Genshin Impact Version 1.1 Update Expected to Launch November 11 on China Server

miHoYo announced through its official miHoYo Bilibili the future update schedule for Genshin Impact, available now on PC, PS4, iOS, and Android. Genshin Impact is expected to receive its first update, version 1.1, on November 11. The second update, Version 1.2, will be on December 23. The third update, version 1.3 is planned for February 2021. At least on the China server. Both the Japanese and the English Twitter accounts for Genshin Impact didn't make similar announcements yet. As such it's currently unconfirmed if the Genshin Impact global server is expected to receive the same updates on the same dates as well.
Here are the details of the Genshin Impact future update schedule:
While I cannot read Chinese, a short Japanese translation of the Bilibili post was shared on Twitter by Genshin player @Kurayami_11:
ver 1.1 11月11日更新「未帰の熄星」イベント開催
ver 1.2 12月23日更新 「ドラゴンスパイン」エリア解放、その他イベント開催
ver 1.3 2021年2月更新「海灯祭」イベント開催via 原神中国公式#原神 #원신 #Genshin #GenshinImpact
— 澄夜 (@Kurayami_11) October 9, 2020
Genshin Impact version 1.1 is expected to launch November 11 and will add a new event. Version 1.2 will add the Dragonspine area and more events. Version 1.3 planned for February 2021 will add the Lantern Festival event.
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Digimon Survive Producer Kazumasa Habu: We're Reviewing The Development Process and Schedule

Digimon Survive, coming to PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, will get some news soon regarding its release. And it's likely going to be a delay from the currently planned 2020 release to 2021. On September 8, over on Twitter, a Korean Digimon fan asked Digimon Survive Producer Kazumasa Habu about the game, and how we haven't got any news in a while. Here is the answer from Kazumasa Habu translated below:
Kazumasa Habu: "I apologize for the long wait. The Digimon Survive team is currently reviewing its development system and schedule. We'll report about our situation in the near future. Please wait a little bit longer."
— ハブ (@habumon) October 8, 2020
Judging from this message, the next time Bandai Namco officially announces something for Digimon Survive, it definitely won't be a release date but rather a delay. I wonder why now, of all times, the development team is changing the way it's working on the game though. It's as if there's a pandemic ravaging through the world, changing everyone's lives, and forcing companies, game studios included, to completely change their schedules and work from home. Maybe I'm wrong though.
Digimon Survive was first announced in 2018 and was supposed to release in 2019. However the game has been delayed since. Digimon Survive uses Tactical RPG mechanics, and a focus on survival, with choices that can result in characters' deaths.
You can preorder Digimon Survive on Amazon to support us: Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
The post Digimon Survive Producer Kazumasa Habu: We're Reviewing The Development Process and Schedule by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Death Stranding Cosplay Portrays Fragile in an Incredible Apocalyptic Photoshoot

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, cosplayers have been at the short end of the stick when it comes to showcasing their wonderful costumes at gaming and cosplaying events. Thankfully, that will never stop them from displaying their incredible creations and by being careful, they are still able to capture their hard work through the medium of photography. Even though Death Stranding released on PS4 last year in November and then on PC in July this year, Fragile – the founder of Fragile Express from Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding – continues to be a very popular choice and today, we welcome Frau Haku to the DualShockers gallery of amazing cosplayers as she steps into the shoes of the cryptobiote devourer herself.
Olga, otherwise known as Frau Haku or Haku on social media, is a Russian cosplayer who has taken the persona of many characters over the years of her cosplaying career. Slipping inside the minds of well-known characters like Jesse Faden from Control, Ciri from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Ashe from Overwatch and so many others, but today it's the controlled and intelligent Fragile from Death Stranding. As you can see from Olga's photoshoot, she bears an uncanny resemblance to Fragile from her facial expressions, poised posture, and Fragile's incredible seamless suit and umbrella that keeps the timefall rain off her skin.
It's not only Olga's brilliant cosplaying that makes this seem so realistic, but it's also the fantastic work of photographer kmitenkova who has complemented the look with such an atmospheric and apocalyptic feel. You'll also be able to notice some BT's in the image as well as the dark and menacing sky found within the world of Death Stranding. The finished Fragile look really is a complete collaboration of amazing talents between Olga and Kira that has produced some stunning images. Make sure you head over to Olga's Instagram to see more and also check out the photographer Kira who put this all together.

If Fragile's clothes catch your eye but designing it yourself just isn't your forte, maybe you could treat yourself to a $1,793 Death Stranding inspired Jacket that could also save you from Timefall? Of course, that would require having that much money to throw around on a pretty plain jacket but what if you could create Sam Porter's suit and 'baby jar' yourself? That's exactly what Cao Junjie from Shanghai did when he finally got fed up with worrying about going outside with his newborn due to the coronavirus.
For more Fragile goodness, head over to this article where cosplayer and Death Stranding fan Angelina Zelda showcased her Fragile cosplay that she made entirely by hand including her amazing jacket and how she customized it to perfection before going to meet Hideo Kojima dressed as Fragile at Comic-Con Russia in October last year. Talking about her experience with Kojima, she said that it was her "Happiest cosplay moment". If PC gaming is your thing, maybe a Death Stranding custom case is your cup of tea? If so, check this article out where Death Stranding teamed up with a custom PC tower manufacturer Fractal to deliver a fresh PC case design
Death Stranding launched on PC on July 14 on both Steam and the Epic Games Store. You can also pick it up for PS4 if you haven't done so already.
The post Death Stranding Cosplay Portrays Fragile in an Incredible Apocalyptic Photoshoot by Rachael Fiddis appeared first on DualShockers.
This 3D Printed Creation Turns Your DualShock 4 Into a HOTAS Suitable For Star Wars Squadrons

If you're been wanting a more realistic flight-experience in Microsoft Flight Simulator, or even Star Wars Squadrons, but you don't want to fork out that money for a flight stick, then this creator has you covered. Using the power of a 3D printer in addition to a DualShock 4, you'll be able to turn the controller into your own makeshift HOTAS.
Reddit user moinen, otherwise known as Akaki Kuumeri on YouTube, shared their creation which includes 3D printing some attachments that can be easily snapped together and connected to the DualShock 4's analog sticks. The video shows the construction process and then shows it being used to fly a plane in Microsoft Flight Simulator. It comes with two joysticks, with one being the lever to control the speed on the left, only capable of being moved up and down, and then the one on the right allows for full control for steering.
So while the general function seems suitable for linking up to Microsoft Flight Simulator's relaxing steering layout, it is not suitable for the recently released Star Wars Squadrons. However, the video also shows off Akaki's adapters that allow you to play that game with ones that have triggers and strings.
The sticks can be 3D printed and easily assembled as with the other, but this time, both sticks allow for full control of the analog sticks. The ones in the video come with two triggers each that connect to the DualShock 4 and can be used to pull the triggers and bumpers down, allowing you to get full control of your zoomy spaceship and weapons as you fly through the stars. The video shows the sticks in action, and honestly, it looks like a lot of fun.
Akaki does admit that it's "a bit flimsy" which is understandable given the high-octane action that comes with Star Wars Squadrons. But it's certainly a cool idea, especially if you have access to a 3D printer. And with all these flying games coming out, I've personally heard that finding a good HOTAS has become a bit troublesome.
The details on how to download and print the single-trigger version are available here for free, but if you want the premium trigger and thumb button version shown in the video, you'll have to grab the files on Etsy. You can also get the simple version of the files just for flight control, with no buttons or trigger for the Xbox 360 controller, Xbox One controller, and the. Nintendo Switch Pro controller. Akaki does say they may look into making a trigger version for the Xbox One controller, but given that the triggers are stiffer than the DualShock 4, it might be a bit tricky.
Obviously, the trigger version of this has been created most likely with Star Wars Squadrons in mind, but its creation and ease-of-use seems to leave the list of games to play open to those who don't mind fiddling with button inputs.
The post This 3D Printed Creation Turns Your DualShock 4 Into a HOTAS Suitable For Star Wars Squadrons by Ben Bayliss appeared first on DualShockers.
Sony Will Reportedly Launch a New PlayStation Store Next Month

PS5 will be officially launched in over a month and Sony hasn't revealed the new look of the console's user interface so far. That said, some new reports suggest that the company will unveil a new version of the PlayStation Store for PS5 next month.
According to PushSquare, Sony has notified developers about an upcoming overhaul in PlayStation Store which is said to include only PS5 and PS4 games. That means the brand new Store will no longer allow you to buy digital games for PS3, PSP, and PS Vita from anywhere other than the consoles' Store. As the report suggests, the new PlayStation Store will be available through smartphones and the web, in addition to consoles. If the report turns out to be true, the PS4 apps, themes, and avatars will no longer be available through mobile and web.
Sony's user interface in PlayStation consoles has always known for its simplicity and easy navigation. The new PlayStation Store will probably follow the same policy, however, now that we are going to get an SSD-equipped console, some new tweaks and improvements would definitely help for bringing a super-smooth user experience.
Sony recently shared a new video from PS5, providing a deep look inside the company's new beast. It's expected to see more details from the console, including its new user interface, in the coming weeks.
On November 12th, Sony will officially begin a new generation of gaming with PS5. The company has managed to prepare a bunch of interesting launch titles for PS5, including Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Demon's Souls Remake, Sackbot: A Big Adventure, Destruction: All-Stars, and Godfall.
This is going to be the first time ever that Sony starts a new generation of gaming with two types of a single console: PS5 Standard Edition for $499 and PS5 Digital Edition for $399.
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Super Mario Bros. 35 First Update Is Available Now

Super Mario Bros. 35 released for free on the Nintendo Switch on October 1, 2020, and it's apparently slated to only be available until the end of March next year. It's already been given its first update bringing the game to version 1.0.1 along with a bunch of fixes.
It was reported earlier this week that the game saw issues with cheaters and hackers being able to rack up an incredible number of coins, giving them an unfair advantage over the rest of the players actually trying to play properly. Nintendo was actively removing YouTube videos showing how to make use of this cheat, and now the latest update seems to have fixed some issues that were present in the game, but it's unclear if one of those fixes are specific to the cheat.
The update fixes an issue where enemies would keep spawning on the current screen without the player needing to move forward. So now, enemies should only spawn outside of the viewable area. Certain player icons that were not displaying properly during Coin Ranking should also now be fixed, and there are "other issues" that have been addressed that should enhance the overall gameplay experience.
The Super Mario Bros. 35 update should be available for all players to download. The game itself finds a bunch of players progressing through classic Mario levels to be the last one standing. Enemies are sent to other players in a similar way to how blocks in Tetris 99 are sent over, making the game more difficult the further you go. You can read our review here and see what we thought about the game that's only available for a limited time.
As you'd probably expect, Super Mario Bros. 35 is available for free exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.
The post Super Mario Bros. 35 First Update Is Available Now by Ben Bayliss appeared first on DualShockers.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam and ABZU Are Free to Claim on Epic Games Store

Epic Games Store once again offers two free games in a week, and this time around, you're going to get an under-rated first-person shooter along with a magically entertaining deep-ocean adventure. Rising Storm 2 Vietnam and ABZU are free to own on Epic Games Store now.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is a direct sequel to the original game of the series and one of the most under-rated tactical shooters of the current-generation. As a multiplayer-focused experience set during the Vietnam War era, Rising Storm 2 features various PvP game modes including Skirmish, Supermacy, Territories, and Campaign. Maybe the best definition for Rising Storm 2 is to call it as a small-scale Battlefield with a lot of potential and tactical focus.
The game was originally launched for PC on Steam back in May 2017, and since then, it hasn't been released on any other platform. From today until October 15th, you can grab Rising Storm 2 Vietnam for free on Epic Games Store.
The next free-to-claim title of this week is a relaxing adventure deep in the oceans that turned into one of the most praised indie games in 2016. In ABZU, you will take the role of a diver, exploring a vast ocean and researching the life of incredibly diverse animals and plants residing deep in the ocean. As you progress in the game, you will get access to new areas, facing brand new creatures, and finding some harmful sources that affect the lives of many beautiful see critters in the ocean.
Similar to RS 2: Vietnam, ABZU is also available for free on Epic Games Store until October 15th.
It's worth noting that the next games that will go free on Epic Games Store are Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs and Kingdom: New Lands. As of October 16, you will be able to grab both games for free through your Epic account.
The post Rising Storm 2: Vietnam and ABZU Are Free to Claim on Epic Games Store by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
Wasteland 3 New Update Brings 60% Faster Load Times

The 1.1.2 update recently released for Wasteland 3 fixes dozens of issues with visuals, co-op elements, and quests, but the biggest change is considerably reduced load times.
From day one, Wasteland 3 was suffering from multiple technical issues in various forms, but the developers managed to wipe out the bugs and problems one after another with consecutive updates. Now, InXile Entertainment has launched a new patch that targets the loading time of the game on Xbox One and PC. According to the patch notes, the new update reduces load times on PC by 60% and on Xbox One by 25%.
The loadings in Wasteland 3 don't keep you waiting too long, however, the number of loading screens you face during transitions between various locations are too many. Here you can take a look at the other issues that have been fixed by update 1.1.2:
- Do you hate long load times? We hate long load times. Our engineers changed how the game loads levels, reducing load times by up to 60% on PC and 25% on console.
- As one example, on our PC test hardware a 38 second load time was reduced to 13 seconds.
- Fixed an issue where combat could become unresponsive with use of the Chain Ambush Perk for sniper rifles.
- Resolved several progression blocking issues in Yuma County Speedway.
- Enemies are now much less invisible after use of Precision Strike.
Performance & Stability
- Significantly changed how levels load, resulting in up to 60% faster load speeds across the game on PC, and on average 25% faster for consoles.
- Note: your hardware, save data, and which level you're loading into can all impact load times. Your mileage may of course vary.
- As part of this change, auto-saves will no longer occur as a part of the level load, and instead happen concurrently. This can lead to situations where you've loaded into the next scene but an auto-save is still in-progress. Don't close the game while the Ranger star is spinning.
- Major Prasad will no longer crash your game if you exit while she's still talking.
- Additional stability and performance improvements for consoles that were too technical for the person writing these patch notes to understand and explain easily. It's good stuff though. All good stuff.
- We'll be continuing to target and resolve specific stability issues as necessary.
- Players can no longer attack companions that are in the process of being recruited by the other player, in case your partner likes to troll.
- Fixed an issue where the Guest client could become unresponsive when talking with Hope Emerson and choosing to side with Del Hackett and her people.
- Improved stability while in the Hire Companion screen.
- Players can now use the keyboard in the lobby screen to choose game type, options, invite player, and ready up.
- Enabled UI Narration in the Direct Connection interface and for multiplayer game messages sent through chat.
- Fixed an issue with voice chat text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
- [Microsoft Store] Resolved an issue where guests couldn't rejoin a lobby they'd just left.
Quests & Gameplay
- Resolved an issue where quirks could become unselectable during character creation.
- Fixed a potential blocker with Medical Marvel not allowing revival without use of a Nitro Spike.
- Resolved a rare issue that would block you from speaking to a companion.
- The door in Yuma County Speedway leading to Liberty is now unbreakable as intended.
- Fixed minor graphical issue with the radio.
- Some cinematic characters have been given microdermabrasion treatments and now have better looking skin.
- Skill levels for recruitable characters now display properly in all cases.
- Mission status should no longer display incorrectly after quest completion or updates.
- Resolved issue where the spinning Ranger Star would permanently stay on screen after saving the game
Launched later in August this year, Wasteland 3 is a conclusion to a trilogy of ground-breaking isometric RPG that unfolds the story of a group of rangers in the post-apocalyptic lands of the US, where everybody is struggling to survive, even if only for a few more days. In Wasteland 3, Rangers take a trip to the frozen lands of Colorado where they're promised to get a lot of necessary resources if they aid the Patriarch to deal with his own children, who have turned rogue.
Wasteland 3 is currently available on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. The game will be available for Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S at launch through the Xbox Game Pass subscription.
The post Wasteland 3 New Update Brings 60% Faster Load Times by Mehrdad Khayyat appeared first on DualShockers.
Gamestop Enters Multi-Year Partnership with Microsoft but the Deal Won't Really Affect Customers

GameStop and the house of Xbox, Microsoft, announced this afternoon that they would be partnering together over the coming years in a new deal that the companies have struck. At face value, it would be easy to assume that something involving the Xbox brand itself would be directly associated with the deal, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Detailed in a press release, GameStop will primarily be looking to "standardize its back-end and in-store solutions on Dynamics 365," which essentially means that it will be using tools created by Microsoft to help with general business operations. Some of these tasks that Microsoft's tech will help with financial, communication, and inventory aspects that are tied to GameStop's day-to-day processes. Those who work at the store will also be able to use Surface tablets to help customers from here on out.
.@GameStop is standardizing on @Microsoft cloud solutions to deliver rich new digital experiences to customers, creating the "ultimate gaming destination" for gamers.
— Microsoft Stories and News (@MSFTnews) October 8, 2020
On the customer side, however, this partnership won't mean a lot. The only major thing that is happening here that deals with Xbox comes in regards to Microsoft's Xbox All Access program. This is a service that was previously announced by Microsoft and allows consumers to essentially purchase an Xbox Series X or S as part of a larger bundle that includes 24-months of Game Pass Ultimate and pay it off over a certain period of time at flat rates rather than having to charge it all upfront. Other retail partners have already implemented Xbox All Access, but GameStop will now be doing so as well.
As someone who use to work at GameStop, I can however say that the move to working within Microsoft's structure should definitely help. I worked for the company over five years ago at this point, and even then, most of the tools that we had to utilize on computers and such felt pretty antiquated at the time. While they definitely got the job done, the process often could've been much smoother. To hear that many of those old systems will finally be going away should make the lives of current employees all the easier, I would think.
The post Gamestop Enters Multi-Year Partnership with Microsoft but the Deal Won't Really Affect Customers by Logan Moore appeared first on DualShockers.
Genshin Impact: Rie Tanaka, The Seiyuu of Lisa, Is Streaming The Game While Doing Ara Ara Noises

Rie Tanaka, the seiyuu voicing Lisa in the Japanese dub of Genshin Impact, has been regularly streaming the game on her YouTube Channel, Tanaka Rie no Neesan TV. Rie Tanaka started streaming Genshin Impact when the game launched on September 28, on PC, PS4, iOS, and Android. Since then, she's been at it multiple times per week, for around one or two hours. Four streams happened so far. The latest one was on October 8.
The streams are incredibly funny to listen to as Rie Tanaka is acting as if she's Lisa herself, playing the game and commenting everything. She's streaming directly from PS4, and only on YouTube. Needless to say she's only speaking in Japanese. If you can understand the language, and if you're a seiyuu aficionados, it's pretty fun to skim through and listen in. I definitely wish I had the time to watch every stream.
Rie Tanaka, Seiyuu of Lisa Streams Genshin Impact: Episode 1
Lisa's Japanese Voice Rie Tanaka Streams Genshin, Episode 2:
Rie Tanaka Does "Lisa Voice" While Playing Genshin, Episode 3:
Lisa / Rie Tanaka Plays Genshin Impact Live Episode 4:
Rie Tanaka became really popular worldwide after voicing Lacus Clyne in Gundam Seed and Chi in Chobits, both in 2002. Her role as Lacus most notably demonstrated she's an incredible singer. Rie Tanaka is also voicing Neptune in Neptunia. She's also voicing Kiara Sesshouin in Nasuverse, so she's very popular among a younger Japanese audience who discovered her with FGO.
Rie Tanaka is streaming on YouTube for a while now. Many seiyuu recently opened YouTube channels. Especially with the Covid-19 stay home measures in mid 2020. You've most notably got the 4Gamer produced show Wasyaganatv with Yuichi Nakamura and Mafia Kajita. Tomokazu Sugita (Yusuke in Persona 5) regularly talks about his figures or anime and manga memories on AGRS. Asami Sanada of Di Gi Chara, Date A Live fame does muscle training videos. Tomokazu Seki opened his YouTube channel as well.
撮影準備中#FGO #殺生院キアラ
— 田中理恵 (@tanakarie) September 29, 2020
Rie Tanaka is also the kind of otaku who really loves sexy-type female characters. These days for her FGO streams, she pretty much cosplays every new costume Kiara gets. So it's possible she'll cosplay Genshin Lisa one day too.
Lisa is by far the most stereotypical character you get in Genshin Impact. However, Genshin gets everything right about Japanese games. And this includes having characters who seem very cliché at first turning out to be pretty unique as you play and learn more about them.
DualShockers recently interviewed miHoYo, who most notably revealed Inazuma is the next region coming to Genshin Impact. The other new regions of Genshin Impact were teased as well. The game is also close to 20 million downloads on mobile alone. Sure, probably one quarter of that are reroll accounts or bots, but it's still impressive.
The post Genshin Impact: Rie Tanaka, The Seiyuu of Lisa, Is Streaming The Game While Doing Ara Ara Noises by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.