As with every expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, the amount of new content and items is massive. From a new Facewear inventory slot to a new female Hrothgar race, the journey is full of new things to discover. We're going to dive a little further into the DLC and figure out where to get the Air Wheeler A9 mount in FFXIV Dawntrail. How to get Air Wheeler A9 mount in FFXIV Dawntrail Screenshot: Meoni/YouTube If you would like to discover these new places yourself, you should come back once you've found all the new locations, since this article will be discussing the last area you find in Final Fantasy 14 Dawntrail. The Air Wheeler A9 is a brand-new mount introduced in the Dawntrail patch 7.0, and you will find it in Solution Nine. The mount is a motorcycle when traveling on land, with purple LED accents around it. However, it really shows it's worth once you fly off into the sky and it transforms into a drone bike by having its wheels split in two. And with ...