The OnePlus 10 Pro gets its grand global unveiling today

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March 31, 2022
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Apple could relaunch Touch ID... in the iPhone 17
The iPhone SE 2022 sticks with the traditional Touch ID (Future)
Under-display fingerprint sensors are commonplace on Android phones these days, but Apple has yet to embrace the tech – and it won't introduce an in-screen Touch ID feature until the iPhone 17 in 2025, according to one analyst.  READ MORE
Get a full look at Nintendo Switch Sports in a new trailer
Test your virtual bowling skills in Nintendo Switch Sports (Nintendo)
We're more than ready for Nintendo Switch Sports to land on the handheld console – it arrives on April 29 – and a lengthy new trailer gives us a much better idea of what to expect. Tennis! Volleyball! Soccer! And plenty more besides.  READ MORE
Huawei wants to put earbuds inside a smartwatch
The Huawei Watch 3 GT in action (Huawei)
Fair play to Huawei for wanting to attempt what other tech companies won't – such as putting a pair of wireless earbuds inside a smartwatch. We're a little confused by the premise, but it's been outlined in a new Huawei trademark.  READ MORE
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Unleash your full potential with Gigabyte Aero laptops With an industry-leading display, 11th Gen Intel chips, and Nvidia RTX 3000 series graphics cards, the Gigabyte AERO 17 HDR laptops have all the power gamers and creative professionals need, and more. Read more and enter to win a Aero 17 HDR laptop

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    The OnePlus 10 Pro gets its global launch today
    The OnePlus 10 Pro will soon be available to buy everywhere (OnePlus)
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