Pepsi Man Fan-Remake With RTX Will Make You Wish for an Official Remake

Launched exclusively on the original PlayStation console back in 1999, the Pepsi Man game was a popular game in the same genre as Crash Bandicoot, but with light-hearted gameplay that made it a fun experience at the time. Over two decades have passed since the launch of the game, but the game has not forgotten yet. Recently, a creative modder released a gameplay video from a fan-remake version of Pepsi Man with modern-day technologies such as RTX.
Unfortunately, this is just a personal product and will not be released as the rights of the character and the game all belong to the Pepsi corporation. That being said, it's still worth to take a look at the remake and see how the game would look like if it was to receive a remake in the eighth generation of consoles. Despite using all-new textures, shaders, and lighting effects, the modder has tried its best to be loyal to the original game's world.
The footage includes a few minutes from the first two levels of the Pepsi Man game. Of course, you can't find all the details from the original game in this remake, but it could get even better by progressing the project and adding some NPCs to the map similar to the original game. The modder has done a great job in translating Pepsiman's original animations to the remake, especially when falling or sliding.
BananaPictures, the modder behind the project, has promised that he would share more updates on this remake soon to show various parts of the remake and more new gameplay videos.
Since the launch of Pepsi Man on PS1, we haven't heard anything about a sequel to the game or a remake of it in the past years. The game received mixed reviews from outlets around the world at launch.
The post Pepsi Man Fan-Remake With RTX Will Make You Wish for an Official Remake by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
Alomomola Weakness Pokemon GO — Raid Guide and Best Counters February 2021

February 14 sees a change in raid bosses within Pokemon GO. This coincides with the new Valentine's Day event which is starting to roll out around the world. Some of the new Pokemon currently involved in raids include Gardevoir, Gallade and Alomomola. While many of these Pokemon have been featured in raids multiple times before, new Mega Evolutions and moves are being released regularly, and therefore the meta often changes. With that in mind, let's see if Alomomola has any Weakness in Pokemon GO and the best counters to take it down.
Have a perfect Pokémon GO–related poem for Valentine's Day that our community will love? Share it with us here! Who knows—we might just feature it during our upcoming #PokemonGOValentines event.
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 14, 2021
Alomomola Weakness Pokemon GO
Alomomola is a pure Water-type Pokemon, leaving it with a couple of weaknesses to exploit. Its typing means that both Electric and Grass-type moves are super effective against it. This ensures there is a range of good counters to Alomomola in Pokemon GO, but what are they?
Best Counters For Alomomola
There are a few top counters to Alomomola in the game, let's take a look at them.
Mega Venusaur is the undisputed champion of the Almomola raid scene. Although it's weak against Almomola's Ice-type moves, it's strong against many other attacks it may use. Mega Abomasnow is another very effective Mega counter.
The first set of Non-Mega Pokemon to consider is your Electric-types. Zekrom is the best performer in this area, closely followed by one of my favourites, Magnezone. Raikou and Zapdos are also both great counters providing you've raided them enough to over the years. Electivire and Luxray are two solid yet slightly more budget counters.
Alongside the Electric-types, there are a number of solid Grass-type Pokemon. Both Tangrowth and Leafeon are good picks here. Roserade can also provide a great solution to Gardevoir.
Mega Venusaur – Razor Leaf/Frenzy Plant
Mega Abomasnow – Razor Leaf/Energy Ball
Magnezone – Spark/Wild Charge
Raikou – Volt Switch/Wild Charge
Zapdos – Thunder Shock/Thunderbolt
Electivire – Thunder Shock/ Wild Charge
Luxray – Spark/Wild Charge
Tangrowth – Vine Whip/Solar Beam
Leafeon – Razor Leaf/Leaf Blade
Roserade – Razor Leaf/Grass Knot
Other Current Raid Guides
If you're looking for help with Latios, Latias, Gardevoir and Mega Gyarados raids, we also have handy guides for those right here: Latios Weakness and Raid Guide, Latias Weakness and Raid Guide, Gardevoir Weakness and Raid Guide, Mega Gyarados Weakness and Raid Guide.
The post Alomomola Weakness Pokemon GO — Raid Guide and Best Counters February 2021 by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Cold War Feb 13 Patch Notes Released, Changes Coming to Zombies

Treyarch launched a new update yesterday for Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War, bringing some changes to multiplayer maps, League Play friendly fire, and Zombies bugs and glitches. Besides, Cold War Feb 13 patch includes some quality-of-life UI improvements as well.
With the new patch, the RC-XD item will no longer be available in the League Play mode. Also the friendly fire rule sees a change as killing two friendly members will remove you from the match. When it comes to Zombies, a recent glitch that allowed player to exploit the Crafting Table has been fixed. Here are the Cold War Feb 13 patch notes:
- Addressed an issue with the League Play button showing up in Combat Record in the Barracks.
- Addressed an issue where all non-Master Calling Cards were displaying negative values in the Challenges menus.
MULTIPLAYER – Maps – Express:
- Addressed an issue where it was possible to capture a Hardpoint outside of a zone in Express Hardpoint.
LEAGUE PLAY – Scorestreaks
- RC-XD is now restricted.
LEAGUE PLAY – Friendly Fire
- Friendly fire will now convert to ricochet damage after the 2nd teamkill and return damage to the attacker. Players will be kicked after 2 additional attempted teamkills after that.
- Added "Results Processing" display.
- Improved visuals on "Processing Ladder Result" display.
- Addressed an issue that could incorrectly display details from the previous League Play Event.
- Addressed an issue where the player was unable to scroll up and down the League Ladder.
ZOMBIES – Gameplay
- Addressed an issue that could cause a player to be teleported out of the map when other players interacted with the teleporter in the Village area.
- Closed an exploit allowing the player to stand on the Crafting Table.
- Addressed an issue where the upgrade icon was grayed out when the player had enough to upgrade at the Arsenal.
- Added "Seasons" icon for "Firebase Z" Challenges in the Challenges menu.
Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.
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GTA San Andreas Map in 1907 – Check Out This Incredibly Detailed Fan-Made Map

Despite all the great experiences that Rockstar Games brought with Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5, some of the fans still love Grand Theft Auto San Andreas the most. Probably, San Andreas's vast open-world map with three big cities and a huge wilderness is one of the major reasons that makes the game an utterly enjoyable experience. But, have you ever dreamed about a San Andreas game set in the early years of the 20th century? A creative fan has put hours of effort into a GTA San Andreas map set in 1907, and the result is incredible.
ProfessorIshirkov, a Reddit user, recently shared a self-made version of the GTA San Andreas map, showing the state of the region in the year 1907. Aside from the gorgeous design elements that give the map an old but fancy look, there so many details in this fan-art that make you believe this is the real state of San Andreas back in the 20th century.
The State of San Andreas in 1907. More than eighty years before the events of GTA San Andreas. from r/GTA
First off, Las Venturas is a small town in the North-East of the map, which means the Cosa Nostra families have yet to start constructing their casinos in the heart of the desert. Since there's no big city on the northern side of the map, the long San Fierro bridge to Las Venturas does not exist yet. Also, the so-called San Fierro airport is a penitentiary in 1907 on an island apart from the city.
Moving to the southern area, Los Santos is much smaller than its state in 1997. The city barely reaches the bay area, and the interesting part is there's a railroad on the Los Santos beach, connecting the city to San Fierro.
GTA San Andreas is now available on PC. The game was launched on PS2 and the original Xbox back in 2005, so if you have one of these consoles yet, you can probably find a disk of the game with a little bit of search on the internet. Also, you can play it on Android devices.
The post GTA San Andreas Map in 1907 – Check Out This Incredibly Detailed Fan-Made Map by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
Gardevoir Weakness Pokemon GO — Raid Guide and Best Counters February 2021

February 14 sees a change in raid bosses within Pokemon GO. This coincides with the new Valentine's Day event which is starting to roll out around the world. Some of the new Pokemon currently involved in raids include Gardevoir, Gallade and Umbreon. While these Pokemon have been featured in raids multiple times before, new Mega Evolutions and moves are being released regularly, and therefore the meta often changes. With that in mind, let's see if Gardevoir has any Weakness in Pokemon GO and the best counters to take it down.
Want to send #PokemonGOValentines Day digital cards to your friends? Here's a free downloadable set of cards! Enjoy!
— Pokémon GO (@PokemonGoApp) February 13, 2021
Gardevoir Weakness Pokemon GO
Gardevoir is a Psychic and Fairy-type Pokemon, leaving it with a variety of weaknesses. Its typing means that Poison, Steel and Ghost-type moves are all super effective against it. This ensures there is an abundance of good counters to Gardevoir in Pokemon GO, but what are they?
Best Counters For Gardevoir
There are a few top counters to Gardevoir in the game, let's take a look at them.
Mega Gengar is the king of Gardevoir battles. Although it's weak against Gardevoir's Psychic moves, it's strong against many other attacks it may use. Mega Beedrill is another very effective Mega counter.
The next set of Pokemon to consider is your Steel-types. Metagross is the stand out performer in this area, in both his Shadow and Non-Shadow forms. Dialga and Genesect are also both great counters providing you've raided them enough to earn enough candy to power them up. Shadow Scizor and Excadrill are two solid yet slightly more budget counters.
Alongside the Steel-types, there are a couple of solid Ghosts. Both Chandelure and Origin Form Giratina are good picks here. Shadow Mewtwo can also provide a great solution to Gardevoir.
Mega Gengar – Lick/Shadow Ball.
Mega Beedrill – Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb
Metagross – Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
Dialga – Metal Claw/Iron Head
Genesect – Metal Claw/Magnet Bomb
Shadow Scizor – Bullet Punch/Iron Head
Excadrill – Metal Claw/Iron Head
Chandelure – Hex/Shadow Ball
Origin Form Giratina – Shadow Claw/Shadow Ball
Shadow Mewtwo – Psycho Cut/Shadow Ball
Other Current Raid Guides
If you're looking for help with Latios, Latias and Mega Gyarados raids, we also have handy guides for those right here: Latios Weakness and Raid Guide, Latias Weakness and Raid Guide, Mega Gyarados Weakness and Raid Guide.
The post Gardevoir Weakness Pokemon GO — Raid Guide and Best Counters February 2021 by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Valheim Base Building – How to Get the Best Roof Support to Stop it Breaking

No Valheim is one of the latest games to take the internet by storm. Players are flocking in large numbers to Iron Gate's Viking RPG. The game recently launched on Steam via early access and lets players live out some Viking fantasies. This includes fighting a range of mythical creatures, exploring a range of exciting biomes and crafting tonnes of items. As well as items, players have the opportunity to build their own bases. The building mechanics are quite deep and see players build walls, roofs and a range of rooms, all of which need support.
One of the issues people are finding with base building, however, is a problem with the roof support. If it is built too high with little supporting structures, around five or six pieces, the roof will collapse. Fortunately, it can be resolved. Here are the best ways to mitigate those problems.
How to spot problems when building your roof.
The easiest way to spot if your roof is going to collapse is by the colour of the tile. If the tile is green it's fine, yellow/orange means it is reaching its limit and red means the roof won't be stable enough. This usually happens at around five or six roof tiles.
Valheim base building – how not to support your roof.
One way in which players are falling foul when building roofs, is how to structure the roof. Unfortunately, what may seem a logical way to do it, might not necessarily work.
This is particularly true with support beams. If you were to try and run a beam from one part of a roof to another, theoretically, this may support it. However, in Valheim, this doesn't work.
Valheim base building – how to support your roof.
While building a beam across the roof may not work, building support from the floor to the roof does and this is the way to go.
The best item for this? Four-meter log poles. They can be crafted in the game from Core Wood, which in turn can be received from chopping down Pine Trees. After crafting the four-meter poles, position them under your roof and viola, you have a perfectly supported roof. These poles can even be placed on top of one another to make a super-tall building!
The post Valheim Base Building – How to Get the Best Roof Support to Stop it Breaking by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons – When Does The Snow Melt and Go Away?

If you're like me, you've been having a blast in the snow in Animal Crossing: New Horizons since last year. There are the Snowmen, the wonderful music, the Christmasy vibes and even the dung beetles. However, for those looking to landscape their islands and start to reshape their lands for 2021, the snow can present a bit of a problem. Now, I'd be happy if the white stuff stayed forever, others, maybe not so much. So, for their sakes, in Animal Crossing, when does the snow go away?
Animal Crossing – When does the snow go away?
The good news for those looking for the snow to melt, you don't have too long. The snow that has settled on the rooftops of the houses and the floor of the island should be gone by no later than February 24th, based on information from the Official Animal Crossing: New Horizons Companion Guide.
What comes after the snow?
We are then back to Spring weather in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. That means it will be mostly sunny with an array of cloudy and rainy days. It also means that we are back to the first set of weather many players would have experienced if they bought the game when it first came out. Alongside the weather changes, Spring sees the reemergence of many bugs and fish, the return of Bamboo Shoots and one of the prettiest events in the game, Cherry Blossom season. This takes place from April 1 to April 10 every year.
What else is still to come in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?
In the immediate future, we have the return of both Pavé and his event, Festivale. This is a giant celebration in which players can return feathers to the party-loving peacock in exchange for a range of dance moves. Following that, Nintendo has already teased that we will be receiving a range of Super Mario furniture items within the game. After the Mario event, who knows? But the possibilities are endless, especially if the game keeps selling as well as it has!
The post Animal Crossing: New Horizons – When Does The Snow Melt and Go Away? by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Ariana Grande is a PS5 Player And She Loves Sackboy A Big Adventure

Video games are entertaining enough that they can gather audience from any possible medium. Ariana Grande is one of the well-known singers that has brought up his interest in video games several times before, but in a recent livestream from her, it was revealed that among the Ariana Grande PS5 library, Sackboy A Big Adventure is one of her favorites, to a point that a line of her Six Thirty track is now a reference to the game.
If you've listened to Ariana Grande's Six Thirty, you might have noticed a line where she says "What you gon' do when I'm bored, and I wanna play video games at 2 AM?" When she was asked by a fan that what games this line is referring to, Ariana said:
That's a good question. I think when I wrote it, I was referring to like Mario Party, Mario Kart, but now… if I sang it right now, I'd be talking about Sackboy.
Hey @ArianaGrande!
Our team and our wonderful community are super-excited to hear that it's #SackboyABigAdventure that you wanna play at 2AM!
It's literally music to our ears!
— Sackboy: A Big Adventure | LittleBigPlanet (@LittleBigPlanet) February 12, 2021
The video soon tweeted by the official account of Sackboy A Big Adventure with the developers appreciating Ariana Grande for playing Sackboy at 2 am.
For those who have already played Sackboy and liked it, this would be a great reaction from Ariana Grande. On the other hand, the fans of the game who have not played Sumo Digital's latest platforming title yet, this could a great motivation to give the game a whirl in the future.
All aside, it's nice to hear that celebrities and well-known personalities from different mediums are upgrading their gaming experience as soon as a new console comes out. Now, the fans are probably eager to know more about the Ariana Grande PS5 library and the games she have played recently aside from Sackboy.
Sumo Digital's Sackboy A Big Adventure is now available exclusively on PS4 and PS5.
The post Ariana Grande is a PS5 Player And She Loves Sackboy A Big Adventure by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
TFT Patch 11.4 is Live on PBE Servers – Chosen Reworked, Kayle Nerfed

The most recent update from TFT Patch 11.4 reveals all the nerfs and buffs that will hit various characters and systems in Teamfight Tactics. The update is now live on PBE servers and is supposed to be launched on main servers on February 18 across all platforms. There is already a long list of nerfs, buffs, reworks, and adjustments out, but probably the biggest change is the rework of the Chosen system.
As revealed by the developer, players who don't own a Chosen can purchase it from every shop in the game. This new change will reduce RNG, but provide a broader set of options for players. When it comes to the balancing of Champions, probably Kayle will receive the biggest nerf among all other characters. Her 2 and 4 Divine will be targeted by the new nerf along with the character's damage at two-star Not to mention that the Divine rework in the previous Teamfight Tactics patch already affected her abilities.
Check out the tentative changes coming in Patch 11.4.
Reminder: Patch 11.4 will be live on Thursday, February 18!
— Teamfight Tactics (@TFT) February 12, 2021
Aside from Kayle, the other nerf-receiving Champions are Yasuo, Nasus, Diana, Zed, Shyvana, Katarina, Nidalee, Wukong, Fiora, and Samira. Brawler, Assassin, Elderwood, Warlord, and Divine system will also hit by a new set of nerfs.
When it comes to the other side of the board, Braum, Nautilus, Xayah, Irelia, Kennen, Olaf, Talon, Yone, Neeko, Quicksilver, Cho'gath, Gargoyle Stoneplate, and Tryndamere will get buffs. Neeko's 3 Fabled Mystic will receive bonus damage at all levels, which is a great buff to the character.
In the end, it's worth noting that all the changes above are very experimental at the current stage and the developers might remove some of them from the final TFT patch 11.4 list if they receive enough negative feedback from players on the PBE servers.
Teamfight Tactics is now available on PC, Android, and iOS.
The post TFT Patch 11.4 is Live on PBE Servers – Chosen Reworked, Kayle Nerfed by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
GTA 6 Trailer Might Be Around Soon, Rockstar's Job Listing Reveals

Over seven years have passed since the launch of Grand Theft Auto 5 and we haven't even received any confirmation from Rockstar Games on a sequel yet. The developer always tends to ignore the media and stay tight-lipped about its upcoming projects until they are only one or two years away from launch. With some of the reporters believing that the next GTA game will be around in 2023 or beyond, it's safe to say that game should be revealed sometime in 2021 or 2022. Now, a recent job opening on Rockstar Games' official webpage hints at GTA 6 trailer.
According to the description of the job, Rockstar Games needs someone to capture cinematic gameplay footage in order to use it in online and TV campaigns. It's clearly a role for helping the team in creating commercial teasers and announcement trailers. While Rockstar Games' upcoming project is yet to be revealed, but our best guess is the new hiring has something to do with GTA 6 trailer.
Regarding the fact that Grand Theft Auto 5 is slated to launch on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S later this year, Rockstar Games might not reveal GTA 6 in 2021 as it could affect the sales of GTA 5 on new consoles negatively.
Since the launch of Red Dead Redemption 2, we haven't heard anything about the next project of the studio. However, some reports suggest that GTA 6 is still in the early stages of development and it wouldn't be out soon.
Dan Houser, one of the key members of the Rockstar Games studios and the man behind who took the helm for writing the story of Red Dead Redemption 2 and some other popular titles of the company, left the studio back in 2019. He and Lesley Benzies both had big roles in developing GTA 5, but they are now out of the business and it's yet to be seen how it would affect GTA 6 and its development process.
The post GTA 6 Trailer Might Be Around Soon, Rockstar's Job Listing Reveals by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.