No Man's Sky Update Today, April 30 – 3.38 Expeditions Patch Notes

The redemption story for No Man's Sky is one not seen very often in the games industry. With every subsequent update following its release, the game got better and closer to what it was promised to be.
Today, developer Hello Games pushed the 3.38 update which doesn't change anything major, but still fixes plenty of issues players have been experiencing. The recent 3.0 Origins update added a whole slew of new content for players to sink their into, so it only makes sense that the first few patches following would be more fixes than anything else.
Here's everything you need to know about the No Man's Sky update for April 30.
- REVIEW: Returnal Review — I Guess I'll Die Now
No Man's Sky Origins Trailer
No Man's Sky Update April 30
Here is the full list of patch notes for the No Man's Sky Expeditions update from today, April 30, 2021:
Patch Notes
- Fixed a minor text issue in the Overseer mission log.
- Improved the visibility of player markers when those players are in your fireteam and on the same planet.
- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect text labels on Communications Stations.
- Fixed an issue that caused repair missions to automatically complete when the player left the repair site without performing the required maintenance.
- Fixed a PS5-specific crash in the profanity filter.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when receiving an item from another player.
- Improved the display of text when interacting with Communications Stations.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Communications Stations from being reported.
- Fixed a crash related to creature navigation.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur when pulsing towards a marker.
- Fixed a crash in the Nexus teleporter UI.
- Fixed a number of crashes related to the network syncing of interactions.
- Fixed a rare crash related to docking.
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite load.
- Fixed a memory related crash seen on Xbox One S.
- Fixed an issue that caused the ship summoning checks to be performed against the current ship, rather than the ship that is being summoned.
- Reduced the number of Communications Stations downloaded at protected locations.
- Fixed a memory leak related to derelict freighters.
- Fixed a crash related to camera behaviours.
- Fixed an issue that could cause camera shake to persist after summoning a ship.
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Tyranitar Weakness Pokemon GO – Raid Guide and Best Counters 2021

Currently, Pokemon GO is deep into an event, crossing over with another Pokemon title, New Pokemon Snap.
The event sees a bunch of Pokemon appear more frequently that are likely found in Snap as well as a bunch of new raid bosses.
One of the most popular raid bosses that are part of this event is Tyranitar, who returns to raids for the first time in a little while.
With that in mind, let's check out if Tyranitar has a weakness and how to take it down in Pokemon GO.
- Pokemon GO – Snap Celebration Event Shiny Smeargle Odds
GO Beyond: The Pokémon GO journey continues beyond
Tyranitar Weakness Pokemon GO
Tyranitar is a Pokemon that has PLENTY of weaknesses to exploit.
It has a 2x weakness to:
- Bug
- Fairy
- Grass
- Ground
- Steel
- Water
With a brutal 4x weakness to Fighting-type moves. This is definitely something players should look to exploit.
Best Counters for Tyranitar Weaknesses
As stated, Tyranitar has a major weakness to Fighting-type Pokemon and this is where you should be looking to start.
Mega Lopunny is a very solid pick. It resists Tyranitar's Dark-type moves, can hit hard with its own Fighting moves and buffs all other Fighting-type Pokemon.
The likes of Conkeldurr, Machamp, Lucario, Hariyama, Blaziken, Sirfetch'd and Breloom make up the rest of the top counters.
You can find their recommended movesets below:
Mega Lopunny – Low Kick/Focus Blast
Conkeldurr – Counter/Dynamic Punch
Machamp – Counter/Dynamic Punch
Lucario – Counter/Aura Sphere
Hariyama – Counter/Dynamic Punch
Blaziken- Counter/Focus Blast
Sirfetch'd – Counter/Close Combat
Breloom – Counter/Dynamic Punch
Tyranitar can be soloed but it can be fairly difficult – it'd be preferable to have at least two trainers to take it down.
Other Upcoming Raid Bosses
In May, Niantic is releasing a range of really exciting new Raid Bosses to Pokemon GO.
Headlining these are Xerneas, who will be appearing as part of the Luminous Legends X event, from May 4 to May 17 and Yveltal who will arrive on May 18 before departing on May 31.
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Genshin Impact 1.6 Electro Buff Confirmed by miHoYo – What Are The Elemental Reactions Changes?

In the latest Q&A with the Genshin Impact developers, miHoYo confirmed a buff for the Electro element in the 1.6 Ver update, coming in June – What do we know about the buff so far and how will it change Elemental Reactions' stats and builds for Superconduct and Electro-Charged?
Story Teaser: Through the Eyes of a Dragon | Genshin Impact
- BAIZHU – New Dendro characters release date hinted at by miHoYo
Genshin Impact – Elemental reaction changes
We summarized below what the developers said in the Q&A:
- After reaching Level 60, every character will get a DMG buff for the major Elemental Reactions they trigger, including Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Swirl, and Shatter.
- The Base Shield DMG Absorption for shields generated by Crystallize reactions will be increased.
- The DMG Bonus provided by Elemental Mastery for major reactions will be increased. (Refer to the attributes panel in-game for the exact DMG Bonus amount)
miHoYo also confirmed some of these changes are already implemented in the 1.6 Private Beta Test. Some numbers have leaked as well, however I personally won't be sharing them as they aren't final anyways, and could end up highly misrepresent the final changes that miHoYo will publish before 1.6.
- LEAKS – New boat system and Archipelago area possibly in 1.6
Genshin Impact Electro buff – Buffing Electro Elemental reactions
Electro-Charged and Super Conduct receiving a buff will be great for characters like Keqing. This might also mean we'll finally get more Electro characters as none have been added so far. Keqing is, since the release of Genshin Impact on September 28 ,2020, the sole released 5* Electro character.
As a side note, the Q&A also confirms Keqing will play a big role in the Moonchase Festival.
- MEMES – Eplaining the McGenshin profile pictures meme
The Electro element is believed by fans to be one of the weakest Elements in Genshin Impact right now. Personally speaking, I'd rather say it's strong, but not incredibly overpowered and doesn't easily let you do massive DMG. Unlike the Vaporize combo you can do with a Pyro characters like Bennett and a Hydro character like Mona.
Genshin Impact is available on PS4, PS5, mobile, and PC. Version 1.5 finally added the Housing system. We've got a guide right here to help you find Wood locations for your Furnishings.
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SSSS.Dynazenon Episode 5 – Release Date and Time, Spoilers

SSSS.Dynazenon, the followup up to Gridman by Studio Trigger, is still ongoing this week with Episode 5, which is the traditional pool episode, and many fans are also wondering if Gridman characters like Rikka Takarada are coming back – here's the release time and date for this week's episode, alongside preview spoilers and screenshots.
Story Teaser: Through the Eyes of a Dragon | Genshin Impact
- GENSHIN IMPACT – New Dendro release date hinted at by miHoYo
SSSS.Dynazenon Episode 5 spoilers
As usual, this was translated by yours truly from the official site. This is just a preview and don't reveal everything happening in the episode. Keep in mind I might use different spellings for characters' names and lore terms than the official subs or popular fan-translations.
"Following Chise's suggestion, Yomogi and co go to the pool, and end up meeting an unexpected companion there. Meanwhile, for a certain plan to work, Gauma asks Yomogi and Yume to act as lovers."
Dynazenon episode 5 preview screenshots
SSSS.Dynazenon Anime episode 5 release time and date
SSSS.Dynazenon first airs each week in Japan, on channel Tokyo MX, Friday, at 22:00 JST / 9 AM ET / 15:00 CEST.
Meanwhile, the episode will be simulcast in America at:
- Eastern Time: 10 AM ET on Friday, April 30
- Pacific Time: 7 AM PT on Friday, April 30
- Central Time: 9 AM CDT on Friday, April 30
- British Time: 3 PM BST on Friday, April 30
- European Time: 16:00 CEST on Friday, April 30
- Australia Time: 00:00 AM ACST on Saturday, May 1
Where to watch SSSS.Dynazenon
Dynazenon is simulcasted by Funimation in America. Every episode also becomes available for free exactly one week after release. You can either wait for it, or get a premium account.
- MORE ANIME – Release date and times for Yasuke on Netflix
Rikka Takarada, Gridman characters coming back in Dynazenon?
Rikka and Akane are the two most popular characters from Gridman, and many fans are wondering if they'll come back in the sequel Dynazenon. However, right now, it doesn't look like this will happening.
With that said, as seen in the tweet above, Gauma's seiyuu Daiki Hamano teased a surprise in Dynazenon Episode 5. I personally doubt this is Rikka or another character returning, but it's worth keeping an eye oout for it.
As a side note, SSSS.Dynazenon will get its OST CD released on June 16, 2021, in Japan. If you're interested in importing it, I'm sure this isn't your first time importing like that, so this is mainly just a remainder.
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Pokemon GO Snap Celebration Event – Shiny Smeargle Odds

Niantic's latest Pokemon GO event is a crossover with the highly anticipated New Pokemon Snap.
It sees players more frequently encounter Pokemon from some of the Lental Region's many different environments including "deserts, jungles, and underwater landscapes."
Alongside this, as you could predict with a Pokemon Snap focused event, players are rewarded for taking snapshots and even have the opportunity to encounter and capture a Shiny Smeargle for the first time ever.
But just how likely is that? Here is everything we know about the Shiny Smeargle odds from this new Pokemon GO Snap Celebration event.
- POKEMON GO – Seven Bold Predictions For This Year's GO Fest
GO Beyond: The Pokémon GO journey continues beyond
What Pokemon Are More Common As Part of the Pokemon GO Snap Celebration event?
As part of this brand new, celebratory event, Niantic has confirmed a range of new Pokemon appearing in the wild and in raids.
They are as follows:
- Lotad
- Cacnea
- Ducklett
- Vaporeon
- Meganium
- Trapinch
- Smeargle
- Metapod
- Aipom
- Mantine
- Magikarp
- Chinchou
- Many, many more
Shiny Smeargle Odds as Part of New Event
Usually, Pokemon have a 1/500 chance of being shiny within Pokemon GO.
Research from the well known Pokemon GO community The Silph Road, however, has proven that Smeargle will have a much boosted shiny rate, at least for as long as this event runs.
Smeargle will join the likes of Riolu, Chansey and Onix with a shiny rate of 1/64 encounters. This is a much welcome increase versus the usual rates.
How Best to Encounter a Shiny Smeargle
Although there's never a guaranteed way of encountering shiny Pokemon, players have a really good shot with Smeargle.
The event runs for four days and players can encounter a maximum of 15 Smeargle a day for a total of 60 across the event period.
This means, that provided you encounter as many Smeargle as possible, you'd be pretty unlucky not to find one at all.
However, remember, it is RNG and there will be people who miss out!
The post Pokemon GO Snap Celebration Event – Shiny Smeargle Odds by Sam Woods appeared first on DualShockers.
Resident Evil Castle/Village Demo 2 – Release Date, Time and How to Preload

Get your hype on for the Resident Evil Village demo this weekend.
It truly feels like we've been talking about Resident Evil Village for the longest time, doesn't it? Thankfully, that wait is almost over as we only have another week to go until we get to see all the horrors Capcom has in store for us.
Now, the Village demo and the Castle demo was shoehorned into some weird time schedule over the last two weekends. It saw players having to rush around within their 30-minute timeslot, somewhat ruining the atmospheric environment Capcom has obviously tried so hard to maintain.
- More Resident Evil Village: Demo Contains RE4 Easter Egg
Resident Evil Village – 2nd Trailer
Thankfully, this weekend, Resi fans will be able to have a bit more time to explore both Castle Dimitrescu and the surrounding village.
When does the Resident Evil Village demo release?
The demo is expected to be playable from this Sunday, 2 May, until the following Monday, May 10. This gives players an entire week to get to grips with aspects of the game and see if it's for them or not. Instead of 30 minutes, the gameplay time has ramped itself up to a full hour.
It was originally announced that the gameplay demo would be available for 24 hours from May 2nd but Capcom decided to throw in some extra time to really get the hype up for its release.
What time does the demo start?
The Resident Evil Village demo will begin midnight UTC on Sunday, 2 May which is 1 am BST, 5 pm PST and 7 pm EST. Then the demo will conclude Monday 10, May at midnight UTC.
How to Preload Resident Evil Village demo
You can preload the demo right now on Steam and Xbox Series X/Xbox One so that you're all set when the times unlock. This will be a great opportunity for those with a PC to find out if the game runs smoothly before purchasing it. For those wondering, the PC demo size will be 9.54 GB.
Resident Evil Village will launch on May 7 for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Reward This Week (April 30, 2021) – Map, Loot

Destiny 2's popularity has grown immensely over the years and it still remains to be one of the most played looter shooters out there. Bungie's decision to make the game free-to-play further boosted the player count, and the various expansions and updates have kept the player base engaged.
Every week, players eagerly wait for the Trials of Osiris event in Destiny 2. Trials of Osiris is a weekly PvP challenge in which players can earn a variety of rewards. Players can get rewards at three, five, and seven wins. If they lose thrice, it will be reset so it might get quite difficult at times.
The new Trials of Osiris rewards and map is released every Friday at 5:00 PM GMT.
Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Rewards and Maps (APRIL 30, 2021)
As of now, the Trials of Osiris Rewards and Maps for this week haven't been revealed. For now, you can check out last week's map and rewards.
- MORE DESTINY 2: What Time is the Weekly Reset in Destiny 2? (April 13, 2021)
Javelin 4
- 3 Wins (Powerful): The Messenger (Pulse Rifle)
- 5 Wins (Powerful): Pyrrhic Ascent Gloves (Legendary Gauntlets)
- 7 Wins (Pinnacle): Pyrrhic Chest (Chest Armor)
- Flawless (Pinnacle): Adept Messenger (Pulse Rifle)
- Cost – 1000 Glimmer
- Requirements – 100 Progress
- Rewards – XP, Glimmer, 35 Valor Rank Progress, 5 Trials Token, 1 Trials Engram
Trial of Decryption:
- Cost – 1000 Glimmer
- Requirements – 3 Progress
- Rewards – XP, Glimmer, 35 Valor Rank Progress, 5 Trials Token
- Perk – Forgives one loss per run.
- Rewards – 25000 Glimmer, 15 Legendary Shards
- Perk – With zero losses, your third win grants a bonus win.
- Rewards – 25000 Glimmer, 15 Legendary Shards
- Perk – Increased tokens from reaching 3, 5, and 7 wins on a ticket.
- Rewards – 35000 Glimmer, 25 Legendary Shards
- Perk – Grants bonus XP from Trials wins, scaling with the number of wins on a ticket.
- Rewards – 35000 Glimmer, 25 Legendary Shards
- Perk – Grants bonus rewards from Flawless Chest.
- Rewards – 50000 Glimmer, 50 Legendary Shards
The post Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris Reward This Week (April 30, 2021) – Map, Loot by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.
The World Ends With You Anime – Episode 4 Release Date and Time, Spoilers

TWEWY The Animation, the anime adaptation of Square Enix and Tetsuya Nomura JRPG The World Ends With You, is continuing with episode 4, and our protagonist Neku most notably ends up meting the mysterious Joshua – here's the release date and time of the episode on Funimation, alongside the preview spoilers, screenshots and trailer.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin – Trailer 3
- TWEWY 2 – Release date on PS4, Switch, PC, latest trailer
The World Ends With You The Animation Episode 4 spoilers
As usual, this was translated by yours truly from the official site:. Keep in mind this is only a preview.
"Neku, participating in his second Reaper's Game, ends up becoming the Partner of a mysterious boy, Joshua. Not only Joshua is familiar with the game, he also already knew about Shiki. This makes Neku distrustful of Joshua, who thinks Joshua might be tricking him. Moreover, when Neku touches Joshua's body, he ends up seeing his hometown of Udagawacho. Even though Game participants shouldn't be able to scan each other…"
TWEWY anime episode 4 preview screenshots
Episode 4 preview trailer
The World Ends With You Anime episode 4 release time and date
The World Ends With You The Animation first airs each week in Japan, on channels TBS and MBS, Friday, at 25:25 JST / 12:25 PM ET / 18:25 CEST.
Meanwhile, the episode will be simulcast in America at:
- Eastern Time: 1:25 PM ET on Friday, April 30
- Pacific Time: 10:25 AM PT on Friday, April 30
- Central Time: 12:25 PM CDT on Friday, April 30
- British Time: 6:25 PM BST on Friday, April 30
- European Time: 19:25 CEST on Friday, April 30
- Australia Time: 03:25 AM ACST on Saturday, May 1
Where to watch the TWEWY anime
The World Ends With You The Animation is simulcasted by Funimation in America. Every episode also becomes available for free exactly one week after release. You can either wait for it, or get a premium account.
Neo: The World Ends with You, or Neo Subarashiki Kono Sekai in Japanese, will be a sequel to this anime. The game will take place three years after the anime's ending, with several returning characters.
Neo TWEWY launches on PS4, Switch worldwide on July 27, 2021. The game is also coming to PC via Epic Games Store in Summer 2021.
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Where is Destiny 2 Xur Location Today (April 30, 2021)? – What does he sell, release time

Destiny 2 has been one of the most popular looter shooters over the years, and Bungie has ensured that its popularity is maintained by regularly adding new content to the game.
There is a wide range of weapons and armor in Destiny 2 and players can obtain them in a variety of ways. Xur is one of the ways in which players can get their hands on some exotic items.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light – Season of the Chosen – Season Pass Trailer
Who is Xur?
Xur's arrival is eagerly awaited by Destiny 2 players every week. Xur is a merchant in Destiny 2 who appears every Friday at a random location in the game's map. Each week, he carries a new set of items to sell, and he goes away on Tuesdays. Players can buy a range of Legendary and Exotic items with the help of Legendary Shards. He appears in the public sector of the four worlds, European Dead Zone, Titan, IO, and Nessus and Tower.
Xur's location keeps changing every week, so players have a bit of trouble finding him in the game. Here is all you need to know about Xur this week.
- MORE DESTINY 2: What Time is the Weekly Reset in Destiny 2? (April 13, 2021)
As of now, Bungie hasn't revealed Xur's location for this week. We will be updating the article when that's revealed. Xur arrives in the game every week at 5 pm GMT/1 am EST along with a new set of items to sells. For now, you can check out Xur's location for last week.
Location (APRIL 23, 2021):
- Tower Hangar
Inventory (APRIL 23, 2021):
- Prometheus Len (Trace Rifle) – 29 Legendary Shards
- Citan's Ramparts (Gauntlets) – 23 Legendary Shards
- Orpheus Rig (Leg Armor) – 23 Legendary Shards
- The Stag (Helmet)– 23 Legendary Shards
The post Where is Destiny 2 Xur Location Today (April 30, 2021)? – What does he sell, release time by Md Armughanuddin appeared first on DualShockers.
Call of Duty: T-Pain Destroys Entire Team After Receiving Racial Abuse

Legendary Rapper T-Pain shuts down disgusting racists in a Call of Duty match on Twitch.
Anyone who has played multiplayer games like Call of Duty will know that it can be a hotbed full of toxic players. It's a harsh reality to face when there's already so much trauma and hate in the world but, boy, does it feel good when that toxicity backfires.
Verdansk '84 Trailer | Call of Duty® Warzone™

T-Pain, whose an American rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer and Twitch streamer, had the unfortunate situation of coming across a few of these disgusting creatures as he was about to play a game of Call of Duty.
Rapper Brings the Pain to racist COD players
As he was waiting in the lobby for a match, the rapper was greeted with a "f**k Black Lives Matter," followed by a plethora of appalling racial slurs directed at him by some other players.
Remaining calm and cool, as you'd expect T-Pain to be, he took it on the chin for that moment in time but was determined to get his own back on these sickening individuals.

Taking note of the racist gamer's tags, T-Pain begins to hunt every last one of them down to show them that they won't win this battle whilst crying out "I want all of them. I want every single f**king one of them."
As T-Pain brilliantly whittles the team down, he demands them to 'delete the Black skins from your motherf*cking COD', before continuing to shout that he 'wants it all'.
The Tiktok video is extremely hard to listen to so please be aware of that before you press play, but what makes it worthwhile is seeing how silent these rancid racists become when they get their asses handed to them – not such big, tough men after all I guess.
If you'd like to find out more about the social movement that protests against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people, you can visit the Black Lives Matter site right here.
The post Call of Duty: T-Pain Destroys Entire Team After Receiving Racial Abuse by Rachael Fiddis appeared first on DualShockers.