Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties, take out some wanted targets, and earn yourself some high value loot.
After you reach Trench Town in the story, it's after Deadrock Pass, you will unlock another central hub. It works much in the same as Rift Town. There's quests, side quests, shops, all the good stuff. This is also the first time you can unlock Wanted bounties. There is an NPC in Trench Town, who appears after you meet with the leader and start the regional quest, marked by a reticle icon on your map and radar. Speaking with him will unlock all of the Wanted quests. Then you simply need to track them down.
This guide is focusing primarily on how to find the Wanted quests. You're given the region but you have to actually find the Wanted Poster. Once the Wanted Poster has been found, simply track the quest as your main quest and press Up on the D-Pad. The game will direct you to the quest location.
Outriders Wanted Quest Guide
Wanted - The Perforator (Rift Town)
Head to the camp in Rift Town and then take the exit out to the Frontlines – don't use Fast Travel. The exit is directly opposite the Fast Travel banner. Directly opposite, once you get outside into The Front Lines, there's a Wanted Poster on the wall. Pick it up to start this quest.
Wanted - Hailstorm (Eagle Peaks)
Fast Travel to the camp in Eagle Peaks and use the Outpost Bunkers, it's the Cable Car nearest the commander. Unlock the Fast Travel point and you should see the Wanted Poster nearby.
Wanted - Hanibal (First City)
Fast Travel to The Bridge. You'll find the Wanted Poster on a pile of wood right next to the Fast Travel location.
Wanted - Brickhead (Deadrock Pass)
Once you arrive in town, fast travel to Mountain Tunnel and interact with the Wanted Poster that's stuck to a tree right behind the Fast Travel location.
We'll be adding more Wanted quests as we progress through the game.
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post Outriders Wanted Quest Guide appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a simple but effective trick to make picking up your loot much faster.
If you've already taken a look, you know there's an existing Auto Loot function in the game. However, if you haven't, be sure to have a quick look at it. In the Gameplay section of the Options menu there is a setting for Auto Loot Minimum Rarity. To change the setting, simply click on the < or > arrow to increase or decrease the rarity. If you push left, as I did every time, you will get to see the games credits, neat eh? Now, you want to make sure the Auto Loot Minimum Rarity is set to Common, although it's not really that important at the moment.
How To Auto Loot In Outriders
On that setting, your character is meant to automatically pick up every single item he or she finds, from Common upwards. However, you will quickly find that this is not the case as your character stands atop a pile of loot collecting absolutely nothing. I have tested this on every setting available for the Auto Loot Minimum Rarity and it's the same, it does not function correctly as it is now.
There is, however, an alternative. There is another button in the game, down on the D-Pad that is meant to lower the quality of auto loot for that single gather. So for example, if you Legendary setting on Auto Loot Minimum Rarity, pressing down on the D-Pad would pick up anything Epic. However, that too does not function.
So while it's not fully auto-loot, the best option is to simple press Down on loot. This will automatically grab any item within range, regardless of rarity.
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post How To Auto Loot In Outriders appeared first on GamersHeroes.
How To Open The World Map In Outriders
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously explored areas to gather more loot, meet up with friends, or finish off some side quests you may have missed.
There are two main maps in Outriders. The regional map and the world map. The regional map is accessed whenever you interact with a fast travel point. You can also open the map from the main menu, displaying information on your current region and objectives. Using Fast Travel points only allows you to travel between those points in that particular area. For example, if you use a Fast Travel point in Rift Town, you can only Fast Travel to areas within the Rift Town region. The world map is different as it allows you to access each region individually.
How To Open The World Map In Outriders
As you continue to progress through the story, it begins to open somewhat. Initially the narrative is very linear as you go from town to town hunting down enemies and completing the main quest. Eventually, some side quests will begin to open but these are usually 1-2 at a time and easily completed before you move on. Then, a short while later, once you reach Trench Town, a lot more side content becomes available. You can do regular side quests, hunt down collectibles, do bounties with Wanted quests, there's a lot to do. As such, this is likely when you will want to return to previous areas.
All you need to do is find Jakub. He's always in the central area of town where your gear and stash box is. He's very easily found in Rift Town, Trench Town, the hubs. Speak with him, when he doesn't have a main quest, and tell him it's time to leave. This will open the world map and let you travel to any other region.
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post How To Open The World Map In Outriders appeared first on GamersHeroes.
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually jump, at least in the traditional sense, is not in the game. There is no button that you can press to make you jump anywhere, just specific locations.
There is a quite famous scene from the demo where players had to jump a small bridge. In a future area, just past the First City, there is another bridge that looks very similar. In the original bridge, as you approached, the game prompted you to press and hold the interact button, Square or X on controllers. This prompted a rather unnecessary cut-scene, showing the character jumping over a bridge only to load again as the game loads a new area.
How To Jump In Outriders
If you've discovered the snowy bridge in the Eagle Peaks, you may find yourself unable to cross the bridge and wondering if you forgot the jump key. You have not. You cannot jump on command and unfortunately, at least when you first reach the snowy area of Eagle Peaks, that particular bridge is locked. There is no way to get over the gap, be it jumping or another method, until a little later.
Once you finish Eagle Peaks, after the big boss fight, speak with the Commander of the camp again to unlock the next story mission. Then speak with her again and she will give you a new side quest called Divine Intervention. This side quest will take you back to the snow bridge, now allowing you to jump over.
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post How To Jump In Outriders appeared first on GamersHeroes.
How To Customize Your Banner In Outriders
There's a host of customization features to unlock in Outriders, including your banner. This guide on How To Customize Your Banner In Outriders will explain how you unlock the ability to customize your banner and where it can be done, as initially you'll likely unlock customization items before you have customized your banner.
In Outriders players can customize their characters appearance, their vehicles, and their banners. The vehicles and banners work much in the same. You can purchase, discover, and unlock new designs that can then be added a further customized when added to your truck or your banner. The banner is used at Fast Travel locations, that also act as checkpoints, displaying your banner when you interact with and unlock it for the first time.
How To Customize Your Banner In Outriders
Much like unlocking vehicle customization, you have to progress a short way into the game to unlock the ability to customize your banner, at least if you left the first town immediately after relaunching the game with progress saved from the demo. Follow the main story until you reach the First City.
Once you reach the First City, continue your progress until you reach the First City Camp. These is where you encounter Jakub and a couple of other characters that give you side quests. Speak with Jakub but don't select to progress with the story. Instead, ask him to customize your vehicle. This also opens up the menu to customize your banners
- Complete the tutorial and first area and then travel to the First City
- Progress through the First City until you unlock First City Camp
- Speak with Jakub at the First City Camp and ask him to customize your vehicle
- Choose the Banner option in the menu to customize your banner
- Alternatively, open the map and press Right on the D-Pad
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post How To Customize Your Banner In Outriders appeared first on GamersHeroes.
How To Customize The Vehicle In Outriders
Want to customize the truck with items you've unlocked? This guide on How To Customize The Vehicle In Outriders will tell you how you unlock the ability to customize your own truck as although you unlock truck customization parts very early in the game, it takes a bit longer to unlock the customization itself.
There are a lot of customization options available in Outriders. Players can fully customize their character, changing everything from eye color to hair styles and design. Furthermore customizable banners, that act as fast travel locations and checkpoints, can also be customized alongside the vehicle that you unlock after the first area.
How To Customize The Vehicle In Outriders
Once you load up, assuming you finished all of the demo content, it's quite quick to unlock the ability to customize your vehicle, but not instant. You must follow the main story to the First City. From there, continue following the main narrative until you reach the Camp in First City. At this location you can gather new side quests, reload your ammunition, unlock crafting, and also customize your character and vehicle.
Once you reach the First City camp, there are a couple of side quests you can complete before moving on with the story. Before you do that however, speak with Jakub. You don't have to initiate the next story mission but if you speak with him you can select the "The truck, make it look like hell on wheels" dialogue option.
This will open the interface and allow you to customize your vehicle.
- Complete the first area
- Follow the main story until you reach the First City
- Continue through until you reach First City Camp
- Speak with Jakub and ask to customize your truck
- Alternatively, open the map and press Right on the D-Pad
Wanted quests have you hunting down high value targets for loot. This Outriders Wanted Quest Guide will tell you how to track down the location of each of the quests so you can fill up your bounties
Outriders features an Auto Loot option but it doesn't quite work as intended. This guide on How To Auto Loot In Outriders explains the current problems with the games auto loot option, providing a
Want to track back to complete side quests you've missed? This guide on How To Open The World Map In Outriders will tell you how you can return to the world map so you can return to previously
There are certain parts of the Outriders map that makes it look like you need to jump. This guide on How To Jump In Outriders will teach you how to reach these locations as the ability to actually
The post How To Customize The Vehicle In Outriders appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Among Us Airship Update Now Available
The Airship update is now available for Innersloth's Among Us.
The fourth and biggest map for the game, players must work together on this airship to polish jewels, empty trash, and do other tasks. Players can choose the room that they start in, and there are a number of new areas to explore. This update was inspired by the studio's other game, The Henry Stickmin Collection.
Gameplay-wise, the team has improved mobility with ladders and moving platforms. For those with an eye for fashion, new free hats (including a heart pin, angry eyebrows, unicorn head, and rubber glove) have also been included.
Learn more with the trailer below:
The Airship
New Among Us update out now!
To go alongside this update, an all-new Airship Skin Bundle is available for purchase. Note that each new outfit in this bundle comes with its own custom kill animation. All those interested can grab the bundle on Steam here.
The update is now available for all platforms. The game can be downloaded on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile devices.
The Airship update is now available for Innersloth's Among Us
A brand new way to play No Man's Sky, learn more about the Expeditions update coming to Hello Games' title with the latest trailer for the game
The "final" chapter of Nicalis, Inc. roguelike twin-stick shooter series, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is now available for the PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store
See the world's rebirth with the latest trailer for Atlus West's Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster
The post Among Us Airship Update Now Available appeared first on GamersHeroes.
No Man's Sky Expeditions Gets New Trailer
A brand new way to play No Man's Sky, learn more about the Expeditions update coming to Hello Games' title with the latest trailer for the game.
As Update 3.3 to the game, Expeditions is a new game mode that puts players in a fixed point in the universe. Each of these expeditions is structured around a series of Milestones (which can be completed in any order), and players will be able to meet fellow travelers, earn rewards, and experiment with new ways of playing. Note that an extra reward is available for those that complete the entire expedition.
In addition, Missions that are available from Space Station Mission Agents have been completely reworked. Each of the Rewards have been balanced as well, especially for higher level missions. for greater depth and interest. Rewards have also been rebalanced, especially for higher level missions. Finally, the process of finding mission locations has been reworked.
Learn more with the trailer below:
No Man's Sky Expeditions Trailer
No Man's Sky is now available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/X, and PC via Steam.
The Airship update is now available for Innersloth's Among Us
A brand new way to play No Man's Sky, learn more about the Expeditions update coming to Hello Games' title with the latest trailer for the game
The "final" chapter of Nicalis, Inc. roguelike twin-stick shooter series, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is now available for the PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store
See the world's rebirth with the latest trailer for Atlus West's Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster
The post No Man's Sky Expeditions Gets New Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance Gets Launch Trailer
The "final" chapter of Nicalis, Inc. roguelike twin-stick shooter series, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is now available for the PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.
Much like previous entries, the tear-shooting toddler Isaac will once again traverse through the basement as he deals with a number of threats. Additions to this entry include more than 25 new bosses, more than 100 new enemies, two new playable characters, more than 130 new items, and countless unholy terrors. A full alternate path with brand new chapters, a new final boss, and a new ending will also make their way to the game.
The title will also feature true cooperative play for up to 4 players and more than 5,000 new room designs.
Learn more with the trailer below:
The Binding of Isaac: Repentance Launch Trailer
A series designed by Edmund McMillen and Florian Himsl, The Binding of Isaac series has roots dating back to 2011. Each title has the titular Isaac fleeing into the monster-filled basement of their home, where he must fight to survive.
The Airship update is now available for Innersloth's Among Us
A brand new way to play No Man's Sky, learn more about the Expeditions update coming to Hello Games' title with the latest trailer for the game
The "final" chapter of Nicalis, Inc. roguelike twin-stick shooter series, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is now available for the PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store
See the world's rebirth with the latest trailer for Atlus West's Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster
The post The Binding of Isaac: Repentance Gets Launch Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Gets New Trailer
See the world's rebirth with the latest trailer for Atlus West's Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster.
The latest trailer for the PlayStation 2 JRPG remake, you can watch it below:
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster – The World's Rebirth Trailer | PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster puts players in the shoes of a high school student that is transformed into the demonic Demi-fiend after the world undergoes Conception. This event transforms Tokyo into a Vortex World that is filled with demons that can be recruited by the player.
The gameplay uses a traditional turn-based system that stresses the importance of finding the weaknesses of enemies. Shoji Meguro composed the music, which pays homage to previous entries and music styles that have roots from those in the 1980s.
The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on May 25, 2021. Both a Digital Deluxe version and a Digital Standard version will be released.
The Airship update is now available for Innersloth's Among Us
A brand new way to play No Man's Sky, learn more about the Expeditions update coming to Hello Games' title with the latest trailer for the game
The "final" chapter of Nicalis, Inc. roguelike twin-stick shooter series, The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is now available for the PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store
See the world's rebirth with the latest trailer for Atlus West's Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster
The post Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster Gets New Trailer appeared first on GamersHeroes.