PC Invasion - FeedDDD Friday, May 20, 2022 11:00 PM  As you explore the world of V Rising, you'll pick up tons of loot and increase your gear score. The problem, however, is that there's nothing else that you can do with your old items unless you throw them away or hand them to servants. Thankfully, you'll soon discover a means of getting back some resources. Here's our V Rising guide to help you dismantle items to reacquire materials using The Devourer. Note: We'll have a V Rising guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. V Rising guide: How to dismantle items for materials using The Devourer To build The Devourer and dismantle gear in V Rising, you'll need to defeat a boss named Lidia the Chaos Archer. She can be tracked via the Blood Altar, but you do need to have 20 gear score or higher. If she shows up on the list, go ahead and track her. You'll find her patrolling along the path between the small Bear Territory and Bandit Camp areas in Farbane Woods. Both of these locations are so... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Friday, May 20, 2022 10:25 PM  Given that you're playing as a vampire in V Rising, you might be wondering how to use your powers of charm and persuasion. Fear not, because you should be able to do just that by following a few tasks. Here's our V Rising guide to help you control humans so you can turn them into servants with the Servant Coffin. Note: We'll have a V Rising guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. V Rising guide: How to control humans and turn them using the Servant Coffin Before you can control humans with the Servant Coffin in V Rising, you'll first need to acquire Greater Blood Essence. We discuss that in our Unsullied Heart/Greater Blood Essence guide. As for the Servant Coffin itself, you'll find the blueprint in the Production – Dominance tab. It requires 16x Plank, 8x Copper Ingot, and 1x Greater Blood Essence. After constructing the object, interact with it to gain a power called Dominating Presence. This is akin to a shapeshift/change state abili... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Friday, May 20, 2022 9:40 PM  Greater Blood Essence is one of the requirements in V Rising if you're following the main quest. Unfortunately, the game doesn't directly how to get it, and it can take a while before you amass the materials that you need. Here's our V Rising guide to help you get Greater Blood Essence and Unsullied Heart items for the Servant Coffin Note: We'll have a V Rising guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. V Rising guide: How to get Greater Blood Essence and Unsullied Heart for the Servant Coffin The task to find Greater Blood Essence in V Rising shows up after you've built a Castle Roof. Specifically, you're asked to construct and interact with a Servant Coffin, which needs that particular item. Before you could make that, however, you'll want to go to the build menu. In the Production – Refinement tab, you'll find the Blood Press (12x Plank and 120x Stone). The Blood Press allows you to convert 4x Unsullied Heart into 1x Gre... |