Ragnarok Mobile Maintenance Changelog for July 30th
Ragnarok M Eternal Love officially announced from their Facebook page that they will be having a scheduled server maintenance for July 30, 2020 at exactly 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM (Manila, Philippine Time) for both Eternal Love and Midnight Party server.

During the maintenance all players will not able to access and play the game. However, players will be rewarded with "ABUNDANT" items as compensation to their in-game mail.
The scheduled maintenance will also introduced new content for the game especially for the upcoming events.
Below are the Change log updates.
New Contents
4th-Job Rune will be available after the maintenance
- Each class will have 2 new S tier Rune-star, only available to 4th-Job ascendary.
- 3 New Skill runes slots and 4 attributes rune slots
- Attribute Runes can level up to 15.
- New items in Brave's Holy Emblem such as Glittering Rune Stone – Star.
- New items in Big Cat Store such as Glittering Rune Stone – Star (20% discount)
- Singra Master Box added new mission for Louyang Region
New Headwear items for 4th-job Ascendary
- After finishing the mission for 4th-job, new headwear will be available for its class it will be unlocked after the maintenance.
- Thanatos Tower added a new Evil Sword Store. Players who finished Rune Master Job advanced quest Gaze into the Abyss can go to NPC Julius to purchase the Evil Sword Weapon transmog.
New Collectable item and toys.
- After finishing the collectable items set, adventurer can claim certain rewards from the Adventurer Handbook – Collectable item page. (Note: Most of the Collectable Toys can only be used in Towns or out in the fields)
Wasteland World MVP (Dragon Skeleton)
- At the northweast corner of the Wasteland, a new MVP monster will be spawn every 2-hours from (1:00 PM, 5:00PM and 6:00PM). Players will get tons of rewards when eliminating the MPV.
Brand new Mercenary Cat System
- New quest mission Meow Inclusive in Prontera which will allow players to unlock the Advanced Mercenary Cat
Five New Pets
- Two added Luoyang Areas for pet adventure
New Refine Rewards for Depositing in the Handbook
- Added new effect for Drooping Baphomet Jr., Cap of Blindness, Loki's Whisper, Baby Owl, and Merchant Tail when refining to +8.
Six New Cards to craft to King Poring
- Kitty Wonderland Card
- Mysteltain ★ Card
- Mutant Dragon ★ Card
- Rafflesia ★ Card
- Alice ★ Card
- Clock Tower Manager ★ Card
New Assistant Voucher added to the NPC Mitt's Store
Prontera NPC Sif store added Valkyrie's Gift and some new furniture items.
Game Optimization
- Oracle Dungeon casualization: When finished certain difficulties, you will receive the rewards for that difficulty as well as all the rewards for the lower difficulties. So that adventurers don't have to finish all the difficulties.
- GVG Notice Optimization: When your guild has an occupied castle, there will be a notice in the guild chat room if any guild members occupied any other castles.
- Echoing Corridor Optimization
- Optimization the monster spawning areas, reduce the chance of being killed right after entering a room
- Removed the Wraith monster that can teleport away
- Fixed "Leaf of Yggdrasil" item can be used in Echoing Corridor
- Optimization for the situation when any party members went offline during the Echoing Corridor instance.
- Wasteland Optimization:
- Daily Elite Monster reward boxes are not affected by Battle Time
- Nerfed certain elite monsters
- Buffed certain skills from "Yggdrasil Spirit"
- The fallen tree trunks are not able to be targeted while auto farming
- Reduced certain elite monsters' respawn cooldown: elites with respawn CD of 30 minutes are now respawning every 15 minutes; elites with respawn CD of 60 minutes are now respawning every 30 minutes
- Buffed the effect of transform structure in the Wasteland
- MVP Panel Optimization
- You can now mark your favorite MVPs, the ones you marked as favorite will be displayed on the top.
- Thanatos Tower Optimization
- There is a Mysterious researcher NPC who knows about the "Rathgricy – Fallen Feather". For those who have already finished "Angel Wing Feather Exaltation" mission can go to Thanatos Tower area and talk to NPC Anniru to exchange "Rathgricy – Fallen Feather" with 6 "Angel Snow Feather"
- "Angel Snow Feather" can be exchanged with 1000 Rune Coins
- Puzzle Event Panel Optimization
- New Mission Description, click the mission panel to check the detailed Mission Descriptions
- New Event Calendar Button, click "Calendar" button to access the Event Button Panel
- Optimization for "Currently running Mission" timer, the Currently running Mission will have a remaining timer to inform you how much time you have left.
- Cake Battle Optimization
- New qualification terms: when all the party members enter the Cake Battle instance, the system will check if everyone is qualified for the rewards. If someone is not qualified, there will be a notice;
- Optimization the Battle Time Rule Description;
- Optimization Crystal Skill Display.
- Skill Optimization: You are now able to cast "Prepare for Elite" skill when using "Warg Rider"
- During GvG, when a party member defeats an enemy target, everyone else in the party will receive 20 Honor Points instead of 10.
- More costume appearances are available to Doram Race
- Merchant Kart is now available to change appearance with transmog features. Merchant Karts can now be saved in the Handbook
- Mount item Panel Optimization: Mount items, and Pet monster Egg items now have Unlock/Deposit reward stats in the item description.
- King Poring Card Craft feature is now supported with fast purchase.
- Item "Deathcat Cape" is now able to be socketed.
- Origin Skill Panel Optimization: Optimized the UI display of Origin Skill Panel
- Mission Optimizations
- Fixed the issue with mission [Honey Thief] sometime lost tracking
- Fixed the issue with mission [Invitation to Death] cannot be finished
- Changed the terms of Assistant Growth Plan 3 "Kill a person by accident"
- Fixed the issue with mission "Forest Robber" dispel the horong steps cannot be finished
- Fixed the issue with mission Saint advance quest lost tracking after re-entered the game.
- The mission Luoyang riddle is now available only to adventurers with base levels of 100 and above.
- Fixed the issue with Assistant's mission being reset
- Mercenary Cat Daily rewards is "Kitty Coin" *4
- Fixed the issue with Mercenary Cat Daily mission cannot reset.
Issue Fixed
- Fixed the issue with base level 150 and above adventurers not able to use "Brand-new Adventure Voucher"
- Fixed the issue with Wasteland climate change features not lasting desired durations.
- Fixed the issue with skill "Steel Body" not compatible with certain items
- Fixed the issue with certain skill will cause auto attack to have delay timer
- Fixed the issue with Super Novice class skill reset bug
- Fixed the issue with toy item "Thermal Rift"
- Optimized Wasteland Mission Display
- Fixed the issue with skill "Photon Cannon" being affected in "Earth Field"
- Fixed the issue with "Giant Egg" scenery not able to unlock
- Fixed the issue with skill "Homunculus Synthesis"
- Fixed the issue with certain headwear like "Star Marina" causing avatar display malfunction
- Fixed the issue with Skill "Dark View"'s darkness effect can be cleansed
- Fixed the issue with certain monsters in Wasteland Map not able to be damaged.
- Fixed the issue with skill "Kitty Transformation" display malfunction
- Fixed the issue with skill "Tide Shield" can cause teammates to lose SP
- Fixed the issue with skill "Moon Chant" buff malfunction
- Fixed the issue with Pet Cherry Snow Spirit Monster Egg's skill
- Fixed the issue with skill "Eden Team Blessing" not able to put in "Prepare for Elite"
- Fixed the issue with skill "Sit Down Elegantly" malfunction
- Fixed the issue with certain skills' cooldown malfunction
- Fixed the issue with skill "Covered Shot" having no effect
- Fixed the issue with "Chirp Skylark blueprint" not able to be unlocked
- Fixed the issue with item "Heilion Bracelet" having no effect to skill "Soul Breaker"
- Fixed the issue with item "Imperial Guard" having no effect
- Fixed the issue with skill "Homunculus Synthesis" not compatible with skill "Faith Pray"
- Fixed the issue with skill "Repentance" damage counting as Magic Damage
- Fixed the display issue with headwear "Twisted Candy Bag"
- Fixed the issue with skill "Accurate Hunting" causing Fly Wing to have more CD
- Fixed the issue with item "Delicious Bamboo Shoots" not being able to trade on the Exchange
- Fixed the display issue with Oracle Dungeon weekly passing times
- Fixed the issue with damage absorb Shield preventing the skill added debuff.
- Fixed the issue with mount item skills
- Fixed the issue with missing items in Mitt NPC Store
- Fixed the issue with Energy Ring item description
- Fixed the issue with mission "Invitation to Death" missing quest NPC
Biggest Hero Ever? Upcoming Fighter/Tank Barats Skills Guide (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang)
Mobile Legends: Bang Bang will be releasing the upcoming fighter/tank which will be the biggest hero in the land of dawn. Having skills that gives very high damage output and an overwhelming defense. Barats is one of the best heroes in MLBB that you should be using in clashing, because both of Barats first and second skill have Crowd Control.

Barats is already released in the advance server. Barats name before is actually Barts, and his pet from Rahal to Detona. Barats is a Dino Rider and at the same time Barats is a dessert king who can absorb energy and become bigger.
Detona or was known before as Rahal from his backstory is actually a dragon. Barats uses his tounge as a basic attack, slapping his enemies. Barats has a specialty of damage and crowd control, making him one of the heroes you don't wanna mess with in the late game. Barats is recommended in jungling, because of his tank abilities, he can easily go on farming.
This new hero barats was also featured by Choox Tv. Barats is also compared to the pokemon charmander, because of his flaming tail and physical appearance.
Skills Guide
Barats skills are actually very effective, Kaja and Franco would really be jealous of his second skill, not only because it only takes 8 seconds for cooldown at a max level but it can also push enemies in Barats direction, Making Barats an ideal damage dealer and a perfect hero for sets as long as he doesn't mess around with the combo of guineverre's second's skill and ulti combo.
Barat's passive skill is called I am Big. Each time Detona deals damage with his skills, he absorb energy and enhances himself, gaining 1 stack of robust. The more stacks Detona has, the bigger he becomes, but each stack only takes 10 seconds. Barat's passive is very effective, so use his passive wisely. Each time Detona deals damage to a target, he inflicts 1 stack of Feast to the target. When the feast reaches 4 stacks, Detona will gnaw the target upon the next Basic Attack, dealing physical damage according to his Max HP and restoring HP, making him one of the most effective heroes in clashing, enemies would surely be aware about his massive size. When robust exceeds 10 stacks, Detona's basic attack will now trample the target, where each basic attack inflicts 2 stacks Feast on the target. Whenever you encounter this hero, be aware that you should never get hit more than 3 of his basic attacks, marksman and mages will be very effective against this hero.
Barat's first skill is So-Called Teamwork an AoE. Detona Spits contaminated oil then Barats drops firecrackers in a fan shaped area infront of Barats. The contaminated oil deals 75/100/125/150/175/200 +8% Total HP. Slowing the enemies within the area by 15% for 1 second. The slow effect is more than enough for a remarkable combo of Barat's, which will be explained below.
The second skill is Crowd Control that is called Missiles Expert. Barats launches missiles to the designated area. Upon landing, a blast of flame spout out from the rear of the missile, dealing 300/330/360/390/420/450 +125% total physical attack, the pushing enemies towards his direction. This skill can really counter the enormous heroes like pharsa and odette. This crowd control should really be useful and if used properly, it will be very easy to be used for early game.
The ultimate skill is Detona roars skyward and generates a forcefield around himself for 5 seconds. Enemies that come in contact with the edge of the forcefield will be 300/500/700 +100% Total Physical Attack and will be stun for 1 second, while enemies within the forcefield takes 60 + 20% physical attack + 0.7 total hp continously every 1 second and slowing them by 20%. The forcefield looks like a huge circle on fire. Barats and Tigreal's ulti will have a very good combo.
The perfect hero for combo with Barats would be Tigreal and Odette. While Tigreal uses Ulti and catches atleast 2 heroes, Barats should also use Ulti along with Odette's Ulti, this way heroes that don't use purify should be killed easily.
A Quick Guide to Up Coming Fighter: Khaleed (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang)
Khaleed is the new hero of Mobile Legends Bang Bang, it was recently featured by Chooxtv in his latest videos. He is a desert scimitar and has a role as fighter. His abilities are damage and regeneration, he is not recommended to be played in mid lane but rather than to roam in side lanes. He can go to middle lane if he needs to back up his team mates in clashing.
Table of Contents
Khaleed Hero
Khaleed is difficult to be use because his attacks are very predictable by the enemy, except in clashing. Although it is very predictable , once you caught up the dealt damage is high. It is recommended that you are fast learner with fast hands in using Khaleed since he is a complicated character to be use especially in his skill sets. You need to be wise using his skills in every situation , especially in clashing.

Khaleed can be combined to any hero depending how the players handle other heroes during battle. But the best heroes to unleash a good combo of Khaleed are Tigreal, Sun, Johnson, Benedetta , Faramis , Jawhead and Sillvana. Depending how the players handle Khaleed and the said heroes to have a high win rate.
Based from Chooxtv video about Khaleed, any item to be use will do as long as it is applicable to its situation. Like wise it will reduce your winning rate if you use the same item in every game. It is better to have revitalize in his equipped battle spell in order to reuse his second skill: quicksand guard which I going to explain below.
Sand Walk
Khaleed's passive called Sand Walk it has the ability to fly and roam around the side lanes. It will allow to increase the speed of Khaleed while dashing his enemies in his range which slows them and dealt damage in his basic attacks. His passive skill will temporary lost when his steady or at rest.
Desert Tornado
His first skill is called Desert Tornado which create a leap or jump while attacking his enemy in its direction. Having a dealt damage to its enemies. Reusable depending how timing it is, at beginning it has long cool down, later in its middle game which it will reduce and very useful at kill spree.
Quicksand Guard
His second skill is called Quicksand guard it restores his health and creates a buff. You can use his second skill after using the first skill while clashing or pushing depending the level of his second skill. At the beginning the health restore is around 70 hp during middle game it will go higher at five seconds in every use. However once you moved Khaleed while activating his second skill will loss his ability to heal.
Raging Storm
His ultimate skill is called Raging Storm which create a sand storm and c stuns his enemies at 1 second. It is best to be used during clashing not one one situations . When using his ultimate make sure to hit at least two enemies or else it will be useless and can affect the game play set by your teammates. Be wise in using his ultimate to create a good combo during clashing.
The New Chasing Assassin Benedetta Guide (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang)
After the release of the black dragon Yu Zhong, many players gets excited of using a dragon in the land of dawn. A new hero is coming to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an assassin, Benedetta, she is a shadow ranger. Benedetta's iconic quote is when the body suffers, the spirit blooms.

Is this hero OP (Overpowered)? The answer would be yes, she is very OP, she can chase enemies easily and she can escape from them while guarding herself. Benedetta's basic attack has different looks from the original basic attack, instead it gives an image of two swords crossing each other just like her role, an assassin.
Benedetta's specialty is chase/burst, which means, she can easily chase heroes or escape intentionally. Benedetta should go on farming, the stronger you get in the early the better. Another way of using this hero properly is by always using her basic attack, then holding it, allowing her to activate her passive skill. The hero is all about dashing, she is like a girl version of Lancelot.
Benedetta and Hayabusa would have an OP combo, I would not recommend having 2 assassins in a game unless one of them adjusts and take the enemies blue buff. Benedetta's Ultimate Skill makes her invisible while dashing and slowing them down, then here is where Hayabusa's scene appear, while benedetta use her ulti, hayabusa should also use his ulti, having an unstoppable duo. Another hero that can do a harsh combo with Benedetta is the tank Khufra, the set would be, Khufra's ulti then Benedetta's Ulti, if the tank can properly set it would give higher chances of winning. I would highly recommend not to use Benedetta without a hero that can stun or immobilize because heroes can easily escape her ulti. Benedetta has a sword on her right side, it can only be filled by holding the basic attack. But overall this combo there is one team that would be unstoppable in clashing (if it hits the right combo) The team would be, Benedetta, Tigreal, Zhask, Silvanna and Wanwan. After Tigreal uses the combo of flicker and Ulti, Zhask and Silvanna should do the same, making the enemies stuck inside, then Wanwan should use her first skill, then wait for few hits to activate her ulti, then Benedetta would use her ulti. If this combo is perfectly timed, then it would be one of the best combos on MLBB. The player should always use basic attack to charge the passive.
Skills Guide
Benedetta's passive skill is called Elapsed Daytime it is a blink and damage way of passive. When holding down the Basic Attack button, Benedetta enters the swordout state, at this state, she gathers sword intent, and if Benedetta releases her basic intent after swordout state, she is already fully charged. The way to release her fully charged swordout state is by holding down the basic attack button. She can also gain sword intent when dealing damage by basic attack and casting skills. The skills damage is considered as skill damage. The HP restoration will be reduced to 20% if she hits minions and creeps. Use her passive skill in clashing or while escaping, her passive is what you would like about her, because she is already fast yet still goes faster.
Her First Skill is both burst and blink, this skill let's Benedetta withdraw swiftly and leaves a shadow in the front. After a short delay, her shadow slashes forward in a fan-shaped area, dealing 300/340/380/420/460/500 and an additional 40% physical attack. This skill is best for offense, because it gives huge amount of damage and a dash, but always keep an eye on the map and avoid CC heroes.
Benedetta's second skill is also a very important skill, it not only helps players on defense but also has offensive structures. Benedetta raises her weapon to defend in this skill, it is called an eye for an eye, the title itself is already very good and is obviously for defense. This skill is very helpful for taking buffs and for clashes.
Alecto: Final Blow is an ulti that is also both defense and for offense. It is very helpful, since you can be invisible, it is very helpful for surprise attacks and for escaping.
Guardian Tales has made their Global Debut!
Kakao Games has officially global released Guardian Tales. It is a mobile adventure RPG game filled with challenging puzzles, nostalgic pixel game designs, and amusing storyline. With its uniquely fun gameplay, Guardian Tales has gotten enormous loving feedback from its launch in Korea recently and has also received plenty of respondents during global pre-registration.

The game comes with multiple language options, supporting up to 10 languages including English, Chinese, Russia, and many more!
App Store & Play Store Download : https://bit.ly/GDTSPRPH01
Guardian Tales is an action adventure RPG with retro pixel game elements combined with beautiful character illustrations. Each world comes with challenging puzzles and hidden routes outside of the map where exciting loots and rewards are waiting to be claimed. With over 50 amazing heroes to collect, Players will create a team of 4 and play together with their Guild in Raid or fight against other players in the Arena and Colosseum. There are also many puzzles and challenging dungeons to complete and hidden locations to discover!

You think that's all? Guess again! A roadmap event "Premiere Night 2", is also held on the same day!

On this event, Guardians will need to collect Event points by playing Rifts, Tower, Arena, Colosseum, and Adventure stages. Each content gives a different amount of Event Points. The more Event Points collected, the more rewards you can exchange during the event.
You can join in and communicate with other Guardians in our community and share some cool tips and get the latest updates of the game!
- Official Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/GuardianTales/
- Official Discord – https://discord.gg/mmznZ3V
Earth Women Are Delicious Guide in Destroy All Humans
For the second mission in Destroy All Humans, titled Earth Woman Are Delicious. Crypto has been tasked with different objective specifically using the disguising skills and the introduction of Abduct-O-Beam weapon of your Flying Saucer.
Here are the list of objectives for Mission 2 – Earth Woman are Delicious:
- Find a fitting test subject
- Enter the fair
- Scan human minds
- Scan Miss Rockwell
- Abduct the test subject
- Get into the Saucer
- Board the Saucer
- Wreck havoc on the Fair
- Destroy the fair buildings
- (Optional Objectives) Destroy buildings with the Abduct-O-Beam
In this guide, we will show you all of the details on how to complete each tasks.
Find a fitting Test Subject
The mission will start by erasing the memory of the first human in the mission that spotted you. You need to reach near the folks and use the Forget skill to erase his memory (In PC, Press X on the keyboard).

After that, with the same folks, you need to use Holobob (For PC, Press F on keyboard) on him to disguise yourself.

As you roam around the area, your Holobob skill will be degraded, you need to refresh your Holobob for it to work for a longer period of time. Find any person in the area and use Refresh Holobob (In PC, Press R on your keyboard).

Basically, your first major objective is to reach the Fair. Simply enter the gate and Pox will give you more details.

Once you've reach the fair, your next object to scan human minds and find the fitting test subject. You don't have to scan each of the humans in the fair, you just need to scan those with ? marks in their head. The indicator are also shown in the map that has blue hexagon shapes.
The first one is near the gate area, just outside the backyard cow farm. You need to use Cortex Scan (In PC, Press R in keyboard) to test the subject.

The second one is seating at the entrance of the Ferris Wheel.

The third one is in the stage, basically the Mayor talking in the rally.

The last one is Miss Rockwell, inside the red/yellow large tent. You'll find inside Miss Rockwell posing on the stage.

After completing scanning the 4 human species, Pox will tell you which one of them are the test subject which is basically Miss Rockwell.
Abduct the Test Subject
You need to abduct Miss Rockwell for you to get her using the Implant Command (In PC, Press E on keyboard). Once done, Miss Rockwell will follow you, you need to escort her to the ship.

There is an optional objective that you need to disguise as the Mayor. For you to disguise as the mayor, you need at the back of the stage and use the Holobob.

Once done disguising as the mayor, escort Miss Rockwell to the Flying Saucer. From time to time, you also need to recharge your Holobob or else your disguise will be gone and unable to complete the optional objective. Use Refresh Holobob to any human species near your area.

When reaching near the Flying Saucer, you'll be able to complete the optional objective as well as escorting Miss Rockwell.

From here, Miss Rockwell will be entering to your ship for Test subject.

Get into the Saucer
In this part, you just basically need to enter the ship. (In PC, Press E to board the Saucer).

Wreck Havoc on the Fair
Once you've boarded the saucer, your primary objective is to destroy the fair. But there is an optional objective that you need to use Vehicles either car or tanks to destroy the buildings.
You need to use the Abduct-O-Beam to get the car, you just need to point to the vehicle and use the Abduct-O-Beam (In PC, Right-click and hold the mouse button).

Once you're holding the vehicle, swing the vehicle and throw it on the building. You need to destroy 3 buildings to complete this optional objectives.

Once you've done the Optional Objectives, you can now freely destroy the remaining building in any method you want.

Once you've completed all of the objectives, you'll get a 100% Mission Completion and unlock the 1,000 DNA rewards.

You may also watch this walkthrough video for the whole mission.
That's it guys, we will be doing more tips and guides for Destroy All Humans, See Yah.
How to Restart Mission on Destroy All Humans
Uncompleting the objective for each mission on Destroy All Humans are commonly avoidable, especially if you're new on the game. For some reason, there are no restart mission when you're trying to go to Mission tab, making other players unable to retry completing the objectives without creating a new game.
The advantage of completing the objectives is it gives you DNA points rewards that you can use to upgrade Crypto abilities and your Flying Saucer such us increasing the duration of disguising other human species to help you with your mission.
If you didn't figure out how to replay the mission in Destroy All Humans, we will teach you where you can find it in the game – it's just hidden on some tabs.
How to Restart Mission
To restart the mission, from Pox's Lab, simply go to Archives tab.

Then select Holopox Deck, this will show you all of the available mission you've already completed.

You can then select the mission you'd like to replay. Hit the Replay button.

From here, it will asked you to confirm for a Restart Mission. Select Yes to restart it.

Using the Holopox dex will allow you to replay the mission and do other handy, invasion improving activities. Basically to get a perfect star for each mission.
How to Abduct Cows on Destroy All Humans (Cornered Beef)
In the Turnipseed Farm, there is a specific quest called Abduction – Cornered Beef, where you'll be abducting cows for research. Orthopox said "We need to collect samples for further research. I've marked the drop zone. Hurry up: Earth's axial rotation combined with its polluted atmosphere makes it impossible to target lock the Colossal Abduct-O-Beam Orbital Transporter for long!".

Basically, you need to abduct those cows and you have to use the Abduct-O-Beam and throw the cows in the circle drop zone to deliver it to the mothership.
You only have roughly 2-minutes to finish the mini game and your goal is to get at least 1-star which is equivalent to 15 cows. Getting 3-star will also reward you additional 1,000 DNA.
How to Abduct Cows
When the rounds starts, there will be a blue drop zone circle that will appear in the field, you need to jump off and reach near the circle that has hoard of cows. Using jetpack is very effective for moving around ahead of the moving drop zone circle.

Then point your cursor to the cow and use the Abduct-O-Beam (For pc, its right-click mouse button).

Once you've captured the cow, you need to throw it straight to the moving blue drop-zone (releasing the mouse right-click for PC). To be effective, you need to point it on the center and top of it.

You need to do it quickly for you to get the minimum quota. However, you can retry the game as many as you can until you'll reach the 3-star.
You may also watch this video for complete walkthrough.
When you completing the task by reaching atleast 1-star, you'll get the following rewards.
- 1-star – 200 DNA
- 3-star – 1,000 DNA
That's it guys! This is one of the few guides we will be covering for the Destroy All Humans alien game.
Redeem Code for Black Desert Mobile x Netflix Cursed Event
Cursed, a Netflix Original Series collaborated with the mobile game Black Desert Mobile to give the players in the game new adventure to explore in the world of Cursed. Starring Nimue, you need to help her with her quest to escape from those enemies who seek eliminate magic from their world. Doing the quest in the game will give players a Fey Coin which can be exchanged for valuable and rare items.

In addition to this event, they also announced a Redeem Code for Black Desert Mobile that players can claim to get awesome items. Though you need to act fast as this redeem code is valid until August 24, 2020.
The Redeem code for Black Desert Mobile X Cursed event are the following:
Codes | Rewards |
You can redeem this code at https://game.world.blackdesertm.com/coupon or from the in-game redeem.
Once successfully redeemed, check your in-game mail and the rewards should be located in their containing the Fey Coins.

That's it guys! Enjoy playing BDM!
Tencent Games Releases The Everlasting Regret on iOS & Android
An unforgettable interactive poetic and puzzle-solving experience awaits
Tencent's Lightspeed & Quantum Studios, has released poetic puzzle game The Everlasting Regret on iOS and Android in more than 50 countries and regions with language support for English and Chinese. The game is an adapted version of the Chinese narrative poem Song of Everlasting Regret and features tailor-made levels told across four chapters designed to present this tragic love story in a beautiful artistic style reminiscent of the Tang Dynasty.
Song of Everlasting Regret is a poem written by the Chinese poet Bai Juyi. It is inspired by the love story of an emperor of the Tang Dynasty who falls in love with a beautiful young girl. Emperor Xuanzong becomes so entranced by Lady Yang that he forgets all of his responsibilities while they both enjoy every minute of their love. Suddenly, war breaks out and the emperor must lead his troops into battle but brings the girl for fear of leaving her alone. His men see that he is distracted and demand Lady Yang be killed to focus his attention on the battle. Xuanzong has no choice but to allow it. After her death, Xuanzong regrets his decision and reflects on all the happy moments they had together.

Xuanzong misses her and even asks priest to contact her soul. This is a sad love story but people are touched by the love, sacrifice, death, and the hope that couple will be reunited one day. The poem ends with the lines "The boundless sky and endless earth may pass away, but this vow unfulfilled will be regretted for aye."
The Everlasting Regret plays like an interactive poem as players need to solve puzzles in order to move on to the next page. Three paint elements, Vivify, Bond, and Destroy, will help players interact with each story segment to complete its narrative, but they can also be used to discover secret scenarios featuring new illustrations. The whole love story of Xuanzong and his beloved concubine Lady Yang is reproduced after finishing four chapters. In addition to its main story, The Everlasting Regret boasts an encyclopedia with a dictionary, commentary, achievements, and artifacts.

The game chooses a Chinese ink-brush painting art style to tell its love story. This special drawing technic and symbol of oriental esthetics is created by using a brush dipped into ground ink, then submerged in water before being painted onto a canvas of paper or silk. A similar impressive visual presentation can also be found in Zhang Yimou's film Shadow.

The game's soundtrack also plays a key role in telling this tragic love story and is characteristic of the Tang Dynasty in its use of Chinese traditional instruments.
The Everlasting Regret is now available on iOS and Android devices in more than 50 countries and regions at the following locations:
- App Store: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1503106820
- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tencent.theEverlastingRegret
Check out this awesome poster from The Everlasting Regret.