Marvel's Avengers Beta Includes Codes Referring to She-Hulk, War Machine, and Kate Bishop

Marvel's Avengers closed beta officially launched on PS4 a few days earlier, allowing those who have pre-purchased the game to give it a whirl nearly a month prior to its launch. As always, data miners started analyzing the codes inside the beta version of the game, which has led to some interesting results.
Discovered and shared by a Reddit user, there are some codes in Marvel's Avengers directly referring to She-Hulk, Kate Bishop, and War Machine in the Hero Cards section. As you may know, Crystal Dynamics hasn't revealed anything about these three characters, but it seems there would be some content related to them in the final version of the game.
While the best thing possible is to get those three superheroes as playable characters in Marvel's Avengers, some believe that the codes are probably referring to collectible or cosmetic items in the game that could have a much broader scale than the playable characters. This idea seems more reasonable as we already have Hawkeye confirmed, so why should the developers try to add a female version of the same superhero to the game?
Furthermore, there are more interesting options for post-launch superheroes, compared to the ones mentioned above. Currently, Hawkeye and Spider-Man are the only confirmed playable characters to join the Marvel's Avengers roster after its launch. If rumors turn out to be true, Captain Marvel would also be another post-launch superhero to join the party.
Marvel's Avengers is set to be released on September 4. As you may already know, the PS4 version of the game will feature an exclusive playable character, which is Spider-Man. The deal between Sony and Square Enix for creating some exclusive content on the PS4 edition of the game caused a huge backlash against Marvel's Avengers. Recently, we talked about how exclusive content would affect the industry and discussed the different sides of such a deal.
The post Marvel's Avengers Beta Includes Codes Referring to She-Hulk, War Machine, and Kate Bishop by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
FGO Reveals Multiple New Servants Including Artoria Caster, New Trailer For Camelot Anime Movie

Type-Moon, DelightWorks and Aniplex held a special live stream for the 5th anniversary of FGO this August 10. Multiple announcements were made (for the JP FGO server only needless to say). Most notably, new Servant Artoria Caster was revealed. A swimsuit event was announced and will be held in mid-August, will be summer camping themed. More new Servants will be added. And an anniversary anime trailer for FGO was also released, alongside a new trailer for the Fate/Grand Order Camelot anime movie.

Artoria Caster is the brand new saberface joining FGO. It's Artoria Pendragon but as an SSR Caster Servant.

Here are have the new Servants coming in August.

The new Servants for the camping-themed swimsuit event.
Multiple special in-game campaigns like new daily login bonuses, etc, were announced too. I'm not gonna detail these as you'll easily learn about them if you play FGO in the first place.
Next up, a new teaser for the FGO movie: Fate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot (Fate/Grand Order Shinsei Entaku Ryouiki Camelot) was revealed:
【前編 「Wandering; Agateram」第3弾特報映像解禁】
12月5日(土)に劇場公開となる劇場版FGOキャメロットの前編 「Wandering; Agateram」第3弾特報映像を解禁いたしました。坂本真綾さんによる主題歌「独白」の音源も初解禁となります。是非ご覧下さい。#FGO #FGO_ep6 #キャメロット— 劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- (@FGOAP_ep6) August 10, 2020
The movie's theme song we hear in the trailer is titled Dokuhaku and is sung by Maaya Sakamoto, an extremely talented, veteran seiyuu I don't need to introduce if you're reading this article in the first place. Maaya Sakamoto voices Leonardo da Vinci in FGO, she's one of the main characters of the movie.
A new key visual featuring Bedivere was published too. Bedivere is voiced by Mamoru Miyano, another star seiyuu.
【前編 「Wandering; Agateram」メインビジュアル解禁】
12月5日(土)に劇場公開となる劇場版FGOキャメロット前編 「Wandering; Agateram」のメインビジュアルも特報映像と併せて解禁いたしました。遍歴の騎士・べディヴィエールの力強い表情が描かれています。#FGO #FGO_ep6 #キャメロット— 劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット- (@FGOAP_ep6) August 10, 2020
The key visual was illustrated by Yousuke Kabashima, who shared the draft version on Twitter:
併せてFGO5周年おめでとうございます!!#FGO#FGO_ep6#キャメロット— 椛島洋介 (@KABABABABA) August 10, 2020
Lastly, here is the special anime trailer celebrating the 5th anniversary of FGO:
FGO 5th Anniversary Celebration Special Anime Video
As the stream ended, a new app featuring Mashu was also announced. We detailed that in a separate story.
The Fate franchise overall is incredibly popular nowadays, though FGO itself is on a whole other level. The latest Fate movie, Fate/stay night Heaven's Feel III spring song will also launch on August 15 in Japanese cinemas. Type-Moon Studio BB also recently announced Fate/Extra Record, you can read all the details with our past coverage.
The post FGO Reveals Multiple New Servants Including Artoria Caster, New Trailer For Camelot Anime Movie by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
The Witcher 3 Fan Art Portrays Headstrong Ciri by Using Charcoal

As we get that little bit closer to Cyberpunk 2077's release date, CD Projekt's previous highly acclaimed title The Witcher 3 is never too far from gamer's minds. Over the course of five years since its initial release on PC, Xbox One, and PS4, The Witcher 3 is certainly one of those games you go back to time and time again after you have completed it due to the incredible stories found within its realms. When choosing a favorite character from the RPG adventure, that's usually not the easiest decision to make. But what I will say is that talented artists from around the world seem to capture each one with immense beauty and today is no different as we see the resilient Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon drawn solely with the use of charcoal.
Michael C. Hayes is an illustrator for Magic: The Gathering, a gallery painter and, more so than anything else, an independent artist. Wanting to stand out from the crowd, Michael decided to take up charcoal painting to add another layer of creative talent to his paintings especially so when attending conventions. He has also received numerous awards from the Art Renewal Center and the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists where his work has hung in collections, galleries, and museums all over the world. Here we see Michael taking on the incredible Ciri from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and it's amazing how well he has captured Ciri's determined facial expression we have all grown to love and recognize.
As you will notice from the drawing, Michael has sketched Princess Ciri using charcoal which gives it real depth and a haunting undertone. I particularly love how Michael shades certain areas that make Ciri almost come to life, especially in parts as her shirt creases and the deepening of her facial scars. The level of detail here too is not to be sniffed at – just look at how much work went into Ciri's belt, her eyes, and those long wisps of white locks. As a Witcher fan, this is definitely a piece of work I'd love to hang proudly on my wall. If you happen to love fantasy artwork, Michael has also put together a book full of his illustrations that's currently running over on Kickstarter. Named Exodus, the book is Michaels third compilation of his work and it is the first in which all of the artwork was created not for commercial clients, but entirely for himself. Having spent some time gazing over all of Michael's pieces of art, it's safe to say that his work is incredible and well worth taking a look at.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt celebrated its 5-year anniversary a few months ago so, naturally, I took to my keyboard to type out why I still love it so much to this very day. If you have a few minutes, you can check that out right here. For all things monsters and mythology from The Witcher Netflix show, take a look at this guide that goes into great detail about the lore of the monsters that Geralt encounters. We also saw recently that a prequel to the incredibly good Netflix TV show The Witcher will be coming our way.
The Witcher: Blood Origin will be set 1200 years before Geralt of Rivia, and will feature a chaotic world filled with monsters, men, and elves that will explore how the first Witcher developed. The TV series was one of Netflix's biggest first seasons ever with over 76 million households tuning in to watch. In the years since its release, there have been tons of great fan creations and art, ranging from a comic book-style illustration of Geralt to a mockup of a Witcher-themed Xbox Series X console and also some of Geralt displaying his dad side.
Be sure to check out our own review for the Netflix series The Witcher here. If gaming is more your style, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is available now on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
The post The Witcher 3 Fan Art Portrays Headstrong Ciri by Using Charcoal by Rachael Fiddis appeared first on DualShockers.
Fall Guys Surpasses 2 Million Sales on Steam Alone

Last week, the internet was ablaze with Fall Guys, Mediatonic's latest release that finds a bunch of cute characters wandering around obstacle courses in a similar vein to Takeshi's Castle. Both Mediatonic and Devolver Digital have shared the statistics for the game since it launched last week on August 4.
Fall Guys has seen over 2,000,000 copies sold on Steam alone. The PS4 figures have not yet been revealed. There has also been a lot of streamers on Twitch jumping onto the game to share their wacky antics as they scramble to be the last one standing. The statistics reveal that over 23,000,000 hours have been watched on the Amazon-owned streaming platform.
Throughout the game, when players reach the final round, if they win they'll nab a crown. There's also a level in which players have to jump and grab the crown at the top of Fall Mountain. It has been revealed that 1,500,000 crowns have been grabbed. And, of course, the game features a lot of falling. So it's understandable why 60,000,000 players have fallen to the slimly pink slime below the courses.
Mediatonic's co-founder & chief games officer, Paul Croft. said in a press release, "It has been overwhelming and humbling to watch the launch and reception of Fall Guys. We're incredibly grateful to all of our players for their support and have big plans for the game in the future." The statistics detailed above, specifically, the Steam sales makes this both Mediatonic and Devolver Digital's most successful launch to date.
We've already seen a Half-Life and a Hotline Miami crossover, and it's looking likely that we'll also see a crossover with The Witcher or Cyberpunk 2077. Fall Guys is currently available on PC and PS4, and also available for PS+ members through August. You can read our review and see what we thought about the wacky game that bleeds endorphins.
The post Fall Guys Surpasses 2 Million Sales on Steam Alone by Ben Bayliss appeared first on DualShockers.
Adome Launching Thie Fall as It Enters Final Stretch of Development

Adome is a first-person single-player action-adventure set in the future and due to be released later this year on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch. The game is said to be influenced by EA's Mirror's Edge meaning there seems to be a bunch of parkour involved.
Developed by Timsea Studios, the game takes place in the future in which the world is ravaged by the effects of climate change. Humanity has created a city within a large dome and called it "City of Light". This city was designed to ensure the survival of future generations. We join the story when the city is to be seeing The Seeds, its first inhabitants arrive. These are seven-year-old children who are to be looked after and raised by humanoid robots known as Instructors.
However, the player-controlled protagonist IB1, who is one of these instructors for Ark B1, becomes activated after sensing the presence of the Seeds. But the system hasn't worked as it should have. Players are tasked with locating the Seeds while jumping, climbing, and running along walls as they traverse the city. There are also enemies to shoot to throw in some action. Additionally, IB1 starts to treasure human emotions that humanity seems to have lost.
Adome looks to touch on loneliness, maturity, and the importance of being in contact with nature. The above teaser trailer doesn't show off much in terms of the action, instead, it's essentially an explanation of the plot along with a showcase of a select few environments with some heavy head-bobbing running. Some of the internal levels show off a very futuristic feel and then the external levels look to be barren and desolate.
It's said that you can expect to see Adome launching this Fall for PC, Xbox One, PS4, and the Nintendo Switch.
The post Adome Launching Thie Fall as It Enters Final Stretch of Development by Ben Bayliss appeared first on DualShockers.
Marvel's Avengers Reportedly Has Even More Exclusive Skins

Marvel's Avengers is embroiled in a little bit of an exclusivity based controversy at the moment. First of all, there was the announcement that one of Marvel's most beloved superheroes, Spider-Man, would be coming to the game but would be exclusively tied to both the PS4 and PS5. Then, Sony released a trailer for the game shouting about more Playstation exclusive content that, although is only cosmetic, still excludes a percentage of the player base.
Now, if a post on Reddit is to be believed, you will even be able to gain exclusive skins based on your choice of phone and cable provider. The post, by u/smooth4254 details potential upcoming collaborations with US and British telecoms giants Verizon and Virgin Media and technology stalwarts Intel.
The Verizon/Virgin Media skins see the band of heroes donning a distinctly red set of outfits, while the Intel cosmetics are more mixed. The Intel skins see Thor wearing a slightly more classic outfit and Hulk sporting a rather large gold chain.
While players are unhappy that Spider-Man is a Playstation exclusive character, it has been confirmed he is the only one, meaning from here on out it will only be exclusive skins and potentially other cosmetics.
Marvel's Avengers has just had the first of three beta weekends, this one being specifically for customers who pre-ordered on PS4. The beta, which is also having a crossover event with Fortnite, will be open to all PS4 players and Xbox pre-order customers next weekend (August 14-16) before being opened up to everybody the following weekend (August 21-23). We got to preview the game prior to the beta and said that it "isn't terrible by any means" but "it also isn't blowing me away".
Depending on your stance, platform-exclusive content may either suck or be a selling point – but if one thing's for certain, it gets people talking about your game, and you know what they say, no publicity is bad publicity. Unless people threaten to boycott your product.
The post Marvel's Avengers Reportedly Has Even More Exclusive Skins by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
FGO Mashu Is Back With a New VR App But Only For 550K People

FGO first launched in July 30, 2015 and is now celebrating its 5th anniversary with a new Mashu app. A special live stream was held on August 10 for the occasion, and it revealed the app as a surprise announcement as the stream ended. What's interesting here is that only 550K downloads of the app will be possible. And once it hits that threshold, you'll be unable to obtain it. It'll be first come first served.
The new FGO Mashu app has no release date but it'll be launching in the "next few days", on iOS and Android. Being Fate/Grand Order's mascot of sorts as the first Servant and one of the most popular characters, Shielder / Mashu Kyrielight already had a similar app a few years ago. This one looks similar except she's wearing multiple new clothes and she'll have new dialogue lines by her seiyuu Rie Takahashi. It also looks to be linked with the Fate/Grand Order: Moonlight/Lostroom special anime from December 2017.
The teaser trailer for the new FGO Mashu app was uploaded on Twitter, you can find it right below:
先着55万DL限定 近日配信
Fate/Grand Order 5周年特別企画。それは、在りし日のカルデアで起きた一夜の恩返し。 #FGO #FGO5周年 #FGOW
— 【公式】Fate/Grand Order (@fgoproject) August 10, 2020

The outfit with the Nitocris ears is particularly cute.
FGO is one of the most popular games ever in Japan, and is also renowned as the most talked about game on Twitter for multiple years. Most of this being Japan as Twitter is the biggest social media by far there. Only Animal Crossing New Horizons managed to surpass it, for now.
Type-Moon Studio BB recently announced a remake for Fate/Extra, celebrating the PSP game's tenth anniversary. We detailed everything you should know about it in multiple articles here, here, here, and here.
We'll be covering the other announcements from the FGO 5th anniversary live stream in a separate article coming shortly so stay tuned. Though I'm sure you already know them all if you're into FGO enough to read this article in the first place.
The post FGO Mashu Is Back With a New VR App But Only For 550K People by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Xbox Series S Reportedly Confirmed by Leaked Controller

Microsoft, along with Sony, is reportedly due to be having a big event at some point during August. The rumoured showcase is supposedly going to reveal the price and availability of the new Xbox console, plus some new games. Microsoft's trump card for the event may have just been revealed though, due to a leak reported by The Verge.
Twitter user Zak S, reportedly managed to get his hands on a next-gen Xbox controller, complete with the box from an online reselling website. The controller, which was picked up for only $35, shows off both the new D-Pad and share button and comes in a "Robot White" colour scheme. What does this spoil though, Microsoft has already shown off the controller?
Xbox series X controller found in the wild!!
— Zak S (@zakk_exe) August 9, 2020
Well, the packaging of the controller seems to reveal what has been heavily rumoured for a long time, the existence of an "Xbox Series S". The side of the box lists the devices the new controller is compatible with, and alongside Xbox One, Windows 10, Android and iOS it lists "Xbox Series X/S". Everything in the photo's and videos shared suggests that the controller is real, and The Verge have themselves confirmed it is genuine.
The reports of Microsoft producing a second console go as far back as December 2018, with rumours suggesting they were using two codenames "Anaconda" and "Lockhart". As further reports came out, it was suggested the actual name of the secondary console would follow suit with the Series X and be called the Series S. The Series S is rumoured to be a less powerful but more affordable entry into the next-gen ecosystem.
Microsoft's focus so far however doesn't necessarily seem to be about selling as many console units as possible. The company are committed to expanding both Xbox Game Pass and xCloud, with the latter confirmed to be launching on Android devices in a little over a month.
While all reports and rumours should be taken with a pinch of salt, this is as close to confirmation we are going to get before Microsoft officially unveil it themselves.
The post Xbox Series S Reportedly Confirmed by Leaked Controller by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Digimon Survive European Licensing Catalog Site Updates, Removes January 2021 Release Window

Digimon Survive has gotten another update to its potential release date, which comes in the form of the European licensing catalog site updating. The site formerly showed January 2021 as the release window for the title, seemingly confirming a delay in the title's release:
But now when you check the site, it displays this image with the release window now removed. This confirms that the window was published as an error:
There's been plenty of back and forth concerning the release of Digimon Survive. According to an official statement from a Bandai Namco representative, they stated that the previously reported on "switch from 2020 to TBA is a typo on Famitsu's side" and that the game is still slated for a 2020 release. This is also backed up by the official Toei Animation schedule released by a Chinese game site, which reinforces the release date.
In a past update, two other characters made their debut along with a well of info concerning the Free Action mechanic. There were other screenshots of the world and another character revealed before then. Bandai Namco also released a developer diary starring producers Habu Kzaumasa and Tsuzuki Katsuaki as they dug deep into the past, present, and future of Digimon video games. And of course this means they touched on Digimon Survive as well.
During the video Kazumasa delved into how the team is trying to build to something that will cater to both the hardcore and casual audiences. To do this, the team mashed up elements of old school tactical RPGs and adventure games. The devs hope this combo of gameplay styles will make the game more accessible for everyone.
Katsuaki also talked about the two different parts of Digimon Survive's gameplay. The first, which he calls the "drama part," is akin to a text adventure. You'll be given a number of options and your choices will influence the story. The "battle part" is a standard tactical RPG; however, choices you make in the "drama part" will influence various conditions in these battles. You can also digivolve your Digimon during battle. This lets you open up opportunities to exploit your opponent's weaknesses and finish them off in quick order.
Check out some battle and story gameplay here, and some beautiful high quality screenshots here and here. Digimon Survive will be coming to Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One sometime in 2020.
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Quake III Will Be Free on Bethesda Launcher After Successful Charity Drive

During the start of the online QuakeCon, Bethesda revealed that if their donation drive reached or surpassed $20,000 they would make Quake III free on the Launcher. And as of today, the publisher has reached their intended goal and posted the following tweet in celebration:
It according to other users that you have to log on to the launcher during QuakeCon in order to redeem the free copy of Quake III. However, you can still donate to the charity drive and give funds to charities such as UNICEF, Direct Relief, and The Trevor Project. For fans that want QuakeCon 2020 themed merch, Bethesda will sell clothing, a mousepad, and pin themed after the event.
The first panel to kick off the 25th anniversary of QuakeCon was Bethesda's Pete Hines where he welcomes viewers to the virtual convention. From there, there were panels on games like Doom Eternal, Fallout 76, and The Elder Scrolls Online. Besides those events were free game skin giveaways for titles like Doom Eternal, Quake Champions, and Fallout 76.
Like other major gaming events in the world, QuakeCon 2020 had to be canceled due to COVID-19. That being said, the event has carried on through this upcoming online event. Bethesda released an official statement concerning the switch of QuakeCon to be fully online. "Because the world is a different place right now, QuakeCon is going to be different this year too, but the beating heart of QuakeCon remains strong. It's still a celebration of our amazing communities, and it's still about coming together to share our love of games. Because we can't be together in person, we're hosting three straight days of streams focusing on games, the people who make them, and the people who love them."
Other major gaming conventions to be canceled or postponed include GDC, Gamescom, and E3 2020. These cancellations and postponements have caused publishers like EA and Ubisoft to replace their E3 conferences with their own digital events that happened in mid-June and early-July respectively.
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