PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:04 AM ![]() Riot Games has revealed in Valorant's patch 4.07 notes that the team are nerfing the Bulldog and Stinger. While their damage will remain untouched, you won't be able to use the quick-burst mechanic that's become popular among some players. The firing inputs on the pair now have a delay when you bring them up to aim down sights. Riot explains that this will prevent players from gaining burst mode accuracy before entirely raising those guns. The hope is that this change will make you think twice before switching to burst firing mid-combat. It's not all bad, though, as you can still begin firing immediately while swapping back to the full-auto or hip-fire modes. Riot has also tweaked ability-based weapons like chamber guns alongside Neon, Jett, and Raze's ultimates so they can be input-queued to equip after your current action ends. Elsewhere, you've got bug fixes for agents. Yoru can no longer exploit an interaction with ropes to use a weapon immediately after his ultimate ends, spikes can no longer be defused while channelling abilities are active, and Skye's Seekers can break through destructible doors again in Ascent. RELATED LINKS: Valorant - all you need to know, Valorant system requirements |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:05 AM ![]() Trying to find the definitive Apex Legends weapons tier list? Apex Legends may host a smaller pool of players to the usual battle royale, with 60 players instead of 100, but you'll still need a fine selection of modded guns to ensure that "you are the champion" screen rolls. Breaking down the Apex Legends weapons tier list can be tricky due to the variety of attachments in the battle royale game. The attachments in Apex Legends can completely transform a weapon, taking a gun from the lowest tier right to the very top. We'll highlight which weapons need attachments to ensure you get the most out of these guns. Our weapons tier list assumes each gun is fully kitted out with the best attachments. We've laid waste to many training dummies - and practise mannequins, too - to bring you a weapons tier list that dives into what makes every gun tick, what ammo you need, and what mods will best optimise their performance to ensure that you too can become a legend. So, here are the Apex Legends weapons tier list. RELATED LINKS: Apex Legends characters guide, Apex Legends skins, Apex Legends map guide |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:32 AM ![]() A new player survey from Blizzard reveals a possible World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Classic price point - and the MMO game developer is seemingly hinting at microtransactions too for the next WoW Classic expansion. Last month, players reported that Blizzard had sent them surveys to gauge their interest in a possible World of Warcraft Classic version of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Previously, Blizzard did the same thing for Burning Crusade, which was subsequently released a year later. There's now another survey (via WoWhead) that directly talks about "Wrath of the Lich King Classic" and pricing for a possible expansion. Blizzard seems to be deciding between two package options, and additional DLC to go with it. The lower $29.99 bundle features a boost, character transfer, pet, a month's free play, and a Lich King-themed mount usable in both modern and classic World of Warcraft. The $49.99 bundle presumably features all of that, further boosts - including one for the Deathknight - and a toy that triggers various cosmetic effects. RELATED LINKS: WoW Shadowlands review, The best WoW addons, WoW Classic leveling guide |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:10 AM ![]() Halo MCC may be 'unsupported' on the Steam Deck, but plenty of players have been able to get the game's campaigns up and running on Valve's handheld (albeit on their lonesome). However, it appears that the most recent update to the game has rendered the FPS game unplayable on the portable gaming PC and other Linux Proton systems. Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) seems to be the culprit in breaking Halo MCC on Deck, but not in the way you might think. According to GamingOnLinux, the introduction of a new directory and files that should help get EAC up and running on the platform has actually "broken the game on Linux Proton / Steam Deck." GamingOnLinux notes there's still likely work to be done in getting the anti-cheat software working on the Steam Deck, and there's thankfully a way to get Halo MCC working again in the meantime. For now, players can delete the 'easyanticheat' directory in the installation folder, which should restore functionality to the level it was prior to the update. RELATED LINKS: Best SSD for gaming, How to build a gaming PC, Best gaming CPU |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:22 AM ![]() With the release of Ash, Apex Legends players now have 20 Legends to choose from when taking on the battle royale known as the Apex Games. Each Legend has their own skills, playstyle, and personality, with plenty of choice for every type of player, whether you like to be aggressive, defensive, or offensive to the senses (cough – Caustic – cough). Your ideal Legend pick depends on your strengths and weaknesses – your experience, gamesense, movement skills, and aim all factor in, as does your squad composition and whether you're playing with friends or a team of strangers. That said, although all the characters are relatively balanced, there are some Legends who have pulled away from the pack due to their powerful abilities, and some who are more niche picks. Our Apex Legends tier list aims to give you a quick look at the current Legend meta. We've ordered the Legends here in order of general effectiveness, to help you decide who to play if you're after the big win. We're aiming this list at the average player who has a reasonable grasp of the game, but we'll also point out the best characters for absolute beginners, and mention the ones you'll see in top tier competitive play. RELATED LINKS: Apex Legends characters guide, Apex Legends skins, Apex Legends map guide |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:14 AM ![]() The Halo MCC update for April 2022 is here and it adds some big new features to the FPS game collection, including the recently teased Halo ODST Flood Firefight mode and the introduction of Halo 3 crossplay. Plus, 343 Industries adds that Halo mod support for "every game in the MCC" is happening this year. Phew. The Halo MCC April 2022 patch notes are here, and 343 goes into a lot of detail about the new features in a Steam blog post. Of course, the biggest new addition is 'Floodfight', which adds waves of Halo's zombie-like Flood to ODST's enjoyable co-op survival Firefight mode. The Flood are shrouded in a creepy Silent Hill-like fog, can ride vehicles, and even infect you or your teammates to turn players to their side. The update also includes UI improvements, new skulls and medals, custom game browser support, and tweaks to Forge and mod tools. Another big addition is campaign co-op crossplay (cool) for both Halo 3 and Halo ODST, so PC and Xbox players can finish the fight together - which is important, seeing as Halo Infinite won't even get co-op until partway into Season 2. RELATED LINKS: Halo: The Master Chief Collection Steam, Halo: The Master Chief Collection mods, Best FPS games |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:15 AM ![]() Looking for the best Genshin Impact Yae Miko build? The popular pink-haired priestess was finally introduced into the RPG game during the Genshin Impact 2.5 update, with a debut Genshin Impact banner that ran alongside her bestie Raiden Shogun. To help you figure out how to play Yae Miko, we've put together a guide to the best Yae Miko build and team composition. She is a powerful Electro DPS character, capable of dealing substantial damage. However, she requires a lot of energy for her burst, so if you're planning to take on the most difficult content, we recommend running her as a sub-DPS alongside a good "battery" - a character who generates lots of energy for their team. There are several different weapons and artifact sets that work well for Yae, and our recommendations vary depending on how many of her constellations you've unlocked. If you're looking to pull for her then we recommend checking our Yae Miko ascension materials guide so you can start stockpiling everything you'll need to get her levelled up. RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:03 AM ![]() We can all agree that ghost games are better played together, right? That way, you can work together with your pals online and if things go south, sacrifice them and run away to safety. However, some ghost games like Phasmophobia, aren't just ghost games, they can also be detective games and survival games, so it begs the question – are there other ghost games like Phasmophobia? There's a lot to love in this horror game, whether that's the online co-op, the old-school investigative work, or the increasingly angry ghosts who don't want you messing with their haunt. So, we've put together a mishmashed list of ghost games and games like Phasmophobia, that have either all or at least a few of Phasmophobia's key ingredients. If you enjoy piecing together clues while evading evil spirits, surviving with your team, and straightening your deerstalker as you hunt for clues and deduce hidden messages, then you've come to the right place. Here are the best ghost games like Phasmophobia on PC. RELATED LINKS: The best horror games on PC, The best VR games |
PCGamesN Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:13 AM ![]() The mid '90s were an auspicious time for Bethesda. The studio cut its teeth making sports and licensed Terminator games before moving into the (at the time) niche territory of RPGs Bethesda's upper management were initially wary, but The Elder Scrolls: Arena was enough of a success to get a sequel approved, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, which struck gold for the small studio. The pioneering open-world game was a hit, so work on its sequel, Morrowind, started immediately after, and Bethesda was seemingly on the path to becoming the RPG juggernaut it is today. But there are two forgotten Elder Scrolls games that came first. Rather than doubling down on what worked so well for Daggerfall, Bethesda took its new flagship series off-piste. An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire (1997) and The Elder Scrolls Adventures - Redguard (1998) were games whose titles hinted that they'd be the start of new Elder Scrolls spin-off series - expanding the IP into a genre-spanning saga. On a leaflet inside the Battlespire box, Bethesda co-founder Christopher Weaver even wrote that "Battlespire is the beginning of a hybrid genre based on your input." The question of why today in 2022 we're not eagerly anticipating the latest Elder Scrolls 'Legend' or 'Adventure' can probably best be answered by the fact that neither game was that great. But given that these games contributed to the much-anticipated Morrowind being delayed and - according to some - a financial downturn for Bethesda in the late '90s, perhaps a bigger question is how and why they came to exist in the first place? RELATED LINKS: Skyrim mods, Play Skyrim, Games like Skyrim |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:00 AM ![]() BIOTA (or, technically, B.I.O.T.A.) is metroidvania 'em up with a hot-swappable retro sheen. And it's pretty fun! Not, like, groundbreaking or anything, but hey, not everything needs to be. Biota has some platforming, some shooting, some bits where you drive mechs and submarines. It keeps things simple and it largely works, making for a game that's an inoffensive 8bit romp with flashes of greatness. |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:26 AM ![]() How does one get a job in the games industry? Don't. Don't do it. Take your talents to an industry which will respect, appreciate, and pay you more. But if a curse has befallen your blood and you absolutely must work in the games industry, you might appreciate some advice. Our corporate siblings at GamesIndustry.biz have released a free digital magazine on How To Get A Job In Video Games, with 100-odd pages of decent advice from industry professionals. If your blood would turn black and crystallise in your veins were you to even contemplate another job, you should have a read. |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:10 AM ![]() I have now received most (but not quite all) of my stuff after moving, so I have a TV and two (2) consoles to play games on. One thing I've been playing recently is Ghostwire: Tokyo, a ghost huntin' action game that's a bit less weird and a bit more "kind of like an Ubisoft game" than I was expecting. But I like Ubisoft games just fine, so I'm having a blast - plus there are still some clutch ghost fights to be hand when I run out of finger-ammo for my magic hands. I am extra delighted by the animals, though. For whatever reason, they are unaffected by the evil fog that has swept through Tokyo and turned everyone into spirits, so there are a few dogs and cats just sitting around and (and this is the good bit) you can read their thoughts. |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:34 AM ![]() A fresh Final Fantasy XIV patch today has made the game friendlier to solo players, with the new Duty Support System letting you go through a load of main scenario duties solo with NPC party members. Oh, but that's a tiny piece of patch 6.1, which also whams in new quests and and new items and a new housing district and new haircuts and... goodness me I'm still a little surprised when I remember how FF14 was initially so awful that Square Enix shut it down for almost a year. |
Rock Paper Shotgun Latest Articles Feed Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:55 AM ![]() I can't tell you if Hell Is Us, the newly announced next game from developers Rogue Factor, is actually like the movie Annihilation, because they haven't really shown the game yet. But I can tell you that they're clearly trying to evoke Annihilation vibes, with the trailer channeling that blown-out synth sound and scattering humanlike inhuman mineral figures across the landscape. Annihilation is a good mood to channel. I hope the third-person explore-o-melee game does turn out a bit like that when it arrives in 2023. |
Twinfinite Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:34 AM Earlier today, Danish developer Triheart Studio revealed that Golfie, their roguelike deckbuilding minigolf game, would be launching its first official public playtest on Steam and that it'll run from April 12-18. The title is a unique take on minigolf, as players must use cards with an array of unique abilities in order to shoot the […] |
Twinfinite Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:26 AM Earlier today, developer Rogue Factor and publisher Nacon announced a brand-new action-adventure IP for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC titled Hell is Us. The game's announcement came by way of a cryptic trailer that you can check out for yourself down below. Just a heads up, though: the video is age-restricted so you […] |
Twinfinite Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:25 AM After having delayed its normal two-week update cadence, Valorant's latest patch is finally here this week, but it turns out that it's only a small one. Patch 4.07 makes a host of minor changes and bug fixes; perhaps the most notable update is a nerf to the Bulldog and Stinger which reduces the speed with […] |
Twinfinite Tuesday, April 12, 2022 4:35 AM When one thinks of Red Candle Games, the Taiwanese developers, the horror genre comes to mind, especially with the critical reception of its previous projects: Devotion and Detention. However, just like how those games burst onto the scene, the studio has been hard at work creating their next big thing in the form of Nine […] |
Twinfinite Tuesday, April 12, 2022 2:45 AM Elden Ring is FromSoftware's most ambitious game yet, featuring a massive open-world that you can explore freely, along with a crap ton of bosses to fight. Truly, there are over 100 boss encounters in this game, and you likely won't even see them all in your first or second playthroughs. In this article, we'll be […] |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 10:00 AM Nintendo released a Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer, and it focuses on a new character joining the cast. People will follow Shez, a new mercenary who fights alongside the characters from Three Houses. Things begin with Shez fighting another familiar person in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. Byleth is in the middle of a duel with the newcomer. After that, it confirms Shez is the avatar for the player. Like Byleth, people can choose Shez's gender when the game begins. After showing off the original character, the Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes trailer shows the characters in each path Shez can join. Edelgard's is the Scarlet Blaze. That side also includes Hubert. Dimitri's route is called Azure Gleam. Dedue will fight alongside players there. Finally, Claude is a part of Golden Wildfire. Hilda will also be available in this route. Other cameos here include an appearance from Flayn and Gatekeeper. As a reminder, this is a follow-up to the original Fire Emblem Warriors. That means the traditional, turn-based, tactical gameplay is replaced with Musou fights. You choose a character and cut through hordes of enemies instead. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes will come to the Nintendo Switch on June 24, 2022. The post Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Trailer Introduces a New Character appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:35 AM A new art exhibit showcasing the works of Fate/Extra illustrator Arco Wada will appear between July and August 2022 at the Matsuya Ginza department store in Tokyo, Japan. The event will also mark the 12th anniversary of the PlayStation Portable game, which falls on July 22, 2022. The exhibit will feature Arco Wada's illustrations for Type-Moon's Fate series with a focus on Fate/Extra, where she designed the title's characters. The illustrator will also sell a new art book containing her works in the Fate series at the venue first. Type-Moon Books will bring it to other Japanese stores on July 29, 2022. Fate/Extra is a turn-based RPG released for PlayStation Portable on July 22, 2010. In this title, the player chooses one of the three available Servants to participate in the tournament-like Moon Holy Grail War. Its English localization appeared in North America in November 2011 and Europe in May 2012. An anime adaptation of the game, titled Fate/Extra Last Encore, aired in 2018. In 2019, Type-Moon hired former Square Enix director Kazuya Nino—who originally worked as Fate/Extra's producer—to establish Studio BB and work on Fate/Extra Record. The upcoming remake of the 2010 title will come with new character models. The Fate & Fate/Extra Arco Wada Art Works exhibit will appear on the 8th floor of Matsuya Ginza from July 21, 2022, to August 9, 2022. The post Fate/Extra Arco Wada Exhibit Will Mark the Title's 12th Anniversary appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:00 AM Nintendo announced that it acquired land located adjacent to its headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. The company will build a new development office on the land to reinforce its research and development progress. The new land area is sized at 10,028.55 square meters (~107,946 square feet). It previously hosted the 3,110.91 m2 (~33,485 ft2) Foundation Support Factory and the 6,917.64 m2 (74,460 ft2) Material and Disaster Prevention Center. The city offered the land via public proposal on December 8, 2021. It chose Nintendo as a valid business operator for the ground, with a bidding price of five billion yen (~$39.8 million). The Japanese press release includes a map of Nintendo's offices in Kyoto. The pink squares show its existing headquarters and development center. The red area marks the new land that the company had acquired. [gallery columns="1" ids="923855" link="file"] Nintendo will build an office on the newly acquired land. It has tentatively named the new office the "Corporate Headquarters Development Center, Building No. 2." The building will occupy an estimated area of 38,000 square meters (~409,000 square feet) and 72m (~236 feet) tall with 12 floors. The company expects to finish building the new office in December 2027. The Nintendo Switch is the company's latest console made to date. In October 2021, it released a new model with a larger OLED screen. The company has sold more than 100 million units of all Switch models combined as of December 2021. The post Nintendo Will Build Its Second Development Center in Kyoto appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 8:00 AM miHoYo will release the second Genshin Impact Inazuma OST album on April 13, 2022. Titled "Islands of the Lost and Forgotten," miHoYo has shared a track that will appear on the album. "Song of Innocence" is immediately available to listen to on YouTube. The song was recorded in collaboration with the children's choir from Shanghai. However, this track is the only preview for the second Genshin Impact Inazuma OST album. The music video features the choir singing at a beach, where they are joined by a small orchestra. It transitions between scenes of the orchestra performing and various locations in Genshin Impact. You can watch the music video below. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_Udh58C2dM&ab_channel=GenshinImpact[/embed] miHoYo has released several Genshin Impact EPs. Each of these EPs usually consists of several songs from the game. The music is accompanied by a music video featuring a specific character, who is usually associated with those particular tracks. Zhongli, Ganyu, and Venti have received EPs. Ganyu's and Zhongli's EPs focus on the characters in Liyue, with music from the corresponding region as the focus of the video. Venti's EP focuses on the Mondstadt region and features the bard wandering the hills just outside of the city. Genshin Impact is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, and for Android and iOS devices. The post Genshin Impact Inazuma OST Album 2 to Release Soon appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:30 AM Arc System Works announced that rollback netcode will arrive in the PC and PlayStation 4 releases of BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle on April 14, 2022. With the update, Arc System Works shared that delays in online versus modes will be reduced. However, once this update arrives, the public test being held through Steam will come to an end. The developers thank those who participated in the public test during this period. [Thanks, 4Gamer!] The public test began in February 2022. It was made available to help Arc System Works find any potential issues before implementing the rollback netcode for BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. Players could report any issues or bugs to a community hub. The public test was only made available for the PC version of the game. In February 2022, Arc System Works implemented rollback netcode for BlazBlue Centralfiction. Similar to BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle, there was a public beta available leading up to the release of the feature. However, rollback netcode is only available for the PC version of BlazBlue Centralfiction, whereas it will be available for PlayStation 4 and PC for BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle. BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Rollback netcode will appear for the PlayStation 4 and PC versions of the game on April 14, 2022. The post BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle Rollback Netcode to Appear Soon appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 7:00 AM LINE and Koei Tecmo are teaming up to release LINE: Monster Rancher for Android and iOS devices. It will release sometime in 2022 in Japan. The game will feature entirely unique monsters and a new monster generation method. More information on the monster generation method will be available at a later date. There is no word of a potential Western release. [Thanks, ryokutya2089!] LINE: Monster Rancher will have monsters from Monster Rancher and Monster Rancher 2. However, they will appear in a new visual style as the game will feature new graphics. Additionally, players will have access to new features, such as the option to send bred monsters out on expeditions. Another feature includes the ability to create teams of monsters and participate in ranked battles. One thing that will remain the same is the training system from previous Monster Rancher titles. Players will need to finely balance just how much they push or pamper their monsters to unleash their true potential. You can watch the announcement trailer below. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGGSwf4qBho&ab_channel=LINEGAMEofficial[/embed] Koei Tecmo released Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX on the Nintendo Switch, PC, and iOS devices. An Android version is also available exclusively in Japan. The game was originally released in Japan, and then subsequently arrived in North America and Europe. It has received free and paid DLC content. LINE: Monster Rancher is in development for Android and iOS devices. It will release in Japan sometime in 2022. The post LINE: Monster Rancher Announced for Mobile Devices appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:30 AM Final Fantasy XIV Producer Naoki Yoshida, also known as Yoshi-P, now has an asteroid named after him. A Final Fantasy XIV fan posted on Reddit, informing users on the board that they had the opportunity to name an asteroid. The name they picked was none other than YoshidaNaoki. The user also posted a GIF of the asteroid in orbit, alongside proof that they did in fact name an asteroid after Final Fantasy XIV Producer Yoshi-P. [Thanks, Game Watch!] Users in the thread mention that the name seems appropriate given the events leading up to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn and the general lore surrounding the game. Fans can check the orbit of the asteroid through NASA's website. In an interview with Famitsu in March 2021, Yoshida shared his thoughts on the future of Final Fantasy XIV. He revealed that there was a feeling of catharsis for him once Endwalker was released. Alongside that, he stated that it was an emotional experience for him. The reason mentioned is the nature of Final Fantasy XIV being an MMORPG, and that players inhabit the world and have created their own individual experiences. Final Fantasy XIV Patch 6.1 will see the beginning of a new chapter for the Warrior of Light according to Yoshida. This includes the introduction of new characters and new plot threads. The patch will also introduce new raids and content for players to experience. Final Fantasy XIV is immediately available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC. The post Final Fantasy XIV Fan Names Asteroid After Yoshi-P appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:00 AM Almost a year after its originally announced release date, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is now available on iOS and Android devices. It costs $11.99, or 1,960 JPY from the Japanese stores. In Japan, there is a discount until April 17, 2022. Until that date, it will cost 1,480 JPY. [Thanks, 4Gamer!] Spike Chunsoft announced mobile ports of the mainline Danganronpa games for the series's 10th anniversary. The first two games have been available on iOS and Android since 2020. Danganronpa V3 for mobile devices originally had a release window of May 2021. However, Spike Chunsoft delayed it until an unspecified date. The reason for the delay was the discovery of a major flaw in the game. The Anniversary Edition of Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony has a unique gallery function. While the gallery in the original game allowed you to re-watch certain scenes and bond conversations, this gallery will have multiple sprites and expressions for the characters. You will also be able to listen to character voices in the gallery mode. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is the final numbered entry in the Danganronpa series. It follows the story of Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara, who wake up in an empty school alongside a colorful cast of fellow talented high school students. Similar to previous games, they are forced to participate in a killing game that involves getting away with murder in order to escape. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is available on iOS, Android, PS4, PS Vita, Windows PC, and Nintendo Switch. The post Danganronpa V3 Mobile Ports Now Available Worldwide appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:30 AM The HD edition of Mahoutsukai no Yoru has a release date set for December 2022 in Japan. The announcement from developer Type-Moon and publisher Aniplex also came with good news for international fans: The release will support English- and Chinese-language (both Traditional and Simplified) subtitles. The announcement did not specify if the added language support would be available at launch or added later via patch, DLC, or in the form of localized regional releases. [Thanks, PR Times!] In addition to the release date, Aniplex showed off some Mahoutsukai no Yoru art, as well as the game's logo. Mahoutsukai no Yoru, also known as Mahoyo or Witch on the Holy Night, is a visual novel based on the 1996 story by Type-Moon co-founder Kinoko Nasu. The story laid the groundwork for the setting of many key Type-Moon releases like Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night. It stars Aoko Aozaki, the mentor of Tsukihime protagonist Tohno Shiki, and explores her high school years as a budding mage. Initially an outsider to the secretive world of magecraft, she lives and trains with taciturn girl Alice Kuonji. The upcoming rerelease aims to add technical improvements and new features to the original 2012 PC edition of Mahoutsukai no Yoru. These include HD-resolution artwork and full voice acting. With additional languages officially confirmed, Mahoutsukai no Yoru will be the first major Type-Moon visual novel to receive an official localization. To date, Type-Moon's best-known works, Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night, do not have official localizations for their source games, though anime and manga adaptations, as well as spinoffs like Fate/Grand Order and Fate/Extra, have been released globally. Type-Moon's press release confirmed the voice cast, as well.
Mahoutsukai no Yoru has a December 2022 release date in Japan on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. A movie adaptation is also in production. The post Mahoutsukai no Yoru Release Date Revealed, English Support Planned appeared first on Siliconera. |
Siliconera Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:00 AM Capcom opened pre-orders for both digital and physical versions of the Capcom Fighting Collection. Pre-orders are now available for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Pre-order bonuses include newly remixed music as well as original illustrations from a variety of artists. Pre-orders will also include Three Wonders as part of the recently announced Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium. The Capcom Fighting Collection is a collection of ten classic Capcom titles, many of which are fighting games. The collection will feature quality-of-life improvements such as online ranked and casual play, training modes, and custom matches, all with rollback netcode. Additionally, it will have an in-game gallery and music player mode featuring over 500 pages of art and 400 tracks. https://twitter.com/StreetFighter/status/1513547530163785728?s=20&t=SZeUdGsHKM5AK5O79nh-5g Digital pre-orders are available for all platforms except PlayStation 4. Physical pre-orders are available for all consoles. As a bonus, pre-orders will include new remixes from Capcom's in-house group CAP-JAMS, as well as popular artists like Knxwledge, Mndsgn, Matt Cab, and others. Furthermore, original illustrations from Capcom artists such as Yuri Kataiwa, Mita Chisato, and Ryuji Higurashi will also be included. Finally, pre-order buyers can also redeem Three Wonders as part of the Capcom Arcade 2nd Stadium. Those who purchased the digital version of the game before September 30, 2022, will be eligible for the pre-order bonuses. Pre-order bonuses for physical copies will be available while supplies last and can be redeemed until June 23, 2023. Steam versions are eligible until October 1, 2022. The pre-order bonuses may appear as separate purchases at a later date. You can get a better look at some of the illustrations in the Capcom Fighting Collection pre-order announcement trailer below: https://youtu.be/COUT-kKzwaI Capcom Fighting Collection is available for pre-order on PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Both the physical and digital versions will cost $39.99. The post Capcom Fighting Collection Pre-order Bonuses Detailed appeared first on Siliconera. |
Destructoid Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:30 AM It's also coming to Xbox and PC Game Pass Action RPG prequel Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising has a release date, and it's just... The post Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising sets out for adventure on May 10 appeared first on Destructoid. |
Destructoid Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:00 AM Hello, darkness, my old friend… Publisher Nacon has lifted the lid on a brand new adventure game, Hell is Us,... The post Nacon unveils grim adventure Hell is Us, coming 2023 appeared first on Destructoid. |
Destructoid Tuesday, April 12, 2022 6:00 AM Whodunnit? It's taken its sweet time getting here, but Spike Chunsoft's great punk-rock murder-mystery Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is finally... The post Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Anniversary Edition hits mobile appeared first on Destructoid. |
Tabletop Gaming News Tuesday, April 12, 2022 10:00 AM |
Tabletop Gaming News Tuesday, April 12, 2022 9:00 AM |
Player Assist | Game Guides & Walkthroughs Tuesday, April 12, 2022 5:31 AM LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga may have been delayed multiple times, but the game finally launched this month, and it looks like it's doing great numbers. As per GamesIndustry.biz, GfK is reporting that the LEGO Star Wars reboot has become the biggest launch for a LEGO game in the UK, beating out the previous […] |
Player Assist | Game Guides & Walkthroughs Tuesday, April 12, 2022 4:33 AM Capcom may be gearing up for the release of Street Fighter 6, but this June will also see them celebrate 35 years of fighting games with the Capcom Fighting Collection. The compilation includes over 10 classic Capcom titles, and we have a new preview highlighting the bonus features of the collection. Watch this: When it […] |
Player Assist | Game Guides & Walkthroughs Tuesday, April 12, 2022 4:10 AM A week ago, 2K Games had given us our look at the star-studded, narrative-driven game The Quarry, and now IGN has released about 30 minutes of gameplay for this interactive horror story. Watch this: While the series does have a larger cast, the clip we got only focuses on three characters played by Skyler Gisondo, […] |
Pivotal Gamers Tuesday, April 12, 2022 4:20 AM What's up folks? We have another excellent offer from Giveaway Of The Day for Super Car Parking 2. Their message follows. Super Car Parking 2 is available as a Giveaway of the day!You have limited time to download, install and register it. A few words about Super Car Parking 2 Play one of the most realistic parking games on the market. Drive various cars: Car, Bus, Truck each with an unique ... |