Introducing Adventure Mode "The Hinokami Chronicles", where you'll follow Tanjiro through his journey, and Versus Mode "Battles", which can be played in a 2 vs 2 setting! Tanjiro and his friends make their way to the Mugen Train, but what awaits them there is… Be sure to check it out! <Adventure Mode "The Hinokami Chronicles"> […]
The ability to transfer characters between different servers has been a highly anticipated one ever since the launch of New World, Amazon Games' ambitious pirate-themed MMORPG. As players had experienced long queue times, especially in the EU region, when it first release, Amazon assured players that character transfers would be available cross-region in a couple […]
Despite the UK opening back up after 18 months of watching Tiger King, baking banana bread and building pubs in back gardens, it would seem that many gamers aren't quite ready to reintegrate with society. At least, that's how it has felt this week at EGX 2021.
On the whole Gearshifters is a brilliant little surprise. A side scrolling combat racer like this shouldn't really have as much going on as Gearshifters does, but the inclusion of those roguelite elements means this is one you'll be going back to time and time again - if only as the temptation of a new upgrade is always just around the corner.
Time spent with Diablo II: Resurrected is certainly an enjoyable one. It isn't as polished as Diablo III, but then this is a remaster of a 21 year old game and I fear the devs were pretty much painted into a corner: if they changed the systems, the original fans would be up in arms, but keeping the original feel does mean it slightly alienates players who are used to the newer game.
In September, Santa Monica-based game development company The Initiative announced that it would partner with studio Crystal Dynamics to create the upcoming Perfect Dark title
So lately, survivor and building games have been taking over my life. My 10-year-old step-daughter recently had her dad install Minecraft on the PS4. Now, my kids from a previous marriage have all played Minecraft for as long as I could remember and I swear I wouldn't play it. Then, my 6-year-old daughter comes to visit for the summer and discovers Minecraft on the PS4. She had me help her build the castle from Frozen II. I have been hooked ever since.
Welcome to The JoyFreak Community Thread!!!! AKA The CT!!! With the countless threads that the community will see, some may deem them not "thread worthy". That's where a Community Thread comes into play. This is where you come to chat, talk, post purchases, and even updates on things like your day, or checking into a movie or episodes of a TV show. The CT is used for pretty much everything! The point here is to...
This content has been published by Market.Biz company. The WiredRelease News Department was not involved in the creation of this content. For press release ...