King's Bounty II Hands-On Preview
Following on from the success of the King's Bounty video games, 1C Entertainment look to bring an all-new experience to fans of third-person RPGs with King's Bounty II. Boasting a huge game world, intricate quest and dialogue options, turn-based, tactics-fueled battles, and fully voiced dialogue, it has a lot going for it.
King's Bounty II Hands-On Preview
Having minimal experience with the original King's Bounty games, I wasn't entirely sure what to expect with King's Bounty II. I often find myself wasting nights away, searching through Steam's endless library for something to keep me occupied. Browsing through King's Bounty II, the hex-style combat system immediately caught my attention, and its interesting combination of third-person style RPG exploration and tactical combat definitely piqued my interest.
We were fortunate enough to be given access to a pre-release look at King's Bounty II before its full release on August 24. It wasn't the full game, and we weren't allowed to take any screenshots or capture any footage (the screenshots in this post were provided for us to use), but we did get chance to explore about 8-10 hours of content near the start of the game.
The story begin as you, the hero, are released from prison by order of the Prince. The local guards, a ruff and rugged bunch, quickly inform you that you have be summoned. They offer an escort to help you reach the city, and that's it. It's a quick introduction to the game but a welcomed one, waiting only a few minutes before letting you dive into the game and experience its wonders for yourself.
The third-person style is done well; it's familiar, easy to navigate, and allows you to explore the large game world quickly and easily. You're given a horse right at the beginning of the game and then your objective, what path you choose is down to you. Making my way to the main city, I quickly found myself exploring off the beaten path. Treasure chests, secret quests, miniature puzzles – I ran into a lot of exciting and rewarding content just exploring the first main area.
While much of this is very standard for a game in the RPG space, King's Bounty II sets itself apart with its high fantasy setting and almost RTS style of combat and unit management. The main character doesn't directly fight in combat. Instead, they command a number of different troops and sometimes cast powerful spells. Even with the limited time available during the preview, I discovered an impressive array of different units that I could add to my army.
Human Spearmen, Archers, and Healers served as the holy trinity of tank, support, and DPS. However, before long I was resting my bows and laying down my spears in favor of ghouls, skeletons, and other ghastly creatures. While the fantastical was definitely more exciting than the average fighting farmer, I quickly learned that not all folk play well together. Mixing my human styled units with those of the dark depths quickly created discourse among the ranks, causing some of my units to randomly skip turns due to their distrust of the walking dead. I mean, it makes sense, right?
I didn't understand the mechanics behind managing my army until I had lost half of it, but it delivered a level of depth I wasn't expecting. There is a huge talent tree, skills that the main character or general of your army can unlock that lessen some of these penalties, but I'm unsure how far the full release will go. There's a lot of potential and the thought of combining the different unit types as you measure the strengths and weaknesses of each factions strongest units is an exciting one. Despite this, it's not something I got to experience too much during the preview.
The turn-based strategy layer of combat is arguably King's Bounty II's most exciting attribute, but there's a glorious world to explore outside of combat. I only played a single play through using Aivor the Warrior, but I immediately discovered various types of content I was not able to explore. Different characters have different alignments, with the decisions you make influencing your overall reputation and changing the options available ahead of you. This creates a constantly branching path of choice and consequence with actual impact and meaning, stretching far beyond a simple reply in the next line of dialogue.
The initial hours of King's Bounty II have left me excited. If enough unit variety and spells are available in the full game alongside careful managing of difficulty and challenge, the strategic combat alone will be worth the experience – and that's without an already impressive and expansive environment.
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A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3.
A number of new features powered by the Essence Engine 5. With its Dynamic Campaign Map, players will be able to command air, ground, and naval forces, and can also build supply lines. Players will be tasked with leading the Allies' campaign to retake mainland Italy from the entrenched Axis forces.
Learn more with the following announcement trailer:
Company of Heroes 3 – Announce Trailer
You can see the game in action with the gameplay reveal trailer below:
Company of Heroes 3 – Gameplay Reveal Trailer
According to Justin Dowdeswell, General Manager at Relic Entertainment:

You can get pre-alpha access to the game on Steam here.
A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game
The post Company of Heroes 3 Announced appeared first on GamersHeroes.
How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online
Capitale is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online that unlocks special missions. This guide on How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the basics of obtaining more Capitale so you can unlock the Opportunity missions that promise bigger and better rewards.
When you speak with your contact, Anthony Foreman, he will give you a list of Blood Money Crimes. There are two main types of crimes, basic crimes, and contracts. Basic Crimes are simple missions, quick to complete, rarely challenging, and reward small amounts of Capitale IF you are lucky enough to loot some. These are regularly available and should be farmed when the other missions aren't available. You can check your Capitale balance by speaking with Anthony Foreman and asking about Opportunities or checking the valuables tab in your Satchel.
How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online
Once you have enough Capitale you can spend it at your contact to access special Bloody Money Opportunities, so you want to make sure to gather as much Capitale as possible. It's a slow process but you can speed it up by grouping with friends to complete the missions quicker. You can also purchase some Capitale via a special pack available at fences. It's 3 Gold for 10 Capitale, which is a really good investment early on.
A word of warning. This is an incredibly slow grind. We have completed 6+ Crimes and several 3 mission contracts and so far, have only found 2 Capitale in missions. Both from looting from corpses, both during contracts. We have a lot more experimenting to do before coming up with the fastest method but so far, it's going to take days of farming these missions to complete one opportunity.
- Complete Blood Money Crimes for your contact for a chance at small amounts of Capitale
- Complete the series of quests related to Contracts for a higher reward of Capitale
- Complete quickdraw objectives
- Loot important enemies and characters during Capitale missions for more rewards
- Search containers and loot boxes during Captiale related missions for more rewards.
- You can purchase a special pack from a fence for 3 Gold Bars
It's worth noting that the loot ratio is not good. After doing 5-6 missions, our group was able to loot a single Capitale. If you find a Capitale on a body it is not shared with your party and they cannot loot the same body.
Capitale is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online that unlocks special missions. This guide on How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the basics of
Capitale is required to do Opportunities in the Blood Money DLC. This guide on the Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the quickest way to collecting Capitale so you can
The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new kind of currency that unlocks special missions. This guide on What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online will explain how Capitale works
Capitale is the new currency used in the Blood Money update for Red Dead Online but it's surrounded by a certain mystique. This guide on How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you
The post How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online
Capitale is required to do Opportunities in the Blood Money DLC. This guide on the Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the quickest way to collecting Capitale so you can skip half of the grind and get to doing the Opportunities way faster.
This is currently the fastest method we have but the DLC has only just launched. To put it into perspective, after 5 hours of play we found 2 Capitale in a group of two. That was it. Using this method, you can get 1-2 in about 3 minutes, including loading and dialogue, so this is much faster than just doing missions.
Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online
You need to start the Blood Money DLC and then speak to a Contact to start a Blood Money Crime. You need to select The Jeb Phelps Contract. When you load into a mission, ignore the objective. You want to head to a warehouse style building at the location above.
Be careful. As soon as you enter the warehouse an invisible enemy will begin shooting at you. You can't do anything about this. You may die on your first couple of attempts but once you learn where the lockbox is, you can complete it every time before you're killed. As soon as you enter the barn/warehouse, the lockbox is directly to your left near a table. You need to approach it quickly and open it. You will get either 1 Capitale, 2 Capitale, or a treasure. So far we estimate around a 75% drop rate for the Capitale.
After you loot the lockbox press Start and go to the "Online" tab. Then select Crimes. This will leave the mission and spawn you next to another Blood Money Contact so you can choose The Jeb Phelps Contract again. Rinse and repeat.
- Start The Jeb Phelps Contract
- Ignore the objective. Head to the Barn/Warehouse at the entrance to the town
- Immediately on the left as you enter the barn, loot the Lockbox
- Be careful of the invisible enemy. After a couple of runs you will be able to get the box without dying 100%
- After you loot the Lockbox press start and go to the Online option
- Select Crimes to leave the mission and spawn near a contract to repeat the process.
And that's the fastest way to farm Capitale in Red Dead Online.
Capitale is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online that unlocks special missions. This guide on How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the basics of
Capitale is required to do Opportunities in the Blood Money DLC. This guide on the Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the quickest way to collecting Capitale so you can
The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new kind of currency that unlocks special missions. This guide on What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online will explain how Capitale works
Capitale is the new currency used in the Blood Money update for Red Dead Online but it's surrounded by a certain mystique. This guide on How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you
The post Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.
What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online
The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new kind of currency that unlocks special missions. This guide on What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online will explain how Capitale works, where you can spend it, and what it unlocks as part of the new, free to download, DLC.
Every Bloody Money mission you complete rewards you with a small amount of Capitale. There are different types of missions. Basic Blood Money Crimes can be complete for small amounts of Capitale but there are other missions, Blood Money Contracts, that offer more substantial narrative alongside the promise of better rewards. Completing these missions, loot enemies, and finding hidden caches, these activities will all reward you with Capitale.
What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online
Speak with your Bloody Money contact, Anthony Foreman, and then press R1/RB to open the Opportunities tab. This is where you can see the Capitale opportunities. You have to invest the Capitale, sort of like a reputation, in order to unlock the Opportunities.
- Capitale can be earned by completing Capitale missions and looting enemies
- You can check the balance of your Capitale by speaking with a Blood Money contact and checking the Opportunities
- You spend your Capitale to unlock Opportunity missions that promise better rewards.
Capitale is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online that unlocks special missions. This guide on How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the basics of
Capitale is required to do Opportunities in the Blood Money DLC. This guide on the Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the quickest way to collecting Capitale so you can
The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new kind of currency that unlocks special missions. This guide on What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online will explain how Capitale works
Capitale is the new currency used in the Blood Money update for Red Dead Online but it's surrounded by a certain mystique. This guide on How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you
The post What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.
How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online
Capitale is the new currency used in the Blood Money update for Red Dead Online but it's surrounded by a certain mystique. This guide on How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you how you can track the new currency as the new Bloody Money Crimes don't do a great job of informing you via the user interface.
There are several ways to get more Capitale fast in Red Dead Online but the game doesn't make it obvious when you find some. Capitale is the main currency of the Bloody Money update and is used to access more lucrative missions and contracts that provide both more of a challenge and increasingly valuable rewards.
How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online
If you want to check your current Capitale balance you need to speak with your contact. You can head to Saint Denis and speak with Anthony Foreman there. He is marked on the map by a teardrop icon with a dollar sign icon inside the teardrop. Speak with him about Blood Money missions and you will see a list of Blood Money Missions, specifically, Crimes. Press R1/RB to go to another menu, Opportunities.
These are special missions that require a Capitale investment in order to unlock. The first mission, Covington Emerald, the first Blood Money Opportunity, costs 15 Capitale. When you are on the Bloody Money Mission Opportunities screen, you can see your current Capitale balance in the top right corner of the screen.
- Hold Right to open your Satchel. Check the valuables tab and look for Capitale or you can check at the contact
- Complete the introduction mission to the Blood Money DLC
- Track down your contact Anthony Foreman in Saint Denis
- Speak with Anthony about Blood Money missions
- Select the Opportunities tab to see your Capitale balance in the top right corner of the screen
Capitale is a special currency in the Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online that unlocks special missions. This guide on How To Get More Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the basics of
Capitale is required to do Opportunities in the Blood Money DLC. This guide on the Fastest Way To Farm Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you the quickest way to collecting Capitale so you can
The Blood Money DLC for Red Dead Online introduces a new kind of currency that unlocks special missions. This guide on What Do You Do With Capitale In Red Dead Online will explain how Capitale works
Capitale is the new currency used in the Blood Money update for Red Dead Online but it's surrounded by a certain mystique. This guide on How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online will tell you
The post How To Check Your Capitale In Red Dead Online appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Red Dead Online: Blood Money Update Now Available
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money.
New to this free update is Capitale, which is scattered across the world. In order to get it, players must loot, thieve bodies and chests, and carry out Crimes.
These Crimes can be taken on solo or with up to six other players through the new Free Roam Mission menu system. Choices include Contracts, multi-part Free Roam Missions, and a number of other standalone crimes.
Alternatively, one can also go after vulnerable targets without assistance from any of their new contacts. They are triggered seamlessly and at random, and provide quick rewards and the potential of a Capitale score.
Those that have earned the required Capitale can take on the first of three Opportunities. Featuring Standard, Hard, and Ruthless difficulty settings, these separate missions offer secondary objectives that task players with securing the Jewels of the West from different locations. For those up for it, more challenging missions require more Capitale, which can also lead to greater rewards.
The Red Dead Online: Blood Money update also brings with it The Quick Draw Club, a series of four distinct rapid-fire passes that are in consecutive installments. The first is available until August 9, and players can get themselves access to 25 ranks of rewards for 25 Gold Bars.
A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game
The post Red Dead Online: Blood Money Update Now Available appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Announced
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl.
The roster of this game features characters from SpongeBob Squarepants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rugrats, The Loud House, Invader Zim, and other Nickelodeon properties. For longtime fans of these series, 20 themed levels that run the gamut from SpongeBob Squarepants' Jellyfish Field to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' Technodrome have also been included.
Much like Nintendo's Super Smash Bros' line of fighters, players will be able to battle with their friends locally, with up to four player support. Competitive multiplayer online play has also been included.
Learn more with the following trailer, courtesy of IGN:
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl – Official Announcement Trailer
The game will come out for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and PC this fall.
A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game
The post Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Announced appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Cruis'n Blast Gameplay Trailer Released
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game.
A reboot of the franchise, this title features rides like the Lamborghini Aventador, Nissan GT-R, Chevrolet Corvette C7, and Hummer HX. All-new track locations and tours will be included in this version of the game, including Canyon Chase, Night Riders, Twister Terror, Wild Safari, HK 2089, Race to Rio, Carnival Joyride, and Carnaby Dash.
In this release, players can also collect secret keys and cash, and can also win custom vehicles, tracks, and upgrades. For those who'd like to bring a friend or three along, up to four player split screen will be included. Finally, for the purists out there, a classic arcade mode with all five original tracks will also be included.
See it in action with the trailer below:
Cruis'n Blast Nintendo Switch Trailer
The game will come out for the Nintendo Switch on September 14, 2021. The team at GameMill Entertainment is bringing a physical version of the game to retailers on the same day.
A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game
The post Cruis'n Blast Gameplay Trailer Released appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Rocket Rumble Coming to Steam Early Access August 3
The online space racing party action of PixelNAUTS's Rocket Rumble will launch on Steam Early Access on August 3, 2021.
At launch, this title will feature three different procedurally generated tracks, made up of a robot-filled factory, an asteroid field, and a Space Pirate stronghold. Note that the team is planning for at least nine tracks in the final release.
Character-wise, players can choose from Riku, Bert, Pepper, and Ophelia, with more characters after launch. Weaponry includes disks, bombs, the Shockpack, and the Super-Sizer.
This title will feature online single-screen competitive racing with support for up to four players, character customization options with hundreds of different cosmetics, and space combat. It will retail for $9.99.
See these personalization options for yourself with the trailer below:
Rocket Rumble – Customization Trailer
You can wishlist the game on Steam here. The full version of the game will come out in 2022.
A brand-new theatre of war awaits in Relic Entertainment and SEGA Europe's Company of Heroes 3
Robberies, shakedowns, and other lawless activities await players with today's release of Rockstar Games' Red Dead Online: Blood Money
Players will be able to throw down with their favorite Nickelodeon characters with the release of Ludosity, Fair Play, and GameMill Entertainment's Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
The raw thrills of Raw Thrills' arcade hit Cruis'n Blast is set to hit the Nintendo Switch this year – see it in action with the latest gameplay trailer for the game
The post Rocket Rumble Coming to Steam Early Access August 3 appeared first on GamersHeroes.