Throughout your adventure in Dragon's Dogma 2, flowers and food in your inventory will age and eventually rot. If you're like me and pick up every item in sight, you're likely wondering if ingredients can be safely held in storage without decaying. It's good news, Arisen! Table of ContentsDo items age or rot in storage in Dragon's Dogma 2?How to stop time-sensitive items from decayingWhat should you do with rotten food in Dragon's Dogma 2? Do items age or rot in storage in Dragon's Dogma 2? As explained in the Tutorial Logbook, flowers and food do not decay, wilt, or age while kept in storage in Dragon's Dogma 2. Everything placed in an inn's storage is kept exactly as they are when you deposited them. Screenshot: PC Invasion I put this to the test by placing meat and herbs in both my inventory and storage and skipping time for a few days. The items in my pack spoiled and aged, but the same items in...