Review: G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout
When "movable fighting man" G.I. Joe first made his way to British shores in the 1960s, he was renamed as the less nation-specific "Action Man." Despite this amusingly bland new moniker, Action Man was still a smash success with British kids, going on to sell thousands of dolls, ("It's an action figure, mum!"), in the ensuing decades.
The plastic military man and his kung-fu grip became so huge here in Britain, that when the super-popular G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero animated series made the leap overseas, it also needed to be renamed, to keep marketing in line with the toy range. So do you know what we got? Action Force. ACTION FORCE. The Brits are nothing if not great at poorly localizing American properties. That and making abysmal political decisions.
Nice history lesson, Moyse, but what does this have to do with G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout, GameMill Entertainment's new video game adaptation of the aforementioned Saturday morning show? Honestly, not all that much. But what's important is that now you know, and knowing is half the battle.
Dirt 5 will be a day-one PlayStation 5 game
Even when it comes to games we've known about for a while, the PlayStation 5 launch lineup isn't set in stone just yet. Today, Codemasters confirmed Dirt 5 will make the November 12 deadline.
In a tweet, the studio also reiterated several features: 4K and 120fps support, faster load times, cross-generation multiplayer with the PS4 player base, and "DualSense haptic feedback and adaptive triggers." As we previously learned, there's a free upgrade from PS4 to PS5 – but saves won't transfer.
Aside from the save-file caveat for PlayStation users, the rest of that list should sound familiar. Codemasters is making a similar pitch – including a 120Hz mode – for the Xbox Series X version.
As it now stands, Dirt 5 will hit PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 6, followed by Xbox Series X/S on November 10, and finally PS5 on November 12. There are a lot of dates to keep track of next month. (Speaking of: Dirt 5 will come to PlayStation 5 in "other territories" one week later, on November 19.)
The last time I got a racing game for a just-launched console was Project Gotham Racing 3.
@dirtgame [Twitter]
Don't let Yakuza: Like a Dragon slip through the cracks
I know, I know – November is packed. But try not to forget about Yakuza: Like a Dragon.
You don't need to play it on November 10 – heck, you don't even need to play it on an Xbox Series X (or on a PS5 when March rolls around) – but keep it on your "thinking about you!" list, at the very least.
That might go without saying for a lot of Destructoid readers who are well-versed in the Yakuza series and know what to expect. For everyone else, I hope this game can be a breezy entry point with its English dub (which is wild), its new party-leading hero, Ichiban Kasuga (who's another lovable lug), and its new setting, Yokohama (which is significantly larger than our old stomping grounds in Kamurocho).
That's to say nothing of the surprisingly fresh turn-based combat, which I recently previewed.
Really, this tongue-in-cheek "Next Generation of Yakuza" trailer says it all. No one is out there making games like Yakuza, and we shouldn't take Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio for granted. It's such a heartfelt series.
Risk of Rain 2 console players can face the final boss today with update 1.0
Whether you already own Risk of Rain 2 or you've been waiting for the 1.0 update to land on consoles, today's the day. The fifth – but not final – major update rolled out on Nintendo Switch, PS4, and Xbox One. Before you ask, yes: the Switch version plays well enough to warrant a recommendation.
What does 1.0 entail? Most importantly, there's a new stage and ensuing final boss – along with a "proper ending" – and a new survivor, Captain, who wields microbots and a shotgun. Hopoo has also added several items to spice up your runs, a few more challenges and monsters to face, tons of lore entries, and several new songs. Current characters, stages, and bosses have been re-tuned, too.
Version 1.0 also raises the "difficulty rate over time for all difficulties by +10%." To compensate, the update buffs "a ton of items" and provides "way more agency over the way a run progresses."
The Captain is the tenth playable character.
For extended thoughts on Risk of Rain 2, check Patrick's review of the 1.0 PC release from August. "There is so much to love here, whether you are a fan of the first game or roguelikes as a whole."
I concur! I don't think the sequel necessarily makes the best first impression – it doesn't open up until you've unlocked more characters, all of which play very differently – but once it hits, it's hard to put down. (That said, I have a tough time switching off of the Huntress. She's always been my favorite.)
As for the future of Risk of Rain 2 post-1.0, the developers are planning to continue balancing the game as needed with free updates, but the team will eventually get cracking on paid DLC expansions.
Risk of Rain 2 Console 1.0 Update [Gearbox]
Square Enix updated Final Fantasy VII Remake for the first time (but not to improve that door)
Unlike every other big game released in 2020, Final Fantasy VII Remake hasn't gotten many patches. Actually, Square Enix only updated the game once – and it happened today, six months after launch.
Reports are starting to come in that FFVII Remake update 1.01 has rolled out in certain regions, but at the time of writing, it's not yet available for download in the United States. Before you plan your next playthrough, it's worth stressing that this is a comparatively minor update meant to fix "various bugs."
With that said, there isn't a breakdown. Some players have speculated that the late-game "vent bug" might be addressed, and that seems like a safe bet. Otherwise, I haven't heard of any major glitches.
Oh, you're wondering about the infamous door and other low-res textures?
1.01 still same texture issues #PS4share
— xenosaga (@xenosaga7) October 20, 2020
They're the same as always. 1.01 isn't a silver bullet for "level-of-detail" complaints.
Larger-scale changes will have to come down the road, potentially in a PlayStation 5-optimized version of Final Fantasy VII Remake. That's what I'd expect, anyway. We'll see if Square Enix follows through. With the way the stars are aligning, I might be ready for a replay right before Remake Part 2 drops.
After half a year, FFVIIR gets its first update (ver. 1.01) [ResetEra]
Assassin's Creed Valhalla takes the same approach to DLC as Odyssey, but scaled down a bit
Assassin's Creed Odyssey was absolutely herculean in its approach to post-launch content. On the paid side, it featured two very substantial add-ons, each made up of three episodes. The free support was substantial too, as every player got access to 11 free missions called The Lost Tales of Greece. All of that was alongside level cap increases, new skills, a story creation mode, a discovery walkabout mode, and more. When all was said and done, Assassin's Creed Odyssey was relevant for more than a year after it first released.
Assassin's Creed Valhalla seemingly has similar ambitions, albeit maybe not quite as grand. Ubisoft has announced its plans for Assassin's Creed Valhalla's DLC, and it takes the same two-pronged approach to free and paid-for content.
Both of the premium add-ons will have Eivor leaving England. The first, called Wrath of the Druids, takes place in Ireland. It prominently features Gaelic myths, haunted forests, and a druidic cult. Wrath of the Druids is scheduled to launch in Spring 2021.
The second paid DLC channels its inner Assassin's Creed Unity. It's titled The Siege of Paris, and it tackles one of the most famous battles in Viking history. Ubisoft details it by saying "players will infiltrate the fortified city of Paris and the River Seine under a prolonged siege, uncover enemy secrets, and form strategic alliances to safeguard their clan's future." This add-on is planned for Summer 2021.
Additionally, anyone who buys the $40 season pass (or who purchases the Gold or Ultimate edition of Valhalla) will have access to the "Legend of Beowulf" quest which is available at launch. We learned about the Beowulf quest around the time Valhalla was announced, but this is the first time Ubisoft has actually confirmed it.
Xbox Series S can run all the Halo: The Master Chief Collection games at 120fps
If Halo is Xbox's flagship franchise, The Master Chief Collection is its crown jewel. This anthology of Halo games is being constantly updated and ported, made better and better as time goes on. It's no surprise it'll be present right alongside the new generation of Xbox consoles.
Microsoft announced today that Halo: The Master Chief Collection will be "fully optimized" for Xbox Series S/X starting on November 17. That means hitting 120fps in both campaign and multiplayer, improvements to split-screen, and hitting 4K on Xbox Series X.
Fallout 76's Bombs Drop Day event comes with all sorts of extra perks
As we told you a few days ago, Fallout 76's Bombs Drop Day event takes place this week. It's a reason to dole out double XP and double S.C.O.R.E. (for getting through the battle pass), and there's a 25 percent discount at legendary vendors. That's what was messaged ahead of time.
However, things look markedly better now. The Bombs Drop Day event runs longer than previously thought, going from October 20 to October 26; that's two days more than what Bethesda said last week. It's also free to play for the week on all platforms. There are substantial sales for anyone who decides to buy it after the free week. As always, progress carries over to the full game.
Here's where it gets really bougie, though. Players get a taste of the high life with a weeklong Fallout 1st free trial. In case you need a reminder, Fallout 1st is the $100 per year membership that grants you access to a private server and unlimited crafting component storage through the Scrapbox. After the preview ends on October 26, players can keep whatever materials they had placed in their Scrapbox. It's a good time to load up.
If all that wining and dining has you ready to open up the wallet, players are also treated to the first ever Fallout 76 sale on microtransactions. The atom bundle discounts range from $1 off the smallest pack to $14 off the biggest pack.
This post on Bethesda's site has the breakdown off all the extra perks that weren't mentioned last week, including all the various sales tiers. Even though Microsoft has acquired Bethesda, PlayStation 4 isn't getting frozen out of event perks. Not yet at least.
Fallout is Celebrating Bombs Drop Day with a Free Play Week, Sales, & In-Game Events! [Bethesda]
Splatoon 2's free Halloween gear is available to download if you missed it the first time around
Just because things have gone quiet on the Splatoon front, that doesn't mean the community isn't gearing up to celebrate the spooky Halloween season on the messy arena shooter. Next weekend will see the return of a classic Halloween splatfest, as players will wage war in a battle of "Trick" vs."Treat."
And for those of you hoping to look the part, then you're in luck, as Nintendo has re-released the Splatoon 2 Halloween gear DLC pack, which is available for all players to download for free right now. All you need do is visit the Splatoon section in the Nintendo Switch news channel, and click on the confirmation that lies therein.
Once confirmed, you will receive a package in-game that includes a hockey mask, a monster head, some devilish horns, and a ghostly hat, each of which includes a useful in-game buff. So be sure to don your creepiest outfit before you hit the arenas on the weekend of Friday, October 30, and let's win one more for everyone's favourite lil' devil, Pearl.
Final Fantasy XIV's free login campaign starts today
Final Fantasy XIV is in-between patches right now, which is a perfect excuse for Square Enix to try and get people back in and playing again. To that end, there's yet another "Returner" login campaign that's kicking off today.
It's live right now actually (it went live at 1AM PT), and will run all the way through November 23 at 6:59AM PT. Basically, all you need to do is be eligible (own the game, have an inactive account for at least 30 days) and you're good.
Literally all you do is log into the game as normal like you have active gametime and you're able to play "for the duration of [the] free play period." That duration, mind is four days, which ends "on the fourth day at 11:59PM local time). Square Enix warns that once you login, the timer starts: regardless of whether or not you're actually playing.
As a reminder, the Futures Rewritten patch is due in "early December" of this year. Square Enix typically doesn't provide exact dates until a few weeks out from a patch, so stay tuned for the final breakdown eventually. The main highlights include the last Eden raid wing on the hardcore side, as well as new main story quests (MSQs). If you're making the shift to PS5, you'll be able to experience faster load times!
From there, the current Shadowbringers expansion will likely end at patch 5.5 in 2021, followed by another expansion later in the year.
Free Login Campaign [Square Enix]
Gearbox unveils two of the new Borderlands 3 skill trees and they sound rad
To the surprise of no one, Gearbox revealed that more Borderlands 3DLC was on the way beyond the scope of the initial season pass. So much so, in fact, that they felt the need to bundle it into a second season pass.
One of the things in that follow-up pass is the "Designer's Cut" add-on, which is basically a new DLC that grants players access to several features: one of which is new skill trees. Today, Gearbox gave us a quick look at the gist of Amara and FL4K's additional trees, which are looking pretty sweet. Sweet enough to justify gating them behind a DLC? Probably not, but hang with me for a second.
PSA: You can print more arrows to add to your Mario Kart Live track for free
We spent last week testing out Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit, and mostly came away impressed.
As we pointed out in our review; the greater your imagination is (and the space you have available), the more fun the game will be. But you can get a very easy boost right out of the box for free, it seems, so long as you're willing to print these simple black and white designs.
Straight from the official Nintendo site, you can print off additional (replacement) gates and arrow signs. The latter really is the most important bit, as the game lets you add arrow signs to the game beyond the two official cardboard ones that came with the $99 box. In other words, you can add to the panache of the track with more goodies, which show up on-screen as flashy neon arrows.
It's a small thing, but I'm sure a lot of you who have been experimenting with Mario Kart Live will appreciate the tip.
Mario Kart Live Gates [Nintendo]
Mortal Kombat 11's Johnny Cage gives you the forekast on Rain
Last week, NetherRealm Studios released the first gameplay trailer for Rain, one of the next kombatants headed to its blockbuster fighter Mortal Kombat 11. Now we've seen the wet one in action, your boy Johnny Cage is here to bring you up to speed on the lore of the Prince of Edenia.
In a new "Meet Rain" trailer, Cage gives us a lowdown on Rain's backstory, recounting the tale of an orphan child who became a master strategist in the ranks of Edenia's army. Once made aware of his true lineage - a lineage that makes him a half-god, no less - Rain struck out on his own, battling to claim the heritage that is rightfully his. Yeah, that's all well and good, drippy, but motherfucking Sindel will always be Edenia's true overlord, so get in the sea.
In related news, NetherRealm Studios will be holding its first Kombat Kast live stream in quite some time this afternoon, showing off Rain in all of his soggy glory. You can catch the action over on the official NetherRealm Twitch channel, with the stream scheduled to begin at around 13:00 PT / 16:00 ET / 21:00 BST.
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate will launch for PC as well as current and next-gen consoles on November 17. Players who already own Mortal Kombat 11 on PS4 or Xbox One will be able to upgrade free-of-charge to PS5 or Xbox Series X platforms.
Stadia gave us a blowout of new information today on top of the reveal that Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle [read: Pac-Man Battle Royale] is coming to the service.
Google is running a "three days of demos" event, which will kick off today with the aforementioned Pac-attack on top of Jedi: Fallen Order, followed by the Humankind beta on October 21, as well as Immortals: Fenyx Rising on October 22.
As a recap, Jedi: Fallen Order came out nearly a year ago and served as one of the few fully single-player experiences that EA has put out in some time. Immortals: Fenyx Rising is the new title for Gods and Monsters, which was reintroduced to the world during a recent Ubisoft stream. Google says these Stadia demos will be live for seven days and to "play them now while you have a chance." "Neither Stadia Pro nor a form of payment is required to play these titles," according to the publisher.
Of note, the Immortals demo is one of the first times the game has ever gone public (beyond the leaks, right before the new title reveal): so you may want to take advantage of that.
The next Pac-Man game is Mega Tunnel Battle, and you can try it now for free
Bandai Namco is always working on something when it comes to Pac-Man: it's just that much of a cash cow. Even if the little guy isn't getting his own starring games he makes appearances in everything from Smash Bros. to Minecraft, but today he actually is getting a new game, with some caveats.
It's called Pac-Man Mega Tunnel Battle, and will be a "First on Stadia" title. It's out right now, accompanied by a free Stadia demo here, which you can use to try the game instantly in your browser. Bandai Namco says that it was created to "leverage Google's cloud gaming platform to create the largest multiplayer Pac-Man game ever developed," with 64 players in total.
The gist is that you'll duke it out, battle royale style, across connected grids until you're the last Pac standing New power-ups are a go as is a spectator mode, likely to encourage streaming. It's a lot like Super Bomberman R Online, another Stadia title.
Enjoy it, or not! It's a pretty breezy low stakes demo. It'll run through October 27: then the full game will be released on November 17 for $19.99.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta players are turning off cross-play due to cheating
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War might only be in its beta stage, but players are already finding out that it's never too early to start breaking the rules, as aimbotters, wall-hackers, and other villains are already ruining the experience for many in the CoD community.
Over the course of the beta weekend, players encountered Killcam replays that showed others utilizing mods to rack up insane killstreaks - a practice that has dogged shooters on PC since the genre's inception. This frustration led to many Call of Duty console players choosing to switch off cross-play capabilities, essentially banning PC players from their matches, but also shrinking the player base.
Now, this being Call of Duty - the biggest FPS franchise on the planet - turning off cross-play is hardly going to result in Black Ops Cold War becoming a "dead game", but it's a shame that players do end up having to wall off other communities because of the actions of a few cheaters. Last year, Activision adopted a "zero tolerance" stance against hackers in both Modern Warfare and Warzone - banning nearly quarter of a million players in the last 12 months alone - but you're never going to catch everybody, and some of these banned accounts will simply find ways to circumvent the ban and continue playing.
Ultimately, it's positive to see titles like Call of Duty, Overwatch, and Rainbow Six Siege push back against shadier or more toxic players, but they'll be unlikely to ever truly eradicate the relentless mentality of those who want to cheat. This is just a beta, and people are already breaking the rules to rack up kills and XP in the new sequel. For some players, for whatever reason, cheating is apparently an integral part of playing - and winning - at video games.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta already has cheaters [PC Gamer]
Here's how to unlock Luigi in Super Mario Bros. 35
Although Super Mario Bros. 35 has some issues in regards to its endgame, it's a fun little treat to boot up every now and then and a nice way to dive back into a classic.
One of the things I liked about it was its penchant for tiny little Easter eggs, which includes this newly discovered trick: you can play as Luigi. Sure, it's just a color swap for the most part, but Twitter user CombotronRobot managed to uncover the secret and I'm sure it'll get a lot of people talking about the battle royale release again.
There's basically just one main requirement: you need to be at star rank (level) 100 or above. From there, hold L as you are starting a match (it's recommended that you hold it until it begins) and bam, you can celebrate the Year of Luigi in 2020.
It's time to grind!
Don't miss the beautiful (and very weird) opening movie to Balan Wonderworld
Square Enix has released the stunning opening movie to Balan Wonderworld, the upcoming platform adventure from studio Arzest, and headed up by legendary industry veteran Yuji Naka.
The beautifully directed video sees our heroes, Leo and Emma, and they are whisked into the colorful and whimsical Wonderworld of Balan, a charismatic showman with just a touch of uncomfortable weirdness. Bombarded by cute, fuzzy creatures, Leo and Emma journey through a phantasmagoria of the strange sights and sounds that make up Balan's Wonderworld.
The mysterious adventure itself will see players guide the duo through a vista of 12 ever-changing worlds, exploring stages while utilizing a huge host of special abilities earned from over 80 in-game costumes. At the heart of Wonderworld is self-discovery, and as they progress through the game, Leo and Emma will face their own joyous memories and deep-seated worries. It all sounds very intriguing, and with Naka at the helm, will most assuredly be one to watch out for.
Balan Wonderworld launches March 26 on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.
Pokemon Home will be down for a bit to adjust for the new Crown Tundra DLC
Pokemon Home is about to get a lot busier, so the powers that be are making some adjustments later this week.
That means there's going to be some downtime; which is taking place on Thursday, October 22 at 23:00 UTC until October 23 at 4:00 UTC (the latter is the planned end time, which could be extended). In case you missed it, Nintendo recently revealed the release date for Pokemon Sword and Shield's Crown Tundra DLC, which is due out on October 22 as the last known DLC and second part of the season pass.
So why is it getting busier? Well, it was confirmed that legendary Pokemon will have a 100% capture rate so long as you make it through the gauntlet to acquire them and finish them off. Hence, it'll behoove a lot of players to jump into Home and move some stuff around: especially if they already have the supported mythological beasts in question.
You can find the full maintenance notice below, taken directly from our app. While the first Isle of Armor DLC was fun for what it was, I have higher hopes for the seemingly larger and more detailed Crown Tundra add-on.
Cagliostro brings her mischievous magic to Granblue Fantasy: Versus today
Granblue Fantasy: Versus has been updated to Version 2.11, bringing a selection of bug fixes and mode tweaks to CyGames' attractive fighter, along with all-new DLC character Cagliostro.
Known as "The Prettiest Alchemist," Cagliostro is a young mistress of the arcane arts, arts that she utilizes in the pursuit of a state of absolute cuteness. Despite her adorable demeanor, Cagliostro has quite a temper bubbling under her kawaii surface and is a force to be reckoned with in the thick of the fight.
Not only is Cagliostro capable of producing huge swords and spears from the environment with ease, but her tricky teleportation skills also keep her well out of harm's way. Sneaky gal. Cagliostro is available to purchase for around $7, which includes the requisite lobby avatar and a new RPG Mode chapter.
Alongside Cagliostro, the new update fixes several minor text and technical issues across the board, as well as tweaking an ongoing issue involving Throw Breaking. You can check out the full patch notes over on the official Granblue Fantasy: Versus blog.
Granblue Fantasy: Versus is available now on PS4 and PC.
Grime showed off more of its surreal world and I'm so down to explore it
I haven't forgotten about Grime, and I hope you haven't either. Clover Bite's action-adventure RPG about a "humanoid black hole" who can absorb bizarre creatures continues to show great promise.
In this narrated footage from director Yarden Weissbrot, we're shown just how much utility the absorption ability has, from catching and sending back projectiles to dislodging tightly-held shields. As you absorb foes, you'll fill out a bestiary and start to unlock (and rank up) traits with bonuses/abilities like dealing more damage with backstabbing attacks or pulling on "nearby vulnerable surfaces."
I'm also intrigued by the "fully interconnected" map – it already looks like a world I want to pore over.
I know some of you are feeling this game, and I imagine plenty more of you will be on-board today if you happened to miss the Gamescom trailer in August. Grime is still scheduled to release on Steam in 2021.
This PlayStation montage recaps the best of the best PS4 games with one-second clips
I'm excited as anyone to get my hands on a PlayStation 5 and marathon Demon's Souls with a sleepless binge, but with that said, I'm still having a wonderful time with my PS4, and I'll continue to enjoy it right up until the new console shows up at my door. (Fingers crossed for no last-minute delivery delays.)
I'm not sure I'd have an answer if someone asked me to name my favorite console – I'm terrible at coming up with top tens for anything – but I know that the PlayStation 4 would be up there pretty high.
I've consistently liked this system since 2013, even back when it was little more than a Resogun machine for me. It brought about Bloodborne, one of my unshakable all-time besties, to say nothing of many other modern classics. I also loved PlayStation VR more than most people – it rekindled something inside me. Resident Evil 7 VR will go down as one of the best gaming experiences of my life.
Before I get any sappier, here's a fun video to watch on the precipice of the PS5 launch. PlayStation Access edited a three-minute montage with "one second from every game that defined PS4." It's not just the usual obvious picks, either – you're going to wonder what some of these games even are.
Many of the games in this video aren't PlayStation exclusives, and some of them have undeniable flaws, but that's what makes this list so interesting. On the whole, it really captures the last seven years.
It's been a damn good run, one that's worth reflecting on and celebrating.
@PlayStationUK [Twitter]
Review: The Jackbox Party Pack 7
Ah, here we are with another installment of The Jackbox Party Pack, the insanely popular virtual party game enterprise that takes every nerd's house by storm each year - although perhaps it's now more mainstream, as my parents are starting to take part and there are now explicitly family-friendly settings and options!
So, without further ado, I present this year's games.
World of Warcraft's newest event lets you earn the Headless Horseman Hearthstone again
World of Warcraft's Shadowlands expansion might be delayed, but we have the pre-patch and this newest seasonal event to mess around with in the meantime.
Hallow's End has been a staple of WoW for a while now, with the Headless Horseman's Hearthstone arriving in 2018 when Battle for Azeroth came into the picture. Among several other rewards this one is recently cited as the cornerstone of the event; allowing players to add to their spooky outfit with some visual effects when hearthing. Now you can earn it again as of this week.
From now until November 1, the Hallow's End event will be running through Azeroth. Basically all you need to do is log in, queue up for the Headless Horseman challenge (which can drop up to i395 gear) or visit Razor Hill or Goldshire to participate in world events. In all there's 14 quests to participate in, as well as trick or treating stations to earn candy from; throughout Kalimdor to Outland, Northrend, the Cataclysm regions and Pandaria.
Given that Halloween events typically tend to be the most flavorful in MMOs, I'll be poking my head in among all of the other stuff I'm doing with the pre-patch right now.
The Horseman Rides: Hallow's End is Nigh! []
Can Marvel's Avengers pull a No Man's Sky and totally redeem itself?
It's no secret that Marvel's Avengers isn't in the best of places right now. Yes, it sold big in September, enough to top Super Mario 3D All-Stars as the month's top title on the NPD charts, but it's struggling, and with new consoles and several massive titles on the horizon, things are not going to get easier for Crystal Dynamics. But just because it's down now doesn't mean it's out. As we've seen with No Man's Sky, developers can pull their games back from the brink.
That's just one of the topics on this episode of Podtoid. CJ, Charlotte, Occams, and Dan chat about Marvel's Avengers, Ring Fit Adventure, Dragon Quest Tact, and Spooky Encounters. All that, plus you shouldn't rap about real crimes you're committing, on Podtoid Episode 463.
Dragon Quest Tact may not be that tactical, but it is a charming diversion
Dragon Quest of the Stars hit North America at just the wrong time earlier in 2020. Arriving almost five years after its initial release in Japan, the free-to-play, gacha RPG reached our shores right around the same time COVID-19 did. A month later, my employer put out a memo instructing anybody who could work from home to do so, and soon enough I found myself dropping off this mobile adventure in favor of Dragon Quest XI S - Definitive Edition on my Switch.
In a few months though, depending on how this winter goes, I'll start going back to the office for a few days a week. Because I won't be stuck at home as much, I'm probably going to once again find time for those simple little gacha games that help pass the time. And while Dragon Quest of the Stars still has some life to it that I wouldn't be against picking it back up, it may have to step aside for Dragon Quest Tact.
You might see the Saw puppet and Leatherface running wild in Call of Duty
Call of Duty is hosting another horror crossover for Halloween, and this year, Billy the Puppet from Saw and Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are here to play. Don't be alarmed if you see them running around in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Call of Duty: Warzone. Well, be a little alarmed.
Activision has a full recap of the Haunting of Verdansk – the event starts October 20 and will stick around until November 3 – but there's also a quick and to-the-point roadmap below in one easy image.
Aside from the premium Saw and TCM skin bundles (for Morte and Velikan, respectively), Warzone is getting a "nighttime" variant, there are Trick or Treat supply boxes to collect (with 16 total rewards to find), and Zombie Royale mode will skip the Gulag skirmishes in favor of turning fallen players into zombies who can move faster, jump higher, hit harder, and rely on thermal vision to stalk their prey.
"When a player is killed, they drop a syringe that shows up on the map. Collect two of these Syringes as a Zombie and you'll parachute back in with your loadout on your Squad for a second chance! The last squad standing with a surviving Operator wins... even if the rest of the squad has turned undead."
Even if the horror movie outfits are way too pricey ($20!), I always appreciate a good Halloween event.
Nintendo sales surge in this week's UK Charts
While Electronic Arts' football simulator FIFA 21 retains the number one spot of the UK Charts for a second week, a surge of physical sales saw a glut of Nintendo Switch titles shoot up the rankings. cites Amazon's Prime Day event as the reason behind the spike in Nintendo game sales, which saw Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Minecraft, Ring Fit Adventure, and Super Mario 3D All-Stars among the titles having a particularly successful week. Even Ubisoft's Just Dance 2020 made a comeback, hot-stepping all the way from number 17 to number seven.
Elsewhere in the charts, there is little to report. Activision's Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time remains in the Top Ten at number nine, while Square Enix's Marvel's Avengers has seemingly long-peaked, leaving the upper echelon within a month of release. nWay's Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid saw its physical launch this week, but failed to make much of an impact, debuting at number 38. Releasing digitally back in 2019, fans would likely have picked up the licensed tag-fighter long before now.
Konami says PT won't work on PS5, but that seems wrong
Two weeks ago, Sony revealed the 10 PlayStation 4 games that won't work on PS5. It's a small list, and there's nothing of real consequence being left behind. One game wasn't mentioned meaning it's de facto backward compatible, but people wanted confirmation anyway.
That game is PT. We asked Sony whether PT could be played on PS5, but we never heard back. Everyone was just left to assume that it'd work. Why wouldn't it work?
Hold up. GamesRadar+ got ahold of Konami who confirmed that PT wouldn't be backward compatible. Konami says "[PT] will not be available on the PS Store, so users won't be able to re-download the content through the backwards compatibility feature to the PS5."
That seems wrong though, doesn't it? Konami's statement only appears to address what we already know (and have experienced) with PT. It was delisted in April 2015 after the announcement that Silent Hills was canceled. Nobody has been able to download PT for more than five years.
But, Konami's seemingly ignoring the option to transfer it from hard drives for people who already have it downloaded. Sony has said the transfer process works for both wired and wireless connections. Simply moving the game from PS4 to PS5 should work. Or, at least we don't have any evidence as to why it shouldn't work. Time will tell, but it kind of appears as though Konami missed the intention behind this question.
PT won't be backwards compatible with the PS5 [GamesRadar+]
XIII remake Nintendo Switch port delayed to 2021
Microids has announced that the remake of classic first-person shooter XIII will not meet its originally announced release date on Switch. While the PS4, PC, and Xbox One editions are all still set to launch on November 10, the Switch release has been pushed back to 2021.
Playmatic's XIII is a remake of the 2003 Xbox and PS2 title, based on the 1980s Belgian comic book of the same name. It follows the hazardous and violent journey of a nameless and amnesiac man wanted for the killing of the U.S. President. Teaming with a mysterious female mercenary named Jones, "XIII" (from the identifying tattoo on his shoulder) must uncover the truth behind the assassination, his role within it, and a shadowy organization known as "Mongoose."
Microids also released a new trailer, showing off the arsenal of lead-flingers that XIII and Jones will utilize in their ballistic quest to stay alive long enough to bring down Mongoose and discover the facts behind our anti-hero's origins. The remake will feature all of the content from the original title, as well as its iconic cel-shaded look, which has been redesigned to make the most of modern-day visuals.
Essential retailer GameStop closing down for Thanksgiving
Employees of big box retailers in the United States are generally subjected to the same annual Thanksgiving routine: Do all the family stuff early in the day because they're off to work in the evenings. The Black Friday creep gets earlier and earlier every year, as each store tries to set the pace for how soon people can shop their sales.
In a bit of refreshing news, GameStop employees will have the full Thanksgiving holiday free this year. GameStop has revealed its Black Friday-centric plans, and it includes all stores in the United States being closed on Thanksgiving.
There are likely a couple strategic reasons for the closure. GameStop has announced that it'll host "more pre-Black Friday sale events than ever before," although it hasn't revealed any of the deals yet. Also, with the pandemic very much still in progress, GameStop is probably (rightly) predicting that in-store traffic will be lower than during normal years. All the hustle and bustle of jam-packed consumerism isn't as cute when there's a contagious virus on the loose.
It's the right outcome, especially from a company who has a very recent history of doing the wrong thing. In March, GameStop circulated an internal memo to employees directing them to refuse compliance with local orders to shut down at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The reasoning was that GameStop and all its video game hardware and software should be classified as "essential retail."
The logic seems to be that GameStop is hoping to spread sales out over a longer timeline rather than just chasing a spike on Black Friday. We'll see if it can resist putting all of its best deals on actual Black Friday. Unlikely but maybe. It's not like there will be any new consoles available to lure customers in anyway.
GameStop Releases its 'Ready. Set. Gift.' 2020 Holiday Gift Guide [GameStop]
Fire Emblem Heroes serves up another quartet of Fire Emblem: Three Houses stars
Nintendo has been going in pretty hard on its mobile battler Fire Emblem Heroes lately, with a slew of characters and events added to the free-to-play title on an almost weekly basis. This week is no different, with the arrival of four new characters from Switch release Fire Emblem: Three Houses, one of which is very much my jam.*
Joining the expansive Fire Emblem Heroes roster are Three Houses powerful Thunder Knight, Catherine, magical cutie-patootie Flayn, chief aide of the Church of Seiros, Seteth, and finally, the Officer Academy's master archer, Shamir. I'm a big fan of Shamir, and I'm of no doubt that FeH is about to gobble up all of my orbs as I attempt to add her sharpshooting ways to my army.
The four Three Houses heroes will be accompanied by a brand new story chapter, titled "In Her Service." The new update should be live in-game by the time you read this, so check out the cool new trailer below, then get out there and start... erm... hoping you randomly win your chosen character, I guess.
Cats make Mario Kart Live even more fun
In case you missed it, we covered Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit this past weekend. What you couldn't miss, however, is my cat Cinnamon that was front and center as part of that coverage.
That's because the game's impact on cats is immediately apparent, as evidenced by several other anecdotal tales this week. Cats are not just attracted to the device as it speeds around the house, but they also serve as great moving hazards for folks who aren't keen to create their own intricate setups.
Shinji Mikami has now been a part of the video game industry for 30 years. Over those three decades, Mikami has been involved with the creation of a lot of excellent projects, such as God Hand, Vanquish, The Evil Within, and Dino Crisis, but his strongest legacy will forever remain one of the most enduring and genre-defining franchises in gaming history: Resident Evil.
Continuing its series of video interviews with some of gaming's greatest auteurs, Archipel Caravan sat down for an interview with the 55-year-old as he reflects on his 30 years within the industry. In this, the first of a special two-part episode, Mikami discusses his beginnings in the business, his love of the horror genre, his work with Capcom, and how this unholy trinity of interests birthed one of the most successful and indelible brands that players would ever see.
This is the third of Archipel Caravan's new series, following a sit-down with Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka and a live performance by Panzer Dragoon composer Saori Kobayashi. Future episodes are expected to feature conversations with Yakuza director Toshihiro Nagoshi, Square Enix's Naoki Yoshida, and legendary anime and video game illustrator Yoshitaka Amano. We will be sure to inform you as each of these episodes are released.
If you defeat a legendary Pokemon in the Crown Tundra DLC, you're guaranteed to capture it
Things are starting to come together for the Pokemon Sword and Shield Crown Tundra DLC: and it's good timing! After all, the expansion is out in three days.
While we knew about the additional zone, one of the biggest features of the DLC is the ability to capture old legendaries, going back to the original generation. That means Mewtwo, Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos; among many others. Thankfully, grabbing them is going to be a little less frustrating than some folks assumed.
The most recent episode of the Japanese TV show Pokenchi has revealed the process for catching legendaries, and things are looking up so far. According to the program, you need to battle three Dynamaxed Pokemon first in a sort of gauntlet situation on a Dynamax Adventure. Once those are out of the picture you can move on to the legendary.
The program claims that once you get to the end of the line and have the ability to capture the legendary, it's "guaranteed." That's great news, but we'll have to see how time consuming this process is for ourselves.
Sword and Shield [Pokenchi via]
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta extended
Those of you who have been enjoying the high-speed, arcadey action of the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta will be stoked to hear that Activision has decided to extend the open trial session for an extra 24 hours.
The extension has been offered as a "reward" for the CoD community solving a series of coded emails sent out by the publisher over the weekend. Originally scheduled to end this morning, the servers will now remain open until tomorrow, October 20, at 10:00 PT / 13:00 ET / 18:00 BST.
The 24-hour extension gives wannabe mercs even more time to bring a living hell to the streets of 1980s Miami. The beta is available to all players on PS4, PC, and Xbox One and includes classic modes such as Kill Confirmed and Team Deathmatch, alongside new matches Combined Arms and VIP Escort. You can check out some of my own thoughts on the beta right here.
Sony is looking for feedback for the new PS4 party changes
Last week the PS4 community was in a state of confusion after firmware update 8.00 changed the way parties worked; while causing a few bugs in the process.
Following the update Sony tweeted out that it was investigating issues with the PlayStation Network, but now folks are taking umbrage with the changes as a whole. In short, parties and messages now have a more merged identity, instead of utilizing groups across both apps.
It sounds nice on paper, but folks are reporting issues with starting parties and getting people into their group easily; something that was dead simple before 8.00. A lot of this is table-setting for the PS5, which makes a whole lot of sense. But users are still confused as to why features were taken away from the party system, which worked fine before the update.
In response, Sony is "looking into feedback" as of October 17 "on the recent changes to parties on PS4." They followed up by noting "thanks for speaking up - we'll keep you posted." It seems like change could come if enough people aren't a fan of the new system. At the very least: as far as parties are concerned.
PlayStation [Twitter]
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is really sneaking up on me.
Sure we have the two new next-gen console launches coming in a few weeks, but after that on November 20 we get a new Zelda game. While it might not be a traditional mainline Zelda, it sure looks increasingly legit as we obtain more and more info on Age of Calamity.
We already know that the Yiga Clan will be playing a bigger role in the game, but now thanks to a new clip today Nintendo has made it clear that the Korok Hetsu will be front and center as well: on top of the role that Koroks will be playing in Calamity, serving as the main collectible to chase. Whoever pitched the idea of a prequel, pre-100-year-amnesia-Link, is a genius. It makes so much sense and fits within the framework of this world.
That last shot though! Seeing Link glide across the sky in classic Breath of the Wild fashion while the Champions follow suit: glorious. My wishlist mostly involves filling in more subtle backstories in a natural way, like this one, which fans have speculated on for several years.
The wait for Breath of the Wild 2 is going to be so much worse after playing this.
Corpse Party remake announced for Nintendo Switch
Notoriously gory anime franchise Corpse Party is headed to the Nintendo Switch in the form of a new remake, Corpse Party Blood Covered... Repeated Fear, which will bring its head-caving, eye-gouging misery to the Nintendo platform later in the near future.
As a quick refresher for those less inclined, Corpse Party is a multimedia franchise that began way back in 1996, before finding its feet in handheld gaming a decade later. The Corpse Party titles tell ghoulish tales of hapless schoolgirls who venture into haunted scenarios, before fast becoming utterly destroyed in extraordinarily grim fashion. Yucky stuff.
Corpse Party Blood Covered:... Repeated Fear will be a remastered edition of 2015 Nintendo 3DS release, which itself is a remake of the original Corpse Party. The new Switch edition will feature all of the content of the nightmarish classic, built within an optimized engine and featuring newly recorded voice acting for previously silent sequences. Due for release this winter in Japan, no western localization has been announced as of yet.
Corpse Party remake coming to Switch [Japanese Nintendo]
If you haven't been paying attention, Microsoft has been cozying up to Nintendo for several years.
They were the first two console publishers that teamed up for Minecraft's "Better Together" update for cross-play; a concept Sony was staying out of at the time. They've also partnered up with Nintendo for Banjo Kazooie and Minecraft representation in Super Smash Bros. Things seem to be going well, according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer, but that doesn't mean more Microsoft games are coming to Switch as a result.
If you recall, Spencer stated roughly a year ago that Microsoft was going to cool it with releasing games on Switch. That position hasn't really changed in 2020, despite a few exceptions here and there. Speaking to Kotaku, Spencer does reiterate the good working relationship between him and Nintendo: "We have a very good relationship...And I think we see our work very synergistically, in terms of trying to grow the market. And it just makes it easy. Every conversation we have with them has really been easy."
Spencer expresses admiration for Shuntaro Furukawa, current Nintendo president, as well as Doug Bowser; Reggie's Nintendo of America successor. Yet, Spencer notes that releasing individual Xbox games on Switch "doesn't feel sustainable," and feels like he would need a "full Xbox ecosystem somewhere" to support it. Features like Game Pass and Xbox Live integration were mentioned.
It makes a lot of sense. Microsoft might be buddying up with their competition (and in the case of the Switch, potentially their best-selling competition once the dust has settled) every once in a while, but they also need to demonstrate their own value. First-party games are a big part of that: which the Xbox Series X will need to really kick into overdrive in 2021. After all, Microsoft didn't make all of these expensive acquisitions to eschew exclusivity altogether.
Xbox Boss Phil Spencer On Series X Launch, Halo Infinite & Bethesda [Kotaku]
Shocker: Unskippable adverts show up in NBA 2K21 a month after release
The NBA 2K community has hit back at publisher 2K Games after unskippable adverts materialised within the latest entry in the basketball sim, NBA 2K21. The adverts were not in the sports title at launch, and have popped up one month after release, to the chagrin of many paying customers.
As reported by Stevivor, fans spotted video adverts for Oculus Quest 2 hardware that auto-play during certain NBA 2K21 loading sequences, as a part of "2K TV" cinematic presentations. The adverts always complete before the segment finishes loading, regardless of platform or PC capabilities. You can see the offending segments in action in Stevivor's video below.
Rainbow Six Siege breaches Xbox Game Pass October 22
Microsoft has announced that one of the finest shooters on the market, Ubisoft's Rainbow Six Siege, will be joining the Xbox Game Pass service for console and Android on October 22.
Originally releasing to a so-so reception back in 2015, the latest entry in the long-running Rainbow Six series of counter-terrorism titles sees teams of players battle it out online in incredibly intense, twitchy, tactical gameplay. A far cry from the typical genre shooter of the world, Rainbow Six Siege is a shooter where every step, every lean, every peek down the scope is fraught with danger, and teamwork, smart movement, and razor-sharp reflexes are the core elements of victory or defeat.
After a slow start, Rainbow Six Siege went on to improve its gameplay in almost every way, and to date over 60 million players have checked out the action on PS4, PC, and Xbox One, while the development team has drip-fed monthly content in the forms of weapons, maps, gadgets, technical, and mechanical overhauls. Rainbow Six Siege will continue its course onto next-gen platforms, allowing players to carry over their accounts onto PS5 and Xbox Series X.
Rainbow Six Siege joins Xbox Game Pass on October 22.
Daring darling Yuel announced for Granblue Fantasy: Versus
Publisher Arc System Works, in conjunction with developer CyGames, has revealed the third character headed to Granblue Fantasy: Versus as part of the gorgeous fighter's second character pass. And this time around its none of than the daring adventurer, Yuel.
Yuel was announced in a brief teaser at the end of a new gameplay trailer, which gave us our first look at cheerful mage Cagliostro in action. Yuel is an extremely popular character among the Granblue Fantasy community, undoubtedly thanks to her teasing, femme-fatale nature. A brave and steadfast warrior on an epic journey to find a thousand-year-old treasure, Yuel is very easily distracted by the worlds, characters, and events she experiences while en route to her goal. She also throws up a pretty mean nWo Wolfpac signal.
As for Cagliostro, the young alchemist will launch in Granblue Fantasy: Versus tomorrow, October 20, bringing her ancient arcane powers to the fight. A "mistress of blades," as it were, Cagliostro uses her magic skills to conjure up razor-sharp swords, spears, and whirring buzz saws on the battlefield, while staying out of her foe's grasp with her frustrating teleport abilities. Don't let her cute, wholesome demeanor fool you, this angry gal will cut you down in seconds flat.
Granblue Fantasy: Versus is available now on PC and PS4.
(Update) Here's how to get your free Ash's Pikachu in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Today during this morning's special Pokémon stream, The Pokémon Company unveiled a new promo for Sword and Shield. Naturally, it involves Pikachu.
From here on out, special Pikachu will be distributed for Sword and Shield, tailored around the idea of it being "Ash's Pikachu" with eight different hats. The first one is available today, with more coming later "through various means." If history is anything to go by, codes doled out during tournament streams and the like are a safe bet.
To get the initial rat, enter "P1KACHUGET" into your copy of the game.
To unlock the second version, use: "1CH00SEY0U."
A third version has been released: "P1KAADVANCE."
As well as a fourth version: "V0LTTACKLEP1KA."
And the fourth version: "P1KABESTW1SH."
And the fifth: "KAL0SP1KA."
There's even going to be a full website for it! It's not live at the time of publication, but The Pokémon Company says more info will be available here. You can also take a look at the array of hats below.
Review: Nioh 2: Darkness in the Capital
With Team Ninja dropping Nioh 2 DLC every few months, it's tough to catch up and stay caught up.
Darkness in the Capital uses the same structure as The Tengu's Disciple, meaning there's a new weapon to learn (Fists and Clawed Fists), a few main story missions (set in the Heian period), a handful of side skirmishes, and more "stuff" across the board – higher-level gear, several new guardian spirits, new yokai including a big-ghost-headed ox cart, and the next New Game+ difficulty tier, Dream of the Wise.
Oh, and there's a bonus fight against a certain Hayabusa. He's a slippery son of a gun.
Revisiting the infinite joy of Excitebots: Trick Racing
When we look back at the launch of the Nintendo Wii, there are a few titles that immediately come to mind. They're the ones that would go on to define the console throughout its lifespan. There's Wii Sports, obviously, the pack-in that your grandmother probably still plays today. Then there is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Nintendo's first cross-gen hit that was saved from the Wii's poorly performing predecessor to find massive success in the new generation. Those two titles were enough to sell the console to millions of people and radically expand the market for console gaming. As much as I enjoy both them, when I look back at the Wii's start and the titles it launched with, honestly, it's Excite Truck that fills me with the warmest memories.
The Excite series has never been a priority for Nintendo. The NES original didn't see a sequel for more than 15 years when Excitebike 64 hit the Nintendo 64 near the twilight of its life. In fact, I'd say more people know the game from its inclusion in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe than as its own franchise. I don't think Excite Trucks did enough to move the needle in the franchise's favor — and really, what do you expect launching alongside Wii Sports — but it did prove popular enough to give us a sequel that remains one of my most treasured racing games of all time: Excitebots: Trick Racing.
I really enjoy the Star Wars universe. Not to the point where I know anything about the extended universe, but I like all the movies in their own way. Yes, even the prequels and The Last Jedi. So I'm not the expert that is going to either gush or nitpick when Squadrons throws some new lore my way, but I will admit that I got rather excited when Admiral Ackbar was giving me directions. "I know that guy!" I yelled to no one in particular.
What I also really enjoy is tight, small experiences that do one thing and do it well. This basically summarizes most of the indie scene, but Squadrons also fits the bill. At $40, and with this much polish, it's easy to find an enjoyable experience here.
After several months in Early Access, Echtra Games is pushing Torchlight III out the door.
As a quick refresher, in my Steam Early Access review, I called Torchlight III more of a "spinoff than a numbered sequel." I said it didn't "do enough to encourage experimentation or creativity." It's a lighter, fluffier action-RPG, one that has a place but probably won't live up to long-time fans' expectations.
Did they turn it around for the 1.0 launch? Not exactly. My overall impression has barely budged.
An incoming patch for The Outer Worlds on Switch will bring some much appreciated visual upgrades
The Outer Worlds on Switch prompted a lot of conversation about if some sacrifices are worth making when porting a game to weaker hardware. For those who played it on PC, PS4, or Xbox One, it was a noticeable downgrade for sure. For me, having never played it on stronger systems, I found it to be decent enough.
It looked rough and disappointingly barren, but that might change later this month when the long-awaited patch will release on Switch. Full patch notes are being withheld for now, but the game's Twitter page decided to give us a sneak peek at how the visuals will improve with the download.
Cblogs of 10/10 to 10/16/2020: Mafia, Front Mission, and Jonathan Holmes' podcast returns
Cblogs Recap: Week 42
-Jonathan Holmes returns with Talking to Women about Video Games.
-Kerrik52 reviews Siren: Blood Curse on the PS3 as part of his Traveler in Playtime reviews series.
-Lord Spencer reviews Front Mission on the DS as part of his DS REVIEWS blogging series.
-Exber reviews God Hand as part of his Retro Reviews blogging series.
-Joel Peterson writes about his reluctant transition to the digital video game age.
-Sapato64 discusses how not to get bored and stay invested while playing MMOs.
-Shoggoth2588 continues his review of the last decade with this blog focusing on 2019.
-Black Red Gaming reviews Mafia: Definitive Edition on the PC.
-Dinoracha reviews La Mulana on the PC.
-Xeo shares his impressions from the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War beta.
-Agent9 continues with his daily journal for this month.
-TheBlondeBass writes some short narrative prose under the guise of an Owlboy review.
-ChronoLynxx is back with another TGIF open forum blog.