PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 19, 2022 10:18 PM  Grabbing certain achievements can be a bit of an extra challenge in a multiplayer game, as you generally have to worry about one of your teammates sneaking in right before you and eradicating all the enemies themselves. Such is the case with the Long Bomb achievement in Darktide. If you're wondering how exactly you should go about getting the achievement, we've got the answer for you, so you'll see that achievement pop up in the bottom-right corner of your screen in no time at all and you can focus on getting the game's other 35 achievements. As you're no doubt aware, the description for the achievement is as follows: as the Sharpshooter, kill 5 enemies with a Frag Grenade without it bouncing. The implications are as clear as humanly possible. Your operative needs to be a Sharpshooter and kill five enemies with a frag grenade with zero bounces. But there is a bit more information that might be helpful when figuring out how to best do this. While it may see... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 19, 2022 9:01 PM  Status moves are extremely powerful in Pokémon. Every good team should have a variety of status moves as it helps you control the battle by hindering your opponent. One of the most reliable status moves in Pokemon is Thunder Waves and you can get it early on in your playthrough. Here's how to get Thunder Wave in Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet. Note: We'll have a Pokémon Scarlet and Violet guides and features hub coming soon, so stay tuned. How to Get Thunder Wave in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet The Thunder Wave TM is received early on before you even enter Mesagoza City for the first time. Just outside of Mesagoza City's gates next to the Pokémon Center you'll encounter a Pokémon League Rep. Speaking to him will reveal that he has a special prize for anyone who can defeat four nearby trainers. The four trainers you need to defeat can be found on the route between Inlet Grotto and Mesagoza's front gate. They are named Youngster Ellan, Zahira t... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 19, 2022 8:59 PM  Tired of wearing that potato sack while you're tearing things limb from limb? You can easily change cosmetics in Darktide to make your operative look a little less like an escaped prisoner. Y'know, despite your operative literally being an escaped prisoner. But the game doesn't exactly rain cosmetics down on you, so don't expect to be swimming in them as soon as you start. Equipping them is extremely easy, though, so once you have some in your inventory, it just takes a second or two to slap them on and look a lot less like a jank factory. First off, you'll want to press the "I" key when you're in the hub. This brings up your inventory screen, which has a few different tabs. One of these says "Cosmetics." It's big and in the middle, so you can't miss it. Once you select this, you'll be able to pick what you want your operative to wear on multiple parts of their body. There's headgear, body armor, pants... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Saturday, November 19, 2022 8:06 PM  If you're brand new to Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, you might be wondering how you're meant to get new weapons. After all, you don't want to just be using your rewards for the initial tutorial. When you first get out of the prologue, you'll get dropped into a hub where you'll take on new missions and gear yourself up. Directly in front of the spawn point is an NPC you can't interact with until you get to trust level 11 and completing missions often doesn't give you any weapons whatsoever. Getting them is simple, but you might not know where to look. Head to the mission counter that's a ways in front of where you start from. Run up to it and then turn around. Look to your right and you'll see the Armoury Exchange. Run up to it and you'll find three separate counters that you can interact with. Then just go through the menu and pick whichever weapons you'd like to purchase. If you don't see anything you want, come ba... |