, players will be able to contribute to your work with the Galaxy Expedition Team. In doing so, they'll be able to raise their rank as a team member, thereby granting access to new areas.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Discover the Hisui region in Pokémon Legends: Arceus!

The game will come out on January 28, 2022 for the Nintendo Switch.

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Pokémon Legends: Arceus Trailer Details the Hisui Region appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut Launch Trailer Released

Ahead of its launch this Friday, get immersed in the world of Sucker Punch Productions and PlayStation Studios' Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut with the launch trailer for the game.

With this expanded release, players will be able to challenge opponents with your katana, master the bow, develop stealth tactics, and explore a new story on Iki Island. In the case of the latter, one will be able to find new armor for Jin and his horse, new mini-games, new techniques, and new enemy types. This release will include the original game and every piece of additional content sold to date.

Originally released on the PlayStation 4 (you can read our review of that here), the PlayStation 5 version of the game will feature a Dynamic 4K resolution that targets 60 frames per second, DualSense wireless controller haptic feedback and adaptive trigger resistance, Tempest 3D AudioTech with 3D audio, and lip sync for its Japanese voiceover.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut – Launch Trailer | PS5, PS4

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Source: YouTube
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut Launch Trailer Released appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Kazuma Kiryu Coming to Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania

Hailing from the Yakuza series of games, the infamous Kazuma Kiryu will get all rolled up with the release of Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio and SEGA's Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania.

This Dragon of Dojima will be able to roll along as an unlockable character in the title, tasked with collecting Stamina X bottles in lieu of its trademark bananas.

See him in action with the trailer below:

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania | Kazuma Kiryu Joins the Gang

Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania will also feature AiAi, MeeMee, GonGon, Baby, YanYan and Doctor as playable characters. Released in celebration of the series' 20th anniversary, this title will have players navigating a number of different platforms in an attempt to reach the goal. For longtime fans of the series, recreations of all 300 stages from Super Monkey Ball Deluxe will be included. The Story mode from Super Monkey Ball 2 and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe will also make an appearance.

The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on October 5, 2021.

Source: YouTube
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Kazuma Kiryu Coming to Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Detailed in New Trailer

Learn more about the upcoming releases of Nintendo's Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl with the latest trailer for the game.

In this title, players will be able to experience their very own tale of grand adventure. A remake of the Nintendo DS titles, these releases will feature easy-to-understand, player-friendly conveniences that have made their appearance in the modern Pokémon entries.

New to this title is a vast subterranean world known as The Grand Underground,which spreads out like a maze beneath the Sinnoh region. In it, players will be able to dig up treasures and Pokémon Fossils, and can also create their own Secret Base. Super Contest Shows with support for up to players will also be included, divided into the Coolness, Cuteness, Beauty, Toughness, and Cleverness categories.

Learn more with the trailer below:

Dig into the details of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl!

Both titles will make their debut on November 19, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.

Source: YouTube
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl Detailed in New Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.

Tales of Arise Free Demo Now Available

Get a jump on the next chapter of the Tales Of… series with today's free demo for Bandai Namco's Tales of Arise.

In this demo, players can get to know the title's diverse cast of characters, experience its intuitive combat, and get absorbed into its captivating story. The battle tutorial, camping, cooking, and skits have all been included.

Six different characters can be used to fight through different sub-quests, eventually leading to a battle with the powerful enemy "Gigant." Note that each character will also unlock a different version of the demo's final skit.

All those that play the demo can get themselves the "Vacation Hootle" attachment in the final release.

Learn more with the trailer below:

TALES OF ARISE – Free Demo Trailer

The following collaborative skins will also make their way to the game:

  • Code Vein's Mia's clothes for Shionne
  • THE iDOLM@STER: Starlit Season clothes for Rinwell
  • TEKKEN 7's Nina Williams' clothes for Kisara

The full release will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam on September 10, 2021.

Source: Press Release
Cyberpunk Isometric RPG Gamedec Launching September 16

Funded in just 36 hours on Kickstarter, the world of Anshar Studios' Gamedec is set to make its debut on September 16, 2021

Elyon's Second Closed Beta Now Live

The second closed beta for Bluehole Studio and Kakao Games' MMORPG Elyon is now live

El Shaddai Coming to Steam September 2

Originally released in 2011, the world of crim's El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron will make its way to Steam on September 2, 2021

Vigor Season 9: Stalkers Now Live

Bohemia Interactive announced today that the release of Vigor's new Season 9: Stalkers is now available for free on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch consoles

The post Tales of Arise Free Demo Now Available appeared first on GamersHeroes.