The World Ends With You Anime Reveals New Reapers Key Visual, OP Theme Song, Second Trailer

On November 23, the official Twitter account for The World Ends With You Anime revealed a new trailer, the OP theme song and a new key visual. The new key visual shows the Reaper characters (Shinigami in Japanese). With Uzuki Yashiro, Koki Kariya, Yodai Higashizawa, Mitsuki Konishi, Sho Minamimoto, and Megumi Kitaniji.
#すばせかアニメ #TWEWY #すばせか
— すばらしきこのせかい The Animation 公式アカウント (@TWEWY_PR) November 23, 2020

Secondly, the opening theme song for The World Ends With You Anime was announced. It's titled Teenage City Riot, performed by the seven members band ALI. Standing for Alien Liberty International, ALI is a band with multiple styles, Funk/Soul/Jazz/Latin. Comments by Leo, the vocalist of ALI, were published on the official site.
オープニングテーマが #ALI『TEENAGE CITY RIOT』 に決定
↓↓↓すばせかアニメ #TWEWY #すばせか— すばらしきこのせかい The Animation 公式アカウント (@TWEWY_PR) November 23, 2020
Leo Imamura: We will be doing the opening for the animation, "The World Ends with You" with our song, "Teenage City Riot"! As a band from Shibuya, we are honored to play a fanfare where it's setting is based in Shibuya as the battle field. Please continue to check us out in 2021!
Lastly, a new trailer for The World Ends With You anime was published. This is the second trailer so far. It features the OP theme song, the protagonists fighting together against the Noise, and some of the Reapers.
Officially titled Subarashiki Kono Sekai The Animation in Japanese, the anime will start airing in April 2021.
Moreover, starting November 17, Square Enix opened a mysterious countdown site for TWEWY. Stating "Timelimit Within 7 Days". Since then, each day at midnight, a trailer for one of the previous TWEWY games was shown. Moreover illustrations, characters, remixed arrangements of BGM and the like have been part of the countdown. Possibly teasing a sequel. The countdown site currently shows an artwork of a character holding a smartphone with a mysterious symbol.
First off, some might be getting a cold shower for their hype regarding a new The World Ends With You game. Thinking the artwork means it'll be a smartphone game getting announced. However, smartphones play a huge part in the The World Ends With You, so this might be playing with that rather than teasing a potential platform for this next project.
The countdown for this new The World Ends With You project will end on November 24 at midnight JST. In other words, November 23 for part of America, at 1000 ET. (Click here for a time conversion table).
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As you already know Square Enix Creative Business Unit I opened a teaser site for something related to JRPG The World Ends With You, possibly a sequel. Throughout the days, the countdown page has been showing the trailers of the past iterations of TWEWY. Each day once trailer was shown once, for a few minutes. (Thanks Famitsu).

First off on November 18 midnight JST, the trailer for Subarashiki Kono Sekai on Nintendo DS was shown once.
That trailer features two of the protagonist, Neku and Shiki, showcasing the cool character design of Tetsuya Nomura. The trailer most notably shows the same iconic "Timelimit Within 7 Days" message that appears ingame in Shibuya, and is used for the ongoing countdown.

Secondly, on November 19, midnight JST, the trailer for the smartphone port Subarashiki Kono Sekai -Solo Remix- was shown.
This port was exclusively released in Japan. It was only shown once, and the teaser site went dark again.

Thirdly, on November 20, midnight JST, the trailer for the Switch port, Subarashiki Kono Sekai -Final Remix- , was shown.
That was a few hours ago as I'm writing this. Like the past trailers, it was only shown once. It's likely the trailer airing on November 21 will be the one for the TWEWY anime adaptation.

Lastly, it's interesting to note the countdown page has been getting brighter which each day passing. As if we're nearing toward dawn.
With all this, I think we can safely assume Square Enix is definitely teasing a new game. It might not necessarily be a "The World Ends With You sequel" but I believe we're definitely getting a brand new Subarashiki game.
Plus, it'll most notably be interesting to see on which console it'll release on. Probably Switch. However I doubt the initial announcement will include platforms info. In any case, we'll be sure to tell you what happens when the countdown ends on November 24 at midnight JST / November 23 1000 ET (Click here for a time conversion table).
Update: At November 23, midnight JST, a new artwork with a smartphone and a mysterious symbol was published:

The Twitter account for the anime also teased a big announcement is coming November 23 at around 2000 JST (0600 ET):
#TWEWY #すばせか #すばせかアニメ
— すばらしきこのせかい The Animation 公式アカウント (@TWEWY_PR) November 23, 2020
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Cyberpunk 2077 Will Receive Ray-Tracing Support for AMD GPUs Sometime After Launch

Cyberpunk 2077 will definitely be out on December 10th and most of the gamers are looking forward to starting their unique careers in the game as soon as it launches. As shown in the trailers, the game has incredibly detailed visuals, and of course, you can get the best out of it on a high-end PC, though if you have an AMD-powered system, you might not be able to use the ray-tracing feature at launch.
Last week, CD Projekt RED aired the final episode of its Night City Wire streams and later on, posted the updated version of PC system requirements for Cyberpunk 2077, including the needed hardware for playing with ray-tracing on. Unfortunately, the game will only support Nvidia graphics cards at launch for enabling the ray-tracing, but the developers promised the PC fan base of the game that they are working with AMD to bring ray-tracing available for Radeon GPUs as well.
Not for the release but we are working together with AMD to introduce this feature as soon as we can.
— Marcin Momot (@Marcin360) November 20, 2020
It's yet to be known when exactly it will be happening in the future, but it may take a few weeks at least, regarding the fact that the game will have a day-one update at launch, and the developers will focus on addressing the bugs and issues that might show up in the early days of the game's launch.
Cyberpunk 2077 will be available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS4, PS5, Stadia, and PC on December 10th. The game puts you in the role of V, one of the Night City residents that accidentally meets Johnny Silverhand by inputting a chipset in his brain. Based on the background you choose for your character, you will start the game in a totally different location and with various abilities. Later on, every decision that you make, will have its unique outcomes that distinguish your experience from other players.
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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Stands at Top of the UK Sales Chart in Its Second Week of Launch

More or less, the physical market around the world for every product is suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic and video games are no exception. That being said, last week's UK sales result was still a significant achievement for Assassin's Creed Valhalla, where it managed to beat Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War for dominating the UK's physical game sales chart at launch week, though Activision's latest hit took over the first place over the last week.
According to the new data, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War was the best-selling game of last week in the UK's physical market, despite experiencing a 27% drop in sales compared to the last week. In fact, Valhalla's huge 70% drop in sales helped some of the other games of the market to reach higher positions in the weekly chart.
Thanks to the Black Friday deals, FIFA 21 was the second-best of last week with a 121% increase in sales. FIFA 21 Ultimate Edition and FIFA 21 Champions Edition are available with a significant discount now, encouraging every football fan to grab one of them in the early months of the football season.
The third place in the UK's best-selling games of last week belongs to Sony's Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales. Releasing on both PS5 and PS4, Miles Morales' sales in the first two weeks of the launch is still 57% less than the original Spider-Man's release in the same period on PS4 back in 2018. However, the game might have a continuous strong sale in the upcoming year as more people will be getting a PS5 console. It's also worth noting that the game doesn't support a free upgrade from PS4 to PS5, so this might make some gamers wait on buying Miles Morales until they get a PS5.
The next positions of the table (5-10) respectively belong to Fortnite: The Last Laugh Bundle, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Watch Dogs Legion, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Minecraft Switch Edition.
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[UPDATE] Cyberpunk 2077 Physical Versions Leaked, CDPR Taking Legal Action

Update: Following correspondence with representatives at CD Projekt Red, the team confirmed with us that they are looking to "take legal action against anyone breaking embargo/street date." So let it be known that CDPR is doing their best to prohibit Cyberpunk 2077 spoilers from getting passed around.
Original reporting follows:
The development of Cyberpunk 2077 has been a rocky one, to say the least. The game has received not one, but two delays in the last few months. Now that the time is almost here for the game to actually release, it would be fitting that the game would leak.
An image of the physical version of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 was uploaded to the game's subreddit.
We're almost there boys. I actually had the game in my hands. from r/cyberpunkgame
Now if you are like me, of course, you would be skeptical of this. However, this was then followed up with about 20 minutes of gameplay footage. The footage is running on a PS4 and starts from the very beginning scene of the game and also shows off the start screen and menus.
[Editor's Note: In the original version of the story we embedded to the video — we have since removed the content as it violates internal DualShockers policy of redistributing spoiler-based content.]
Make sure to be extra careful of spoilers as we bunker down until release day. This is obviously one of if not the biggest game of the year. There are definitely going to be people out there looking to ruin the fun for all of us.
Cyberpunk 2077 officially releases on December 10 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. There will be a next-gen upgrade that will come at a later date that takes full advantage of the PS5 and Xbox Series S. For right now though, the game will be playable on the next-gen systems thanks to backward compatibility.
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Among Us Will Be Translated in New Languages, Including Japanese

It's no secret to how big Among Us is globally right now, and soon the game will better reflect its diverse audience. According to the official Among Us Twitter account, the title will soon be translated into several languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish EU and LA, Dutch, Russian, BR and EU Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and FIlipino (Bisaya) as of now:
This language update will be especially beneficial for Japanese players. According to an article tweeted out by Famitsu, Among Us is so popular with Japanese players that they've been playing the game in English and will continue to do so until their version is translated:
『Among Us』の日本語化対応が発表。近日中にも実装に— ファミ通.com (@famitsu) November 20, 2020
Recently developer Innersloth introduced a Community Director to the team, and the aforementioned Twitter account was born, which has already been keeping fans up to date on all things Among Us. The account teased an upcoming map that we've only previously heard about. The tease for the upcoming map shows one section of the new space station that Crewmates and Imposters will be able to explore, complete with what looks like a few tasks available in the room, and a vent for those who partake in Imposter tactics.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as AOC) took to Twitch last month to make her debut on the Amazon-owned streaming platform. On October 19th, she put a call out for other streamers to join her for an Among Us stream while also encouraging people to get out and vote. The stream, according to Esports consultant Rod Breslau, saw the highest peak around 439,000, making AOC the third-highest individual stream of all time.
Among Us's increased popularity also made it a prime target for negative attention. Public games were also being hit by a hack that saw players spamming the text chat with links to a Discord and YouTube channel for "Eris Loris." There was also spam that promoted Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign. Innersloth Games announced in a Steam update that "some cheats still work and now there are bugs too." And while a recent patch fixed many of these issues, there are to be more server updates to fix the bugs that were caused by rushing an anti-hack fix.
Meanwhile you can check out our own play through of Among Us and see which among us (hah!) is the most sus:
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Yakuza Creator Reflects on Past, Present, and Future of Franchise

Yakuza has gone from a cult classic to hit series in a matter of a few years, with over 12 million copies of the games sold. For the 15th anniversary of Yakuza, Archipel Caravan interviewed series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi — who is also the SEGA CCO and head of the Ryu Ga Gotoku studio — about the history of the franchise and what its direction might look like in the future:
This 25 minute long interview is a joy for fans to listen too, hearing Nagoshi's insights as he details first the trend of Japanese games performing worse in the West and then how him and his studio approached the issue by creating a franchise that would attract a very loyal playerbase.
The official video description is as follows: "The Yakuza series celebrates this year its 15th anniversary. With more 12 million units sold worldwide, it is a critical success praised for the story, action and sometimes over-the-top gameplay of its games. As part of the Archipel 'Caravan' series, we've met with the series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi, SEGA CCO and head of the Ryu Ga Gotoku studio, who recollected on the origins of Yakuza, its evolution as one of SEGA's top IPs and his perspectives towards the future."
Archipel Caravan specializes in creating and publishing documentaries about various Japanese creatives. Their previous interview was with Danganronpa creator, which you can view here, and with the Resident Evil creator here. You can support them financially through Patreon here. If you enjoyed this video, Archipel has an entire lineup planned, which they posted on their official Twitter account:
Archipel Caravan – Lineup (2/2):
– Toshihiro Nagoshi: Yakuza 15th Anniversary | Interview
– Naoki Yoshida: FF14 10th Anniversary | Interview
– Isamu Kamikokuryo: toco toco reboot special
– Yoshitaka Amano, Kazuko Shibuya: Final Fantasy | Cross-Interview— Archipel | アルシペル (@SailToArchipel) September 29, 2020
Yakuza: Like a Dragon released on November 10th and as usual dropped a launch trailer that depicted the trademark shenanigans of the franchise in full glory. We get to see our homeless pal Nanba calling the city's pigeons to attack his enemies. There's a crab summons. At one point there's a group of dudes in diapers and Ichiban is probably drinking breastmilk. There's even some shots of the squad doing their best KISS impression. It's incredible.
Meanwhile a new 15th anniversary livestream will air next month that will feature announcements regarding "future developments for the series."
If you're interested, check out our official review of the title here (which our reviewer absolutely loved). The game is available now on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. Unfortunately PS5 owners will have to wait until March 2nd for their copy of the title.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War wouldn't be a Black Ops game without Nuketown. The map doesn't come out until November 24. However, an easter egg for the map has already been found.
A Reddit user who goes by PimpOutMyPC has claimed that they have glitched into a custom game so that they could get into the map. They have uploaded gameplay footage of Nuketown on their YouTube channel.
The Easter egg discovered tasks players with shooting all of the mannequin's heads off in the map. Previous Easter eggs in Nuketown have been incredibly similar.
After the player achieves this in Black Ops Cold War's Nuketown level, the visuals for the level flip, and a blue 80's filter gets applied. A synthwave track also kicks in as well.
The Reddit user's Youtube footage has already been taken down by Activision since they would like for the map not to be seen before release. However, others have already scrapped it and have uploaded it elsewhere. Here is the video someone has reposted to Twitter.
— dude trust me (@TheGhostOfMW2) November 21, 2020
I am happy to see that Treyarch is keeping the Easter egg tradition alive. I remember it being the coolest thing in the original Black Ops. I just wish more devs put in little features like this for players to discover.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is currently available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. Make sure to check out DualShockers' official review of the game right here. Also, make sure you are actually playing the next-gen version of the game if you bought the cross-gen version
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Persona 5 Royal and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Discounted on PSN Store

Atlus West pushed out a tweet on their official account promoting a digital Black Friday sale for two of its titles, Persona 5 Royal and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, on the PSN Store. The former is currently 50 percent off while the latter, a brand new release from Atlus, is 30 percent off:
Jump into the Metaverse or a sentinel for less with these PlayStation Black Friday sales:
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (30% off)
Persona 5 Royal (50% off)
— Official ATLUS West (@Atlus_West) November 20, 2020
For those who haven't purchased either game as of yet, this is an excellent opportunity to jump into two of the best PS4 exclusives of this generation.
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim released exclusively on PS4 on September 22th, following a short delay. It has Japanese and English voices, along with subtitles in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and German. You can order it on Amazon to support DualShockers and if you're still on the fence, check out our in depth preview on the title here (with a full review coming soon). Also be sure read up on everything you possibly need to know about the title, which has been gathered in a handy article here.
Atlus has revealed that Persona 5 Royal's worldwide sales have officially reached over 1.4 million copies sold since it was first released in Japan in October 2019, followed by its Western launch this past March. Additionally, Atlus also highlighted that the series' total lifetime sales to date have reached over 13 million copies sold around the world. According to previous reports, Persona 5 Royal (the updated re-release of the original Persona 5) shipped over 400K copies in its first month in Japan. Royal also topped the sales charts in both Taiwan and South Korea. Plus, it was in the top ten for both the UK and US charts during its opening weeks.
You can read our review of Persona 5 Royal written by yours truly, in which I state that "Atlus has packed Persona 5 Royal full of new content that is sure to delight newcomers and even veterans of the original with a far more robust experience." There's also our post review discussion featuring myself and Video Manager Mario Rivera as we broke down some of our favorite parts of the game. And be sure to check out Staff Writer David Gill's editorial detailing why the game reminded him of what he missed about college and why Staff Writer Peter Hunt Szpytek felt this was the game he needed in 2020.
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Red Dead Redemption: The Outlaws Collection Rumor Has Been Debunked

It wouldn't be the video game industry without plenty of rumors circulating around. The latest one surrounds a supposed Red Dead Redemption: The Outlaws Collection that was alleged leaked on Amazon. The collection is stated to contain both Red Dead Redemption Remastered and an enhanced version of Red Dead Redemption 2, with a release for PS5 and Xbox Series X.
However, Kotaku Weekend Editor Zack Zwiezen took to Twitter to debunk the rumors, asserting that the cover art is essentially a poorly done Photoshop job. In this fascinating thread, Zwiezen details the entire process behind how said covers were most likely made:
This isn't real.
— Zack Zwiezen (@ZwiezenZ) November 21, 2020
He first points out that the creator of the screenshot most likely searched for high quality PNG images of Arthur Morgan and John Marston, then cropped and recolored the images before superimposing them onto the PS5 and Xbox Series X case:
And…. doing that brings up the same piece of artwork seen in the cover. This also works with Google search term "John Marston RDR2 PNG"
— Zack Zwiezen (@ZwiezenZ) November 21, 2020
Next he states that the horsemen and the sun art from the leaked image are identical to the artwork found on the official Red Dead Redemption 2 cover art, with a low opacity brush used to blend the art into the image:
At that point, it's pretty easy to do some cropping and recoloring to get the look you want.
Next, someone grabbed the horses/men from this artwork and popped it over the top of them, and used a low opacity eraser to blend them together.— Zack Zwiezen (@ZwiezenZ) November 21, 2020
Also, the sun artwork is identical to the actual cover. Oh and what's that I spot….
— Zack Zwiezen (@ZwiezenZ) November 21, 2020
Finally, whoever created the leaked image seems to have messed up on the compositing of the cover and trees, which results in weird black marks on either side:
Someone screwed up the compositing on the cover and trees that should NOT be seen can now be seen and look weird.
Now that I pointed this out you can't unsee how bad that looks.— Zack Zwiezen (@ZwiezenZ) November 21, 2020
There's also another glaring error on the fake images that the thread didn't even mention — the return by date is earlier than the release date (it seems someone forgot to crosscheck the years, oops):
Overall the evidence overwhelmingly proves that these are fake screenshots and that no such collection exists. Once again, vetting sources is vital to avoid spreading misinformation.
Back in May, Red Dead Redemption 2 was the second title from Rockstar Games to make its way to Xbox Game Pass after Grand Theft Auto V. And in July, years after launch, fans have finally solved one of the biggest mysteries in the game: the ghosts of Bolger Gate. In other Red Dead Redemption 2 news, we explored the link between RDR2 horses and Mafia 2's cars — explaining the ways that Rockstar wants you to appreciate them. And on a less serious tone, a recent mod lets RDR2 fans ride giant animals.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. If you haven't picked up the game yet, you can grab the game physically on Amazon to help support DualShockers. And be sure to read our review as well, our Features Editor Ryan Meitzler gave it a perfect score.
The post Red Dead Redemption: The Outlaws Collection Rumor Has Been Debunked by Allisa James appeared first on DualShockers.