Mon Sep 28 15:30:00 UTC 2020
Podtoid asks which film is worse: Superman IV, Over the Top, or Masters of the Universe?
While Podtoid is and will always be a podcast about gaming, sometimes the crew just likes to chat about movies. And when it's only Chris, Occams, and CJ on the show, you can be sure those movies will be from the '80s. On this week's show, the boys talk about the rise and fall of Cannon Films, horror flicks, Spellbreak, and the big Bethesda purchase. All that, plus pumpkin spice flavors where they don't belong, on Podtoid Episode 460.
Yakuza: Like a Dragon doesn't have cross-saves between PS4 and PS5
It took mere hours for that goodwill Sega earned to go right out the window. Earlier this morning, we found out that Yakuza: Like a Dragon will offer free next-gen upgrades on PlayStation. Of course, it's not just that easy.
Anyone who buys Yakuza: Like a Dragon on PS4 will get a free upgrade to the PS5 version when it launches on March 2, 2021. However, developer RGG Studio clarifies that saves aren't compatible between the two versions:
Are you collecting every star in Super Mario 3D All-Stars?
We're two weekends into Super Mario 3D All-Stars' limited availability window, and I've gotta ask: is anyone else out there collecting every last trinket in Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy? I can't help myself.
After reaching the castle basement, I decided to sideline 64 and circle back once I had completed Sunshine and Galaxy. Capping off this Switch bundle with the oldest (and arguably dearest) game in the lineup just seems right to me. And don't tell anyone, but I've secretly been most excited to replay Sunshine – not because it's the best, which it absolutely, definitively is not – but because Delfino Plaza is my favorite hub to explore and hang out in by far. It's a joy to traverse the moment you're let loose.
Looking out into an endless ocean in this spruced-up Switch version? Blissful summer vibes.
Sunshine becomes much less of a joy when you're going after frustrating optional Shines like the toxic lily pad ride or you're combing multiple episodes in the same stage to unearth all 240 Blue Coins.
Let me put it this way: my YouTube feed is flooded with Blue Coin location videos – if you're in a pinch, I suggest EmptyGarbageCan's "condensed" guides – and mistakes were made. You should've seen the look on my face when I ended three different zones with 29 out of 30 coins. I swear I shot the blue bird!
I can't stress enough how mischievous some of these blasted things are (spray everything), but I don't regret searching for most of them. The best and worst Nintendo secrets push me to fully explore and appreciate these densely-packed spaces, and really, that's why I play and love Mario games.
I've since moved onto Galaxy, which has been a vastly smoother experience. I wasn't sure about using the Pro Controller to nab Star Bits at first, but I've gotten used to the pointer and don't mind it. Nintendo's creativity is in full force in this game. It holds up. That said, I'm nervous about Luigi's stars.
Where are you at in 3D All-Stars and where are you headed next?
Xbox Series X has speedy file transfers between HDD and SSD
Microsoft has been selling us on the solid state drive being a key component of the Xbox Series X. It's all about speed. A lightning fast SSD unlocks the ability to boot games incredibly quickly, and to go through them without obtrusive loading screens.
There's another perk to the SSD that won't necessarily make any of marketing's bullet points. We learned last week that Xbox Series X's proprietary expandable storage will be rather expensive, clocking in at $220 for a 1TB SSD card. An alternative to paying through the nose for a second SSD is to use a USB 3.1 HDD to store your games. However, an HDD can't actually run the next-gen games; it can only run backward compatible games. Instead, users will have to store the games they don't play on the HDD and then transfer them to the SSD when they want to play them.
This morning, a blitz of Xbox Series X previews ran as a lot of tech-focused outlets had access to prototype units. Most of the coverage centered around how the console runs backward compatible titles. There were a few revelations about other aspects of the Xbox Series X, though.
One of them comes from GamesBeat's Jeff Grubb who tested how long it takes to transfer files between various drives. In the video embedded above, Grubb moves Assassin's Creed Origins (which is a 49GB file) around his storage locations in different configurations. Here's what the tests found.
Moving Origins from an external SSD to an internal SSD took only 2 minutes and 18 seconds. The inverse, going from internal SSD to external SSD, took 4 minutes and 33 seconds. Probably most important, transferring from an external HDD to an internal SSD took 7 minutes and 46 seconds. Finally, moving from internal SSD to external HDD took 10 minutes and 36 seconds.
That third result is the one most people will want to keep in mind. It's the one that dictates whether they can live with swapping installs back and forth or whether they'd rather pony up for the official external SSD. Approximately 8 minutes to get the game where it needs to go in order to be played. Assuming next-gen installs are much bigger -- let's just call a file 100GB for convenience's sake -- it'll take about 16 minutes to transfer a game.
That isn't immediate enough to gel with Microsoft's vision that everyone jumps into every game without waiting. But, with a little planning and a little patience, it might be immediate enough to warrant saving the $220.
Psikyo Shooting Collection will bring a bevy of shmups to PS5
Publisher City Connection has announced that it will release a compendium of classic Psikyo arcade shmups on PS5, following the titles' previous releases on Steam and Nintendo Switch.
The Psikyo Shooting Collection will include 12 titles from the Psikyo series, include both Gunbird and Gunbird II, Sol Divide, the Samurai Aces games, and the Strikers 1945 trilogy. As per the Steam/Switch releases, each title in the collection will feature original arcade dip switch settings, a selection of visual filters, and screen orientation options.
Additionally, City Connection plans to release the titles one-by-one on PS4 and Xbox One, in much the same way it has done for PC over the course of the year, however no dates were announced for any of the above releases. In related news, the publisher recently announced that DeathSmiles I & II will also be putting an appearance on PS4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2021. You can check out the full list of games below.
YuYu Hakusho's Hiei unleashes hell in new Jump Force trailer
Another day, another lightning-fast Bandai Namco trailer. This time we get our first look at YuYu Hakusho's Hiei, as he prepares to wage war in the publisher's anime crossover fighter Jump Force.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will show off Zombies on September 30
We've seen a lot more of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War in recent weeks, but what about Zombies? It's coming – and yes, I've also been thinking about the possibility of an undead Reagan stomping around.
Treyarch is planning to lift the lid on Cold War's Zombies at 10:00 a.m. Pacific on September 30.
Zombies. Are. Back. #BlackOpsColdWar
— Call of Duty (@CallofDuty) September 28, 2020
ð" 10am PT on September 30.
Semi curiously, Treyarch describes this showcase as the beginning of "a new Zombies story." For people who have kept up, that could be good or bad depending on your view of the two sagas.
Here's a super short teaser, and here's a house-sized skeleton to get you in the spooky mood.
Panzer Dragoon: Remake is out now on PS4
Megapixel Studios' 2020 remake of classic Sega Saturn title Panzer Dragoon is now finally available on PS4, following its earlier releases on Nintendo Switch, PC, and Stadia. It can be purchased from the PlayStation Network right now, priced at around $25.
Capcom clarifies that PS4 and Xbox One will get Vergil in Devil May Cry 5 as 'premium DLC'
Back when Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition was first revealed on Sony's recent PS5 stream, there was a lingering question: what will become of the previous generation?
That query was briefly answered, buried near the bottom of the PlayStation Blog post, stating: "And if you own DMC5 on PS4 stay tuned, the Playable Character: Vergil Paid DLC will be available at a later date." Vague! And neither hide nor hair of the Xbox One edition. But thanks to a recent TGS Live stream from Capcom, we now have a definitive answer.
The stream confirms that the playable Vergil component, arguably the most important piece of the new Special Edition package, is coming to PS4 and Xbox One eventually as "premium DLC." Capcom says that much of the actual visual upgrades are exclusive to the PS5 and Xbox Series X, but at least original Devil May Cry 5 buyers will be able to experience the main attraction down the line.
Just (weirdly) don't expect it to come to PC in the near future.
Capcom TGS Live [YouTube via VG247]
Dynasty Warriors is coming to iOS and Android
During this weekend's Tokyo Game Show, publisher Koei Tecmo announced that its feudal franchise Dynasty Warriors will be making the leap to mobile platforms iOS and Android.
Not much in the way of intricate detail was offered regarding the new Dynasty Warriors mobile title, though a short teaser trailer appears to show that it will feature a scaled-down version of the franchise classic musou gameplay. Players will select a team of up to three characters, pulled from various entries in the Dynasty Warriors franchise, before diving into typical, mass-brawling action.
Sony kicked off their recent PS5 event right: with confirmation of Final Fantasy XVI. But it wasn't just any old Square Enix trailer, though. It actually had gameplay! According to producer Naoki "Yoshi-P" Yoshida, that was deliberate.
According to a new panel during TGS (translated by Twitter user Audrey), the team was "pressed for time" to make the trailer, but also wanted to ensure that it had in-game visuals. As a result, the team says that they couldn't "fine-tune the graphics," and will reveal a "more polished version" in the future.
Yoshi-P hints that the publisher wanted to avoid the backlash of just showing a shiny CG trailer and a logo: something Square Enix is notorious for. He even jokes that people would have said "see you in 2035!" if they had done that. I hear that!
I mean, I'm satisfied with what we got. I thought it was brutal and unique, yet familiar with the crystal and summon iconography. It did its job and I'm stoked to play the new entry, especially with Yoshida at the helm.
Square Enix Presents [YouTube via Audrey]
Here's our first look at Street Fighter V's Dan Hibiki in his taunting element
During this weekend's Tokyo Games Show event, Capcom released a teaser trailer for the first season five character headed to Street Fighter V later this year: the incomparable Dan Hibiki.
First appearing in 1995's Street Fighter Alpha, Dan was created as a tongue-in-cheek jab at rival fighting game developer SNK, being a hybrid of Art of Fighting heroes Ryo Sakazaki and Robert Garcia. In Street Fighter lore, Dan is a brash, obnoxious, and painfully over-confident fighter, who has mastered his custom "Saikyo Style" martial arts technique. Despite his overbearing personality, Dan is a good man at heart, driven to see success not only for himself, but for his protege Sakura Kasogana.
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity will have a small Zelda: Breath of the Wild save data bonus
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is coming. Imagine that! It didn't exist a few weeks ago and now it's being shown off at TGS like it's been around the block. Classic Nintendo "surprise!" tactics.
Anyway, Age of Calamity is arriving on Switch on November 20 and I think we have a pretty good idea of how it'll play (a lot like the original Hyrule Warriors). If you're not sold yet you can check out the recent gameplay overview, but Nintendo also used the TGS hype as an opportunity to share another tidbit with us: a bonus item.
Shared via a tweet, Nintendo of America clarifies that if you have save data for Zelda: Breath of the Wild on the same Switch as the one you're using for Age of Calamity, you'll net a bonus. It's very simple: a training sword weapon for Link.
A simple, yet effective way to get people to collect all the weapons. Support for amiibo has also been confirmed for Age of Calamity, so there's going to be a ton of items swirling around the game, in true Warriors fashion.
Nintendo of America [Twitter]
Pokémon Sword and Shield still has gas left in the tank. While Isle of Armor came out earlier this year, it's only one half of the season pass. Crown Tundra has yet to be released, but thanks to a new announcement of a Pokémon stream, we may have an idea of when it could be arriving.
As a general rule, Nintendo likes to hold big first-party streams for games that have imminent releases. We've seen it before with games like Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and it might happen again tomorrow with Sword and Shield. "Fall 2020" is currently underway, after all.
The stream will take place on September 29 at 9AM ET, at which point "updates about the upcoming expansion pass" will be provided. Given that the icons for the stream are the emblems for the two DLCs, it's likely that this will not feature Pokémon Unite news or reveal a new title. Instead, we'll probably get the date for Crown Tundra, as well as more info on the DLC.
If Nintendo/The Pokémon Company really want to wow us, they'll tease something else, like a third add-on. I'd take it!
Pokemon [YouTube]
Yakuza: Like a Dragon won't require a monster PC to run, PS5 version out in 2021
Sega is finalizing their Yakuza: Like A Dragon launch plans now that all of the consoles are out of the woodwork! It's about time.
As a final push, Sega reminds us that Like a Dragon will arrive on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Xbox Series X on November 10. The publisher does clarify, however, that the PS5 edition is coming on March 2, 2021 — and that it will come with a free upgrade. Here's the exact wording just in case, so you aren't setting yourself up for disappointment (emphasis mine): "Once players purchase the digital PS4 version of Yakuza: Like a Dragon at PlayStation Store they are able to download the PS5 version at no extra cost when it launches on March 2, 2021." The publisher has since clarified that physical will work too.
In terms of the PC version, now that the game is ready, the minimum and recommended requirements are out in the wild. It's all pretty standard stuff, and with an i5 and GTX 660 needed for the former parameters, it should be easy enough to run on most PCs. This is all a formality really. Bring on the next chapter of Yakuza! We were all waiting to see how the series would fare with Kiryu out of the picture.
When Genshin Impact was first revealed, developer miHoYo was very firm on the idea that the visuals were inspired by Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That mere fact, plus the news that it was being ported to Switch [eventually], was enough to turn heads and get the game on the map in the west. But now that it's actually here (having been in a testing period for some time), folks are able to see just how influential Breath of the Wild was on development.
Before you come to your own conclusions though, FreeMMOStation caught up with miHoYo to get their perspective. The studio says that they still hold Breath of the Wild "in high regard," and reiterate that they have been clear about the inspiration from the Nintendo title since the start.
But miHoYo goes a step further, stating: "That said, it is important to note that once you actually pick up the game, you will find the experience of Genshin Impact to be very different from that of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Genshin Impact features a fully original story and characters, and the core gameplay revolves around assembling a party of multiple characters and engaging in a combat system based on interactions between different elements. As we go from closed beta to official release, players will soon be able to discover the unique features and joy that Genshin Impact delivers."
Genshin Impact is out today on PC, PS4 and mobile devices for free: so you can give it a go and try it out for yourself. Grab it here, but note that the PC version is currently being hammered, leading to very slow installations. If you do opt for the PS4 version, just know that it will not allow data transfer between the other editions. Everything else is safe, though.
Genshin Impact interview [FreeMMOStation via Nintendo Life]
Guilty Gear Strive live stream set for October 11
Arc System Works has announced that it will be hosting a live stream presentation this coming weekend to offer the latest news and details regarding its exciting anime fighter Guilty Gear Strive, which will launch on PS4, PS5 and PC in early 2021.
The fantastically titled "Guilty Gear Official Live Stream: Latest Information Extra-Large Special" will feature the hottest info on the newest entry in the hype fighting series, complete with a brand new trailer, and a music video that I guaran-damn-tee will feature multiple wailing guitars.
The stream will also see some pro GG players from Cyclops Athlete Gaming engage in head-to-head battles on the new title. Additionally, the stream will host a "Developer's Backyard" segment, where the team behind GG Strive will offer details on how the new game's design has changed in response to player feedback received following the closed beta earlier this year.
The stream will take place Sunday, October 11 at 11:00 JST, which is 19:00 PT / 22:00 ET on Saturday, October 10 for those in the west. You can watch the stream on ArcSys official YouTube and Twitch channels, but we will be sure to post the new trailer and any other pertinent info right here on Destructoid.
Guilty Gear Strive is scheduled to launch in early 2021 on PS4, PS5, and PC.
Kunimitsu II will bring her ninja ways to Tekken 7 this fall
Bandai Namco has revealed the first DLC character headed to Tekken 7 this fall, kicking off the 3D fighter's fourth season of content. As previously suspected, the returning warrior is none other than young kunoichi Kunimitsu.
Well, that's sort of a half-truth. As the original Kunimitsu, who made her debut as a sub-boss in the original Tekken, is getting on in years, the family's ninja tradition has fallen on the shoulders of her daughter, who will don the faithful mask and take up her mother's ways in Tekken 7. It also seems that vengeance runs in the family, as Kunimitsu II will also continue her lineage's dogged pursuit of the master warrior, Yoshimitsu.
Monster Hunter World: Iceborne's final update arrives this week
Capcom has released a short trailer for Title Update 5, the fifth and final major update headed toward its blockbuster-selling fantasy epic, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne. The new update will arrive on PC and consoles in on September 30/October 1.
Leading the pack in regards to new content is the terrifying return of Fatalis. The infamous Black Dragon has been a part of the MH universe since the series' inception, and is capable of wiping out even the strongest of heroes with a mere whip of its tail or a powerful blast of fire. Capable of flight, Fatalis brings death from on the ground or up on high, and is a suitable final test for long-time Monster Hunter: World aficionados.
(Update) New CGI series Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness coming to Netflix in 2021
[Update: Netflix has officially revealed Resident Evil Infinite Darkness, a new CGI drama series that will arrive on the streaming service in 2021. Produced by TMS Entertainment, the show promises to present a Resident Evil world "unlike anything seen before." You can check out the teaser trailer at the foot of the article.]
A since-removed tweet from the Portuguese Netflix Twitter account has revealed that a brand new Resident Evil CGI movie is in the works, and will premier on the streaming service in 2021.
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness will star two of the survival horror franchise's most beloved protagonists, Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy. The Resident Evil 2 superstars will reunite for what appears to be an all-new adventure. While there are currently no plot details to speak of, I'm sure fans can expect a deadly adventure packed with conspiracy, intrigue, and more than a few nightmare-inducing monsters.
In other recent Resident Evil news, publisher Capcom has suggested that the next video game entry in the series, Resident Evil Village, could potentially arrive on current-gen consoles PS4 and Xbox One, though the team stopped short of guaranteeing this possibility.
How I made the most out of a terrible, terrible summer
[TheBlondeBass put together a game jam and invited the Destructoid community to join him for the journey. After all the smoke had settled, he wrote this blog detailing his experience and even shared a link to the finished product, along with the page for the other entries as well! Be sure to check them all out and let these fine folks know what you think! - Kevin]
2020's been a crummy year for just about everyone. Unless your name rhymes with Beff Jezos, you've probably felt it too. The stress of a situation of which we feel like we have little control over, or maybe of not knowing if your job is safe. The loneliness of not seeing your friends in person, while losing the motivation to do so online. It all around sucks to spend that much time in one's apartment, worrying about the world.
Due to a variety of factors I won't get into, the year has affected me a lot. I've been tired, unhappy, anxious, and irritable. The situation was showing no signs of improvement back in May, and I needed something to change. I needed something, other than work, to think about. Something like...
Review: Mafia: Definitive Edition
This story takes place a long time ago and most video games don't age like fine wine. The rare, great ones do but most don't. The ones that are merely good have a shelf life before they turn. Playing an open-world shooter from 2002 leaves about the same taste in your mouth as chewing the bubblegum that came with 1950s baseball cards.
Mafia: Definitive Edition is a prime example of how those good games can have great foundations. A lot of all-timers like Final Fantasy VII, Link's Awakening, and Resident Evil 2 have gotten the remake treatment lately, and no one is surprised when they're excellent the second time 'round. Mafia, which had to live in GTA III's shadow back in 2002, gets its first chance to be truly excellent in 2020.
For the first time since the WWE series of games was handed off to 2K Sports, they've released something drastically different on consoles from the annualized and borderline sim-like WWE 2K series.
WWE 2K Battlegrounds features a wide cast of WWE superstars new and old, throwing each other dozens of feet into the air, into cars, and into alligators, all with over-the-top power-ups and abilities. This is anything but a simulation of modern professional wrestling.
All of that spectacle wears off quickly, though. Battlegrounds is incredibly shallow in regards to gameplay, and the overall progression is downright mind-numbing.
Head out on the highway with Arcade Archives' Burnin' Rubber
Retro publishers are getting in gear for this week's addition to the Arcade Archives collection. Data East's buggy-bumping Burnin' Rubber is now available to download on Nintendo Switch.
Released in Japanese arcades back in 1982, Burnin' Rubber was one of numerous top-down racers vying for the quarters of the coin-op crowd back in the golden age of gaming. Players engage in high-speed races against a pack of copy-paste competitors, ramming their opposition off-road while utilising the buggy's leap ability (Yeah, sure, why not?) to get out of sticky situations.
Burnin' Rubber would eventually arrive in the west, where it would ported to the NES, Intellivision and other home platforms under its better-known title of Bump 'n' Jump. You can check out the game in action in the video below, courtesy of YouTuber Janet.
Burnin' Rubber is available to download now on Nintendo Switch, priced at around $8.
The racing game scene was once a far more colorful place. At any time you could be driving a Volkswagen Beetle through Jurassic Park or going up impossible climbs in your futuristic turbo bike. The early 3D era was, after all, a time of experimentation, but as the market progressed, and all the acids and bases were boiled down, we were left with a pretty monotone genre. No, I don't know anything about chemistry.
Today's racing market is dominated by racing simulators; your Gran Turismos, Project Cars, Need for Speeds. Arcade-style racing games still exist, but even high-profile franchises have waned out of existence, such as Burnout and Motorstorm. It's a bleak time to be an arcade racer, stuck somewhere between the success of Mario Kart and Forza. It's times like these we turn to the indie market to deliver us back to an era where we struggled to pass those checkpoints. It's time for games like Hotshot Racing.
I still can't believe that the original Serious Sam came out nearly 20 years ago.
Since then Croteam has broken away from their reputation as "the Serious Sam studio" a bit, having given us the universally acclaimed Talos Principle. They aren't ready to let go of Sam just yet, though.
Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires announced for PC and current/next-gen consoles
Koei Tecmo has announced the next game in the expansive musou series Dynasty Warriors. As revealed at Tokyo Game Show this weekend, Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires is currently in development for PC, as well as current and next-gen console platforms. It is expected to release in 2021.
Described as an evolution of typical DW warfare, Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires eschews its predecessor's open-world approach for more strategic gameplay. Players will use violence, diplomacy, and careful planning in perfect balance in order to capture or ally with armies and kingdoms throughout the land, growing in dominance as their power and influence spreads throughout ancient China.
Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires will launch in 2021 on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Nintendo Switch. You can check out a teaser trailer for the new game below.
Cblogs of 9/19 to 9/25/2020: Timespinner, Ghost of Tsushima, and Zelda delays
Cblogs Recap: Week 39
-BlackAdler reviews Timespinner on the PC.
-Council of the Lost discusses the differences between two roles in PUBG in a comprehensive fashion.
-BRAVO F1VE reviews Ghost of Tsushima.
-TheBlondeBass continues highlighting games with heart core with a blog focusing on Guilty Gear Xrd.
-ChronoLynxx is back with another TGIF open forum for community discussions.
Megaton Musashi's Tokyo Game Show trailer gives us our best look at the game yet
Megaton Musashi was announced so long ago, it was originally only revealed to be coming to Nintendo 3DS. For reasons only developer Level-5 knows, it kept getting pushed back and now is set to arrive on Switch and PlayStation 4. Since it was announced four years ago, we really haven't got a good look at what the game is, but that changed today when Level-5 dropped an extensive trailer for it at Tokyo Game Show 2020.
Deathsmiles I & II announced for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch
2020 has certainly been a big year for the return of classic shmups. And the party is set to continue with City Connection's recent announcement that Cave anime shooters Deathsmiles I & II are set to make a grand return on PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch next year.
Have you ever forgotten how to play a video game?
A few years ago, I was visiting my brother's family when my oldest nephew invited me to play a game of Madden. "Oh," I thought, "your father and I used to play this all the time." So I joined him for a game of football only to have him shut his PS4 off less than two quarters in as he had trounced me well enough to invoke the mercy rule. It turns out, when I don't play sports games, I completely forget how they work.
That's just one of the topics on this episode of Podtoid. CJ, Occams, Dan, and Charlotte talk forgetting games, WWE Battlegrounds, Final Fantasy X, 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and the PlayStation 5 date and price reveal. All that, plus even the trees are out to get you in Australia, on Podtoid Episode 459.
The theme song for Swery's The Good Life sounds like it fell out of an episode of Dawson's Creek
Development on the Fig-failure-turned-Kickstarter-success The Good Life is humming along toward its eventual release on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch. In the latest update on the title, producer Swery gave us a listen to the official theme song for the title. Recent releases from the Deadly Premonition creator have featured some amazing soundtracks with excellent original songs, and "The Good Life" from The Bad Lives appears to be no exception.
Sega teases new 'Virtua Fighter x Esports' project
As part of the ongoing Tokyo Game Show festivities, Sega has released a video teasing a brand new project in line with its legendary fighting series, Virtua Fighter. However, the publisher has since remained tight-lipped on what the project actually is.
The one-minute teaser begins with the classic Virtua Fighter "Press Start" sound effect, before seguing into footage of previous VF tournaments, as players go head-to-head on the awesome one-vs-one fighter. The video ends with poster boy Akira stood with his back to the camera, followed by the simple message "Virtua Fighter x Esports".
New Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity trailer unites the four Champions from Breath of the Wild
The roster of the highly anticipated Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is on the grow. During the Koei Tecmo livestream on the title at Tokyo Game Show, fans were given their first look at young Impa in action and the developers dropped a new trailer focusing on the four Champions from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
Atelier Ryza 2 is coming to PS5 as well
The main draw of Koei Tecmo's Tokyo Game Show 2020 presentation may be Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, but its showcase of the upcoming Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy is no slouch either. The presenters gave viewers look at some extensive gameplay footage for the title, and it's gorgeous. I'm sure it'll look just fine on Nintendo Switch, which is where I have the original game, but if you want it on the most powerful hardware available, Koei Tecmo confirmed the title is coming to PlayStation 5 in addition to the already announced PS4 version.
Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?
Lordy, it's been a week. I hope it's been a better one for you. But before we get down to the business of game talk, I have to thank all y'all. Last week's "Whatcha Been Playin'" post got a staggering 426 comments, which I believe is a new record for this weekly community get-together. This must be how the WWE felt when they pretended to draw 93,173 people for Wrestlemania III. Thanks a ton to all of our community for taking a few seconds out of your weekends to interact with us and share a little bit of your lives.
This week has once again seen me a little too busy to finish up Remedy's Control, (at this rate I'll be amazed if I have it finished by Halloween), as I have spent most of my time either working on site, keeping an eye on TGS, or visiting the local sawbones. Nevertheless, there are many excellent video game titles out there, as well as some other major releases on the horizon. How in the blue hell I'm ever going to get through everything - or even just some things - is anybody's guess.
But that doesn't mean you can't get through everything. In fact, it seems that most of you already have. So jump into the comments below and fill us in on what you've been playing this past week, or have lined up for your weekend. Whether something old, something new, something borrowed, or something... erm... blue? (Senran Kagura?) share your current gaming obsessions with us. Then go and re-watch Savage vs. Steamboat.
Have a safe and pleasant weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
The original Gal Gun is finally coming west on Switch, Xbox One, and PC
Western audiences may have got their first taste of Gal*Gun with Gal*Gun: Double Peace, but the roots of the titillating series go all the way back to the Xbox 360 with its Japanese-exclusive debut. Even as its sequels found their way to audiences worldwide, that original never left Japan. Next year, however, that'll change with Gal*Gun Returns.
From Inti Creates, this remake of the original title will feature improved graphics, more than 250 illustrations, voice acting for every girl in the game, all the DLC from the original release, new CGs, multiplayer Doki Doki mode, and underwear out the wazoo.
Contest: Win Serious Sam 4 for PC or Stadia
In today's contest you can win Serious Sam 4 for PC or Stadia!
I don't understand this Sam fella. He claims to be serious, but then he quips and kinda talks like a smartass to monsters and demons and stuff. I think he should take his job a little more seriously, don't you?
Either way, Serious Sam 4 hit PC and Stadia this week, so we're giving away copies! As in, we're actually giving away Stadia keys. Let's see how this goes...
20 Double Fine Years is stuffed with art and interviews
I kind of can't believe Double Fine has been around for 20 years. Where were you when you first heard about Psychonauts? At this point, I'm not even sure – but maybe a slick art book will jog my memory.
In collaboration with Indie By Design, Double Fine Productions is coming out with 20 Double Fine Years, a history-recapping art book "with over 280 pages of commentary, concept art, and key visuals."
New interviews were conducted with Tim Schafer, current and former staff members, and "many of the studio's long term collaborators." Game-wise, the book covers everything from Psychonauts and Brutal Legend to Iron Brigade and Costume Quest to the Day of the Tentacle and Full Throttle remasters.
The price is reasonable enough: $50 for the basic version, $65 for the Legend Edition with a cloth cover and gold-foil logo, and shipping is free the US and UK, so the bill won't jump when you checkout.
20 Double Fine Years will be released in Q2 2021.
Spelunky 2 dodges a delay on PC by temporarily leaving online co-op behind
Anyone who has played only one minute of Spelunky knows that the littlest thing can derail any effort. Creator Derek Yu won't let that happen for the PC launch of Spelunky 2.
When Spelunky 2 hits PC on September 29, it won't include online cooperative play. That's a concession that Yu is making in order to prevent a delay.
Square Enix's eShop sale means it's time to load up your Switch with Final Fantasy games
A cozy weekend with some of your favorite Final Fantasy games on Nintendo Switch sure sounds nice. It's hard to justify buying re-releases when we've been there and done that multiple times before on other platforms, so if you've been holding out for a sale to stock up, I got you. Today's the day.
Square Enix is running a Nintendo eShop sale on a range of Final Fantasy games and other RPGs.
Nintendo Switch
- Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy! ($19.99)
- Final Fantasy VII ($7.99)
- Final Fantasy VIII Remastered ($9.99)
- Final Fantasy IX ($10.49)
- Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster ($24.99)
- Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age ($24.99)
- Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD ($14.99)
- I Am Setsuna ($19.99)
- Lost Sphear ($19.99)
- Oninaki ($24.99)
- Romancing SaGa 2 ($12.49)
- SaGa Scarlet Grace: Ambitions ($22.49)
- Spelunker Party! ($14.99)
- Star Ocean First Departure R ($14.06)
- World of Final Fantasy Maxima ($19.99)
Nintendo 3DS
- Final Fantasy Explorers ($19.99)
- Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call ($19.99)
On a related note, I can't stress enough how helpful it is to have deal expiration dates right there on each individual listing in the eShop. This sale will stick around until September 30 at 8:59 a.m. Pacific.
The newest Xbox Game Pass perk? Anime.
The value of Xbox Game Pass has been stated and restated many times over. Everyone knows exactly what they're getting into with Xbox's biggest subscription service. However, there's a new perk and -- make sure you're sitting down for this one -- it's not a video game at all.
Microsoft and Funimation have collaborated to give Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers two free months of Funimation Premium Plus access. This Funimation tier grants access to the entire library (which includes favorites like Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, Persona, and Full Metal Alchemist), has both subs and dubs as options, enables watching five streams at a time, and lets you download shows to watch offline. Typically, this costs $8 per month.
The promotion starts today, and it seems as though promo codes will be sent to eligible Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers in the perks tab of the app. (It hasn't yet shown up in mine.) From there, you enter the code during checkout when signing up. According to the Funimation support page, this offer is only available to people who are first-time subscribers to Funimation. You'll also need a credit card to sign up (and remember to cancel before you're charged for the third month).
You have until November 25 to claim this offer. If you dabble in the anime, go get yourself a couple months for free.
Spellbreak celebrates five million players since launch
Prolitetariat, Inc, has been celebrating the release of its mystical battle royale title Spellbreak, announcing that the game has managed to pull an impressive five million players out of the hat since its September 3 launch.
For those yet to look into the free-to-play title, Spellbreak is an almighty class-based brawl which sees players face off against one another in a mythical fantasy universe known as the Hollow Lands. Players choose from a number of "Battlemages" before engaging in elemental-based combat, aiming to be the last sorcerer standing.
Final Fantasy XVI was reportedly in development before Final Fantasy XV launched
Final Fantasy XV was no spring chicken by the time it finally released. Its long, winding, troubled development is well-documented, and the timeline became something of a joke. In fact, that 10 years stretched to the point where work on the next Final Fantasy game reportedly overlapped with XV.
On the Triple Click podcast this week (as reported by VGC), Bloomberg's Jason Schreier revealed that Final Fantasy XVI has been in development for four years at this point. However, Square Enix is wary of divulging that information because it wants to avoid any comparisons to Final Fantasy XV's development cycle. Schreier adds "[Final Fantasy XVI is] coming sooner than people think."
Final Fantasy XVI was only formally unveiled last week, but it seems as though Square Enix won't keep people waiting too long. That doesn't mean like stealth PS5 launch game levels of quick, though. Square Enix is planning a "big information reveal" sometime in 2021.
Final Fantasy 16 is reportedly 'coming sooner than people think' [Video Games Chronicle]
Postal Redux is bringing murderous mayhem to Nintendo Switch next month
[This week Postal Redux sent us a check for $12 for our birthday. Here's a quick note from our sponsor.]
More than two decades since the original Postal arrived on PC, the infamous isometric shooter is making its long-awaited console debut with a Nintendo Switch port.
Developer Running With Scissors has enlisted the help of Polish studio MD Games to port Postal Redux - an enhanced version of the first game in the series - to the platform next month.
The best Shantae game is hitting Switch and Xbox One on October 15
WayForward has finally revealed a release date for Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut for the platforms that weren't already hosting it, and we won't have to wait long, as October 15 is locked in.
On that date we'll be getting the game on Switch, Windows 10 and Xbox One. As a bit of a history lesson: while Risky's Revenge made its home on the DSi (double RIP, as the 3DS is dead now too), the Director's Cut was eventually released on iOS, PC (Steam, Humble) and PS4. Now that it's hitting a Microsoft console it'll effectively be available on every major marketplace. More Shantae games will be arriving this fall, too.
As a reminder, the Director's Cut basically infuses other versions with the same upgrades as the PC edition. There's a more streamlined warp system, a harder difficulty setting and a better map mechanic. It's all very subtle stuff, but it'll make your first playthrough that much smoother.
Also, unlike several subsequent titles that utilized a level-based approach, Risky's Revenge is a true Metroidvania from start to finish that won't leave you feeling winded. It's incredibly breezy, to the point where you might even be ready to run through it all over again after you're finished. As far as I'm concerned, WayForward is still chasing its greatness when it comes to the Shantae series.
WayForward [Twitter]
This free PS4 beach theme for The Last of Us Part II is surprisingly chill
After teasing "exciting things" for The Last of Us Day, Naughty Dog says that Last of Us fans will want to hop online tomorrow, September 26, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific. "We have a lot of exciting content lined up, which you'll be able to find on," said senior comms manager Scott Lowe.
But before then, the studio made several early Last of Us Day announcements including a Last of Us board game from CMON (the team behind Bloodborne: The Board Game), a 16" Ellie statue from Gaming Heads, a pair of 1/9th scale Joel and Ellie figures from Mamegyorai Collectibles, and a 2XLP vinyl and two screen-printed posters from Mondo. Those posters are bound to go fast. They always do.
For specific pre-order times and availability info, consult this overview article.
If you're not looking to drop a wad of cash on merch in these trying times, there's also a pleasant freebie to grab for your PS4. The Last of Us Part II has a new dynamic beach theme with rolling waves.
Is that it? Was I getting my hopes up for news about Factions? Naughty Dog capped off the preview by saying "we have a few other things up our sleeves for tomorrow's The Last of Us Day festivities."
The fact that all of these (potentially) smaller announcements were made today gives me confidence.
Destiny 2's next expansion will require a full redownload as Bungie shifts to a new backend pipeline
Destiny 2 is undergoing some huge changes this fall, most notably the fact that it's going to be jettisoning a ton of previous content to make way for new things. Bungie has hinted at some upcoming backend changes for a while; but now thanks to the studio's latest blog post, we actually have some semblance of how that is going to directly impact players when the Beyond Light expansion arrives.
First up: the Bethesda preamble, as I'm calling it. Remember when Bethesda "warned" players that Fallout 76 was going to be super buggy before it was released? Bungie is doing something similar to temper expectations. Here's the gist: "The new scripting environment changed many behaviors in complex ways, and you may see interesting behavior changes or bugs in pre-Beyond-Light missions (and public events, and similar) that were originally built and tested on the previous system. We've tested these missions heavily and stamped out many bugs, but some will undoubtedly slip through."
While Destiny as a whole hasn't been nearly as problematic as say...any Bethesda game ever made, it's good to have this heads-up now just in case, so folks are more diligent when reporting bugs during Beyond Light's launch. A bonus of this system? You can re-join fireteams in the Tower without reloading the game. Some of that backend jank is finally going away!
Then there's the issue of the entire build of the game, which was Frakensteined together through various patches. To make way for a uniform new build, you will need to redownload the entire game when Beyond Light hits. Bungie has issued a statement on the matter, saying: "we know this will be painful for those with slower or metered internet connections, and we're sorry about that."
Here's the good news. Bungie is allowing 10 hours of preload time before launch, plus the install size of the game will shrink by "30-40%." Bungie says that new builds can also be deployed much quicker, with an estimated time of "less than 12 hours" compared to the previous "north of 24 hour" requirement in the past. It also helps their entire development cycle.
Most of this is good! Destiny and Destiny 2 have often been accused of running on spaghetti code by some, so this should smooth a lot of those issues out.
This Week at Bungie []
Sega set to produce Yakuza live-action movie
According to the Hollywood insiders over at Variety, Sega is getting set to begin production on a live-action movie adaptation of its skull-cracking RPG series, Yakuza.
The new movie is a joint production of Sega, 1212 Entertainment, and Wild Sheep Content, and is currently in the process of securing script writers, so this news comes extremely early into the feature film's production.
"Yakuza offers us a new playground in which to set compelling stories with complex characters in a unique environment that audiences have rarely seen before," 1212 Entertainment told Variety. "The saga of Kazuma Kiryu has a built-in cinematic appeal – a mix of kinetic action with bursts of comedy, multiple converging storylines, and a gripping journey towards redemption."
While there is no plot to speak of, logic would dictate that the film will follow events similar to those of the video game series, as protagonist Kazuma Kiryu steps out of prison and straight into a brutal and bloody clan war. It also seems a given that characters such as Haruka, Nishikiyama and, of course, the dastardly Goro Majima will be putting in appearances - though this is all purely speculation on my part. Sega has more Yakuza news to reveal this Sunday at the Tokyo Games Show, so no doubt we'll be hearing more about this movie very soon.
I do not envy the casting director's task of filling the role of Kazuma. This is a character with a style and personality that has become so embedded with the psyche of fans, that it would take someone special to don his snakeskin shoes. In movies such as The Bodyguard and The Street Fighter, Shinichi "Sonny" Chiba played protagonists which clearly had an influence on the creation of The Dragon of Dojima, but it ain't 1976, so I doubt he's in the running. Regardless, I'm intrigued to see how this new film project will turn out.
Sega developing live-action adaptation based on Yakuza [Variety]
In case you haven't heard, Blizzard recently provided an update on World of Warcraft's level squish system and managed to bury a pretty big (previously known, but big) nugget inside of that blog post: the paid cosmetic alteration system is going away, and is being replaced by a free in-game barber option.
Now, thanks to a dedicated blog on the subject, we know that the system will be getting a few upgrades to make every race shine a bit more. The character creation screen is completely different now, with animations that convey the flavor of each class ("Priests levitating toward the heavens" is one example). You'll also be allotted more customization options, like "skin tones, hairstyles, eye colors, tattoos, jewelry, beards, scars or flower hair ornaments."
Blizzard says that while the past system tied some of these concepts together (as in, a certain hair type would alter your eye color), they're now independent one of another, allowing for more freedom of expression. In that same vein, Druids can now alter their shapeshifting forms too, including the option to use glyphs, Legion alterations or shapeshifting cosmetics picked up from other areas of the game.
Between this and the relaxed requirements for unlocking allied races, we're about to see a lot more character variation in Azeroth going forward.
Character Customization [Twitter]