Players will be able to be greater when Spider-Man comes to Square Enix, Eidos-Montreal, and Crystal Dynamics' Marvel's Avengers.
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Heist Month continues this week in Rockstar Games' GTA Online, bringing with it a wealth of rewards.
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The world of Strategy Forge and Jujubee's 4X turn-based strategy game Punk Wars is now available for the PC via Steam and GOG.COM.
The post Punk Wars Now Available on Steam and GOG.COM appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Changing the fire rate on your weapons in Battlefield 2042 is a little different from the previous games. Check out this guide to find out how to change fire rate in Battlefield 2042. This way you can handle your recoil easier on those powerful rifles. How To Change Fire Rate In Battlefield 2042 In order …
The post How To Change Fire Rate In Battlefield 2042 appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Calling in vehicles at the right time is the path to victory in Battlefield 2042. Check out this guide to find out how to call in vehicles and equipment in Battlefield 2042. This way you can have the maximum amount of speed and power when trying to take enemy points.
The post How To Call In Vehicles And Equipment In Battlefield 2042 appeared first on GamersHeroes.
Takedowns return in Battlefield 2042 and you will want to know how to do them. Check out this guide to find out how to do takedowns in Battlefield 2042. This way you can join the line of people back stabbing each other over and over again. How To Do Takedowns In Battlefield 2042 Alright so …
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HDR, or High Dynamic Range, is something that you kinda take for granted on consoles and TVs, because once you flick the switch it just happens, every time you use it, forever. On PC the technology has been a bit more complicated.

The last few years have been an incredible time for fan translations, but here's a doozy: Square's combination racing and role-playing game Racing Lagoon is now fully playable in English.

While last month the emulation scene was celebrating the fact that PS3 games were making solid progress on the PC, this month it's the PlayStation 2's turn, with the PCSX2 team announcing that every single game on their plate can now boot at least to the menu screen. Well, almost every single one.

It's been a long time since Rockstar has released a Grand Theft Auto game that wasn't a port of GTA V. Fans were understandably excited, then, at the prospect of playing a more modern take on some open-world classics. But while there is a lot to like here, including some nice quality of life improvements and better…

The original Call Of Duty, released 18 years ago, was a game that gave a shit about the Second World War. To play it today (and you should, it remains excellent) is to experience fear, disorganization, confusion, and horror. A bunch of barely-trained teenagers are thrown into a situation beyond their comprehension,…

Playdate, the cute little handheld with a crank, won't be making its late 2021 debut, developer Panic Inc. told early buyers via email this morning.

It's time for more digital trucking tourism, as the devs at SCS Software have provided a fresh look at American Truck Simulator's upcoming Texas DLC with a deep dive into the exciting world of offshore shipyards. Texas is massive and to help fill out the expanded scope of this new expansion, the devs are bringing us some new industries.
There are two offshore shipyards highlighted in the new blog post. Corpus Christi specialises in such things as the "the design and deconstruction of offshore oil rigs, working with shipwrecks, and construction of other subsea and offshore structures". The Brownsville facility is "the foremost offshore shipyard in the Gulf of Mexico, and its experienced workforce is focused more on the oil rigs".
You can see the Corpus Christi shipyard above, and the Brownsville service below. American Truck Simulator's Texas DLC was announced back in March, and it still doesn't have a release date.

If you've ever wanted to own a truly obscure piece of videogame history, then you're in luck. We're giving away codes for Ziggurat Interactive and Empty Clip Studios' loving restoration of the once-lost interactive movie American Hero, and you could be in with a chance of adding this unique game to your library.
American Hero, if you're not up on your lost gaming artifacts, is a full motion video (FMV) game that centres on a former American intelligence officer called Jack, who has to stop a nefarious plot involving a sinister virus being spread through the Los Angeles water supply. It was originally developed for the Atari Jaguar CD, and even had the entire film portion of the game shot, but was cancelled before it could be finished thanks to the Jaguar's less than stellar sales.
But now, Ziggurat Interactive has partnered with developer Empty Clip Studios to finish off the game using restored footage already shot nearly 30 years ago. That's no easy task – American Hero was designed for a seamless FMV experience, where your split-second decisions would instantly lead to the next branch on your chosen story path. And with plenty of decisions to make as you work your way through the fast-paced, action-heavy story, there's a lot of rapid-fire transitions to implement.

The age of the Minecraft 1.18 snapshot is over - the time of the Minecraft 1.18 pre-release has come. The 1.18 update, otherwise known as Caves and Cliffs part two, is nearly ready for release, and thus our usual weekly dollop of snapshot betas previewing new features has dried up in favour of some final bug fixes through pre-release candidates.
1.18 pre-release 1 restores amplified and large biome worlds to the Create World screen, after they'd gone missing in previous snapshots. However, cave and floating islands world types will not be restored, as the devs say they never quite supported them in the first place - consequently, this means you should see better support for amplified and large biome worlds in the future.
The pre-release also improves terrain blending yet again, and comes with a host of bug fixes that you can examine in-depth on the official site. If you're not into beta testing, what all this means is that the Minecraft 1.18 release date is coming very soon, pending the last handful of technical issues.
RELATED LINKS: Minecraft console commands, Minecraft skins, Minecraft mods
Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is here, and with it, the event that the community has taken to calling the 'modpocalypse'. An update to Skyrim Special Edition changes the game in such a way that some mods - those which directly interact with the game's code - would break. The worst of the issues have been averted thanks to early work from the community, but for now there's still work to be done. Here's what you need to know to keep your favourite Skyrim mods running.
On PC, Skyrim: Anniversary Edition is a DLC upgrade for Skyrim Special Edition which includes all previously-released Creation Club content. A free update for Special Edition includes some of that content, and makes changes to the base game which render native code mods incompatible.
Skyrim Script Extender, otherwise known as SKSE and required for many mods, has already been updated to work with the Anniversary Edition update. This was the biggest concern players had regarding the incoming 'modpocalypse'. Creator Extrwi received early access to the Anniversary update from Bethesda, and published a new version of SKSE on Reddit earlier today. "Due to the large amount of manual code rewrite required for this release, the possibility for bugs is higher than usual," Extrwi says. "That said, things seem to be working better than expected."
RELATED LINKS: Skyrim mods, Play Skyrim, Games like Skyrim
Bungie has a pretty significant update lined up for December 7, the mid-point of Destiny 2's Season of the Lost. The FPS game will see its linear fusion rifles get a nice damage output bump, and a few exotics that have fallen out of favour over the course of the past several updates will get some attention as well.
Bungie design lead Chris Proctor explains that while the team has increased the damage for linear fusion rifles in the Season 14 update, other weapons are still outclassing them thanks to better ease of use. The team will be bumping the damage on linear fusion rifles in PvE up by 10% in the December 7 update to compensate for this.
That'll apply to exotics as well, but a couple of those are getting extra attention. Sleeper Simulant, the exotic Ikelos linear fusion rifle introduced in the Warmind expansion, gets an additional +6% damage buff in PvE, and its magazine will increase from three to four rounds. Arbalest is getting an intrinsic anti-barrier effect, while Lorentz Driver will lose its ability energy regeneration when you pick up a telemetry.
RELATED LINKS: Destiny 2: Beyond Light review, Destiny 2 exotics, Play Destiny 2
Victoria 3 is charting a new course in Paradox's grand strategy game space, and its wholly new vision for warfare may be among the most impactful changes on the way. In the latest dev diary, Paradox goes into some additional detail on how this new system is going to keep war interesting and challenging, without actually having you moving little unit counters around the map.
What's perhaps most fascinating about this week's dev diary is its revelations into how Victoria 3 will be treating your military. There are several key components to an army in Victoria 3, and each of them plug into other aspects of the game. Generals, for example, are political individuals who represent certain interest groups, using influence to lend clout to their chosen causes. Your armies will draw from local resources, the flow of which are governed by your infrastructure and production base.
Like other Pops, servicemen and officers work in buildings - specifically, barracks and conscription centres. These buildings produce battalions, which are Victoria 3's basic military unit, consuming resources that depend on things like your Army Model Law and the technology used in your military. Since they use the same logic as every other production facility, they'll be impacted by factors like market access and the availability of finished goods across your economy.
RELATED LINKS: Victoria 3 release date, The best grand strategy games on PC, The best strategy games on PC
The Pokémon trading card game is the one piece of the Pokéverse I've not drowned in, but I do know that its digital version, Pokémon TCG Online, is meant to be lackluster. That's where new iteration Pokémon TCG Live comes in, although you'll have to wait a while longer for it than intended, as it was announced today that its open beta has been delayed until 2022.

PlanetSide 2's developers teased the creation of a new, fifth continent to be added to the aging MMOFPS back in 2018. Now it's actually happening. The islands of Oshur are a tropical paradise and a "return to the game's roots," say the developers.

Square Enix continue to dribble out their pixel remasters of the Final Fantasy series. FFI through IV have all come out over the past year, with IV landing back in September. Now Final Fantasy V has joined the party, letting you play the classic RPG with more faithful artwork than the derided mobile ports that were available previously.

Turn-based crim sim Empire Of Sin's first DLC, Make It Count, and free Precinct update will both arrive on the same day, November 18th. The free update adds new subdivided neighbourhoods as well as new victory conditions, while the paid DLC adds a new crime boss and more.
Having access to the Xbox app on PC has been a game-changer, especially with the Xbox Game Pass subscription to go with it. That said, the user experience on the app hasn't always been the greatest, and Microsoft is looking to improve it even further. In a new video, Microsoft goes over some of the […]
The post The Xbox App on PC Is Getting Major Updates Including Cloud Gaming, Better Mod Support & More appeared first on Twinfinite.
Earlier this week, Discord founder Jason Citron posted a screenshot of the Discord interface, revealing app integrations with Metamask and WalletConnect, strongly hinting that the platform could introduced NFT support in the near future. This resulted in a ton of backlash from users, who mostly still believe that NFTs are scam (which, fair, most of […]
The post Discord Reassures Users that There Are No Plans for NFT & Cryptocurrency Integration For Now appeared first on Twinfinite.
Today third-party developers released two relevant airport add-ons and showcased a new aircraft coming for Microsoft Flight Simulator.
The post Microsoft Flight Simulator Van's RV-8 Gets New Screenshots; Leipzig and Milas Bodrum Airports Released appeared first on Twinfinite.
Today Square Enix released the newest expansion of Dragon Quest X, titled "Heroes of the Sky" and they're celebrating in a very special way
The post Japan's Aerobatic Team Blue Impulse Paints the Sky of Tokyo in Glorious Dragon Quest X Trailer appeared first on Twinfinite.
Today Nihon Falcom published its financial results for the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2021, and shared news on the Trails series.
The post New Trails Game Coming Next Year As Series Has Shipped Over 6 Million Units appeared first on Twinfinite.
Today, Panic announced that the first installment of their upcoming handheld device, Playdate, has been pushed back from its 2021 shipping schedule due to a critical battery issue. Since this issue wasn't caught until late in the process, it result in the team having to replace the batteries of all Playdates currently in production. As […]
The post Playdate Orders Delayed Until Early 2022 Due to Battery Issues appeared first on Twinfinite.
During the concert to celebrate ten years of Skyrim, Bethesda had a surprise to share with the fans about its upcoming game Starfield.
The post Starfield Music & Artwork Revealed by Bethesda During Skyrim 10th Anniversary Concert appeared first on Twinfinite.
Playdate, the handheld from Panic that comes with a lineup of games that unlocks weekly, ended up delayed until 2022 due to a battery issue.
The post Playdate Handheld Release Delayed to 2022 appeared first on Siliconera.
Tencent expands its reach.
The post Tencent Buys Ninjala and Samurai Jack Developer Soleil appeared first on Siliconera.
The new Pokemon Trading Card Game expansion is a big one! But which are the best Fusion Strike cards? We're here to help.
The post Pokemon TCG: The Best Fusion Strike Cards appeared first on Siliconera.
'Foundational updates' are coming soon to make Xbox gaming less of a hassle on PC As great as Xbox Game...
The post The Xbox PC app will let you install games where you want, which is great news for Xbox Game Pass appeared first on Destructoid.
You can watch but you can't broadcast Today — several years after its debut — the Nintendo Switch now has...
The post Nintendo Switch got the Twitch app today appeared first on Destructoid.
Long-time developer to produce Switch titles As it's that time of year in the world of business, Falcom has released...
The post Falcom to release brand new Trails chapter in September 2022 appeared first on Destructoid.
Panic is also working to stay ahead of wider supply shortages to keep production flowing Time keeps on slippin' into...
The post Playdate 'battery tragedy' delays the handheld's launch to early 2022 appeared first on Destructoid.
Darius classics Steamward bound Taito and shmup-lovers M2 have announced that fab news that Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade Edition is...
The post Darius Cozmic Collection Arcade Edition blasts off on PC next week appeared first on Destructoid.

A new area is coming to WoW.
The post WoW: Shadowlands 9.2.0 Update Detailed appeared first on Gaming Instincts - Next-Generation of Video Game Journalism.