Is Discord always safe for women?
Discord, the voice chat and messaging service marketed towards gamers, can be an unkind place to women. But so can many online gaming spaces — according to a 2018 study published in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, women gamers often stay anonymous online or play alone. A more recent study conducted by in 2019 found that 57% of women gamers are harassed after other players discover their gender.
It's harder to stay anonymous on Discord, though. Games and gaming services where voice chat is made integral, naturally, make concealing one's gender (or perceived gender) a lot more difficult. Although there are plenty of women and girl-only private Discord groups, girl-friendly groups make up only a small subset of what's available on Discord. Other groups can be darker places, with women experiencing gender-based harassment and sometimes even cybercrime. This is mostly thanks to social media's tendency to become sludge, as well as Discord's inability to keep up with the toxicity of its quickly growing platform.
Ryu and Chun-Li are joining the Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid roster
The worlds of Power Rangers and Street Fighter have crossed over before, but Ryu and Chun-Li should feel a little more at home in their latest crossover. The two fighters are coming to Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid as the Crimson Hawk Ranger and Blue Phoenix Ranger.
Revealed over on IGN, the trailer showcases a lot of Ryu's potential combos. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid has had some excellent gameplay trailers before, and this one's no different. Ryu's classic moves are on full display, though definitely souped-up for the more over-the-top tag bouts of Battle for the Grid.
Chun-Li appears at the end, mostly just to rock out a Spinning Crane Kick, but it's probably safe to assume her move set is similar to her usual Street Fighter kit. You don't fix what isn't broken, right? Both their looks are based off their appearances in mobile game Power Rangers: Legacy Wars, according to IGN's reveal.
Developer nWay also announced that Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid — Super Edition is coming on May 25, the same day as Ryu and Chun-Li. While both fighters will be available as a pack for $12.50 or separately for $5.99 apiece, they'll also be included in the Super Edition, alongside the previous Season Pass content. (Super Edition will also be available as a paid upgrade to current owners, though no pricing's been announced yet.)
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid got a middling reception when it first launched, but the studio's stuck by the game and kept updating it with new Rangers and villains. In the search for good tag fighters, it might be worth another try with the Super Edition and some Marvel Vs. Capcom legacy in these new Street Fighter Rangers.
Quantic Dream has successfully appealed against a 2018 ruling in which a former developer sued the studio for unfair dismissal. As ruled by the Paris Court of Appeals, the former employee's accusations have been dismissed. Furthermore, they are now responsible for paying "substantial damages" to Quantic Dream, reportedly in the region of €10,000 (roughly $12,000 USD).
The initial case went to court amidst a slew of articles in the French press, exposing alleged toxic behavior, "bro culture", sexism, and homophobia within the Heavy Rain studio's walls. Specifically noted was the distribution of Photoshopped imagery that presented studio staff members merged with celebrities, engaged in sexualized situations, or dressed in Nazi regalia. The Court of Appeals, however, ruled that none of the images involving this specific plaintiff could be considered homophobic, racist, or degrading toward them.
Furthermore, the court ruled that the plaintiff not only knew about the images as far back as 2015, but that they only complained once another employee put forward their own report about it. The court ruled that this late action showed a degree of "tacit acceptance" from the plaintiff of the images' existence. It should be reiterated that the court isn't saying the images didn't exist, nor that the plaintiff wasn't featured in them, but that the court doesn't believe the plaintiff should be able to claim that their unfair dismissal can be directly related to the images' existence... Press X to side-eye.
April PS5 update will let users stash games in external storage
Video games can take up some memory storage space, and right now, the PlayStation 5's internal storage is your only option for the console. A new update coming this month is trying to make the storage shuffle experience a little easier.
Starting tomorrow, the PlayStation 5 will be able to transfer PS5 games to USB extended storage from its internal storage, much like it can do with PlayStation 4 games. This will let games move back and forth between the drives, but as the PlayStation Blog notes, PS5 games won't be playable off extended storage.
Though it will be faster to reinstall games from USB extended storage rather than re-downloading or copying from disc, you'll still need to move a game back over to the internal storage when you want to play it. PS5 games also can't be directly downloaded to external storage, although they can automatically update when applicable.
Sony confirms that support for expanded storage through M.2 drives is still being worked on, but it doesn't offer any update aside from it still being on the way.
A few other quality-of-life updates to aspects like in-game chat and the PS5 user interface are on the way, as well as pre-downloads for title updates to games, so the console can grab the latest versions of games while in rest mode.
They're some nice features, though I'm really waiting on an actual storage expansion solution. Games this generation aren't getting any smaller, and right now I've just got the internal storage of my PlayStation 5 to work with. Once big games like Returnal and Deathloop start hitting, things might get dicey. Hopefully that M.2 update isn't too far off.
A new Nintendo Indie World Showcase is coming tomorrow
May is approaching and the summer months of games soon after, but before we get there, there's always some time for indies.
Nintendo announced today that it's hosting another Indie World Showcase tomorrow, April 14, at 12 p.m. ET / 9 a.m. PT. The live stream can be watched on Nintendo's website or through streaming services like YouTube, embedded below:
The showcase is expected to feature roughly 20 minutes, focused on "fresh and new indie games" coming to Nintendo Switch. And remember, this is an Indie World Showcase; if you go into this hoping for news about Breath of the Wild 2 or Metroid Prime 4, well, I don't know what to tell you, other than you clearly ache for disappointment.
Of course, this will no doubt spur up more anticipation for the long-awaited Hollow Knight: Silksong. There are some other eagerly sought-after indies, like Axiom Verge 2, that would be neat to see again.
I like surprises, though. Usually these showcases are a way to expose Switch owners to games they wouldn't normally seek out or hear about, and sometimes a two-minute spot on a showcase makes the difference. Big reveals are always nice, but with the summer and some version of E3 looming in the distance, I'm happy just to add some charming new experiences to my wishlist.
Blizzard Arcade is adding Lost Vikings 2 and RPM Racing as free DLC
Remember the Blizzard Arcade Collection? That nostalgia-tinted package that came out in February and added The Lost Vikings, Rock N Roll Racing, and Blackthorne into the mix? Well, like a lot of other retro games these days, it's back!
Blizzard has announced that they're adding two games to the collection: Lost Vikings 2 and RPM Racing. Now, clearly Lost Vikings 2 is a direct sequel, but RPM Racing is also related to one of the original offerings: Rock N Roll Racing. Instead of the decidedly Mad Max theme of the latter, RPM is more of a general racing affair, a project that Blizzard calls a spiritual prequel.
Lost Vikings 2 in particular is near and dear to my heart. It's a great follow-up that expands up on the puzzle plaforming stylings of the original, while adding in new techno-themed wrinkles into the individual mechanics of each character. It does a great job of preserving the core focus of the first game while doing its own thing.
If you own the collection, you'll get both of these for free today by way of an update, and if you don't, the price isn't going up. The whole game is even getting an upgrade too, in the form of a Design Documents Gallery in the museum, as well as a streamer mode for Rock N Roll Racing, with support for four-player local multiplayer and streamable songs.
Capcom completes investigation into 2020 hack, states users' credit card info is safe
Capcom has announced that it has completed an in-depth investigation into a major breach of security that befell the publisher in November 2020, which led to the theft of hundreds of thousands of pieces of data pertaining to the developer, its employees, and customers.
In a detailed and forthright update regarding the investigation's findings, Capcom announced that it believes some 350,000 items of personal data were stolen or should be considered "at-risk" in the attack. This includes the addresses, contact details - and in some cases passport numbers - of many of Capcom's current and former employees, as well as its shareholders.
The Japanese division of Capcom is believed the hardest hit in regard to sensitive information loss, with sales reports and other financial information pertinent to the company confirmed stolen. However, despite this enormous data breach, Capcom remains confident that none of the compromised data contains the credit card information of its customers.
NieR: Automata's maligned PC port is finally getting patched
Square Enix has announced that the frustratingly clunky PC port of its beloved RPG NieR: Automata will finally receive some much-needed attention, courtesy of a new patch that is currently in the works. Do you believe in miracles? And by "miracles," I mean, "complaints being addressed years down the line."
Released in March 2017 alongside its PS4 brethren, the Steam edition of NieR: Automata left fans bitterly disappointed. Low-resolution textures, unstable frame rate, choppy cinematics, and stuttering gameplay among the laundry list of problems encountered by players. Ultimately, it was left to the community to fix these issues themselves, bringing the PC port to a somewhat improved state with the aid of unofficial mods.
Still, there has been consistent anger vented toward Square Enix and PlatinumGames over the ensuing years, with PC players feeling that they had been simply abandoned now that the cash was in the register. But now, some four years after NieR: Automata's release, it seems that the PC port will finally receive some official love and attention. Although Square Enix is yet to offer either a specific release date or official patch notes, one can assume that help is finally on the way, and will afford PC players the same opportunity to enjoy NieR Automata's somber and evocative story as console owners have for many years.
We will, of course, let you know when more detailed information about the update is forthcoming.
New Outriders patch fixes cross-play woes, still working on inventory wipe bug
Outriders launched with cross-play. Kinda! Since day one players were greeted with a message stating that the system may not work with certain platforms, but now those issues have been smoothed over, developer People Can Fly confirms.
Taking to Twitter, the official account for the game explains that the Xbox version of the game has been patched to account for the cross-play problems, and that you can now properly cross-play between PC, PlayStation, and Xbox platforms.
But there's another lingering issue: inventory wipes. Recently some players have been reporting inventory bugs, and People Can Fly are "continuing to monitor performance and feedback." There are aware of the inventory wipe issue, and are attempting to resolve it both on the server and game-side of things.
Now, there is a silver lining. The studio says that they are planning a "restoration for all affected accounts," which is great news as long as they follow through. Annoying and inconvenient for sure to have to deal with such a big bug, but at least all hope isn't lost.
If you're impacted, you can find new context here. The inventory wipe bug is now the "top priority" of the team.
Outriders [Twitter]
Nintendo reveals a new color Switch Lite, but is it blue or purple?
Nintendo has revealed a brand new color variant of its Switch Lite hardware and - mere minutes later - some corners of social media are already getting set to draw swords over whether it is truly the color that its manufacturer claims it is.
Earlier this morning, Nintendo tweeted out images of its brand new "Blue" Nintendo Switch Lite, which will launch on May 25 at a retail price of $199.99. But it seems the internet is less concerned about its price and release date and more focused on whether the new console is - in fact - blue, as many in the gaming community are convinced that the new hardware is clearly purple, with some equating its tone to that of Nintendo's previous little box of wonders, GameCube.
Yes, folks, it's one of those "What color do you see?" deals. Just like "The Dress" back in 2015, people in a bit of a furor over the actual pigment splashed all over Nintendo's new baby. I guess I'm adding to the WaCkiNeSs by writing about it myself. Still, it's been a terrible morning and my head is spaghetti, so you'll all just have to give me this one.
So what color do you see? I don't see "blue" in the common sense of the color, but I definitely see more blue than purple. I guess it's more a sort of Lapis blue... Azure at best. But I still think it veers more on the blue side of the spectrum than the purple side. Then again, if you asked me what color a GameCube is... I'd say purple... What do you think about this, the single most important question facing civilization this hour?
This is what I have become. The Horror.
The success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons could influence future games, Nintendo says
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a hit. It's such a hit that it will probably end up as the number one Switch game of all time, dethroning Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, and could hold that top spot forever. So it makes perfect sense that Nintendo is going to try and chase that success.
Speaking to Nikkei (as translated by Nintendo Everything), Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa explains how the game got so popular, in fairly obvious terms: "It's true that our recent growth has stemmed from the need for people to stay at home. Even though (Japan's) state of emergency is over, people are spending more time at home than before."
OK that makes a lot of sense, but there's a lot to unpack here. New Horizons really tapped into the portable and communal element of the Switch, something consoles can lack on an emotional level. Furukawa wants to tap into that more, explaining: "As games with long lifespans like Animal Crossing become more accepted, we believe this will have a significant impact on future development. We want to provide games that can allow communication between friends and families."
This doesn't sound like anything that's drastically outside of Nintendo's purview. But Furukawa also isn't resting on his laurels, noting "As we spend more time in our homes, we are becoming increasingly spoiled for choice when it comes to entertainment. For people to choose to play our games with their limited free time, the games must be interesting. Competition is fierce and we're not looking at the current situation lightly. We are constantly looking out for new ideas and researching what we can utilize next. In the future, we want to not only work on our staple series like Mario and Zelda but also work on new games and new series."
It's a good day to be a Nintendo executive. Sales are booming and you have the option to capitalize on basically whatever you want at this point. We're going to see some very interesting things coming out of the publisher in the next few years, as they pivot toward New Horizons' success.
Animal Crossing [Nikkei via Nintendo Everything]
Millions of California residents like myself are bracing for what could be a very dry year for our state. Water conservation may have to make a comeback in 2021 as our snowpack is below the yearly average, and I honestly can't remember the last time it rained where I live. While I guess I should be thankful to reside somewhere that's bright and sunny nearly every day of the year, I could sure go for some clouds right about now. Especially a jerk cloud, like the one in Rain on Your Parade.
Let's relive the unspeakable horrors of high school with Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course
There's a method to my madness when picking kusoge. A lot of the time, I go by reputation. I may not have played Carmageddon 64 or BMX XXX until I chose them as subjects for articles, but they're generally understood to be crap games. This helps in two ways; the first is that I'm not going to be stepping all over someone's favorite game, and the second is that more people will recognize it off the hop.
But I'm not always going to do that, and this is one of those times.
This is a time where I'm going to look at a game because it's an easy target. Its relevance is long past stale, I'm not even in the same area code as its target audience, and I'm completely detached from its source material. It's a game that I'm completely divorced from, and I know I'm going to hate it, so let's dive into Mary-Kate and Ashley: Crush Course.
It Takes Two is a blast and I hope Hazelight keeps making co-op games forever
After revisiting A Way Out a few months ago and just wrapping up It Takes Two over the weekend — it was surprisingly long! — it's been tough to muster my usual enthusiasm for other co-op games.
I love teaming up with my girlfriend whenever and wherever our gaming interests intersect, and I know we still have countless hours left on our Year 3 farm in Stardew Valley, which will continue to be our go-to "unwinding" game for the near future. (We still have a few super-expensive purchases left, including two of the four warp obelisks and the Gold Clock, and I guess we're really going for perfection?) Once we've tapped out, I'll be back on my weekend routine of looking for something new for us to play.
A lot of the time, after flipping through stores on multiple platforms and searching in vain for Reddit recommendations, I draw a blank. "This game would be fun... but it's online-only." "That one looks cool, but it's not out for a couple more months." "I don't know when Pikmin 4 or Overcooked 3 are happening."
We either resort to digging out a known favorite (again!) or take a chance on something iffy that one of us probably won't like all that much — or we just do our own thing. It's a sentiment that I think a lot of couples and families can relate to. And while I'll often settle for okay games with reasonably decent co-op modes, I would be thrilled to see more games that follow Hazelight's "co-op only" prime directive.
A year later, you still can't keep Animal Crossing: New Horizons away from the top of the UK Charts
It's been on the shelves for over a year, but Animal Crossing: New Horizons continues to invite new residents onto its islands. This week, the Switch social sim found its way back to the top spot of the UK Charts, usurping Electronic Arts' soccer sim FIFA 21, which now sits at number two.
In terms of the UK's physical sales, it remains The Nintendo Show. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe pulls in at number three, while the remastered Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury sits just behind at number four. The Switch edition of Minecraft and newly released adventure Monster Hunter Rise are at five and six respectively, while Ring Fit Adventure is still toning tummies at number nine. The remaining three spots are taken up by AAA mainstays Grand Theft Auto V, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, and Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
As we push into mid-April, the shelves remain relatively bare, with only Housemarque's Returnal, Nintendo's New Pokemon Snap, and Square Enix's NieR Replicant likely to shake up the physical sales scene, if only temporarily. For the near future, it appears the UK Charts will remain a testament to the mainstream appeal of the Switch platform.
Diablo II: Resurrected feels like a magic trick
There is a part of my head, some reptilian section of my brain, that just loves watching numbers go up. It finds joy in methodically kiting and whittling down enemies, clearing the area of loot, and moving on to the next; like a farming simulator for pillaging and plundering.
Because of that, Diablo should be right up my alley. And while I've enjoyed a fair bit of time with the third installment of the series, I have only the faintest memories of Diablo II and its expansion, Lord of Destruction. Diablo II: Resurrected felt like the right opportunity to revisit those distant blobs of memory, and understand better the reverence that fans hold for this particular dungeon-crawler.
The original Shantae will come dancing onto Nintendo Switch next week
WayForward has announced that the original Shantae will launch on Nintendo Switch on April 22, when the classic platformer will be made available to download via the eShop.
Despite the overwhelming popularity of WayForward's Shantae series, many fans are still yet to play the Half-Genie Hero's first-ever foray into video games. The original Shantae title saw the adorable adventurer sashay onto the Game Boy Color back in 2002. Coming at the end of the platform's lifespan, Shantae really pushed the GBC to its limits, and is considered one of the most technically ambitious titles available on the best-selling handheld. Originally published by Capcom, Shantae sadly failed to find success, having gotten lost between the cracks in the jump from GBC to Game Boy Advance.
But, thanks to this new Nintendo Switch release, Shantae fans will finally be offered easy access to our gal's first magical adventure, as she runs, jumps, and hair-whips her way through Sequin Land, gathering the four elemental stones required to put paid to the plans of the troublesome pirate Risky Boots. Shantae for Switch will include both its original Game Boy Color and "enhanced" Game Boy Advance iterations and, with the release, will see the entire Shantae franchise available for the Nintendo platform. Magic!
Epic expected to lose over $300 million in effort to gain market share
Epic and Apple's legal feud over Fortnite is still ongoing, and more details are being brought to light as it carries on. In a new filing, it's shown that Epic is set to lose at least $330 million in minimum guarantees alone.
As reported by PC Gamer, a new filing from Apple (found here) goes into detail over Epic's spending to establish the Epic Games Store. According to Apple's filing, Epic committed $444 million in minimum guarantees for 2020 alone while projecting $401 million in revenue for the year.
Epic also lost $181 million on the Epic Games Store in 2019, and Apple's projections suppose that the Epic Games Store will not be profitable until 2027.
It's already known that Epic has been paying for store exclusives, including spending more than $10 million on Remedy's Control. Third-party games have been selling on the store, but in a breakdown released earlier this year, they made up 37% (or $265 million) of over $700 million spent on the PC Epic Games Store in 2020.
For all the money spent though, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney seems unfazed. He responded on Twitter to these reports, saying they were right and "it has proven to be a fantastic success" in both reaching gamers and an investment in growing the business.
"Apple spins this as 'losing money,' but spending now in order to build a great, profitable business in the future is exactly what investment is," said Sweeney in a follow-up. "It's equally true whether you're building a factory, a store, or a game."
Epic has already filed in response as well, saying it expects Epic Games Store will start earning annual profits in 2023. It also reiterates Sweeney's comments about investing, saying it has "front-loaded its marketing and user acquisition costs to gain market share." It's also worth noting that Epic generates enough revenue to absorb these losses.
Apple and Epic will go to trial in May over a feud that started with Fortnite's implementation of a way to directly pay Epic through the in-game store, bypassing Apple's cut on the App Store. Apple took the game down from the App Store, leading to Epic filing suit. It also resulted in a bizarre parody of the old Apple commercials, this time in Fortnite.
Stop me if you've heard this before.
You're about to square up with a creature in a Monster Hunter game. You just upgraded your weapon and it's fully sharpened. And you've cooked enough supplies and are all packed and ready to go. You step up to the plate, and you get knocked off a cliff or into some other hazard. Yep, sounds about right.
This clip shared by ThomasWiig on Reddit of their tango with a Rathian is so relatable it hurts. That leaping tail cleave sounded like such a good idea on paper, but right at the apex of the jump, the monster roars and basically punches them off a cliff. Undeterred, they climb back up with a wirebug and all the stamina they can muster, and a wing buffet knocks them on their ass again. Classic.
Now there's ways to combat this, as the game offers "roar resist," you can use a Wirebug recovery, and you can approach the monster in such a way that would avoid this sort of situation. But still, with the Wirebug on offer in the game, why not use it to zip around everywhere? Just remember it could go horribly wrong.
I think what makes the video for me is the bone-crunching sounds of pain that the hunter experiences when they fall.
F**k me, right? [Reddit]
In March, Twitch users spent two million hours watching streamers sleeping
According to a new report by StreamElements' analytical website, March 2021 was a record-breaking month for Twitch, as the premier streaming website recorded an incredible 2.06 billion watched hours. This number represents a year-on-year growth of over 100%, suggesting that streamers - or specifically watching streaming - has never been more popular.
For the most part, video games have taken the lead in regards to viewer interest, with Rockstar's crime sim Grand Theft Auto V pulling in around 181 million hours, celebrating its debut at the top of the streaming charts, despite the title's advancing age. This was followed by Riot Games' League of Legends at 143 million hours, and Epic Games' juggernaut Fortnite at 107 million hours.
Look, some people are just born crafty.
My wife built a lazy Susan contraption for us to play the Marvel United board game with, and I kind of just sat there, stunned, the entire time. That deer in the headlights expression is exactly how I'd look if I watched dr_kelga of Reddit hand paint this custom Monster Hunter themed Switch.
The creator says they used stencils, paint, a matte clear coat varnish, and masking tape to finish their project. It's actually super involved, as evidenced by the creation video linked below. They even dissembled and reassembled most of the components!
"Just" the Switch is kind of a misnomer, too. They also managed to tag the Switch dock, as well as a Pro Controller and a Joy-Con Charging Grip. I love the classy photo too, with the wood surface, the Monster Hunter Rise case in plain view, and the sneaky Magnamalo amiibo.
I will probably never achieve this level of crafting nirvana, but I want to. The step-by-step video gives me hope.
I painted my Switch Monster Hunter themed [Reddit]
Sony aiming to adapt its biggest PlayStation brands for mobile
Sony is in the midst of opening a new unit within PlayStation to focus on mobile output - with hopes of converting some of the biggest PlayStation brands for the mobile market.
As spotted by VGC, PlayStation Studios is currently in the process of hiring a "Head of Mobile" to work at its Californian studios, with the successful applicant expected to deliver a program of PlayStation mobile titles over the next three to five years. The job listing specifically denotes that the studio wishes to see its "PlayStation's most popular franchises" adapted for the mobile market - although no specific franchises are mentioned by name.
The expansion of PlayStation's mobile division comes at a time of change with the industry giant. The first major overhaul happened at the start of April in Japan, when Sony Japan Studio restructured its entire internal development team, shifting most of its focus and resources toward Team ASOBI and its release Astro's Playroom. This restructure has seen numerous Sony Japan alumni leave the studio for roles elsewhere, with some - such as Silent Hill director Keiichiro Toyama - going as far as to open their own studios.
The changes in Sony Japan were followed by an eyebrow-raising report from Bloomberg last week, that claims PlayStation as a whole is set to focus purely on mega-budget, mega-selling franchises going forward. This report alleges that Days Gone's Sony Bend had a sequel request canned, and had some of its team absorbed into Naughty Dog, with the latter assigned a supposed remake of The Last of Us. The Bloomberg report suggests general unrest at PlayStation due to this new focus, with some developers concerned that Sony is abandoning interest in any franchises, IPs, or games that won't rake in giga-bucks.
Of course, the mobile market is a financially ludicrous one. If the reports of Sony's "All The Money" mentality are true, then it's likely we'll see future efforts to marry PlayStation franchises such as The Last of Us, God of War, or Uncharted to the mobile scene. From a business, or a "bottom-line" standpoint, this strategy is a no-brainer. But from a creative standpoint, it could prove to be - ironically - quite bankrupt.
PlayStation planning to bring the likes of Uncharted to mobile [VGC]
We all know Revali is the best Zelda: Breath of the Wild Champion (before you try to type out your comment, remember how many times you used Revali's Gale compared to every other Champion power), and now he's getting his due in First 4 Figure form.
Yep, the company is producing a PVC statue of the old bird, and although it has "no release date" or pre-order page at the moment, it is confirmed to be coming. It was all revealed via a fairly dramatic trailer (for a statue!), which you can watch below. First 4 Figures is actually calling this part of a "Champions Series," so we'll see Daruk, Mipha, and Urbosa at some point (and Link/Zelda are technically Champions).
Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been such a massive cottage industry for various companies and the crafting community these past few years. Even if you think that someone has been done, you can probably load out the game, find some far corner of the world, and uncover a new craft.
For instance, a Tarrey Town LEGO set would probably go over well. Maybe that's something for the Breath of the Wild sequel to explore!
First 4 Figures [Twitter]
Pokemon Sword and Shield is giving out free items again
Over the weekend Nintendo held a Pokemon Sword and Shield Players Cup III tournament, and you can reap the benefits.
As is the case with these sorts of events, folks can grab a free reward: a Dream Ball. Wait, is that a big deal? Well, sort of! In Pokemon Sword and Shield you can only get one per save file at Wyndon Stadium. The ball makes it more likely to capture sleeping creatures, which can come in handy for finishing the last few entries of your Pokedex.
It's not only useful, it's a collector's item for people who are still keen on playing through Sword and Shield. And given that we're going to be waiting until "late 2021" for the Diamond and Pearl remakes, and even later for Pokemon Legends, it's one of the few options outside of legacy games and Pokemon Go.
To hit up this promo, just enter the code "DREAMB1GPC3" in the gift section of the menu. It runs through today, so depending on your region, you may have one last chance to snag it.
Dream Ball Distribution []
WWE 2K22 announced at WrestleMania 37
This weekend saw WWE hold its annual WrestleMania event in Tampa Bay, Florida. Once again scheduled as a two-night affair, "The Grandest Stage of Them All" saw Asuka battling Rhea Ripley, Bianca Belair taking on Sasha Banks, Rapper Bad Bunny perform far better than anyone would've given him credit for, and the WWE invite 25,000 fans into an open-air stadium in a move that remains questionable at best.
Alongside the in-ring carnage, 2K Games took the opportunity to announce the next release in its maligned WWE 2K series. A short commercial for WWE 2K22 features legendary ring veteran Rey Mysterio donning his iconic mask while standing under a spotlight. This is followed by a brief clip of in-game action and then the new sequel's title, along with the tagline "It Hits Different."
Just recently, we were talking about how great it was that Microsoft actually valued game preservation.
The ripples of their efforts to actually allow people to play their old games have been felt for some time, especially when it comes to preserving games as old as the original Xbox platform. But on the flipside, Sony is shutting down entire marketplaces for multiple devices, and now it seems like the PSN's backend is shoddier than we thought.
According to myriad users on the forum PSN Profiles, a handful of games no longer patch at all. The games range from Dante's Inferno to Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to Street Fighter III 3rd Strike, all of which currently cannot obtain patches from the PSN. There's 35 known games in all, with a living list that grows by the day. In a few cases this process can lock folks out of DLC they've purchased without the new version to authenticate.
It all falls back to the warning signs of digital many years ago. Some companies were tying a lot of content solely to digital releases, and folks were asking constantly "physical edition when?" You've probably seen the chant before and rolled your eyes at it, but if this is the fate of the legacy PSN, it just goes to show you how important preservation really is. This is partly why people praised the idea of putting Witcher III, and all of its DLC, on one self-contained Switch cart.
You can find the full list below, compliments of DeidaraTV on PSN Profiles. We've reached out to Sony for clarification on why this may have happened.
No Patches for some PS3 games [PSN Profiles] Thanks John!
Sonic Colors may be getting remastered for modern platforms
Over the weekend, various reports pointed to the possibility of an incoming remaster for Sega's Sonic Colors, following the listing of such a title by a German recording studio.
As spotted by Twitter user @Kutairo_, iksample - which provides voice recording facilities for games and animation - listed that it had worked alongside "Sonic Colors Remastered" back in December 2020, though the entry was understandably removed as quickly as it had appeared. This has since been followed by a listing on French retailer Sogamely for a "Sonic Colors Ultimate," with a 2021 release window for PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, though this could merely be guesswork - made in response to the iksample leak - by the retailer. It should also be noted that this year is a big anniversary year for the Blue Blur, and as such projects such as this remaster would fit snugly on the calendar.
Originally released on Nintendo DS and Wii back in 2010, Sonic Colors was part of an effort by Sega and Sonic Team to re-establish Sonic the Hedgehog as a popular and successful video game brand, following years of terrible releases. Combining 2D and 3D platforming, and with a clearer focus on both Sonic and his ongoing battle with Dr. Robotnik, Sonic Colors recaptured the heart of many long-time Sonic fans and is considered one of the better and more successful games in a dismal period for the franchise.
We'll keep you informed if there is any official word on the remaster forthcoming from Sega.
Review: Disco Elysium: The Final Cut
So good but so, so buggy.
Spacebase Startopia is a bit of a weird thing. On the surface, it is definitely some sort of remake/reimagining/remaster of 2001's Startopia. It's even right there in the name. Looking over the marketing however, you'll find a suspicious lack of mention for the original or a word about what it considers itself.
Make no mistake, though, this is Startopia. Sure, it's got a new paint job and things got rejiggered. The aliens are new, there's no sexy love-alien brothel, and things have been renamed, but the list of similarities dwarf the differences. Simply looking at the game can tell you that, yep, this is Startopia.
It is definitely Startopia.
The launch of Fantasian really snuck up on us. After getting announced back in 2019, it flew under the radar until right around New Year's when developer Mistwalker confirmed the JRPG would release this year. Then, out of the blue, it dropped last week alongside a slew of new titles for Apple Arcade.
For many people, this was the first time they read the words "Apple Arcade" in months as the subscription service has more or less dropped out of the spotlight since its high-profile launch. I don't know if that will change with these new titles, but if there is any game that will get people paying attention to it again, it's probably this stunning RPG from the father of Final Fantasy.
Review: Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-
I can't claim to be intimately familiar with Record of Lodoss War, but then, it's a little scarce in the West. It started out as a "replay" of a group's Dungeons and Dragons campaign, then spun out in about a million directions. We previously only got one of the games on the Dreamcast, and, frankly, I'm not sure how this one happened. A lot of the media remained in Japan.
Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth is an absolute mouthful of a game that Playism has bestowed upon us. What's immediately fetching about it is its outward similarities to Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Just look at it and tell me you don't see it. The title character, Deedlit, has practically the same walking animation as Alucard. But mockery is the sincerest form of flattery! No, wait…
The last time we checked in with the long-awaited Oddworld: Soulstorm, things were looking good.
Let's see how it turned out.
Join me on my quest to see nipples in BMX XXX
BMX XXX sounds like a terrible idea on paper. It's technically a perversion of the Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX series, which itself is a perversion of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Acclaim decided that they weren't making enough money on their "sort of okay" series, so they decided to add the only thing that could possibly bring them more attention: tits. BMX is, after all, the most erotic of sports. It basically boils down to a lot of straddling in fancy and inventive ways.
I like breasts as much as the next woman, but this came out while I was in high school, and even then it sounded like a cynical attempt to make sales with controversy. Of course, this was also at a time when I was trying to maintain the illusion that I wasn't interested in flesh of any kind, so I would have passed it up anyway so that no one would discover my dark secret.
Now I'm an adult and I can explore my interests without having to worry about getting "the talk" from my parents. So, I'm going to take this game -- one that I'm probably going to hate -- and see how long it takes me to see a nipple. That is, after all, the main bullet point of this game. Also, I don't count nipples that are visible through tops. You don't get bonus points just because you don't wear a bra.
My PS3 backlog just spiraled out of control and I need to prioritize what to play
With Sony cutting off access to the PlayStation Store on PSP, Vita, and PS3 later this year, some of us have been exhaustively combing through recommendation lists to whittle down which digital games we want to grab before we're no longer able to purchase them. As I've covered before on Destructoid, it's a needlessly drawn-out process. I'm nearing the end of this arguably ill-advised project — I hope!
For me, half the battle was just going through my Download List and getting everything I already owned situated on my PS3 and PlayStation TV. That step wasn't strictly necessary (the store cutoff date is for making new purchases, not the ability to download your stuff), but it helped me organize my thoughts.
Along the way, I've dabbled with PS1 Classics I always intended to play, I've messed with a few out-on-a-limb titles, and, to be honest, I've fallen head over heels with PixelJunk Monsters again. If you're in the tower defense mood and the 2018 sequel didn't cut it, my goodness does the original still hold up.
I'll likely continue down this "play everything and nothing" path for the near future.
Arcade Archives' Saboten Bombers got its first ever home release this week
Hamster has decided to ramp up the silliness and the rarity when it comes to this week's Arcade Archives release. Now available on PS4 and Nintendo Switch, NMK's single-screen platformer Saboten Bombers has been made officially available for home consoles for the first time ever.
Released in Japanese arcades in 1992, Saboten Bombers sees 1-2 players control anthropomorphic cacti, running rampant through 50 levels of reckless, explosive-tossing chaos. The aim of the game is to take out each stage's weird cast of enemies - including insects, killer fruit, plants, and giant boss characters - while ensuring our spiky friends stay a spine's length from danger.
Oh, you also need to collect slices of cake for bonus points and extra lives. Sure, why not? And just in case things already sound a little too sensible for you, each stage takes place against the backdrop of a house interior... or a tropical paradise... or a picture of kittens. Incredibly silly stuff from a wonderful era of game development, where arcade designers - especially in Japan - often just threw anything at the wall to see what would stick.
Check out the fast-paced, infectiously dopey action in the video below, courtesy of YouTuber arronmunroe. Saboten Bombers is available to download now on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.
We're a third through 2021 already! Do you already have a GOTY frontrunner?
Cblogs of 4/2 to 4/9/2021
-Seymour rates every single game they played in the first quarter of 2021.
-Dinoracha shares their thoughts on a big story moment in Dragon Quest XI.
-Kerrik52 reviews Tales of Berseria as a part of their Traveler in Playtime review blogs.
-Siflox Gaming reviews the current version of Fortnite.
-Black Red Gaming shares a list of four games they thinks everyone should play.
-Moths explains why Monster Hunter is now the only series they buy at launch.
-Taterchimp shares a list of their Top 10 food.
-Exber reflects on the first year they started blogging on Destructoid.
-ABowlOfCereal shares their balancing ideas for Guardian Tales.
-Queen of Philosophy opens this week's TGIF open community forum.
Destroy All Humans! remake lands on Switch in June with a £350 collector's edition
THQ Nordic has announced that it will be bringing its remake of old-school blow-'em-up Destroy All Humans! to Nintendo Switch on June 29, following its 2020 release on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. The publisher also revealed the existence of two high-priced collector's editions, which will release exclusively in Europe and the UK.
I would very much like to holiday in the Dungeons of Hinterberg
With so many games in production from so many developers, large and small, it's pretty impossible to keep track of every interesting title that's on the horizon. I try my best to remember those trailers that really catch my fancy, but for Dungeons of Hinterberg, I'm going to make an effort to keep it at the forefront of my mind.
From developer Microbird, Dungeons of Hinterberg takes place in the Austrian Alps, where the small town of Hinterberg has become a tourist destination due to its lush scenery and crisp mountain air. And also monsters. It's a great place to holiday if you want to kill some monsters.
The game, currently in development for PC and consoles, will blend hack 'n' slash action RPG gameplay with social sim elements, giving players the ability to unwind and make some friends after doing some monster slaying and dungeon diving. Unfortunately, there isn't a trailer just yet for it, but Microbird has been updating its Twitter feed with some particularly scrumptious little morsels that have me plenty excited.
Whatcha been playing this week, Destructoid?
Boy, I really ear-wormed people with that Street Fighter x Juri x Kill Bill article. It seems that many of you spent the whole day wandering around whistling "Twisted Nerve." My apologies... even though I've probably just triggered the same tune again. Kill Bill was a saga scored with a lot of indelible tunes, with some of them being kinda annoying in that regard.
It may surprise you, but I'm not really a huge fan of Tarantino's tribute to "DO YOU KNOW I WATCH OLD MOVIES?" The films enabled a sub-atomic level of homage and self-indulgence that has bothered most (but not all) of the auteur's work since. I am happy, however, that so many great stars - Hannah, Chiba, Carradine, Parks, Haig, and Kuriyama - got a payday, and it also looked a helluva lot of fun to shoot. Maybe I owe the Kill Bill duology a long-overdue revisit, but there are only so many hours and movies one can fit into this short life.
Speaking of time, I've struggled to find some for myself this week. So it's mostly been bursts of CoD: Zombies and the odd rumble on Killer Instinct for old time's sake, before crashing out in front of "easy" flicks like Raw Force, Hard Target, and Sister Street Fighter. I do have a couple of games lined up for this weekend that I'm excited to get stuck into, so hopefully I'll get bitten by that bug once again.
But I'm willing to wager that all y'all are already elbow-deep in gaming goodness. The joyous thing about gaming is that there's always a genre to suit your mood. So whether you've spent your week throwing lead and fists in harm's way, or just letting the hours slide by with a calming city-builder, jump into the comments below and share your experience with us, pals.
Have a safe and pleasant weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
According to a report from Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, Naughty Dog is at work on a PS5 remake of its miserable 2013 third-person adventure The Last of Us.
The supposed project is referenced by Bloomberg as part of a larger report on PlayStation's growing focus on blockbuster video games, noting the designers, artists, and other developers within the PlayStation family who are growing uncomfortable with the corporation's aggressive push toward mega-budget mega-sellers over all other projects.
This unrest has reportedly led to the disbandment of a Sony development division known as the "Visual Art Service Group." This San Diego team - who have been working on many PlayStation releases in recent years - had been tasked with developing The Last of Us remake for Sony's PS5 hardware, before Sony bosses handed off the project to original TLOU developer Naughty Dog. Bloomberg cites eight former members of the Visual Arts Service Group - who felt mismanaged, ignored, and undervalued - as its source. Neither Sony nor the group's founder wished to comment on the matter.
Destructoid community stream night is live on Twitch
Hi everyone! I'm Anabela, your weekly super duper variety streamer extraordinaire! Tonight I'm streaming Magic: The Gathering Arena on Destructoid's Twitch channel starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern.
I started playing MTG: Arena back in late December so I'm extremely new, but it only took two weeks then to reach Mythic. This is the first time I've ever really played Magic; I played a round of Commander once with my brother a super long time ago but didn't remember anything about how to play.
Shortly after hitting Mythic, Kaldheim came out, and things kinda cooled down for me. I was more interested in other games — the meta was super volatile and not fun for me — but a few months later I'm having fun again. I mostly play Standard Ranked, but lately, I've been enjoying Cube Draft.
My main colors so far are Dimir, mono white, and Boros, but I'm interested in a lot of things that I plan to play in the future like more green and Izzet.
A bit about me: As I was growing up, my older brother shaped my interests in games and fantasy culture. We were obsessed with dragons, fantasy books, world and creature building, you name it. Most of our time was spent hanging out and chattily imagining things. We dipped into Pokémon when I was six with trading cards, figurines, and books, but even our very first video games on our Dad's computer were split right down to the controls; he would do movements and I'd do action buttons. Over time we tried dozens of games, however RuneScape, D&D, and Pokémon always stuck with me the most.
It's been almost two years since I first started streaming. I tend to stream all sorts of games now, but my favorite genres came to be RPGs, puzzles, adventure, and strategy -- bonus if it's fantasy-themed or an MMO that I can play with my friends and an instant favorite if the atmosphere is just right! Alongside trying new games together, my heart is in our bubbly banter while we all talk it up in chat. I'm so happy to have met people who have the same passion as I do for all these games and cool hobbies.
But how did I get here? A while back, Destructoid hosted its "So You Think You Can Stream?" contest. It was my first time entering any type of serious contest, but I still wanted to shoot my shot and really get out there. Although I didn't win, I was elated to hear that my audition stood out and there was an opportunity for me to come on board to stream alongside Dreezy on the Dtoid channel.
Come catch me live at Destructoid's Twitch channel every Friday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern! Let's chat it up about anything and everything while playing cool games! I hope to meet you there. :)
I wasn't ready for this off-the-rails video game trailer, and you won't be either
It started with a tweet, and then another tweet, and now here I am, telling you to watch an off-the-rails trailer for a trashy Steam Early Access game called Together BnB that has "mostly negative" reviews.
i found this game on steam where you own a bed and breakfast but you spend the whole time taking creepshots of girls in their room. then suddenly you're in the woods shooting wolves with a gun
— Lonnie (@veryfriendly) April 9, 2021
The game's plot — surprisingly, there's a plot! — revolves around the newly-established manager of a bed and breakfast, James, and his brother, who owns the joint, but has vanished. In the meantime, James "has to assist the beautiful tenants of the BnB, satisfy them, and help them achieve their goals."
With that setup in mind, please enjoy this batshit trailer in which James drives up a mountain road, unloads his gun on a wolf (?), fires at his kitchen (??), and then shoots some late-night hoops (???).
"This trailer looks like it's showing me the daily routine of a psychopath and I cannot tell if it's intentional or not," wrote one spot-on YouTube commenter.
"Kojima's new project looks like an absolute banger," joked another.
This is one of the strangest trailers I've seen in forever. Happy Friday, everyone.
Breaking into Spelunky 2's Black Market without bombs is a bold strategy
While I may have sidelined Spelunky 2 after finally earning the "Master" trophy and deciding that I'd need to recuperate before earnestly attempting to reach the real final zone ("Awakened"), that doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching other people's painful clips. Spelunky Schadenfreude is my jam.
This clip from Reddit user Kayzito is less about enjoying someone else's misfortune and more about admiring their ingenuity when they're backed into a corner by Spelunky 2's devious procedurally-generated machinations. You can never completely know what items and hazards will be thrown your way, and figuring out when – and when not – to seize an opportunity is so much of the fun.
I've done desperate things to reach the Black Market, but this method hadn't dawned on me.
Sometimes there's no other way. from r/spelunky
What do you do when you get far enough into the Jungle to find the hidden entrance to the Black Market but – oh crap – you don't have any bombs left to break in? Well, if you're packing 15 hearts with the Kapala, a handful of ropes, over $75K, and Hou Yi's Bow, you'll probably consider just about anything to avoid restarting your up-until-now promising run. It's a classic Spelunky pickle – as is the inevitable crushing aftermath when you try and figure out "where it all went terribly wrong."
In this case, Kayzito decided to sacrifice their jetpack in an entrance-opening explosion.
If you didn't know, you can unequip wearable items like the jetpack or cape by crouching and pressing R1 (or whichever button you use to enter doors). The jetpack is volatile and it can be set off with a stray shotgun blast (as I'm sure all Spelunky 2 players know) or, in this clip, with a well-aimed arrow.
What happened next? (Location spoilers.) "I got spring shoes, climbing gloves, and several bomb boxes. I went Abzu and kept the ankh, took the yellow cape from the Sun Challenge, and got to 7-20."
"...I died to an off-screen poisonous arrow trap into 99 fall damage in a Sunken City layout, yay."
That swift and brutal outcome sums up why I ravenously played Spelunky 2 for a hundred-plus hours in 2020 without getting bored and why I'm relieved to be on hiatus right now. Love hurts. If you're waiting for the sequel to come to Nintendo Switch this summer before playing, start mentally prepping yourself.
Dota 2 adds hammer-swinging new hero Dawnbreaker
Winter's over and the dawn is here. There's a new Dota 2 patch today, which means a lot of balance changes to the map, item shops, individual heroes, and more, but also a new hero: Valora, the Dawnbreaker.
Dawnbreaker is the herald of the light, traveling across the universe to fight the shadows. She's all about light, illumination, and healing, while also swinging a giant hammer.
The dark days of winter are finally behind us as today's update heralds the break of radiant dawn. Introducing an all-new cosmic hero, Dawnbreaker, and the 7.29 Gameplay Update.
— DOTA 2 (@DOTA2) April 9, 2021
Her abilities include swinging her weapon around and hammering it down on foes' heads to stun them; chucking the hammer and recalling it like Thor with Mjolnir; healing on successive attacks; and literally leaping across the map to her allies' aid, healing them and harming foes. She's described as a durable melee carry, with life-giving Strength as her main attribute.
Elsewhere in patch 7.29, the map has been reworked to move the spots of several ward locations and the outposts, as well as the foliage surrounding towers and reducing the number of Bounty Rune spawns to two every three minutes.
Dota 2 players know that numbered patches like 7.29 can get pretty lengthy, so I won't list every change here, but there are a few that caught my eye right away:
- Heroes now spawn with only one TP scroll, but get one scroll on death. Free trips back to lane!
- You can deny your own wards if they're blocking a camp, so now no one will see your shameful ward placements.
- Necronomicon is no longer in the game. My condolences to Lycan mains.
- Shared Tangos expire after 40 seconds, though your mid player will still ask for them.
- Broodmother got a pretty sizeable rework. Still don't like giant spiders.
- Both Davion and Invoker got balance adjustments, while Mirana gets no anime buffs.
There's also reworked Aghanim's upgrades—including new ones for Hoodwink—and a boatload of numbers adjustments. It will take days to sort through how all this meshes together, but that's part of the fun of Dota 2. With a new patch and some added help for newcomers, it'll be fun to see if a bunch of folks start hopping back on this weekend. I know I'd like to give that big hammer a try.
Uncover the block moving secrets of the Rapa Nui in Konami's Moai-Kun
I love Moai. It's an interesting aesthetic; huge, monolithic humans with warped proportions. But do you know who loves Moai more? Japanese video game developers. They show up as bosses and in the background all the time in a wide variety of games such as Atlantis no Nazo, Rainbow Islands, and StarTropics. Even more so, Konami seemed to be crazy about the stone statues. They were a staple in their games, even appearing in Castlevania as a bonus item.
The heavy-browed monoliths would often alternate between antagonist and protagonist roles. They were a mainstay baddie in the Gradius series, while Konami Wai Wai World featured a Moai as one of its playable protagonists even though it had yet to feature in a title of its own. But the Moai would finally get the spotlight in Moai-Kun, a side-scrolling puzzle game found only on the Famicom.
Seeing Final Fantasy music in concert is something you should definitely do before you die.
I've had the good fortune of sitting in on numerous gaming-related musical events, like "Video Games Live," and a heap of side projects like Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses. In concerts like the former, Final Fantasy music is often peppered in. And you better believe a lot of that is Final Fantasy VII related.
Take this "trailer" for the Orchestra World Tour for Final Fantasy VII Remake. As our own Jordan Devore pointed out when he showed me this clip, "trailer" is underselling it a bit. It's basically a miniature show for free!
For reference, the clip was actually recorded back on February 13 of this year at the Tokyo International Forum, and is just being released by Square Enix publicly this week. It's all part of the Orchestra World Tour, which will be beginning in Osaka, Japan on April 17, then moving to the United States in August 2021, before hopping around the world starting in October. You can find the full list of current dates here.
You can also find the set list for the trailer below, with timestamps from yours truly. Stand Up! I can't believe the Honeybee Inn is still this prolific decades later. That's the power of Final Fantasy VII.
Unlock codes for the TimeSplitters 2 port inside Homefront: The Revolution have been discovered
Homefront: The Revolution might have been sitting dormant in some people's game libraries, but there's a new reason to break it back out. Following a tease that TimeSplitters 2 was hidden away in the game, players have since discovered how to access it.
A recent bout of developers sharing their Easter eggs, to coincide with Easter, prompted a former Dambuster developer to divulge his proudest moment: a "fully playable, native 4K" port of TimeSplitters 2 hidden inside an arcade machine in Homefront: The Revolution.
TimeSplitters 2 holds a special place in the hearts of split-screen console shooter fans, so a modern playable version would be a big deal. The existence of TimeSplitters 2 inside Homefront: The Revolution has actually been known for years, but only to the extent of a few levels, not the full game. Phillips said the game was "fully playable" through an unlock code, but he no longer had the notebook where he jotted it down. According to Phillips, he even tried leaking it through a friend in a Discord, and that friend was banned for it.
Luckily, it seems like the code hasn't been lost to time after all.
Here is a nice writeup. You can just enter the code on the level select screen for the easiest result.
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) April 9, 2021
The codes were discovered by users and shared in Discord (via Lance McDonald). There's a full list, for both PlayStation and Xbox inputs, to unlock the Story, Arcade, and Challenge modes, as well as additional codes that users speculate are for Extras.
It turns out that in the previous thread, a mostly unknown user had posted one of the codes and it went mostly unnoticed, until another community member decided to test it out. Looks like you can finally play TimeSplitters 2 on a "modern" console; and while the data and files have been known for some time, being able to freely access the game as-intended is pretty neat.
Reports right now are indicating that you'll need to play through enough of Homefront: The Revolution to get to the arcade cabinet and use the codes, though. While that's a bit of a rough ask, TimeSplitters 2 might just be worth it.
New Dragon Quest 3 speedrun strategy involves swapping around other cartridges
Speedrunners have a knack for finding new ways to mess with games in the search of faster clear times, and the latest Dragon Quest 3 strategy is no exception. Runner Hitshee has now cleared Dragon Quest 3 in under seven minutes by swapping the cartridge around with a few other games while playing.
In a video, Hitshee broke down their strategy, which involves pulling the cartridge for Dragon Quest 3 and inserting several other games: Dr. Mario, Final Fantasy, and Kirby's Adventure. They recorded their full playthrough of the speedrun, but the video in the tweet below highlights the cartridge-swapping action.
ãã©ã¯ã¨3 ãªã"ã§ãããRTA åçºæ¬ä½"ãã£ã¼ãæã®æéRUN åç"»ã¢ãããã¾ããã
— Hitsheegameï¼ ããããã¬ã¼ã使ã RTAinJapan (@Hitsheegame) April 7, 2021
(å®æ³åç"»ï¼FCç ãã©ã´ã³ã¯ã¨ã¹ã3 ãªã"ã§ãããRTA ä»»æã³ã¼ãå®è¡ãã£ã¼ã 6:47 #sm38547442 #ãã³ãã³åç"» #ãã©ã´ã³ã¯ã¨ã¹ã3 #RTA
Nintendo Enthusiast broke down Hitshee's explanation of the technique. By swapping in new cartridges and inputting specific commands, it will result in some rewrites that result in maxed-out party members, item codes being rewritten, and the game getting a little buggy. Once the right swaps and inputs have happened, the player can simply Zoom to the castle in Tantegel and, with a few finishing moves, be greeted with the ending of Dragon Quest 3.
Dragon Quest 3 runners are no stranger to odd techniques. It wasn't that long ago that some in this "anything goes" category were putting their consoles on a hot plate after discovering they could bug saves when their cartridges reached a specific temperature.
Not only does this seem a little bit safer, it also has some real results. In the video above, Hitshee sets a time of 6:47.10, and they've posted times below six minutes as well. The ingenuity of speedrunners to not just find fast methods for beating a game on its own terms, but to discover any way they can shave minutes off a run—even resorting to hot plates and hot swaps—will always amaze me.
The Fallout 76 team takes a deep dive into Daily Ops quality of life changes
Bethesda is planning a new big update for Fallout 76, titled "Locked & Loaded."
The huge focus is on Daily Ops, which are literally daily quests that take roughly 10 minutes each, which randomization elements that wax and wane with each day. They were introduced six months ago, and mainly facilitate constant Fallout 76 play; for dedicated folks who want to be part of the world more often and earn more rewards in the process.
They were added in earnest roughly six months ago to Fallout 76, and they've caught on to the point where Bethesda is doubling down on them. Enter the Locked & Loaded patch, which is going to "double the amount of randomized elements," completely changing the landscape of Daily Ops as a whole.
The big thing is more variation. Mole Miners, Mothman Cultists, and Scorched enemies are now a part of the rotation in Locked & Loaded, which will increase the replay value of Daily Ops all by themselves. But it's also adding new mutations (like poisonous hazards triggered by enemy deaths, or Diablo-like auras from enemies that heal their allies) and a new mode called Decryption (which tasks players with disabling three radio interceptors).
It really is a good idea, all told. Fallout 76 hit the key elements it was lacking at launch (a world that felt actually lived in, and a real narrative that connected anyone to the game itself), then decided to experiment with high-end content and replayable stuff like Daily Ops. As of today, Locked & Loaded is slated for an April 27 release. After that, it's roadmap time.
You can test all of this now in the PTS, and watch the deep dive below straight from the developers.
Inside the Vault []
Path of Exile's most powerful item will be easier to get in Ultimatum
As players start to become more familiar with specific builds and "meta" items of Path of Exile, they are bound to come across one item mentioned a ton: Headhunter.
And, realistically, a bunch of flasks and Watcher's Eye. But you don't wear those, so they don't count. Personally, I've never owned a Headhunter because it's always too expensive. Plus, I don't really play builds that utilize its unique mechanic very well. But I still want one really bad. If anything, just to say I've had one before.
In Path of Exile's upcoming expansion, Ultimatum, Grinding Gear Games is adding Headhunter to the default drop pool, meaning it can drop at any time while playing. So why is this belt so sought after? And how much could this update change its availability?