Hostages: The original Rainbow Six Siege
Now five years into its lifespan, Rainbow Six Siege is arguably more popular than it's ever been. After an admittedly stumbling debut, Ubisoft's intense multiplayer shooter has gone on to attract over 55 million registered players with its taut, unforgiving, and breathless tactical gameplay. Eschewing the typical run-and-gun nature of most FPS shooters, Siege rewards patience, planning, precise team synergy, and efficient use of weaponry to create fast-paced, heart-stopping action.
Rainbow Six Siege is the sixth entry in the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six series of strategy-based shooters that took the PC scene by storm in the 1990s. In the ensuing decades, the tactical franchise has been reinvented time and again in releases such as Rogue Spear, Rainbow Six: Vegas, and the canceled Rainbow Six: Patriots. For many, Siege represents the natural evolution of the franchise, melding everything that came before into one explosive and utterly compelling title. One of the greatest shooters of all-time? No doubt.
But Ubisoft is not the first developer to create a counter-terrorist gaming experience, nor was Red Storm Entertainment - the team behind the original 1998 release Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. Way back in the late '80s, French developer Infrogames - still some years out from their industry-changing horror title Alone in the Dark - took its own shot at the high-drama, high-stakes world of siege warfare.
Naughty Dog promotes Neil Druckmann to Co-President
Developer Naughty Dog has announced that it is promoting its Vice President, Neil Druckmann, to the position of Co-President. Druckmann will now work alongside President Evan Wells, overseeing the Sony partner studio going forward.
"Neil Druckmann now joins me as Co-President of Naughty Dog, after serving almost three years as Vice President," said Wells in an official press release. "In addition, we're welcoming Alison Mori and Christian Gyrling as Vice Presidents of Naughty Dog. Prior to becoming Vice President, Alison served as our Director of Operations and Christian served as our Co-Director of Programming."
"We have such an incredible team at Naughty Dog and being able to work alongside each and every one of them is especially meaningful these days. I feel proud of the team when I'm able to recognize their accomplishments and contributions to the studio. Please join me in giving them all a big congratulations!"
Druckmann has worked with Naughty Dog almost his entire video game career. Joining the company in 2004, The Israeli-American worked as an intern before taking up coding roles on titles such as Jak 3 and Jak X: Combat Racing. Druckmann's break came as a designer on the Uncharted series, which would eventually lead to a celebrated creative director role on uber-grim adventure The Last of Us.
Druckmann was promoted to the position of Naughty Dog Vice President during the lengthy production of equally dark sequel The Last of Us Part II. Druckmann's new role as Co-President arrives in the wake of the title's release this past summer, where it sold over four million copies worldwide in its opening week. Druckmann will also serve as a producer on the coming The Last of Us television adaptation.
Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?
And just like that, it's December. 2020 - both the fastest and longest year in the history of time and space - is about to come to an end. As the nights draw darker and the air a little chillier, the winter months see the coming of GOTY awards, spending sprees, gift-giving, and lashings of eggnog and hot chocolate. Even if a year as strange as this one, there's likely to be no stopping the typical spirit of the season. Just, y'know? stay sensible and safe. I'm not your dad (unless I am) but I do care about the well-being of you and your loved ones.
With the major review season mostly under wraps, I've actually taken a little time out from playing games this week, and instead have focused on trying to take a little time out when the day is kind enough to offer me the opportunity. I've been dropping in and out of regular haunts such as Street Fighter V, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and Bloodstained (nearly finished!), but mostly I've just been trying to recharge the brain cells and reflect upon this particularly grueling year. Oh, I have had a run around in cutesy brawler Wonder Blade, so you expect some words about that soon.
I hope all y'all are still finding lots of great titles to keep you occupied on these frosty nights. Whether still beaming starry-eyed at your new next-gen console, cramming in some last-minute hits of 2020 for your own personal GOTY awards, or just sitting back with familiar favorites, we love to hear what you've been up to. You know the score, drop into the comments below and fill us in on the games that are keeping you warm as winter approaches.
Have a safe and pleasant weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
Podtoid wants your questions one last time before we say goodbye to 2020
Back in January, December 2020 felt like a lifetime away. Today, January seems like it was eons ago. Twenty-twenty was the year where time truly became a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff. Hours felt like days, days felt like weeks, and something that happened just a few weeks prior felt like a lifetime ago. I mean, the election was less than a month ago. Doesn't it feel like that took place back in August?
What a weird year this has been, and while we can't blame it all on COVID, it certainly played its part in making these 366 days we'll never forget. It upended the lives of people around the world, forced businesses to offer work-from-home solutions, and pointed out who you should unfriend on Facebook. I know we have some frontline workers who frequent Destructoid, so to them, I just want to say thank you and sorry for having to deal with the troglodytes of our society.
I honestly don't know how I'll explain the year that is 2020 to my kids. Where do you start? All the canceled movies? All the delayed games? All the people arguing that crunch "is not that bad because they're getting paid?" Remember the awfulness that was the never-ending Summer of E3? Or how about watching Microsoft and Sony see who'd blink first in showing off their next-gen consoles? Or Ubisoft and all the shit that went down there this year?
I can't wait to say good riddance to bad rubbish, though I know the clock striking midnight on December 31 won't magically make everything better. Twenty twenty-one is going to be just as much a hassle of a year as this one but without the unfortunate sight of Rudy Giuliani's hair melting onto his face. I'm happy to mostly be through this year, and happy to have one more shot at answering your questions for the Podtoid team. Chris, Charlotte, Dan, Occams, and I are all on this week, so please leave your questions below. And remember, the more creative the question, the more likely it is we'll ask it on air.
Review: Immortals Fenyx Rising
Ubisoft is sometimes referred to as the king of open world games. For some of you, it has a divine right to rule. For others, it's a proverbial crown that needs to be overthrown.
Immortals Fenyx Rising (the artist formerly known as Gods & Monsters) doesn't really make a strong case for either position. It exists in a purgatorial state of sorts; albeit clawing its way up to the heavens.
[Update: Looks like we won't have to wait long for the trailer to officially be reposted. Following this morning's leak, Altus posted to Twitter that all will be revealed on December 8.]
A funny thing happened on the official Atlus YouTube channel tonight. A trailer confirming the western release for Persona 5 Strikers, the highly anticipated Musou spin-off of the best-selling JRPG, was put up with the title "ANNOUNCE." Less than ten minutes later, it was gone but not before the most important details leaked out. Persona 5 Strikers will launch on February 23, 2021, on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam.
Warzone's new map is delayed by a little bit
War never changes. Sometimes war gets stuck in traffic and shows up fashionably late.
Activision has pushed back Black Ops Cold War's season one content drop from December 10 to December 16. There's good reason for the slight delay. As Activision puts it, this is "an unprecedented amount of free content and the teams are currently prepping for the biggest Season One launch week ever seen."
The star of the show is probably the new Warzone map as Activision continues to push the free-to-play battle royale as its own platform. This update will add a second map, a new take on the Gulag, and more than 30 weapons.
However, Cold War itself is getting a lot bigger. New Zombies modes, new multiplayer maps (including Raid from Black Ops 2), 2v2 Gunfight, a new Fireteam map, and the cross-title prestige system -- that's all coming to Cold War in a couple weeks.
For your trouble (or patience), Activision is giving out double XP and double weapon XP from December 12 until December 16. There's also two free bundles -- "Field Research" and "Certified" -- that players can claim between December 8 and December 15.
Season One for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Warzone Release Date Moved to December 16 [Call of Duty]
The non-Definitive version of Dragon Quest XI was delisted on Steam and the PlayStation Store
In a move that probably won't hugely affect that many people but is still interesting to note, Square Enix has stopped selling Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age on the PlayStation Store and Steam in favor of only offering the just-launched Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition.
The digital PS4 version of Dragon Quest XI is "not available for purchase" from the PlayStation Store and the PC version is "unlisted on the Steam store and will not appear in search." So it goes.
In many regards, the Definitive Edition is a big step up from the prior release. There are worthwhile new features – like the labor-of-love 2D mode, a lovely orchestrated soundtrack, and an even faster battle speed option – but the visual fidelity took a hit, and that's been a sticking point for some fans.
As previously noted by Square Enix, Definitive Edition is "a port of the Nintendo Switch version, so the graphics are not the same as they were for the original Dragon Quest XI for PlayStation 4. Please note, however, that the resolution and frame rate are at least as good as they were for the [original release]."
Of course, the bigger issue is that the publisher didn't give players an upgrade path or discount. If you want to experience the new stuff, it's gonna be $40, even if you bought the original edition.
At least there's a gigantic demo!
[Via Reddit]
The Witcher is free, but don't let that distract you from Cyberpunk
Bold promotional move from CD Projekt Red. The Polish publisher is giving away the original Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut on GOG in the days leading up to the release of Cyberpunk 2077.
Imagine a world where some PC players who are eagerly awaiting Cyberpunk take advantage of this and check out The Witcher for the first time. They're hooked. After this, it's right on to Witcher 2. Then, they get to experience the magic of Witcher 3. Before long, they do not care or remember Cyberpunk. It's all Witcher all the time, baby.
A stretch, maybe. A video game from 2007 probably won't steal too much of the spotlight from the most highly anticipated video game since Red Dead Redemption 2. But if it does, CD Projekt has no one to blame but itself.
Anyway, claim your free copy of The Witcher by heading over to the GOG Galaxy app, hit the giveaway banner, and agree to receive promotional emails. After that, you'll have a beefy RPG in your library. Just make sure to not get distracted and forget that Cyberpunk exists.
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Now Free for All GOG Galaxy Users [GOG]
Wattam brings its quirky world to the Steam Store December 18
The "ultimate goof around simulator", Wattam, is preparing to make its debut on the Steam platform. Annapurna Interactive's curious tale of fun and freaky friendship has previously been available on PS4 and PC via the Epic Games Store, but will hit Steam on December 18.
Wattam allows players to explore a bizarre and colorful universe, with the goal of befriending as many people, creatures, and seemingly inanimate objects as possible. Lacking a strict sense of focus, Wattam rewards players' exploration and puzzle-solving abilities with a cast of over 100 completely off-the-wall characters, including sentient rocks, plants, animals, toilets and... erm... poo.
Created by Katamari Damacy's Keita Takahashi, Wattam retains not only the esoteric developer's eye for creating strange and charming worlds and inhabitants, but also his profound message on the natural joys of life, living and companionship. A message that goes some distance in 2020.
Neptunia ReVerse will be headed west on PS5 in 2021
Idea Factory International has officially confirmed that upcoming PS5 release Neptunia ReVerse will indeed be coming to North America and Europe at some point in 2021. Arriving in both physical and digital form, pre-orders are now open on the official Idea Factory store.
Neptunia ReVerse, (or Go! Go! 5 Jigen Game Neptune reVerse) is the "definitive edition" of 2018 PC and PS Vita release Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus, which itself is a remake of the very first title in the cute Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise. ReVerse will feature the Re;Birth RPG adventure in its entirety, along with a skill re-balance, new fishing mini-games, revised stats and abilities, and a completely unlocked cast from the get-go.
As I've noted before, it's disappointing to see that Nep-Nep's first foray into next-gen gaming is - of all things - a remake of a remake. But still, it is at least good to see that Idea Factory has faith in western Neptunia fans and will continue to push the adventures of Neptune, Vert, Blanc, Noire and friends into the coming year and beyond.
Oscar Isaac as Solid Snake makes a whole lot of sense for the Metal Gear Solid movie
Sony Pictures and Jordan Vogt-Roberts' long-awaited movie adaptation of Metal Gear Solid has seemingly found its Solid Snake. As reported by Deadline, Oscar Isaac is on deck to play the gaming icon.
Sources told the outlet that Isaac – known for his roles in Inside Llewyn Davis, Ex Machina, and Star Wars, to say nothing of the upcoming Disney+ series Moon Knight – is attached to play Solid Snake
Also, it's just meant to be. You can see it in his eyes.
MARCH 2019.
— Big Boss (@LordBalvin) December 4, 2020
— Jordan Vogt-Roberts (@VogtRoberts) December 4, 2020
I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that an Uncharted movie is finally happening with Tom Holland playing Nathan Drake, so I need more time to fully conceptualize an honest-to-goodness Metal Gear Solid adaptation. On that front, there's no new word on when production might start.
Isaac makes total sense here, and Vogt-Roberts did a bang-up job with Kong: Skull Island, but there are so many other things that need to go right for this project to live up to MGS fans' expectations.
Oscar Isaac To Star As Solid Snake In Sony's 'Metal Gear Solid' Movie [Deadline]
The next Dragon Age will be revealed next week
A new Dragon Age is something that we've known has been in the works for a long while now. The series has been on pause for six years now, patiently waiting its turn behind the likes of Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem. But it's almost time to go back to Thedas.
Geoff Keighley has confirmed that the next Dragon Age will make an appearance at The Game Awards, which takes place on December 10:
A whole lot of people really wanted that Destiny 2 raid jacket
Did you finish the new Deep Stone Crypt raid in Destiny 2? Well, you still have plenty of time to do it going forward, but if you wanted the jacket, you had until December 1.
As it turns out, a lot of people tried to get that jacket, as Bungie has shared that 258,049 players cleared Deep Stone Crypt in the first 10 days of launch (starting on November 21). On day one, 29,814 plucky raiders finished the crypt and earned their "first-ish" emblem.
While the excitement for the raid opening is in the rear view mirror, December 8 is also a huge day for Destiny 2. The "next-gen" upgrade is coming, on top of the return of Iron Banner. At 9AM PT on that day, Iron Banner will return (a 6v6 PVP event), as will the chance to earn upgraded gear.
But the real main event is that new upgrade! It'll allow 4K visuals in both the Xbox Series X and PS5 arenas, as well as 60 FPS across all new platforms (PS5, Series X/S), 120hz Crucible (PVP) support on X/PS5, and enhanced field of view sliders and faster loads. It's a doozy! I wash hoping to jump into Beyond Light day one with these enhancements, but for now, a couple more days of waiting will have to do.
This week at Bungie []
Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and Captain Marvel will be in virtual attendance for The Game Awards
We are just under a week away from The Game Awards 2020. Once again, producer Geoff Keighley will be hosting the annual show, dishing out awards to some of the industry's best developers and releases, while also offering a cornucopia of new trailers and updates for some of 2021's most-anticipated titles.
Among the guest hosts helping Keighley out this year are a trinity of superheroes - in a fashion - as Tom Holland, Brie Larson, and Gal Gadot have all been announced as virtual hosts for the ceremony. Tom Holland is, of course, known for his role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as web-slinger Spider-Man, while Brie Larson blasts through the stars as the titan-headbutting Captain Marvel. In the corner of DC Comics, Gal Gadot dons the golden lariat of the incomparable Wonder Woman, whose new sequel, Wonder Woman '84, is set to premiere on HBO Max later this month.
While this year's socially distanced endeavor will certainly feel a bit more low-key than previous TGAs, I must admit the idea of an all-star superhero showdown certainly livens up matters. Gadot is a little outnumbered here, going head-to-head with Holland and Larson's Team Marvel, but maybe she could call in her Fast & Furious/Game Awards alumni Vin Diesel for backup... Wait, he was also Groot, wasn't he?... Six degrees of Vin Diesel...
...And that's the end of the article. Have a good afternoon.
The Game Awards 2020 takes place Thursday, December 10.
Bethesda plans on releasing more Fallout 76 Brotherhood of Steel content
This past week, Bethesda unleashed their Steel Dawn update for Fallout 76, a follow-up to their big Wastelanders expansion earlier this year. Like the latter, Steel Dawn was also free, and is seemingly being fueled by the game's Fallout 1st subscription service and new expanded season pass: on top of all the microtransactions.
As Bethesda has shared in the past, originally, Steel Dawn was going to be multiple updates. But instead, they decided to mesh two of the three parts together into one giant patch. Truth be told, it's probably the much smarter move, as these sorts of big free upgrades generate so much more buzz than a half-hearted tease.
This isn't the end of the Brotherhood of Steel though. Bethesda notes that there's still a third part, titled Steel Reign, that is coming in 2021. What lies beyond that, outside of more season pass runs, is unknown: that's the sort of thing they usually announce at an E3 showcase.
In more "right now" news, there's a double S.C.O.R.E week underway until December 7, with a Double XP Weekend set for December 10. On December 15 season three will start, with December 17-31 serving as the period for the holiday scorched event.
Inside the Vault []
Microsoft purchases online tournament platform
In a truly surprising bit of industry news, Microsoft has purchased online tournament esports platform Microsoft acquired the site for an undisclosed amount earlier in the week, with news of the purchase being broken on the Twitter account.
For those less-inclined, is a website that allows for the preparation, marketing, and execution of video game tournaments - both online and localized. Promoters can arrange events, receive sign-ups and collect entry fees, run brackets, post results, and more. Since its inception in 2015, has been considered a "go-to" site for tournament runners, and is used by local communities of players for friendly weekend punch-ups, as well as by major league esports companies for mass-market events. has stated that it will be "business as usual" going forward, and that the site will still provide its tournament platforms for worldwide gaming communities in a self-service capacity. In these early days, it appears that Microsoft's initial plans are to boost the strength of the site via the use of its massive network of support resources, with a view to making the de-facto website for global esports tournaments.
[Update: The 40-person Naxxramas (Naxx) raid is now live in WoW Classic. Blizzard put out a trailer for the raid below, which is absolutely wild to see in 2020. So many memories are flooding back! Naxx felt like a punishing and proper end to Vanilla WoW, and a great way to usher in the new era of Burning Crusade. Now we see what Blizzard has planned next: a new announcement in February for BlizzCon online sounds likely.]
World of Warcraft Classic will eventually get to the point where it hits the end of Vanilla's lifetime: patch 1.12.2 (which is confusingly different from the nomenclature used for Classic, bear with me here!).
I mean, it's cruising there right now, as Classic just introduced the concept of Naxxramas to its Azerothian denizens, which heralds the end of the expansion and the lead-in to Burning Crusade, the best expansion: no need to at me, you know I'm right. It's also the point where a lot of my friends quit the game, as me and a few others got more into it starting with Burning Crusade on. It was an exciting time for WoW!
Let's break down where we're at right now. Classic just added the "Shadow of the Necropolis" patch this week, which is version "1.13.6" for Classic. In WoW terms, it's patch 1.11.0. After that, there are only five more patches to go until we start to get into 2.0 Burning Crusade territory. Most of them are minor fixes, before the "Drums of War" patch hits with 1.12.
As we know, WoW: Classic uses the Drums of War patch as the framework of WoW: Classic, allowing years of innovations to shine through on day one of the re-release. In other words, Classic is nearly "complete" following the launch of Naxxramas. What's next? Well, I hope we get Burning Crusade. Maybe Blizzard is working on it right now, and will pull the switch when the Classic playerbase starts dwindling. Once that announcement hits (at February's BlizzCon Online? Or November 2021's potential BlizzCon?), people will start flocking back in en masse.
World of Warcraft Classic Patch Notes: Version 1.13.6 []
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available for iOS and Android
Team IGA's great platform adventure Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available to purchase on mobile devices, squeezing the Gothic horror title right into your front pocket. The new port can be purchased today on iOS and Android for around $10 USD.
The mobile port of Bloodstained features the 2019 metroidvania in its entirety, as our hero Miriam traverses a grim, monster-filled kingdom en route to a showdown with her former pal Gebel. Bloodstained for mobile not only includes all previously released console DLC, but also sports a redesigned U.I. that offers a little more clarity for the smaller screen.
Developer Artplay notes that it has brought Bloodstained to mobile without compromising on visual quality or gameplay fidelity. Impressive. In the near future, Bloodstained for mobile will receive additional features such as Boss Rush and Speed Run modes, as well as new playable characters.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is available now on PS4, PC, Xbox One, Switch, and mobile platforms.
Mortal Kombat movie to premiere simultaneously on HBO Max and in theaters
It wasn't two weeks ago that Warner Bros. cinematic adaptation of Mortal Kombat was teetering on the brink of The Pit. Initially, it seemed that the new movie was "indefinitely delayed" due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, then it seemed that it was to be released directly to paid streaming service HBO Max, before WB shot that idea down.
However, it seems that Scorpion and crew will finally have their day. In an industry-shaking piece of news, Warner Bros. Studios has announced that its entire movie slate for 2021 will launch in theaters and on HBO Max simultaneously, allowing audiences to choose where they wish to view the latest blockbusters in the current climate - unlikely to return to normalcy for the foreseeable future.
Mortal Kombat is among a string of major WB releases that will premiere on both the big and the small screen in 2021. Other titles include Denis Villeneuve's Dune, DC Comics' Wonder Woman '84 and The Suicide Squad, the fourth entry in The Matrix franchise and, most importantly, Space Jam: A New Legacy. These and other films will be available for streaming on HBO Max for 30 days from the date of their North American theatrical premiere.
Additionally, fans also got a new look at the Mortal Kombat movie's take on the franchise's iconic dragon logo. Replacing the previously seen (and rather bloody) affair, the new logo has a crisp metallic sheen to it, but remains true to the original artwork. I dig it.
Mortal Kombat will premiere in theaters and on HBO Max in 2021.
Supergiant recorded a 10th anniversary orchestral album that takes us all the way back to Bastion
Supergiant Games revisited 10 of its songs from Hades, Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre for a special 10th anniversary orchestral album recorded at Abbey Road Studios with a guiding hand from Austin Wintory.
In a behind-the-scenes video, Wintory said the collaboration with Supergiant was "such a privilege."
"These songs are like opera. They're so dramatic, and tell such incredible stories. I love that. They don't just lay down a bunch of random words, but they actually really tell you something meaningful."
You can buy a digital copy of The Songs of Supergiant Games: 10th Anniversary Orchestral Collection directly from the studio for $10, and there are pre-orders for $35 and $50 vinyl sets shipping in Q1 2021 if that's more your style. Graciously, the entire album was also officially uploaded to YouTube.
Here's the track list and timestamps:
- We All Become (00:00)
- Never to Return (03:54)
- In Circles (07:41)
- Lament of Orpheus (11:07)
- The Spine (14:56)
- Vagrant Song (18:28)
- She Shines (21:55)
- In the Flame (26:30)
- Paper Boats (29:46)
- Remember the Bastion (34:04)
"The orchestral arrangements themselves sort of revealed stuff to me about some of the drama of those pieces, which is heightened by those arrangements," said long-time Supergiant Games composer and audio director Darren Korb. "When I recorded these tunes originally, I recorded them in my closet or a little tiny vocal booth at our office in San Francisco, and it is pretty nuts that now we are recording them again in Abbey Road Studio Two where the Beatles did their thing."
It's been a tremendous year for Supergiant, and this is a great way to end it.
Two of Obsidian's quality RPGs are free on Epic next week
There are three very good Epic freebies on the horizon. One you can grab this week, the other two you can grab next week.
Let's start with the here and now. This week's free game on the Epic Games Store is Cave Story+. It's quite possibly the most influential and quintessential indie game ever. You owe it to yourself to play Cave Story, as it's a piece of gaming history.
Next week's freebies are going to eat up a lot of your time. Epic has lined up two of Obsidian's recent CRPGs to give away at the same time. Kickstarter mega-success Pillars of Eternity and 2016's Tyranny are free starting on December 10.
If free games are your thing -- and they probably are by virtue of the fact that you're even reading this article -- you might want to keep your eye on December 10. That's when The Game Awards airs, and it's always ripe for promos and free stuff. But even if it isn't, Obsidian's got about 100 hours worth of RPG lined up for you.
Cave Story+ [Epic Games Store]
Borderlands 2 is working again on Nintendo Switch with the new update
If your Nintendo Switch copy of Borderlands 2 has been broken for weeks, it's finally time for an update.
When players claimed the Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary DLC for free and installed it, many of them were unable to access the content and some couldn't even play the game in general due to persistent crashing. It got to the point where people had to use a workaround to delete the DLC and manually prevent it from re-materializing when they installed Borderlands 2 again on their Switch.
As of this week, the recurring crash should no longer be an issue. An update went out.
A patch for Borderlands 2 on Nintendo Switch has been pushed live to address reported stability issues some players experienced. Thank you for your patience as we worked on the fix.
— Borderlands 3 (@Borderlands) December 2, 2020
According to users on the BorderlandsSwitch subreddit, Borderlands 2 is all-clear.
The most fascinating part of this story is that players recently stumbled on (now-disabled) developer commands for Borderlands 2 that let them max out their Badass Rank, kill all nearby enemies, instantly level-up, earn a stockpile of Eridium, and use other mad-with-power cheat codes. What a saga.
Madden and FIFA's next-gen upgrades arrive one day early
Kickoff came a day early. The PS5 and Xbox Series X versions of Madden NFL 21 and FIFA 21 are scheduled to launch tomorrow, December 4. However, anyone who owns last-gen versions of those games can upgrade today.
EA Sports pulled the trigger on pushing upgrades out the door, which is a nice little surprise for anyone who's playing Madden or FIFA and making use of backward compatibility. Of course, PS4 versions can only be upgraded to PS5, and Xbox One versions can only be upgraded to Xbox Series S/X.
There are a few different scenarios at play here with EA's Dual Entitlement program. Anyone with a digital copy of either game can simply go to the PlayStation Store or Microsoft Store and grab the next-gen version for free. Those who have discs will be able to pop it into their new console and download a digital upgraded version. However, anyone with a disc but a disc-less console has to hit up EA support to validate the purchase.
Those who waited to buy Madden or FIFA can't take advantage of this early next-gen arrival. They have to wait until December 4 which is when it was supposed to go live in the first place.
In a surprising turn of events today at BioWare, two long-time staffers – Casey Hudson, the studio's general manager, and Mark Darrah, the executive producer of Dragon Age – announced they're retiring.
"Arriving at this point has been an opportunity for me to reflect on my own future, and 2020 has been a year that forced all of us to re-imagine how we think about work and life," said Casey. "For me, it's been the realization that I still have tremendous energy to create, but also that I need to try something different." With his retirement, he's opening the door "for the next generation of studio leaders."
"BioWare has always been about telling emotional stories through characters," said Darrah. "We have wandered away from this central guiding pillar at times, but I am confident that the next Dragon Age will show that we remain committed to this kind of game. We will have a lot to show you."
"Mass Effect too has an exciting future," he added. "I won't say too much but I am impressed by the growth of Mike Gamble and I am looking forward to all that franchise will do under his leadership."
EA's chief studios officer Laura Miele shared her own high-level update in a public statement.
"Samantha Ryan, who came to Electronic Arts after leading Warner Brothers Games, is one of the strongest leaders in the industry. She will continue to oversee the studio. I'm also excited to announce Christian Dailey, who joined BioWare from Blizzard, will be leading our Dragon Age project currently in development. Christian is a fantastic creative leader and I look forward to you all getting to know him in the coming days. We recently announced Mass Effect: The Legendary Edition and Mike Gamble is leading a team hard at work on that franchise's future." BioWare is still lining up a new general manager.
These are two series that fans are hoping against hope will turn out well. Count me among them.
A Message From Laura Miele, Chief Studios Officer, Electronic Arts [BioWare]
New MMORPG Crimson Desert will premiere at The Game Awards 2020
This month's Game Awards are expected to feature a slew of announcements, trailer, and reveals, with many developers taking the opportunity to direct the audience's eyes towards their latest wares. One such developer is Pearl Abyss, who will be debuting gameplay footage from its upcoming fantasy MMO, Crimson Desert.
The natural evolution of 2014's Black Desert Online, Crimson Desert promises to be another dramatic and lore-heavy adventure set within a dangerous mythical universe. Players will explore a huge kingdom, engaging with "worldviews, religions, and characters" unique to Crimson Desert's universe. Threat and danger will come in the form of a menagerie of terrifying monsters and beasties, so come loaded for bear, and best bring comrades.
Currently in development for PC and consoles, Pearl Abyss is yet to offer a launch window for Crimson Desert, but perhaps more information will be revealed during this upcoming gameplay premiere. The MMORPG market is hardly starved of titles, so let's hope Crimson Desert can turn enough heads to carve out a sizeable following for itself.
The Game Awards 2020 takes place Thursday, December 10.
Deemo Reborn will also arrive on Nintendo Switch December 17
Last week, indie outfit Rayark announced that its ethereal rhythm-action remake Deemo Reborn would be coming to mobile platforms on December 17. Well, it seems that Nintendo Switch fans will also have the chance to get in on the melodious mystery, as a Switch has just been confirmed for the same date.
As a quick refresher, Deemo Reborn is a re-imagined edition of the 2013 PS Vita and mobile title Deemo. It tells a serene tale of a young girl who is thrust into a sublime-but-haunting universe, and must find her way back to her own reality, guided by the soft lilt of piano music and the strange sprite, Deemo. Players guide the protagonist through the environment, solving riddles and puzzles while mastering a score of over 60 classical tunes.
Deemo Reborn launches December 17 on Nintendo Switch, alongside iOS and Android platforms. It is available right now on PS4 and PC.
Here's a new Last of Us Part II trailer that you shouldn't watch unless you've played the game
Naughty Dog has a new The Last of Us Part II trailer that documents Abby's side of things throughout the game. Here's the catch though: You really shouldn't watch it unless you've already played it. It's nothing but spoilers and plot points, the likes of which you should probably see firsthand rather than in a 149-second recap trailer.
This is where I, as a blogger, am at an impasse. I have not yet played The Last of Us Part II. My PS4 went kerplunk the literal week before Part II released, and I wasn't about to buy a new obsolete console months before the PS5 launched. Also, because of the pandemic, Sony wasn't accepting any out-of-warranty service work because it was prioritizing the in-warranty repairs. It's still sitting under my TV doing absolutely nothing.
So, I don't know -- I won't watch the trailer because I have not played the game because I'm unable to play the game until I can get my hands on a PS5. The best blogs are authored by folks who have a deep understanding of the subject material, and can offer insight and new perspectives that enrich the reader. This is, like, the literal opposite of that.
Watch the video if you want. Sorry all my words were useless!
Batman: Arkham Knight gets a couple new skins for free five years after launch
Anyone who's still playing Arkham Knight can now dress Bruce Wayne up in a few new outfits. Rocksteady updated the game with two new skins as a holiday gift for players.
Here's what they look like:
Silent Hill director Keiichiro Toyama formed a new studio and he brought some friends along
Keiichiro Toyama, the driving force behind Silent Hill, Siren, and Gravity Rush, has left Sony to form an independent studio – Bokeh Game Studio – with Kazunobu Sato (the producer of The Last Guardian and a character designer for Siren) and Junya Okura (the lead game designer on the Gravity Rush series).
At their newly-established Bokeh Game Studio, Toyama hopes to "fulfill our fans' expectations" while enjoying "how fun it is to make games" again with more freedom. "Honestly, I can't forget the atmosphere we used to work in back in the day," he said. "Making things on a whim. Just improvising."
"Many people we've worked with in the past are joining us too," according to Sato.
In the introduction video, there are a few good glimpses of concept art for a decidedly body-horror-looking project. It feels like the end of an era in many respects, but I am so down to be scared again.
Arrowhead Game Studios working on a AAA co-op shooter for next-gen platforms
Arrowhead Game Studios, the fine folk behind Magicka and cartoony shmup Helldivers, has announced that it is beginning work on a brand new, AAA, third-person shooter. The Stockholm-based studio is currently staffing up for the untitled next-gen release.
"We are incredibly excited to create a new, next-gen, co-op experience for our fans and community," said Arrowhead Game Studios CEO Johan Pilestedt in a press release. "We are looking for talented developers to join us on this journey and are looking forward to sharing more details about the project at a later date."
The new title will boast next-gen graphics (well, obviously), innovative co-op gameplay, and "agency for the community to alter the course of the game." Arrowhead is also quick to note that the new title will feature the satirical and irreverent humor that is the studio's trademark. We will, of course, keep you informed when more information is forthcoming.
Nintendo Download: Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light
Although there are a few big games releasing this week, the original Fire Emblem Switch port is probably the most notable: remember, it's going away on March 31, 2021!
The other heavy-hitters arriving on the Switch eShop are Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm and Exercise, Immortals Fenyx Rising, and John Wick Hex. Phogs is also coming out today, which features a co-op twist involving a creature that's basically a snake with a dog head on each end.
Variety! You can get in shape, check open world objectives off a checklist, and become a puzzle assassin. Games are great.
Black Ops' Rebirth Island might be making a return in Call of Duty: Warzone
The dedicated Call of Duty datamining community has uncovered clues pointing to a brand new map headed to sister-title Warzone. As noted by Twitter account @BlackOpsLeaks, Rebirth Island, last seen in 2010's Call of Duty: Black Ops, will be joining the battle royale experience in the near future.
Rebirth Island - also known by its Russian name of "Vozrozhdeniya Island" - is a real-life location in the Aral Sea, which was used by the Soviet Union in the late-1950s for the development of chemical weapons. Entirely abandoned in 1991 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, today Vozrozhdeniya Island exists as an eerie and dangerously contaminated symbol of the Cold War era.
The dataminers have uncovered an aerial image of the location, with any ounce of doubt stamped out with the giant Call of Duty: Warzone logo stamped on top of it. In addition to Rebirth Island, the datamine uncovered new multiplayer maps for Black Ops Cold War, including an abandoned shopping mall, and a rework of Black Ops II's memorable map Raid, depicting a swanky, mountain-top household.
The first season of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will begin on December 10.
I'm stoked to close out 2020 with some PixelJunk Eden 2 co-op
I've quietly been stoked to play PixelJunk Eden 2, the sequel to Q-Games' underappreciated atmospheric platformer about zipping through abstract gardenscapes while chill Baiyon tunes work their magic.
After missing its initial summer 2020 window, it seems that PixelJunk Eden 2 is on track for a December 10 launch on the Nintendo Switch eShop. The new release date showed up on a Nintendo UK store page, and while the equivalent listing for North America still says fall 2020, I'm choosing to believe.
[Update: Q-Games confirmed the December 10 launch date for PixelJunk Eden 2. If you buy the game by December 16, you'll get a decent discount – $9.89 instead of the normal $14.99 price tag.]
Gameplay-wise, I'd expect a similar experience – you'll explore "gardens of psychedelic sights and sounds" to collect pollen, expand the flora to reach new heights, and generally melt into your chair.
As the studio puts it, you'll be able to "swing and spin from silk threads, in both single and cooperative play as you and a partner pirouette around one another in brush-strokes of light and color in the world on your journey to collect the all-important 'Spectra,' the source of all life in the world." It's a trip.
"More PixelJunk Eden" would've been fine by me, but co-op? That's the secret word.
[Via Gematsu]
Phantasy Star Online 2 is about to get a whole lot bigger next week
The time has come for the western edition of Phantasy Star Online 2 to meet the original Japanese release.
As announced on Sega's official blog, PSO 2 is getting its major Episode 6 update on December 9. The main sticking points: more main story quests, an enhanced level cap of 95, more classes (Etoile/Phantom), more quests in general, and another difficulty setting for hardcore users (Ultra-Hard, or "UH"). It's...a lot!
The new classes should keep people busy for a while on their own. The Phantom is another mixed melee/ranged playstyle, and focuses on shifting their attacks rapidly to dish out more damage. The Etoile is a sturdier, mobile class, with the option to parry and release energy they've stored up: kind of like the Royal Guard style in Devil May Cry.
To recap, PSO 2 launched in the west under the Episode 3 patch, which actually hit in Japan nearly six years ago. To compensate, Sega eased players into subsequent chapters at a rather rapid pace. Now, the western version is poised to basically be in line with the original 2013 release. For some people it might be overwhelming, but for hardcore players, it's a near-unprecedented rollout for a live service action-RPG like this.
It's a pretty good time for the game to get a continuous amount of updates, as Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is on the horizon next year. Sega is smart to keep people interested in PSO 2 and not feel like they're too far behind.
What's new in Episode 6 [Sega]
Balan Wonderworld shows off its mesmerizing sights and sounds
Square Enix's upcoming fantasy adventure Balan Wonderworld certainly looks to be one of the most colorful and fantastical titles heading gaming's way in 2021. Following on from the pomp and circumstance of its delightful intro cinematic, Square Enix has now released a lengthy video giving us a look at the PC and console title in action.
Balan Wonderworld follows the adventures of two young kids - Leo and Emma - as they pick their way through a wacky and phantasmagorical (oh yes) dimension presided over by the enthusiastic (and slightly creepy) ringmaster, Balan. Our heroes will utilise a wardrobe of 80 costumes - each with their own specific skills and abilities - to explore the environment, dodge hazards, solve puzzles, and engage with a wild cast of characters.
But it's not all just fun and games and familiar NiGHTS imagery. Each world will offer Leo and Emma the chance to do a spot of soul-searching, on a dream-like journey that will teach the hip kidz a few lessons about life, themselves, and each other. Though quite mad, Balan Wonderworld looks to be a fascinating trip for fans of Yuji Naka's weird worlds.
Balan Wonderworld is scheduled to launch March 21 on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.
Mario Kart Arcade is getting an infinite shell mode and I crave that chaos for a Switch update
So in Japan, arcades might be hurting, but they're still kicking. And remember: there are a lot of weird publisher agreements that involve all sorts of weird IP swaps.
I constantly forget that Bandai Namco actually runs the Mario Kart Arcade line until I see their logo emblazoned on actual hardware in the wild, and it was just announced that they're bringing another big update to Mario Kart Arcade Grand Prix DX this week. Scheduled to arrive on December 10, it's adding a new mode called "all you can throw green shells," which is exactly how it sounds.
Players can throw green shells from the start to the end of the race, and the courses are themed to include tons of walls, so shells will be bouncing around constantly. It's...amazing! I want to see this as an optional mode in a future Mario Kart game. Hell, I want some sort of update for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. With the sales it has, why hasn't this happened by now!? Nintendo could easily add in a Pikmin or Metroid update similar to how they handled the Zelda DLC.
Oh, and Wario is coming as a playable character in the arcade edition. To celebrate, the arcade units will get a new look. But forget Wario for a second: infinite green shells! Make it happen, Nintendo. Bandai Namco does what Ninten-don't.
Mario Kart Arcade Grand Prix DX new mod []
Next year, the beloved BokujÅ Monogatari/Story of Seasons franchise is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and it's doing so in a big way. Not only are we finally getting Rune Factory 5 sometime in 2021, but Switch owners will also be able to enjoy the next entry in the mainline series with Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town.
Originally announced during the last Nintendo Direct Mini Partner Showcase back in October, Pioneers of Olive Town will see players building their farms from the ground up in a land overrun with trees. We'll be able to design our farms as we please with new customization options to go along with the tried-and-true farming gameplay that has kept the series going for a quarter-century. The developers are promising more than 200 unique events, a fresh crop of bachelors and bachelorettes, and some features we haven't seen in the series before, such as a tourism system that allows you to send your farmer to another player's town on a sightseeing trip.
Demon's Souls developers used cute rubber ducks to test the game
Bluepoint Games is a pretty special studio. They've managed to knock a few remakes out of the park so far, and are no doubt in demand by publishers everywhere. Demon's Souls on PS5 was their latest hit; which preserved the spirit of the original while adding a new coat of next-gen paint.
The developer is also known to get a little cheeky from time to time, as evidenced by this video shared this week. Technical artist Collin Harris (who was previously at Bluepoint, and is now at Gearbox) tweeted out this gem, which reveals that in testing, Demon's Souls developers had access to a suite of cute rubber ducks.
Basically, Harris says, they used them to "test various tech/effects" with, and "things quickly got out of hand." Don't go looking for this in some hidden room somewhere though, or even a hacked build. Harris confirms that "all of the stuff you see in the video (including the room and the duck) was [temporary] and didn't make it anywhere near the finished game."
You love to see it! It's great when developers share little jokes like these for otherwise intensely serious games.
Collin Harris [Twitter]
Tetris 99 teams up with Super Mario All-Stars for new Grand Prix event
Two classics of the Nintendo scene will collide this week, as Super Mario Bros. invades the world of Tetris 99 for the latter's latest limited-time Grand Prix - the 18th of such events since Tetris 99 first launched back in February 2019.
From tomorrow, December 4, Tetris 99 players will be able to use their hard-earned in-game currency to purchase a colorful theme based on the 1993 SNES compendium Super Mario All-Stars, complete with the classic Super Mario Bros. theme tune when things are going great, as well as Bowser's theme for when the playfield gets a little too hot to handle. Be quick, as this theme will only be made available until Tuesday, December 8.
The Super Mario Bros. x Tetris 99 crossover is one of a number of events celebrating 35 years of Nintendo's iconic and genre-defining platforming franchise. Other releases Switch compendium Super Mario 3D All-Stars, and Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. Away from the digital realm, Nintendo has worked with other companies to produce products such as LEGO Super Mario, as well as apparel from clothing brands Uniqlo, Levi and Puma.
(Update) PSA: You only have a few more days to get Borderlands 2 DLC for free on Switch
[Update: As a reminder, you still have a few more hours to get the DLC for free from the eShop!
Wait, Borderlands 3 is on Switch? No! We're talking about Borderlands 2 today! I know, re-releases in this modern era have made everything pretty confusing. Often times we're talking about the old more than the new these days.
Anyway, here's a bit of a PSA. If you own Borderlands 2 on Switch, you can get the Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary DLC for free. Is it particularly good? Nah. But it's free! And it serves as lead-in for Borderlands 3, which...isn't on Switch. Still, it's free! You just need the Legendary or Handsome collections to play it.
In fact, you can download it regardless of your ownership of Borderlands right now. Just head to the eShop landing page for Borderlands 2, and scroll to the bottom. Find "individual DLC" and click the Fight for Sanctuary link. Get it even if you have no intention of buying Borderlands 2 on Switch: just in case you get it for free one day.
To access the DLC, you'll need to be level 30, but you can also take advantage of an in-game option to create a level 30 character from the main menu, which will automatically warp you into the new stuff. You have until December 3, 2020 at 8:59 AM PT to get it!
Commander Lilith DLC [Gearbox]
Sea of Thieves is going seasonal with 100 levels of progression
In an end-of-year video, Rare shared some impressive figures about Sea of Thieves' ongoing growth – over 11 million people played the game in 2020 – and spoke about its shift to a battle pass model.
In 2021, Sea of Thieves is moving away from meaningful updates to the competitive Arena mode, though it will still be supported and playable going forward. In another understandable move, Rare is switching over to a seasonal content schedule for the main Adventure experience. That means there will be a major update every three months or so headlined by "a new experience or way of play." After each season kick-off, the game will get "regular and featured live events" and quality-of-life patches.
Of course, a seasonal format wouldn't be complete without a battle pass – "the biggest change to our progression system since launch," according to Rare. In this case, there's a free tier with 100 levels of Pirate Renown progression and a premium Plunder Pass with "unique rewards" and exclusive items from the Pirate Emporium. Rare wants players to achieve "tangible" progress in "shorter sessions."
It's hard not to associate passes with FOMO – there are a lot of games trying to get us to do a lot of things in specific time frames – but a progression path beyond the Trading Company grind sounds fine.
Once Season 1 begins in January, Sea of Thieves players will be able to undertake a clue-gathering "detective" voyage with the Merchant Alliance. Creative director Mike Chapman also says that "big things" are planned for 2021 and they're "inspired" to freshen up the open-sea sandbox experience.
As for the game's continual success, Rare pointed to the Steam launch (which brought in a million players "within that first month") and a diverse audience fueled in large part by China and Korea.
Cyberpunk 2077 is going to look stupidly good with photo mode
Filters. Everyone uses 'em, and that's why everyone has a dog nose or big anime eyes. A photo doesn't make its way online anymore without some touchups and enhancements. That's life in the Insta-age.
Most everyone expects Cyberpunk 2077 to look great, but the photo mode is going to take it to a whole new level. CD Projekt Red released a trailer that showcases all the photo mode's features, and there are a lot of ways to gussy up your screenshots.
Here are the various effects and customization options across all of photo mode's categories:
Let's take a moment to appreciate this sick Castlevania art piece
Artist Dave Rapoza's take on Castlevania is one of my favorite outside interpretations I've seen.
Simon Belmont - Castlevania -
— Dave Rapoza (@DaveRapoza) December 1, 2020
(link to limited print from Cook and Becker below!)
In his new art piece – available as a print from Cook and Becker – Rapoza surrounds Simon Belmont with the ghoulish bosses and foes from the original Castlevania. I absolutely love the ornate detailing.
"I didn't look at the original video game for my research – for me today, a two-tone purple monster will feel silly, right? Like how's that scary at all? Yet when you dive into your nostalgic memory, the magic is still there, your interpretation of this world that was merely implied to you by the game makers," he said. "The pixels only imply certain shapes, and you fill in the blanks with your imagination."
You know a tribute piece is good when it makes you want to fire up an entire series of games. I wish Konami would do a lot of things, but at the top of the list, I wish it would do right by Castlevania.
Simon Belmont [Cook and Becker] [Thanks, Sam van der Meer]
Doom Guy comes to Fall Guys as a BFB
You probably know that BFG stands for "Big Fucking Gun." Did you know that the 2005 Doom movie retconned the acronym to mean "Bio Force Gun?" Other than that slight misstep, the movie is perfect.
Anyway, Fall Guys is about to get some Bio Force Beans.
Like Half-Life's Alyx, Portal's Chell, and Sonic's Sonic, Doom's demon-slaughtering protagonist seems set to join the Fall Guys roster of costumes:
What games are you trying to finish by the end of the year?
Now that it's December, I'm taking one last look at my backlog in hopes of wrapping up more games and rolling into the new year with a relatively clean plate (only to immediately fill it up again). It's a futile exercise – there's always going to be more to play – but it's become an end-of-year tradition for me.
The big one will be Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, which I'm happily chipping away at during most evenings. It's just mindless enough that I can half play it while watching TV, make a bit of progress, and feel like I accomplished something in spite of the jam-packed world map. I've heard the postgame isn't as stuffed as the first Hyrule Warriors – and well, that's probably for the best. I adored those absurdly long adventure maps, but I don't need to go through that again after Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition.
At the same time, I'll put the finishing touches on Spider-Man: Miles Morales. I'm more than halfway through the story and I find myself cramming in as many side-activities as I can between each main mission. It's a hard habit to break. I'm now at the point where I feel confident in Spider-Man's swinging, stealthing, and acrobatic attacks – it took a while to shake off the rust and perfect the flow. I can also safely call this ahead of time: I'm going to roll straight into New Game+ for those final skill unlocks.
At that point – and this is why I'm glad I got Demon's Souls and Bugsnax out of my literal and figurative system – we're getting dangerously close to Cyberpunk 2077. That's going to complicate my schedule. On the other hand, it's such a (reportedly) big game that I likely won't feel obligated to finish it in 2020.
From there, I'll probably spend a few evenings with Ori and the Will of the Wisps (other things got in the way this year), Overcooked 2: All You Can Eat (we need to finish several of the bonus campaigns), Fall Guys (Season 3 will hopefully be a step up), and Nioh 2: The First Samurai (the final expansion, at last).
As much as I want to stick to this outline, ymfah is making me want to screw around in Dark Souls III.
What does your end-of-year plan – or should I say pre-Cyberpunk 2077 plan – look like? Do you have a list of specific games mapped out, or are you just waiting to see what strikes your fancy?
Switch Port Report: Sam & Max Save the World Remastered
It's a real shame the story of Telltale Games ended the way it did because, at one point in its brief history, it was one of the most exciting developers in the industry. With access to some of the top IPs, including The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Stranger Things, there was no shortage of stories it could tell, just a shortage of money to keep everything going.
It may be gone, but some of its work will live on with other developers who are keen are keeping its legacy alive. And the best way to do that is to remaster those old games as well as Skunkape Games has done here with Sam & Max Save the World.
Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond has five multiplayer modes and they're going to be wild in VR
I've been fixated on the story campaign in Respawn's VR-only Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, but the more I see of the multiplayer, the more I think that's going to be the main draw for a lot of players.
Respawn is putting a surprising amount of care into Above and Beyond, and based on this trailer – and prior experience with competitive VR games in general – the multiplayer should be pretty nuts. After decades of better-looking but familiar-feeling gaming, you start to take things for granted. With the extra immersion of virtual reality, even the simplest player interactions can feel fresh and exciting.
There are going to be five multiplayer modes in Medal of Honor, including the familiar Domination, Deathmatch, and Team Deathmatch, a rocket-launcher-toting king-of-the-hill gametype (Blast Radius), and a scenario focused on planting and defusing bombs (Mad Bomber). It's a focused spread.
This footage shows what it looks like, but playing it – feeling surrounded – will be way more thrilling.
Also worth noting: Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond is playable through Steam with support for Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus, so if you want to side-step the Oculus store and the whole mess with Facebook accounts, in this particular instance, you can. That's super important for multiplayer queues.
The Just Cause creator started a new studio and named it after the Wu-Tang Clan
Liquid Swords released in 1995, a solo album side project from Wu-Tang Clan founding member GZA. This was the route most of them went after the success of the group's first album 36 Chambers. No one missed. RZA, Ol' Dirty Bastard, Raekwon, Ghostface Killah -- they all released solo albums in the years following 36 Chambers, and they're all regarded anywhere from great to incredible.
None rub elbows with the praise of "masterpiece" and "all-time classic" and "one of the most influential hip-hop records ever" like Liquid Swords, though. GZA described the flow and feel of the album by saying "I'm trying to make it more visual. Liquid Swords is a concept of being lyrically sharp, flowing like liquid metal -- mercury, y'know? It comes from this flick, Legend of the Liquid Sword, where people would get their head cut off but it would still be on their shoulders. No one else would notice, because the sword was so sharp. Wu-Tang is a sword style, and this here is the sharpest. I'd rather slip on the pavement than slip on my tongue."
A former Avalanche Studios head either named his new studio after an iconic Wu-Tang album or after a mid-90s Hong Kong comedy. As announced on Facebook, Avalanche founder and Just Cause creator Christofer Sundberg has opened Liquid Swords in Stockholm. He's sticking with what he knows, as Sundberg says Liquid Swords will focus on "open-world action and explosions." It's rare that explosions play a key role in a company's mission statement.
While over-the-top spectacle and player freedom are pillars, Sundberg wants everyone to know that "Liquid Swords is a business, not a playground for aimless ideas. Our swords are sharpened, our mission is set and we could not be more excited about what the future holds."
Scratch "Just Cause guy reinvents Just Cause while referencing Wu-Tang" off your 2020 bingo card. I threw my bingo card out the window a long time ago. This shit's too hard to predict. I guess we could've seen Sundberg revisiting what made Just Cause 2 so popular. He's got a method, man.
Liquid Swords [Facebook]
Oh BOY, Kratos is the next Fortnite crossover
Ares killed his family, so now he's going to kill 99 of you guys while flossing.
On the heels of yesterday's Galactus-vanquishing event, Epic has new theatrics lined up for Fortnite. God-killer Kratos has leaked as the next crossover.
It started with this extremely not-subtle teaser from PlayStation: