PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, June 4, 2023 10:51 PM  I've always built my own gaming rigs, well, ever since I could afford to. A huge part of my enjoyment is being able to put something together, under budget, that runs like a dream. Collecting parts, salvaging others, and rigging monstrosities together is a hobby that has taken its pound of flesh from my bank accounts. One of the little ways I get my satisfaction is by having metrics on display while playing my games, so being able to show an FPS counter in Diablo 4 is great. I can sit in silent satisfaction as my FPS hits far beyond what my monitor can handle. How to show FPS in Diablo 4 Screenshot by PC Invasion Blizzard has catered to the perfectionists amongst us and made displaying FPS in Diablo 4 incredibly simple. By holding down your CTRL button and pressing R at the same time will bring up the FPS counter in the bottom left of your screen. Pressing CTRL+R again will bring up latency. There isn't a way to have them both displayed yet, but given time, they may... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, June 4, 2023 9:19 PM  The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom expands on classic Zelda lore in some interesting ways. Much of the story centers on Link's need for assistance from various sages. This guide answers where can you find the Fifth Sage in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Tears of the Kingdom – where to find the Fifth Sage You activate the Find the Fifth Sage main quest well into the game. The effort requires you to clear multiple main quests. Ultimately, you will find the sage in the Depths, at the Construct Factory. Screenshot by PC Invasion Start by exploring the Ring Ruins. First, talk to Tauro and Paya to let them know what you've learned. Now, Calip will let you pass. From where he stands, start through the short canyon. Use the Arise ability to ascend toward the overhead ruins. They hang over the large sign. When you do it right, you appear inside the ruins. Take a good picture of the stone inscription you find on the wall. A ... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, June 4, 2023 9:13 PM  Game sharing is the ability to share a game with anyone who uses the same console as the one a game has been purchased on. The owner of the game usually has to make sure the console is set as their 'Home' console, but this allows other users to play the games. It is the same as sharing disks back in the old days of physical copies and prevents the need for one household to purchase multiple copies of the same game. Diablo has always been a couch co-op game, so of course, game sharing is paramount with the release of Diablo 4, but can it be done? Can you game share in Diablo 4? Image by PC Invasion On PC, no. You also can't play couch co-op on PC, which is a real shame. However, if you're playing on a console, there is good news. Blizzard has confirmed that you can, in fact, game share Diablo 4. However, this is provided that the console that wants to share is the main or home console. This is just a simple case of activating the PlayStation or Xbox you want to p... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, June 4, 2023 8:34 PM  Street Fighter 6 is the revamp that everyone was asking for in combo fighters. It has been released to high critical acclaim and a level of accessibility that will only broaden the genre's reach. Along with new fighting styles, control setups, and tools, Street Fighter 6 also introduces six new characters. One of them, Lily, has raised the question of just how old she is in Street Fighter 6. She's definitely the youngest on the starting roster, but how young is that? How old is Lily in Street Fighter 6? With some detailed research and guestimation, Lily seems to be between 15 and 20 years old. This makes her the youngest fighter in Street Fighter 6, but this doesn't mean she doesn't pack a punch. Small and mighty is the name of the game with this dual-wielding tornado. Image by PC Invasion Lily's twin clubs make her a formidable opponent, giving her the power of nature and a deceptive reach. Despite being only about 5 feet 3 inches, she can get som... |