Ellie Cooper is an artist based in the UK who has done stuff for companies like Disney and Google.
I wrote about a Dark Souls gun mod last year, but that one was just for fun. This new one by InfernoPlus is a lot bigger and a lot more ambitious.

Back in February it was announced that Mass Effect Legendary Edition wasn't going to be including everything in the trilogy, because the source code for a single piece of old DLC—Pinnacle Station, which we reviewed back in 2009—had been lost.

The second season of Pokémon Unite is now live on mobile devices and Nintendo Switch. Dubbed Sun, Sun, Sunshine, it introduces tons of new content to the popular MOBA, including another battle pass with 90 levels for you to grind through, as well as holowear for monsters and other rewards.

Remember Lies of P, the Dark Souls clone announced earlier this year that's based on the classic Pinocchio fairy tale from 1883? Here's proof it wasn't a collective fever dream.

Nintendo has once again released Amiibo Cards for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and they've once again sold out, leading to a second-hand market full of hassle and sky-high mark-ups. It's perfect timing considering the game's big 2.0 update and Happy Home Paradise DLC recently went live, and players are desperate to…

Okay, look. Netflix is lying to you. Netflix keeps calling things that are absolutely not anime "anime". Please scroll down if you would like my full rant on this topic. For now, though, the thing you're here to learn about is the new animated Witcher film, following up on The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf. The next movie was briefly announced months ago, but it's still a long way off.
Producer Lauren Schmidt Hissrich tells Entertainment Weekly that the film "way, way, way in the future", and there's no clear release date, even internally, because "we're just now getting started on it". As for the direction of the film, however, Hissrich says that "I hope that the anime [sic] is a little bit more of a standalone project that will bring new eyes onto the franchise but also really be able to stand out there on its own". The movie will be written by a pair of writers who have "been on the staff from the beginning".
Nightmare of the Wolf was produced by Studio Mir, the South Korean animation house responsible for such excellent productions as The Legend of Korra and Netflix's own Voltron series. It's a great studio. It does not make anime.
RELATED LINKS: The Witcher 3 mods, The Witcher 4 news, Play The Witcher 3
I've spent over 300 hours getting to know Final Fantasy XIV in the run-up to the Endwalker release date, and I'm still terrified of raids - the Savages and Ultimates, anyway. Luckily, one FFXIV fan has gone to the trouble of building a simulator to help you practice the mechanics of the MMORPG's most challenging encounters.
XIVsim.com has been in beta for some time, and version 1.0 just launched. As creator Appropriate_Bit2021 explains on Reddit, the beta version has seen 15,000 players run over 40,000 duties, and over the course of the beta, "multiple useful features have been added such as the ability to pause at anytime and discuss, or automatically pause on a death. Along with a much improved engine and netcode".
The Raid Simulator lets you spawn enemies and mechanics you want to try, load timelines, or create your own timeline to practice whatever you specifically need to. The tool is currently struggling under the weight of early interest, so queue times can be a bit long - but hey, DPS players at least know that struggle. Once you've grabbed a server, you can invite your friends to practice alongside you by just sending them a link.
RELATED LINKS: FFXIV Shadowbringers review, FFXIV Gunbreaker job guide, FFXIV Dancer job guide
While emulation has dramatically improved over the years, low input lag is still one major advantage to playing old console games on original hardware on a CRT TV. Emulator developers have been finding creative ways to work around that problem for ages, and the devs behind the RetroArch frontend have been making those options more convenient for players to use. The latest push back against input lag is a particularly neat one: automatic frame delay.
Frame delay itself has been in RetroArch for years. It essentially allows you to push back the rendering of a frame to the last possible millisecond, so that your input comes as close as possible to when that frame is rendered on-screen. So at 60fps, a frame comes roughly every 16 milliseconds. If your computer is beefy enough to render that frame in, say, eight milliseconds, frame delay lets you get that extra half-frame of input latency back. A half-frame of input lag would be imperceptible to most, but combined with other types of lag reduction, it adds up.
The issue is that up to this point, RetroArch users have had to manually configure the frame delay setting in each emulator core, and in some cases, they'd need different configurations for individual games. RetroArch 1.9.13 makes that process unnecessary with automatic frame delay.

Kislev, Khorne, Tzeentch, Cathay - they've all had their time in the pre-release spotlight in the long leadup to the Total War: Warhammer III release date. Lately, however, we've gotten our first peek at the strategy game's tallest and hungriest faction, the Ogre Kingdoms. In a new video highlighting a selection of the Ogre Kingdoms' unit roster, we get a look at how well-rounded these big meat-eating lads really are.
Zerkovich's latest video shows off a partial selection of the Ogre Kingdoms army roster. It ranges from the diminutive Gnoblars at the small end up to the fearsome legendary lords Skrag the Slaughterer and Greasus Goldteeth at the other. In between, you have a surprisingly wide array of potential jobs for an ambitious young ogre to fill, whether their preference is melee combat or hunting down huge monsters on horseback.
The Ogre Kingdoms are a mobile society that operate somewhat like a horde faction, a concept introduced in Total War: Attila. As such, they're relatively lightly armoured compared to other factions: metal armour and shields are a rarity in these ranks. The basic Gnoblar infantry lacks any of the anti-large spear weapons or silver shields carried by their Goblin counterparts in Greenskin armies, but they make up for their lack of protection by being extremely cheap to recruit.

Updated over a long enough timeline, all games seemingly become the same - at least structurally. Deep Rock Galactic got its biggest ever update last week, for example, which adds a battle pass with 100 levels to advance through and new items and cosmetics to unlock.
There is a twist, at least: the battle pass is 100% free, and there's a new robot-battling mode included in the update, too.

Some players have reported lag in Factorio for years. Lag always seemed fair to me given the sprawling, complex bases you can build in the game, but the latest patch might make things better. Version 1.1.46, released this Saturday, makes several changes which should reduce multiplayer latency.

The description under the video below says it is being released "in celebration of 10 years" of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Ten years! I'd have sworn it was 9, tops. The video itself is a 4K remaster of The Old Republic's original reveal trailer. If you like the ol' space biff, this is some really high resolution space biff.

Giger-inspired first-person shooter Scorn was due to welcome players to its world of bone and cartilage this year, but not now. A new Kickstarter update says that the game has slipped into 2022, while explaining why the development team have been quiet over the past year.
It is a good time to be a Riot fan.
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More Assassin's Creed Valhalla content is coming your way.
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Developed by Turtle Rock Studios, Back 4 Blood was released just last month and it serves as a spiritual successor to the widely beloved Left 4 Dead 2. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with it, even if it seems as though the game is suffering from a few queue issues here and there. That said, […]
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Kadokawa Games has been revealing new artwork and details about the upcoming mecha strategy JRPG Relayer focusing on its mecha.
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Ubisoft fully revealed the new operation for its popular squad tactical shooter Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, alongside its new operator.
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If you can't get enough of the popular "Poke-Lid" enameled manhole designs, you'll be excited to know that there are eight more designs that have just been unveiled in Hokkaido, Japan's northern island. This time, each of these eight new Poke-Lid designs feature Vulpix along with several other Pokemon friends. Here are all of the […]
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Master of puppets When Lies of P was first announced, I was awestruck by its concept. An action RPG Souls-like set in a...
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(Not really, get them for yourself) The nights are drawing in and the great indoors is becoming just as chilly...
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The free game trial runs from November 10–16 and you can pre-load it now on your Switch It's a minor...
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More cards, modes, and ways to deal with the Ridden It seemed pretty clear that Back 4 Blood was going to get...
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Hopefully, they will be back soon.
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If you need GTA with you wherever you go.
The post GTA Definitive Edition Gets New Screenshots On Switch appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.