Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Adds Ray-Tracing + 60 FPS Option With New Update
When Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales launched on the PS5 about a month ago, it gave players the option to select between Fidelity and Performance Modes, with the former featuring ray-tracing, but the latter offering performance of 60 frames per second. Thanks to the game's newest update, you can now have the best of both worlds.
As spotted by @ax_zer0 on Twitter, Miles Morales' newest patch on the PS5, update version 1.007.001, adds a new graphical mode called Performance RT. The mode's description states that it offers 60 frames per second gameplay as well as ray-tracing, while making adjustments to things such as scene resolution, reflection quality, and pedestrian density.
Given the kind of game Miles Morales is, 60 frames per second has so far been the best way to play the game, though there's no denying that it looks stunning with ray-tracing turned on. Having a third option that lets you do both while making sacrifices in other areas seems like a great middle ground.
Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is available on PS5 and PS4. You can read our review of the game through here.
#PS5Share, #MarvelsSpiderManMilesMorales New RT 60fps mode in Miles Morales
— π½π π©πΌπππππ
(@ax_zer0) December 9, 2020
Halo Infinite Will Have Premium Cosmetics, Limited-Time Events
343 Industries' Halo Infinite has a new launch window of Fall 2021. The developer also talked about improvements coming to the visuals, from the lightning system to the variety of Brute faces (so say goodbye to Craig). However, it also spoke a bit more about the game's live service elements and once again confirmed that there would be no loot boxes.
Live team design director Ryan Paradis also noted that, "We're not selling power or giving an unfair advantage in-game via any route." Furthermore, there will be "no randomness in rewards" whatsoever. However, because the mode is free to play, there will be cosmetics that can be purchased with real money.
To that end, players can still expect plenty of customization options unlocked through the progression system, the campaign, special events, challenges and even legacy rewards (with Halo 5's SR 152 reward provided as an example). "We will always provide value for pure engagement and simply playing the game. We believe that providing value isn't exclusive to monetary transactions, it's also about making sure you're properly rewarded for the time you're investing into the game. Players that play for free will be able unlock items across a multitude of different customization types to allow them to represent themselves in-game."
Limited-time events will be present but the developer doesn't want "to turn free time into a chore. We're not all about that. Everyone should enjoy their time in Halo Infinite." More details are provided on the coating system which provides more freedom to customize one's Spartan based on patterns, materials, wear and tear and more. It's worth reading about and some examples of the kind of customization possible are provided (albeit via in-engine renders).
Halo Infinite is currently in development for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One and PC.
Cyberpunk 2077's Full Trophy List Now Revealed
After almost a full decade from announcement, tomorrow is finally the day that we will get to play Cyberpunk 2077. The game has been an anticipated one ever since CD Projekt RED's The Witcher 3 grabbed so many. Reviews are floating around (alongside leaked copies) and the reception is pretty positive so far, even if not as overwhelmingly so as many expected. It's also another game for trophy/achievement hunters to get lost in for hours.
As revealed thanks to TrueTrophies, we now know the full trophy list for 2077, which you can see through here (along with a link to reveal the hidden trophies if you're not bothered by potential spoilers). There's a total of 45 trophies for the PS4 version, and presumably this will be the same for the Xbox One and Steam achievement lists minus the platinum. For the most part, there's nothing here too surprising and a lot of it is your usual complete all of so-and-so and find all of so-and-so with a few novelty ones you'd expect like sniping two enemies at once. The game's main campaign alone is said to be about 37 hours, so if you plan to get all of them, you'll be playing a good while no doubt.
Cyberpunk 2077 releases December 10th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia.
There are few phrases in this world that trigger my brain like "Metal Gear Solid Remake" and "Silent Hill Revival" do. And I seriously doubt I'm alone on that. Every time either of these phrases are mentioned even in the most passing of ways, it spawns a massive, self-perpetuating chain reaction of articles and opinion pieces (much like this one) that examine whatever little morsel of news spurred it on from every possible direction. And that's not entirely without merit, as Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid are a couple of the greatest gaming franchises of all time.
Why wouldn't masses and masses of gamers be interested in new developments for those games? As a result, every single morsel of information that has surfaced about the possibility of these two franchises making any sort of comeback has been understandably scrutinized. This is a good thing, as the only thing worse than not getting a fitting revival of either franchise is spending a lot of time under the false belief that we are. So let's take a close look at the current state of the rumor mill with these games.
The first rumor we'll dive into is the claim that Bluepoint Games is currently hard at work on a remake of Metal Gear Solid. On its face this doesn't seem to be outside of the realm of possibility at all, as Bluepoint has been at the helm of many great remakes and remasters, in fact, I think it's safe to say they are basically the gold standard of that sort of thing. The Shadow of the Colossus and Demon's Souls remakes were excellent titles and it would make sense that they go for something even bigger and more meaningful next, which something like Metal Gear Solid would certainly be. This rumor comes from a source that has gotten things right (YouTube Channel: Moore's Law Is Dead) in the past, but the correct prediction that everybody is pointing to as a source of the leaker's credibility is the sequel to 2018's God of War, which isn't exactly the spiciest prediction I've ever heard.
Everybody pretty much knew that we would get another God of War. Especially considering what a hit 2018's entry into that franchise was. The fact that it was announced was a surprise to nobody. The thing that gives the Metal Gear Solid remake rumor real credibility is the fact that it's coming from many different sources, not just one guy or gal. It also seems to be a reasonable path for Konami to take with the franchise at this point anyway, rumors aside completely. With Hideo Kojima out of the picture at Konami, making new Metal Gear Solid games a tough nut to crack, and remakes and remasters being as hot as they are right now as a way for publishers with beloved IPs to cash in on nostalgia, The idea of a remake of Metal Gear Solid is not exactly a farfetched one… it actually makes a lot of sense.
The prominent rumor in question today also states that this remake has been in the oven for several years and features mechanics from Metal Gear Solid V. These again, are things that make absolute sense as the controls from Metal Gear Solid V were probably the best part of the game and with how successful Bluepoint games has become, it would make sense that they would have something cooking on the back burner while wrapping up Demon's Souls for the PS5 launch. If they have shifted their primary focus over to the Metal Gear Solid remake at this point they probably have something else getting started in the background of that. But again the most eye-catching part of all of this is that the source saying these things is not alone, and there are other reasons to think a Metal Gear Solid remake is on the way.
Let's not forget the infamous tweet from 2019's October from Bluepoint Games themselves, that seemed to reference multiple beloved games that are ripe for a revival, reading: "A symphony of rumors – not one, but two – return from shadow. A resistance to dart home as black monsters escape twisted hills to wander lands and syphon souls. Filter your candy collections, soft from solid, and be eco-friendly." Out of all of the cryptic tweets that developers have made that hint at future projects this is still probably my favorite. All at once it seems to reference the Resistance series, Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and maybe even Tenchu unless I'm reading too much into the "from the shadows" part. Some of these are probably red herrings, but it does seem to indicate that blue point has their finger on the pulse of gamers- at least when it comes to which games they would like to see remastered or remade.
But if that's not enough for you there's also an odd sound players are discovering in the Nexus of the Demon's Souls remaster that many are saying is a clip from either Metal Gear Solid menu noises or Metal Gear Rex, but as a guy who has played through Metal Gear Solid probably a hundred times I don't recognize it myself. Some are also saying it's a reference to Elden Ring and not Metal Gear Solid at all. It could also just be a creepy sound that they decided to put in the Nexus, so take from that what you will. Regardless of any of that I do think a Metal Gear Solid remake does make a lot of sense for a lot of reasons for a lot of invested parties. I'd be more surprised if we didn't get one within the next few years. Whether or not this is the next thing to come from Bluepoint is something I'm less sure of, but I wouldn't bet against it.
The next tantalizing piece of gossip surrounding beloved Konami IPs, is the claim that Silent Hills is getting revived and put back into production. In fact, we are on the eve of some sort of Silent Hill announcements at the game awards and just a couple of days. Like most gaming rumors this one also started on Twitter and like all things that start on Twitter I'm skeptical of its legitimacy, but again I can't help but notice that this it's not the first time this rumor has surfaced and this is not the only place it has come from. As we at GamingBolt have reported, Kojima himself has hinted at working on a horror and some of the folks from the fabled Team Silent who are now reportedly at Japan Studio under Sony are rumored to be working on the new Silent Hill game.
For these two things not to be related and not to have something to do with Silent Hill seems like more of a stretch than for it to just be true. What exactly the Silent Hill project is is a little bit foggy here than the Metal Gear Solid situation. Some leaks and rumors point to a remake of the first game, while some point to a new Silent Hill game entirely in more of an Until Dawn or Telltale style, while some point to the actual revival of Silent Hills specifically; the game that Kojima was working on before his Infamous falling out with the publishing giant Konami. Speculation on what exactly is going on with Silent Hill has been rampant the past year despite Konami trying to pour cold water on it at one point. More recently, Imran Khan, a long-established former Game Informer writer and now Kinda Funny host, said that he knows the people who are rumored to be working on the new Silent Hill game are in fact working on "something". The people he's referring to have worked on Gravity Rush, Siren, The Last Guardian, and lots of other more recent projects in Japan Studio.
The rumors for both projects are certainly piling up, and I think that is really the crux of the story here. Rumors about anything come and go from time to time, and there's nothing wrong with talking about them and letting them have their moment. But if credibility is what you're looking for then what you really want to see are patterns. Different sources saying similar things. Cryptic tweets from developers, small admissions from staff, and slips from well-connected podcasters are all things that, on their own, aren't necessarily worthy of intense examination, but once they all start to add up and corroborate each other, then you might have something there. The next step from here is to wait and see what happens at the game awards and do our best to keep our expectations in check until then.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Marvel's Avengers – Kate Bishop Update Is Available Now
At this point, it's no secret that Square Enix's crack at the superhero genre with Marvel's Avengers wasn't a success. The game seemed to sell well enough out of the gate, but its since been revealed the game has not yet recouped its development cost and was the main reason for losses in the company's most recent quarter. Whether or not the game can recover is up in the air, but Square's plan for it to do so is tons of additional content, and the first of that is available now.
The first batch of DLC for the game features Kate Bishop, a character that has used the Hawkeye moniker in the past (though isn't doing so here) and is on a quest to find the original Hawkeye, Clint Barton. The update includes Kate as a playable character, continued narrative, new cosmetics and a new Operation called Taking Aim. You can see a brief teaser for it below.
Marvel's Avengers is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. The Kate Bishop DLC is live across all platforms. A native PS5 and Xbox Series X/S version is slated to come at some point in 2021.
Marvel's Avengers Operation: Kate Bishop – #TakingAim is available NOW!
New Hero: #PlayKateBishop
New Operation
Continued Narrative
New Cosmetics
Uncover the truth behind AIM's new activities and how the Reassemble Campaign was just the beginning.
— Marvel's Avengers (@PlayAvengers) December 8, 2020
Cyberpunk 2077 Reportedly Offers Performance/Quality Mode Options on Xbox Series X, But Not on PS5
Cyberpunk 2077 won't be receiving its dedicated PS5 and Xbox Series X/S ports until some time in 2021, but it will, of course, still be playable on the consoles via backward compatibility when it launches tomorrow, and it will also benefit from visual and technical enhancements. For instance, it came to light earlier that on the Xbox Series X, the game offers options for Performance and Quality modes, with the former allowing for 60 FPS gameplay, and the latter letting you make sacrifices in the performance department in favour of higher visual fidelity.
However, it seems like that's not an option on the PS5. As reported by VGC, when you boot up Cyberpunk 2077 on the PS5 (which is running the PS4 version via backward compatibility), you do not get the option to select between Performance and Quality modes in the menu, unlike on the Xbox Series X. Instead, the game seems to default to Performance mode with 60 FPS gameplay.
CD Projekt RED haven't yet commented on the matter, and it remains to be seen whether a Quality mode is something they will eventually add as an option to the game on PS5.
Cyberpunk 2077 is out for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia tomorrow, and will be playable on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 via backward compatibility. Check out its launch trailer here. CDPR also snuck in a hidden message in said trailer talking about their post-launch plans for the RPG. Read more on that through here.
Cyberpunk 2077 Launch Trailer Promises Free DLC and "Substantial" Expansions in Hidden Message
We're less than a day away from the launch of Cyberpunk 2077 now, and to commemorate its long-awaited release, CD Projekt RED released a launch trailer yesterday. As they often do though, they snuck a hidden message into the trailer. As spotted by Twinfinite, a message right at the end of the trailer (which you can view a screencap of below) talks about CDPR's upcoming plans for the game's expansions and DLC.
In line with previous comments on the topic, CD Projekt RED says in its message that Cyberpunk 2077 will receive "substantial" and story-driven expansions similar to The Witcher 3, and that before that, the game will also begin receiving free DLC in early 2021.
"We've mentioned before that expansions will be coming, and while we're not ready yo talk specifics just yet, we will say that we learned a lot from our work on both Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine," the message reads. "Our planned expansions will take you even deeper into the world of Cyberpunk 2077, offering substantial, story-driven content that'll give you though choices to make through impactful narratives that you won't soon forget.
"But before we get there, we'll first be kicking our free DLC program in early 2021. Just like with The Witcher 3, expect an assortment of free DLC packs to begin hitting Night City, dropping a bunch of cool stuff that'll inject even more life into the world of the dark future."
CD Projekt recently said that they would be revealing details on the open world RPG's expansions in early 2021.
Cyberpunk 2077 is out tomorrow for PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia, and will also be playable on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S via backward compatibility.
Disco Elysium Website is Teasing an Imminent Announcement
Disco Elysium was one of the most highly acclaimed and widely beloved games of 2019, and is perhaps one of the best RPGs that has come out over the last decade. Developer ZA/UM have had console and Switch ports planned for some time, and though they were due out some time in 2020, there have been little to no updates on that front in a while. That, however, could change soon.
Disco Elysium's official website is teasing an imminent announcement. If you head over to the site, you will be met with a single screen that has the word "soon" boldly splashed across it (you can take a look below). It's possible that we could be getting a Disco Elysium-related announcement soon- perhaps at the upcoming The Game Awards. A release date announcement might be headed our way, though the dream scenario would be a shadow drop. We'll take what we get though.
Currently, Disco Elysium is available on PC. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more updates.
DOOM Eternal is Now Available for Nintendo Switch
Id Software's DOOM Eternal is out now for the Nintendo Switch, available digitally via the Nintendo eShop. While a physical retail version currently isn't happening, Switch players will finally get to experience the stellar first person shooter. Total storage space required should be 18.8 GB.
Ported by Panic Button, DOOM Eternal on Switch features all of the same content as the other versions, like the campaign and BattleMode. Some new features include gyroscopic aiming controls but these can be disabled as the player sees fit. While the visuals are definitely pared down, it's a miracle that the game runs at all on the platform.
Check out our review for the base game here, which is currently available for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia. It's also receiving free upgrades for Xbox Series X/S and PS5 though id Software doesn't have a release window for the same. Stay tuned for more information, especially regarding the release of The Ancient Gods – Part 1 DLC for Switch.
DOOM Eternal is available now for #NintendoSwitch
Become the Slayer and conquer demons across dimensions. The only thing they fear… is you!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) December 8, 2020
Destiny 2: Season of the Hunt – Hawkmoon Quest is Now Live
After many requests and the return of other Exotic handcannons, Hawkmoon is finally in Destiny 2. It's part of Season of the Hunt which means you explicitly need to purchase the season pass to access it. And no, owning the Beyond Light expansion isn't enough.
As seen in the trailer below, Hawkmoon has a new Exotic perk called Paracausal Shot. This causes the final shot in a magazine to deal bonus damage based on the number of final blows and precision hits dealt beforehand. Stowing the weapon at any time removes the stacks so don't count on abusing it like Destiny's Final Round perk.
Hawkmoon is one of two new Exotics introduced in Season of the Hunt, the other being the shotgun Duality. Several new Exotics are also included in Beyond Light, like the Exotic sniper rifle Cloudstrike and the raid rocket launcher Eyes of Tomorrow. Stay tuned for details on future gear and weapons in the coming months.