How to use Domain Name on Valheim Dedicated Server instead of IP Address
When you connect to your Valheim dedicated server, you always enter the public IP Address to connect to it such as – this is way hard to remember and sometimes you forgot or lost it when you're trying to play your remote world. It is ideal to use a words instead of numbers for our server, this will also help your players to connect easily without them memorizing these numeric numbers. But did you know you can use a Domain Name like .com, .ph and etc. instead of an IP Address? Yes this is so possible and it works in Valheim.

If you don't have a domain name yet, you can purchase one from any popular domain name service. Either from the following Godaddy, dotPH or namecheap.
Editing Domain Name DNS Records
Once you've successfully purchase your own domain name, you can then go to the product dashboard of the domain service of your choice. Look for your domain name, then there should be a way to edit the DNS (DNS Management) or something. Click or edit on it to change the records.
At the Records, click Add. Then fill it up with the following details:
If you want to use whole domain name to connect to your Valheim server (eg.
- Type: A
- Host: @
- TTL: 1 Hour (43,200 seconds)
If you want to use a sub-domain name instead of the whole domain, you may also edit the host and add the name of your desired sub-domain name (eg.
- Type: A
- Host: YOUR_SUB_DOMAIN_NAME (eg. valheim)
- TTL: 1 Hour (43,200 seconds)
At this point, you can now connect to your Valheim dedicated server using your domain name. To connect, simply open up the Valheim game.
Select your character then click Start. Then click the Community Tab, there should be Join IP button, click on it.
From here, instead of entering the IP Address, you can now enter your domain name to enter the game and no need to include the additional port number. The port number will automatically selected if you're using the default 2456, no need to forward it.
How to Set up Valheim Dedicated Server using DigitalOcean or Vultr
Ever wonder how to setup a Valheim dedicated server using cloud VPS? like the popular cloud hosting DigitalOcean and Vultr? Creating your own Valheim dedicated server allows you to take control of your world and players.
Table of Contents
- Sign-up for a Cloud Server
- Setting up Valheim Server
- How to connect to your Valheim Dedicated Server
- Assign Admin access to your Character
- How to Backup and Restore Server World Data
- How to update your Valheim Dedicated Server
- Firewall for Security
In this guide, we will teach you how to setup your own dedicated server for Valheim – from scratch to complete and without using any third party scripts. Good for newbies who has literally no idea about servers and wanted to learn this stuff. This is a step-by-step guide so you can follow each step.
Sign-up for a Cloud Server
First you need a hosting cloud server, you can use either DigitalOcean or Vultr. If you don't have one, you can sign up below to get free $100 credits.
The Valheim server will require atleast 2GB of RAM and 10% of CPU usage. With this, you need to pick a droplet (Digital Ocean) or a product (Vultr) that meet the minimum specs.
There are two type of cloud servers. First, shared server which means the CPU and Memory resources that you're not currently using are shared with other users in that particular server. Dedicated server on the other hand means you solely use all of the CPU and Memory resources, getting rid of noisy neighbor, good for server who constantly uses 50 to 100% CPU loads.
How to Create Digital Ocean Droplet
For DigitalOcean, to create a droplet click the Create > Droplets at the top corner of the page.

At Choose an image, to use the commands in our guides, we need to use Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64. At Choose a plan, pick your server specs that you want to use, below are the minimum specs that you can try (You may also pick higher specs than below if your budget is not an issue).
Server | Type | Specs |
Shared CPU $10 per month | Shared | 1 CPU 2GB Memory 2TB Bandwidth 55GB SSD Storage |
Shared CPU (Premium Intel or AMD) $12 per month | Shared | 1 AMD/Intel CPU 2GB Memory 2TB Bandwidth 50GB NVMe SSD Storage |
General Purpose $60 per month | Dedicated | 2 CPUs 8GB Memory 4TB Bandwidth 25GB SSD Storage |
CPU-Optimized $40 per month | Dedicated | 2 CPUs 4GB Memory 4TB Bandwidth 25GB SSD Storage |
Memory-Optimized $40 per month | Dedicated | 2 CPUs 16GB Memory 4TB Bandwidth 50GB SSD Storage |
Storage-Optimized $125 per month | Dedicated | 2 CPUs 16GB Memory 4TB Bandwidth 300GB NVMe SSD Storage |
In the datacenter, it is ideal to choose the nearest region for lower ping (For example, if you're in the Philippines, the nearest datacenter is Singapore).
For authentication, select password. Then enter the password that you want to use for root user every time you access it. You may also rename your hostname and add a tags if you'd like. Once everything is fine, click Create Droplet.
How to Create Vultr Server
For Vultr, to deploy a server go to the Products page then click the blue + button at the right corner of the page, click Deploy New Server.

From here, pick the type of server you want, below are the list of minimum specs that you can choose, you may also pick higher specs. You must also pick a server location that are nearest to you for lower ping.
Server | Type | Specs |
Cloud Compute $10 per month | Shared | 1 CPU 2GB Memory 2TB Bandwidth 55GB SSD Storage |
High Frequency $12 per month | Shared | 1 CPU 2GB Memory 2TB Bandwidth 64GB NVMe SSD Storage |
Dedicated Cloud $60 per month | Dedicated | 2 CPUs 8GB Memory 10TB Bandwidth 120GB SSD Storage |
For Server Type, make sure to pick Ubuntu 20.04 x64. Then enter your root Password, your Server Hostname and Label. Once done, click Deploy Now.
Setting up Valheim Server
Open up your command prompt (CMD) and we will be using the built-in Windows 10 SSH command to enter to the server that you just created. Go to your cloud server dashboard and get the public IP address of it and enter the following command in the CMD. You also need to enter the root password that you use in creating your droplet/vultr server.
Now, we have to add the i386 libraries into our server. This will allow us to install Steam SDK.
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Afterwards, you need to update and upgrade your server to the latest packages which will also includes our Steam SDK's. If it asked for another confirmation, just type -y then press enter in your keyboard.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Now, install our steam SDK using this command.
sudo apt-get install steamcmd -y
To have a safe environment incase someone was able to enter your server, we need to create an exclusive user intended for Valheim steam server only. Which will avoid them from running executable files using root (sudu). Once you've created a user, it will asked you to enter a new password for steam, make sure to type a strong password to protect your server. (for Full Name, just add Steam and leave blank to other details)
sudo adduser steam
Now, we will logout as a root user.
Login back to your server again, but this time as a steam user.
Make sure we are in the same home directory.
cd ~
We then need to create a symbolic link for our SteamCMD command.
ln -s /usr/games/steamcmd steamcmd
Then we will create a folder for our Valheim inside steam directory.
mkdir /home/steam/valheim
We will now the download and install the Valheim server, this will take time some minutes to complete (3 to 10 minutes).
/home/steam/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim +app_update 896660 validate +exit
After installing the Valheim server, we need to set up a configuration file. The default configuration which is are being replaced with default information by Steam every time our server is loaded. So, we need to create a new copy that contains our own configurations, we will use instead.
cp /home/steam/valheim/ /home/steam/valheim/
We then need to edit the file with VIM. If its your first time to use this text editor, once you've enter the command below. You need to press I to enter insert mode which allows you to edit the file like just a notepad. In case it automatically starts at Replace Mode, just press ESC and press I again.
vim /home/steam/valheim/
Then change the file with this configuration. Don't forget to chance the place holders:
- YOUR_VALHEIM_SERVER_NAME – This will be the name that will appear on the Community Server list in Valheim.
- YOUR_WORLD_NAME – Generated maps will depends on this name.
- YOUR_PASSWORD – Password to your Valheim server, this is the password that you'll give to other players in order for them to join.
#!/bin/sh export templdpath=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/steam/valheim/linux64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export SteamAppId=892970 echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo "Starting server PRESS CTRL-C to exit" # Tip: Make a local copy of this script to avoid it being overwritten by steam. # NOTE: Minimum password length is 5 characters & Password cant be in the server name. # NOTE: You need to make sure the ports 2456-2458 is being forwarded to your server through your local router & firewall. /home/steam/valheim/valheim_server.x86_64 -name "YOUR_VALHEIM_SERVER_NAME" -port 2456 -world "YOUR_WORLD_NAME" -password "YOUR_PASSWORD" -batchmode -nographics export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$templdpath
The additional configuration -batchmode and -nographics will allow your server to run without additional UI or graphics, this will save you more memory and processes since we're only running our server on the background. After enabling this, our memory usage reduces to half.
After editing, press ESC from your keyboard then type !wq to exit and save the text editor. (If you want to copy and paste the text above, to paste on VIM, make sure you're in INSERT mode – press right click on your mouse).
Since we already installed the steam files, we can now go back to our root user and apply important file permission. To gain root access, just type the commands below. You then need to enter your server's password.
su -
In order for to be executable, we need to add permission on it.
chmod +x /home/steam/valheim/
The last touch we need to do is to run the Valheim server in start up. To do that, we have to add it at the services. We have to create a new file called valheim.service inside the system directory.
vim /lib/systemd/system/valheim.service
Now, add these codes. Press I from your keyboard to enter Insert mode and paste the following text (To paste in vim, right-click on mouse). To save and exit, press ESC then type wq! to exit the text editor.
[Unit] Description=Valheim Server [Service] Type=simple Restart=on-failure RestartSec=5 StartLimitInterval=60s StartLimitBurst=3 User=steam Group=steam ExecStartPre=/home/steam/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim +app_update 896660 validate +exit ExecStart=/home/steam/valheim/ ExecStop=/bin/killall -TERM valheim_server LimitNOFILE=100000 [Install]
After that we have to reload our daemon to reflect the changes. Then enable valheim at startup. Lastly, run our server for the first time.
systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable valheim.service systemctl start valheim
To check if its running, use this command to check it's status.
systemctl status valheim
Here are important command that you can use incase you encounter some problem half way.
- systemctl start valheim – Start the Valheim Server.
- systemctl stop valheim – Stop the Valheim Server from running.
- systemctl restart valheim – Restart the Valheim Server, useful when you do changes on the settings.
If you got an error, you can enter journalctl -e then paste the log on the comment section below so we can help you troubleshoot for any problem.
You can also check our separate guide on setting up Domain Name for Valheim Dedicated Server, which allows you to join the server with memorable words instead of IP addresses.
How to connect to our Valheim Dedicated Server
We have now a working server, what else we need to do is on how to connect into our server. For us to invite our friends to join and play together. Open up Valheim, then click the Start button.

Click the Join Game tab, then at the bottom select the option Community, then press Join IP.

Enter your server's ip address with these format:
Wait until it is connected and enter the server password to connect to the game.
If your server is not listed on the Community tab, there are some reason why it is not listed. First, the server is not near your region. For example, if you're in the Philippines and your server is in United States, players in SouthEast Asia region will not able to see your server at the Community tab. But if your server is located in SEA region like Singapore, Japan, Hong-Kong or Philippines, you server will be listed for players in that region.
Assign Admin access to your Character
To give you complete control not just on your server but as well as in the game, you can assign your Valheim account character as an admin on it. You simply need to the Steam ID in the file adminlist.txt.
To find your Steam ID, simply open a browser and go to your Steam Profile page (eg, right click the page and click View Source. Search and find this string g_rgProfileData =. The numeric value of "steamid" is your ID.

Alternatively, you can also find your SteamID in-game, as well as for other player by pressing F2. The ID on the players list is the Steam ID of that player.

Since you already have the SteamID you can then add it on the adminlist text.
vim ~/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/adminlist.txt
In the vim text editor, just add the Steam ID at the bottom. Save the file !wq. Don't forget to restart your server.
systemctl restart valheim
To use your admin control, in-game just press F5 and you can execute the following command as admin.
- kick [name/ip/userID] – ban player
- ban [name/ip/userID] – ban player
- unban [ip/userID] – unban player
- banned – List of all banned players
Update: The admin access is not yet available on the game. To banned users, you need to manually add it on bannedlist.txt and adminlist.txt.
How to back up and restore World Server Data
Just like the client side where your map data is located on users directory. For server side, it keeps on the default directory ~/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim.

If you want to back up these file into your computer or transfer it to other server. You can use scp command to copy it. (Note: the CMD must not be connected from your server. To make sure you're not connected, open up a new Command Prompt)
First, we need to create a folder into your computer. Or you can skip this and use your existing folder.
We can then download the file and transfer it directly into your computer.
scp -r root@YOUR_SERVER_IPADDRESS:~/.config/unity3d/IronGate C:\YOUR_FOLDER_BACKUP
To restore the data, first we need to stop our server first. You need to login into your server.
Then run the stop server command. Then exit from your server.
systemctl stop valheim exit
Then just interchange the path on our backup command. This will automatically transfer all files from your backup folder directly to your server's world data.
scp -r C:\YOUR_FOLDER_BACKUP root@YOUR_SERVER_IPADDRESS:~/.config/unity3d/IronGate
Don't forget to start your valheim to see the restored world data.
ssh root@YOUR_SERVER_IPADDRESS systemctl start valheim
How to Update Valheim Dedicated Server
For maintenance and updates, it is also important to make your server up to date incase Valheim will drop a huge update into the game. To update to the latest version, simply run the following commands.
/home/steam/steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/steam/valheim +app_update 896660 validate +exit
Do not forget to restart your server after the update installation is completed.
systemctl restart valheim
Firewall for Security
To protect your server from unwanted attempted login or brute force. You can enable a firewall into your server.
DigitalOcean and Vultr has a firewall web interface directly from their dashboard. You can then attached this firewall into your server. If you're using your Valheim server as a game server only, we just need to enable access to the UDP port 2456-2458 for our server to work. Other port is not needed except for port 22 for SSH.
DigitalOcean Firewall
For DigitalOcean, go to Manage > Networking > Firewalls. Then press the Create Firewall button.
At Inbound Rules, click the new rule dropdown menu and select Custom. It will then populate the other settings, select UDP as Protocol, then at the Port Range enter 2456-2458. (Optional) You may also restrict other IP addresses to access your SSH server. This is by removing All IPv4 and All IPv6 at the SSH Sources. Then enter your public IP address on it.

At the Apply to Droplets, search and select your Droplet Server. Then click the Create Firewall to apply the firewall.

Vultr Firewall
For Vultr, go to Products > Firewall. Then hover the + and click Add Firewall Group. Name your firewall and click the Add Firewall Group button.

At the IPv4 Rules, we have to give access first to our SSH server, the default value is for SSH, just press + to add it. (Optional) You can also restrict access to your SSH server exclusively to your IP address only. To do that, at Sources, just click My IP then press + to apply.

At the IPv4 Rules, there should be a dropdown from the list where you can add a new rule. Click the dropdown for Protocol and select UDP, at Port (or range) enter 2456-2458 then click the + button.

To apply it into your server, go to the Products > Instances then click your Server. Then at Settings > Firewall. From the dropdown menu select the Firewall that you just created. Then click Update Firewall Group to complete.

The changes will take effect within 120 seconds.
Running from the middle of your adventure back to your base takes a lot of time especially the world of Valheim are so vast. In the beginning of the game, this is very helpful if you need to transport materials for crafting and building structures.
Table of Contents
So, how do you teleport in Valheim? You basically needed an Portal to do this, the portal structure will only unlock on your building menu once you've obtain at least one of the every materials needed to build it.
To build a Teleport Portal in Valheim, you need the following materials:
- 20 x Fine Woods
- 10 x Greydwarf
- 2 x Surtling core
However, portal is bi-directional, meaning you can only teleport from portal A to portal B or vice versa. Building another portal C to teleport to portal A or B is not possible, you need a new set of portal like portal C and D for them to work.
How to build a Teleport Portal
If you need help on getting the required materials, you can check below on how to get these individually. Once you've collected all of them, you need to build at least two portal in order for this to usable. Now, build a portal – example Portal A, then you need to add a name on it, example "Home". At this point, it will say "Unconnected" since there is no connecting portal on it.

Now, go to the destination that you want to build the connecting portal, our Portal B. Build the structure and add the same label we used in Portal A "Home".

Wait for a few seconds and it will successfully say "Connected". Once you're near to the portal, it will automatically lit up.
Once you've crossed inside the circle, you'll automatically teleported to the other point.
How to get Fine Woods
You probably rarely loots a Fine Woods in Valheim, because it can only be looted from the Birch trees or Oak trees and it requires Bronze axe to destroy it. Getting a Bronze axe takes progression, so we will guide you on how to easily get fine woods in the game using these methods:
Wreck Ships – In the shore, there are several wreck ships scattered in these area. Look for these and destroy it with your axe. (Bonus: There is a chest underneath these ships that contains valuable items)

Trolls – Look for Trolls in the forest, they usually hang out near Caves dungeons. Lure them to nearby Birch or Oak trees and let them destroy these trees for you. Make sure you have enough health to this trick.

For two working portals, you need at least 40 pieces of Fine Woods.
How to get Surtling Core
You can get these from dungeon caves (Burial Chambers, Troll Cave), mostly these dungeon can be found in the Black Forest where Trolls are hanging out or in an secluded area.

Enter to these caves and usually it is guarded by a Skeleton warriors.

Look for the red magma like torch, these are the Surtling Core. If you're lucky, you can get up to 7 Surtling Core at a single cave run. You need at least 4 to build two portals.
How to get Greydwarf
Among all of the listed materials, this is one is relatively easy. You probably looted this materials before and might just seating on your inventory. You can loot this material from it's name, the Greydwarf monster. Get atleast 20 pieces of it to build two portals.

Now that you've finished building your portal, you can now easily go back to your base without running for a long time. However, items like Iron Ore or Copper Ore cannot be used in teleport, you need other ways to transport this either from running or using cargos.
How to Build quick Outpost in Valheim
Looking for ideal outpost that you can build in Valheim? In this guide, we will cover some ideal outpost design that you can build whenever you are adventuring in difference places in Valheim and these guide is ideal for players who has limited resources that they can quickly deploy.
Table of Content
Before anything else, we need to find a flat surface where we will place our outpost. To avoid using excess pole, you may also flatten the land using a Hoe, make sure it fits the 3×3 m dimension.
Building quick Outpost
For our first outpost, we will be building a basic one that can accommodate beds, crafting station and other important structure like Chopping block or Tanning rack. (Mats for Chopping block and tanning rack are not included in the computation). You need 90 Woods and 9 Stones to complete this outpost.
Now, we will be forming the 3×2 m box shape foundation, prep a 1×1 m on the top for our fireplace. We can use a Wood pole 1m as footing and an Wood beam 2m as a floor framing. You need at least 20 x Woods for this task.
- 4 x Wood pole 1m
- 9 x Wood beam 2m

We can then remove the Wood beam on the front center, this will allow us to walk fluidly when we attached ladder on it on the next part. 2 x Woods will be returned in your inventory after this step.

We can then place our floor on the beam foundation. Use Wood floor 2×2 and at the front place a stair a Wood stair. You need at least 14 x Woods on this step.
- 1 x Wood stair
- 6 x Wood flor 2×2

After that, we can now build our walls, this time make a T-shape curve placing the 1×1 fireplace on the top. You need at least 22 x Woods.
- 11 x Wood wall

Now, use your Hoe to elevate the land surface of our fireplace and afterwards put up the campfire on it. Make sure your campfire is facing 90 degrees so that the smoke won't fill your outpost. You need at least 9 x Stones and 2 x Woods on this part.
- 1 x Campfire
- 1 x Raise Ground

We can then put up our roof. You can use a 26 degrees Thatch roof o-corner for the 4 corners and for two sides. You need at least 12 x Woods for our roofs.
- 4 x Thatch roof o-corner 26 degrees
- 2 x Thatch roof 26 degrees

To seal our outpost, don't forget the Wood door. You need at least 4 x Woods.
- 1 x Wood door

Now, we can build our Crafting station inside our house and remove the one outside so we have remaining woods for our beds. You need at least 18 x Woods for items inside our outpost.
- 1 x Crafting Station
- 1 x Bed

That's it! You need a total of 90 Woods and 9 Stones to complete your quick outpost.
Quick outpost with Storage box
If you have spare woods and wanted your outpost to have a storage box, you can also expand your outpost by just adding a half Wood wall on it. First, clear out the roof. You need an additional 68 Woods to complete this expanded outpost.

Then we will place a half Wood wall on our walls. At the back, skip the T-shape and just place it straight to save some woods.

At the front, our extended wall will look like this. This step requires 20 x Woods.

Then, place back the Thatch roof we've removed earlier.

Inside, you can place a single 2×2 Wood floor under the bed footboard. Though you can place another one on the head area, but it will create a camera stuttering once your character wake up after sleep. Then place a Chest on top of it. You need 12 x Woods on this part.
- 1 x Wood floor (2×2)
- 1 x Chest

Then at the work bench, you can add up to 3 Wood floor and 3 Chest. You need 36 x Woods for this.
- 3 x Wood floor (2×2)
- 3 x Chest

That's it! In addition, you need a total of 158 Woods and 9 Stones for an outpost with storage boxes.
List of ideal Outpost Design
Since, you already know the quickest way to build an outpost. We will also listed here some ideal outpost design from the community. (If you want to add your own design here, leave a comment down below)
You may also watch our step-by-step guide on building quick outpost on Valheim.
Ragnarok Mobile March 2021 Event (Forest Queen and Happy Egg)
March is coming and Ragnarok M Eternal Love already posted their new event due for March 2021. They titled the new event "The Forest Queen and Happy Egg", it includes 13 new event which adventurer can participate to earn rewards and new story quest.

Table of Contents
- Puzzle Event (Event 1)
- Forest Queen's Call for Help – Sign-in Quest (Event 2)
- Method to Restore the Divine Tree – Food Crafting (Event 3)
- Take back the Happy Clover – Time limited monster Hunt (Event 4)
- Mission Board Quest (Event 5)
- Protect the Divine Tree's Barrier – Material Donation (Event 6)
- Look for the Happy Egg – Treasure Hunt (Event 7)
- Glorious Antique Box (Event 8)
- Mysterious Merchant (Event 9)
- Forest Queen's Gift (Event 10)
- Enhancing Essence Box (Event 11)
- Fantasy Rune I & II Gift Pack (Event 12)
In this guide, we will walk through you to different part for Forest Queen and Happy Egg event.
Event 1: Puzzle Event
Starting March 1 to April 1, 2021, Same as the previous event, the Forest Queen and Happy Egg has its own puzzle event where players needs to collect various puzzle by participating this month event.

It has a total of 9 puzzle pieces and each puzzle collected allow players to receive an 1 x Mysterious Box v2.0.
Puzzle Collected | Rewards |
3 Puzzles | 2 x Gold Medal 1 x Freyr Coin |
6 Puzzles | 1 x Skyfire Shard – Sharp |
9 Puzzles | 1 x Forest Queen's Thank-you card (Exclusive Card) |
Event 2: Forest Queen's Call for Help (Sign-in Quest)
Starting March 1 to 21, 2021, there will be a 5-day quest players can participate. Played has to go to Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Lorgar (Forest Queen's Messenger) and accept the quest Forest Queen's Call for Help. The guide provided by Ragnarok M Eternal Love didn't mention rewards for each quest completed, we will update you more info about this here.

For every quest players completes, player will be able to get a Forest Queen's Protection which contains the following:
- 30 x Happy Clover
- with a chance to get:
- 4 x Oracle Dust
- 2 x Oracle Crystal
- 2 x Praying Crystal Pack
- 1 x Seed of Mastela

Completing the 5-day quest will allow the players to get 1 x Facewear Spirit Eye (Blueprint).
Players can accept the quest until March 14, 2021.
Event 3: Method to Restore the Divine Tree (Food Crafting)
Starting March 11 to 18, 2021, players will be helping the Forest Queen by cooking a special recipe. Players had to go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Camus.
Open up Food preparation and cook the special recipe Divine Tree's Juice. (You don't need to find ingredients for this, it will automatically provided by the quest).
Deliver the meal to the Forest Queen and obtain a food Happy Clover.
When consuming Happy Clover it contains the following boosts (Last for 208 minutes):
- Max HP + 500
- Max SP + 50
- Physical Attack + 40
- Magic Attack + 40
- Physical Penetration + 2.5%
- Magic Penetration + 2.5%
When successful making 10 meals, players will receive an adventurer title Divine Tree Caregiver.
Event 4: Take back the Happy Clover (Time Limited Monster Hunt)
Starting March 18 to 25, 2021, Mutant Willow will appear randomly at the South of Payon. Players had to go to the Payon South to eliminate these Mutant Willow and has a chance to get Happy Clover from the loot. (No need to combat time to loot this item).
Collecting 500 x Happy Clover will also activate a new achievement Divine Tree Guardian as well as a title reward of Divine Tree Guard and a blueprint Spirit's Blessing.
Event 5: Mission Board Quest
Starting March 11 to April 1, 2021, finishing the first daily mission board quest will allow players to receive 20 x Happy Clover. (Once per account only).
Event 6: Protect the Divine Tree's Barrier (Material Donation)
Starting March 4 to 11, 2021, in this event, players can donate some materials in exchange of an rewards. Players had to go to the Payon South and look for an NPC Wendy (Queen's Assistant). Talk to the NPC and donate the materials she needed.

Players can exchange materials need for the following:
- Divine Tree's Blessing
- Divine Tree's Prayer
- Divine Tree's Wish
The NPC will asked for 2 materials daily. Each day the materials needed for donation will be different and players can donate to the NPC twice a day.
Event 7: Look for the Happy Egg (Treasure Hunt)
Starting March 25 to April 1, 2021, in this event an stolen Happy Egg was hided by a monster and a Forest Queen will help you to locate these item on a specific area.
The guide didn't mention where to initiate this quest, but will update this portion during the day of the event. For now, look at the quest tab for any hint.
Players had to find the NPC Hilfing (Forest Queen) and obtain the location of the Happy Egg.
Find the location of the Happy Egg and break the egg to receive an rewards.
Event 8: Glorious Antique Box
Starting February 27 to March 6, 2021, there will be a new item sold at the Recharge (Big Cat Coin Shop), this is the Glorious Antique Box which will be sold for 10 BCC with a limit of 100 purchase only.
The Glorious Antique Box contains the following:
- v2.0 Boss Materials (Mini or MVP materials)
- 100,000 Zeny
Event 9: Mysterious Merchant
Starting March 4 to 11, 2021, a new event called Gift will appear the New Event button at the top corner of the game screen. Clicking this will allow players to purchase rare items for up to 20%.

For March 4 to 7, 2021:
Item Sold | Cost | Description |
Mora Lucky Bag (5 purchase limits) | 400,000 Zeny | Contains the following: 20 x Mora Coin No requirement |
Bear Mora Goody Bag (30 purchase limits) | 20 BCC | Contains the following: 100 x Mora Coin 0.1% chance to receive headwear Cute Bear [1] Requires 5 purchase of Mora Lucky Bag |
Ready-to-Burst Mora Goody Bag | 2,000,000 Zeny | Contains the following: 200 x Mora Coin Requires 5 purchase of Bear Mora Goody Bag |
For March 7 to 11, 2021:
Item Sold | Cost | Description |
Oracle Gift Box (5 purchase limits) | 400,000 Zeny | Contains the following: 5 x Oracle Dust 5 x Oracle Crystal No requirement |
Big Kitty Oracle Gift Box (30 purchase limits) | 30 BCC | Contains the following: 30 x Oracle Dust 30 x Oracle Crystal 0.1% chance to receive mount Fenrir Type VI Requires 5 purchase of Oracle Gift Box |
Oracle Gift Box Unable to Shut | 2,000,000 Zeny | Contains the following: 50 x Oracle Dust 50 x Oracle Crystal Requires 5 purchase of Big Kitty Oracle Gift Box |
Event 10: Forest Queen's Gift
Starting March 11 to 18, 2021, there will a new item sold at the Recharge (Big Cat Coin Shop), the Forest Queen's Gift for 30 BCC without purchase limit.
The Forest Queen's Gift contains one of the following items:
- 1 x Baphomet Card
- 1 x Smokie Card
- 1 x Fire Witch Card
- 1 x Rotar Zairo Card
- 1 x Toad Card
- 1 x Marionette Card
- 1 x Angeling
- 1 x Duke Gem
- 1 x Majestic Goat Helmet
- 1 x Blazing Soul Weapon Appearance Voucher
- 1 x Shattering snow Weapon Voucher
- 1 x Star Realm Weapon Appearance Voucher
- 15 to 30 x Mora Coin
- 15 to 30 x Oracle Dust
- 12 to 25 x Oracle Crystal
- 5 x Hardcover Card Album Remains
- 2 x Card Album Remains
Event 11: Enhancing Essence Box
Starting March 25 to April 1, 2021, a new item will be sold at the Recharge (Big Cat Coin Shop), the Enhancing Essence Box for 10 BCC with 100 purchase limite.
The Enhancing Essence Box contains the following:
- 4 to 7 x Enhancing Essence I
- 4 to 7 x Enhancing Essence II
- 4 to 7 x Enhancing Essence III
- 100,000 Zeny
Event 12: Fantasy Rune I & II Gift Pack
Starting March 25 to April 1, 2021, Fantasy Rune I and II gift pack will be sold at the Recharge (Big Cat Coin Shop) for 20 BCC and 40 BCC respectively.
The Fantasy Rune I Gift Pack for 20 BCC contains the following (60 purchase limit):
- 2 x Old Rune Box
- 1 x Glittering Rune Stone
- 2 x Random Boss Material
- One of the following:
- 20% chance to obtain S Level Star Rune of your class
- 0.2% chance to obtain Mini Unlock Card Album
The Fantasy Rune I Gift Pack for 40 BCC contains the following (60 purchase limit):
- 4 x Old Rune Box
- 2 x Glittering Rune Stone
- 4 x Random Boss Material
- One of the following:
- 50% chance to obtain S Level Star Rune of your class
- 0.5% chance to obtain Mini Unlock Card Album
How to Offline Battle in Ragnarok Mobile
Ragnarok M Eternal Love latest update on the RO 2.0 includes an offline mode where players can now grind in the game even not going online. This is very helpful for players who has no time grinding on the game.
Table of Contents
- How to purchase Offline Battle Certificate
- How to use offline Battle
- Difference of Offline Battle to AFK grinding
However, Offline Battle doesn't come FREE, it requires players to pay for the monthly Premium which cost around PHP 389 (5 USD). It includes an consumable 31 days of Offline Battle Certificate. (Premium pass in Exchange doesn't include Offline Battle Certificate).
How to purchase Offline Battle Certificate
Go to Recharge (Big Cat Coin Store), then go to Premium tabs. The monthly premium pack will be listed here, purchase the current premium. You can purchase up to 3 premium per month.

Once you've purchase the monthly Premium, you will receive an separate in-game mail titled, Purchase the premium bonus gift. It contains the item Battle Offline certificate which can be viewed on your inventory.

The Offline Battle Certificate is a redeemable item, when used it will enable the Offline Battle for 31 days. Remaining days can also be accumulated, which means you can open another certificate to add another 31 days. When use, the item will be gone in your inventory.

Once you've activated the Offline Battle Certificate, you can now grind offline. (We don't know if the computation is by days or by minutes, we will update this post once we've confirmed it).
How to use Offline Battle
To use this feature, what you need to do is just go to your farming spot.
Press the Battle Icon, at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Then select the Monsters you want to grind, you can also set the duration of the battle. Default is 450 mins (7.5 Hours). However, the maximum duration is limited to 900 mins (15 hours).

Once you've click Start, it will asked you to confirm. "Switching to Offline Mode will redirect to the login page. Continue?". Press Confirm to proceed. This will logout you into the game and can safely turn off the game app.
That's it! Your character will be their on the spot grinding just like you're farming on your desktop computer or from your mobile phones.
Difference of Offline Battle to AFK grinding
The Offline Battle in Ragnarok 2.0 is similar to AFK grinding, the only difference is you no longer need to turn on your computer or mobile phone to farm your loots of levels.
Surprisingly, when in Offline Battle mode, your character will still appear on the game. Which means other players can still see your character grinding on your favorite spot.
Same as AFK grinding, you still need to fill up your pots (potion and mana) for your character to stay alive when being offline.
How to level up workbench in Valheim
If you've been wondering how level up works in Valheim, probably you notice this in the number sign on your item's upgrades section. You might be thinking that it has something to do with your character's level or something, but it's not the case, its about the requirement level of your workbench where you can upgrade your items.
Table of Contents
Levelling up your workbench in Valheim allows players to upgrade their items and progress in the game. This will improved the quality, durability and damage points.
How to level up Workbench
So how do you level up your workbench in Valheim? You need a Chopping Block and Tanning rack structure to level it up. You need to build these structures beside your workbench, each structure will increase the level by 1.

To build Chopping Block, you need the following materials:
- 10 x Wood
- 10 x Flint
To build Tanning rack, you need the following materials:
- 10 x Wood
- 15 x Flint
- 20 x Leather Scraps
- 5 x Deer hide
After that, your workbench should automatically level up once the structured is build.

Once it level up, you can now craft or upgrade materials that requires higher level.
How to upgrade items (tools, weapons and equipments)
After this, you can now then upgrade your items (tools, weapon or an equipments).
Go to the workbench, then open the Upgrade tabs. From here, you can select which of the items you can upgrade. The one with full white progression are upgradeable and you need required materials to level up its quality.

For example, upgrading an Stone axe to 2 which requires:
- 2 x Stone
Craft new items
Since you already level up your workbench, those craftable item that requires above level 1 can now be crafted.

Example craftable items that requires level 2 and above.
- Deer hide cape
- Troll hide cape
- Stagbreaker
- Flinthead arrow
- Fire arrow
- Troll leather pants
- Troll leather tunic
- Leather pants
- Leather tunic
You can also watch the quick walkthrough gameplay on how to level up workbench below.
Ragnarok Mobile New Server Event (Memory of Faith)
Ragnarok 2.0 is finally here in Ragnarok M Eternal Love mobile, together with this, they are also celebrating new exclusive event called Memory of Faith in which it has 11 new events that players can participate.

Currently, players cannot login to the game due to the server error "The server encountered an internal error, we are sorry for any inconvenience caused, please try again later.".
Table of Contents
- A New Journey of Love and Courage (Event 1)
- Daily Adventure EXP (Event 2)
- Unlock! Novice Diary (Event 3)
- Novice Diary (Event 4)
- Chapter 1 (Event 5)
- Chapter 2 (Event 6)
- Chapter 3 (Event 7)
- Poring Millionaire (Event 8)
- Novice Supply Station (Event 9)
- Safe Refine Limited Time 20% off (Event 10)
- Poring Treasury (Event 11)
Event 1: A new Journey of Love and Courage
Starting February 26 to March 26, 2021, players can participate in this event and get a FREE rewards. Players had to go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Mona (Celebration Ambassador) to receive rewards.

The following are the FREE rewards depending on your server status:
Server | Rewards |
New server | Limited headwear Novice Bean Sprout Novice Celebration Giftbox |
Existing server (Ragnarok Eternal Love, Midnight) | Limited headwear Novice Flower Crown Novice Celebration Giftbox |
The Novice Celebration Giftbox contains the following:
- 30 x Big Cat Voucher I
- 30 x Big Cat Voucher Feast
Event 2: Daily Adventure EXP
Starting February 26 to March 29, 2021, still a FREE rewards, players can claim this every day. Players had to go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Lorde (Rift Monitor). Follow the instruction that you need to share some adventure tip with other players in the World Chat.

After completing the task, you'll get the following:
- First time: 1 x Novice Diary
- Daily rewards: 1 x Study Notes
Event 3: Unlock! Novice Diary
Starting February 26 to March 9, 2021, in this event, players needs to collect a new item called Memory Lens, you can collect this by eliminating monsters with 30% chance of dropping, daily limit of 500. You can collect these drops until March 6 only.
After collecting Memory Lens, go to the Prontera Square and submit it to the NPC Lock (Lorraine's Assistant) and it will also unlock Novice Diary. You can submit these materials until March 9 only.
Completing the Mission Board quest also allow players to collect a 50 x Memory Lens.

Players can the following items for Memory Gift Box:
Items | Cost |
Memory Gift Box | 100 x Memory Lens |
Another World – Apple of Archer | 12 x Flash Memory |
Rainbow Surprise Box | 3 x Flash Memory |
Memory Lens and Flash Memory will expires on March 9, 2021
Event 4: Novice Diary
Starting February 26 to March 29, 2021, after completing the Event 1, players will obtain the Novice Diary and can begin collecting rewards.
First part of story is going to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Rocky.

Chapters | How to |
Chapter 1 (March 6 to 20, 2021) | Complete Chapter 1 "The Times are changing, but the enthusiasm is the same") to unlock the page 1. |
Chapter 2 (March 6 to 13, 2021) | Collect up to 100 x Exotic Coin from the Otherworld Monster's investigation at 2-1 Collect up to 300 x Exotic Coin from the Otherworld Monster's investigation at 2-2 Collect up to 15 Otherworld Treasure from Otherworld Monster's investigation at 2-3 |
Chapter 3 (March 13 to 20, 2021) | Talk to the NPC Roan for this event and obtain the Celebration Giftbox Collect up to 1 x Celebration Giftbox at 3-1 Collect up to 3 x Celebration Giftbox at 3-2 Collect up to 5 x Celebration Giftbox at 3-1 Collect up to 7 x Celebration Giftbox at 3-3 Collect up to 1 x Celebration Giftbox at 3-4 |
Completing all of the pages of Novice Diary will reward the player with the final-page rewards which is 1 x Novice Diary – Memorial Album.
Event 5: Chapter 1 (Sign-in Quest)
Starting March 6 to 20, 2021, for this event, there will be a 5-daily quest. Go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Roan.
Completing the daily quest will allow players to receive Roan's Gift. While completing the final-day quest will allow players to receive Oath of Contract.
Players can use Oath of Contract to summon NPC either of the following:
- Roan
- Yufa
Event 6: Chapter 2 (Instance Dungeon)
Starting March 6 to 13, 2021, there will be an instance dungeon event where players need to go to the Prontera West Gate and enter to the Otherworld Monsters' Investigation dungeon through NPC Lorraine.
A single instance can host a maximum number of 30 players. Here are the rules of the instance:
Objective | Spawn |
Kill 20/40/60/80/100/120/140/160/180 Wraith, Raydric, Raydric Archers | to Spawn Time Holder and Chimera |
Kill 9 Time holder Chimera | to spawn 6 Sacrifice Balls |
Kill 6 Sacrifice Ball | to spawn Morroc |
Kill 1 Morroc | the instance will be reset |
The following are the chances of rewards you'll get when you eliminate any of the monsters:
- Wraith, Raydric, Raydric Archers – 1 x Exotic Coin
- Time Holder and Chimera – 3 x Exotic Coin
- Morroc – 30 x Exotic Magic Coin and 30 x Otherworld Treasure
Event 7: Chapter 3 (Sign-in Rewards)
Starting March 13 to 20, 2021, this event will allow players to receive a daily rewards from Roan called "First Experience of Celebration", go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Roan to receive Celebration Giftbox.
Do this quest daily, maximum of 5-day sign-in rewards.
Event 8: Poring Millionaire
Starting February 26 to March 20, 2021, there will be a new Poring Monopoly under the New Event button at the top corner of the game screen. Click it to participate.

Opening the game for the first time allow players to receive 1 regular dice. Player can obtain more dice by just logging in into the game. (Every 6 hours, 1 regular dice will be added, maximum of 5 dice per day.)

When your dice stop to any of the following: You'll get either of these rewards:
Dice Stopped | Possible Rewards |
Arc Angeling Square | Mastela Seed x1, Card Album Remains x1, Gram Dust x15 JOB Potion (XL) x50, Card Album Remains x1, Praying Card Pack x3 Lv.5 Talent Fruit x3, Card Album Remains x1, Colorful Shell x200 Nine Worlds Rough Stone x5, Card Album Remains x1, Eden Coin x150 Dragon Chest x3, Card Album Remains x1, Food Voucher x3 Big Cat Voucher·Feast x30 |
Regular Poring Square | 2 squares with Eden Coin x50 2 squares with Belief Token x20 5 squares with Zeny x10,000 2 squares with Zeny x20,000 1 squares with Zeny x50,000 1 squares with Mysterious Box V2.0 x1 |
Question mark (?) Poring Square | 1. Move forward 2 – 4 squares randomly 2. Move backward 1 – 3 squares randomly 3. A random XO quiz, players answering correctly will obtain Magic Dice x1, answering wrongly will get no reward |
Lap rewards | 1. Opal Box x1 2. Mastela Seed x3 3. Gold Medal x5, Valkyrie's Gift x5 4. Nolan Card x100 5. Pixel Headwear Indifferent Solo Hat x1 6. Oracle Crystal x15, Oracle Dust x15, Mora Coin x15 7. Big Cat Voucher·Feast x30 |
Event 9: Novice Supply Station
Starting February 26 to March 24, 2021, still on the New Event, players can have access to the Novice Supply Station at the New Event button at the top corner of the game screen. This is where random rare item will be listed where you can purchase using Zeny.

Players can spent certain amount of Zeny to purchase materials and ingredient and a certain amount of Zeny to refresh the merchandise shop (See refresh fee).
Refresh fee:
- 1st and 2nd time: 100 Zeny
- 3rd time: 10,000 Zeny
- 4th, 5th and 6th time: 50,000 Zeny
- 7th, 8th and 9th time: 100,000 Zeny
The shop will automatically refresh daily every 6:00 AM (Manila, Philippine Time)
Event 10: Safe Refine Limited Time
Starting March 4 to 11, 2021, during this event, safe refine +4 will have a 20% discount all over the game including material and zeny.
Event 11: Poring Treasury
Starting February 26 to March 26, 2021, player can have access to a New Event called Poring Treasury, access it at the top corner of the game screen at the New Event button.

Players can purchase Poring Treasury for 6BCC and obtain a rewards after signing in for a certain number of days.
How to repair tools or weapons in Valheim
Never throw your damage item. If you're like me who just throw their equipment in trash once its durability becomes depleted, after an hour of grinding. Then crafting a new one to continue the job. Most of you that stumble here probably do not know how or where to repair their tools or weapons in Valheim. Repairing an equipments in Valheim will save you a lot of resources especially materials that are expensive to find, since repairing tools is completely free.
In this guide, we will help you understand how repair works on Valheim.
How to repair items
You can repair your tools and weapons at the Workbench, go to your workbench and access it. (Note: Your workbench should have a roof in order for it to use).

Access the workbench and at the right corner of the screen inside the pop-up window, there should be an Hammer button that when you hover that says Repair an item.

Click on it until all of your tools, weapons or equipment completely repaired. This is free so you can repair any item as many as you want.

That's it! You can now continue your adventure on Valheim. You can also check out our walkthrough tutorials below.
Ragnarok Mobile Slayers Crossover Event
Ragnarok M Eternal Love 2.0 is about to start the new crossover event in the game on Friday, the Slayers X Ragnarok. The event will bring new adventure and flavors to the game, allowing players to enjoy these 8 different event.

Table of Contents
- Slayer Event Puzzle (Event 1)
- Check-in Quest: Newcomer's visit to the Otherworld (Event 2)
- Riddle: The Sound of Riddles (Event 3)
- Divination: Lina's Blessing (Event 4)
- Dungeon Event (Event 5)
- Forging Box of the Gods (Event 6)
- Demon Whisperer Job Change Giftbox (Event 7)
- Other-Dimensional Gachapon (Event 8)
- Power-Levelling Quest (Event 9)
In this guide, we will help you locate each event for you reference.
Event 1: Slayer Event Puzzle
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, same as the previous event puzzle, this event will be available at the Event Puzzle button at the top corner of the game screen.

It includes 9 puzzles that players has to complete, each puzzle collected will give the player a 1 x Mysterious Box 2.0. While completing certain number of puzzle will allow players to unlock these rewards:
Puzzles Collected | Rewards |
3 Puzzles | 4 x Gold Medal 4 x Praying Card Pack 30 x Big Cat Voucher Feast |
6 Puzzles | 12 x Oracle Dust 12 x Oracle Crystal |
9 Puzzles | 1 x Mastela Fruit 1 x Lina Card |
Event 2: Check-in Quest: Newcomer's visit to the Otherworld
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, players had to help Lina, Gourry and Xellos where evil soul from the Otherworld has appeared in the Prontera, you need to drive the evil sout out of the Strouf's body and save the Midgards and its people.

To start this quest, go to the Prontera Square and talk to the NPC Seafood Gourmet.

This quest is the 5-day event mission where players will be rewarded for each-day completion a 1 x Fire Dragon Treasure Box and Event Puzzle (Once). While completing all of the mission, players will get the following:
- Cute Duh Mouth + Dragon Vex title
- Event Puzzle
Event 3: Riddle: The Sound of Riddles (What Hides Within the Pot?)
Starting February 27 to March 6, 2021, players had to go to Prontera Fountain and look for an NPC named Mysterious Pot, talking to this creature will unlock the riddle question. Answering the question correctly, players will be able to receive a gift pack, while incorrect, players will transform into an Octopos monster for 30 seconds and receive a Demon King's Gift Box.

Player can participate in the daily riddle question, players just to answer a question for two days to collect 2 Event puzzle. Players will be rewarded a Demon King's Giftbox.

The Demon King's giftbox contains the following:
- 40 x Negative Energy
- Chance to get one of the following:
- 2 x Oracle Dust
- 1 x Praying Crystal Pack
- 2 x Mora Coin
- 1 x Gold Medal
- 1 x Mastela Seed
- 1 x Valkyrie's Gift
To get the puzzle for this event, players just answer at least two questions.
Event 4: Divination: Lina's Blessing
Starting March 7 to 14, 2021, Lina will be arriving at the Midgard, together with this, she will give free buffs to all players using a Flip card. Players can find Lina at the Prontera fountain.
Depending of the flip card, players will receive a random buff and a gift rewards.
Buff | Description |
Magic and Normal ATK + 2% | Last for 30 minutes Unable to use in PVP Solo/Party Maps |
Moving Speed + 10% | Last for 30 minutes Unable to use in PVP Solo/Party Maps |
Dex and Int + 5 | Last for 30 minutes Unable to use in PVP Solo/Party Maps |
SP Recovery Speed + 5% | Last for 30 minutes Unable to use in PVP Solo/Party Maps |
Normal and Magic Def + 5% | Last for 30 minutes Unable to use in PVP Solo/Party Maps |
To get the event puzzle, players had to flip two cards.
Event 5: Dungeon Event (Invasion! Izlude in Danger!)
Starting March 15 to 22, 2021, a new dungeon event will arrived in the game. A manipulated evil soul of monsters will attacked and control a sunken ship at the Izlude Island.
Players had to go to the Izlude Island and talk to the NPC "The Captain of the Garrison" and help him repel the monsters.
Players can enter the dungeon as many times as they want, but they will only get rewards once. Once entered to the dungeon, players will transform into Lina. This is a single dungeon and other teammates cannot enter into a dungeon at the same time.
In the dungeon, monsters will appear in waves. In each wave, a new area and monsters will be available.
Eliminate the monsters to receive a Negative Energy (80 times a day). If killed by the monsters, players will respawn to the Prontera South Gate.
To receive a puzzle for this event, players had to eliminate 20 and Specialty Octopos. And obtain up to 220 Negative energy to receive a piece of puzzle.
Negative Energy Redeemable Item
Players can exchange Negative Energy for the following exclusive items:
- Pointless Mask
- Izlude's Sashimi Platter
- Shapeshifting! Octo! Pus! (Toy Collection)
- Zelgadis Avatar
- Amelia Avatar
- Xellos Avatar
- Naga Avatar
- Gourry Avatar
- Lina Inverse Avatar
- Eight-claw General Monster Egg
- Octopus on Head
- Slayers Big Gachapon Voucher (Feast Voucher)
Event 6: Forging Box of the Gods (Magic Gloves)
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, a new item will be available at the ReCharge Shop (Big Cat Coin Shop), it is the Forging Box of Gods – Magic Gloves for 8 BCC. It has a limit of 200 purchase only.

It contains the following items:
- 1 x Shining Holy Water
- 1 x Little Red Hat
- 1 x Shabby Clock Fragment
- 1 x Dragon Scale
- 15 x Wraith Dust
- 50 x Hypnotic Log
Event 7: Demon Whisperer Job Change Giftbox
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, a new giftbox will be available at the Official Event NPC Cute Boy, called The Demon Whisperer Job Change Giftbox.

Unlock Slayer jobs to purchase the box, each box cost 300 BCC without any purchase limit.
Using this giftbox will allow players to receive the following:
- 300 x Slayer Gachapon Coins
- 1 x Slayer's job change item Fragment of the Language of Chaos
Event 8: Other-Dimensional Gachapon
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, a new Other-dimensional Gachapon will be featured at the Prontera's advertising board.

Inside the Other-dimensional Gachapon, all skins can be broken down to several Monster Blood Jade Shard. Players can use this shard to redeem all skins of Other-dimensional Gachapon, as well as Big Cat Voucher Feast.
Starting, 6:00 AM on March 15, 2021 (Manila, Philippine Time), getting all of the skins from the Other-dimensional Gachapon in adventure Handbook will allow players to complete the Magical Meow's Gift quest and receive an exclusive mount Sephiroa Slag.

Once you've lifted all of the Other-dimension skins, you can go to the Prontera South and talk to Magic Meow Meow NPC near the gate and claim the gift.
Event 9: Power-Levelling Quest
Starting February 26 to March 23, 2021, players who reaches 3rd and 4th job can claim a rewards. Players who unlock multiple jobs under the Slayer class will be able to accept a quest called Get Strong Quickly!.
Reach 3rd crossover job to collect the following:
- 5 x God's Forging Box – Curse Gauntlets
- 10 x Praying Card Pack
Reach 4th crossover job to collect the following:
- 1 x Special crossover costume – Slayer (shared 1% ATK and M.ATK unlocked by wearing any other-dimensional skins)