| Nintendo Life | Latest Updates 02:45 | | The Star-Lord x Super Mario memes are taking off. Chris Pratt - also known as Marvel's Star-Lord and the guy from the Jurrasic World series - was last month revealed as the voice of Mario for the 'Super Mario' animated movie, airing in cinemas next December. In a message to fans via Instagram at the time, Pratt shared a memory about he used to love playing the original Mario Bros. game in the arcades during his youth, and signing off with "dreams come true". He has now uploaded another video related to his upcoming role in the Mario movie - which transforms Guardians of the Galaxy hero Star-Lord into Mario, and his co-stars into characters like Toad and Peach. Read the full article on nintendolife.com |
| Kotaku 02:30 | | At host clubs, men serve customers their drinks, light their cigarettes, and make small talk with them. At a newly opened one in Osaka, they also dress as Nazis. That's pretty fucked up.
The name of the bar is Unfair, and its tagline is, "Life is a bet." Reddit spotted a truck driving through Osaka emblazoned with the… Read more... |
| PC Invasion - FeedDDD 03:32 | |  So, you've just arrived on Tsurumi Island. And, just like me, you probably got lost in the mists within a few seconds of exploring. Well, fear not because there are a couple of methods that would help with our exploration. Here's our guide to help you get past the mists on Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Genshin Impact: How to get past the mists on Tsurumi Island Similar to when we went sailing in the Golden Apple Archipelago, the mists play a huge role when we're trying to roam around Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact. Once you see your HUD turning grey due to the fog, it only takes a few seconds for your screen to fade to black. A message saying that you were lost in the mists will then appear, and you'll respawn next to a fast travel point/Statue of the Seven. So, how exactly do we navigate this new zone? Well, first, make sure that you're doing a... |
| PC Invasion - FeedDDD 03:15 | |  Genshin Impact's version 2.2 update is now live. We finally have access to the last island that's part of the Inazuma region. Here's our guide to help you reach Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact. Note: For more information about the game, check out our Genshin Impact guides and features hub. Genshin Impact: How to reach Tsurumi Island Tsurumi Island in Genshin Impact is actually at the southernmost tip of Inazuma. The first idea that you might have is to simply find a nearby Waverider Waypoint, like Asase Shrine on Seirai Island, and sail all the way to the distant horizon. Well, you can do that, but things are going to get harder. That's because Tsurumi Island is perpetually shrouded in mists. It might work in your favor, such as getting lost in the mists while sailing and magically respawning next to Tsurumi Island's Statue of the Seven (yes, that can happen). Unfortunately, it's going to be impossible to navigate further. So, what we nee... |
| Nintendo Everything 03:05 | | Atlus has issued another demon trailer for Shin Megami Tensei V that provides a close look at Pazuzu. This creature first appeared in Megami Tensei on the Famicom. Here's some background information on Pazuzu, courtesy of the Megami Tensei Wiki: Pazuzu is an apotropaic being from Mesopotamian mythology, first attested in the late Bronze Age and described as a king... The post Shin Megami Tensei V daily demon vol. 150 – Pazuzu appeared first on Nintendo Everything. |