Can you believe it? The PlayStation 3 launched fifteen years ago today. It was an expensive console and a messy launch, with hype overload and some truly bad press conferences. But Sony didn't give up on the PS3, and neither did gamers.

Longtime Something Awful forum administrator Fragmaster posted that site founder Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka has died. "I guess I should preface this by saying this isn't a joke especially since I'm posting for like the first time in 10 years or something, but I got the bad news today directly from Rich's family," wrote…

The best gaming monitor might offer a 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response time at 1080p for a great price, or it might boast 4K resolution in an ultrawide format. There isn't a 'one size fits all' when it comes to monitors. Which genre of game you play the most, and what you really value in a screen, makes a massive difference. But a good monitor, just like the best gaming chair, has an incredibly long lifespan compared to many other components and peripherals, making it a great investment for your gaming PC setup.
There are serious questions you need to ask yourself first to narrow down your selection. Do you favour image quality over lightning-fast pixel response? Do you need Nvidia's G-Sync or AMD's FreeSync? Does it even matter now that Nvidia supports FreeSync?
Are you into the pro-gaming, competitive esports world and crave the super-high monitor refresh rates of TN tech rather than a quality panel? Do you want a traditional 16:9 screen or have you been seduced by the ultra widescreen beauty of a 21:9 aspect ratio? Do you need a monitor so wide you can almost see those Fortnite enemies standing behind you? Or does it absolutely, positively have to be the best 4K gaming monitor so you can spot each individual blade of grass in The Witcher 3? And, finally, how convinced are you by the prospect of high dynamic range gaming?
RELATED LINKS: Best SSD for gaming, How to build a gaming PC, Best gaming CPU
A culinarian is cooking up recreations of Genshin Impact's recipes on TikTok, and they all look suitably excellent. Look, anyone who has watched anime - Studio Ghibli films, specifically - rarely makes it through without food mood striking.
IssaGrill's uploads vary in their structure. Some feature several shots of her creating the dish, with some clips of the inspiration thrown in to give you something to compare it to. Others offer a rundown of how she makes them specifically, with ingredients thrown in for good measure. Most of the clips wrap up with the final dish, as what else would you want to end on?
You may recognise some recipes from Genshin Impact, like the Stormcrest Pie or even Bennett's charred egg. That's not all IssaGrill's content offers, though, as she cooks up dishes from other anime favourites such as ramen inspired by Naruto and the meat lover's meat feast from Dragon Ball Z. Happily, there are also recipes based Studio Ghibli's Spirited Away.
RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact character tier list, Genshin Impact leveling guide
Looking for some GTA 3 cheat codes? With the release of a newly remastered version of the classic open-world game, it's time to make your own chaotic fun using the best GTA Trilogy cheat codes.
Liberty City is a fantastic playground for a bit of the old ultra-violence, especially with the freedom to make a tank appear out of nowhere. There are more bizarre cheats, too, including ones that affect the weather, manipulate time, and tinker with your character's outfit.
Here you'll find some of the useful cheat codes to use in GTA 3, though there are more out there. Before using cheats, make sure you save your game, and don't save over it once activated as this could potentially corrupt your save file. Do take care when you're inputting codes, as you can't see the codes on the screen and they won't work if you make a single mistake. Of course, given that this is a collection of multiple games, there are different GTA Vice City cheat codes, and GTA San Andreas cheat codes.

Historical grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV's new expansion - Origins - releases today, and recently the development team did its customary sharing of the patch notes, if you want a reminder as to what's coming.
Accompanying the newest EU4 DLC is patch 1.32 'Songhai', and it contains over 450 changes according to the patch notes - so it's probably unsurprising that one of the strategy game's associate producers has called in an "important" one. This is also a great way to separate what's coming as part of the premium expansion, and what's coming as part of the free patch.
Historically, content in the free patch has tended to outshine content in the premium update, but in this case things seem to be a bit more even if you discount all the fixes and quality-of-life improvements. Patch 1.32 will introduce nine new government reforms for African nations, as well as eight additional estate privileges. There are also eight new formable nations, and the infamous Zulu nation can spawn during the course of the game as well. Add to this 52 new monuments, and some reworks of existing nations.
RELATED LINKS: Europa Universalis IV DLC guide, The best Europa Universalis 4 mods, Play Europa Universalis 4
The Battlefield series has always strived to deliver multiplayer moments that you can't get anywhere else. Jumping out of a jet, sniping another pilot, and hijacking their jet in Battlefield 3; levelling buildings in Battlefield: Bad Company 2; parachuting away from a collapsing skyscraper in Battlefield 4 - when it comes to scale and bombast, DICE regularly knocks it out of the park. Other times, the studio has taken a swing and a miss by trying something completely different, like Battlefield 2142, an experiment in future warfare that launched with countless issues and sparked some wariness in my 13-year-old self about buying multiplayer games at launch.
Battlefield 2042's reveal trailer shows that DICE is doubling down on what it's known for: fun over realism, chaos over order, and plenty, plenty of 'Battlefield moments'. Set in the near future, the FPS game depicts a world wracked by the effects of climate change and the collapse of the European Union. It's a pretty bleak prophecy, with many cities being ravaged by tornadoes, sandstorms, massive battles, and sometimes all three. But at least the soldiers are having a good time: they can modify their weapons while running around, or hitch a ride on tornadoes and then use their newfangled wingsuits to glide to safety. Maybe the future won't suck.
Climate crisis aside, warfare doesn't appear to have changed all that much. Battlefield's classic Conquest and Breakthrough modes return, scaled up with even larger maps and clustered capture zones rather than flags dotted around the map, all to accommodate the new 128-player count. Breakthrough, the latest incarnation of the long-running Rush mode, divides players into attacking and defending armies that fight over a linear series of objectives to establish dominance across the whole map.
RELATED LINKS: Best multiplayer games on PC, Best FPS games on PC, Best war games
It's almost impossible to find some of the best graphics cards on digital shelves right now, with ongoing chip shortages, unprecedented levels of demand, and even some Fast & Furious style shenanigans affecting supply. Unfortunately, the rise of a new cryptocurrency 'Raptoreum' could see these same issues affect the availability of AMD CPUs.
AMD's Ryzen 9 3000 and 5000 processors have been identified (via Videocardz) as some of the best chips to mine the cryptocurrency, as their 64MB of L3 cache is able to handily manage the workloads required by the Raptoreum mining method.
The Ryzen 9 5900X ranks among some of the best gaming CPUs you can slot into a gaming PC today, and increased demand from miners could see the processor's availability suffer and its price skyrocket, alongside other AMD Ryzen 9 chips. Worse still, the upcoming Zen 4 Ryzen 6000 components due next year could be affected to a greater degree, as they are rumoured to feature 192MB of L3 cache.
RELATED LINKS: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X review, AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT review, Best CPU for gaming
It's Thursday, GTA Online fans, so we all know what that means. The open-world game's latest weekly patch has dropped with a new round of bonus rewards, GTA Online prize ride, discounts, and more. The official newswire post from Rockstar isn't here just yet, but fans are reporting on what's new, so let's take a look.
This week's bonus rewards go to GTA Online's Deluxo races - a series of four stunt races based on the retro-style Deluxo vehicle class, called Cresting, Raton Race, Stadium Flyover, and Techno. While this week's update is live, you'll be able to grab three times the usual $GTA and RP for completing these. Act Three of the Doomsday Scenario and Special Vehicle Work also carry bonus rewards this week, with these handing out double the regular in-game bucks and RP. There's additionally a 50% speed boost on bunker research this week.
The latest Prize Ride is the Sultan RS Classic - a two-door sports sedan that comes as part of the Los Santos Tuners update - which you can nab if you rack up 12 top-five spots in the Street Race series.
Sega recently released its Q2 2021 financial results, part of which includes a short Q&A dealing with major questions that arose from them. While it's only a brief mention, someone did ask about the performance of recently released 4X game Humankind.
While Sega wasn't able to talk about specific financial performance, CEO Haruki Satomi mentioned in his response to the question that the strategy game had a "good start" and that "we can expect to make this a series in the future."
"We find potential in this title, and it has become an IP we want to nurture for a long time," Satomi says. "Although we cannot disclose specific figures as the revenue from the business deal are also included, it is undoubtedly a title that contributed to the Q2 results." We really enjoyed the game, as you can tell from our Humankind review, and not only did it attract some very healthy player numbers at launch, it was also the best-selling PC game on Steam for August 2021. The idea of a Humankind 2 is very exciting, to say the least, although we're happy to let this first one spread its wings as there's still plenty of potential to unlock.
RELATED LINKS: The best 4X games on PC, The best strategy games on PC, Humankind review
Here we are, League of Legends fans. The end of the League of Legends 2021 patch schedule draws close, and we're now well into Preseason 2022 testing season. League of Legends patch 11.22 has hit the MOBA game's live battlegrounds, and its follow-up has now hit the PBE for its own round of testing - so let's take a look around at what's new and on the way.
As revealed by Riot on its various social media channels, patch 11.23 brings a batch of sugary sweet Café Cutie skins, with Annie, Soraka, Vladimir, Gwen, Bard, and Sivir being the lucky champions in for new looks in the alternate universe line this update. The skins are now hitting the PBE and you can get a peek at the splash art and skins in action below.
We've also got a bunch of Preseason 2022 changes still in for their extended period of testing. Among these are the new visual update (ASU) for Caitlyn and the return of Ultimate Spellbook on the PBE for testing! You can check out all these changes in the relevant sections below.
RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 11.23, LoL tier list
Rockstar Games has confirmed when exactly you'll be able to play Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition. The developer has updated the support section of its website to spell out when the remastered versions of Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City, and San Andreas will be going live in your time zone.
As we previously reported, GTA Trilogy footage surfaced on YouTube and Reddit before the proper unlock time. If you've made it this far without seeing any spoilers, you don't have long to go.
While GTA: Trilogy preloads are already live for those who have purchased through the Xbox Store, Nintendo eShop, or PlayStation Store, PC players will have to wait a while longer. Rockstar has confirmed that you won't be able to download the GTA: Trilogy remasters until launch day. If you do pre-order the game through the Rockstar launcher, though, you'll get $10 off any product priced at $15 or more. Keep in mind the discount expires on January 16, 2022.

Ahead of Skyrim Anniversary Edition's launch, a developer behind a vital modding tool warned that the release might also break mods for Skyrim Special Edition, badly. Well, Skyrim Anniversary Edition is out now, and as expected it has broken many mods. But, good news: the person who warned of this is making better progress on fixes than expected.

One of my favourite things about the Fallout series is learning what weird and wonderful experiments took place in its vaults. There was the one where everyone lived in a VR simulation, another testing cryosleep, as well as one where a panther was let loose. The developers had more plans for these bomb-proof bunkers that never quite made it into the games though. Bethesda director Todd Howard revealed last night that Fallout 4 almost had an underwater vault with a giant octopus, which sounds slightly terrifying.

This Battlefield 2042 review-in-progress is an odd one. Namely because my hands-on time with the game has been dictated by EA, as opposed to actual real-life sit-downs with my own copy of the game. Still, I've largely enjoyed what I've played so far and am confident that Battlefield fans will too.

The key to a good mystery, in my opinion, is narrative constraint. When the rules of a mystery - what the investigator can and cannot do, who and what was where and when - are laid out clearly for the audience, working within those limitations to puzzle out the case (a la any book by Agatha Christie, the who-dun-it queen) becomes irresistible.
Conway: Disappearance At Dahlia View knows exactly what its story, and its protagonist specifically, can and cannot do. Robert Conway can use his decades of experience as a private investigator to look for missing child Charlotte May Morgan, but what he cannot do is leave Dahlia View or get caught by the police. Confined to a wheelchair, Conway surveys his neighbours from the window of his second-floor flat, occasionally venturing down into the quiet courtyard below to infiltrate his neighbour's homes. Though due to the declines of age or sheer arrogance, he does neither half so subtly as he'd like to think.
Within these constraints, Conway presents a classic locked room mystery, only the "room" is the neighbourhood of Dahlia View and, unbeknownst to Conway but made known to the audience, this has all happened before.

It's Skyrim's 10th birthday today, so Bethesda have released yet another version of their epic fantasy RPG to celebrate. Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is out now, adding a bunch of Creation Club content, like fishing, aquariums and more. Plus, owners of the game's Special Edition will get a handful of freebies too. It's no Elder Scrolls 6, but hey, fish are nice. So, how many copies of Skyrim will you own after today?

If you tell me your weird take on a free idle game is about 40 minutes long, I'm going to pay attention. I may not have places to go or people to see, but I do have a lot of stuff to do (like the mandatory watching of videos about correct neutral chair posture at work). Then your browser game turns out to be a strange, sort of post-apocalypse thing about music, dancing and weird rural traditions - and harvesting a lot of corn - and I will be crouched on my chair, slavering like a little cider-swilling urchin, for the entirity of those 40 minutes.
Such a creature am I for Peter Talisman: Lord Of The Harvest, a game that fills your screen with a huge field of gently swaying corn.
Another set of demons will join the roster of playable characters.
The post Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles Free Update Will Add Yahaba and Susamaru appeared first on Siliconera.
New Lies of P gameplay shows some opponents Pinocchio will face as he lies and fights his way through a Souls-like quest to become human.
The post Dark Souls-like Lies of P Gameplay Shows Pinocchio's Search for Geppetto appeared first on Siliconera.
The most advanced M model will come with a Ryzen 9 5900X, RTX 3080, and a capture card.
The post Hololive's Houshou Marine PC Will Be Sold in Three Models appeared first on Siliconera.
The friendly neighborhood hero is heading to Marvel's Avengers later this month.
The post Avengers Spider-Man DLC November Release Date Revealed appeared first on Siliconera.
SNK previously added Whip as a DLC character in KOF XIV.
The post KOF XV Whip Trailer Confirms That The Fighter Will Appear In-Game appeared first on Siliconera.
The distillery has collaborated with other popular anime and manga series such as Golden Kamuy and Cells at Work.
The post SMT V is Getting Its Own Sake in Japan appeared first on Siliconera.
People can prepare Chocobos for battle at the Chocobo Farm and earn Moogle skins via the Collection feature.
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We're holding you to that one, chummer Believe it or not, it's already that time of year, as preparations begin...
The post Geoff Keighley: Over 40 titles and no 'NFT stuff' from The Game Awards 2021 appeared first on Destructoid.