Bravely Default 2, Octopath Traveler Producer Explains Via Famitsu How Covid-19 Affected Development

This week's Famitsu magazine (Weekly Famitsu Magazine November 5 2020 Issue) includes an interview on the Octopath Traveler prequel, Tairiku no Hasha, and also touches on Bravely Default 2, coming exclusively to Switch. Both series have different development teams but share a Producer, Tomoya Asano. In an interview together with Yuuki Yokoyama, the two producers shared interesting tidbits on Octopath Traveler, which we covered, but also on how the Bravely Default team and the Octopath Traveler team were hit differently by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the Famitsu interview, Yuuki Yokoyama mentioned the Octopath Traveler team was previously strengthening itself, hiring a lot of staff and in the process consolidated its communication tools. Creating an environment that makes development easy even through remote work. As such, even when the Covid-19 situation started, the game's development stayed smooth.
In counterpart, Tomoya Asano explained that the Bravely Default 2 team didn't have a remote work environment already planned out like the Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha team, so the game's development suffered a lot because of that. He explained that when the Corona virus state of emergency happened in Japan, from April 8 until May 6. they forcibly switched to remote work without a lot of preparation. And now ever since it was lifted, they're going back to the studio, while being wary of the Three Cs.
と生島さんが描いてくれました。#ブレイブリーデフォルト2 の情報は近いうちにお出しできる予定ですので、どうぞチェック下さいm_ _m— ブレイブリーデフォルトII公式 (@BDFF_OFFICIAL) October 11, 2020
Judging from all this, the development of Bravely Default 2 was quite the ordeal. However, we learned since June that the game is in its final stages of development. Moreover, the Bravely Default Japanese Twitter teased in mid October that we'll get news soon. This will possibly be a release date. For now, Bravely Default 2 is only planned for "2020".
You can preorder Bravely Default 2 on Amazon to support us so we can keep bringing you cool and unique coverage like this.
The post Bravely Default 2, Octopath Traveler Producer Explains Via Famitsu How Covid-19 Affected Development by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Octopath Traveler Prequel Producers Share New Details Via Famitsu

This week's Famitsu magazine (officially titled Weekly Famitsu Magazine November 5 2020 Issue) included a 20 pages feature on Octopath Traveler (Switch, PC), and its prequel Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha, launching in Japan on mobile on October 28. Most of the feature is a recap of everything revealed about the prequel before launch, but also includes a 2 pages staff interview with new details. The interview is with Tomoya Asano, Planning, Producer, and Yuuki Yokoyama, Producer, both at Square Enix,
Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha, which can be translated to Champions of the Continent, is a prequel to the original, and is a single player full fledged JRPG experience, despite being on Mobile and having gacha elements. It'll even have an actual ending at launch.
In the interview, Yuuki Yokoyama first explained why Tairiku no Hasha was delayed for so long, from its late 2019 release estimate to October 2020. In a nutshell, Yokoyama mentioned they needed more time to make the game's main story a full fledged experience that will satisfy the fans. And while it'll be a complete game at launch, they're working on adding new stories every one or two months after release. And if you're worried about when they'll run out, Yokoyama said he already thought up at least 2 years worth of story content in advance. New protagonists will be added too, at a pace faster than one per month. Yuuki Yokoyama also said some of the new protagonists will make fans of the original game happy.
A Closed Test of Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha happened from March 26 to April 2, 2019. 1600 players, 800 on iOS and 800 on Android, were selected to try the game out. More than 100 changes and improvements have been made in the launch version compared to this test. Most are based on players feedback. For example, the trial version didn't show the characters and enemies' turn order during battles. That's because it's a smartphone game, people will play on small screens, so they didn't want to crowd the UI. However they decided it's definitely better to show the turn order at all times after many players asked for it. Many improvements like this were made.

In Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha, 8 characters can participate in battles together. That's four more than in the original game on Switch and PC. Yuuki Yokoyama explained the battle system is the same, and how you need to Break enemies by targeting their weaknesses, and use the Boost function accordingly. He added Tomoya Asano's games are often hard to balance. They felt having eight characters in battle is the best number of characters, or else the game would have been too difficult. They also made sure the touch controls feels nice and responsive. When exploring the dungeons and fields, there's also an auto mode to a certain extent. Overall, the team worked hard so it's a satisfying game whether you played the original or not.
There are other differences with the original, like the dialogue events being a bit shorter because it's on mobile. The scenario is always there for the gameplay, and not the other way around, with no filler. The game follows a similar pattern of town, event, dungeon, boss, rinse and repeat as the original, but there a lot of sub events. And a lot of player freedom, letting you pick stories.
Moreover, the original Octopath Traveler was built around the eight stories of the eight protagonists. This sequel, Tairiku no Hasha, is instead built around the three villains and each of their routes. The Wealth route with the "Witch of Greed" Helminia. The Power route with "The Hero" Titus. The Glory route with "The Playwright" Arguste.

Players pick a route at the beginning, but you can do all three. The game focuses on developing the trio of villains and properly portraying each, giving the story an overall darker and serious adult feel compared to the original Octopath. On the other hand, there are also individual stories focusing on each playable character, with a lighter tone.
There are 64 playable characters you can get in Tairiku no Hasha at launch, with more coming. Tomoya Asano wanted each one of them to be a protagonist, so it was particularly hard to write for Yuuki Yokoyama and the team. And while it's a gacha, with characters having either 3 stars or 5 stars rarity, there is no difference in how they're treated story-wise, and they each have the same amount of story.

Some of the townspeople of the original game are also among the 64 protagonists in this prequel. There are a lot of references for those who played the original. Tomoya Asano also wanted each protagonist to have their own illustration. The artwork were all supervised by Naoki Ikushima, the character designer of Octopath Traveler. Meaning he didn't draw them all directly, but they retain his style. The new artwork below, which was used as Famitsu's cover, showing the three villains of the game, was directly drawn by Naoki Ikushima:

The game's original composer, Yasunori Nishiki, is back on this prequel as well.
That's all folks.
\あと6日!/#オクトラ大陸の覇者 10/28(水)正式サービス開始!
App Store:
Google Play:— オクトパストラベラー 大陸の覇者【公式】 (@OCTOPATH_SP) October 21, 2020
The prequel Octopath Traveler Tairiku no Hasha was only announced in Japan for now, and launches there on October 28, on iOS and Android. However, Square Enix teased an English version will be coming. The original Octopath Traveler shipped over 2 million copies now, so this will definitely come over.
The post Octopath Traveler Prequel Producers Share New Details Via Famitsu by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Half Life: Alyx Mod Brings the Combine to Bioshock's Rapture

It's certainly not a crossover anyone was asking for, but nobody's going to be upset about it either. A modder has brought the world of Half-Life: Alyx somewhere under the sea, combining the worlds of Half-Life and Bioshock in one strange story.
The mod, titled Return to Rapture by wim.buytaert.1988, places Alyx in a bathysphere destined for Andrew Ryan's city. This isn't some aesthetic mod either, there is a full-on story, working vita chambers, audio logs and even the totally not annoying or nightmare-inducing circus of value vending machines.
In Return to Rapture, the Combine discover the underwater dystopia after its fall to ruin and the powerful plasmids it hides. Alyx has to head down there and prevent the invaders from getting their hands on plasmids like target dummy and sonic boom, you know, the really deadly ones. Sadly, players won't be able to use plasmids themselves, but no worries, Alyx still has her gravity gloves and plenty of firepower to take out any Combine trying to get their hands on Rapture's sunken treasure.
While this recreation of Rapture isn't perfect, it certainly captures the overall vibe of the underwater city. Its tight, dimly lit corridors are suffocating, and the general state of Alyx's surroundings is pretty bad.
This isn't the first time modders have brought other game worlds into the realm of Half-Life. Another mod on the Steam Workshop introduces Alyx to the terrifying corridors of PT, the demo for Hideo Kojima's doomed Silent Hill game.
Either way, Return to Rapture is a fantastic demonstration of what's possible when modders are given the right tools and the right platform. It also shows just how badly we need a Bioshock VR title. Just imagine it – you could plasmids off at Big Daddies as if you were right there. I didn't buy VR for Half Life, but I might consider it for Bioshock.
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Scorn Gets It's First Gameplay Video and It Is Really Weird

Scorn is one of the upcoming Xbox Series X/S exclusives that was teased during an Inside Xbox back in May with a CGI trailer. The game was originally announced back in 2014 after being funded through Kickstarter for PC, but after numerous years of development, it will be a console exclusive for the next-generation of Xbox consoles while still coming to PC.
Scorn Xbox Series X Gameplay Trailer. Release date 2021.
— Scorn (@scorn_game) October 21, 2020
The CGI trailer that was shown months back was weird and ominous, to say the least, and the gameplay trailer released today holds up that impression. Seemingly as a first-person shooter Metroidvania, Scorn has you travel around in a grotesque environment filled with intestines and organs while running into skin covered creatures that are honestly a little difficult to describe.
It appears that most of your tools will be connected to your gun, where you can remove the front end to switch different weapon types. The trailer showed off a pistol, shotgun, and even a grenade launcher in use. There is also an attachment that works like a key that can cause gates to open or close.
Despite being in a horror setting there doesn't seem to be any jump scares or tension that I personally experienced that most games of the genre are known for seemingly fitting more as an atmospheric horror than franchises like Resident Evil. It will be interesting to see how Scorn turns out once it releases next year.
Scorn is set to release sometime in 2021 on Xbox Series X, Series S, and PC. It will also be available on day one on Xbox Game Pass.
The post Scorn Gets It's First Gameplay Video and It Is Really Weird by Cameron Hawkins appeared first on DualShockers.
Xbox is Seemingly Having Some Kind of Presentation in Early November

The Xbox Series X and Series S will be releasing on November 10, but it looks as though Microsoft has more news for us regarding the next-gen consoles right before their launch.
Tune in November 9th, 11pm NZDT / 9pm AEDT#PowerYourDreams
— Xbox ANZ (@XboxANZ) October 21, 2020
Last night, the official Twitter account for Xbox Australia and New Zealand posted a video announcement regarding that is reminiscent of what the company does when they are planning a presentation. Whatever it may be, it is going to be shown at 11 pm NZDT (3 am PST/6 am EST). Xbox Mexico posted a similar announcement last week, but with no additional information on what the event will be. This could quite possibly be something that is only significant to those markets, but I'm not sure what it would be when we already know that both consoles will release on November 10 just like the U.S.
Esta es una celebración especial para ti.
No te la pierdas, espera más detalles pronto. #XboxSeriesX #XboxSeriesS #PowerYourDreams
— Xbox México (@XboxMexico) October 14, 2020
There have already been rumors that Microsoft will have at least one more acquisition announcement before the end of the year so this could possibly be it. I've already said before that Xbox needs a major Japanese studio to cover all their bases going into next-gen. A lot of people have been speculating about SEGA especially after a fake screenshot appeared back in April and have continued to run with it.
For now, we will just have to wait for new information to come to light on what we can expect from this upcoming Xbox announcement.
Be sure to check back in as we update you with everything regarding the Xbox Series X and Series S as we get closer to launch.
The post Xbox is Seemingly Having Some Kind of Presentation in Early November by Cameron Hawkins appeared first on DualShockers.
Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity Introduces Purah And Robbie, New Screenshots

On October 21, the Japanese Twitter account for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity revealed the character profiles for Purah and Robbie. Nintendo, Koei Tecmo and Omega Force revealed the two characters with one of the previous short trailers. The other ones so far teased a mysterious ominous-looking character, and another one focused on the Champions.
Here's a translation of the profile for Purah (Purua in Japanese):
【『ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録』-プルア】
古代遺物研究の第一人者である シーカー族。インパの姉であり ロベリーとは同僚。
頭脳明晰だが 研究に熱中して周囲を振り回すことも。ゼルダ無双 #ゼルダの伝説 #Zelda— 『ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録』公式アカウント (@zelda_musou) October 21, 2020

A Sheikah who leads the research of ancient relics. Purah is Impa's big sister and Robbie's colleague. She's a brilliant scientist but can get absorbed a bit too much in her studies, dragging everyone else into her research.
In the original Breath of the Wild, Purah can be found in the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab of Hateno Village, where you can upgrade the Sheikah Slate.
Next up, here is our translation of the profile for Robbie in Age of Calamity (Roberi in Japanese):
【『ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録』-ロベリ―】
古代遺物の発掘や調査に関わる シーカー族の研究者。ガーディアン研究の第一人者で プルアの同僚。
ロックな反骨精神を持つが プルアには振り回されがち。ゼルダ無双 #ゼルダの伝説 #Zelda— 『ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録』公式アカウント (@zelda_musou) October 21, 2020

A Sheikah researcher involved in the excavation and study of ancient relics. He's the lead scientist on Guardian research and Purah's colleague. Robbie has a Rock and rebellious mind but tends to get dragged around by Purah.
In the original Breath of the Wild, Robbie can be found at the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab, where you can craft Ancient equipment and items.
As a side , the December issue of Dengeki Nintnedo, released on October 21, has a feature on the game. Which shouldn't include any new details but is still nice to own if you live in Japan and can easily grab it. Plus it has a really cool Fire Emblem Three Houses Dimitri card for FE Cipher, which just ended this October.
カッコイイ表紙が目印! 今号は 『ゼルダ無双 厄災の黙示録』を大特集! さらに、『モンスターハンターライズ』 、スーパーマリオ35周年タイトルなど新着情報をお届け!ゼルダ無双 #モンハンライズ #スーパーマリオ35周年
— 電撃Nintendo (@dengekinintendo) October 21, 2020
You can watch some Urbosa gameplay from Treehouse and some Link and Impa gameplay from Tokyo Game Show 2020. More gameplay was also revealed at TGS 2020, with Producer Yousuke Hayashi saying he's really happy with fan reception so far.
Zelda Musou Yakusai no Mokushiroku / Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity will launch exclusively on Nintendo Switch on November 20. You can preorder it on Amazon to support us.
The post Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity Introduces Purah And Robbie, New Screenshots by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
Darkest Dungeon 2 Teaser Reveals a 2021 Early Access Launch

Darkest Dungeon 2 is the sequel to one of the darkest and most oppressive video games I've ever played. The original game doesn't seem to care much whether you succeed or fail. Instead, it forces you to meet its challenge or go home. While we still don't know too much about the sequel, today the team at Red Hook Studios announced its coming to early access via the Epic Game Store sometime next year. Give the gritty teaser a watch below.
Again, this teaser doesn't give us more info than the early access release date. That said, the short trailer does, at the very least, give us even more of those darkly gorgeous Darkest Dungeon 2 visuals. And really, I'm not sure if fans of the original need to be convinced that the sequel is going to be great. The community already loved the first one; they just need to do even more of that.
Plus, it's not like Red Hook isn't busy. Heck, they just launched a Kickstarter for the board game version of Darkest Dungeon. As of this writing, that game has already cleared $1 million with two weeks to go. I doubt it hits Frosthaven heights, but that's a massive success for Red Hook and their partners at Mythic Games.
Either way, we don't have to wait too much longer to see what Red Hook has cooking for Darkest Dungeon 2. The early access comes to PC via the Epic Game Store in 2021. Until then, play the original if you haven't. I highly recommend it.
The post Darkest Dungeon 2 Teaser Reveals a 2021 Early Access Launch by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Devolver Digital Acquires Serious Sam Developer Croteam

Devolver Digital and Croteam have finally made it official; they're sticking together for the long haul. Today, the indie mega-publisher announced that they have acquired the Serious Sam studio. Or maybe Croteam acquired Devolver? Who can really say? What is clear, is that players looking for their next Serious Sam fix or who can't wait to play The Talos Principle 2 will be doing so with Devolver as the publisher.
Devolver has acquired Croteam.
Maybe Croteam has acquired Devolver.
Either way, we're married now.
— Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) October 21, 2020
Of course, anyone paying attention to the two companies isn't that surprised by this news. After all, Devolver Digital's first work as a publishing partner was with Croteam with Serious Sam 3. However, what might a little less well-known is that the original Serious Sam games also have some Devolver connections. Those games were published by Gathering of Developers, which Devolver Digital founder Mike Wilson helped start in 1998. That Wilson-Croteam connection likely made this deal relatively simple.
Not that you were worried, but, in the announcement, Devolver made it clear that Croteam will retain "total creative freedom" from the publisher. So, while Fox Parker is free to make recommendations, Croteam will probably just ignore them.
Regardless, this deal makes total sense. The companies have been working together for so long that this marriage seemed destined. Devolver Digital's publishing output is getting downright staggering at this point. It'll be interesting to see if they bring in any of their other long-time partners somewhere down the road.
Serious Sam 4 is available now on PC and Stadia. It's probably not going to blow you away, but it's the definition of dumb fun. Plus, the shotgun is overpowered to a ridiculous degree, which is always fine by me.
The post Devolver Digital Acquires Serious Sam Developer Croteam by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.
Sega x Amplitude Turn Based Strategy Game Humankind Gets New April 2021 Release Window, Stadia Demo

Sega and Amplitude revealed new details on their upcoming historical turn-based strategy game Humankind, most notably a new release date window: April 2021, on PC, Mac, and Stadia. For those whose hearts have already been conquered by Humankind, preorders have opened for all these platforms. If you still have doubts whether the game is for you or not, Humankind can be tried out right now on Google Stadia, from October 21 to October 28. A new trailer was published as well and can be found further below.
The Stadia demo of Humankind is an OpenDev gameplay scenario, allowing players to play for 100 turns. The demo is free.
Humankind is developed on Unity by Amplitude Studios, and published by Sega. All of these new details come from Unity's Unite Now Creator Spotlight, focusing on Amplitude. New behind the scenes content was shared as well. First, we have Tim Raulin and Romain de Waubert from Amplitude Studios on the Unity's Behind the Game podcast, discussing how the community helped shape the game. Next, we still have Tim Raulin, this time presenting a video tech talk to discuss how the team kept the game running fast while managing the assets required to build an entire empire in Humankind.
Lastly, new screenshots have been shared as well, and can be found further below.
Humankind Release Date Window, Gameplay Trailer
Humankind was first announced at in August 2019 at Gamescom. Another gameplay video focusing on terrain changes was published earlier in 2020.

The post Sega x Amplitude Turn Based Strategy Game Humankind Gets New April 2021 Release Window, Stadia Demo by Iyane Agossah appeared first on DualShockers.
PUBG Season 9 Is Here With Paramo, a Wild New Map

PUBG Season 9 kicks off today, which means it's time for the player base to explore the island of Paramo. If you've yet to see it before, Paramo is home to an active volcano, which will make each game feel a little unique. As you play on the small-scale map, you'll have to deal with dynamic lava flows and an ever-changing map. It's quite a spectacle. Watch the latest trailer for yourself below.
As you can see, the latest PUBG map has some ridiculous visual flair. Fighting against hordes of other players as a volcano pops off in the background is going to be pretty incredible. As you play, you'll also work your way through the game's season passes.
You read that correctly, PUBG Season 9 will have two different season passes. The first is "dedicated to the rich culture and aesthetic of Paramo" and will be a bit different than usual to accommodate a shorter season. After that, the 9.2 update will bring another pass that focuses on a character that fans will likely recognize.
It's also worth noting that the team has created a new official lore site. There's not much there just yet, but it definitely seems like the PUBG team wants to add some narrative and background to the events of their battle royale. I'll be interested to see where they take it once it gets updated.
PUBG is available now on Mobile, PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Season 9 is on as we speak, so make sure to get there and explore that volcano.
The post PUBG Season 9 Is Here With Paramo, a Wild New Map by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.